F.: Maharaj has been criticized for the “inconsistencies” in his message. As explained in the eBook below dealing with “Maharaj’s Evolution,” some of those charges were legitimate and some were not.
The ones that were not inconsistent at all dealt with cases when Maharaj was offering a “level appropriate” response to seekers at different places on “the path.” One at the third step would be given considerations that were intended to allow for a movement to the fourth step. The next session, a seeker at the second step could be given a response that was intended to allow for a movement to the third step, and yes, the two responses could – and would and should – be different.
The ones that were inconsistent dealt with cases when Maharaj’s message and approach were indeed shifting – or evolving, if you will, or maybe even more accurately, “being adjusted” – as he witnessed what was “working” and what was not.
In the eBook below, it is noted that Maharaj always used the Direct Path Teaching Method, but he employed that method in tandem with one kind of yoga after another over the years; therefore, the message shifted or evolved or was adjusted as he moved from the use of
guru-bhakti and bhakti to
bhakti and jnana (and mention of "atma")
to jnana and nisargan
to nisargan.
So, yes, early on, Maharaj's discussions focused on a “spiritual / religious path” because in the Hindu philosophy / religion, bhakti can deal with a focus on “God” – fostering among some a love of God, faith in God, and surrender to God; among others, the intent of Hinduism was to “realize” God.
(The focus here in not on Hinduism, so it will be left to those whose focus is on that subject to debate the variety of things "being Hindu" means. The point is, early on, it influenced Maharaj’s message and practices and affected the way his sessions were conducted in the beginning.)
So in the early days of his sharings, his message involved Hindu-influenced pointers that were rooted in that “philosophy” or “religion” and its “spiritual path” influences.
When he began to shift away from that, he spoke considerably about "knowing" as he combined jnana yoga with his teaching method. When that did not produce the effect he was seeking, he began – especially in his later talks – to focus more and more on his nisargan message.
(Yes, that “namesake” – indicating that a visit to Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj would expose one to a message that advocated abiding naturally – was chosen early on, but it was not until later that the message focused on that alone).
The result: some inconsistencies did occur as there was a shifting or adjusting over the years from one yoga to another to facilitate the Direct Path Teachings.
If the “religious” / “spiritual” approach had shown from early on to actually address the Ultimate Sickness and have been witnessed to be successful and to be the “proper means” for eliminating the symptoms of the Sickness, there would have been no shift in (no adjusting of) the message.
Witnessing the failure of that method is what required “maharaj” and “floyd” both to adjust the message. Last winter in this community, there was an outbreak of influenza which was not recognized initially as being from a new strain. The doctors treated the first patients who showed up at the community hospital here with their traditional methods. When they realized that the inflection was being brought on by a mutated “super bug,” then traditional methods were set aside.
The first four patients died because traditional methods were being used to treat their sickness. Once doctors realized that the traditional methods were not working, their treatment evolved – they adjusted their treatment plan.
As noted, there is now an outbreak of a new, far-more-serious strain of the Ultimate Sickness though it is not being recognized by most as a far more serious strain of the Ultimate Sickness than has ever existed. Most persons are still trying to use a religious or spiritual treatment - the traditional methods – to try to treat persons who have grave mental and emotional disorders.
As with the doctors here last winter, the case was the same with “maharaj” and “floyd”: when they realized that the traditional methods were having no lasting effect on the Ultimate Sickness, those methods were set aside.
Today, many are dying from the Sickness because traditional methods are still being used to try to treat a far-more-potent strain of the Sickness. If persons were to wake up and realize that the traditional methods are not working, then they might seek a different treatment plan.
However, when one’s devotion is to a treatment plan that is “religious” or “spiritual” in style, then a fanaticism is sure to develop; then, their devotion to that plan will be clung too with a fanatical passion and a fervor and a zeal that will block off the willingness to be receptive to any suggestion that another method might “work better” than the one they are trying.
Though pure witnessing reveals that their traditional plan is a total failure, they will deny that their method is not working at all, assured that they are “just fine” or “now totally pure” and “now restored fully to sanity” and “now finally and fully healed in body and mind and spirit.”
Many among those masses will claim that a God did for them what they could not do for themselves without ever asking, “But why would an all-powerful God have allowed me to enter into so sick of a state to begin with?”
When that has been asked about here, the reply is “He loved me enough to give me free will. We can abuse that or use that. I abused it. Now I am using it.”
The reply to that: “So a good parent will allow a child to use its free will and play in the traffic and become harmed and will then be a good parent for taking the child to receive the medical care required from the injuries sustained after the child is hit by a car while playing in the street? But the harm and injuries could and would have all been prevented in the first place by a wise parent, right? Mummm. That's a rather curious-behaving God and a rather curious concept overall, is it not?”
Both “maharaj” and “floyd” tried to use religious means to try to address the symptoms of the Ultimate Sickness in those who came our way. Had that approach worked long-term, we’d have stuck with it. Later, we both tried to use a “not-religious-but-spiritual-method-instead” approach. Had that approach worked long-term, we’d have stuck with it.
In the end, objective analysis allowed both to see neither of those methods of treatment was working. Then, there was a shift or adjustment. The understanding of the psychology behind “The Why” of human thoughts and words and behaviors came to the forefront and it was seen that the problem of humanity – and the problems induced by the Ultimate Sickness - are not centered . . .
. . . in some “spirit” or “soul” or “inner self” or some “phantom or specter or apparition within” or some “psychic something or other” but are centered . . .
. . . in the mind.
The Ultimate Sickness, after years of working with the Illness, was eventually seen by “maharaj” and by “floyd” for what it is, and for what it is not:
It is not a “sickness of the soul” or a “sickness of the spirit.”
It is not a sickness that is centered “somewhere in a human body, more specifically, in an area somewhere in the vicinity of the heart.”
It is not a sickness that results from “a dogma-deficiency” (but actually seems to flourish in an environment of “excess dogma”).
Its symptoms can be aggravated by the egotism that accompanies the assignment or assumption of “beyond the phenomenal, spiritual, Noumenal personas.”
It is a mental sickness.
It is centered in the mind.
It can, sometimes, respond to treatments that focus on the actual location of the Sickness but never to treatments that focus on imaginary locations of the Sickness. As noted earlier, the blocked artery in the heart here a few years ago was not treated by working on the head, and head problems are not treated by working on the heart / soul / spirit / whatever.
TOMORROW: More on why "Maharaj Lite" and "Diet Floyd" evolved or shifted or adjusted once the true nature of the Sickness, and the only effective treatment for the Sickness, came into consciousness.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
Previous post
F.: Maharaj has been criticized for the “inconsistencies” in his message. As explained in the eBook below dealing with “Maharaj’s Evolution,” some of those charges were legitimate and some were not.
