An Advaita forum focusing on Realisation, enlightenment, non-duality, Real Love, peace, freedom, Your original nature, abiding naturally, the Oneness, the Nothingness, and Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj.
As for Maharaj, you will find here some of his early pointers for beginners but some of his later pointers that are for seekers farther along the "path." During his last years, he said of I AM THAT: "That book and whatever was expounded at that time was only relevant for that period. I am speaking differently today" and am "emphasizing different aspects." What he offered later differed considerably from his earlier talks, making clear that the pointers in I AM THAT will take you to the midpoint of "the race" but that his final talks point the way to "the finish line."
the U.S., the U.K., Germany, France, Spain, and Italy
(Believers, Non-Believers, and "No-Belief-ers")
the U.S., the U.K., Germany, France, Spain, and Italy
(Believers, Non-Believers, and "No-Belief-ers")

F.: Yesterday, the invitation to understand the difference in conditional happiness and unconditional happiness was offered. As long as the consciousness is manifested, there will be externals involved with the basic requirements of even the unconditional variety of happiness, yet the requirements are minimal: food, clothing, shelter, and wellness.
What blocks the manifestation of unconditional happiness and encourages conditioned and conditional happiness? Most know that by the age of two, conditioning has already begun, but it can actually begin during a child's earliest days. Here's an example where that scenario is playing out:
A woman with an eating disorder has been observed over the years as she has used food mainly to try to provide comfort rather than to provide nutrition. The complications that followed her Lap-Band Surgery are still manifesting a year after the process.
Recently, there has been a witnessing of the behavior of one of her daughters who is trapped in the same addiction and who recently gave birth (as it is called). She began overfeeding the child from day one and now wonders why the child cannot keep down all of the large quantities of milk that are being consumed.
After only three months, the pediatrician has warned that the child is overweight and must be fed less - adumbrating the warnings given by many of the friends and relatives of the mother. The point?
It was noted above that conditioning "can actually begin during a child's earliest days," and that is the case here. Now, the child at the age of three months is already desiring more food than it needs, and the food is being provided for comfort and to quiet the child and to keep it so full that it sleeps far more than is normal and natural.
The overfed, typically sleepy child is seemingly making the mother's life easier - some regurgitating and stomach discomfort with the child notwithstanding - and the result is that the beat goes on for another generation.
This is certainly the third generation in that family that is behaving in an ignorant and addictive manner, and likely there were many generations before with ancestors having been addicted to something, even if not food. The child is experiencing conditional happiness as a result of externals being used to provide comfort, and the mother is doing the same, just as her mother did before her.
Yet it is the sickness that is internal - that is dependent of an excess of externals - that is at the heart of the mother's and the daughter's and - now - the child's conditional happiness.
Imagine the effects on a planet-wide basis as distorted conditioning is happening, not only in regards to eating habits but in every realm. Early on, children are conditioned to think a certain way, to talk a certain way, and to behave in certain ways, all of which are shown - by scientific research - to be evidence of ever-increasing rates of distortion and ignorance and insanity on a global basis. Why?
Because global levels of ignorance and insanity are increasing as a result of increasing levels of faulty programming, distorted conditioning, bizarre domestication and duality-reinforcing acculturation;
then, more and more ignorant and insane persons are breeding and passing on their learned ignorance and personality disorders and the fictional content of their "minds" that have been filled with ideas and concepts and beliefs that were also based in faulty programming, distorted conditioning, bizarre domestication and duality-reinforcing acculturation.
And because the seat of the main problem involved with the Ultimate Sickness is the fictional content of the "minds" of the non-Realized persons around the globe, it is the near-universally-distorted "mind" that generates the misery and suffering that is also manifesting on a global basis.
And the "mind" is an internal problem (though most try to "treat" the problem with externals). The reason that research is uncovering more and more ignorance and personality disorders and insanity is because persons are looking more and more to externals to address the internal problems, all based in bogus beliefs:
"If only she will marry me, I'll be happy."
"A man is my plan."
