Saturday, October 17, 2009


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An Advaita forum focusing on Realisation, enlightenment, non-duality, Real Love, peace, freedom, Your original nature, abiding naturally, the Oneness, the Noneness, and Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj.

Now available on DVD or downloadable computer file:
seven hours of satsang with floyd guiding seekers through all seven steps (in their exact order) to Realization. See details at the end of this post.

F.: [Continued from yesterday] The nisarga yoga is also the least popular of all yogas because many seekers who are intent upon separating themselves from “others” by being “not at all worldly” or “spiritual rather than religious” or “super-spiritual” do not want to hear that their assumption of a spiritual role is as much a fraud as any of the other roles that persons assume.

WHO is supposedly "spiritual"? How can a speck of energy possibly be “spiritual” energy? Yet most claiming “spiritual” status will never see the obvious…will never awake to the silliness of making such a claim.

Is the electricity that runs the blender in a kitchen and that can be used to whip up a healthy, vegetable drink capable of being “spiritual”? Is that electricity “good” energy while the energy that runs the garbage disposal destined to be “bad” energy—definitely a lesser form of energy by virtue of its association with impure trash?

Again, “religious” or “spiritual” role-playing is one of the steps on the “journey,” but it is not the “end” that most take it to be; therefore, most seekers will run like the wind from the nisarga pointer that “what you take to be ‘spiritual’ is itself worldly.”

Some try to separate worldly knowledge and worldly concepts from their supposedly spiritual knowledge and spiritual concepts; the fact is, all concepts are “worldly,” all are dreamed up during the relative existence, and all are part of the contaminants that result in the Ultimate Sickness.

Maharaj taught: "Whatever spiritual things you aspire to know are all happening in this objective world, in the illusion. All this is happening in the objective world. All is dishonesty. There is no truth in this fraud."

Yes, terms such as “noumenal” and “phenomenal” are used for discussions early on along the “path,” but in the end, those will support dualistic concepts and beliefs as well unless the summative statement “I AM THAT; I AM” is completely understood to be a statement of unicity.

Overlaying the Absolute on the relative is like overlaying icing on a cake: even after the overlaying, there is still only “cake”…and only one cake at that. Yet the comparison would end there because...

relatively speaking, the elements making up the cake are “real” elements; on the other hand, there is no way that what is thought to be “spiritual” and what is thought to be “the world” have even the slightest touch of Reality.

Thinking dualistically, many believe that the “spiritual” and the “world” can be separated, but there is no way that the “spiritual”—involving ideas and concepts and beliefs dreamed up by persons on this planet—can have anything to do with the no-concept, no-belief, non-duality Reality.

“Spiritual” at its core is conceptual, belief-based, dualistic and, therefore, not Reality.

Again, there is a place along the “journey” for “spiritual things,” but those very things cause persons to think that they are at the end of the “journey” when they have hardly begun to move along the “path”; furthermore, the belief that one is “now spiritual” is (a) first of all, a belief and (b) secondly, will lead even the most ardent seeker to mistake the dawn for high noon.

[For more explanation, you may use the search feature above “Links and Resources” to search for “kindergarten spirituality” and “dawn” and “noon.”]

Oh how some seekers hate to hear that pointer. How quickly they become driven to use a mouse to move a cursor to an upper-right-hand corner and click a red “X” when they are offered such a pointer for consideration. How dare their noble concepts be questioned. Yet Maharaj did just that:

“When the birth is disproved, the great noble meaning of spirituality and the meaning of this world—everything—is disproved.”

Many of the steps along the “path” provide a consideration that can be deemed “spiritual”; yet in the end, belief in all beliefs ends. Only then can one stop living unnaturally / spiritually and live naturally, and only natural living is based in the real (because abidance in that case happens as the original, natural state).

The original, natural state was neither unnatural nor spiritual, so nothing unnatural and nothing spiritual can be natural or real.

Some who have come to the house here for satsang or to attend a retreat are seeking. What they were told is that even “The Seeker” must end. The very act of seeking implies “wanting” or “desiring” or “needing” or trying to “get” when the fact is that everything they think has been “gotten” so far was supposedly “gotten” by an individual taking himself/herself to be some person or the other.

Moreover, "getting" spiritual knowledge—even if there were someone to “get it”—would be a waste. It is just more learned ignorance, and everything offered here is to point out that all learned ignorance is fraudulent; thus, that so-called “acquired spiritual knowledge” is also a fraud. That is why Maharaj said, “Whatever you have tried to understand during your spiritual search will prove false.”