The ones that were not inconsistent at all dealt with cases when Maharaj was offering a “level appropriate” response to seekers at different places on “the path.” One at the third step would be given considerations that were intended to allow for a movement to the fourth step. The next session, a seeker at the second step could be given a response that was intended to allow for a movement to the third step, and yes, the two responses could – and would and should – be different.
The ones that were inconsistent dealt with cases when Maharaj’s message and approach were indeed shifting – or evolving, if you will, or maybe even more accurately, “being adjusted” – as he witnessed what was “working” and what was not.
In the eBook below, it is noted that Maharaj always used the Direct Path Teaching Method, but he employed that method in tandem with one kind of yoga after another over the years; therefore, the message shifted or evolved or was adjusted as he moved from the use of
guru-bhakti and bhakti to
bhakti and jnana (and mention of "atma")
to jnana and nisargan
to nisargan.
So, yes, early on, Maharaj's discussions focused on a “spiritual / religious path” because in the Hindu philosophy / religion, bhakti can deal with a focus on “God” – fostering among some a love of God, faith in God, and surrender to God; among others, the intent of Hinduism was to “realize” God.
(The focus here in not on Hinduism, so it will be left to those whose focus is on that subject to debate the variety of things "being Hindu" means. The point is, early on, it influenced Maharaj’s message and practices and affected the way his sessions were conducted in the beginning.)
So in the early days of his sharings, his message involved Hindu-influenced pointers that were rooted in that “philosophy” or “religion” and its “spiritual path” influences.
When he began to shift away from that, he spoke considerably about "knowing" as he combined jnana yoga with his teaching method. When that did not produce the effect he was seeking, he began – especially in his later talks – to focus more and more on his nisargan message.
(Yes, that “namesake” – indicating that a visit to Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj would expose one to a message that advocated abiding naturally – was chosen early on, but it was not until later that the message focused on that alone).
The result: some inconsistencies did occur as there was a shifting or adjusting over the years from one yoga to another to facilitate the Direct Path Teachings.
If the “religious” / “spiritual” approach had shown from early on to actually address the Ultimate Sickness and have been witnessed to be successful and to be the “proper means” for eliminating the symptoms of the Sickness, there would have been no shift in (no adjusting of) the message.
Witnessing the failure of that method is what required “maharaj” and “floyd” both to adjust the message. Last winter in this community, there was an outbreak of influenza which was not recognized initially as being from a new strain. The doctors treated the first patients who showed up at the community hospital here with their traditional methods. When they realized that the inflection was being brought on by a mutated “super bug,” then traditional methods were set aside.
The first four patients died because traditional methods were being used to treat their sickness. Once doctors realized that the traditional methods were not working, their treatment evolved – they adjusted their treatment plan.
As noted, there is now an outbreak of a new, far-more-serious strain of the Ultimate Sickness though it is not being recognized by most as a far more serious strain of the Ultimate Sickness than has ever existed. Most persons are still trying to use a religious or spiritual treatment - the traditional methods – to try to treat persons who have grave mental and emotional disorders.
As with the doctors here last winter, the case was the same with “maharaj” and “floyd”: when they realized that the traditional methods were having no lasting effect on the Ultimate Sickness, those methods were set aside.
Today, many are dying from the Sickness because traditional methods are still being used to try to treat a far-more-potent strain of the Sickness. If persons were to wake up and realize that the traditional methods are not working, then they might seek a different treatment plan.
However, when one’s devotion is to a treatment plan that is “religious” or “spiritual” in style, then a fanaticism is sure to develop; then, their devotion to that plan will be clung too with a fanatical passion and a fervor and a zeal that will block off the willingness to be receptive to any suggestion that another method might “work better” than the one they are trying.
Though pure witnessing reveals that their traditional plan is a total failure, they will deny that their method is not working at all, assured that they are “just fine” or “now totally pure” and “now restored fully to sanity” and “now finally and fully healed in body and mind and spirit.”
Many among those masses will claim that a God did for them what they could not do for themselves without ever asking, “But why would an all-powerful God have allowed me to enter into so sick of a state to begin with?”
When that has been asked about here, the reply is “He loved me enough to give me free will. We can abuse that or use that. I abused it. Now I am using it.”
The reply to that: “So a good parent will allow a child to use its free will and play in the traffic and become harmed and will then be a good parent for taking the child to receive the medical care required from the injuries sustained after the child is hit by a car while playing in the street? But the harm and injuries could and would have all been prevented in the first place by a wise parent, right? Mummm. That's a rather curious-behaving God and a rather curious concept overall, is it not?”
Both “maharaj” and “floyd” tried to use religious means to try to address the symptoms of the Ultimate Sickness in those who came our way. Had that approach worked long-term, we’d have stuck with it. Later, we both tried to use a “not-religious-but-spiritual-method-instead” approach. Had that approach worked long-term, we’d have stuck with it.
In the end, objective analysis allowed both to see neither of those methods of treatment was working. Then, there was a shift or adjustment. The understanding of the psychology behind “The Why” of human thoughts and words and behaviors came to the forefront and it was seen that the problem of humanity – and the problems induced by the Ultimate Sickness - are not centered . . .
. . . in some “spirit” or “soul” or “inner self” or some “phantom or specter or apparition within” or some “psychic something or other” but are centered . . .
. . . in the mind.
The Ultimate Sickness, after years of working with the Illness, was eventually seen by “maharaj” and by “floyd” for what it is, and for what it is not:
It is not a “sickness of the soul” or a “sickness of the spirit.”
It is not a sickness that is centered “somewhere in a human body, more specifically, in an area somewhere in the vicinity of the heart.”
It is not a sickness that results from “a dogma-deficiency” (but actually seems to flourish in an environment of “excess dogma”).
Its symptoms can be aggravated by the egotism that accompanies the assignment or assumption of “beyond the phenomenal, spiritual, Noumenal personas.”
It is a mental sickness.
It is centered in the mind.
It can, sometimes, respond to treatments that focus on the actual location of the Sickness but never to treatments that focus on imaginary locations of the Sickness. As noted earlier, the blocked artery in the heart here a few years ago was not treated by working on the head, and head problems are not treated by working on the heart / soul / spirit / whatever.
TOMORROW: More on why "Maharaj Lite" and "Diet Floyd" evolved or shifted or adjusted once the true nature of the Sickness, and the only effective treatment for the Sickness, came into consciousness.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
Previous post
F.: Next, consider the fact that many called – and call – Maharaj “The Master” and “One Who Was Different from the Beginning" or "One Destined to Guide Others to Realization.” He would have considered all of that nonsense. If you read the information after the following collection of postings, you will find information on the way that the pre-Realization existence of Maharaj unfolded.