"If I have more children, I will have more people that are guaranteed to give me the love I did not get as a child but am now driven to try to get in huge quantities."
"An excess of externals - such as food, sex, alcohol, drugs, shopping, spending, gambling, work, money, material things, supposedly supernatural and spiritual or religious experiences, ad infinitum - can address the internal condition that is presently uncomfortable."
The common belief: "I do get some relief from those externals, Floyd. They do help some." The additional, usually subconscious belief: "An internal condition marked by an always-present sense of dis-ease must be addressed with externals."
The result of those beliefs: the internal state becomes dependent on externals, so any "happiness" or "brief respite" or "finite relief" is only a conditional version of happiness rather than an unconditional (and unconditioned) sense of happiness.
Yesterday afternoon while walking past a copse of trees and nearby underbrush and thickets, a dozen deer were observed as they rested in the "cool blue shade." Only a minimal of externals were involved with their sense of peace:
they had grazed earlier, had eaten enough (but not more than enough), and had found some temporary shelter because some approaching clouds indicated there might be a chance of rain. But that was it as far as externals were concerned; with those minimums, they were internally content.
That internal contentment was very much like the "unconditional happiness" being discussed and is evidence of the reason that the sages for thousands of years have endorsed de-accumulation rather than accumulation.
That is why, here, the de-accumulation of ideas and concepts and beliefs is endorsed, rather than the accumulation of more but different ideas and concepts and beliefs. This was offered yesterday for consideration:
That is what this "path" and "journey" are about, and if you only reach the fourth of seven steps and only remove the main threat to your system (namely, the "not-You's" and their false beliefs), then completion of even four of the seven steps can make the effort worthwhile, relatively speaking.
Reaching the fourth of the seven steps from identification with the false "I" to the Absolute is a step towards de-accumulation, not towards accumulating more knowledge (a.k.a., "learned ignorance"), more religious knowledge, more spiritual knowledge, more accoutrements, more things, more stuff, or more externals.
It is at the fourth step that one has gone beyond the assumption of any roles as identities and moved back to the Child No-Knowing State after following the same "path" by which the "coming in" happened, but in reverse order. Going back to the same conditions and circumstances that were in place the last time that unconditional happiness was experienced is the only way that it can be experienced again, and that is the only way that "You can come unto Me."
Abiding as a child in the No-Knowing, pre-programmed, pre-conditioned, pre-domesticated, pre-acculturated, pre-Ultimately-Sickened state, one can be free of dependence on externals which can only provide conditional and limited intervals of happiness.
Thus, to reach even the fourth of seven steps on the "path" is worthwhile, relatively speaking. To be free of all false identities and their hidden agendas that are rooted in personality disorders and in the other corrupt content of the "mind" would leave one freer than most on the planet will ever be.
Otherwise, one will abide in a totally dependent state, never truly free. Because being free is a prerequisite for being happy, then happiness can never come when one believes that she or he is dependent (co-dependent) on external things and people and places in order to be happy.
When one's supposed "happiness" is conditional - as is always the case if operating under the influence of the conditioned "mind" - then one cannot be happy if one's child is not happy; if one's mate or lover or friends or family members are not happy;
if one's employer is not happy; if one's customers are not happy; if one's fellow citizens are not happy; if the people of "the world" are not happy.
It should be clear why conditional happiness is not true happiness at all. For true, unconditional happiness to begin to manifest, you must reach the fourth step and be as the little child who has no ideas or beliefs or concepts; who does not believe in mates or lovers or friends or family members; who does not believe in employers or employees; who does not believe in customers or fellow citizens or the people of "the world" or even "the world."
Then, the freedom of AS IF abidance can manifest and "husbanding" or "wifing" can happen even in the absence of "The Husband" or "The Wife" and especially in the absence of the soon-upgraded versions that follow, namely, "The Super Husband" and "The Super Wife."
Abandon all identities and ideas and concepts and beliefs and then all else can happen that must happen to provide a minimum of required externals so that the internal condition is no longer dependent on an endless count of externals and so that unconditioned and unconditional happiness can manifest and remain.
