An Advaita forum focusing on Realisation, enlightenment, non-duality, Real Love, peace, freedom, Your original nature, abiding naturally, the Oneness, the Nothingness, and Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj.
Here, there is nothing that is believed, so there is no one here who wants you to believe anything, either. Here, the invitation is to be free of all that you have been programmed, conditioned, acculturated, and domesticated to believe so that you can be free, period.

L.: This morning, a bee is observed buzzing around a glade of wild nasturtiums. The bee gathers pollen, the nasturtium flower is propagated – such complex activities unfold so naturally, so spontaneously. The nasturtium just is. The bee simply functions effortlessly. What is this natural state?
What is the egotism of human beings that we believe we can only function through self-created and directed systems of thought and organization? Surely the pointer of the nasturtium flower and the bee (or any equivalent model from nature) must prompt the question: What is the natural, spontaneous functioning of humans?
Non-realized, human beings are out of touch with Reality. They function unnaturally (driven by ego-led desires and fears) or supernaturally (driven by a spiritual ego and a myriad of spiritual concepts, beliefs and practices). With these active attachments, there is no possibility of spontaneity and natural living.
All non-realized action is reactive, motivated by programming and conditioning. For example, the impassioned Christian may believe he or she is acting purely and righteously. In reality, the actions stem from the beliefs and practices imposed by the religion and which prescribe behavior as well as the roles adopted in relation to it: the Good Christian, The Helper, The Rescuer, etc, and the movement to fulfill the desires and assuage the fears of these roles.
Surely it is possible to see that in the natural state there is no imposition of ideology or belief. Did any human being appear from the womb with a matrix of beliefs impregnated in the already present consciousness? Of course not – these were imposed, just like water is corrupted by adding additives and chemicals. The popular additives and chemicals (beliefs and concepts) today are different from 500 years ago. In 500 years hence the popular flavourings will be different again. We do not see it – we are so blinkered.
How does the seed grow into the Yellowwood tree? How does the fertilized ovum grow into the human being? It happens naturally and spontaneously.
Self-realization simply means being yourself, your true nature beyond the limits and constraints of thought and identification. Maharaj describes the natural, spontaneous functioning of Realization like this:
Having realized that I am with, and yet beyond the world, I became free from all desire and fear. I did not reason out that I should be free, I found myself free, unexpectedly, without the least effort. This freedom from desire and fear remained with me since then. Another thing I noticed was that I do not need to make an effort; the deed follows the thought, without delay and friction. I have also found that thoughts become self-fullfilling; things would fall in place smoothly and rightly. The main change was in the mind; it became motionless and silent, responding quickly, but not perpetuating the response. Spontaneity became a way of life, the real became natural and the natural became real. And above all, infinite affection, love, dark and quiet, radiating in all directions, embracing all, making all interesting and beautiful, significant and auspicious.
Again and again, the primary pointer offered by Maharaj is to stay with the sense “I am”. Why does Maharaj insist that this is the primary pointer? Just as the knowledge of the oak tree is contained in the acorn, the seed consciousness “I am” contains all knowledge of your true nature. From this stance, the pointers to freedom will arise or be recognized and understood.
To return back to the source, the sense “I am” must first be separated from the hundreds of additives. The sense “I am” must also be discerned as separate from the physical body and its functioning. Until you know for sure, let go of the taught idea that that the “I am” was born with the body. You are searching for what is prior to the birth and death of the physical body. At present, your identity is entangled with so many false identifications. It is like trying to find the milk in the cake – although the milk now has a different consistency through combination with other ingredients, being subjected to heat that changes the molecular structure, etc.
To return to the theme of this series, the pointer to stay with the sense “I Am” removes false concepts by withdrawing the attention from them. Essentially, this stance disentangles the consciousness from the myriad of changing labels, forms, and phenomena in the relative world. This is the seed consciousness – prior to conditioning. Stabilized at the point prior to conditioning, it is possible to turn away from the false and turn towards what is true.
(The movement towards the final understanding and the pointers for removal of the remaining false layers in the particular order required are outlined in the book “From the I to the Absolute”.)
This self-knowledge you seek is not unique. It is impersonal. The understanding of your own nature is the discovery of the nature of all phenomena. For this knowledge to unfold you must let go of the limited sense you have of yourself and your attachments. The nasturtium and the bee function naturally and spontaneously. There is no possibility of functioning unnaturally or supernaturally; no possibility of the extremes of happiness and suffering, although both are subject to the natural cycle of manifestation and decay.
For the seeker, realization is the end of all that is unnatural and supernatural. It is a return to that simple natural state.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
For extending teaching on the Advaitan Understanding – and the removal of the false that obscures Your Real Nature, see the links on the right hand side of this blog.
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