The information shows that Maharaj was far from different. He followed the same insane ways of the masses: he moved to the city for greater opportunity; he began working to earn and accumulate money; he built up many successful businesses; he married; he had children; he faced the same problems that all married couples face; he fought with his wife over spending, religion, taking a path that she did not approve of, etc.;
he struggled with the relative nonsense that was rooted in accepting and assuming multiple personalities and in early programming and conditioning and domestication and in the acculturation that was accepted once he began living in Bombay (Mumbai); he sought in a fanatical manner; he was criticized for placing the seeking above the interests of marriage and family; etc.
Master? Destined? Hardly. His seeking took him along the same long and arduous path that far too many take.
So is “Master” totally irrelevant? To the degree that it was an assigned label and identity and to the degree that all labels and identities are false and irrelevant, yes. The only relevancy between “Maharaj” and “Master” (actually, “master” or “mastery”) is this:
that which was and is called “Maharaj” was nothing more than a three-part composite unity consisting of an elemental, plant food body / space; a space circulating oxygen; and a space housing the conscious-energy.
None of those three parts have any continuity at all. The elements cycle, cells coming together and coming part constantly; the oxygen cycles in and out of the space; and the conscious-energy cycles into and out of the space.
So where does “master” fit in? Once the mind had been purged and a state of “zero concepts” has been reached (unblocking the consciousness and allowing for Pure Witnessing to happen) a mastery manifested. Maharaj mastered the psychology that is required for understanding and sharing non-duality.
He was not “A Spiritual Master” but could be pointed to as “a speck of consciousness that mastered psychology” (psychology: "-logy" = “the study of”; “psyche” = “the mind”).
Psychology is a discipline that used a scientific – or science-like – study of mental functions and behaviors, specifically, mind-driven behaviors.
As a result of being a quantity of conscious-energy that came to understand psychology – that is, as a speck that had mastered the understanding of the mind via having been instructed and after much witnessing and eventually after being able to witness purely - Maharaj also became able to guide persons along a "path" that led them back to sanity.
He came to understand how a mind comes into being, how it is filled with nonsense, and how that nonsense drives thoughts, words, and behaviors. That allowed Maharaj to understand exactly what the Ultimate Sickness is (and is not) and what the Ultimate Medicine is (and is not).
He explored concepts such as personality, the mind, the conscious mind, the subconscious mind and how that subconscious mind functions in conjunction with personality; perceptions / misperceptions; emotion vs. feeling; motivation; blind motivation and blind faith; neuroses; psychoses; normal brain functioning vs. abnormal mind functioning; “relationships”; and much more.
Once psychologists come to a level of mastery in their field, many then become involved in some kind of therapeutic role, practicing in counseling sessions with individuals, couples, or groups or establishing a clinical practice.
That is what Maharaj did. Unlike those in the business of offering counseling in order to pay their bills, Maharaj’s visitors provided all that was required for his relative “needs” to be met, allowing him to focus on guiding seekers along the “path.”
By developing a mastery of psychology, the speck called “Maharaj” also developed a mastery of fiction as well. To use a term he employed often (“B.S.”) he could spot the B.S. that dominates and controls the thoughts and words and actions of humankind and could point out the way to freedom from the same.
He understood that “freedom” dealt as much as anything with being free of nonsense and mental B.S. and fictional concepts (all of which amount to nothing more than accumulated “beliefs”).
More succinctly, he developed a mastery of “The Why” – that is, a master’s level understanding of the ways of human behavior. Of course that resonated here, what with a certification to teach psychology in all fifty states in the U.S.
Yet at the time the certification was earned, there was not a fraction of the understanding that Maharaj eventually reached. That came later, also after much instruction and witnessing and, eventually, Pure Witnessing.
As with Maharaj, many years were spent lying while believing that truth was being shared:
“Religion can address the ills of humanity”; then, later,
“No. Wait. It is spirituality that can restore humankind’s lost sanity” and
“Being spiritually-fit solves all other problems with the body and the mind.”
Eventually, though, by way of witnessing purely the failure of those recommended treatments, it was seen that they could not provide the Ultimate Medicine that is required to address the Ultimate Sickness.
“The Real Why” was eventually seen by Maharaj, so he changed his approach and his recommendations. Same here. Eventually, “The Real Way” was understood to involve freedom from personality assignment and assumption; freedom from the personality disorders that always eventually accompany personality assumption; and freedom from the disintegration of personality disorders into full-blown neuroses and psychoses.
The understanding included the way that physical pain can send persons racing to a doctor vs. the way that mind-and-emotion-based suffering and misery do not usually send persons racing anywhere.
It included the way that the 97% who claim a religious affiliation will turn to religious leaders for counseling rather than to professionals or to the few that understand the way – the "path" – that leads back to sanity;
It included the way that spiritual persons have not been de-programmed but have been re-programmed in their program in a manner that is not the way though they become convinced that it is; and it included the way – and an understanding of the reasons that cause – most persons to spend an entire relative existence abiding in what Maharaj called the “ignorance, stupidity, and insanity” that mark the Ultimate Sickness.
Most will minimize, normalize, discount or deny the presence of those traits and will never give their mental and emotional misery and suffering the kind of attention they give their physical pain.
While some might normalize their physical pain, almost all minimize, normalize, discount, or deny their misery and suffering. A few will even honor it, claiming their suffering now is the way to eternal pleasure and reward later.
And both of those are, in themselves, evidence of insanity, are they not?
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
To be continued.
Previous post
The information shows that Maharaj was far from different. He followed the same insane ways of the masses: he moved to the city for greater opportunity; he began working to earn and accumulate money; he built up many successful businesses; he married; he had children; he faced the same problems that all married couples face; he fought with his wife over spending, religion, taking a path that she did not approve of, etc.;
he struggled with the relative nonsense that was rooted in accepting and assuming multiple personalities and in early programming and conditioning and domestication and in the acculturation that was accepted once he began living in Bombay (Mumbai); he sought in a fanatical manner; he was criticized for placing the seeking above the interests of marriage and family; etc.
Master? Destined? Hardly. His seeking took him along the same long and arduous path that far too many take.
So is “Master” totally irrelevant? To the degree that it was an assigned label and identity and to the degree that all labels and identities are false and irrelevant, yes. The only relevancy between “Maharaj” and “Master” (actually, “master” or “mastery”) is this:
that which was and is called “Maharaj” was nothing more than a three-part composite unity consisting of an elemental, plant food body / space; a space circulating oxygen; and a space housing the conscious-energy.
None of those three parts have any continuity at all. The elements cycle, cells coming together and coming part constantly; the oxygen cycles in and out of the space; and the conscious-energy cycles into and out of the space.
So where does “master” fit in? Once the mind had been purged and a state of “zero concepts” has been reached (unblocking the consciousness and allowing for Pure Witnessing to happen) a mastery manifested. Maharaj mastered the psychology that is required for understanding and sharing non-duality.
