F.: [Continued from yesterday]
The focus is on the way that personality assumption
brings a false sense of feeling pressure;
brings the near-certainty of the development of personality disorders and psychic disintegration under pressure / stress; and
brings the possibility – if personality identification is not addressed - for the development of neuroses and psychoses and the insanity that Maharaj referenced. Types One, Two and Three were studied yesterday. Today, consider what Types Four, Five and Six can bring:
A high Personality Type 4 influence means one should be vigilant in watching for these traits and turning from them:
detachment from reality; tendency to isolate; tendency to rebel vs. any authority, often to one’s own detriment; lives in a fantasy world; escapes mentally; can be depressed; withdrawn; stubborn; moody; self-absorbed; can have a need to be seen as original and / or different; can be erratic; imaginative; during childhood, likely played creatively alone or organized original games; sensitive; can feel he or she is missing something that others have; have idealized people and attached and later de-valued them; rebellious if criticized; felt lonely or abandoned for most of one’s life; and often during the early years asked, “What the hell is wrong with all these people?” and felt, “I don’t even belong on this planet.”
A high Personality Type 5 influence means one should be vigilant in watching for these traits and turning from them:
overly-analytical; potential to be obsessed with death; experience emotional paralysis at times; distant; negative; intellectually-arrogant; fearful of looking foolish; tendency to show off knowledge or “intelligence”; tendency to be non-communicative; avoid involvement; spend time alone, reading, collecting, etc.; had, early on, a few special friends, not a mass of friends; later, isolates as much as possible; bright and curious; uses poker face to prevent looking afraid; early on, felt ignored, controlled, put upon, and neglected.
A high Personality Type 6 influence means one should be vigilant in watching for these traits and turning from them:
fearful and anxious; self-defeating at times; have a tendency-to-bring-about-what-is-feared; self-defeating; paranoid; defensive; insecure; tendency (caused by fear) to hero worship or to seek out authority figures or caretakers (either people or institutions or corporations or government); dependent; co-dependent; will often blame others for failures or mistakes; can be prone to procrastinate; can be friendly, dependable; can be hypervigilant, often anticipating danger; set up “us vs. them” mentality; look to others for protection; can feel neglected; abused; had alcoholic or fearful parent(s); have a higher-than-usual chance of being borderline; can show some of the Type 8’s sociopathic tendencies when stressed or angry.
How can all of this play out during the relative existence? Look at the behaviors of persons in the news, understand their types, and then their behaviors are more easily understood. The following will provide an example of what the relative existence will be like when one is abiding under the influence of multiple personalities or living with someone driven by the agendas of his or her mutiple personalities:
On trial in South Africa is Oscar Pistorius. Without his taking the ennneagram test, no "conclusions that can be drawn in concrete" can be determined, but those familiar with the enneagram and the textbook manner in which the basic personality types manifest can usually listen to a person talk or can witness a person's actions and - with a high percentage of accuracy - determine what personality types are at play.
Pistorius may well be a Type 3 with a 4 wing. He may also have an internalized Type 7 as well, setting the stage for addictive and unpredictable and unstable behavior and extreme risk-taking and poor decision-making skills. (Know any alcoholics that are difficult to deal with? Think Type 7 at play in there somewhere.)
As a 3, he will be unbelievably narcissistic and driven by a sense of entitlement. The rules of society will be given lip service, but they apply to everyone else, not to the 3 (so the 3 believes). Threes are often spoiled from early on by their parents, schools, cultures, etc. They will do anything to create and maintain a positive public image, to be popular, and to receive applause; but what is seen behind closed doors is never even close to the image shown to the public. That makes 3's the best actors of all nine types. They are always on stage, always performing, but always lacking depth and sincerity and authenticity. A 3 develops a very sharp tongue and can be extremely cruel.
Believing themselves to be among the "best-looking people" in their culture, they are driven to be seen with partners who are also deemed to be the best-looking in their culture. It's all about image enhancement. They will be possessive and controlling and demanding in relationships, believing that their word is law and that they better not ever be challenged. When a 3 says to a mate "You are a frog," the 3 expects the partner to say nothing except, "In that case, how high would you have me jump, Master?"
Type 3's "live in the triangle" of the 3-6-9. At any given moment, they can be charming like a 3 (or mean like a 3 that finds his charm is not getting him the control he wants over people); can be aggressive like a 6 (which can bring the potential to be as violent as an 8 can be at times); or can seem peaceful (actually avoidant or schizoid-avoidant) like a 9.
When shifting to the 6, fear and paranoia can be activated, but once anger at not getting what the narcissistic 3 wants and what he believes he is entitled to, there can be a counter-phobic shift to the 3's wing (the Type 4) and full-blown Borderline Personality Disorder traits can show up. (Then, "I love you," in an instant, becomes "I hate you." Expect to see "The Hug-Slug Syndrome at play. It is almost guaranteed that Oscar's girlfriend Reeva never had a clue "who" - which Oscar or Oscars - was actually going to show up when he arrived. Yet she, too, had a high 3 influence with a great deal of 9 at play, so she would be prone for awhile to be somewhat more tolerant of his traits that were also her traits.)
And that is what the relative existence can be like when living with someone who is driven by personality / personalities. Is it clear why the sages have long urged seekers to take any and all necessary steps to end the pattern of being driven by the hidden agendas of multiple personalities?
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
15 May 2014
F.: [Continued from yesterday]
The focus is on the way that personality assumption
brings a false sense of feeling pressure;
brings the near-certainty of the development of personality disorders and psychic disintegration under pressure / stress; and
brings the possibility – if personality identification is not addressed - for the development of neuroses and psychoses and the insanity that Maharaj referenced. Types One, Two and Three were studied yesterday. Today, consider what Types Four, Five and Six can bring:
A high Personality Type 4 influence means one should be vigilant in watching for these traits and turning from them:
detachment from reality; tendency to isolate; tendency to rebel vs. any authority, often to one’s own detriment; lives in a fantasy world; escapes mentally; can be depressed; withdrawn; stubborn; moody; self-absorbed; can have a need to be seen as original and / or different; can be erratic; imaginative; during childhood, likely played creatively alone or organized original games; sensitive; can feel he or she is missing something that others have; have idealized people and attached and later de-valued them; rebellious if criticized; felt lonely or abandoned for most of one’s life; and often during the early years asked, “What the hell is wrong with all these people?” and felt, “I don’t even belong on this planet.”
A high Personality Type 5 influence means one should be vigilant in watching for these traits and turning from them:
overly-analytical; potential to be obsessed with death; experience emotional paralysis at times; distant; negative; intellectually-arrogant; fearful of looking foolish; tendency to show off knowledge or “intelligence”; tendency to be non-communicative; avoid involvement; spend time alone, reading, collecting, etc.; had, early on, a few special friends, not a mass of friends; later, isolates as much as possible; bright and curious; uses poker face to prevent looking afraid; early on, felt ignored, controlled, put upon, and neglected.
A high Personality Type 6 influence means one should be vigilant in watching for these traits and turning from them:
fearful and anxious; self-defeating at times; have a tendency-to-bring-about-what-is-feared; self-defeating; paranoid; defensive; insecure; tendency (caused by fear) to hero worship or to seek out authority figures or caretakers (either people or institutions or corporations or government); dependent; co-dependent; will often blame others for failures or mistakes; can be prone to procrastinate; can be friendly, dependable; can be hypervigilant, often anticipating danger; set up “us vs. them” mentality; look to others for protection; can feel neglected; abused; had alcoholic or fearful parent(s); have a higher-than-usual chance of being borderline; can show some of the Type 8’s sociopathic tendencies when stressed or angry.
How can all of this play out during the relative existence? Look at the behaviors of persons in the news, understand their types, and then their behaviors are more easily understood. The following will provide an example of what the relative existence will be like when one is abiding under the influence of multiple personalities or living with someone driven by the agendas of his or her mutiple personalities:
On trial in South Africa is Oscar Pistorius. Without his taking the ennneagram test, no "conclusions that can be drawn in concrete" can be determined, but those familiar with the enneagram and the textbook manner in which the basic personality types manifest can usually listen to a person talk or can witness a person's actions and - with a high percentage of accuracy - determine what personality types are at play.
Pistorius may well be a Type 3 with a 4 wing. He may also have an internalized Type 7 as well, setting the stage for addictive and unpredictable and unstable behavior and extreme risk-taking and poor decision-making skills. (Know any alcoholics that are difficult to deal with? Think Type 7 at play in there somewhere.)
As a 3, he will be unbelievably narcissistic and driven by a sense of entitlement. The rules of society will be given lip service, but they apply to everyone else, not to the 3 (so the 3 believes). Threes are often spoiled from early on by their parents, schools, cultures, etc. They will do anything to create and maintain a positive public image, to be popular, and to receive applause; but what is seen behind closed doors is never even close to the image shown to the public. That makes 3's the best actors of all nine types. They are always on stage, always performing, but always lacking depth and sincerity and authenticity. A 3 develops a very sharp tongue and can be extremely cruel.
Believing themselves to be among the "best-looking people" in their culture, they are driven to be seen with partners who are also deemed to be the best-looking in their culture. It's all about image enhancement. They will be possessive and controlling and demanding in relationships, believing that their word is law and that they better not ever be challenged. When a 3 says to a mate "You are a frog," the 3 expects the partner to say nothing except, "In that case, how high would you have me jump, Master?"
Type 3's "live in the triangle" of the 3-6-9. At any given moment, they can be charming like a 3 (or mean like a 3 that finds his charm is not getting him the control he wants over people); can be aggressive like a 6 (which can bring the potential to be as violent as an 8 can be at times); or can seem peaceful (actually avoidant or schizoid-avoidant) like a 9.
When shifting to the 6, fear and paranoia can be activated, but once anger at not getting what the narcissistic 3 wants and what he believes he is entitled to, there can be a counter-phobic shift to the 3's wing (the Type 4) and full-blown Borderline Personality Disorder traits can show up. (Then, "I love you," in an instant, becomes "I hate you." Expect to see "The Hug-Slug Syndrome at play. It is almost guaranteed that Oscar's girlfriend Reeva never had a clue "who" - which Oscar or Oscars - was actually going to show up when he arrived. Yet she, too, had a high 3 influence with a great deal of 9 at play, so she would be prone for awhile to be somewhat more tolerant of his traits that were also her traits.)
And that is what the relative existence can be like when living with someone who is driven by personality / personalities. Is it clear why the sages have long urged seekers to take any and all necessary steps to end the pattern of being driven by the hidden agendas of multiple personalities?
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
15 May 2014
F.: Yesterday: Meanwhile, that which is at the root of the problems that most persons experience is almost always misdiagnosed because the masses know nothing about personality or about the hidden agendas that are controlling their every thought and word and action.
That which is at the root of the problems that most persons experience is . . . personality. Recently, excerpts from the eBook below entitled DANCING LIGHTLY were shared with site visitors, and among the key points were (1) the fact that it is personality assumption that brings such heaviness to the relative existence and (2) the fact that casting off the heavy burden of personality and the oppressive weight of the traits of various personalities is the prerequisite for being able negotiate around the planet’s insanity and to move through the relative existence in a light, rather than heavy, manner.
If that casting off does not happen, then the perceived pressure from the weight of the existence here can be so heavy that it often becomes unbearable.
Here, in the “old days,” ballroom dancing was a favorite pastime. On Saturday nights, at least once a month, we visited the Chandelier Ballroom in Houston where we met friends who were mostly members of a prior generation, most of whom had formerly lived in such cities as Warsaw, Prague, Vienna, Budapest, and Kiev and who had emigrated from Europe to the U.S. after WWII.
In the late 1970’s and early 1980’s in the Chandelier Room (operated by some in the Czech community in Houston with the intent of preserving their traditions and customs and sharing their love of music and dance), we all joined together on the huge, polished ballroom dance floor as generational lines were erased and we all danced lightly to the music provided by still-touring remnants of the Harry James Orchestra and the continuing remnants of the Glenn Miller Orchestra and the remains of the Artie Shaw Orchestra.
Eventually having laid down a motorcycle at 70 M.P.H. on a concrete highway – and having experienced the many dislocations and broken bones that happened during that accident –the ability to move across a dance floor in the way that happened in the past came to an end, so now ballroom dancing can only happen vicariously through witnessing the displayed talents of others.
There are many favorite female dancers who are enjoyed, but the favorite male choreographer and dancer here is Derek Hough. Recently, Derek made the point that “pressure does not exist” . . . that persons “create pressure” for themselves. That is, pressure is an illusion, an illusion that is as much a product of the mind as any other illusion.
Actually, there is no pressure?
Actually, there is no pressure.
How close is he to being spot on about that? Abiding on planet earth, there really is minimal pressure on anyone. Atmospheric pressure, at sea level, is only about 14.7 pounds per square inch. Consider: a gallon of water weights less than 8-1/2 pounds; a medium-sized turkey weighs about 14 pounds.
If you were to lie down and someone were to place a container with a gallon and a half of water on you, could you manage that? Of course. If someone were to set a medium-sized turkey on you, could you handle that? Of course.
If you live in the mountains at 10,000 feet, the atmospheric pressure is about ½ of what it is at sea level, but even at sea level, 14.7 points of pressure is irrelevant. Even at sea level, you are only dealing with 14.7 psi of pressure which is so negligible that it does not even register consciously, and that is the only pressure in nature that is real as far as humans should be concerned. All of the other pressures that humans think they are experiencing is indeed a product of the mind.
Yet how many can say that their experience is that, throughout each and every day, the pressure they deal with is so negligible that it does not even register consciously? Recall what you have learned in this series:
Among the nine basic personality types, the persons who are most sent into a state of emotional intoxication as a result of personality-based and fear-and-anxiety-based pressure are Type Sixes who make up 50% of the planet’s population; but also, Type Sevens and Fives who have a Six wing as well as Type Nines and Threes who shift to the Type Six can behave as Sixes behave and can feel the same levels of anxiety and fear.
Recall, too, that psychic disintegration occurs most often when any of the nine types feel stressed or pressured. Want to be free of some of the most common symptoms of the Ultimate Sickness that were identified by Maharaj? Then you must be free of psychic disintegration. And the key drivers of psychic disintegration include?
a. mind / personality identification,
b. personality’s propensity to be driven by every personality’s basic fears, and
c. the resulting pressure that every personality concocts alongside those basic fears.
No matter which personality type at any given moment is driving one’s thoughts and words and deeds, however, all types can mentally and emotionally generate a sense of feeling pressure, so if one is abiding in that fashion, what can move one to a state where such pressure is not being experienced?
What can move one there is the casting off of the heavy burden of personality and the oppressive weight of the traits of various personalities. It’s like this:
“Beowulf” is the title of an Old English epic poem among the collection of Anglo-Saxon literature. Set in Scandinavia, the poem’s hero named Beowulf is called by the King of the Danes to save his kingdom from two monsters that live in a dark lair, a cave beneath the waters of a lake. If the monster were to stay in the lair with its mother, all in the kingdom would be safe and at peace, but such is not the way with Scandinavian monsters of lore. No matter how deep and dark their hiding place, monsters occasionally come to the surface from their deep, dark dens and wreak havoc.
So it is with the monster that Maharaj warned you about: the monster of personality, hiding out in the darkness of the mind but always coming to the surface and wreaking havoc.
The mind is the lair from which each monster of personality comes forth to seemingly give “a sense of reality” to what is not real at all, namely, pressure; yet real or not, the relative effects of that pressure are quite palpable.
It would not be unlike someone driving along a narrow, winding, mountainside road during the summertime, seeing a mirage in the road ahead, swerving to miss the mirage, and then driving over the edge of a cliff to one’s “demise.”
Neither the mirage of personality - nor personality’s step-child named “pressure” - are real, but the relative effects can be most obvious and quite tangible throughout the Am-ness.
Note specifically what each type that is allowed to continue to exert control over thoughts and words and actions will bring:
When the Type One is at play, it will bring perfectionism; judgmentalism; a tendency to “know-it-all”; a tendency to be rigid and inflexible; obsessive-compulsive thinking and behaving; being overly-serious; practicing projection (that is, finding your own faults in others that you are unable to see in yourself); a tendency to see anger as a flaw so you suppress it, often resulting in inflexibility; a tendency to be disapproving; a tendency to micro-manage at home and / or work; a tendency to criticize self in anticipation of criticism from others; a tendency to avoid anything that might not turn out perfectly; being focused on living up to expectations of parents, teachers, preachers or priests, etc.
How great a sense of pressure do you suppose will manifest when the Personality Type One is in charge?
A high Type 2 score means one should be vigilant in watching for these traits and turning from them:
needy; attached to medical treatment; over-willingness to do for others; potential for histrionics; potential for seeking of pity; attachment to other people; co-dependent; overly-preoccupied with relationships; tendency to be a martyr; tendency to be manipulative; tendency to be overly-accommodating and overly-demonstrative; present a more caring image than is real; show favoritism; suppress the 8's anger but become passive-aggressive; like to “stir it up” and / or gossip; overly-sensitive to disapproval and criticism; only outwardly compliant; popular, or try to be; work constantly at being liked or loved by many; act dramatic in order to get attention; develop a desire to control and to overwhelm.
How great a sense of pressure do you suppose will manifest when the Personality Type Two is in charge?
