An Advaita Vedanta philosophy site, focusing on Realization, enlightenment, nisarga yoga, non-duality (nonduality), your original nature, dwelling as your natural state, and the teachings of Maharaj.
Announcing the closing of the Non-Duality Bookstore as the focus in the future will be on providing books electronically. See at the end of this post an offer to receive at lower-than-eBook prices the last of the paper books remaining in stock at 50% off with free shipping in the U.S. and half-price shipping internationally.
Also, see details below for starting your own “Advaita Study Home Group”
Also, see details below for starting your own “Advaita Study Home Group”
F.: Flavius Vegetius Renatus said more than 1600 years ago, “Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum!” or “Let he who desires peace prepare for war.” Of course, his point was that a nation can only guarantee the peace by defeating ones enemies or by those enemies knowing that the potential for their annihilation is an unquestionable given.
Yet Flavius's point is still valid today with a literal interpretation: if you choose to advocate peace on a planet that still reflects for the most part the ancient Aryan penchant for fighting and destroying, then be prepared for persons (the non-Realized who are dominated by ego and egotism) to rise up and challenge any pro-peace, pro-quiet suggestions you might offer.
Persons on the planet might give lip service to “the value of peace and silence,” but when the majority are addicted to chaos and noise, then any suggestion that peace and silence might be worth considering will have little or no appeal to those trapped in their ego-states.
The ego must talk. The ego hates the silence. Silence is an antidote for the sickness of ego, and the ego feels threatened by silence. Look at a current example for relative happening in the U.S. to see how little peace is truly valued:
a president who suggested that peace and negotiation can be the first option and that militarism and bombing should be the last option is labeled with such terms as “wimp” and “spineless” and more derogatory words that will not be repeated; instead, the belief of many persons is, “Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum!”
So the point is, if you believe that most persons want to be able to enjoy the silence and that most persons prefer peace to fighting and debating and arguing and being addicted to chaos, review the history of the persons on this planet as well the current mindset of persons on this planet.
One woman said, “I love to fight because making up is so much fun,” and she thought that showed depth rather than ignorance. Thus, these teaching remain, as always, for the few.
FROM A SITE VISITOR: Can music (theta delta etc) be an "aid" to help one in their contemplations and considerations? Is this something worth supplementing along with non-dual inquiry? I'm serious. You seem to know more about this then I do. Gerard
Gerard, there is some evidence that alpha-range sounds played in the background might facilitate the consideration of pointers. Theta is for visualization and/or dreaming, and delta is for deep sleep, so forget those two for the purpose or understanding pointers. Dr. Jeffrey Thompson leads the field in entrainment research and sells an alpha wave CD, if you’re interested. (His delta CD has been recommended for persons with sleep issues.)
Again, because Maharaj noted correctly that science would one day support the teachings, the science in this regard will be discussed. Brain waves are divided into four states:
Beta: Corresponds to 14 to 40 cycles per second and is associated with a fully awake and conscious state. That is the frequency in which persons seem to spend most of their awakened time, yet many are actually walking about in a near-theta (trance) state or in a delta-like (sleep) state.
Alpha: Corresponds to 8 to 13 cycles per second and is associated with relaxation, concentration, and calmness. This is also the state of persons engaged in daydreaming, enjoying certain types of music or natural scenery, or in the first stages of falling asleep.
Theta: Corresponds to 4 to 7 cycles per second and is generally associated with deep meditation, hypnosis, or "altered states of consciousness." This state can allow for insights, for accessing the Self, for enhancing the body’s healing potential, and for inspiring creativity. This state can be accessed during deep meditation, or during the intermediate stages of falling asleep.
Delta: Corresponds to 3.9 cycles or less per second and is generally associated with deep, dreamless sleep or unconsciousness.
It is the lower brainwave ranges that are associated with clarity and peace. In regards to the information shared above with Gerard, science has proven that brain wave synchronization can provide a shortcut at times to those states that many seek via meditation, working under the principle of brain wave entrainment or resonance.
Dr. Thompson explains that entrainment is the process by which vibrations of one object cause another object to oscillate or vibrate at the same rates (that is, they synchronize).
The discussion of the four states of brain waves above show that brains operate within a specific range of frequencies, and Thompson’s decades of research have shown that—in the presence of brain wave synchronization sounds—the fluctuations in brain wave activity begin to resonate in harmony with the ambient auditory stimuli.
It's well known that rhythms and beats can have a direct effect on personal moods, be it by lowering or by increasing brain wave rates. Thompson notes that some types of ambient sound can help people relax, and he names “classical music and new age music” as examples. There are other types of music, his research shows, that can make persons hyper-vigilante, irritated, aggressive and tense. He identified “heavy metal and rap music” as examples of the types of music that produce those effects.