He was not “A Spiritual Master” but could be pointed to as “a speck of consciousness that mastered psychology” (psychology: "-logy" = “the study of”; “psyche” = “the mind”).
Psychology is a discipline that used a scientific – or science-like – study of mental functions and behaviors, specifically, mind-driven behaviors.
As a result of being a quantity of conscious-energy that came to understand psychology – that is, as a speck that had mastered the understanding of the mind via having been instructed and after much witnessing and eventually after being able to witness purely - Maharaj also became able to guide persons along a "path" that led them back to sanity.
He came to understand how a mind comes into being, how it is filled with nonsense, and how that nonsense drives thoughts, words, and behaviors. That allowed Maharaj to understand exactly what the Ultimate Sickness is (and is not) and what the Ultimate Medicine is (and is not).
He explored concepts such as personality, the mind, the conscious mind, the subconscious mind and how that subconscious mind functions in conjunction with personality; perceptions / misperceptions; emotion vs. feeling; motivation; blind motivation and blind faith; neuroses; psychoses; normal brain functioning vs. abnormal mind functioning; “relationships”; and much more.
Once psychologists come to a level of mastery in their field, many then become involved in some kind of therapeutic role, practicing in counseling sessions with individuals, couples, or groups or establishing a clinical practice.
That is what Maharaj did. Unlike those in the business of offering counseling in order to pay their bills, Maharaj’s visitors provided all that was required for his relative “needs” to be met, allowing him to focus on guiding seekers along the “path.”
By developing a mastery of psychology, the speck called “Maharaj” also developed a mastery of fiction as well. To use a term he employed often (“B.S.”) he could spot the B.S. that dominates and controls the thoughts and words and actions of humankind and could point out the way to freedom from the same.
He understood that “freedom” dealt as much as anything with being free of nonsense and mental B.S. and fictional concepts (all of which amount to nothing more than accumulated “beliefs”).
More succinctly, he developed a mastery of “The Why” – that is, a master’s level understanding of the ways of human behavior. Of course that resonated here, what with a certification to teach psychology in all fifty states in the U.S.
Yet at the time the certification was earned, there was not a fraction of the understanding that Maharaj eventually reached. That came later, also after much instruction and witnessing and, eventually, Pure Witnessing.
As with Maharaj, many years were spent lying while believing that truth was being shared:
“Religion can address the ills of humanity”; then, later,
“No. Wait. It is spirituality that can restore humankind’s lost sanity” and
“Being spiritually-fit solves all other problems with the body and the mind.”
Eventually, though, by way of witnessing purely the failure of those recommended treatments, it was seen that they could not provide the Ultimate Medicine that is required to address the Ultimate Sickness.
“The Real Why” was eventually seen by Maharaj, so he changed his approach and his recommendations. Same here. Eventually, “The Real Way” was understood to involve freedom from personality assignment and assumption; freedom from the personality disorders that always eventually accompany personality assumption; and freedom from the disintegration of personality disorders into full-blown neuroses and psychoses.
The understanding included the way that physical pain can send persons racing to a doctor vs. the way that mind-and-emotion-based suffering and misery do not usually send persons racing anywhere.
It included the way that the 97% who claim a religious affiliation will turn to religious leaders for counseling rather than to professionals or to the few that understand the way – the "path" – that leads back to sanity;
It included the way that spiritual persons have not been de-programmed but have been re-programmed in their program in a manner that is not the way though they become convinced that it is; and it included the way – and an understanding of the reasons that cause – most persons to spend an entire relative existence abiding in what Maharaj called the “ignorance, stupidity, and insanity” that mark the Ultimate Sickness.
Most will minimize, normalize, discount or deny the presence of those traits and will never give their mental and emotional misery and suffering the kind of attention they give their physical pain.
While some might normalize their physical pain, almost all minimize, normalize, discount, or deny their misery and suffering. A few will even honor it, claiming their suffering now is the way to eternal pleasure and reward later.
And both of those are, in themselves, evidence of insanity, are they not?
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
To be continued.
Previous post
F.: To review other key points about the Ultimate Sickness and the Ultimate Medicine:
Originally, the Sickness came on slowly, most persons reaching adulthood before the Illness manifested in a full-blown manner and displayed all of its most serious symptoms.
Today, because the Sickness has gone untreated for so many generations, a cumulative effect has resulted. The degree of the Sickness have been strengthening and intensifying for generations, so it is now being passed on in its severely-aggravated form from one ignorant and insane couple after another to their offspring.
The result? Each subsequent generation is suffering a greater and greater case of the Sickness at a younger and younger age. The results are approaching a state of critical mass.
Sitting behind a woman in a car at a red light recently, a bumper sticker on her vehicle was seen. It claimed: “Insanity is hereditary: you get it from your kids.” She reversed the order of the way the Ultimate Sickness is passed along. Nice effort at denial and deflection, but no cigar.
The actual, commonplace scenario now: totally unwell parents (unwell mentally and emotionally) are passing on the Ultimate Sickness at warp speed to their children. After the first few years, their culture joins in to provide one mega-dose after another of the Sickness, constantly giving children regularly-administered booster shots of ignorance and insanity.
One counselor shared recently that two weeks ago she came across the youngest client ever (a five-year-old male) who is already displaying full-blown levels of the Sociopathic Personality Disorder that have in the past been displayed only by twenty to thirty-year-olds.
Why don’t all nations report the same volume of school-rated shootings as the U.S. (presently accelerating and now at a rate of one per week)? Does the Ultimate Sickness not have as firm a foothold in other nations? Maybe, maybe not, but when children are being driven into the depths of the Sickness at so early as age, and with them now having access in the U.S. to stockpiles of lethal weapons in their homes, what else is to be expected?
But the issue here is not that. That is only evidence of the consequences of the Ultimate Sickness. The issue here is this: what can seekers do to more effectively treat their own present version of the Sickness and thus possibly interrupt the spread?
They must see that the version of the Ultimate Medicine that is being offered in most cultures is hogwash . . . just garbage . . . nothing more or less than pure and total nonsense. To that end, these considerations are offered:
1. There is no such thing as a soul, so there is no such thing as soul-sickness. Nor does anyone one have a sick spirit; nor does anyone have the now-planet-wide Ultimate Sickness as a result of a dogma-deficiency. (Quite to the contrary, in fact.)
2. Instead, the widespread Sickness is being passed down to every human via programming, conditioning, acculturation, domestication, brainwashing and indoctrination.
3. There is no such thing as a mirage malady or a malady suffered by the child of a barren woman or a unicorn malady or a vampire malady or a ghost malady or an angel malady or a spiritual malady or a too-little-religious malady or a soul malady.
4. There is no such thing as being a fit mirage or being the fit child of a barren woman or a fit unicorn or a fit vampire or a fit ghost or a fit angel or a fit spirit or a fit, spiritual person or a fit, religious person or a fit soul or being spiritually-fit or religiously-fit or soulfully-fit.
