Sunday, September 04, 2005


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[In a scene from the movie Midnight Express]:
He joins in and moves along with the masses who are trapped in their sleepwalking condition. The more he goes along with them and their ways, the crazier he becomes.

At the moment of this writing, much of New Orleans, Louisiana is innundated with contaminated water. Those in that city who have been thirsty could try for years to make that contaminated water potable, but their efforts would be in vain. They can work and work and work with that contaminated water, but what they really need is pure water. The contaminated water needs to be ignored and allowed to dissolve away. The search for pure water must be the focus. Similarly, at the moment of this writing, much of the consciousness of persons on this planet is inundated with contamination. Persons can exert all the effort they desire to try to work with contaminated consciousness and avoid its effects, but all those efforts will untimately prove to be in vain. They can meditate for hours per day and do that for years, but the efforts will bring no permanent change. The contaminated consciousness needs to be ignored and allowed to dissolve. The search for pure consciousness must be the focus. How can that search be successful? By taking all seven steps on the path to reality. The seven steps provide a clearer vision that allows persons to "see" that what is called "the mind” is nothing more than contaminated consciousness—contaminated with the countless false ideas and beliefs and concepts that are programmed into persons. A person who has always been imprisoned has no way of imagining what freedom looks like. If the realized who had previously been imprisoned should discuss the freedom of reality, the prisoner will have no frame of reference and will likely assume the prospective teacher to be insane. In a movie entitled Midnight Express—released in the late 70’s—a man held in a Turkish prison/asylum faces the possibility of becoming as crazy as his fellow prisoners. In a subterranean chamber, prisoners enter into a trance state and hum as they walk in a circle in one direction only. Some, after a period of being exposed to their ways and conditioning, try to escape the pressures of the surrounding insanity through heavy drug use, but that offers no permanent escape. Eventually he joins in and moves along with the masses who are trapped in their sleepwalking condition. The more he goes along with them and their ways, the crazier he becomes. Then, a spark of consciousness allows him to remember…to remember a truth that exists beyond the nightmarish insanity of their conditioning. He longs to move away from the maddening crowd, to break out, to permanently escape the insanity; therefore, he takes the first step required of all who would seek to be in touch with reality: he questions the beliefs and practices of the masses, he breaks away from their routines and beliefs, and he begins to walk in a counter direction. He takes a different path. He becomes the loner who goes against the insane crowd. Yes, he runs head-long into the sleepwalking masses. Yes, they try to turn him around to encourage him to rejoin their way of doing things. They bump him. They jar into him, eventually running into him with more and more force to try to make him walk the line. Insane they are, but they are still conscious of their conditioning and still want everyone to behave the way they are behaving. But he is just conscious (consciousness) enough to know that their way is insane and to know that he wants to seek another way. As insane as his life has become, he still knows that something is wrong about the way he’s been following the crowd. He wants a change. He wants to be in touch with reality, so he begins a path not followed by the crowd. He doesn't change any of them as he begins walking a different path, and it doesn't matter at all. He shows them the way, but none follow. It doesn't dissuade him at all, as must be the case for all who travel the different path. Why? Because the masses shall never be enlightened. In the film, he is the only one who escapes. Enlightenment comes to one at a time. No universal shift out of the sleepwalking state will happen on this planet, but reports are coming in to this site from across the planet, reports that a seeker in Colorado has shifted away from the influence of the masses, that one in Portugal long ago saw the lies and knows the truth and lives in peace in his coastal home, that one “down under” in Australia is becoming free of living under the influence…under the influence of their lies and ideas and beliefs that had resulted in a lifetime of emotional intoxication. The writings have been read by Advaitans and shared with their friends on the “journey” in France; in the U.K.; in Canada; in Mexico; in Israel; in Norway and Sweden and Finland; in Spain, and in Italy…but that's still only a very small number. No wholesale shift in the consciousness of persons on the planet shall happen. No massive shift from the contaminated consciousness to pure consciousness will occur. But what about a single seeker visiting this site right now who is in the beginning stages of the journey or another who has moved even farther along the path? Are the lies being seen, no matter how well-intentioned the liars may have been who did the programming? Is the imprisonment being seen for what it is? Might there be some truth to the suggestion that actual truth is always 180-degrees opposite every belief that has been driving any person? Is a spark of consciousness affording a glimpse into another possibility, a possibility of being rather than doing, of witnessing rather than trying to control, of giving up the fight rather than perpetuating the fight? Are you ready to walk in the opposite direction—against the flow of sleepwalking humanity and away from the humming that is going on as the masses enter their trance states or run around in circles? Are you willing to take the bumps and jarrings along the way if you begin walking in the opposite direction? Can you withstand the pressure of those who will try to turn you around or force you to abandon the seven-step “journey” and once again sleepwalk in sync with them? Are you ready to turn your back on their insanity? Are you ready to be fully in touch with reality? Are you willing to let them go their way while determining once and for all to find your own way, to find the answer to the question, "Who am I, really?" Are you tired of that “I don’t even know who I am” misery? Are You ready to find You via the seven-step process? On this site in coming days will be offered certain pointers, along with the suggestion that they be taken into the quiet. You’ll be invited to remain as aware as possible as you study the pointers that can guide you to realization. Might that be a valid use of your meditation time? Please enter the silence of contemplation. [To be continued 5 September 2005]