How could anything that is thought to have been acquired possibly be real when “The (supposed) Acquirer” is not real? Consciousness—a form of energy that is capable of witnessing under certain circumstances—can acquire nothing. Can the eye see? Yes. Can it grasp, take, acquire? No.

There is that which the consciousness can behold, but there is nothing that the consciousness can hold. How could a speck of conscious-energy acquire anything? How could a temporarily manifested speck of energy acquire anything? It cannot. You cannot.

There is no person or individual that can acquire wealth or love or objects or knowledge, so there is no one that can acquire spiritual knowledge. Here, too, the stages must be understood: at some stage, seeking must happen, of course. But in the end, that too must go as “The Seeker” and “The Super Seeker” must also dissolve if being fully in touch with Reality is to happen.

The result of Realization is not only knowing that “the world” is false…that it is just an illusion dreamed up by the fiction-filled “mind”; instead, Realization also leads to understanding that all religious and spiritual personas are still just personas and to understanding that all personas are false...just a part of the overall fraud.

The bird, the fish and the deer are at one with true nature. The remainder of Your post-Realization manifestation can happen spontaneously while also being at one with true nature. Please enter the silence of contemplation.


1. BY WATCHING the 4-Disk Video (DVD) Set, or the same retreat available as a downloadable file. Either will provide an entire seven-hour retreat / series of satsang sessions showing three seekers being guided through all seven steps by Floyd and can provide viewers with an “experiential,” step-by-step series of satsang meetings that will move the viewers from identification with the I to abidance as the Absolute and then to abidance as That Which Is beyond

Some seekers are already using the computer file version and the DVD sets for meetings in groups in homes, playing the retreat, pausing for discussion, etc.

To find out more or to purchase the DVD set or the downloadable computer file version of the retreat, click:
DVD or Downloadable computer file versions of the Four-Day Advaita Retreat

Option “A” is for the downloadable file version, Option “B” is used to order the DVD set for delivery inside the U.S., Option “C” for international orders.

For the download, Paypal will send me a notice that payment has been received and then I will send by e-mail the downloading instruction, password, etc.

[It is recommend that you watch the video with pen and paper in hand. Write whatever you need clarified. You'll see that there are constant reviews and you might find an answer later in the seven-hour presentation. Then, after you watch it all, there will be a common ground for discussion. Purchase of the DVD’s or the file will include the right to clarifications and answers to your specific questions via e-mail.]

2. BY READING these books in this exact order:
IT'S ALL BULLSHIT (And Why Knowing It Sets You Free)
SPIRITUAL SOBRIETY (Recovering What Religions Lost)
[Those two prepare the seeker to question it all]
[Provide a broad overview of the understanding]
[Begins to free the seeker of body identification and the desire for body continuity]
THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS "PEACE OF MIND" (There Is Only Peace if You're Out of Your Mind)
[Shows the seeker how to be free of the subconscious motivators of the false content of the “mind”]
[Shows the seeker how to be free of the subconscious motivators of personas]
[Provides the final preparation for the seeker to be directed along the “path”]
FROM THE I TO THE ABSOLUTE (A Seven-Step Journey to Reality)
[Directs the seeker along the “path”]
CONSCIOUSNESS/AWARENESS: The Nature of Reality Beyond Self-Realization (Peace Every Day When Abiding as The Absolute)
[Allows the seeker to understand the functioning of the totality, the manifestation, and what is involved with the un-manifestation]
[Provides the seeker the wisdom to understand the Noneness as well as the Oneness]
Purchase an e-Book now and begin reading it in minutes (except with e-checks that can take 7-10 days). Trusting our clients as we do, all e-Books are provided to you in printable form.
(You may order the books one at a time or you may use the following link to acquire the entire 11-e-Book set on sale for $99 if ordered at one time with the “Buy Now” button below. For this option, there will be no download links provided; once the near-instant notice of payment is received from PayPal, your e-Books will be sent to you as e-mail attachments. All are printable for your convenience.)
You may visit The Official Website of Floyd Henderson for information on each book.

3. BY ENROLLING in the Online Advaita Classes
For information, visit Information on the Advaita Classes on the Internet
To enroll visit Enroll in the Advaita Internet Course

4. BY ATTENDING an Advaitin retreat for satsang with floyd and being guided through all seven steps. For details of the retreats offered, please visit the retreat information site.

5. BY ARRANGING satsang by telephone in the U.S. or by Skype internationally:
Use the Contact link for details or for information on making arrangements for a session

6. BY ARRANGING for floyd to travel to your location and meet with you or your group. Use the contact link above to discuss details.

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