5. There is no such thing as a mirage experience and there has never been the child of a barren woman that has had any kind of experience. Contrary to the insane beliefs of many persons, no one can have a vampire experience, a ghost experience, an angel experience, a spiritual experience, a religious experience, or a soul experience. What they can have is spiritual pride; what they can have is religious pride - and that form of pride there most certainly is . . . in far-too-abundant quantities.
6. What else can they have? They can have mental delusions; hallucinations; schizophrenia; and severe, personality-based mental and emotional disorders leading to full-blown neuroses and psychoses. They can have beliefs which inspire them to believe in things that do not exist. They can have beliefs based in fiction and lies which they will never question.
From the eBook below entitled IT’S ALL BULLSHIT (And Why Knowing It Sets You Free):
In “Psyche News International” (April, 1996) Dr. Jeffrey A. Schaler offers professional insight into the connection between religion and mental disorders:
“Psychosis exists when people cannot differentiate the symbolic from the real, when they cannot tell the true from the false. When people think they are hearing the voice of a being living in another world, they are psychotic.
“Schizophrenia is said to be characterized by hallucinations, i.e., self-reported imaginings. Belief in God is a socially-acceptable self-reported imagining. All self-reported imaginings labeled ‘psychosis’ are essentially religious. To label religious claims as psychotic is no more derogatory than to label psychotic claims as religious.
“Hearing voices in one's head is normal. We generally call it our conscience. [Other times, it is just our self-will, our ego, granting itself what it wants in the guise of God.] Psychosis is the belief that the voices in one's head belong to another person. The denial of voices-as-self is an attempt to deny the truth. It is a way of saying ‘this is not me.’ Pretending that the self is split or dissociated is a way of avoiding responsibility.”
7. Thus, the Ultimate Medicine does not require having “a mirage experience” and does not require the child of a barren woman to have an experience. Those are impossible. They cannot happen. No different from those, the Ultimate Medicine does not include having “a spiritual experience” or “a religious experience” or “an experiencing of the soul’s darkness and then the soul’s coming to the light.” Nor does it include "The Universe" sending you messages or guidance or controlling things or intervening on your behalf. Similarly, those are impossible. They cannot happen.
8. Right-wing and fundamentalist politicians in the U.S. tout the use of “conversion” or “reparative therapy” to treat people who are sexually gay (as if the sexual preference of heterosexuals could be converted or needs repairing).
(And by the way, speaking of insanity, what better example of insanity is there than politicians claiming that they want to keep big government out of your lives while simultaneously wanting big government to control what happens in the privacy of your bedroom?)
9. But to the relevant point here: there is no such thing as “a conversion therapy” for any disorder or sickness or Sickness or addiction or illness or disease, but some love to report – as enthusiastically and fanatically as any other types of extremists - that their religious beliefs and / or spiritual exercises were a key component of what “converted” them.
10. One cannot shift from being driven by ignorance to not being not driven by ignorance as a result of "a conversion," much less by “an instantaneous conversion.” Converting the content of the mind from one set of beliefs to a new set of beliefs does not change the fact that all ignorance and insanity are rooted in beliefs. The Ultimate Medicine involves reaching a state of zero concepts, not acquiring new beliefs from a priest / rabbi / imam / sponsor / preacher / politician / guru / teacher, etc.
11. Never would the one called “floyd” try to teach anyone anything more. Completely opposite to the approach used by all other philosophies, all other sets of teachings, all other compilations of dogma, or all other collections of spiritual principles and concepts, the invitation offered by a Realized Nisargan is to unlearn it all.
12. Some claim that their leader’s special book offers the solution, a book (or books) wherein he - yes, usually a “he,” but sometimes a “she” - promises readers that if they would only become spiritual, then their bodies and their minds would be healed.
Point 1: Some body infirmities can heal, yes;
Point 2: but a mind cannot be healed any more than a cancer can be healed. It must be eliminated (meaning, all beliefs stored therein much be discarded).
13. An objective witness would see clearly that, among the many who are using that approach, their relative existence still continues to unfold in a way that is marked by extreme insanity.
14. Here, during the long and arduous “journey” to Realization, all of the messianic types whose paths were crossed suggested that one needed to learn what they had learned, needed to do what they are now doing, needed to read their “special” or “holy” book, and needed to re-read it constantly in order to learn everything it contained and then apply those learnings to “my life.”
15. Maharaj warned seekers to stay away from “the Big Name Teachers.” Indeed, such a caution is still appropriate today in regards to those who are viewed as the big name teachers of non-duality. But why stop there?
16. Should the warning not include all big name teachers of all times? What about Moses? If one were to learn what he claimed to know and did what he said should be done according to the ancient laws he shared, then today one would have to stone gays to death (as one Oklahoma politician endorsed last week); would have to stone to death women who commit adultery; would have to adhere to ancient food laws that do not take into account that there are three body types that each requires a different food plan for efficient organ functioning, etc.
What about Abraham? Mohammed? What about the Dalai Lama who claimed that Hurricane Katrina wiped out New Orleans because of the negative karma of the people there? What about the Ayatollah Khomeini who endorsed killing women who committed adultery but who listed in his book the four animals and the bird that were included on his approved-for-sex-with-Muslim-men list?
What about a man who claimed to be an expert on “how to recover from alcoholism” but who excused and endorsed nicotine addiction; who used LSD for eleven of the years when he was offering speeches to huge audiences who wanted to be free of their alcohol addiction; and who stole funds from his organization's world headquarters?
17. See? It has been seen that those who take themselves to be “spiritually fit” - that is, those who have assumed the persona of “A Spiritual Giant” or “One Who Is Spiritually Fit” or “A Supreme Self” or “An Infinite Self” or whatever new and grander and upgraded identity they have adopted – will not even consider being totally free of any and every identity.
18. Can you see that the problem Maharaj addressed when he warned against those contemporaries who were viewed as Big Name Teachers was not unique to Bombay or to the late 20th century? The problem is ancient, the problem was real in Maharaj’s day, and the problem remains today.
19. Consider by contrast the rare invitations offered when the Direct Path Method is combined with the Nisargan Yoga:
(a) You do not need to learn more, you need to unlearn all.
(b) You do not need to be taught, but you do need to be un-taught.
The invitations here:
20. Be wary of anyone who tells you that the solution to your problem is to learn more.
21. Be wary of anyone who tells you that the solution to your problem is in a book deemed by the masses to be “special” or “holy” or “big.”
22. Be wary of anyone who tells you that the solution to your problem is to know what he or she knows.
23. Be wary of anyone who tells you that the solution to your problem is to do what she or he does.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
19 June 2014
F.: To review other key points about the Ultimate Sickness and the Ultimate Medicine:
Originally, the Sickness came on slowly, most persons reaching adulthood before the Illness manifested in a full-blown manner and displayed all of its most serious symptoms.