A high 3 score means one should be vigilant in watching for these traits and turning from them:
overly-concerned w/ image; potential for self-deception; potential for excessive expectations regarding definition of success; potential for narcissism; tendency to “spin” facts; tendency not to trust and to sneak about and check up on people; more concerned with the superficial; engages in projecting; work at being seen in a good light; give lip service to society’s norms but don’t follow those norms even though demanding that others do so; restless; take others’ ideas and words without giving credit; worked hard to get appreciation for accomplishments; was usually well-liked by other children and by adults as a result of seeming to be charming but actually manipulating; were active in school government or clubs and worked on your own projects; accomplished tasks (esp. to gain approval).
How great a sense of pressure do you suppose will manifest when the Personality Type Three is in charge?
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
13 May 2014
As noted, the non-dual teacher can offer to seekers certain considerations that can point to the source of at least a part of the relative problems that those seekers are facing – and to the source of a part of the relative problems that persons are facing on a planet-wide basis. That source: personality.
The sages for ages have warned seekers about the relative effects of assumed and assigned personalities (a.k.a., personas, roles, characters, false identities, masks . . . call it what you will).
Many societies nowadays have a class of professionals who have been trained to work with the consequences of personality assumption, namely, personality disorders and the neuroses and psychoses that often accompany such disorders.
Some of the more egotistical among them claim that they have the total solution (ignoring the influence of body chemistry, ignoring the fact that many of their clients are following a food plan that is sabotaging what Spinoza referred to as “the body-mind” complex, etc.) rather than formulating a plan that employs a holistic approach to providing treatment.
Some members of so-called “spiritual groups” spend their time talking about their problems rather than addressing the cause of those problems.
Others never receive the treatment required because they think that they do not need any treatment or because they erroneously believe that their totally-ineffective treatment actually worked.
Most (97%) will be “born into” one religion or another and will never question whether what they are being told is truly helpful and effective and will never question whether what they are being told is really even true at all.
(Those who are convinced that their religion or their spiritual group has provided the total solution will not seek at all. Their fate: to spend the remainder of the relative existence being trapped at the 3rd of 7 steps, assuming their “good” roles are real and playing those out in public for all to see.)
And some egotistical teachers of non-duality claim that they have the total solution.
There are some offering non-duality pointers, however, that do not make such claims. Because Maharaj suffered from no egotistical delusions of grandiosity, he was able to estimate that – even counting those who visited him in the loft – there would likely be no more than 1 in 100,000 who would “get it” (later amended to 1 in 1,000,000 and, even later on, amended to 1 in 10,000,000).
The same approach is taken here; visitors to this site or who come for a non-duality retreat are reminded of the message conveyed in the title of the eBook below, INSTABILITY / INSANITY: WHAT THE ADVAITA TEACHINGS CAN (AND CANNOT) ADDRESS.
The title alone should make clear that, here, there is no suggestion that the version of the Ultimate Medicine which is offered to address the symptoms of the Ultimate Sickness will provide the total solution for everything that ails persons.
For a few who have come this way, there are indications that the approach here provided “the final, missing piece,” but no such claims or guarantees are made.
Would the relative existence for the seven billion persons on the planet be altered markedly and remarkably if all personal identification came to an immediate end? Of course.
Will that ever happen? Of course not.
The eBook referenced above, though, does offer these pointers for consideration for the few that would undergo such a shift:
Most of the problems of this planet are centered in the mind.
The Advaitin called "Jesus Christ" purportedly said that "A dual-minded person is unstable in all ways." In some cases, instability and low-level personality disorders and even mild cases of insanity have been addressed by the non-duality teachings if the result was Full Realization.
The following are often observable among those who are trapped in the Ultimate Sickness of a dualistic mind (and, thus, mental illness) and who are swept back and forth by the tides of emotional intoxication:
they are changeable, unpredictable, unsteady, inconstant, unsettled, irrational, erratic, inconsistent, unreliable, untrustworthy and vacillating.
The content of this book distinguishes between (1) the causes of instability and insanity that the Advaita teachings can address and (2) the causes that require far more than the teachings if they are to be effectively addressed.
Included are discussions of:
instability and / or insanity induced by duality-based splitting;
instability and / or insanity induced by personality disorders;
instability and / or insanity induced by adults who model constant mood swings and instability and being temperamental and inconsistent so that they are always unpredictable;
instability and / or insanity induced by emotional intoxication;
instability and / or insanity induced by a need for Full Realization;
Meanwhile, that which is at the root of the problems that most persons experience is almost always misdiagnosed because the masses know nothing about personality or about the hidden agendas of personality / personalities that are controlling their every thought and word and action.
It is as if they are asleep while only dreaming that they are awake. It is as if they understand something when in fact they understand nothing. So it is, but so it need not be.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
12 May 2014
F.: Yesterday: Meanwhile, that which is at the root of the problems that most persons experience is almost always misdiagnosed because the masses know nothing about personality or about the hidden agendas that are controlling their every thought and word and action.
That which is at the root of the problems that most persons experience is . . . personality. Recently, excerpts from the eBook below entitled DANCING LIGHTLY were shared with site visitors, and among the key points were (1) the fact that it is personality assumption that brings such heaviness to the relative existence and (2) the fact that casting off the heavy burden of personality and the oppressive weight of the traits of various personalities is the prerequisite for being able negotiate around the planet’s insanity and to move through the relative existence in a light, rather than heavy, manner.
If that casting off does not happen, then the perceived pressure from the weight of the existence here can be so heavy that it often becomes unbearable.
Here, in the “old days,” ballroom dancing was a favorite pastime. On Saturday nights, at least once a month, we visited the Chandelier Ballroom in Houston where we met friends who were mostly members of a prior generation, most of whom had formerly lived in such cities as Warsaw, Prague, Vienna, Budapest, and Kiev and who had emigrated from Europe to the U.S. after WWII.
In the late 1970’s and early 1980’s in the Chandelier Room (operated by some in the Czech community in Houston with the intent of preserving their traditions and customs and sharing their love of music and dance), we all joined together on the huge, polished ballroom dance floor as generational lines were erased and we all danced lightly to the music provided by still-touring remnants of the Harry James Orchestra and the continuing remnants of the Glenn Miller Orchestra and the remains of the Artie Shaw Orchestra.
Eventually having laid down a motorcycle at 70 M.P.H. on a concrete highway – and having experienced the many dislocations and broken bones that happened during that accident –the ability to move across a dance floor in the way that happened in the past came to an end, so now ballroom dancing can only happen vicariously through witnessing the displayed talents of others.
There are many favorite female dancers who are enjoyed, but the favorite male choreographer and dancer here is Derek Hough. Recently, Derek made the point that “pressure does not exist” . . . that persons “create pressure” for themselves. That is, pressure is an illusion, an illusion that is as much a product of the mind as any other illusion.
Actually, there is no pressure?
Actually, there is no pressure.
How close is he to being spot on about that? Abiding on planet earth, there really is minimal pressure on anyone. Atmospheric pressure, at sea level, is only about 14.7 pounds per square inch. Consider: a gallon of water weights less than 8-1/2 pounds; a medium-sized turkey weighs about 14 pounds.
If you were to lie down and someone were to place a container with a gallon and a half of water on you, could you manage that? Of course. If someone were to set a medium-sized turkey on you, could you handle that? Of course.
If you live in the mountains at 10,000 feet, the atmospheric pressure is about ½ of what it is at sea level, but even at sea level, 14.7 points of pressure is irrelevant. Even at sea level, you are only dealing with 14.7 psi of pressure which is so negligible that it does not even register consciously, and that is the only pressure in nature that is real as far as humans should be concerned. All of the other pressures that humans think they are experiencing is indeed a product of the mind.
Yet how many can say that their experience is that, throughout each and every day, the pressure they deal with is so negligible that it does not even register consciously? Recall what you have learned in this series:
Among the nine basic personality types, the persons who are most sent into a state of emotional intoxication as a result of personality-based and fear-and-anxiety-based pressure are Type Sixes who make up 50% of the planet’s population; but also, Type Sevens and Fives who have a Six wing as well as Type Nines and Threes who shift to the Type Six can behave as Sixes behave and can feel the same levels of anxiety and fear.
Recall, too, that psychic disintegration occurs most often when any of the nine types feel stressed or pressured. Want to be free of some of the most common symptoms of the Ultimate Sickness that were identified by Maharaj? Then you must be free of psychic disintegration. And the key drivers of psychic disintegration include?
a. mind / personality identification,
b. personality’s propensity to be driven by every personality’s basic fears, and
c. the resulting pressure that every personality concocts alongside those basic fears.
No matter which personality type at any given moment is driving one’s thoughts and words and deeds, however, all types can mentally and emotionally generate a sense of feeling pressure, so if one is abiding in that fashion, what can move one to a state where such pressure is not being experienced?
What can move one there is the casting off of the heavy burden of personality and the oppressive weight of the traits of various personalities. It’s like this:
“Beowulf” is the title of an Old English epic poem among the collection of Anglo-Saxon literature. Set in Scandinavia, the poem’s hero named Beowulf is called by the King of the Danes to save his kingdom from two monsters that live in a dark lair, a cave beneath the waters of a lake. If the monster were to stay in the lair with its mother, all in the kingdom would be safe and at peace, but such is not the way with Scandinavian monsters of lore. No matter how deep and dark their hiding place, monsters occasionally come to the surface from their deep, dark dens and wreak havoc.
So it is with the monster that Maharaj warned you about: the monster of personality, hiding out in the darkness of the mind but always coming to the surface and wreaking havoc.
The mind is the lair from which each monster of personality comes forth to seemingly give “a sense of reality” to what is not real at all, namely, pressure; yet real or not, the relative effects of that pressure are quite palpable.
It would not be unlike someone driving along a narrow, winding, mountainside road during the summertime, seeing a mirage in the road ahead, swerving to miss the mirage, and then driving over the edge of a cliff to one’s “demise.”
Neither the mirage of personality - nor personality’s step-child named “pressure” - are real, but the relative effects can be most obvious and quite tangible throughout the Am-ness.
Note specifically what each type that is allowed to continue to exert control over thoughts and words and actions will bring:
When the Type One is at play, it will bring perfectionism; judgmentalism; a tendency to “know-it-all”; a tendency to be rigid and inflexible; obsessive-compulsive thinking and behaving; being overly-serious; practicing projection (that is, finding your own faults in others that you are unable to see in yourself); a tendency to see anger as a flaw so you suppress it, often resulting in inflexibility; a tendency to be disapproving; a tendency to micro-manage at home and / or work; a tendency to criticize self in anticipation of criticism from others; a tendency to avoid anything that might not turn out perfectly; being focused on living up to expectations of parents, teachers, preachers or priests, etc.
How great a sense of pressure do you suppose will manifest when the Personality Type One is in charge?
A high Type 2 score means one should be vigilant in watching for these traits and turning from them:
needy; attached to medical treatment; over-willingness to do for others; potential for histrionics; potential for seeking of pity; attachment to other people; co-dependent; overly-preoccupied with relationships; tendency to be a martyr; tendency to be manipulative; tendency to be overly-accommodating and overly-demonstrative; present a more caring image than is real; show favoritism; suppress the 8's anger but become passive-aggressive; like to “stir it up” and / or gossip; overly-sensitive to disapproval and criticism; only outwardly compliant; popular, or try to be; work constantly at being liked or loved by many; act dramatic in order to get attention; develop a desire to control and to overwhelm.
How great a sense of pressure do you suppose will manifest when the Personality Type Two is in charge?
A high 3 score means one should be vigilant in watching for these traits and turning from them:
overly-concerned w/ image; potential for self-deception; potential for excessive expectations regarding definition of success; potential for narcissism; tendency to “spin” facts; tendency not to trust and to sneak about and check up on people; more concerned with the superficial; engages in projecting; work at being seen in a good light; give lip service to society’s norms but don’t follow those norms even though demanding that others do so; restless; take others’ ideas and words without giving credit; worked hard to get appreciation for accomplishments; was usually well-liked by other children and by adults as a result of seeming to be charming but actually manipulating; were active in school government or clubs and worked on your own projects; accomplished tasks (esp. to gain approval).
How great a sense of pressure do you suppose will manifest when the Personality Type Three is in charge?
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
13 May 2014
As noted, the non-dual teacher can offer to seekers certain considerations that can point to the source of at least a part of the relative problems that those seekers are facing – and to the source of a part of the relative problems that persons are facing on a planet-wide basis. That source: personality.
The sages for ages have warned seekers about the relative effects of assumed and assigned personalities (a.k.a., personas, roles, characters, false identities, masks . . . call it what you will).
Many societies nowadays have a class of professionals who have been trained to work with the consequences of personality assumption, namely, personality disorders and the neuroses and psychoses that often accompany such disorders.
Some of the more egotistical among them claim that they have the total solution (ignoring the influence of body chemistry, ignoring the fact that many of their clients are following a food plan that is sabotaging what Spinoza referred to as “the body-mind” complex, etc.) rather than formulating a plan that employs a holistic approach to providing treatment.
Some members of so-called “spiritual groups” spend their time talking about their problems rather than addressing the cause of those problems.
Others never receive the treatment required because they think that they do not need any treatment or because they erroneously believe that their totally-ineffective treatment actually worked.
Most (97%) will be “born into” one religion or another and will never question whether what they are being told is truly helpful and effective and will never question whether what they are being told is really even true at all.
(Those who are convinced that their religion or their spiritual group has provided the total solution will not seek at all. Their fate: to spend the remainder of the relative existence being trapped at the 3rd of 7 steps, assuming their “good” roles are real and playing those out in public for all to see.)
And some egotistical teachers of non-duality claim that they have the total solution.
There are some offering non-duality pointers, however, that do not make such claims. Because Maharaj suffered from no egotistical delusions of grandiosity, he was able to estimate that – even counting those who visited him in the loft – there would likely be no more than 1 in 100,000 who would “get it” (later amended to 1 in 1,000,000 and, even later on, amended to 1 in 10,000,000).
The same approach is taken here; visitors to this site or who come for a non-duality retreat are reminded of the message conveyed in the title of the eBook below, INSTABILITY / INSANITY: WHAT THE ADVAITA TEACHINGS CAN (AND CANNOT) ADDRESS.
The title alone should make clear that, here, there is no suggestion that the version of the Ultimate Medicine which is offered to address the symptoms of the Ultimate Sickness will provide the total solution for everything that ails persons.
For a few who have come this way, there are indications that the approach here provided “the final, missing piece,” but no such claims or guarantees are made.
Would the relative existence for the seven billion persons on the planet be altered markedly and remarkably if all personal identification came to an immediate end? Of course.
Will that ever happen? Of course not.
The eBook referenced above, though, does offer these pointers for consideration for the few that would undergo such a shift:
Most of the problems of this planet are centered in the mind.
The planet-wide instability and insanity of persons' thoughts and words and actions are evidence of the fact that The Ultimate Sickness of duality and its effects (which are calling out for the Ultimate Medicine) is in many ways a mental problem.
The Advaitin called "Jesus Christ" purportedly said that "A dual-minded person is unstable in all ways." In some cases, instability and low-level personality disorders and even mild cases of insanity have been addressed by the non-duality teachings if the result was Full Realization.
The following are often observable among those who are trapped in the Ultimate Sickness of a dualistic mind (and, thus, mental illness) and who are swept back and forth by the tides of emotional intoxication:
they are changeable, unpredictable, unsteady, inconstant, unsettled, irrational, erratic, inconsistent, unreliable, untrustworthy and vacillating.
The content of this book distinguishes between (1) the causes of instability and insanity that the Advaita teachings can address and (2) the causes that require far more than the teachings if they are to be effectively addressed.
Included are discussions of:
instability and / or insanity induced by duality-based splitting;
instability and / or insanity induced by psychological splitting;
instability and / or insanity induced by cultural influences;
instability and / or insanity induced by personality disorders;
instability and / or insanity induced by a failure to psychically integrate and instead the tendency to psychically disintegrate;
instability and / or insanity induced by adults who model constant mood swings and instability and being temperamental and inconsistent so that they are always unpredictable;
instability and / or insanity induced by fixating in "the parent" role or "the child" role rather than interacting from the stance of the mature adult;
instability and / or insanity induced by emotional intoxication;
instability and / or insanity induced by religious / spiritual intoxication;
instability and / or insanity induced by inner causes;
instability and / or insanity induced by depression and mania;
instability and / or insanity induced by a need for Full Realization;
instability and / or insanity induced by chemical imbalances, physiological factors, and biological factors; and
instability and / or insanity induced by seeking someone or something to cause you to be happy.
Meanwhile, that which is at the root of the problems that most persons experience is almost always misdiagnosed because the masses know nothing about personality or about the hidden agendas of personality / personalities that are controlling their every thought and word and action.
It is as if they are asleep while only dreaming that they are awake. It is as if they understand something when in fact they understand nothing. So it is, but so it need not be.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
12 May 2014
F.: Yesterday this was offered:
If you had been raised to be “un-spiritual” and that resulted in your contracting the Ultimate Sickness, then “being spiritual” would have been endorsed by Maharaj as the cure and “being spiritual” would be endorsed here as the cure; but that was not the case, so spirituality does not cure the real problem with humanity, namely, the Ultimate Sickness with the symptoms Maharaj identified as “ignorance, stupidity, and insanity.”
Of course, parents or cultures do not set out to raise their children to be “un-spiritual,” but they do raise their children to be driven by the subconscious agendas of personality; thus, what some call “being spiritual” could more accurately be called, “being free of the influence of the hidden agendas of personality and the disorders that come with personality as well as the neuroses and the psychoses that are rooted in personality-assignment and personality-adoption and the subsequent disorders that are always guaranteed to follow.”
Yet how proud so many are of the religious or spiritual roles that they are playing while – at the same time – being totally unaware of the fact that their spirituality is not driving their thoughts and words and actions nearly as much as their thoughts and words and actions are being driven by the subconscious agendas of their other, multiple personalities.