Then, just "living" will no longer be a second full-time job.
What blocks the manifestation of unconditional happiness and encourages conditioned and conditional happiness? Most know that by the age of two, conditioning has already begun, but it can actually begin during a child's earliest days. Here's an example where that scenario is playing out:
A woman with an eating disorder has been observed over the years as she has used food mainly to try to provide comfort rather than to provide nutrition. The complications that followed her Lap-Band Surgery are still manifesting a year after the process.
Recently, there has been a witnessing of the behavior of one of her daughters who is trapped in the same addiction and who recently gave birth (as it is called). She began overfeeding the child from day one and now wonders why the child cannot keep down all of the large quantities of milk that are being consumed.
After only three months, the pediatrician has warned that the child is overweight and must be fed less - adumbrating the warnings given by many of the friends and relatives of the mother. The point?
It was noted above that conditioning "can actually begin during a child's earliest days," and that is the case here. Now, the child at the age of three months is already desiring more food than it needs, and the food is being provided for comfort and to quiet the child and to keep it so full that it sleeps far more than is normal and natural.
The overfed, typically sleepy child is seemingly making the mother's life easier - some regurgitating and stomach discomfort with the child notwithstanding - and the result is that the beat goes on for another generation.
This is certainly the third generation in that family that is behaving in an ignorant and addictive manner, and likely there were many generations before with ancestors having been addicted to something, even if not food. The child is experiencing conditional happiness as a result of externals being used to provide comfort, and the mother is doing the same, just as her mother did before her.
Yet it is the sickness that is internal - that is dependent of an excess of externals - that is at the heart of the mother's and the daughter's and - now - the child's conditional happiness.
Imagine the effects on a planet-wide basis as distorted conditioning is happening, not only in regards to eating habits but in every realm. Early on, children are conditioned to think a certain way, to talk a certain way, and to behave in certain ways, all of which are shown - by scientific research - to be evidence of ever-increasing rates of distortion and ignorance and insanity on a global basis. Why?
Because global levels of ignorance and insanity are increasing as a result of increasing levels of faulty programming, distorted conditioning, bizarre domestication and duality-reinforcing acculturation;
then, more and more ignorant and insane persons are breeding and passing on their learned ignorance and personality disorders and the fictional content of their "minds" that have been filled with ideas and concepts and beliefs that were also based in faulty programming, distorted conditioning, bizarre domestication and duality-reinforcing acculturation.
And because the seat of the main problem involved with the Ultimate Sickness is the fictional content of the "minds" of the non-Realized persons around the globe, it is the near-universally-distorted "mind" that generates the misery and suffering that is also manifesting on a global basis.
And the "mind" is an internal problem (though most try to "treat" the problem with externals). The reason that research is uncovering more and more ignorance and personality disorders and insanity is because persons are looking more and more to externals to address the internal problems, all based in bogus beliefs:
"If only she will marry me, I'll be happy."
"A man is my plan."
"If I have more children, I will have more people that are guaranteed to give me the love I did not get as a child but am now driven to try to get in huge quantities."
"An excess of externals - such as food, sex, alcohol, drugs, shopping, spending, gambling, work, money, material things, supposedly supernatural and spiritual or religious experiences, ad infinitum - can address the internal condition that is presently uncomfortable."
The common belief: "I do get some relief from those externals, Floyd. They do help some." The additional, usually subconscious belief: "An internal condition marked by an always-present sense of dis-ease must be addressed with externals."
The result of those beliefs: the internal state becomes dependent on externals, so any "happiness" or "brief respite" or "finite relief" is only a conditional version of happiness rather than an unconditional (and unconditioned) sense of happiness.
Yesterday afternoon while walking past a copse of trees and nearby underbrush and thickets, a dozen deer were observed as they rested in the "cool blue shade." Only a minimal of externals were involved with their sense of peace:
they had grazed earlier, had eaten enough (but not more than enough), and had found some temporary shelter because some approaching clouds indicated there might be a chance of rain. But that was it as far as externals were concerned; with those minimums, they were internally content.