Today, because the Sickness has gone untreated for so many generations, a cumulative effect has resulted. The degree of the Sickness have been strengthening and intensifying for generations, so it is now being passed on in its severely-aggravated form from one ignorant and insane couple after another to their offspring.
The result? Each subsequent generation is suffering a greater and greater case of the Sickness at a younger and younger age. The results are approaching a state of critical mass.
Sitting behind a woman in a car at a red light recently, a bumper sticker on her vehicle was seen. It claimed: “Insanity is hereditary: you get it from your kids.” She reversed the order of the way the Ultimate Sickness is passed along. Nice effort at denial and deflection, but no cigar.
The actual, commonplace scenario now: totally unwell parents (unwell mentally and emotionally) are passing on the Ultimate Sickness at warp speed to their children. After the first few years, their culture joins in to provide one mega-dose after another of the Sickness, constantly giving children regularly-administered booster shots of ignorance and insanity.
One counselor shared recently that two weeks ago she came across the youngest client ever (a five-year-old male) who is already displaying full-blown levels of the Sociopathic Personality Disorder that have in the past been displayed only by twenty to thirty-year-olds.
Why don’t all nations report the same volume of school-rated shootings as the U.S. (presently accelerating and now at a rate of one per week)? Does the Ultimate Sickness not have as firm a foothold in other nations? Maybe, maybe not, but when children are being driven into the depths of the Sickness at so early as age, and with them now having access in the U.S. to stockpiles of lethal weapons in their homes, what else is to be expected?
But the issue here is not that. That is only evidence of the consequences of the Ultimate Sickness. The issue here is this: what can seekers do to more effectively treat their own present version of the Sickness and thus possibly interrupt the spread?
They must see that the version of the Ultimate Medicine that is being offered in most cultures is hogwash . . . just garbage . . . nothing more or less than pure and total nonsense. To that end, these considerations are offered:
1. There is no such thing as a soul, so there is no such thing as soul-sickness. Nor does anyone one have a sick spirit; nor does anyone have the now-planet-wide Ultimate Sickness as a result of a dogma-deficiency. (Quite to the contrary, in fact.)
2. Instead, the widespread Sickness is being passed down to every human via programming, conditioning, acculturation, domestication, brainwashing and indoctrination.
3. There is no such thing as a mirage malady or a malady suffered by the child of a barren woman or a unicorn malady or a vampire malady or a ghost malady or an angel malady or a spiritual malady or a too-little-religious malady or a soul malady.
4. There is no such thing as being a fit mirage or being the fit child of a barren woman or a fit unicorn or a fit vampire or a fit ghost or a fit angel or a fit spirit or a fit, spiritual person or a fit, religious person or a fit soul or being spiritually-fit or religiously-fit or soulfully-fit.
5. There is no such thing as a mirage experience and there has never been the child of a barren woman that has had any kind of experience. Contrary to the insane beliefs of many persons, no one can have a vampire experience, a ghost experience, an angel experience, a spiritual experience, a religious experience, or a soul experience. What they can have is spiritual pride; what they can have is religious pride - and that form of pride there most certainly is . . . in far-too-abundant quantities.
6. What else can they have? They can have mental delusions; hallucinations; schizophrenia; and severe, personality-based mental and emotional disorders leading to full-blown neuroses and psychoses. They can have beliefs which inspire them to believe in things that do not exist. They can have beliefs based in fiction and lies which they will never question.
From the eBook below entitled IT’S ALL BULLSHIT (And Why Knowing It Sets You Free):
In “Psyche News International” (April, 1996) Dr. Jeffrey A. Schaler offers professional insight into the connection between religion and mental disorders:
“Psychosis exists when people cannot differentiate the symbolic from the real, when they cannot tell the true from the false. When people think they are hearing the voice of a being living in another world, they are psychotic.
“Schizophrenia is said to be characterized by hallucinations, i.e., self-reported imaginings. Belief in God is a socially-acceptable self-reported imagining. All self-reported imaginings labeled ‘psychosis’ are essentially religious. To label religious claims as psychotic is no more derogatory than to label psychotic claims as religious.
“Hearing voices in one's head is normal. We generally call it our conscience. [Other times, it is just our self-will, our ego, granting itself what it wants in the guise of God.] Psychosis is the belief that the voices in one's head belong to another person. The denial of voices-as-self is an attempt to deny the truth. It is a way of saying ‘this is not me.’ Pretending that the self is split or dissociated is a way of avoiding responsibility.”
7. Thus, the Ultimate Medicine does not require having “a mirage experience” and does not require the child of a barren woman to have an experience. Those are impossible. They cannot happen. No different from those, the Ultimate Medicine does not include having “a spiritual experience” or “a religious experience” or “an experiencing of the soul’s darkness and then the soul’s coming to the light.” Nor does it include "The Universe" sending you messages or guidance or controlling things or intervening on your behalf. Similarly, those are impossible. They cannot happen.
8. Right-wing and fundamentalist politicians in the U.S. tout the use of “conversion” or “reparative therapy” to treat people who are sexually gay (as if the sexual preference of heterosexuals could be converted or needs repairing).
(And by the way, speaking of insanity, what better example of insanity is there than politicians claiming that they want to keep big government out of your lives while simultaneously wanting big government to control what happens in the privacy of your bedroom?)
9. But to the relevant point here: there is no such thing as “a conversion therapy” for any disorder or sickness or Sickness or addiction or illness or disease, but some love to report – as enthusiastically and fanatically as any other types of extremists - that their religious beliefs and / or spiritual exercises were a key component of what “converted” them.
10. One cannot shift from being driven by ignorance to not being not driven by ignorance as a result of "a conversion," much less by “an instantaneous conversion.” Converting the content of the mind from one set of beliefs to a new set of beliefs does not change the fact that all ignorance and insanity are rooted in beliefs. The Ultimate Medicine involves reaching a state of zero concepts, not acquiring new beliefs from a priest / rabbi / imam / sponsor / preacher / politician / guru / teacher, etc.
11. Never would the one called “floyd” try to teach anyone anything more. Completely opposite to the approach used by all other philosophies, all other sets of teachings, all other compilations of dogma, or all other collections of spiritual principles and concepts, the invitation offered by a Realized Nisargan is to unlearn it all.
12. Some claim that their leader’s special book offers the solution, a book (or books) wherein he - yes, usually a “he,” but sometimes a “she” - promises readers that if they would only become spiritual, then their bodies and their minds would be healed.
Point 1: Some body infirmities can heal, yes;
Point 2: but a mind cannot be healed any more than a cancer can be healed. It must be eliminated (meaning, all beliefs stored therein much be discarded).
