F.: Please see the September 12, 2007 posting for the e-mail being responded to in this posting.
3. Today’s post will focus on…
…the Absolute is my “true identity” prior to the appearance of the body-cum-consciousness.
Understand that, once divested of body-mind-personality identifications, many will take the consciousness to be “their true identity.” At certain points along the “path,” some Advaitin Teachers will leave it at that until more of the seven steps are completed. For you, more can now be shared.
First, expand upon yesterday’s sleeping/not sleeping example in order to move to a deeper understanding. See that “You” are still there in the sleep state even if body awareness is not. Via consciousness, all experiences take place, but as the Absolute, there is no “one” to even “have experiences.” (Talk about “freedom” and “peace”!)
The senses function via consciousness, but no sensations exist as the Absolute. Consider: if you lose an arm, are You still you? Yes. Both arms? Yes, You’re still You. And both legs? Yes, You Are still You. What about after heart replacement? Yes, You Are still You.
WHO (or WHAT) is that which is aware if Your You-ness Which Is, beyond bodily presence? WHO (or WHAT) is that which is answering “Yes”? WHO (or WHAT) is that Real You that is aware of ItSelf even after body identification is abandoned…even after self-ness is exposed as being nothing more than fiction?
After seeing that You Are not the body, see next that You Are also not the manifested consciousness that is dependent upon a three-dimensional space in order to manifest. Is it not obvious how truly infantile the belief is that Reality is limited to that which is three-dimensional?
Is it clear that nothing which takes itself to be three-dimensional can understand that which is beyond three dimensions and beyond five senses? Are you realizing that even the sense of presence, once identified with three dimensions and five senses, will also obstruct the understanding of what is Real?
Not a day went by, while walking along deer trails during the two forest years, that birds weren’t flushed from their perches. They would fly some twenty or thirty yards away and land on another limb, moving away from what they sensed to be a threat to the continuation of their presence. They had no understanding of that which is beyond the three-dimensional but they were aware of a sense of presence. Wanting to continue that sense of presence, they experienced fear and desire.
But the birds did not experience any attachment to the fear, getting over being startled very quickly and then moving on in peace throughout the relative existence. While those bird-bodies-cum-consciousness were aware of self, they were incapable of being aware of Self, and need not be since they have not been burdened with the illusions of a “mind” and “memories.”
Such is not the case with persons who want to “move on in peace throughout the relative existence.” Because of programming and conditioning and the resulting “mind,” persons become attached to the body-cum-consciousness, accepting that as their “true identity” and thereafter being burdened with desires and fears (which they do attach to).
Peace can only happen with persons if false identities and the “mind” are transcended. Only is no longer absorbed in self, and only if free of identification with the manifested consciousness, and only if free of all that is invoked by that sense of presence and that body-cum-consciousness, can persons Realize and thereafter move on in peace.
So that covers the false identities which must be abandoned before You can find Your “true identity.” Now, consider: (1) What is that You which is neither the body nor the accidental, spontaneous manifestation of consciousness? (2) Where were You during the days prior to conception? That is, where were You prior to the manifestation of consciousness?
As noted on several occasions, Szent-Gyorgyi said, “What drives life is … a little electric current, set up by the sunshine.” If persons do not understand the simple, basis scientific facts concerning fornication, impregnation, and the grouping and un-grouping of elements, then they will be foolish enough to believe anything.
That foolishness can include belief in concepts such as “an everlasting body,” such as “being a gift from God,” such as “pre-existence and sacred contracts,” and such as any of the other dreamed-up nonsense that charlatans have used for millenia in order to control the masses, to gain access to their money, to have sex with virgins and then kill/”sacrifice” them, as well as all of the rest of the nonsense that fools accept as fact.
Do you understand? If you would find the answers to questions “1” and “2” above, you must find your “True Identity” which is “Your Permanent Identity”…not some temporary identity assumed or assigned during a phenomenal experience that involves the appearance of an elemental plant food body-cum-consciousness, chemicals, light, images, and a plethora of other misperceived appearances as well.
Identification with the Absolute rather than with the manifest consciousness is a shift toward Reality. Yet post-manifestation, Awareness is not even aware of awareness. Remember the pointer that "the only reason that things appear to be different is the variance in vibrational rates"? Temporary identification with The Absolute allows bliss to happen. Why?
3. Today’s post will focus on…
…the Absolute is my “true identity” prior to the appearance of the body-cum-consciousness.
Understand that, once divested of body-mind-personality identifications, many will take the consciousness to be “their true identity.” At certain points along the “path,” some Advaitin Teachers will leave it at that until more of the seven steps are completed. For you, more can now be shared.