When people tell me they are spiritual, it is asked:
F.: “What exactly does that mean?”
The reply is often: “Huh?”
F.: “I’m, asking you to tell me exactly it mean to ‘be spiritual’?”
After some consideration, a few realize that there is no unified, universally-accepted definition of what “being spiritual” even means, but usually, most answers offered always involve doingness rather than beingness:
“I’m a spiritual person, so I do this” or “I’m a spiritual person because I do that” or “Spirituality is about participating in organized religion . . . you know, going to church, synagogue, a mosque, etc.”
Other brag that they – being spiritual - are different from religious people: “I do not attend church or go to religious meetings. I go to spiritual meetings.” For them, spirituality is another source of egotism that makes them “better-than” and “different-from” those who are only religious.
Among many, spirituality has been reduced to nothing more than a means for managing the dysfunctionalism in a marriage or other relationship; or their substance abuse; or their lack of coping skills.
(Professionals are required to receive years of training and are required to earn advanced degrees and certifications to become licensed in order to work with clients who require assistance and guidance in addressing their dysfunctional marriages or their substance abuse or their lack of coping skills or their other issues. If anyone practices counseling without proper credentials, they will be forced to cease and desist; they can then be arrested and fined if they continue to offer therapy without proper training and licensing.
The exception: “religious and spiritual people” who can practice counseling and therapy without a license. Yes, the non-dual teachings do not require a license either, yet I am certified to teach psychology in all fifty states in the U.S. and the degree work and certification in that regard is combined with the non-dual teachings because the main problem does indeed center in the mind and that is what must be addressed if the number of persons suffering from the Ultimate Sickness is ever to be reduced.)
To look at the topics that the Big Name Teachers are discussing (those being persons who have almost always been self-labeled as “being highly spiritual”), their subject matter ironically deals with relative issues that are presented as being “beyond-the-relative” and that often really involve the fears and selfish desires of the masses:
“Power”; “Attaining Power”; “The Power of Now”; “The Power of Intention”; “The Power of Words”;
“10 Secrets for Success”; “Getting What You Want”; “The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire”; “The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success: A Practical Guide to the Fulfillment of Your Dreams";
“Assuring Eternal Life”; “Ageless Body, Timeless Mind”; “Advancing Your Spirit”; and “The Infinite Self”; to name but a few.
So, are those about “being spiritual” or about “being powerful” and “being successful” and “existing forever”?
Some report that they are spiritual because they engage in yoga or meditation (“I do at least fifteen minutes of meditation and quiet time every day before I leave the house”).
For others, it’s said to be about going to special places on planet earth that are deemed to be” different” and “more spiritual” than other places or “more powerful” than other places or exuding some “different kind of energy that others places don’t exude.” Or it’s about going to places where there are “more holy people per capita than elsewhere.”
For others, it’s about what one woman told me years ago: I’m in a twelve-step group so I am not religious – I am spiritual. But the spirituality I practice is even different from what the other people in my group practice.”
F.: “Oh? How so?”
She: “I practice Native American Spirituality.”
F.: “Ah . . . and what does that look like, in practice.”
She started to answer, paused, started again, paused again, and finally could not answer. So she came up with this: “It’s far too complicated to try to explain in a few sentences.”
F.: “Ah, I see.”
Again, see that even though it’s called “being spiritual,” it’s really not about being at all but is really about doing. An objective witness cannot help but see that spirituality today is about both business and busy-ness.
Some even admit that they are seeking “a spiritual experience” by doing this and that and such-and-such.
Some suggest that “being spiritual” is about “being non-judgmental; about “being loving and caring without selfishly wanting something in return”; some suggest that “being spiritual” is about “being authentic . . . about being in touch with Your Authentic Self”;
some suggest that “being spiritual” is about “being available for those who love you and for those whom you claim to love”; some suggest that “being spiritual” is “about giving rather than constantly trying to take from others”;
some suggest that “being spiritual” is about “giving up one’s addiction to alcohol, food, drugs, nicotine, sex, spending, shopping, exercise, porn, gambling, pot, opium, heroin, cocaine, meth, inhalants, etc.”; some suggest that “being spiritual” is about “being kind to all people instead of being ruthless to all”; and some suggest that “being spiritual” is about “being responsible and meeting one’s obligations.”
But see, all of those have nothing to do with “being spiritual” but actually have everything to do with being driven by personality / personalities:
“being non-judgmental” means being free of being driven by the influence of the Personality Type One Perfectionist’s hidden, subconscious agenda;
“being loving and caring without selfishly wanting something in return” means being free of being driven by the influence of the Personality Type Two’s “Love Seeking and Giving in Order to Get” agenda;
“being authentic” and “being in touch with Your Authentic Self” means being free of being driven by the influence of the Personality Type Three’s Phony-Image-Building agenda and tapping into the Four’s agenda to seek and find the Authentic Self;
“being available for those who love you and those whom you claim to love” means being free of being driven by the influence of the Personality Type Five’s Avoidant agenda;
"giving rather than constantly trying to take from others" means being free of being driven by the influence of the Personality Type Six's hidden, subconscious agenda to be taken care of by another or others;
“giving up one’s addiction to alcohol, food, drugs, nicotine, sex, spending, shopping, exercise, porn, gambling, pot, opium, heroin, cocaine, meth, inhalants, etc.” means being free of being driven by the influence of the Personality Type Seven’s Addictive Personality Disorder:
“being kind to all instead of ruthless to all” means being free of being driven by the influence of the Personality Type Eight Control Freak's hidden, subconscious agenda;
and “being responsible and meeting one’s obligations” means being free of being driven by the influence of the Personality Type Nine's Avoidant and Always-Unavailable agenda.
So it should be clear that humanity’s problems that are rooted in the Ultimate Sickness are not about having been raised in a way that rendered one “un-spiritual” but are about being raised in a way that leaves persons unable to choose because they are being driven subconsciously by a combination of many of the nine basic personality types as well as by the agendas of all of the other personas that have been assigned or adopted.
Therefore, the treatment for whatever might be ailing persons is not to “become spiritual” or to “be more spiritual” or to “be even far more spiritual than you are now”; the treatment is to address the core personality disorders that are behind all of the problems that are surfacing.
And that is why Maharaj eventually gave up all talk of spirituality and suggesting that being spiritual could address the symptoms of the Ultimate Sickness. Yet he never stopped talking about the problems with personality.
In the true sense of “de-accumulation,” the ultimate message was not to “get” more of what spirituality can give you but to “get rid of” what personality is giving you.
In the end, an objective observer will see that, while some behaviors might have changed, the core traits (the core personality traits) that existed prior to “becoming spiritual” remain. And that evidences the fact that the core personality disorders and neuroses and psychoses remain.
There is no greater disservice to a person suffering from those core issues than to
1. convince that person that you or your group has addressed their core issues without actually having even begun to address them; and to suggest that
2. some behavior modifications is evidence that a person has been freed from the effects of her or his personality disorders and neuroses and their psychoses.
It would be no different from this:
suppose the surgeon who had the task of removing my non-cancerous, pre-cancerous and cancerous polyps had actually just used something to render me unconscious and then read a magazine until I regained consciousness and then told me that he had removed from inside me everything that had been causing my symptoms and discomfort when, in fact, he had done no such thing.
The difference? At least he would know that he had not done a single thing to address my real issues, whereas clergy and imams and ayatollahs and rabbis and cult leaders and sponsors and step guides and spiritual giants really believe that they are doing all kinds of good, that they are really helping people, that they are really giving people what they need to address their core issues (which include highly complex personality disorders and neuroses and psychoses which no amateur is actually prepared to address.)
One man told me that he was getting “the greatest bargain ever: the treatment he needed for a total cost of only a dollar a day.”
The reply: “People usually get what they pay for; sometimes, though, you don’t even get a dollar’s worth; and sometimes when you pay a dollar a day for any treatment, you are getting neither a bargain nor the full, effective treatment that is actually required to address your real issues.”
If you are bleeding out from a cut artery, an offer that "I can put a band-aid on that cut for a dollar" is not a bargain.
If you are suffering from a brain tumor and someone says "For a dollar, I can give you two aspirin for your headache," that is not a bargain.
And if you are in misery because of personality disorders, neuroses, and psychoses and someone says, "I can make you spiritual for a dollar a day and then your personality disorders, neuroses, and psychoses will clear right up," then . . . well, you see the point . . . (or not).
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
11 May 2014
F.: Yesterday this was offered:
If you had been raised to be “un-spiritual” and that resulted in your contracting the Ultimate Sickness, then “being spiritual” would have been endorsed by Maharaj as the cure and “being spiritual” would be endorsed here as the cure; but that was not the case, so spirituality does not cure the real problem with humanity, namely, the Ultimate Sickness with the symptoms Maharaj identified as “ignorance, stupidity, and insanity.”
Of course, parents or cultures do not set out to raise their children to be “un-spiritual,” but they do raise their children to be driven by the subconscious agendas of personality; thus, what some call “being spiritual” could more accurately be called, “being free of the influence of the hidden agendas of personality and the disorders that come with personality as well as the neuroses and the psychoses that are rooted in personality-assignment and personality-adoption and the subsequent disorders that are always guaranteed to follow.”
Yet how proud so many are of the religious or spiritual roles that they are playing while – at the same time – being totally unaware of the fact that their spirituality is not driving their thoughts and words and actions nearly as much as their thoughts and words and actions are being driven by the subconscious agendas of their other, multiple personalities.
When people tell me they are spiritual, it is asked:
F.: “What exactly does that mean?”
The reply is often: “Huh?”
F.: “I’m, asking you to tell me exactly it mean to ‘be spiritual’?”
After some consideration, a few realize that there is no unified, universally-accepted definition of what “being spiritual” even means, but usually, most answers offered always involve doingness rather than beingness:
“I’m a spiritual person, so I do this” or “I’m a spiritual person because I do that” or “Spirituality is about participating in organized religion . . . you know, going to church, synagogue, a mosque, etc.”
Other brag that they – being spiritual - are different from religious people: “I do not attend church or go to religious meetings. I go to spiritual meetings.” For them, spirituality is another source of egotism that makes them “better-than” and “different-from” those who are only religious.
Among many, spirituality has been reduced to nothing more than a means for managing the dysfunctionalism in a marriage or other relationship; or their substance abuse; or their lack of coping skills.
(Professionals are required to receive years of training and are required to earn advanced degrees and certifications to become licensed in order to work with clients who require assistance and guidance in addressing their dysfunctional marriages or their substance abuse or their lack of coping skills or their other issues. If anyone practices counseling without proper credentials, they will be forced to cease and desist; they can then be arrested and fined if they continue to offer therapy without proper training and licensing.
The exception: “religious and spiritual people” who can practice counseling and therapy without a license. Yes, the non-dual teachings do not require a license either, yet I am certified to teach psychology in all fifty states in the U.S. and the degree work and certification in that regard is combined with the non-dual teachings because the main problem does indeed center in the mind and that is what must be addressed if the number of persons suffering from the Ultimate Sickness is ever to be reduced.)
To look at the topics that the Big Name Teachers are discussing (those being persons who have almost always been self-labeled as “being highly spiritual”), their subject matter ironically deals with relative issues that are presented as being “beyond-the-relative” and that often really involve the fears and selfish desires of the masses:
“Power”; “Attaining Power”; “The Power of Now”; “The Power of Intention”; “The Power of Words”;
“10 Secrets for Success”; “Getting What You Want”; “The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire”; “The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success: A Practical Guide to the Fulfillment of Your Dreams";
“Assuring Eternal Life”; “Ageless Body, Timeless Mind”; “Advancing Your Spirit”; and “The Infinite Self”; to name but a few.
So, are those about “being spiritual” or about “being powerful” and “being successful” and “existing forever”?
Some report that they are spiritual because they engage in yoga or meditation (“I do at least fifteen minutes of meditation and quiet time every day before I leave the house”).
For others, it’s said to be about going to special places on planet earth that are deemed to be” different” and “more spiritual” than other places or “more powerful” than other places or exuding some “different kind of energy that others places don’t exude.” Or it’s about going to places where there are “more holy people per capita than elsewhere.”
For others, it’s about what one woman told me years ago: I’m in a twelve-step group so I am not religious – I am spiritual. But the spirituality I practice is even different from what the other people in my group practice.”
F.: “Oh? How so?”
She: “I practice Native American Spirituality.”
F.: “Ah . . . and what does that look like, in practice.”
She started to answer, paused, started again, paused again, and finally could not answer. So she came up with this: “It’s far too complicated to try to explain in a few sentences.”
F.: “Ah, I see.”
Again, see that even though it’s called “being spiritual,” it’s really not about being at all but is really about doing. An objective witness cannot help but see that spirituality today is about both business and busy-ness.
Some even admit that they are seeking “a spiritual experience” by doing this and that and such-and-such.
Some suggest that “being spiritual” is about “being non-judgmental; about “being loving and caring without selfishly wanting something in return”; some suggest that “being spiritual” is about “being authentic . . . about being in touch with Your Authentic Self”;
some suggest that “being spiritual” is about “being available for those who love you and for those whom you claim to love”; some suggest that “being spiritual” is “about giving rather than constantly trying to take from others”;
some suggest that “being spiritual” is about “giving up one’s addiction to alcohol, food, drugs, nicotine, sex, spending, shopping, exercise, porn, gambling, pot, opium, heroin, cocaine, meth, inhalants, etc.”; some suggest that “being spiritual” is about “being kind to all people instead of being ruthless to all”; and some suggest that “being spiritual” is about “being responsible and meeting one’s obligations.”
But see, all of those have nothing to do with “being spiritual” but actually have everything to do with being driven by personality / personalities:
“being non-judgmental” means being free of being driven by the influence of the Personality Type One Perfectionist’s hidden, subconscious agenda;
“being loving and caring without selfishly wanting something in return” means being free of being driven by the influence of the Personality Type Two’s “Love Seeking and Giving in Order to Get” agenda;
“being authentic” and “being in touch with Your Authentic Self” means being free of being driven by the influence of the Personality Type Three’s Phony-Image-Building agenda and tapping into the Four’s agenda to seek and find the Authentic Self;
“being available for those who love you and those whom you claim to love” means being free of being driven by the influence of the Personality Type Five’s Avoidant agenda;
"giving rather than constantly trying to take from others" means being free of being driven by the influence of the Personality Type Six's hidden, subconscious agenda to be taken care of by another or others;
“giving up one’s addiction to alcohol, food, drugs, nicotine, sex, spending, shopping, exercise, porn, gambling, pot, opium, heroin, cocaine, meth, inhalants, etc.” means being free of being driven by the influence of the Personality Type Seven’s Addictive Personality Disorder:
“being kind to all instead of ruthless to all” means being free of being driven by the influence of the Personality Type Eight Control Freak's hidden, subconscious agenda;
and “being responsible and meeting one’s obligations” means being free of being driven by the influence of the Personality Type Nine's Avoidant and Always-Unavailable agenda.
So it should be clear that humanity’s problems that are rooted in the Ultimate Sickness are not about having been raised in a way that rendered one “un-spiritual” but are about being raised in a way that leaves persons unable to choose because they are being driven subconsciously by a combination of many of the nine basic personality types as well as by the agendas of all of the other personas that have been assigned or adopted.
Therefore, the treatment for whatever might be ailing persons is not to “become spiritual” or to “be more spiritual” or to “be even far more spiritual than you are now”; the treatment is to address the core personality disorders that are behind all of the problems that are surfacing.
And that is why Maharaj eventually gave up all talk of spirituality and suggesting that being spiritual could address the symptoms of the Ultimate Sickness. Yet he never stopped talking about the problems with personality.
In the true sense of “de-accumulation,” the ultimate message was not to “get” more of what spirituality can give you but to “get rid of” what personality is giving you.
In the end, an objective observer will see that, while some behaviors might have changed, the core traits (the core personality traits) that existed prior to “becoming spiritual” remain. And that evidences the fact that the core personality disorders and neuroses and psychoses remain.
There is no greater disservice to a person suffering from those core issues than to
1. convince that person that you or your group has addressed their core issues without actually having even begun to address them; and to suggest that
2. some behavior modifications is evidence that a person has been freed from the effects of her or his personality disorders and neuroses and their psychoses.
It would be no different from this:
suppose the surgeon who had the task of removing my non-cancerous, pre-cancerous and cancerous polyps had actually just used something to render me unconscious and then read a magazine until I regained consciousness and then told me that he had removed from inside me everything that had been causing my symptoms and discomfort when, in fact, he had done no such thing.
The difference? At least he would know that he had not done a single thing to address my real issues, whereas clergy and imams and ayatollahs and rabbis and cult leaders and sponsors and step guides and spiritual giants really believe that they are doing all kinds of good, that they are really helping people, that they are really giving people what they need to address their core issues (which include highly complex personality disorders and neuroses and psychoses which no amateur is actually prepared to address.)
One man told me that he was getting “the greatest bargain ever: the treatment he needed for a total cost of only a dollar a day.”
The reply: “People usually get what they pay for; sometimes, though, you don’t even get a dollar’s worth; and sometimes when you pay a dollar a day for any treatment, you are getting neither a bargain nor the full, effective treatment that is actually required to address your real issues.”
If you are bleeding out from a cut artery, an offer that "I can put a band-aid on that cut for a dollar" is not a bargain.
If you are suffering from a brain tumor and someone says "For a dollar, I can give you two aspirin for your headache," that is not a bargain.
And if you are in misery because of personality disorders, neuroses, and psychoses and someone says, "I can make you spiritual for a dollar a day and then your personality disorders, neuroses, and psychoses will clear right up," then . . . well, you see the point . . . (or not).
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
11 May 2014
F.: From a site visitor: “Now I’m confused. First you say on the path we have to go back to the Child State to be free; now, you say we must not think and talk and behave like a child. Not trying to argue for the sake of argument---really trying to understand what seems to be a contradiction to me.”
Greetings: There is no contradiction but there is a simple misunderstanding of terms, so to clarify recent pointers using the word “child,” you must understand the difference in the words “childish” and “childlike”:
synonyms for “childish” include “foolish, naïve, frivolous, selfish, self-centered, self-absorbed, silly, immature, impractical, inconsiderate, spoiled, senseless, volatile, calculating, underdeveloped, captivated by self, and motivated by selfishness”;
synonyms for “childlike” include “innocent, unadulterated, complete, natural, unaffected, spontaneous, unblemished, untarnished, pure, uncomplicated, genuine, unaffected, and free.”
The non-dual understanding involves freeing the captives who are being held hostage by the nonsense that was put into the mind. Each idea, concept, impression, perspective, notion, thought, opinion, theory, inkling, and piece of learned ignorance is one of the bars that form the prison that holds you captive, specifically, the prison of the mind. (And in the end, all of those things which form the bars of your prison can be reduced to one word: “beliefs.”)
“Being “childlike” is natural; continuing to be “childish” is unnatural, rooted in unnatural programming, unnatural conditioning, etc.
Here, the offer is to be un-taught, to un-learn, in order to break and discard each of the bars of your prison. The non-dual, nisargan teachings are about un-learning everything that was learned which, in turn, traps persons in a state of being childish.
Such un-learning can allow seekers to follow the “path” back to the “childlike” state, the state that existed before unnatural programming, unnatural conditioning, etc. eventually drove persons to the childish state marked by foolishness, naivete, frivolousness, selfishness, self-centeredness, self-absorption, silliness, immaturity, impracticality, inconsideration, spoil-ness, senselessness, volatility, underdevelopment, captivity by self, and motives rooted in selfishness.
Nature tolerates no vacuums, so if you put your fist into the air, the fist will displace the air that was in that spot; lower the fist and the air will rush back into the place where the fist had been. The same applies with childishness and child-like-ness:
if freed from one’s childish ways – that is, if freed of one’s childish thinking and childish speaking and childish behaviors – then the ensuing vacuum will be filled by the childlike qualities that were manifesting the last time you were truly and unconditionally happy.
As long as the basic needs of the composite unity were met (food, water, shelter with a comfortable ambient temperature), then happiness and contentment were manifest.
It was after being told that you are “this” and “that” and scores of other things that false selves were taken to be real and that the assumption of self /selves as identities led to selfishness / childishness.
The process whereby “they” deprived you of the ability to continue to abide in a childlike fashion and whereby "they" trapped you into abiding in a childish fashion was a process that resulted in your being a mental and emotional and psychological captive.
The steps involved in the non-dual process offered here provide one means of moving out of the prison where you are a mental and emotional and psychological captive thereafter being free of the perverted effects of the mental and emotional and psychological factors that imprison all non-Realized persons.
What makes the Direct Path Method – if used in conjunction with the Nisarga Yoga - unlike all other methods, philosophies, religions, spiritual movements, self-help groups, step groups, cults, sky cults, etc.?
It is the only method that invites you to un-learn all rather than to learn more; it is the only method that offers an invitation to stop trying to abide supernaturally and to stop abiding unnaturally and to unlearn all that you have ever been taught so that you can abide naturally.
If used in conjunction with the Nisarga (Natural) Yoga, it is the only method that does not endorse any supposedly holy book that is to be used for the entire manifestation as a “the-right-way-to-live guidebook”; that make no claims about a body of knowledge that must be studied and mastered;
that makes no claims about your needing life-long affiliations; that does not suggest that there are special activities and regular attendance that are required; and that does not invite you to do anything that is totally unnatural in order to be free.
Why? Because special activities and regular attendance requirements rob you of freedom as much as everything else that robbed you of your freedom. What is even remotely natural about the supernatural (that is, religious or spiritual) activities that many would have you engage in?
Want to feel special as a result of thinking special thoughts and saying special words and doing special things? Rock and roll, but there is another option. To that end, this was offered in 2007 on this site:
Pray all the prayers that you think you need to pray; knell, bend over, stoop, or lie prostrate as much as you think you need to kneel, bend over, stoop, or lie prostrate; read all the “holy” books that you think you need to read; visit all the “sacred” sites or “sacred” men that you think you need to visit; chant or hum every chant or hum you think you need to chant or hum; ring every bell you think you need to ring; and burn every stick of incense that you think you need to burn. But when you are done with all of that, realize that you—and all persons who are fixated in a stage and are playing their religious or spiritual roles—are mistaking the dawn for the noon. Realize that praying and knelling and bending over and stooping and lying prostrate and reading and visiting and chanting and humming and ringing and burning (and every other external thing you try to use to be more spiritual or to try to demonstrate how spiritual you are) will actually block you from finding the truth which can only be found within after certain pointers are taken into quiet and solitary consideration.
This was also offered seven years ago on this site:
The case here was that “only the Direct Path Method and the natural approach resulted in total freedom and total independence. Post-Realization, there is no dependence on scriptures, on a god, on multiple gods, on persons, on possessions, on practices, on platitudes read daily to try to ‘pick up the spirit’ time and time again, on disciplines, on working at ‘improving,’ on working to gain ‘power,’ on avoiding this or on seeking that, on co-dependent role players, on praise, on criticism, on reinforcement by persons, on thoughts, on drives, on a ‘mind,’ on personality, on concepts, on more teachings, or on adherence to any rules and regulations and tenets and traditions and dogma or principles.”
Here, the invitation is to cast aside everything that played a part in your original imprisonment and to cast aside everything that is currently playing a part in your ongoing imprisonment.
Here, the invitation is to abide naturally. It worked for humanity for millions of years. It has worked for trillions and trillions of other species for billions of years.
The deer in this area can be observed on a daily basis, so they are one yardstick by which normalcy and natural abidance can be measured. Use whatever examples are available in your area to observe what natural abidance looks like, be that the example offered by birds or some other life form.
Then see that everything that has ever lived on this planet – except for humans - has done just fine without ever thinking that it much engage in praying or knelling reverently or bending over reverently or stooping or lying prostrate or reading special, “holy” books or visiting or chanting or humming or ringing bells or striking special bowls on special pillows with a special stick or burning a special stick or candle in order to be “better” or “different” or “happy.”
If part of your problem happened to be the fact that you were taught to ingest small amounts of arsenic each day, then you might be advised to stop eating arsenic, but that is not what has given you the Ultimate Sickness.
If you had been raised to be “un-spiritual” and that resulted in your Sickness, then “being spiritual” would be endorsed here, but that is not what infected you with the Ultimate Sickness so it is not what will free you from the symptoms of the Ultimate Sickness.
Instead, you were raised to buy into the ignorance and insanity of your parents and your culture and the people all over this planet. Spirituality does not cure ignorance and insanity. It only aggravates the problems that occur when one is out of touch with reality and out of though with Reality.
That is why, in the end, Maharaj advised people to give up spirituality (a.k.a., the supernatural) and to abide naturally. The same invitation is offered here: address the real cause and the real problem, not the causes and problems dreamed up by persons still trapped in their personas with their hidden agendas.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
10 May 2014
F.: From a site visitor: “Now I’m confused. First you say on the path we have to go back to the Child State to be free; now, you say we must not think and talk and behave like a child. Not trying to argue for the sake of argument---really trying to understand what seems to be a contradiction to me.”
Greetings: There is no contradiction but there is a simple misunderstanding of terms, so to clarify recent pointers using the word “child,” you must understand the difference in the words “childish” and “childlike”:
synonyms for “childish” include “foolish, naïve, frivolous, selfish, self-centered, self-absorbed, silly, immature, impractical, inconsiderate, spoiled, senseless, volatile, calculating, underdeveloped, captivated by self, and motivated by selfishness”;
synonyms for “childlike” include “innocent, unadulterated, complete, natural, unaffected, spontaneous, unblemished, untarnished, pure, uncomplicated, genuine, unaffected, and free.”
The non-dual understanding involves freeing the captives who are being held hostage by the nonsense that was put into the mind. Each idea, concept, impression, perspective, notion, thought, opinion, theory, inkling, and piece of learned ignorance is one of the bars that form the prison that holds you captive, specifically, the prison of the mind. (And in the end, all of those things which form the bars of your prison can be reduced to one word: “beliefs.”)
“Being “childlike” is natural; continuing to be “childish” is unnatural, rooted in unnatural programming, unnatural conditioning, etc.
Here, the offer is to be un-taught, to un-learn, in order to break and discard each of the bars of your prison. The non-dual, nisargan teachings are about un-learning everything that was learned which, in turn, traps persons in a state of being childish.
Such un-learning can allow seekers to follow the “path” back to the “childlike” state, the state that existed before unnatural programming, unnatural conditioning, etc. eventually drove persons to the childish state marked by foolishness, naivete, frivolousness, selfishness, self-centeredness, self-absorption, silliness, immaturity, impracticality, inconsideration, spoil-ness, senselessness, volatility, underdevelopment, captivity by self, and motives rooted in selfishness.
Nature tolerates no vacuums, so if you put your fist into the air, the fist will displace the air that was in that spot; lower the fist and the air will rush back into the place where the fist had been. The same applies with childishness and child-like-ness:
if freed from one’s childish ways – that is, if freed of one’s childish thinking and childish speaking and childish behaviors – then the ensuing vacuum will be filled by the childlike qualities that were manifesting the last time you were truly and unconditionally happy.
As long as the basic needs of the composite unity were met (food, water, shelter with a comfortable ambient temperature), then happiness and contentment were manifest.
It was after being told that you are “this” and “that” and scores of other things that false selves were taken to be real and that the assumption of self /selves as identities led to selfishness / childishness.
The process whereby “they” deprived you of the ability to continue to abide in a childlike fashion and whereby "they" trapped you into abiding in a childish fashion was a process that resulted in your being a mental and emotional and psychological captive.
The steps involved in the non-dual process offered here provide one means of moving out of the prison where you are a mental and emotional and psychological captive thereafter being free of the perverted effects of the mental and emotional and psychological factors that imprison all non-Realized persons.
What makes the Direct Path Method – if used in conjunction with the Nisarga Yoga - unlike all other methods, philosophies, religions, spiritual movements, self-help groups, step groups, cults, sky cults, etc.?
It is the only method that invites you to un-learn all rather than to learn more; it is the only method that offers an invitation to stop trying to abide supernaturally and to stop abiding unnaturally and to unlearn all that you have ever been taught so that you can abide naturally.
If used in conjunction with the Nisarga (Natural) Yoga, it is the only method that does not endorse any supposedly holy book that is to be used for the entire manifestation as a “the-right-way-to-live guidebook”; that make no claims about a body of knowledge that must be studied and mastered;
that makes no claims about your needing life-long affiliations; that does not suggest that there are special activities and regular attendance that are required; and that does not invite you to do anything that is totally unnatural in order to be free.
Why? Because special activities and regular attendance requirements rob you of freedom as much as everything else that robbed you of your freedom. What is even remotely natural about the supernatural (that is, religious or spiritual) activities that many would have you engage in?
Want to feel special as a result of thinking special thoughts and saying special words and doing special things? Rock and roll, but there is another option. To that end, this was offered in 2007 on this site:
Pray all the prayers that you think you need to pray; knell, bend over, stoop, or lie prostrate as much as you think you need to kneel, bend over, stoop, or lie prostrate; read all the “holy” books that you think you need to read; visit all the “sacred” sites or “sacred” men that you think you need to visit; chant or hum every chant or hum you think you need to chant or hum; ring every bell you think you need to ring; and burn every stick of incense that you think you need to burn. But when you are done with all of that, realize that you—and all persons who are fixated in a stage and are playing their religious or spiritual roles—are mistaking the dawn for the noon. Realize that praying and knelling and bending over and stooping and lying prostrate and reading and visiting and chanting and humming and ringing and burning (and every other external thing you try to use to be more spiritual or to try to demonstrate how spiritual you are) will actually block you from finding the truth which can only be found within after certain pointers are taken into quiet and solitary consideration.
This was also offered seven years ago on this site:
The case here was that “only the Direct Path Method and the natural approach resulted in total freedom and total independence. Post-Realization, there is no dependence on scriptures, on a god, on multiple gods, on persons, on possessions, on practices, on platitudes read daily to try to ‘pick up the spirit’ time and time again, on disciplines, on working at ‘improving,’ on working to gain ‘power,’ on avoiding this or on seeking that, on co-dependent role players, on praise, on criticism, on reinforcement by persons, on thoughts, on drives, on a ‘mind,’ on personality, on concepts, on more teachings, or on adherence to any rules and regulations and tenets and traditions and dogma or principles.”
Here, the invitation is to cast aside everything that played a part in your original imprisonment and to cast aside everything that is currently playing a part in your ongoing imprisonment.
Here, the invitation is to abide naturally. It worked for humanity for millions of years. It has worked for trillions and trillions of other species for billions of years.
The deer in this area can be observed on a daily basis, so they are one yardstick by which normalcy and natural abidance can be measured. Use whatever examples are available in your area to observe what natural abidance looks like, be that the example offered by birds or some other life form.
Then see that everything that has ever lived on this planet – except for humans - has done just fine without ever thinking that it much engage in praying or knelling reverently or bending over reverently or stooping or lying prostrate or reading special, “holy” books or visiting or chanting or humming or ringing bells or striking special bowls on special pillows with a special stick or burning a special stick or candle in order to be “better” or “different” or “happy.”
If part of your problem happened to be the fact that you were taught to ingest small amounts of arsenic each day, then you might be advised to stop eating arsenic, but that is not what has given you the Ultimate Sickness.
If you had been raised to be “un-spiritual” and that resulted in your Sickness, then “being spiritual” would be endorsed here, but that is not what infected you with the Ultimate Sickness so it is not what will free you from the symptoms of the Ultimate Sickness.
Instead, you were raised to buy into the ignorance and insanity of your parents and your culture and the people all over this planet. Spirituality does not cure ignorance and insanity. It only aggravates the problems that occur when one is out of touch with reality and out of though with Reality.
That is why, in the end, Maharaj advised people to give up spirituality (a.k.a., the supernatural) and to abide naturally. The same invitation is offered here: address the real cause and the real problem, not the causes and problems dreamed up by persons still trapped in their personas with their hidden agendas.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
10 May 2014
F.: Yesterday, in addressing the relative ramifications of parent-child interactions vs. adult-to-adult interactions, it was shared that parent-child interactions and their consequences involve
A. someone who did not “grow up,” that is, who has never abandoned the belief in false roles that are rooted in one’s childhood years;
B. someone who has never taken the steps required to be free of the desires and fears that every assumed or assigned personality brings; and
C. someone who in living with the distorted perspective of a naïve child or a foolish child or a child that is easily fooled.
Under such circumstances, one is rendered vulnerable, self-absorbed, (false-)self-absorbed, and ripe for manipulation and exploitation.
Freedom from abiding under the influence of personality (and freedom from the delusion and distortion that come when driven by the hidden agendas of personalities) involve an understanding of one’s sense of “you-ness” or “You-ness.”
First, a sense of “You-ness” (with a capital “Y”) involves focusing on THAT, yet THAT is totally irrelevant once it has been understood in terms of the summative statement of non-duality: “I AM THAT; I AM.”
The Is-ness is NOW and basic, relative “needs” are to be addressed NOW; fail to fulfill the basic, relative requirements of a plant food body - water, food, oxygen, clothing, shelter, etc. - and the impact will be fairly immediate.
As for THAT, THAT takes care of itself, functioning according to the natural laws. THAT is permanent and cannot be changed. The relative existence can be changed. So here’s a not-too-popular suggestion from many who have a THAT-focused agenda as far as the non-dual understanding is concerned:
If one has an excess of energy, the invitation is to let it be spent on addressing the relative issues that Maharaj identified as being at the heart of the Ultimate Sickness, namely, “ignorance, stupidity, and insanity” (all of which involve the influences of assigned or assumed false identities). As for THAT, consider:
because there will be no “you” or “You” post-manifestation, then the present (the NOW-ness, the AM-ness, the IS-ness) is all that is relevant as far as any “you-ness” or “You-ness” is concerned.
If you see that “you” can only refer accurately to the present three-part, composite unity (plant food elements, circulating air, and circulating conscious-energy), then any sense of “neediness” is limited to the basic requirements of a temporarily-manifested plant food body, namely, food, clothing, water, air, etc.
If you happen to think that “you” accurately refers to the scores of roles that have been assigned (by one’s parents, culture, etc.) or assumed (by “you,” post-programming and conditioning and domestication and acculturation and brainwashing and indoctrination) then “A,” “B,” and “C” above will apply.
Thus, you will not be able to “grow up,” that is, you will never be able to abandon the belief in false roles; you will never take the steps required to be free of the desires and fears that every assumed or assigned personality brings; and you will live with the distorted perspective of a naïve child or a foolish child or a child that is easily fooled.
Why? Because personality / multiple personalities are often set in place by the age of six, but (1) they know no age restrictions; as a result, their hidden influences and agendas are capable of driving and determining a person’s thoughts and words and actions into her or his 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and beyond; and, short of liberation, (2) their hidden, subconscious agendas are never abandoned.