The invitation now is to apply the facts revealed after decades of research by scientist Thompson to the pointers offered by Advaitin Dennis Waite and the correlation he discussed between ambient sounds and clarity / peace...or a lack thereof. Waite’s discussion of the types of music and their effects regarding satsa~Nga, sattva, rajas, tamas, manas, buddhi is an example of the accuracy of Maharaj’s assertion that science would someday provide factual evidence to support the validity of the teachings.
Again, however, the pointer has never been that “the Realized only listen to this and never to that.” Enjoy whatever might be thought to be enjoyable, relatively speaking. A key pointer here has always been, however, that just because “they” fooled you does not mean that you have to keep fooling yourself or that you should keep trying to fool others.
Listen to what you will, but do not contradict all scientific and Advaitin evidence by claiming that noise at certain rapid wavelengths or high decibel levels can produce clarity when science proves that such noise is really inducing hyper-sensitivity, irritation, aggression, and tension.
And do not try to fool others into thinking that there are “realized people you know who said they prefer skyscrapers to trees.” That’s a total fabrication. No such discussion ever occurred, and if it had, it would not have been a Realized speck involved in such talk.
Further, to W.D., if impeccability of word and elimination of all pride and ego is what you are seeking, then admit that since you are among the non-Realized, you know no Realized speck that could or would have discussed skyscrapers vs. trees with you.
Understand that along the “path,” the propensity for "talking BS" and "blowing smoke" will stop…all non-essential talking is reduced...and eventually all such talking merely for the sake of talking and being heard comes to an end. These same pointers were offered to you in early 2000 or so, yet here in 2009 are more examples of the use of words that have not the slightest element of truth.
Are these pointers beyond "tough love"? Is this “too-tough-love”? It might be had I not seen your continuing pattern of self-destructive behavior over the last years—a pattern which you have evidently not seen—that could have provided one relative alarm after another.
Thus, this is about neither “tough love” nor “too-tough-love.” This is being caring enough about you finding You to call you out on your confusion and to point you toward the Truth. It is about your being free of the machinations of a delusion-filled, illusion-filled “mind.”
Each instance in a series of on-going self-defeating behaviors was available to provide factual evidence that everything you have done so far is still not working and that a shift to total honesty and actual clarity is really being called for. To believe that a history of insane, destructive behavior can end if one single behavior ends is both insane and destructive, relatively speaking.
Additionally, follow-up e-mails trying to explain how you have been misunderstood are motivated by ego, so they are not being read and they won’t be read. If you would be free of ego, take these considerations into the silence and replace your distorted thoughts and dishonest words with no-thoughts and with honest words. That is the prerequisite for You to possibly see all Truth later.
Thus, the invitation is to stop fooling yourself and to cast aside the ego and the egotism that report pure fiction as truth in an effort to gain support for a belief or an opinion, especially when two key Advaitin pointers are to [1] be impeccable with your word(s) and to [2] be free of all beliefs, once and for all.
Meanwhile, all site visitors are invited to see that Realization has nothing to do with favor/oppose dualities or with or tolerance/intolerance dualities. There are no Realized deer that oppose noise vs. non-Realized deer that prefer noise. There are deer, and they only live naturally, and as a result of living naturally, they spontaneously move to quieter areas if noise thoughts choices preferences involved. Please enter the silence of contemplation. (To be continued)
Yet Flavius's point is still valid today with a literal interpretation: if you choose to advocate peace on a planet that still reflects for the most part the ancient Aryan penchant for fighting and destroying, then be prepared for persons (the non-Realized who are dominated by ego and egotism) to rise up and challenge any pro-peace, pro-quiet suggestions you might offer.
Persons on the planet might give lip service to “the value of peace and silence,” but when the majority are addicted to chaos and noise, then any suggestion that peace and silence might be worth considering will have little or no appeal to those trapped in their ego-states.
The ego must talk. The ego hates the silence. Silence is an antidote for the sickness of ego, and the ego feels threatened by silence. Look at a current example for relative happening in the U.S. to see how little peace is truly valued:
a president who suggested that peace and negotiation can be the first option and that militarism and bombing should be the last option is labeled with such terms as “wimp” and “spineless” and more derogatory words that will not be repeated; instead, the belief of many persons is, “Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum!”
So the point is, if you believe that most persons want to be able to enjoy the silence and that most persons prefer peace to fighting and debating and arguing and being addicted to chaos, review the history of the persons on this planet as well the current mindset of persons on this planet.