First, expand upon yesterday’s sleeping/not sleeping example in order to move to a deeper understanding. See that “You” are still there in the sleep state even if body awareness is not. Via consciousness, all experiences take place, but as the Absolute, there is no “one” to even “have experiences.” (Talk about “freedom” and “peace”!)
The senses function via consciousness, but no sensations exist as the Absolute. Consider: if you lose an arm, are You still you? Yes. Both arms? Yes, You’re still You. And both legs? Yes, You Are still You. What about after heart replacement? Yes, You Are still You.
WHO (or WHAT) is that which is aware if Your You-ness Which Is, beyond bodily presence? WHO (or WHAT) is that which is answering “Yes”? WHO (or WHAT) is that Real You that is aware of ItSelf even after body identification is abandoned…even after self-ness is exposed as being nothing more than fiction?
After seeing that You Are not the body, see next that You Are also not the manifested consciousness that is dependent upon a three-dimensional space in order to manifest. Is it not obvious how truly infantile the belief is that Reality is limited to that which is three-dimensional?
Is it clear that nothing which takes itself to be three-dimensional can understand that which is beyond three dimensions and beyond five senses? Are you realizing that even the sense of presence, once identified with three dimensions and five senses, will also obstruct the understanding of what is Real?
Not a day went by, while walking along deer trails during the two forest years, that birds weren’t flushed from their perches. They would fly some twenty or thirty yards away and land on another limb, moving away from what they sensed to be a threat to the continuation of their presence. They had no understanding of that which is beyond the three-dimensional but they were aware of a sense of presence. Wanting to continue that sense of presence, they experienced fear and desire.
But the birds did not experience any attachment to the fear, getting over being startled very quickly and then moving on in peace throughout the relative existence. While those bird-bodies-cum-consciousness were aware of self, they were incapable of being aware of Self, and need not be since they have not been burdened with the illusions of a “mind” and “memories.”
Such is not the case with persons who want to “move on in peace throughout the relative existence.” Because of programming and conditioning and the resulting “mind,” persons become attached to the body-cum-consciousness, accepting that as their “true identity” and thereafter being burdened with desires and fears (which they do attach to).
Peace can only happen with persons if false identities and the “mind” are transcended. Only is no longer absorbed in self, and only if free of identification with the manifested consciousness, and only if free of all that is invoked by that sense of presence and that body-cum-consciousness, can persons Realize and thereafter move on in peace.
So that covers the false identities which must be abandoned before You can find Your “true identity.” Now, consider: (1) What is that You which is neither the body nor the accidental, spontaneous manifestation of consciousness? (2) Where were You during the days prior to conception? That is, where were You prior to the manifestation of consciousness?
As noted on several occasions, Szent-Gyorgyi said, “What drives life is … a little electric current, set up by the sunshine.” If persons do not understand the simple, basis scientific facts concerning fornication, impregnation, and the grouping and un-grouping of elements, then they will be foolish enough to believe anything.
That foolishness can include belief in concepts such as “an everlasting body,” such as “being a gift from God,” such as “pre-existence and sacred contracts,” and such as any of the other dreamed-up nonsense that charlatans have used for millenia in order to control the masses, to gain access to their money, to have sex with virgins and then kill/”sacrifice” them, as well as all of the rest of the nonsense that fools accept as fact.
Do you understand? If you would find the answers to questions “1” and “2” above, you must find your “True Identity” which is “Your Permanent Identity”…not some temporary identity assumed or assigned during a phenomenal experience that involves the appearance of an elemental plant food body-cum-consciousness, chemicals, light, images, and a plethora of other misperceived appearances as well.
Identification with the Absolute rather than with the manifest consciousness is a shift toward Reality. Yet post-manifestation, Awareness is not even aware of awareness. Remember the pointer that "the only reason that things appear to be different is the variance in vibrational rates"? Temporary identification with The Absolute allows bliss to happen. Why?
As the Absolute, all vibrations are undisturbed. That is peace. That is freedom from disturbance. Such freedom and peace can only happen during the relative existence if the relative existence happens while abiding as the Absolute. That is the ultimate mode of AS IF living...abiding as the Absolute.
Understand that and then You will also understand that, ultimately, there's no identity to be concerned with at all. You can function as Awareness without conscious of-ness and even without aware of-ness, right now, if you Realize Fully. What would be worth being aware of if all involved with the relative existence is nothing more than one misperceived appearance after another anyway...if all of the sturm und drang of persons is really much ado about nothing anyway?
The egotistical will hate the emotions which that pointer invokes; the reasonable will enjoy the relief it evokes. So it is. Please enter the silence of contemplation.
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