That internal contentment was very much like the "unconditional happiness" being discussed and is evidence of the reason that the sages for thousands of years have endorsed de-accumulation rather than accumulation.
That is why, here, the de-accumulation of ideas and concepts and beliefs is endorsed, rather than the accumulation of more but different ideas and concepts and beliefs. This was offered yesterday for consideration:
That is what this "path" and "journey" are about, and if you only reach the fourth of seven steps and only remove the main threat to your system (namely, the "not-You's" and their false beliefs), then completion of even four of the seven steps can make the effort worthwhile, relatively speaking.
Reaching the fourth of the seven steps from identification with the false "I" to the Absolute is a step towards de-accumulation, not towards accumulating more knowledge (a.k.a., "learned ignorance"), more religious knowledge, more spiritual knowledge, more accoutrements, more things, more stuff, or more externals.
It is at the fourth step that one has gone beyond the assumption of any roles as identities and moved back to the Child No-Knowing State after following the same "path" by which the "coming in" happened, but in reverse order. Going back to the same conditions and circumstances that were in place the last time that unconditional happiness was experienced is the only way that it can be experienced again, and that is the only way that "You can come unto Me."
Abiding as a child in the No-Knowing, pre-programmed, pre-conditioned, pre-domesticated, pre-acculturated, pre-Ultimately-Sickened state, one can be free of dependence on externals which can only provide conditional and limited intervals of happiness.
Thus, to reach even the fourth of seven steps on the "path" is worthwhile, relatively speaking. To be free of all false identities and their hidden agendas that are rooted in personality disorders and in the other corrupt content of the "mind" would leave one freer than most on the planet will ever be.
Otherwise, one will abide in a totally dependent state, never truly free. Because being free is a prerequisite for being happy, then happiness can never come when one believes that she or he is dependent (co-dependent) on external things and people and places in order to be happy.
When one's supposed "happiness" is conditional - as is always the case if operating under the influence of the conditioned "mind" - then one cannot be happy if one's child is not happy; if one's mate or lover or friends or family members are not happy;
if one's employer is not happy; if one's customers are not happy; if one's fellow citizens are not happy; if the people of "the world" are not happy.
It should be clear why conditional happiness is not true happiness at all. For true, unconditional happiness to begin to manifest, you must reach the fourth step and be as the little child who has no ideas or beliefs or concepts; who does not believe in mates or lovers or friends or family members; who does not believe in employers or employees; who does not believe in customers or fellow citizens or the people of "the world" or even "the world."
Then, the freedom of AS IF abidance can manifest and "husbanding" or "wifing" can happen even in the absence of "The Husband" or "The Wife" and especially in the absence of the soon-upgraded versions that follow, namely, "The Super Husband" and "The Super Wife."
Abandon all identities and ideas and concepts and beliefs and then all else can happen that must happen to provide a minimum of required externals so that the internal condition is no longer dependent on an endless count of externals and so that unconditioned and unconditional happiness can manifest and remain.
Then, just "living" will no longer be a second full-time job.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
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For those seeking the full explanation of the topics addressed on this site: there are non-duality books offered below as well as retreats and Skype or telephone sessions available at Floyd Henderson's Website
The full explanations are also available in the books in the author's collection that explain in detail all of the non-duality, nisarga teachings offered here:
1. Most non-duality books below are available through
2. Read Kindle books on your own device by downloading a free app.
The full explanations are also available in the books in the author's collection that explain in detail all of the non-duality, nisarga teachings offered here:
1. Most non-duality books below are available through
2. Read Kindle books on your own device by downloading a free app.
The available books are arranged on the carousels below. Use the arrows to move each book to the forefront; then, you may click on any book that you might be interested in to find more information or to purchase.