One woman said, “I love to fight because making up is so much fun,” and she thought that showed depth rather than ignorance. Thus, these teaching remain, as always, for the few.
FROM A SITE VISITOR: Can music (theta delta etc) be an "aid" to help one in their contemplations and considerations? Is this something worth supplementing along with non-dual inquiry? I'm serious. You seem to know more about this then I do. Gerard
Gerard, there is some evidence that alpha-range sounds played in the background might facilitate the consideration of pointers. Theta is for visualization and/or dreaming, and delta is for deep sleep, so forget those two for the purpose or understanding pointers. Dr. Jeffrey Thompson leads the field in entrainment research and sells an alpha wave CD, if you’re interested. (His delta CD has been recommended for persons with sleep issues.)
Again, because Maharaj noted correctly that science would one day support the teachings, the science in this regard will be discussed. Brain waves are divided into four states:
Beta: Corresponds to 14 to 40 cycles per second and is associated with a fully awake and conscious state. That is the frequency in which persons seem to spend most of their awakened time, yet many are actually walking about in a near-theta (trance) state or in a delta-like (sleep) state.
Alpha: Corresponds to 8 to 13 cycles per second and is associated with relaxation, concentration, and calmness. This is also the state of persons engaged in daydreaming, enjoying certain types of music or natural scenery, or in the first stages of falling asleep.
Theta: Corresponds to 4 to 7 cycles per second and is generally associated with deep meditation, hypnosis, or "altered states of consciousness." This state can allow for insights, for accessing the Self, for enhancing the body’s healing potential, and for inspiring creativity. This state can be accessed during deep meditation, or during the intermediate stages of falling asleep.
Delta: Corresponds to 3.9 cycles or less per second and is generally associated with deep, dreamless sleep or unconsciousness.
It is the lower brainwave ranges that are associated with clarity and peace. In regards to the information shared above with Gerard, science has proven that brain wave synchronization can provide a shortcut at times to those states that many seek via meditation, working under the principle of brain wave entrainment or resonance.
Dr. Thompson explains that entrainment is the process by which vibrations of one object cause another object to oscillate or vibrate at the same rates (that is, they synchronize).
The discussion of the four states of brain waves above show that brains operate within a specific range of frequencies, and Thompson’s decades of research have shown that—in the presence of brain wave synchronization sounds—the fluctuations in brain wave activity begin to resonate in harmony with the ambient auditory stimuli.
It's well known that rhythms and beats can have a direct effect on personal moods, be it by lowering or by increasing brain wave rates. Thompson notes that some types of ambient sound can help people relax, and he names “classical music and new age music” as examples. There are other types of music, his research shows, that can make persons hyper-vigilante, irritated, aggressive and tense. He identified “heavy metal and rap music” as examples of the types of music that produce those effects.
The invitation now is to apply the facts revealed after decades of research by scientist Thompson to the pointers offered by Advaitin Dennis Waite and the correlation he discussed between ambient sounds and clarity / peace...or a lack thereof. Waite’s discussion of the types of music and their effects regarding satsa~Nga, sattva, rajas, tamas, manas, buddhi is an example of the accuracy of Maharaj’s assertion that science would someday provide factual evidence to support the validity of the teachings.
Again, however, the pointer has never been that “the Realized only listen to this and never to that.” Enjoy whatever might be thought to be enjoyable, relatively speaking. A key pointer here has always been, however, that just because “they” fooled you does not mean that you have to keep fooling yourself or that you should keep trying to fool others.
Listen to what you will, but do not contradict all scientific and Advaitin evidence by claiming that noise at certain rapid wavelengths or high decibel levels can produce clarity when science proves that such noise is really inducing hyper-sensitivity, irritation, aggression, and tension.
And do not try to fool others into thinking that there are “realized people you know who said they prefer skyscrapers to trees.” That’s a total fabrication. No such discussion ever occurred, and if it had, it would not have been a Realized speck involved in such talk.
Further, to W.D., if impeccability of word and elimination of all pride and ego is what you are seeking, then admit that since you are among the non-Realized, you know no Realized speck that could or would have discussed skyscrapers vs. trees with you.
Understand that along the “path,” the propensity for "talking BS" and "blowing smoke" will stop…all non-essential talking is reduced...and eventually all such talking merely for the sake of talking and being heard comes to an end. These same pointers were offered to you in early 2000 or so, yet here in 2009 are more examples of the use of words that have not the slightest element of truth.