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WATCHING an Advaita Vedanta Retreat: Watch a Downloadable computer file version of the Four-Day Advaita Retreat (Downloadable on PC only, not Apple.)

ENROLLING in the Online Advaita Classes For information, visit Information on the Advaita Classes on the Internet To enroll visit Enroll in the Advaita Internet Course

ATTENDING an Advaitin retreat with Floyd and being guided through all seven steps. For details of the retreats offered, please visit the retreat information site.

ARRANGING a one-hour session via Skype or telephone with Floyd. (Skype is a free service.) Click the button to pay and you will be contacted to arrange a date and time for the call.

Five Free eBooks

Compliments of Andy Gugar, Jr.,
the following eBooks are available without charge for you or for friends:


The content of this eBook deals with one of the most common but erroneous beliefs that the non-Realized masses cling to and which they will fight about (and even kill over), namely, that there is a planet-wide duel going on between “the forces of good and evil” in the universe.

Either (1) the ancient view is spot on: that the "ills of the planet" are rooted in evil people, in people not being religious enough or spiritual enough, and are caused solely by bad morality; or, (2) the "ills of the planet" are rooted in ignorance, stupidity and insanity and "being good" or "being moral" does not put an end to ignorance, does not eliminate stupidity, and does not treat insanity in any way.


Comments regarding the free eBook entitled “THE VISION”:

“My thanks to you and Andy.” – Andrew “Mac” McMaster

“Thanks so much for the book! And, by the way, it is brilliant and the most effective pointing that you have done. It has served to help clear the remaining blockages.” – Stan Cross

“Greatly appreciate having “THE VISION” added to my Henderson resource library that is situated on the right side of my bed for easy access! Eternally grateful for what was received and what was given.” – Robert Rigby

“‘THE VISION’ is such a well-written, condensed version of the Nisarga Yoga approach to understanding and enjoying Reality that I feel it can serve as a must-read ‘meditation guide’ for all earnest seekers.” – Andy Gugar, Jr.

"Sapolsky, Maharaj, and the Non-Dual Teachings"

Dr. Robert Maurice Sapolsky is an American neuroendocrinologist; a professor of biology, neuroscience, and neurosurgery at Stanford University; a researcher; an author; and a Research Associate at the National Museums of Kenya.

There is much that a non-dualist or Advaitin or Nisargan can relate to by comparing and contrasting what Sapolsky reveals about the way certain troops of baboons live in Africa with the way that humans abide all around the globe.

This 152-page eBook catalogues the common, non-dual message shared by Sapolsky and Maharaj and reveals the ways that Sapolsky’s scientific research supports the non-dual pointers offered by Maharaj.


In “PART ONE” it will be seen that most persons on the planet are not seeking, and most will never seek, but for those who are seeking, most will face several obstacles:

In “PART TWO” of this book, it will be seen why many criticized Maharaj for “changing his message in his later talks.” It will be seen that the changes were not about changing the message per se as much as about changing his methodology as he experimented with one version of the Ultimate Medicine after another in order to try to find an effective means for addressing the Ultimate Sickness.

He tried a religious version of the Medicine, a Spiritual version of the Medicine, and finally settled on a version which addressed to Sickness at its core . . . at the mental and emotional level.


“Dangerous” is a term that can only apply during the relative existence, but of those who do commit suicide, for example, how many shoot themselves in the foot over and over until they “bleed out”? None. They shoot themselves in the head. Why? In order to try to stop the noise - to try to stop the chatter of a thousand monkeys – to stop the noisy mind which is the area that stores the ideas, notions, concepts, mind-stuff, etc. which drives them into the depths of insanity.

And what are those ideas, notions, concepts, etc. called, collectively? "Their beliefs." The irony? They are not their beliefs at all. They are the beliefs of “others” that were set in place via programming, conditioning, etc. and which persons then think are their own.

And what are those beliefs rooted in, and what reinforces those beliefs and convinces persons that they are sacred and worth fighting over and even sometimes worth dying for? Blind faith.

This 337-page eBook discusses those issues in detail.

To read any or all of the free eBooks, please double-click the "FREEBIES" link at the top of this page