Moreover, those agendas are age-specific, meaning that the desires and fears of any of the basic personality types – typically established by the age of six - are (a) the desires and fears of a six-year-old and will also be (b) the desires and fears of one in his or her 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and beyond, resulting in persons behaving like a six-year-old, no matter what chronological age one might reach.
Therefore it can be seen that the actual issue is this: when abiding under the influence of personality – under the subconscious desires and fears of a personality (actually, of multiple personalities) - then one will be driven subconsciously to think and talk and behave as a child thinks and talks and behaves. And that is why the therapist referenced yesterday said that she had found over the years that “there are no grownups.”
So, with only a very few humans ever Realizing and being liberated from the influence of the subconscious, hidden agendas of personality / personalities, then the masses are almost all living under the influence of personality (or, more accurately, multiple personalities) and under the influences of the agenda of a child.
For those who might conclude that living under the influence of drugs or alcohol is a major concern around the globe, the effects of such addictions are negligible when compared to the effects and consequences of personality.
Next, no sickness can be treated without first receiving a proper diagnosis. For the masses on the planet, the diagnosis is this:
1. almost all persons are suffering from the Ultimate Sickness;
2. the Ultimate Sickness is not a spiritual illness but is a Sickness rooted in personality, in the mind; therefore,
3. the Ultimate Sickness is mainly a mental / psychic / emotional / psychological Sickness centered in the fiction-filled, nonsense-filled “mind,” and nothing religious or spiritual can treat a mental illness, emotionally-charged claims to the contrary notwithstanding.
There is no “praying away” of personality disorders, neuroses, or psychoses.
What are some examples of cases where that "let's pray away what we don't want approach" has been tried and failed miserably?
There is no more chance of altering someone's sexual orientation by prayer than there is a chance of praying away mental illness. In that regard, long-time visitors to the site might recall a description of an encounter with a woman many years ago in Houston.
Her far from “loving-unconditionally” pastor led a campaign that divided the city as he vilified gays for being gay. The woman became involved with a “Pray Away the Gay” campaign that he and several other religious leaders started. Among their activities: regular prayer meetings that were intended to beseech God to change the sexual orientation of every gay in the city and the printing and distribution of hundreds of thousands of flyers, inviting people to attend such “Pray Away the Gay” prayer meetings.
That campaign was not unlike the efforts of Governor Rick Perry who, during an extended drought, organized “Pray for Rain” prayer meetings around the state. In his official proclamation, he declared:
“I, RICK PERRY, Governor of Texas, under the authority vested in me by the Constitution and Statutes of the State of Texas, do hereby proclaim the three-day period from Friday, April 22, 2011, to Sunday, April 24, 2011, as Days of Prayer for Rain in the State of Texas. I urge Texans of all faiths and traditions to offer prayers on those days for the healing of our land, the rebuilding of our communities and the restoration of our normal way of life.” [First, the phrases “our normal way of life” and “the State of Texas” do not belong in the same sentence, but that’s another issue.]
So, what were the results of Texans trying to pray away the sexual orientation of a part of the population and Texans trying to pray away a drought? After the sex-focusing campaign ended, there was never a report of a shift of anyone’s sexual orientation. After all of the praying for a city-wide shift in the sexual orientation of one segment of the population, I remained interested in women and gay men remained interested in men and gay women remained interested in women. Such is the way it is when choice is not involved in an issue: changes in some areas of the human experience cannot and will not happen as a result of praying to a god or gods or goddesses to intervene. Anything that is witnessed to the contrary is actually rooted in some other factor or factors.
I have had people pray for me to get well, but wellness did not manifest. A genetic heart defect remains. Years ago, to the contrary, a Christian woman reported to me that she had “prayed every day for a year for God to kill me because she knew without a doubt that I was 'a New Age Agent of Satan’.” That was sixteen years ago, yet after 365 days of her continuous praying, and after sixteen years for her God to bring down his wrath on me, here I sit, in my office, typing away, quite alive by most standards and definitions.]
As for the governor’s efforts to try to pray away the drought, one reporter wrote, “In the four months since Perry’s request for divine intervention, his state has taken a dramatic turn for the worse. Nearly all of Texas is now in ‘extreme or exceptional’ drought, as classified by federal meteorologists, the worst in Texas history.”
Hummm. Imagine that.
Imagine a drought not being prayed away; imagine gayness not being prayed away; and imagine the “ignorance, stupidity, and insanity” of the Ultimate Sickness not being prayed away.
A child might pray to pass an exam before taking a test, but the amount of concentrated study before the exam - rather than the amount of concentrated prayer before the exam - is more likely going to be the deciding factor of the outcome.
As it is with rain and as it is with sexual orientation, so it also is with mental, psychic, emotional, and psychological issues and with personality-based disorders, neuroses-based disorders, and psychoses-based disorders that characterize the Ultimate Sickness:
the Ultimate Sickness retards all psychic development and leaves persons of all ages thinking and talking and acting like young children. At that point, adults can buy into the kind of magical thinking that led people five thousand years ago to sacrifice virgins to an angry Rain God, followed by begging that god to give them a break and to save their crops;
that type of magical thinking can lead persons to believe that there is a God who is okay with a drought unless people point out that it’s not okay with them; that can lead persons to believe that there is a God who tolerates mental illness until someone begs that God to stop tolerating it;
that can lead persons to believe that there is a God who will kill people they do not like; and that can lead persons to believe that there is a God who hates the same things and the same people that they hate and will change things and people upon demand.
None of that is going to happen, but steps can be taken to change one’s entrapment in magical, insane, ignorant thinking patterns.
Sometimes the steps can be taken under the guidance of a teacher / guru; sometimes the steps can be taken under the guidance of a trained professional; but at no time has there been any evidence of success with the steps offered by an ignorant governor (or his cohorts in the ministry) who try to use the power of prayer to remake “the world” in their own image and according to their own fears and desires which they want addressed. Talk about "personality run rampart."
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
9 May 2014
F.: Yesterday, in addressing the relative ramifications of parent-child interactions vs. adult-to-adult interactions, it was shared that parent-child interactions and their consequences involve
A. someone who did not “grow up,” that is, who has never abandoned the belief in false roles that are rooted in one’s childhood years;
B. someone who has never taken the steps required to be free of the desires and fears that every assumed or assigned personality brings; and
C. someone who in living with the distorted perspective of a naïve child or a foolish child or a child that is easily fooled.
Under such circumstances, one is rendered vulnerable, self-absorbed, (false-)self-absorbed, and ripe for manipulation and exploitation.
Freedom from abiding under the influence of personality (and freedom from the delusion and distortion that come when driven by the hidden agendas of personalities) involve an understanding of one’s sense of “you-ness” or “You-ness.”
First, a sense of “You-ness” (with a capital “Y”) involves focusing on THAT, yet THAT is totally irrelevant once it has been understood in terms of the summative statement of non-duality: “I AM THAT; I AM.”
The Is-ness is NOW and basic, relative “needs” are to be addressed NOW; fail to fulfill the basic, relative requirements of a plant food body - water, food, oxygen, clothing, shelter, etc. - and the impact will be fairly immediate.
As for THAT, THAT takes care of itself, functioning according to the natural laws. THAT is permanent and cannot be changed. The relative existence can be changed. So here’s a not-too-popular suggestion from many who have a THAT-focused agenda as far as the non-dual understanding is concerned:
If one has an excess of energy, the invitation is to let it be spent on addressing the relative issues that Maharaj identified as being at the heart of the Ultimate Sickness, namely, “ignorance, stupidity, and insanity” (all of which involve the influences of assigned or assumed false identities). As for THAT, consider:
because there will be no “you” or “You” post-manifestation, then the present (the NOW-ness, the AM-ness, the IS-ness) is all that is relevant as far as any “you-ness” or “You-ness” is concerned.
If you see that “you” can only refer accurately to the present three-part, composite unity (plant food elements, circulating air, and circulating conscious-energy), then any sense of “neediness” is limited to the basic requirements of a temporarily-manifested plant food body, namely, food, clothing, water, air, etc.
If you happen to think that “you” accurately refers to the scores of roles that have been assigned (by one’s parents, culture, etc.) or assumed (by “you,” post-programming and conditioning and domestication and acculturation and brainwashing and indoctrination) then “A,” “B,” and “C” above will apply.
Thus, you will not be able to “grow up,” that is, you will never be able to abandon the belief in false roles; you will never take the steps required to be free of the desires and fears that every assumed or assigned personality brings; and you will live with the distorted perspective of a naïve child or a foolish child or a child that is easily fooled.
Why? Because personality / multiple personalities are often set in place by the age of six, but (1) they know no age restrictions; as a result, their hidden influences and agendas are capable of driving and determining a person’s thoughts and words and actions into her or his 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and beyond; and, short of liberation, (2) their hidden, subconscious agendas are never abandoned.
Moreover, those agendas are age-specific, meaning that the desires and fears of any of the basic personality types – typically established by the age of six - are (a) the desires and fears of a six-year-old and will also be (b) the desires and fears of one in his or her 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and beyond, resulting in persons behaving like a six-year-old, no matter what chronological age one might reach.
Therefore it can be seen that the actual issue is this: when abiding under the influence of personality – under the subconscious desires and fears of a personality (actually, of multiple personalities) - then one will be driven subconsciously to think and talk and behave as a child thinks and talks and behaves. And that is why the therapist referenced yesterday said that she had found over the years that “there are no grownups.”
So, with only a very few humans ever Realizing and being liberated from the influence of the subconscious, hidden agendas of personality / personalities, then the masses are almost all living under the influence of personality (or, more accurately, multiple personalities) and under the influences of the agenda of a child.
For those who might conclude that living under the influence of drugs or alcohol is a major concern around the globe, the effects of such addictions are negligible when compared to the effects and consequences of personality.
Next, no sickness can be treated without first receiving a proper diagnosis. For the masses on the planet, the diagnosis is this:
1. almost all persons are suffering from the Ultimate Sickness;
2. the Ultimate Sickness is not a spiritual illness but is a Sickness rooted in personality, in the mind; therefore,
3. the Ultimate Sickness is mainly a mental / psychic / emotional / psychological Sickness centered in the fiction-filled, nonsense-filled “mind,” and nothing religious or spiritual can treat a mental illness, emotionally-charged claims to the contrary notwithstanding.
There is no “praying away” of personality disorders, neuroses, or psychoses.
What are some examples of cases where that "let's pray away what we don't want approach" has been tried and failed miserably?
There is no more chance of altering someone's sexual orientation by prayer than there is a chance of praying away mental illness. In that regard, long-time visitors to the site might recall a description of an encounter with a woman many years ago in Houston.
Her far from “loving-unconditionally” pastor led a campaign that divided the city as he vilified gays for being gay. The woman became involved with a “Pray Away the Gay” campaign that he and several other religious leaders started. Among their activities: regular prayer meetings that were intended to beseech God to change the sexual orientation of every gay in the city and the printing and distribution of hundreds of thousands of flyers, inviting people to attend such “Pray Away the Gay” prayer meetings.
That campaign was not unlike the efforts of Governor Rick Perry who, during an extended drought, organized “Pray for Rain” prayer meetings around the state. In his official proclamation, he declared:
“I, RICK PERRY, Governor of Texas, under the authority vested in me by the Constitution and Statutes of the State of Texas, do hereby proclaim the three-day period from Friday, April 22, 2011, to Sunday, April 24, 2011, as Days of Prayer for Rain in the State of Texas. I urge Texans of all faiths and traditions to offer prayers on those days for the healing of our land, the rebuilding of our communities and the restoration of our normal way of life.” [First, the phrases “our normal way of life” and “the State of Texas” do not belong in the same sentence, but that’s another issue.]
So, what were the results of Texans trying to pray away the sexual orientation of a part of the population and Texans trying to pray away a drought? After the sex-focusing campaign ended, there was never a report of a shift of anyone’s sexual orientation. After all of the praying for a city-wide shift in the sexual orientation of one segment of the population, I remained interested in women and gay men remained interested in men and gay women remained interested in women. Such is the way it is when choice is not involved in an issue: changes in some areas of the human experience cannot and will not happen as a result of praying to a god or gods or goddesses to intervene. Anything that is witnessed to the contrary is actually rooted in some other factor or factors.
I have had people pray for me to get well, but wellness did not manifest. A genetic heart defect remains. Years ago, to the contrary, a Christian woman reported to me that she had “prayed every day for a year for God to kill me because she knew without a doubt that I was 'a New Age Agent of Satan’.” That was sixteen years ago, yet after 365 days of her continuous praying, and after sixteen years for her God to bring down his wrath on me, here I sit, in my office, typing away, quite alive by most standards and definitions.]
As for the governor’s efforts to try to pray away the drought, one reporter wrote, “In the four months since Perry’s request for divine intervention, his state has taken a dramatic turn for the worse. Nearly all of Texas is now in ‘extreme or exceptional’ drought, as classified by federal meteorologists, the worst in Texas history.”
Hummm. Imagine that.
Imagine a drought not being prayed away; imagine gayness not being prayed away; and imagine the “ignorance, stupidity, and insanity” of the Ultimate Sickness not being prayed away.
A child might pray to pass an exam before taking a test, but the amount of concentrated study before the exam - rather than the amount of concentrated prayer before the exam - is more likely going to be the deciding factor of the outcome.
As it is with rain and as it is with sexual orientation, so it also is with mental, psychic, emotional, and psychological issues and with personality-based disorders, neuroses-based disorders, and psychoses-based disorders that characterize the Ultimate Sickness:
the Ultimate Sickness retards all psychic development and leaves persons of all ages thinking and talking and acting like young children. At that point, adults can buy into the kind of magical thinking that led people five thousand years ago to sacrifice virgins to an angry Rain God, followed by begging that god to give them a break and to save their crops;
that type of magical thinking can lead persons to believe that there is a God who is okay with a drought unless people point out that it’s not okay with them; that can lead persons to believe that there is a God who tolerates mental illness until someone begs that God to stop tolerating it;
that can lead persons to believe that there is a God who will kill people they do not like; and that can lead persons to believe that there is a God who hates the same things and the same people that they hate and will change things and people upon demand.
None of that is going to happen, but steps can be taken to change one’s entrapment in magical, insane, ignorant thinking patterns.
Sometimes the steps can be taken under the guidance of a teacher / guru; sometimes the steps can be taken under the guidance of a trained professional; but at no time has there been any evidence of success with the steps offered by an ignorant governor (or his cohorts in the ministry) who try to use the power of prayer to remake “the world” in their own image and according to their own fears and desires which they want addressed. Talk about "personality run rampart."
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
9 May 2014
F.: [From yesterday] I asked: “Is there one single, leading fact about humanity that you have come to recognize after having dealt with thousands of people on such an intimate and probing and revealing level?”
The reply: “Yes. I have found, unequivocally, that there are no grownups.”
The non-dualist understands that the prerequisite for “growing up” is to stop abiding under the subconscious influence of the fear-and-desire-driven agendas of personality / personalities.
Why endorse “growing up,” relatively speaking?
1. Because “growing up,” as used in this case, means seeing things clearly instead of through the distorted perspective of a naïve child or a foolish child or a child that is easily fooled; and
2. because that is the means by which persons reach the state that so many seek, namely, a state of freedom and independence.
A child is dependent, co-dependent, needy, and reliant, living out an existence that is dominated by contingencies and conditionals that are set forth by "others" who are in control:
“If you do such-and-such, you get this reward” or “If you do such-and-such, you get this punishment” or “I can darn well do this to you if I choose” and “I can darn well deprive you of that if I feel like it” and “I can abandon you right now, and what can you do about it? Nothing!”
And if children do not “grow up,” then they will enter into the all-too-common and all-too-sick and all-too-warped but also all-too-pervasive type relationship where exchanges do not happen on an adult-to-adult level but happen on a child-parent level.
Being trapped in personality, they will attract only those persons who are similarly trapped in personality. At that point, let the games begin.
Not functioning in a “grown up,” adult-to-adult fashion, one might become involved with an unhealthy Type One Perfectionist who will play the parent role and treat a partner like a child, judging, criticizing, and punishing that partner when she or he falls short of meeting the Type One’s expectations and the One's demand for perfectionism; or
one might become involved with an unhealthy Type Two Savior / Helper whose desire to be loved is so strong that they attract weak, needy, dependent persons (who are like a child), Twos believing that if they can rescue needy persons, then those persons will give them the love they seek (and in the process, the Twos will keep needy persons trapped in that needy role of a child and will thereby retard any effort for the person cast into the role of a child to ever be free and independent); or
one might become involved with an unhealthy Type Three Performer and buy into the false image of a Three (usually a very attractive image, at least according to any given culture’s standards) and as a result of such infatuation - idolizing someone in the way that children do - will become drawn into the unhealthy Three’s snare and will end up being manipulated and controlled, as children are; or
one might become involved with an unhealthy Type Four who will play the close-at-times-but-distant-at-times parent role and will treat a partner like a child, wanting the child close at times and at other times, ignoring the child completely; or
one might become involved with an unhealthy Type Five Avoider who will play the parent role and treat a partner like a child, taking the unhealthy Four’s close-at-times-but-distant-at-times parent role to a whole new and unwholesome level; or
one might become involved with an unhealthy Type Six who will be loyal as long as the Six’s desires are being met but will go on the attack at the first sign of anything that is contrary to the Six’s desires and imagined needs (which they expect someone else to fulfill); or
one might become involved with an unhealthy Type Seven who will play the child role and who will treat a partner like a parent, demanding that the partner coddle and care for the Seven; or
one might become involved with an unhealthy Type Eight Control Freak who will play the very demanding, very punishing parent role and treat a partner like a child (in fact, like a totally-abused child); or
one might become involved with an unhealthy Type Nine who will play the role of the emotionally-unavailable parent and who will treat a partner like a child and who (like an unhealthy Type Four or Five parent) will be accessible at times but totally inaccessible at other times.
It is one thing for a child riding through the desert with adult-age persons to see a mirage and to believe it is real; it is quite another if the child never grows beyond that unaware state and, instead, believes for an entire manifestation that mirages are real.
So the considerations are these, and ironically, both are true (in the way that so many paradoxes involving the non-dual understanding can both be true):
A. there are some things you need
B. you do not need anything.
Meaning that there are some things you need, the “you” in this case being the temporarily-manifested composite unity.
But also meaning you do not need anything, the “you” in this case being the false personalities (assumed personas, roles, false identities, etc.) that are taken to be actual identities when they are not.
Assume the role of “The Husband” and you will become convinced that you cannot exist without a co-dependent partner willing to play the dependent counterpart role (which all ego-states need to believe that they are real); in this case, the "need" is for one willing to play the part of “The Wife” in the drama that is actually only going on in one’s head.
When that happens, one will act as a child, “playing pretend” the way children do when they escape to the privacy of another room, away from the adult-aged people in another part of the house.
Then, playing the part of “The Husband,” you can feel as if you have been hit by a bolt of lightning if the angry, offended “Wife” comes to you and says:
“you did not do such-and-such, so you no longer get a reward”
“you did not do such-and-such, so now you get this punishment”
“I am abandoning you right now, and there is nothing you do about it.”
All of that involves a parent-child interaction, and all of that involves someone who did not “grow up,”
that is,
1. who has never abandoned the belief in false roles,
2. who has never taken the steps required to be free of the desires and fears that every assumed or assigned personality is guaranteed to bring, and
3. who in living with the distorted perspective of a naïve child or a foolish child or a child that is easily fooled.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
8 May 2014
F.: [From yesterday] I asked: “Is there one single, leading fact about humanity that you have come to recognize after having dealt with thousands of people on such an intimate and probing and revealing level?”
The reply: “Yes. I have found, unequivocally, that there are no grownups.”
The non-dualist understands that the prerequisite for “growing up” is to stop abiding under the subconscious influence of the fear-and-desire-driven agendas of personality / personalities.
Why endorse “growing up,” relatively speaking?
1. Because “growing up,” as used in this case, means seeing things clearly instead of through the distorted perspective of a naïve child or a foolish child or a child that is easily fooled; and
2. because that is the means by which persons reach the state that so many seek, namely, a state of freedom and independence.
A child is dependent, co-dependent, needy, and reliant, living out an existence that is dominated by contingencies and conditionals that are set forth by "others" who are in control:
“If you do such-and-such, you get this reward” or “If you do such-and-such, you get this punishment” or “I can darn well do this to you if I choose” and “I can darn well deprive you of that if I feel like it” and “I can abandon you right now, and what can you do about it? Nothing!”
And if children do not “grow up,” then they will enter into the all-too-common and all-too-sick and all-too-warped but also all-too-pervasive type relationship where exchanges do not happen on an adult-to-adult level but happen on a child-parent level.
Being trapped in personality, they will attract only those persons who are similarly trapped in personality. At that point, let the games begin.
Not functioning in a “grown up,” adult-to-adult fashion, one might become involved with an unhealthy Type One Perfectionist who will play the parent role and treat a partner like a child, judging, criticizing, and punishing that partner when she or he falls short of meeting the Type One’s expectations and the One's demand for perfectionism; or
one might become involved with an unhealthy Type Two Savior / Helper whose desire to be loved is so strong that they attract weak, needy, dependent persons (who are like a child), Twos believing that if they can rescue needy persons, then those persons will give them the love they seek (and in the process, the Twos will keep needy persons trapped in that needy role of a child and will thereby retard any effort for the person cast into the role of a child to ever be free and independent); or
one might become involved with an unhealthy Type Three Performer and buy into the false image of a Three (usually a very attractive image, at least according to any given culture’s standards) and as a result of such infatuation - idolizing someone in the way that children do - will become drawn into the unhealthy Three’s snare and will end up being manipulated and controlled, as children are; or
one might become involved with an unhealthy Type Four who will play the close-at-times-but-distant-at-times parent role and will treat a partner like a child, wanting the child close at times and at other times, ignoring the child completely; or
one might become involved with an unhealthy Type Five Avoider who will play the parent role and treat a partner like a child, taking the unhealthy Four’s close-at-times-but-distant-at-times parent role to a whole new and unwholesome level; or
one might become involved with an unhealthy Type Six who will be loyal as long as the Six’s desires are being met but will go on the attack at the first sign of anything that is contrary to the Six’s desires and imagined needs (which they expect someone else to fulfill); or
one might become involved with an unhealthy Type Seven who will play the child role and who will treat a partner like a parent, demanding that the partner coddle and care for the Seven; or
one might become involved with an unhealthy Type Eight Control Freak who will play the very demanding, very punishing parent role and treat a partner like a child (in fact, like a totally-abused child); or
one might become involved with an unhealthy Type Nine who will play the role of the emotionally-unavailable parent and who will treat a partner like a child and who (like an unhealthy Type Four or Five parent) will be accessible at times but totally inaccessible at other times.
It is one thing for a child riding through the desert with adult-age persons to see a mirage and to believe it is real; it is quite another if the child never grows beyond that unaware state and, instead, believes for an entire manifestation that mirages are real.
So the considerations are these, and ironically, both are true (in the way that so many paradoxes involving the non-dual understanding can both be true):
A. there are some things you need
B. you do not need anything.
Meaning that there are some things you need, the “you” in this case being the temporarily-manifested composite unity.
But also meaning you do not need anything, the “you” in this case being the false personalities (assumed personas, roles, false identities, etc.) that are taken to be actual identities when they are not.
Assume the role of “The Husband” and you will become convinced that you cannot exist without a co-dependent partner willing to play the dependent counterpart role (which all ego-states need to believe that they are real); in this case, the "need" is for one willing to play the part of “The Wife” in the drama that is actually only going on in one’s head.
When that happens, one will act as a child, “playing pretend” the way children do when they escape to the privacy of another room, away from the adult-aged people in another part of the house.
Then, playing the part of “The Husband,” you can feel as if you have been hit by a bolt of lightning if the angry, offended “Wife” comes to you and says:
“you did not do such-and-such, so you no longer get a reward”
“you did not do such-and-such, so now you get this punishment”
“I am abandoning you right now, and there is nothing you do about it.”
All of that involves a parent-child interaction, and all of that involves someone who did not “grow up,”
that is,
1. who has never abandoned the belief in false roles,
2. who has never taken the steps required to be free of the desires and fears that every assumed or assigned personality is guaranteed to bring, and
3. who in living with the distorted perspective of a naïve child or a foolish child or a child that is easily fooled.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
8 May 2014
F.: [Continued from yesterday] Several huge obstacles stand in the way of seekers who would question everything, who would stop heeding any authority on the basic of trust alone, and who would give up blind faith, and all of the obstacles deal with personality / personalities.
Recall that Maharaj said that science would one day advance to the stage that it will prove that all pure, non-dual pointers are true.
The science of personality explains exactly why personality is at the core of duality and at the core of the failure to reach the non-dual understanding:
Of the nine basic personality types discussed earlier, only one – the Type Four – is “pre-wired” to question everything, to heed no authority on trust alone, and to give up blind faith.
The catch: only ½ of 1% on the planet are Type Fours.
The persons most "pre-wired" to have blind faith in authority are Type Six Loyalists (the dependent, co-dependent, fear-driven type), and they make up 50% of the planet's population.
Take a look at this pictograph of the nine basic types:
Note that every type is connected by lines to two other types and that every type has two wings (the two types that are adjacent . . . on either side).
Then look at the Type 6 who is loyal, who admires authority (because of what a Six thinks authority can do for her or him), and who is not naturally prone to question. Note next that a Type 3 or a Type 9 can move to the Type Six (see the connecting lines) and can take on the traits of a Six.
Then note that the Type Five and the Type Seven are on either side and understand that a Five and a Seven can both take on the traits of a Six.
Then understand that whereas the Rebellious, Fearless, Questioning Type Four accounts for 1-2 of 1% of the planet’s population, 50% of the people on the earth have a Type Six Personality as their primary type, to which you can add in the Nines, the Threes, the Fives and the Sevens that can adopt the Six’s propensity to be loyal, to avoid questioning authority, and to accept authority’s views without questioning and it becomes clear that . . .
1) a huge majority of the planet’s population will never question anything if shared by an authority figure and that only
2) a small fraction of one percent will do so.
To suggest to a Four that blind faith should be abandoned and that everything should be questioned can as likely or not be answered with, “Of course. That makes sense to me.”
To suggest to a Six - or to a Three that has shifted to the Six or to a Nine that has shifted to the Six or to a Five or Seven who show strong Six traits – that blind faith should be abandoned and that everything should be questioned is as likely as not to elicit a blank stare, a departure, or a comment to the effect that the one offering that suggestion “has a real problem.”
[The exception: when a Six has the Borderline Personality Disorder and can disintegrate to the Four when in a counterphobic mindset. Then you have someone who is maddeningly unpredictable, capable of loving you one moment and hating you the next, capable of being loyal to you one moment and then in the next moment can be ready to fight you while praying to god to strike you dead.]
Next, because personality is usually established by the age of six or so, then psychic development usually fixates at that age. Most will never accept that fact. They will be able to see how childishly “others” behave, no matter their age; they might readily see how “others” are childishly immature, self-absorbed, full of themselves, self-centered, narcissistic, egocentric, and selfish, but most seldom see those traits in themselves.
Recognized or not, to be driven by personality is to have a six-year-old in charge of your life, and all of that controlling of thoughts and words and deeds happens on a subconscious level (so of course it will seldom be seen).
Speaking once with a professional counselor who has provided therapy for individuals and couples for over twenty years, I asked: “Is there one single, leading fact about humanity that you have come to recognize after having dealt with thousands of people on such an intimate and probing and revealing level?”
The reply: “Yes. I have found, unequivocally, that there are no grownups.”
The non-dualist understands that the prerequisite for “growing up” and no longer acting in a childishly selfish and childishly illogical manner is to stop abiding under the subconscious influence of the fear-and-desire-driven agendas of personality / personalities.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
7 May 2014
F.: [Continued from yesterday] Several huge obstacles stand in the way of seekers who would question everything, who would stop heeding any authority on the basic of trust alone, and who would give up blind faith, and all of the obstacles deal with personality / personalities.
Recall that Maharaj said that science would one day advance to the stage that it will prove that all pure, non-dual pointers are true.
The science of personality explains exactly why personality is at the core of duality and at the core of the failure to reach the non-dual understanding:
Of the nine basic personality types discussed earlier, only one – the Type Four – is “pre-wired” to question everything, to heed no authority on trust alone, and to give up blind faith.
The catch: only ½ of 1% on the planet are Type Fours.
The persons most "pre-wired" to have blind faith in authority are Type Six Loyalists (the dependent, co-dependent, fear-driven type), and they make up 50% of the planet's population.
Take a look at this pictograph of the nine basic types:
Note that every type is connected by lines to two other types and that every type has two wings (the two types that are adjacent . . . on either side).
Then look at the Type 6 who is loyal, who admires authority (because of what a Six thinks authority can do for her or him), and who is not naturally prone to question. Note next that a Type 3 or a Type 9 can move to the Type Six (see the connecting lines) and can take on the traits of a Six.
Then note that the Type Five and the Type Seven are on either side and understand that a Five and a Seven can both take on the traits of a Six.
Then understand that whereas the Rebellious, Fearless, Questioning Type Four accounts for 1-2 of 1% of the planet’s population, 50% of the people on the earth have a Type Six Personality as their primary type, to which you can add in the Nines, the Threes, the Fives and the Sevens that can adopt the Six’s propensity to be loyal, to avoid questioning authority, and to accept authority’s views without questioning and it becomes clear that . . .
1) a huge majority of the planet’s population will never question anything if shared by an authority figure and that only
2) a small fraction of one percent will do so.
To suggest to a Four that blind faith should be abandoned and that everything should be questioned can as likely or not be answered with, “Of course. That makes sense to me.”
To suggest to a Six - or to a Three that has shifted to the Six or to a Nine that has shifted to the Six or to a Five or Seven who show strong Six traits – that blind faith should be abandoned and that everything should be questioned is as likely as not to elicit a blank stare, a departure, or a comment to the effect that the one offering that suggestion “has a real problem.”
[The exception: when a Six has the Borderline Personality Disorder and can disintegrate to the Four when in a counterphobic mindset. Then you have someone who is maddeningly unpredictable, capable of loving you one moment and hating you the next, capable of being loyal to you one moment and then in the next moment can be ready to fight you while praying to god to strike you dead.]
Next, because personality is usually established by the age of six or so, then psychic development usually fixates at that age. Most will never accept that fact. They will be able to see how childishly “others” behave, no matter their age; they might readily see how “others” are childishly immature, self-absorbed, full of themselves, self-centered, narcissistic, egocentric, and selfish, but most seldom see those traits in themselves.
Recognized or not, to be driven by personality is to have a six-year-old in charge of your life, and all of that controlling of thoughts and words and deeds happens on a subconscious level (so of course it will seldom be seen).
Speaking once with a professional counselor who has provided therapy for individuals and couples for over twenty years, I asked: “Is there one single, leading fact about humanity that you have come to recognize after having dealt with thousands of people on such an intimate and probing and revealing level?”
The reply: “Yes. I have found, unequivocally, that there are no grownups.”
The non-dualist understands that the prerequisite for “growing up” and no longer acting in a childishly selfish and childishly illogical manner is to stop abiding under the subconscious influence of the fear-and-desire-driven agendas of personality / personalities.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
7 May 2014
F.: The notion of having blind faith and accepting without question what one has been told is not new. One action required for over five thousand years of religious teachings has crossed all religious and sectarian and denominational lines because all religions require their followers to take one action unwaveringly: namely, they all demand unquestioning, blind faith.
The dogma set forth by all of the “mainstream” organized religions on the planet have needed to take that approach because not once has any god or goddess appeared and allowed humans to see him / her / it / them. “You just gotta have faith.”
And religions have historically taken that approach with vehemence by placing under house arrest wise persons who questioned the “conventional wisdom” of religious leaders or by torturing those challenging dogma or by burning such wise people at the stake or by using all sorts of barbaric methods to punish and torment and murder those who do not blindly accept such “conventional wisdom” and “sacred, holy dogma.”
For centuries, the Romans and Greeks offered peculiar explanations to try to explain natural phenomena by referencing “the will of the gods” who happened to have human qualities. (“Evolution deniers” today believe the same, that there is a god who made man in god's image and then used a rib from man to make the first woman.) But a few questioners have always been around to raise doubts, though they were usually either dismissed as being “ignorant” or “crazy” or they were eliminated.
However, the invitation to abandon blind faith and to question everything that you have ever been told is not new, either. Non-dual teachers have offered the invitation for many millennia.
More than 1,400 years ago, a man named Thales of Miletus arrived on the scene in what is now Turkey and attempted to explain natural phenomena without reference to mythology or gods or goddesses. He would eventually reject all mythological, god-involved explanations entirely regarding natural events. He made clear that dreaded events such as storms and floods and earthquakes and tornadoes and fires were a result of natural causes and not the result of supernatural, divine causes, instigated by an angry god.
Yet today, the majority of persons still believe that a god or gods and goddesses control every event that happens on the planet and that storms and floods and earthquakes and tornadoes and fires are among the instruments of divine intervention that a god or gods or goddesses use to punish people who are not living in "the right and god-pleasing manner."
(The Dalai Lama still makes similar claims, declaring that Hurricane Katrina, which devastated the city of New Orleans in 2005, did so because of “the negative karma of the people living there.”)
Even in 2014, those that explain the causes of natural phenomena by offering rational, scientific explanations which deny the existence of any angry god that uses storms and floods and earthquakes and tornadoes and fires to punish humans are still frowned upon by the faithful.
The actual (relative) “needs” of a composite unity – including, for example, the need to evacuate areas where hurricanes are predicted to hit if one would preserve the composite unity and extend for awhile the continued manifestation of conscious-energy therein – could be deemed sane and logical.
To assume false identities – such as “The Faithful One” Or “The Good Religious or Spiritual Person Who Does Not Question The Teaching That 'Sometimes God Works In Mysterious Ways' ” (believing that their god uses storms and floods and earthquakes and tornadoes and fires to punish or kill people) – is to set the stage for persons to believe in phony, dreamed-up “needs” which are personality-generated and based in delusion and illusions and ignorance. That preempts any chance for sanity and logic to manifest.
To be free is to be free of the influence of three of traits of the Ultimate Sickness that Maharaj identified, specifically, “ignorance, stupidity and insanity.”
IMPRISONMENT COMES after years of programming and conditioning and domestication and acculturation and brainwashing and indoctrination (as well as pressuring or punishing those who question the erroneous beliefs that are held among the non-Realized masses and that are based in blind faith).
FREEDOM COMES when everything is questioned – including every comment that you are still making or repeating – and after all beliefs that are based in blind faith are discarded.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
6 May 2014
F.: The notion of having blind faith and accepting without question what one has been told is not new. One action required for over five thousand years of religious teachings has crossed all religious and sectarian and denominational lines because all religions require their followers to take one action unwaveringly: namely, they all demand unquestioning, blind faith.
The dogma set forth by all of the “mainstream” organized religions on the planet have needed to take that approach because not once has any god or goddess appeared and allowed humans to see him / her / it / them. “You just gotta have faith.”
And religions have historically taken that approach with vehemence by placing under house arrest wise persons who questioned the “conventional wisdom” of religious leaders or by torturing those challenging dogma or by burning such wise people at the stake or by using all sorts of barbaric methods to punish and torment and murder those who do not blindly accept such “conventional wisdom” and “sacred, holy dogma.”
For centuries, the Romans and Greeks offered peculiar explanations to try to explain natural phenomena by referencing “the will of the gods” who happened to have human qualities. (“Evolution deniers” today believe the same, that there is a god who made man in god's image and then used a rib from man to make the first woman.) But a few questioners have always been around to raise doubts, though they were usually either dismissed as being “ignorant” or “crazy” or they were eliminated.
However, the invitation to abandon blind faith and to question everything that you have ever been told is not new, either. Non-dual teachers have offered the invitation for many millennia.
More than 1,400 years ago, a man named Thales of Miletus arrived on the scene in what is now Turkey and attempted to explain natural phenomena without reference to mythology or gods or goddesses. He would eventually reject all mythological, god-involved explanations entirely regarding natural events. He made clear that dreaded events such as storms and floods and earthquakes and tornadoes and fires were a result of natural causes and not the result of supernatural, divine causes, instigated by an angry god.
Yet today, the majority of persons still believe that a god or gods and goddesses control every event that happens on the planet and that storms and floods and earthquakes and tornadoes and fires are among the instruments of divine intervention that a god or gods or goddesses use to punish people who are not living in "the right and god-pleasing manner."
(The Dalai Lama still makes similar claims, declaring that Hurricane Katrina, which devastated the city of New Orleans in 2005, did so because of “the negative karma of the people living there.”)
Even in 2014, those that explain the causes of natural phenomena by offering rational, scientific explanations which deny the existence of any angry god that uses storms and floods and earthquakes and tornadoes and fires to punish humans are still frowned upon by the faithful.
The actual (relative) “needs” of a composite unity – including, for example, the need to evacuate areas where hurricanes are predicted to hit if one would preserve the composite unity and extend for awhile the continued manifestation of conscious-energy therein – could be deemed sane and logical.
To assume false identities – such as “The Faithful One” Or “The Good Religious or Spiritual Person Who Does Not Question The Teaching That 'Sometimes God Works In Mysterious Ways' ” (believing that their god uses storms and floods and earthquakes and tornadoes and fires to punish or kill people) – is to set the stage for persons to believe in phony, dreamed-up “needs” which are personality-generated and based in delusion and illusions and ignorance. That preempts any chance for sanity and logic to manifest.
To be free is to be free of the influence of three of traits of the Ultimate Sickness that Maharaj identified, specifically, “ignorance, stupidity and insanity.”
IMPRISONMENT COMES after years of programming and conditioning and domestication and acculturation and brainwashing and indoctrination (as well as pressuring or punishing those who question the erroneous beliefs that are held among the non-Realized masses and that are based in blind faith).
FREEDOM COMES when everything is questioned – including every comment that you are still making or repeating – and after all beliefs that are based in blind faith are discarded.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
6 May 2014
F.: When was the last time the non-Realized masses heard anything that was not a part of the body of accumulated nonsense and universally-accepted ignorance that is constantly being heard around the globe? Likely, never.
When was the last time the non-Realized masses heard anything that was not a part of the body of accumulated nonsense and universally-accepted ignorance that that is constantly being spoken around the globe, but (a) refused to accept the nonsense and ignorance at face value, (b) questioned it objectively instead, and (c) then rejected it outright because it was seen to be nonsense and ignorance? Likely, never.
When did the non-Realized masses (a) hear something that was a part of the body of accumulated nonsense and universally-accepted ignorance that is constantly being spoken around the globe, (b) accept it on blind faith, causing the nonsense and ignorance to be filed away in the part of the brain called “the mind” (where all nonsense and ignorance is stored) and then (c) started repeating it themselves in the manner of a parrot talking in its sleep? Likely, all their lives.
On the too-long and too-arduous “path” that “floyd” took during the seeking phase of “the journey,” all of the above characterized the doingness that took place. Nothing “new” was heard, though there was the seeking out of one speaker or writer or teacher or sponsor after another, each of whom took the same ignorant, myth-and-superstition-based tales that have been told for centuries and put their own “spin” to those tales.
Those ignorant tales repeated by ignorant humans to what became more ignorant humans have been told and heard and repeated since the first human attributed the cause of totally-natural-but-not-always-welcome events in “this world” (floods, earthquakes, devastating storms) to some dreamed up, supernatural Power residing in “another world” (which was just an upgraded version of “this world,” as in “there are streets there too, but the streets there are paved with gold”).
Nothing “new” or different was heard or seen. As a child, “floyd” was taken to a place where there was a pre-gathering. There, some socializing took place while the adults drank their coffee, after which all went into a different part of the place, a part that was deemed to be “more special” than the first part of the building. There, there would be an opening prayer. Then religious / spiritual things would be discussed. Soon, a basket was passed around to collect donations. Next, a spiritual message was offered. At the end, all stood and joined hands and recited the “Lord’s Prayer” in unison.
As an adult, he was taken to a place where there was a pre-gathering. There, some socializing took place while the adults drank their coffee, after which all went into a different part of the place, a part that was deemed to be “more special” than the first part of the building. There, there would be an opening prayer. Then religious / spiritual things would be discussed. Soon, a basket was passed around to collect donations. Next, a spiritual message was offered. At the end, all stood and joined hands and recited the “Lord’s Prayer” in unison. Nothing new. Just the same-old, same-old with a different name applied, just the same-old, same-old merely disguised as something other than the Christian religious service that it is.
Around the globe, there are similar gatherings where some focal character – Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, or hundreds and thousands of gods and goddesses – are heralded as being worship-worthy.
Before Jesus, there were twenty-two religions founded in honor of a virgin-born child who was sent to “save the people of the world,” to bring light, or to provide a means by which the suffering and misery of “this world” could be transcended and by which the reward of an eternal life of happiness and bliss could be enjoyed in an “upgraded version of this world.” Jesus . . . born of a virgin and sent to save the world? Nothing new. Same-old, same-old.
Buddha. Virgin birth. Same-old, same-old. Christ. Virgin birth. Same-old, same old. Mohammed. Virgin birth. Same-old, same-old. Nothing new.
Religions / cults / sky cults for thousands of years have told the same tales about a great flood, about a “sacrificing of one to help many,” and about a resurrected being. Nothing new.
Self-help and step groups repeat their same-old, trite lines over and over, and new members hear the lines and are soon joining in the repetition. Nothing new.
Big name teachers take parts of the non-dual teachings and then blend in some elements that are popular among the masses (“attaining success,” “attaining power,” "getting power now," “fulfilling desires”) in order to gain mass appeal / mass sales for their books or seminars. Nothing new there.
Most groups have a key book, a special book, a big book, a “holy” text or some other supposedly-exceptional writing or writings that are to be studied and quoted. Nothing new.
The search here ended when, finally, something “new” (which was actually very old) was revealed. It can be referred to as “the Direct Path” approach to the non-dual understanding, combined with the Natural (Nisarga) Yoga. New it was, at least to “floyd.”
All the same-old, same-old – not different at all, just appearing to be different as a result of being wrapped in different kinds of pretty paper before being presented to the masses - did nothing to bring the peace and freedom that came with the Understanding. And the Understanding was different from all else:
Everywhere else: there is much to learn.
Here: there is nothing to learn, but there is much to unlearn.
Everywhere else: there are special people to be listened to and followed forever.
Here: there is nothing special and there is no one that is special. Merely hear, understand, and then be done with it all, once and for all.
Everywhere else: keep coming back.
In a loft in old Bombay: don’t keep coming back. Understand, then go forth and abide naturally.
Here: don’t keep coming back. Visit until you understand, then go forth and abide naturally.
(The exception: when one is similar to Jean Dunn who did come back time and again but "just to dance the dance of Oneness with her partner, Maharaj." All are also invited to the dance here, if they are willing to dance lightly.)
Everywhere else: make it a habit to attend regularly, listen to what is said, store what is said in your mind, then constantly repeat what you have heard (no matter that "their" process makes you behave like a parrot or like the dummy on the lap of a ventriloquist or like a marionette dangling on the ends of the strings that "they" are pulling.)
Here: stop acting like a parrot or like the dummy on the lap of a ventriloquist or like a marionette.
The thing about a ventriloquist's dummy is that it appears to be choosing its words and appears to be saying those words and appears to be moving on its own. But if you step behind the dummy, you will see that there is a previously-unseen force that is driving the supposed thoughts and words and actions of the dummy.
The dummy can choose nothing. The same is the case with “dummies” who have been programmed and conditioned and acculturated and domesticated and indoctrinated and brainwashed.
The driving force behind such dummies’ thoughts and words and actions all around the globe are the controlling influences referenced in yesterday picture-post: parental influences; cultural influences; the influence of the teachings of cults / sky cults / religions / spiritual groups whose teaching have been accepted without question and are being repeated without question;
“their words”; “their” thoughts; “their” actions which are now being mimicked; false identities / ego; egotism and other defense mechanisms that support false identities; depression and / or fear and / or anger; beliefs; society; and your culture.
If you understand that the closest you can come to “an identity” during the manifestation is to see “yourself” as nothing more than a temporarily-manifested composite unity, no personality can be assumed as an identity. Then, the actual (relative) “needs” of a composite unity can be addressed, but there will be no attention paid to phony, dreamed-up “needs” which are personality-generated and based in delusion and illusions.
The message here is “new” for many; it is “different” from most messages. It suggests that there are no holy books; no holy men; no holy women; no holy concepts; no do-er; nothing personal (including “humans” and including “a personal god” and including all dreamed up “gods” and “goddesses”);
the message also includes the following: there is nothing to learn but there is much to unlearn; there is nothing to be taught but there is much to be un-taught; there is nothing that you must repeat over and over; there is nothing and no one that is “special”; there is nothing here that is unnatural that will be recommended; and there is nothing that is believed to be supernatural (or “spiritual” or “other-worldly”).
Here, post-understanding, there are also no people who are behaving like parrots, dummies, or marionettes. Parrots, dummies, and marionettes can never be sane, reasonable, or logical, so they most assuredly cannot be free and they most assuredly cannot be content or happy, much less blissful.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
You can scroll down through the book section below if interested in receiving a free copy of the eBooks entitled:
Comments regarding the free eBook entitled “THE VISION”:
“My thanks to you and Andy.” – Andrew “Mac” McMaster
“Thanks so much for the book! And, by the way, it is brilliant and the most effective pointing that you have done. It has served to help clear the remaining blockages.” – Stan Cross
“Greatly appreciate having “THE VISION” added to my Henderson resource library that is situated on the right side of my bed for easy access! Eternally grateful for what was received and what was given.” – Robert Rigby
“ ‘THE VISION’ is such a well-written, condensed version of the Nisarga Yoga approach to understanding and enjoying Reality that I feel it can serve as a must-read ‘meditation guide’ for all earnest seekers.” – Andy Gugar, Jr.
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Therefore, another movement or shift is happening here spontaneously after reflecting on the more than two decades since the teachings were first offered here and looking at the results of Maharaj sharing pointers in his loft and looking at the results of "Floyd" sharing pointers in this electronic loft: Looking objectively at his results, Maharaj's satsang method of sharing - in the end and by his own admission (only "one out of 10,000,000") - did not produce the intended outcome.
* * * * * * *



Anthology of four books

Anthology of six books



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[Please note: When the Direct Path Teaching Method is offered in conjunction with the Nisarga Yoga, something unique results when compared to what happens via the approach used by religions, spiritual movements, philosophies, ideologies, etc.:
rather than inviting seekers to learn more, the invitation here is to unlearn all; rather than offerings teachings, what is offered are unteachings; rather than offering to provide seekers more of anything, seekers will find that the process will take away everything. And via that process, the bliss of Your Original Nature will manifest and remain until mahasamadhi is taken.
To that end, the content of this book will seem radical to the seekers of more, but for those truly ready to be totally free and totally independent - and for those who are truly ready to abandon efforts to accumulate and to de-accumulate instead - the pointers in this book might be relevant.]
To receive your free copy, or to have us send a free copy to your friends or relatives, send your email address (or their addresses) to the following:
(Sorry, but for security reasons, we no longer have a clickable link. You will have to type in our gmail address above. By the way, your email addresses will never be used to contact you or your friends or relatives and email addresses will never be shared with anyone else.)
Simply state in your email that you want the book sent as a gift to you (or as a gift from you to as many people as you like. Copies are now ready to be sent.)



F.: When was the last time the non-Realized masses heard anything that was not a part of the body of accumulated nonsense and universally-accepted ignorance that is constantly being heard around the globe? Likely, never.
When was the last time the non-Realized masses heard anything that was not a part of the body of accumulated nonsense and universally-accepted ignorance that that is constantly being spoken around the globe, but (a) refused to accept the nonsense and ignorance at face value, (b) questioned it objectively instead, and (c) then rejected it outright because it was seen to be nonsense and ignorance? Likely, never.
When did the non-Realized masses (a) hear something that was a part of the body of accumulated nonsense and universally-accepted ignorance that is constantly being spoken around the globe, (b) accept it on blind faith, causing the nonsense and ignorance to be filed away in the part of the brain called “the mind” (where all nonsense and ignorance is stored) and then (c) started repeating it themselves in the manner of a parrot talking in its sleep? Likely, all their lives.
On the too-long and too-arduous “path” that “floyd” took during the seeking phase of “the journey,” all of the above characterized the doingness that took place. Nothing “new” was heard, though there was the seeking out of one speaker or writer or teacher or sponsor after another, each of whom took the same ignorant, myth-and-superstition-based tales that have been told for centuries and put their own “spin” to those tales.
Those ignorant tales repeated by ignorant humans to what became more ignorant humans have been told and heard and repeated since the first human attributed the cause of totally-natural-but-not-always-welcome events in “this world” (floods, earthquakes, devastating storms) to some dreamed up, supernatural Power residing in “another world” (which was just an upgraded version of “this world,” as in “there are streets there too, but the streets there are paved with gold”).
Nothing “new” or different was heard or seen. As a child, “floyd” was taken to a place where there was a pre-gathering. There, some socializing took place while the adults drank their coffee, after which all went into a different part of the place, a part that was deemed to be “more special” than the first part of the building. There, there would be an opening prayer. Then religious / spiritual things would be discussed. Soon, a basket was passed around to collect donations. Next, a spiritual message was offered. At the end, all stood and joined hands and recited the “Lord’s Prayer” in unison.
As an adult, he was taken to a place where there was a pre-gathering. There, some socializing took place while the adults drank their coffee, after which all went into a different part of the place, a part that was deemed to be “more special” than the first part of the building. There, there would be an opening prayer. Then religious / spiritual things would be discussed. Soon, a basket was passed around to collect donations. Next, a spiritual message was offered. At the end, all stood and joined hands and recited the “Lord’s Prayer” in unison. Nothing new. Just the same-old, same-old with a different name applied, just the same-old, same-old merely disguised as something other than the Christian religious service that it is.
Around the globe, there are similar gatherings where some focal character – Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, or hundreds and thousands of gods and goddesses – are heralded as being worship-worthy.
Before Jesus, there were twenty-two religions founded in honor of a virgin-born child who was sent to “save the people of the world,” to bring light, or to provide a means by which the suffering and misery of “this world” could be transcended and by which the reward of an eternal life of happiness and bliss could be enjoyed in an “upgraded version of this world.” Jesus . . . born of a virgin and sent to save the world? Nothing new. Same-old, same-old.
Buddha. Virgin birth. Same-old, same-old. Christ. Virgin birth. Same-old, same old. Mohammed. Virgin birth. Same-old, same-old. Nothing new.
Religions / cults / sky cults for thousands of years have told the same tales about a great flood, about a “sacrificing of one to help many,” and about a resurrected being. Nothing new.
Self-help and step groups repeat their same-old, trite lines over and over, and new members hear the lines and are soon joining in the repetition. Nothing new.
Big name teachers take parts of the non-dual teachings and then blend in some elements that are popular among the masses (“attaining success,” “attaining power,” "getting power now," “fulfilling desires”) in order to gain mass appeal / mass sales for their books or seminars. Nothing new there.
Most groups have a key book, a special book, a big book, a “holy” text or some other supposedly-exceptional writing or writings that are to be studied and quoted. Nothing new.
The search here ended when, finally, something “new” (which was actually very old) was revealed. It can be referred to as “the Direct Path” approach to the non-dual understanding, combined with the Natural (Nisarga) Yoga. New it was, at least to “floyd.”
All the same-old, same-old – not different at all, just appearing to be different as a result of being wrapped in different kinds of pretty paper before being presented to the masses - did nothing to bring the peace and freedom that came with the Understanding. And the Understanding was different from all else:
Everywhere else: there is much to learn.
Here: there is nothing to learn, but there is much to unlearn.
Everywhere else: there are special people to be listened to and followed forever.
Here: there is nothing special and there is no one that is special. Merely hear, understand, and then be done with it all, once and for all.
Everywhere else: keep coming back.
In a loft in old Bombay: don’t keep coming back. Understand, then go forth and abide naturally.
Here: don’t keep coming back. Visit until you understand, then go forth and abide naturally.
(The exception: when one is similar to Jean Dunn who did come back time and again but "just to dance the dance of Oneness with her partner, Maharaj." All are also invited to the dance here, if they are willing to dance lightly.)
Everywhere else: make it a habit to attend regularly, listen to what is said, store what is said in your mind, then constantly repeat what you have heard (no matter that "their" process makes you behave like a parrot or like the dummy on the lap of a ventriloquist or like a marionette dangling on the ends of the strings that "they" are pulling.)
Here: stop acting like a parrot or like the dummy on the lap of a ventriloquist or like a marionette.
The thing about a ventriloquist's dummy is that it appears to be choosing its words and appears to be saying those words and appears to be moving on its own. But if you step behind the dummy, you will see that there is a previously-unseen force that is driving the supposed thoughts and words and actions of the dummy.
The dummy can choose nothing. The same is the case with “dummies” who have been programmed and conditioned and acculturated and domesticated and indoctrinated and brainwashed.
The driving force behind such dummies’ thoughts and words and actions all around the globe are the controlling influences referenced in yesterday picture-post: parental influences; cultural influences; the influence of the teachings of cults / sky cults / religions / spiritual groups whose teaching have been accepted without question and are being repeated without question;
“their words”; “their” thoughts; “their” actions which are now being mimicked; false identities / ego; egotism and other defense mechanisms that support false identities; depression and / or fear and / or anger; beliefs; society; and your culture.
If you understand that the closest you can come to “an identity” during the manifestation is to see “yourself” as nothing more than a temporarily-manifested composite unity, no personality can be assumed as an identity. Then, the actual (relative) “needs” of a composite unity can be addressed, but there will be no attention paid to phony, dreamed-up “needs” which are personality-generated and based in delusion and illusions.
The message here is “new” for many; it is “different” from most messages. It suggests that there are no holy books; no holy men; no holy women; no holy concepts; no do-er; nothing personal (including “humans” and including “a personal god” and including all dreamed up “gods” and “goddesses”);
the message also includes the following: there is nothing to learn but there is much to unlearn; there is nothing to be taught but there is much to be un-taught; there is nothing that you must repeat over and over; there is nothing and no one that is “special”; there is nothing here that is unnatural that will be recommended; and there is nothing that is believed to be supernatural (or “spiritual” or “other-worldly”).
Here, post-understanding, there are also no people who are behaving like parrots, dummies, or marionettes. Parrots, dummies, and marionettes can never be sane, reasonable, or logical, so they most assuredly cannot be free and they most assuredly cannot be content or happy, much less blissful.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
You can scroll down through the book section below if interested in receiving a free copy of the eBooks entitled:
Comments regarding the free eBook entitled “THE VISION”:
“My thanks to you and Andy.” – Andrew “Mac” McMaster
“Thanks so much for the book! And, by the way, it is brilliant and the most effective pointing that you have done. It has served to help clear the remaining blockages.” – Stan Cross
“Greatly appreciate having “THE VISION” added to my Henderson resource library that is situated on the right side of my bed for easy access! Eternally grateful for what was received and what was given.” – Robert Rigby
“ ‘THE VISION’ is such a well-written, condensed version of the Nisarga Yoga approach to understanding and enjoying Reality that I feel it can serve as a must-read ‘meditation guide’ for all earnest seekers.” – Andy Gugar, Jr.
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Just hang on to those please.
Just hang on to those please.
A "movement" or "shift" happened here that added another parallel to the many parallels in terms of the phenomenal "experiences" and the noumenal revelations that "Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj" and "Floyd" share in common. (Many visitors over the years have said that they also shared the same parallels with "Maharaj" and "Floyd" as well.)
In the case of "Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj" and "Floyd":
1. both grew up in very poor families 2. both moved to populated areas to seek employment opportunities 3. both exhibited business skills that led to their opening and operating many businesses and to their having a large number of employees working for them 4. both succeeded financially 5. both became attached to accumulating; 6. both married and had a family 7. both were initially religious 8. both moved away from organized religion and became interested in "spiritual" matters, finding and following the teachings of a big name teacher (or, in "Floyd's" case, many big name teachers) 9. both had highly religious wives who were quite displeased with the shift away from religion and toward "spirituality" 10. both began to feel empty in spite of all of their "spiritual seeking" and in spite of all of their accumulated "spiritual knowledge";
1. both grew up in very poor families 2. both moved to populated areas to seek employment opportunities 3. both exhibited business skills that led to their opening and operating many businesses and to their having a large number of employees working for them 4. both succeeded financially 5. both became attached to accumulating; 6. both married and had a family 7. both were initially religious 8. both moved away from organized religion and became interested in "spiritual" matters, finding and following the teachings of a big name teacher (or, in "Floyd's" case, many big name teachers) 9. both had highly religious wives who were quite displeased with the shift away from religion and toward "spirituality" 10. both began to feel empty in spite of all of their "spiritual seeking" and in spite of all of their accumulated "spiritual knowledge";
11. both began to de-accumulate after both saw that they could survive quite well on a fraction of the income they had been making
12. both had wives who were unhappy when the de-accumulation stage was entered and both had wives who became unhappy about their husbands' focus on non-duality and who blamed their unhappiness on no longer having a religious husband
(The facts be known, in both cases the unhappiness involved the fact that their husbands were no longer interested in - or willing - to work 80+ hours per week and that their husbands were no longer interested in accumulating wealth and possessions and providing the rich lifestyle to which their wives had grown accustomed)
13. both eventually came to see that the religious and spiritual states were also ego-states, and both saw that there are far more steps on the "path" to complete after reaching the religious and spiritual steps and after playing those roles which are the third of seven steps on the entire "path" 14. both "lost" their wives (one via "death," the other through divorce); 15. both accelerated their seeking; 16. both entered into the "forest dweller stage" 17. both Realized 18. both began to de-accumulate even more
19. both began sharing the teachings 20. for years, both answered questions in whatever order those questions were received, though both said that the movement from identification with the false "I" / "I's" involved an exact, step-wise manner of moving along a "path" that involved "going back" in the same (but reverse order) of the way they "came in" - that is, the way that the manifestation happened and the way that the consciousness was blocked through seven stages that resulted in their becoming identified solely with their false personas, with the content of the "mind," and eventually, with the body. But the most significant awareness that finally came to both after years of offering satsang and after having answered thousands and thousands of questions was this: After years of "Maharaj" offering satsang in his loft, and after years of "Floyd" offering satsang in meeting halls and in his home and via what one site visitor called "Floyd's electronic loft," this fact became obvious to both: "Maharaj" came to see in the 1970's and into 1980 and 1981 that his approach was not working and "Floyd" finally came to see the same.
13. both eventually came to see that the religious and spiritual states were also ego-states, and both saw that there are far more steps on the "path" to complete after reaching the religious and spiritual steps and after playing those roles which are the third of seven steps on the entire "path" 14. both "lost" their wives (one via "death," the other through divorce); 15. both accelerated their seeking; 16. both entered into the "forest dweller stage" 17. both Realized 18. both began to de-accumulate even more
19. both began sharing the teachings 20. for years, both answered questions in whatever order those questions were received, though both said that the movement from identification with the false "I" / "I's" involved an exact, step-wise manner of moving along a "path" that involved "going back" in the same (but reverse order) of the way they "came in" - that is, the way that the manifestation happened and the way that the consciousness was blocked through seven stages that resulted in their becoming identified solely with their false personas, with the content of the "mind," and eventually, with the body. But the most significant awareness that finally came to both after years of offering satsang and after having answered thousands and thousands of questions was this: After years of "Maharaj" offering satsang in his loft, and after years of "Floyd" offering satsang in meeting halls and in his home and via what one site visitor called "Floyd's electronic loft," this fact became obvious to both: "Maharaj" came to see in the 1970's and into 1980 and 1981 that his approach was not working and "Floyd" finally came to see the same.
21. Both saw that many who heard the teachings are not going to understand (Maharaj reporting that "only 1 in 100,000 are going to 'get' this" understanding)
22. both soon saw that even more than expected of those who heard the teachings were not going to understand (Maharaj modifying his "guesstimate" and reporting that "only 1 in 1,000,000 are going to 'get' this" understanding)
23. eventually both saw that even far more than expected of those who heard the teachings were not going to understand (Maharaj eventually concluding that "only 1 in 10,000,000 are going to 'get' this" understanding). And the failings were not the fault of seekers.
A "one -in-ten-million" estimate is proof that satsang was not working for most seekers, and the evidence here lately is proof of the same.
Both "Maharaj" and "Floyd" invited seekers to focus on the exact, step-wise "path." Yes, during satsang, "Maharaj" sometimes alluded to the steps while discussing them in no particular order - but he never once laid out the steps in the exact order in which they had to be completed. That was not his teachings style or approach.
Therefore, another movement or shift is happening here spontaneously after reflecting on the more than two decades since the teachings were first offered here and looking at the results of Maharaj sharing pointers in his loft and looking at the results of "Floyd" sharing pointers in this electronic loft: Looking objectively at his results, Maharaj's satsang method of sharing - in the end and by his own admission (only "one out of 10,000,000") - did not produce the intended outcome.
Looking objectively at the results here when using an "electronic loft" satsang method of sharing has not produced the intended outcome nearly as often as any of the three "face-to-face" methods used with seekers by which they have been led through the seven steps in order.
Here, the body is growing older, of course. Mahasamadhi could be taken today, or it could be taken in twenty years.
Obviously, that cannot be known. But the decision here has been made that whatever amount of the relative existence remains shall be spent in sharing the teachings in the ways that have been seen over the last 20+ years to be the most effective methods.
Looking back over the list of those that have truly received the understanding, it is seen that Robert R. read all of the books, then took the online Advaita course and then completed some face-to-face Skype sessions to receive the final clarifications required. It was seen that Mac read all of the books, completed the online course, and then attended a retreat where he was guided through the seven steps. Mac said that the online course work inspired him to attend the retreat in order to be able to receive the final "pieces." It was seen that Andy Gugar, Jr. read all of the books, then came here for a retreat and was taken through the seven steps in order, and then returned once more for the final clarifications required. After reviewing the shifts that happened with him after attending two retreats, he reaffirmed this past week his commitment to helping spread the non-duality, nisarga understanding as presented here. As a result of seeing what has "worked" during the last 20+ years of sharing the non-duality understanding - and seeing what had not "worked" as well - changes will be made.
Looking back over the list of those that have truly received the understanding, it is seen that Robert R. read all of the books, then took the online Advaita course and then completed some face-to-face Skype sessions to receive the final clarifications required. It was seen that Mac read all of the books, completed the online course, and then attended a retreat where he was guided through the seven steps. Mac said that the online course work inspired him to attend the retreat in order to be able to receive the final "pieces." It was seen that Andy Gugar, Jr. read all of the books, then came here for a retreat and was taken through the seven steps in order, and then returned once more for the final clarifications required. After reviewing the shifts that happened with him after attending two retreats, he reaffirmed this past week his commitment to helping spread the non-duality, nisarga understanding as presented here. As a result of seeing what has "worked" during the last 20+ years of sharing the non-duality understanding - and seeing what had not "worked" as well - changes will be made.
In "Part One," examples were given of seekers that were led to Realization not by satsang but by following the various protocols outlined farther down this page which provide the understanding in the step-wise, orderly, required fashion which moves seekers along a "path" that is as prescribed by Maharaj ... "going back" in the "reverse order" by which the consciousness manifested and became blocked.
However, conversations with some that just read the majority of the books have revealed that they certainly seem to have grasped the understanding and Realized as well.
As a result of seeing what has "worked" during the last 20+ years of sharing the non-duality understanding - and seeing what has "not worked" as well - changes are being made.
There are seven specific steps that happen when awareness-energy is "pulled" into a cycle of manifestation. When that energy manifests as conscious-energy, that formerly pure and unadulterated energy becomes "corrupted" (or "blocked" from seeing clearly) via programming, conditioning, domestication, acculturation, and brainwashing. Soon, there is a belief in the not-Real as a result of seven degrees of separation from an understanding of the Real.
Using the method that was also employed by his contemporaries - a method which focused on offering non-duality pointers via satsang - Maharaj addressed questions in the order in which they were received. He might receive a question from a seeker at the third step and his reply would include what amounted to an invitation to move to the fourth step. The next question might come from a seeker at the first step, and the reply would include an invitation to move to the second step.
The information offered to the second seeker would seemingly contradict what was offered to the first seeker, so visitors who have come here for decades have asked questions which showed how confused they were by the fact that Maharaj's statements to each visitor in his loft were "level-appropriate" yet were provided in no precise order, resulting in what seemed to be an inconsistent message.
So the process overall was confusing in that
seekers were told to follow the "path back" in the same way that they "came in," except in reverse order,
pointers were not given in a specific, step-wise order at all.
Maharaj did recognize the seven steps that are taught here, but by offering the teachings in an order that was dictated by the order in which questions were received from seekers who were at different steps on the "path," the result was this:
a pointer about moving beyond the fourth step might be followed by a pointer about moving beyond the first step, and that pointer might be followed by a pointer about how to move beyond the sixth step.
The same was done on this site for seven years. The result is a collection of 1,800 or so essays discussing almost every non-duality topic that can be discussed, and the search button on the top right side of this page will now allow seekers with a question about a specific topic to find an explanation. That method, however, will never provide the manner in which the seven steps on the "path" must be transmitted and received in order to Realize Fully.
An objective study of the history here of more than twenty years of offering non-duality pointers reveals this: seekers that were given pointers in the exact order in which they needed to receive them were the ones that Realized.
They read the books, then they completed the online course and / or completed seven Skype or telephone sessions or came here for a retreat (or watched the downloadable DVD version of an actual retreat, available below).
Some found that which they were seeking by reading the author's book that deal with non-duality subject matter. Via all of those venues, the steps are taught in their proper order.
The essays available on this site will remain for those interested in searching for a discussion of a particular non-duality topic without charge, but the focus here until mahasamadhi is taken is going to be on offering the teachings in the step-wise fashion that has been seen to work.
(Four by Floyd Henderson and two by Dennis Waite. Click the picture for more information or to order)
(Four by Floyd Henderson and two by Dennis Waite. Click the picture for more information or to order)
* * * * * * *
are available at
Floyd Henderson's Website
International buyers: note the separate option for those outside the continental U.S.
II. BY READING the explanations offered in the collection of non-duality books that are available on this site and at www.floydhenderson.com.
III. BY ENROLLING in the Online Advaita Classes For information, visit Information on the Advaita Classes on the Internet To enroll visit Enroll in the Advaita Internet Course
IV. BY ATTENDING an Advaitin retreat with floyd and being guided through all seven steps. For details of the retreats offered, please visit the retreat information site.
V. BY ARRANGING a one-hour session via Skype or telephone with Floyd. (Skype is a free service.)
Click the button to pay and you will be contacted to arrange a date and time for the call.
Floyd Henderson's Website
Within minutes of purchase you can be reading any of the eBooks below on your mobile devices, including an iPhone, iPad, Android tablet, Android phone, laptop, home computer or on a Kindle reader.
For Apple and Android, either download the eBook directly onto your device or email the eBook file to your mobile device and open the file from your email. For Kindles or other similar devices, use your USB cable to transfer the eBook to your reader.
I. BY WATCHING the 4-Disk, Seven-Hour Video (DVD) Set of an advaita retreat, or the downloadable file version. To find out more or to purchase the DVD or downloadable computer file version of the retreat, DVD or Downloadable computer file versions of the Four-Day Advaita Retreat
I. BY WATCHING the 4-Disk, Seven-Hour Video (DVD) Set of an advaita retreat, or the downloadable file version. To find out more or to purchase the DVD or downloadable computer file version of the retreat, DVD or Downloadable computer file versions of the Four-Day Advaita Retreat
International buyers: note the separate option for those outside the continental U.S.
II. BY READING the explanations offered in the collection of non-duality books that are available on this site and at www.floydhenderson.com.
III. BY ENROLLING in the Online Advaita Classes For information, visit Information on the Advaita Classes on the Internet To enroll visit Enroll in the Advaita Internet Course
IV. BY ATTENDING an Advaitin retreat with floyd and being guided through all seven steps. For details of the retreats offered, please visit the retreat information site.
V. BY ARRANGING a one-hour session via Skype or telephone with Floyd. (Skype is a free service.)
Click the button to pay and you will be contacted to arrange a date and time for the call.
Floyd Henderson's Website
FROM THE I TO THE ABSOLUTE: A Seven-Step Journey to Reality



Anthology of four books

Anthology of six books


For more information on this book, or to purchase a copy now, click:


[Please note: When the Direct Path Teaching Method is offered in conjunction with the Nisarga Yoga, something unique results when compared to what happens via the approach used by religions, spiritual movements, philosophies, ideologies, etc.:
rather than inviting seekers to learn more, the invitation here is to unlearn all; rather than offerings teachings, what is offered are unteachings; rather than offering to provide seekers more of anything, seekers will find that the process will take away everything. And via that process, the bliss of Your Original Nature will manifest and remain until mahasamadhi is taken.
To that end, the content of this book will seem radical to the seekers of more, but for those truly ready to be totally free and totally independent - and for those who are truly ready to abandon efforts to accumulate and to de-accumulate instead - the pointers in this book might be relevant.]
To receive your free copy, or to have us send a free copy to your friends or relatives, send your email address (or their addresses) to the following:
(Sorry, but for security reasons, we no longer have a clickable link. You will have to type in our gmail address above. By the way, your email addresses will never be used to contact you or your friends or relatives and email addresses will never be shared with anyone else.)
Simply state in your email that you want the book sent as a gift to you (or as a gift from you to as many people as you like. Copies are now ready to be sent.)