From the I to the Absolute
Consciousness / Awareness
From the Absolute to the Nothingness
The Final Understanding
The Advanced Seekers' Series in paperback
The Two Meditation Guides
From the I to the Absolute
Consciousness / Awareness
From the Absolute to the Nothingness
The Final Understanding
The Advanced Seekers' Series in paperback
The Two Meditation Guides
What BLISS Is and What BLISS Is Not
Why You Must Be Empty If You Would Be Full
When Reality Is Overlaid Upon the Relative
Freedom from Shifting Between States of Happiness and Unhappiness
The Blissful Abidance Series (6 books) in paperback
What BLISS Is and What BLISS Is Not
Why You Must Be Empty If You Would Be Full
When Reality Is Overlaid Upon the Relative
Freedom from Shifting Between States of Happiness and Unhappiness
The Blissful Abidance Series (6 books) in paperback
The ADVAITINS Collection
(1) Why NISARGA YOGA in addition to the ADVAITA TEACHING?
(2) Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj and His Evolution
(4) Going Crazy / Going Sane
(5) The Final Fifteen Topics Discussed by Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
(6) The Non-Duality Pointers Offered by YESHU'A ("Jesus the Christ")
(7) William Shakespeare the Advaitin
(1) Why NISARGA YOGA in addition to the ADVAITA TEACHING?
(2) Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj and His Evolution
(4) Going Crazy / Going Sane
(5) The Final Fifteen Topics Discussed by Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
(6) The Non-Duality Pointers Offered by YESHU'A ("Jesus the Christ")
(7) William Shakespeare the Advaitin
(8) The "Final" Talks of Floyd Henderson
Overcoming the Fear of Being Totally Independent
I AM THAT (vs. "This Is Who I Think I Am")
The Essence of the Teachings
There Is Nothing That Is Personal (Including You and Including God)
Lessons in Non-Duality from Travels in South Africa
The Path to Freedom vs. the Path to Misery
Overcoming the Fear of Being Totally Independent
I AM THAT (vs. "This Is Who I Think I Am")
The Essence of the Teachings
There Is Nothing That Is Personal (Including You and Including God)
Lessons in Non-Duality from Travels in South Africa
The Path to Freedom vs. the Path to Misery
Instability / Insanity: What the Advaita Teachings Can (and Cannot) Address
The Ultimate Sickness, The Ultimate Medicine
Going Crazy / Going Sane
There's No Such Thing As "Peace of Mind" (There Is Only Peace If You're Out of Your Mind)
Freedom from Beliefs (Believers, Non-Believers, and "No-Belief-ers")
Dancing Lightly
Instability / Insanity: What the Advaita Teachings Can (and Cannot) Address
The Ultimate Sickness, The Ultimate Medicine
Going Crazy / Going Sane
There's No Such Thing As "Peace of Mind" (There Is Only Peace If You're Out of Your Mind)
Freedom from Beliefs (Believers, Non-Believers, and "No-Belief-ers")
Dancing Lightly
A Twelve-Step Journey to SELF-Realization [Kindle]
A Twelve-Step Journey to SELF-Realization [Paperback]
A Guide for Working the Twelve Steps (In the Manner Used by the Founders)
The Twelve Steps and Advaita / Non-Duality: A 21-Day Plan for a Psychic Change
Finding Real Love in An Unreal World
Casting Light on the Dark Side of Relationships
A Twelve-Step Journey to SELF-Realization [Kindle]
A Twelve-Step Journey to SELF-Realization [Paperback]
A Guide for Working the Twelve Steps (In the Manner Used by the Founders)
The Twelve Steps and Advaita / Non-Duality: A 21-Day Plan for a Psychic Change
Finding Real Love in An Unreal World
Casting Light on the Dark Side of Relationships
The Myth of Death
What Happens When I Die?
The Twice-Stolen Necklace Murders (Non-Duality) [Kindle]
The Board of Directors of Wars (Non-Duality) [Kindle]
The Board of Directors of Wars (Non-Duality) [Paperback]
Living Within Your Means
How Your Personality Type Shapes Your Spending Habits
The Myth of Death
What Happens When I Die?