Are these pointers beyond "tough love"? Is this “too-tough-love”? It might be had I not seen your continuing pattern of self-destructive behavior over the last years—a pattern which you have evidently not seen—that could have provided one relative alarm after another.
Thus, this is about neither “tough love” nor “too-tough-love.” This is being caring enough about you finding You to call you out on your confusion and to point you toward the Truth. It is about your being free of the machinations of a delusion-filled, illusion-filled “mind.”
Each instance in a series of on-going self-defeating behaviors was available to provide factual evidence that everything you have done so far is still not working and that a shift to total honesty and actual clarity is really being called for. To believe that a history of insane, destructive behavior can end if one single behavior ends is both insane and destructive, relatively speaking.
Additionally, follow-up e-mails trying to explain how you have been misunderstood are motivated by ego, so they are not being read and they won’t be read. If you would be free of ego, take these considerations into the silence and replace your distorted thoughts and dishonest words with no-thoughts and with honest words. That is the prerequisite for You to possibly see all Truth later.
Thus, the invitation is to stop fooling yourself and to cast aside the ego and the egotism that report pure fiction as truth in an effort to gain support for a belief or an opinion, especially when two key Advaitin pointers are to [1] be impeccable with your word(s) and to [2] be free of all beliefs, once and for all.
Meanwhile, all site visitors are invited to see that Realization has nothing to do with favor/oppose dualities or with or tolerance/intolerance dualities. There are no Realized deer that oppose noise vs. non-Realized deer that prefer noise. There are deer, and they only live naturally, and as a result of living naturally, they spontaneously move to quieter areas if noise thoughts choices preferences involved. Please enter the silence of contemplation. (To be continued)
The Advanced Seekers’ Book Set
The following three books make up
“The Advanced Seekers’ Book Set”
and should be read in the order below.



The Advanced Seekers’ Book Set
The following three books make up
“The Advanced Seekers’ Book Set”
and should be read in the order below.
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While quantities last, the following package deal is being offered: Receive all nine (9) of the paperback books listed below for $88 total with free shipping in the U.S. and ½ price shipping internationally.
NOTE: Only one full set remaining. The offer will become an eight-book set after the next order.
From the Absolute to the Nothingness
From the I to the Absolute (A Seven-Step Journey to Reality)
It's All Bullshit (and Why Knowing it Sets You Free)
Self-Transformation Meditation Guide I
Self-Transformation Meditation Guide II
There's No Such Thing as ''Peace of Mind''
Spiritual Sobriety (Recovering What Religions Lost)
The Essence of the Teachings
To order, click
Non-Duality Book Set
then add the package to the shopping cart and follow the checkout procedure to the secure pay site.
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Host an Advaita Study Group in your home with the following materials for you and three other seekers:
4 copies-From the I to the Absolute (A Seven-Step Journey to Reality)
4 copies-Consciousness / Awareness
4 copies-From the Absolute to the Nothingness
Take turns reading passages and then discussing the pointers.
All 12 books for $120.00 ($30 each for the four participants) + free S&H in the U.S.
To order this set, you must use
the Contact link to make arrangements for payment and to provide shipping information.
Most titles are also available as eBooks
The Official Website of Floyd Henderson
FROM SIM IN KENTUCKY, U.S.A.: How about a donate button? I give monthly to a blog about locations and reviews of a particular type of restaurant we like. I’d sure donate to this blog.
FROM “ANONYMOUS”: Almost every visitor brought Maharaj food or flowers. I’d like to treat you to a meal if you tell me how to do so with my credit card!
FROM LOUISE, SOUTH AFRICA: [Consider the case of an acquaintance who] added a donate button to his site. Regular blog readers were happy to support the site in this way.
F.: Okay—so it’s done, but it should be noted that these postings and responses to all questions submitted to the site are offered without charge. The 1,300 Advaitin essays available on the site, compiled over a four-year period, are also all available to everyone without any fee or charge. Know too that via this site, all serious contacts are answered one-on-one and/or on the site, also without charge.
FROM LOUISE, SOUTH AFRICA: [Consider the case of an acquaintance who] added a donate button to his site. Regular blog readers were happy to support the site in this way.
F.: Okay—so it’s done, but it should be noted that these postings and responses to all questions submitted to the site are offered without charge. The 1,300 Advaitin essays available on the site, compiled over a four-year period, are also all available to everyone without any fee or charge. Know too that via this site, all serious contacts are answered one-on-one and/or on the site, also without charge.
Finally, please know that there should never be an assumption that there is any obligation on your part to donate; additionally, donors will not receive anything that is not also available to non-donors. That said, any donation will be appreciated. Thank you.