13. An objective witness would see clearly that, among the many who are using that approach, their relative existence still continues to unfold in a way that is marked by extreme insanity.
14. Here, during the long and arduous “journey” to Realization, all of the messianic types whose paths were crossed suggested that one needed to learn what they had learned, needed to do what they are now doing, needed to read their “special” or “holy” book, and needed to re-read it constantly in order to learn everything it contained and then apply those learnings to “my life.”
15. Maharaj warned seekers to stay away from “the Big Name Teachers.” Indeed, such a caution is still appropriate today in regards to those who are viewed as the big name teachers of non-duality. But why stop there?
16. Should the warning not include all big name teachers of all times? What about Moses? If one were to learn what he claimed to know and did what he said should be done according to the ancient laws he shared, then today one would have to stone gays to death (as one Oklahoma politician endorsed last week); would have to stone to death women who commit adultery; would have to adhere to ancient food laws that do not take into account that there are three body types that each requires a different food plan for efficient organ functioning, etc.
What about Abraham? Mohammed? What about the Dalai Lama who claimed that Hurricane Katrina wiped out New Orleans because of the negative karma of the people there? What about the Ayatollah Khomeini who endorsed killing women who committed adultery but who listed in his book the four animals and the bird that were included on his approved-for-sex-with-Muslim-men list?
What about a man who claimed to be an expert on “how to recover from alcoholism” but who excused and endorsed nicotine addiction; who used LSD for eleven of the years when he was offering speeches to huge audiences who wanted to be free of their alcohol addiction; and who stole funds from his organization's world headquarters?
17. See? It has been seen that those who take themselves to be “spiritually fit” - that is, those who have assumed the persona of “A Spiritual Giant” or “One Who Is Spiritually Fit” or “A Supreme Self” or “An Infinite Self” or whatever new and grander and upgraded identity they have adopted – will not even consider being totally free of any and every identity.
18. Can you see that the problem Maharaj addressed when he warned against those contemporaries who were viewed as Big Name Teachers was not unique to Bombay or to the late 20th century? The problem is ancient, the problem was real in Maharaj’s day, and the problem remains today.
19. Consider by contrast the rare invitations offered when the Direct Path Method is combined with the Nisargan Yoga:
(a) You do not need to learn more, you need to unlearn all.
(b) You do not need to be taught, but you do need to be un-taught.
The invitations here:
20. Be wary of anyone who tells you that the solution to your problem is to learn more.
21. Be wary of anyone who tells you that the solution to your problem is in a book deemed by the masses to be “special” or “holy” or “big.”
22. Be wary of anyone who tells you that the solution to your problem is to know what he or she knows.
23. Be wary of anyone who tells you that the solution to your problem is to do what she or he does.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
19 June 2014
F.: Now, to review some key pointers from earlier:
*** Most humans on the planet have built up an immunity against the Ultimate Medicine, so the seat of their Illness – the place where the Ultimate Sickness is centered, namely, in the mind – now rejects wisdom; truth; pure witnessing; logic; reason; sense; common sense; the opportunity to be fully conscious, awake, and aware; and the opportunity to use intelligence (meaning here, a capacity for reasoning and for understanding while also including an aptitude for grasping truth and an ability to differentiate the true from the false).
*** The masses have developed a tolerance for three of the major symptoms of the Ultimate (Mental) Sickness, identified by Maharaj as “ignorance, stupidity, and insanity.”
*** The tolerance seems in most cases to have worsened to the point that it has become a preference among those suffering those three key traits of the Sickness.
*** Now they seem to delight in those three traits; in fact, in many places, there is widespread pride in ignorance.
Now, to further understand the Ultimate Sickness and the Ultimate Medicine, the following pointers can also be reviewed:
*** The Sickness in a mental Sickness.
*** The problems of humanity are centered in the mind, not in something that has been dreamed up and that is supposedly inside every body and that is identified as “a soul” or “one's spirit” or some such.
*** Therefore, the Ultimate Sickness has nothing to do with a lack of spiritual fitness.
*** Moreover, the Ultimate Sickness has nothing to do with a shortage of religious beliefs or devotion to dogma.
*** Thus, spirituality has nothing to do with the Ultimate Medicine.
*** Additionally, religion has nothing to do with the Ultimate Medicine.
*** It is as insane to believe that insanity can be cured by one’s spiritual exercises or by increasing one’s religious knowledge and faith and devotion as it is to believe that aspirin is a sane and sound treatment for a brain tumor.
*** Clearly, nonsensical beliefs cannot effectively be any part of a treatment plan designed to eliminate nonsensical beliefs.
*** Beliefs that result in insane levels of fanaticism of any kind – whether the fanaticism involves obsessing about sports, politics, religion, spirituality, finances, nationality, sexual preference, city pride, state pride, national pride, racial pride, ad infinitum – cannot effectively be any part of a treatment plan designed to eliminate the insane levels of fanaticism and self-absorption that drive the insane thoughts and deeds of persons among the non-Realized masses.
*** Dualistic beliefs evidence ignorance and insanity; the top source of dualistic beliefs of all times is religion; ergo, religion contributes more to ignorance and insanity than any other single source; therefore, that which is the greatest source of duality and ignorance and insanity (namely, religion along with its cousin spirituality) cannot cure the Ultimate Sickness. They are not any part of the Ultimate Medicine.
*** That which causes a sickness (or the Sickness) cannot be the cure (the Ultimate Medicine) for a sickness (or the Sickness).
*** Again, there is no on-going struggle here with religion or spirituality or anything else. What is here is a willingness to share a means by which some can address the Ultimate Sickness and its symptoms of “ignorance, stupidity, and insanity.”
*** It is that same willingness that would inspire one particular response to someone who says, “I have a brain tumor and my advisor / guru / psychiatrist / spouse / best friend / teacher / sponsor / priest / imam / rabbi / preacher / ayatollah / God / supreme leader / or "The Universe" said that I should take two aspirin, eight times a day, to treat it.”
That particular response: “Evidently, if you accept that belief on blind faith and without questioning it objectively at all, then there is no room for any additional ‘ignorance, stupidity, and insanity’ in your relative existence. You have maxxed out.”
The same is true in every instance where a nonsensical, myth-based belief is driving relative behaviors that are destructive or self-destructive:
if a medicine has been used for 5,000 years and if its results - when viewed objectively and logically – show that it does not address the illness you are trying to address, then anyone who advises you to keep trying the same medicine or to increase the dosage of that medicine would be challenged in the same manner as “the religious” and “the spiritual” are challenged here when they claim that their dogma or methods or exercises or activities or meetings are the ingredients that make up the Ultimate Medicine which can address the Ultimate Sickness.
They are not the ingredients, and – as Maharaj said – that is based not in opinion but in “my own experience.” Same here.