The Twice-Stolen Necklace Murders (Non-Duality) [Kindle]
The Board of Directors of Wars (Non-Duality) [Kindle]
The Board of Directors of Wars (Non-Duality) [Paperback]
Living Within Your Means
How Your Personality Type Shapes Your Spending Habits
(Click the pictures for information on the paperback versions)
(Click the pictures for information on the paperback versions)
An online Advaita Internet Course is offered here. The price of the course includes the four Advaita eBooks used as the texts; questions sent after completion of the assigned readings; replies to your answers; and follow-up as required.
The price of the course includes the four Advaita eBooks used as the texts; questions sent after completion of the assigned readings, replies to your answers, and follow-up as required.
You will be guided through all seven of the steps, in order, that lead from identification with the false "I" to the Absolute (and beyond). For more specific information and details about the course, you may click on the link to the right. To get started now now, click the pay button below and receive the $365 course for a discounted price of $325.00.
Purchase at Discount the Advaita Internet Course with Floyd

Clicking the Buy Now Button below:
Or, if you prefer, begin by arranging a one-hour Advaita session via Skype with Floyd:
Next, you can now receive for $40 a downloadable computer file version of the same 7-hour satsang that seekers receive when they visit for the Advaita Retreat with Floyd. You will be guided through the seven steps from identification with the false "I" to the Absolute (and beyond).
The price of the course includes the four Advaita eBooks used as the texts; questions sent after completion of the assigned readings, replies to your answers, and follow-up as required.
You will be guided through all seven of the steps, in order, that lead from identification with the false "I" to the Absolute (and beyond). For more specific information and details about the course, you may click on the link to the right. To get started now now, click the pay button below and receive the $365 course for a discounted price of $325.00.
Purchase at Discount the Advaita Internet Course with Floyd

Clicking the Buy Now Button below:
Or, if you prefer, begin by arranging a one-hour Advaita session via Skype with Floyd:
Next, you can now receive for $40 a downloadable computer file version of the same 7-hour satsang that seekers receive when they visit for the Advaita Retreat with Floyd. You will be guided through the seven steps from identification with the false "I" to the Absolute (and beyond).
For more information or to order, click:
DVD or Downloadable computer file versions of the Four-Day Advaita Retreat
1. BY WATCHING the 4-Disk, Seven-Hour Video (DVD) Set of an advaita retreat, or the downloadable file version. To find out more or to purchase the DVD or downloadable computer file version of the retreat, click:
DVD or Downloadable computer file versions of the Four-Day Advaita Retreat
International buyers: note the separate option for those outside the continental U.S.
2. BY READING the explanations offered in the collection of non-duality books that are available on this site.
3. BY ENROLLING in the Online Advaita Classes
For information, visit Information on the Advaita Classes on the Internet
To enroll visit Enroll in the Advaita Internet Course
4. BY ATTENDING an Advaitin retreat for satsang with floyd and being guided through all seven steps. For details of the retreats offered, please visit the retreat information site.
5. BY ARRANGING satsang by telephone in the U.S. or by Skype internationally. Use the Contact link for information or use the link below to pay for your first Advaita session.
You may click the BUY NOW button below to begin arrangements for your first Advaita session with Floyd via Skype and he will contact you to schedule:
DVD or Downloadable computer file versions of the Four-Day Advaita Retreat
1. BY WATCHING the 4-Disk, Seven-Hour Video (DVD) Set of an advaita retreat, or the downloadable file version. To find out more or to purchase the DVD or downloadable computer file version of the retreat, click:
DVD or Downloadable computer file versions of the Four-Day Advaita Retreat
International buyers: note the separate option for those outside the continental U.S.
2. BY READING the explanations offered in the collection of non-duality books that are available on this site.
3. BY ENROLLING in the Online Advaita Classes
For information, visit Information on the Advaita Classes on the Internet
To enroll visit Enroll in the Advaita Internet Course
4. BY ATTENDING an Advaitin retreat for satsang with floyd and being guided through all seven steps. For details of the retreats offered, please visit the retreat information site.
5. BY ARRANGING satsang by telephone in the U.S. or by Skype internationally. Use the Contact link for information or use the link below to pay for your first Advaita session.
You may click the BUY NOW button below to begin arrangements for your first Advaita session with Floyd via Skype and he will contact you to schedule: