An Advaita Vedanta philosophy site, focusing on Realization, enlightenment, nisarga yoga, non-duality (nonduality), your original nature, dwelling as your natural state, and the teachings of Maharaj.
Announcing the closing of the Non-Duality Bookstore as the focus in the future will be on providing books electronically. See at the end of this post an offer to receive at lower-than-eBook prices the last of the paper books remaining in stock at 50% off with free shipping in the U.S. and half-price shipping internationally.
Also, see details below for starting your own “Advaita In-Home Study Group”
Also, see details below for starting your own “Advaita In-Home Study Group”
F.: To review: as with many seekers in satsang over the years, many site visitors have also asked questions or made statements which disclose that they really have no understanding at all of the way to distinguish between thinking one is Realized and actually being Fully Realized.
It has been noted in this series that one must understand all that one is not before being prepared to understand That Which One Truly Is (and then to understand the Reality of the totality that is even beyond “Self-Realization.”) Similarly, it must be understood what Realization is not before being able to grasp what it is.
The 28 April 2009 post provided a partial list of some pointers toward non-Realization. E-mails had suggested that maybe the specks called Maharaj and Floyd are not Realized, seemingly showing anger and having some persons leave satsang sessions.
It should also now be understood (if you would understand what "Realization is not") that one of the major misunderstandings regarding “what Realization looks like” has been perpetuated in certain so-called “spiritual groups” that prize their concept of "acceptance of everything" as being "a key to happiness."
On one level, Advaitins do understand that there is no one to accept or to reject. (A deer, functioning in its no-mind manner, has no facility for deciding to accept or deciding to reject. What happens with the deer merely happens, and it happens naturally. So it is among the Realized.)
On the relative level, however, this should be understood: just because Reality has been overlaid on the relative does not mean that some “super-spiritual person” suddenly exists that will tolerant or accept whatever happens in the relative. As discussed yesterday, a religious or spiritual or super-spiritual person is an illusion. There is no such thing as a "super-accepter" or "super-tolerater."
That is why Maharaj was Fully Realized though he did not accept or tolerate blocked specks that came into the loft to show off, to argue in behalf of their ideologies, to take control of the forum, or to try to display the arrogance of their assumed religious or spiritual roles.
Thus, the charge that “If you were Realized, you’d practice tolerance and acceptance of all things” is just more nonsense. Consider: in Louisiana this week, a visit took place where a woman is facing a “relative problem.” A family of skunks has nested beneath a deck on her property.
Once it was learned where the skunks were, there was never even the slightest notion that “I am so evolved, I can accept and tolerate anything, so I think I'll pay a visit to the skunks." There was no belief that "I can take skunks or leave them, and I am better off when I apply that type of dualistic idea to everything in the relative."
Instead, I left the skunks alone. I stayed in a place that was nowhere near them, and that is also the way that the abidance happens now: few know "where I live," but be assured that it is nowhere near where "they" think it is.
Never was there a notion that “In fact, being around skunks would be a new experience…I might learn something from being around them or I can at least prove how accepting I am if I am able to stay around them for a time and not be 'bothered.' Yes, that's it...I shall hang with skunks to display my high level of tolerance for all to see.”
Post-Realization, relative behavior takes on a manner that persons would call “sane.” That suggests a psychic change when in fact there is no mind to change. The “change” that occurred was the rejection of all former beliefs that illusions were real. The "change" was merely the discarding of the content of the “mind” and thereafter functioning in a no-concept, non-dual, no-mind fashion.
There are many elements of the relative in addition to skunks that can “stink things up” in many ways: mental problems, emotional intoxication, chaos, “relationships” with insane persons, physical abuse, mental abuse, emotional abuse, religious abuse, spiritual abuse, ad infinitum. Now, there is no "hanging around those things" because some believe that "floyd should be accepting and tolerant of everything."
While the Realized function without attachment (that is, while witnessing happens on two levels) and while the emotional intoxication associated with ego-states ends, feelings do not. These postings would not be happening if there was a tolerance of—or acceptance of—all of the nonsensical results of conditioning that contribute to planet wide suffering.
The Realized still feel, and the degree of feeling—versus emoting—is not lessened post –Realization. It is sharpened because being at One with All generates empathy during the relative for the relative plight of all sufferers.
Knowing the roots of misery and suffering, never conclude that the Realized are so tolerate and accepting that psychic unhealthiness or emotional intoxication or suffering caused by programming and conditioning are things that the Realized should be "comfortable with."
Attachment to the concept of "acceptance" inspires dissociation, not freedom and peace, so be not misled by pseudo-philosophical and pseudo-spiritual teachings and preachings about the nobility of “acceptance” among those claiming to be “truly changed for the better" or "truly evolved.” Such teachings or preachings are just more nonsense.
Next, before looking at the type of evidence that can indicate Realization has happened, there are a few more pointers that mark the crossing of the borderline between non-Realization and Realization.
Persons begin to question what they have been taught all their lives, seeing that it does not seem to make sense. A willingness to listen to what could not be heard in the past manifests. The willingness to question what “they” told you is a prerequisite for even beginning the “journey.”
There is suddenly a shift in perspective. Persons that are ready to move along the “path” from the “I” to the Absolute stop assigning value to the "inconsequences" which were previously believed to have been of such consequence.
The phrase “much ado about nothing” suddenly becomes a relative consideration. The discussion of what happens during the relative after Realization is overlaid upon it will be discussed tomorrow.
For today, the invitation is to take the pointers above into consideration and determine if you have reached the point of total readiness. If so, what does the term “readiness” suggest in regards to the “journey” and in regards to “the movement along the entire length of the path”? Please enter the silence of contemplation. (To be continued)
It has been noted in this series that one must understand all that one is not before being prepared to understand That Which One Truly Is (and then to understand the Reality of the totality that is even beyond “Self-Realization.”) Similarly, it must be understood what Realization is not before being able to grasp what it is.
The 28 April 2009 post provided a partial list of some pointers toward non-Realization. E-mails had suggested that maybe the specks called Maharaj and Floyd are not Realized, seemingly showing anger and having some persons leave satsang sessions.
It should also now be understood (if you would understand what "Realization is not") that one of the major misunderstandings regarding “what Realization looks like” has been perpetuated in certain so-called “spiritual groups” that prize their concept of "acceptance of everything" as being "a key to happiness."
On one level, Advaitins do understand that there is no one to accept or to reject. (A deer, functioning in its no-mind manner, has no facility for deciding to accept or deciding to reject. What happens with the deer merely happens, and it happens naturally. So it is among the Realized.)
On the relative level, however, this should be understood: just because Reality has been overlaid on the relative does not mean that some “super-spiritual person” suddenly exists that will tolerant or accept whatever happens in the relative. As discussed yesterday, a religious or spiritual or super-spiritual person is an illusion. There is no such thing as a "super-accepter" or "super-tolerater."
That is why Maharaj was Fully Realized though he did not accept or tolerate blocked specks that came into the loft to show off, to argue in behalf of their ideologies, to take control of the forum, or to try to display the arrogance of their assumed religious or spiritual roles.
Thus, the charge that “If you were Realized, you’d practice tolerance and acceptance of all things” is just more nonsense. Consider: in Louisiana this week, a visit took place where a woman is facing a “relative problem.” A family of skunks has nested beneath a deck on her property.
Once it was learned where the skunks were, there was never even the slightest notion that “I am so evolved, I can accept and tolerate anything, so I think I'll pay a visit to the skunks." There was no belief that "I can take skunks or leave them, and I am better off when I apply that type of dualistic idea to everything in the relative."
Instead, I left the skunks alone. I stayed in a place that was nowhere near them, and that is also the way that the abidance happens now: few know "where I live," but be assured that it is nowhere near where "they" think it is.
Never was there a notion that “In fact, being around skunks would be a new experience…I might learn something from being around them or I can at least prove how accepting I am if I am able to stay around them for a time and not be 'bothered.' Yes, that's it...I shall hang with skunks to display my high level of tolerance for all to see.”
Post-Realization, relative behavior takes on a manner that persons would call “sane.” That suggests a psychic change when in fact there is no mind to change. The “change” that occurred was the rejection of all former beliefs that illusions were real. The "change" was merely the discarding of the content of the “mind” and thereafter functioning in a no-concept, non-dual, no-mind fashion.
There are many elements of the relative in addition to skunks that can “stink things up” in many ways: mental problems, emotional intoxication, chaos, “relationships” with insane persons, physical abuse, mental abuse, emotional abuse, religious abuse, spiritual abuse, ad infinitum. Now, there is no "hanging around those things" because some believe that "floyd should be accepting and tolerant of everything."
While the Realized function without attachment (that is, while witnessing happens on two levels) and while the emotional intoxication associated with ego-states ends, feelings do not. These postings would not be happening if there was a tolerance of—or acceptance of—all of the nonsensical results of conditioning that contribute to planet wide suffering.
The Realized still feel, and the degree of feeling—versus emoting—is not lessened post –Realization. It is sharpened because being at One with All generates empathy during the relative for the relative plight of all sufferers.
Knowing the roots of misery and suffering, never conclude that the Realized are so tolerate and accepting that psychic unhealthiness or emotional intoxication or suffering caused by programming and conditioning are things that the Realized should be "comfortable with."
Attachment to the concept of "acceptance" inspires dissociation, not freedom and peace, so be not misled by pseudo-philosophical and pseudo-spiritual teachings and preachings about the nobility of “acceptance” among those claiming to be “truly changed for the better" or "truly evolved.” Such teachings or preachings are just more nonsense.
Next, before looking at the type of evidence that can indicate Realization has happened, there are a few more pointers that mark the crossing of the borderline between non-Realization and Realization.
Persons begin to question what they have been taught all their lives, seeing that it does not seem to make sense. A willingness to listen to what could not be heard in the past manifests. The willingness to question what “they” told you is a prerequisite for even beginning the “journey.”
There is suddenly a shift in perspective. Persons that are ready to move along the “path” from the “I” to the Absolute stop assigning value to the "inconsequences" which were previously believed to have been of such consequence.
The phrase “much ado about nothing” suddenly becomes a relative consideration. The discussion of what happens during the relative after Realization is overlaid upon it will be discussed tomorrow.
For today, the invitation is to take the pointers above into consideration and determine if you have reached the point of total readiness. If so, what does the term “readiness” suggest in regards to the “journey” and in regards to “the movement along the entire length of the path”? Please enter the silence of contemplation. (To be continued)
The Advanced Seekers’ Book Set
The following three books make up
“The Advanced Seekers’ Book Set”
and should be read in the order below.
(click the picture for more information)

(click the picture for more information)

(click the picture for more information)

From the Absolute to the Nothingness
From the I to the Absolute (A Seven-Step Journey to Reality)
It's All Bullshit (and Why Knowing it Sets You Free)
Meditation Guide (Advanced Volume)
There's No Such Thing as ''Peace of Mind''
Spiritual Sobriety (Recovering What Religions Lost)
The Essence of the Teachings
$79 for the set (50% off) + free shipping and handling.
Host an Advaita Study Group in your home with the following materials for you and three other seekers:
3 copies-From the I to the Absolute (A Seven-Step Journey to Reality)
3 copies-Consciousness / Awareness
3 copies-From the Absolute to the Nothingness
Take turns reading passages and then discussing the pointers.
All 9 books for $90.00 ($30 each / participant) + free S&H in the U.S.
(Only one paperback set remains in the store)
(The “BUY NOW” button allows you to pay with credit card or PayPal)
Most titles are also available as eBooks
The Official Website of Floyd Henderson
FROM SIM IN KENTUCKY, U.S.A.: How about a donate button? I give monthly to a blog about locations and reviews of a particular type of restaurant we like. I’d sure donate to this blog.
The Advanced Seekers’ Book Set
The following three books make up
“The Advanced Seekers’ Book Set”
and should be read in the order below.
(click the picture for more information)
(click the picture for more information)
(click the picture for more information)
From the Absolute to the Nothingness
From the I to the Absolute (A Seven-Step Journey to Reality)
It's All Bullshit (and Why Knowing it Sets You Free)
Meditation Guide (Advanced Volume)
There's No Such Thing as ''Peace of Mind''
Spiritual Sobriety (Recovering What Religions Lost)
The Essence of the Teachings
$79 for the set (50% off) + free shipping and handling.
Host an Advaita Study Group in your home with the following materials for you and three other seekers:
3 copies-From the I to the Absolute (A Seven-Step Journey to Reality)
3 copies-Consciousness / Awareness
3 copies-From the Absolute to the Nothingness
Take turns reading passages and then discussing the pointers.
All 9 books for $90.00 ($30 each / participant) + free S&H in the U.S.
(Only one paperback set remains in the store)
(The “BUY NOW” button allows you to pay with credit card or PayPal)
Most titles are also available as eBooks
The Official Website of Floyd Henderson
FROM SIM IN KENTUCKY, U.S.A.: How about a donate button? I give monthly to a blog about locations and reviews of a particular type of restaurant we like. I’d sure donate to this blog.
FROM “ANONYMOUS”: Almost every visitor brought Maharaj food or flowers. I’d like to treat you to a meal if you tell me how to do so with my credit card!
FROM LOUISE, SOUTH AFRICA: [Consider the case of an acquaintance who] added a donate button to his site. Regular blog readers were happy to support the site in this way.
F.: Okay—so it’s done, but note that the postings and responses are offered without charge, as is access to the library of 1,300 Advaitin essays archived on the site.
That said, any donation will be appreciated. Thank you.FROM LOUISE, SOUTH AFRICA: [Consider the case of an acquaintance who] added a donate button to his site. Regular blog readers were happy to support the site in this way.
F.: Okay—so it’s done, but note that the postings and responses are offered without charge, as is access to the library of 1,300 Advaitin essays archived on the site.