Coming to that realization, Maharaj eventually advised seekers to give up on spirituality. He knew it was not working. His final talks included additional invitations to abandon the content of the mind, to reach a state of no concepts, to give up all beliefs, and to then abide naturally (as does every life-form on the planet with one exception: humans).
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
18 June 2014
1. For example, discussed recently was the fact that body enhancement among humans – which began some 160,000 years ago via the use of early forms of “makeup” - has disintegrated in many cases into body self-mutilation;
2. also, discussed frequently here is the fact that nature’s originally-intended use for that part of the brain which is now called “the mind” was to store information regarding dangers that could impede the survival of the species; to recall that information when facing such dangers; and then to move away from those dangers.
Yet nowadays, with the Ultimate Sickness’s widespread ignorance and insanity that is rooted in the mind, that former asset has become a liability that is generating thoughts and words and actions that are quite detrimental to the survival of the species.
Additionally, an overall peculiarity regarding humans and the human body is the fact that it can tolerate drastic departures from normal, natural conditions.
Consider as an example a “normal” reaction to alcohol: a normal reaction, if someone drank alcohol excessively, would be to get sick and throw up the offending substance that is causing damage to the elemental plant food body. An “abnormal” drinker, on the other hand, is simply one who can tolerate drastic departures from normal, natural conditions around alcohol consumption which – in this case – means he or she can drink dangerous levels of the substance and not throw up at all.
In that case and others, an unnatural tolerance can develop among humans with the result that nature’s way – the Nisarga way - is often short-circuited or over-ridden to the body’s detriment and (as more of those types of modifications, mutations, and distortions occur) to the detriment of the species.
The same happens when the masses develop a tolerance for the symptoms of the Ultimate Sickness. Most humans on the planet have built up an immunity against the Ultimate Medicine, so the seat of their Illness – the place where the Ultimate Sickness is centered, namely, in the mind – now rejects wisdom; truth;
In short, the masses have developed a tolerance for three of the major symptoms of the Ultimate (Mental) Sickness, identified by Maharaj as “ignorance, stupidity, and insanity.” In fact, the tolerance in most cases seems to have worsened to the point that it has become a preference among those suffering the three key traits of the Sickness and which they now seem to delight in.
That is a situation discussed previously, and a relevant comment from the U.S. President was shared as he observed about many members of the opposition party. He noted: “It's like these guys take pride in being ignorant.”
That is far too often the current state being displayed as well by members of the non-Realized masses: there is seemingly a pride in ignorance. That results in blocking any willingness to enter into self-or-Self-inquiry, which in turn blocks seeing insanity, which in turn blocks the taking of the necessary steps to find the Ultimate Medicine and to be free of the effects of the Ultimate Sickness.
The results of that, in turn, are aggression; grandiosity; greed; arrogance; compulsiveness; hostility; humorlessness; immaturity; deceitfulness; self-centeredness; self-importance; dependency; depression; egocentrism; vanity; vindictiveness; instability;
resentfulness; snobbery; manipulation and materialism as well as a tolerance for other effects of the Illness, including: anger; hatred; a sense of separation; a sense of better-than-ment; a sense of different-from-ment;
perverted desires; baseless fears; personality disorders that disintegrate further into full-blown neuroses and psychoses; and a propensity for not only believing BS but also defending it, often to the death.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
17 June 2014
F.: Now, to review some key pointers from earlier:
*** Most humans on the planet have built up an immunity against the Ultimate Medicine, so the seat of their Illness – the place where the Ultimate Sickness is centered, namely, in the mind – now rejects wisdom; truth; pure witnessing; logic; reason; sense; common sense; the opportunity to be fully conscious, awake, and aware; and the opportunity to use intelligence (meaning here, a capacity for reasoning and for understanding while also including an aptitude for grasping truth and an ability to differentiate the true from the false).
*** The masses have developed a tolerance for three of the major symptoms of the Ultimate (Mental) Sickness, identified by Maharaj as “ignorance, stupidity, and insanity.”
*** The tolerance seems in most cases to have worsened to the point that it has become a preference among those suffering those three key traits of the Sickness.
*** Now they seem to delight in those three traits; in fact, in many places, there is widespread pride in ignorance.
Now, to further understand the Ultimate Sickness and the Ultimate Medicine, the following pointers can also be reviewed:
*** The Sickness in a mental Sickness.
*** The problems of humanity are centered in the mind, not in something that has been dreamed up and that is supposedly inside every body and that is identified as “a soul” or “one's spirit” or some such.
*** Therefore, the Ultimate Sickness has nothing to do with a lack of spiritual fitness.
*** Moreover, the Ultimate Sickness has nothing to do with a shortage of religious beliefs or devotion to dogma.
*** Thus, spirituality has nothing to do with the Ultimate Medicine.
*** Additionally, religion has nothing to do with the Ultimate Medicine.
*** It is as insane to believe that insanity can be cured by one’s spiritual exercises or by increasing one’s religious knowledge and faith and devotion as it is to believe that aspirin is a sane and sound treatment for a brain tumor.
*** Clearly, nonsensical beliefs cannot effectively be any part of a treatment plan designed to eliminate nonsensical beliefs.
*** Beliefs that result in insane levels of fanaticism of any kind – whether the fanaticism involves obsessing about sports, politics, religion, spirituality, finances, nationality, sexual preference, city pride, state pride, national pride, racial pride, ad infinitum – cannot effectively be any part of a treatment plan designed to eliminate the insane levels of fanaticism and self-absorption that drive the insane thoughts and deeds of persons among the non-Realized masses.
*** Dualistic beliefs evidence ignorance and insanity; the top source of dualistic beliefs of all times is religion; ergo, religion contributes more to ignorance and insanity than any other single source; therefore, that which is the greatest source of duality and ignorance and insanity (namely, religion along with its cousin spirituality) cannot cure the Ultimate Sickness. They are not any part of the Ultimate Medicine.
*** That which causes a sickness (or the Sickness) cannot be the cure (the Ultimate Medicine) for a sickness (or the Sickness).
*** Again, there is no on-going struggle here with religion or spirituality or anything else. What is here is a willingness to share a means by which some can address the Ultimate Sickness and its symptoms of “ignorance, stupidity, and insanity.”
*** It is that same willingness that would inspire one particular response to someone who says, “I have a brain tumor and my advisor / guru / psychiatrist / spouse / best friend / teacher / sponsor / priest / imam / rabbi / preacher / ayatollah / God / supreme leader / or "The Universe" said that I should take two aspirin, eight times a day, to treat it.”
That particular response: “Evidently, if you accept that belief on blind faith and without questioning it objectively at all, then there is no room for any additional ‘ignorance, stupidity, and insanity’ in your relative existence. You have maxxed out.”
The same is true in every instance where a nonsensical, myth-based belief is driving relative behaviors that are destructive or self-destructive:
if a medicine has been used for 5,000 years and if its results - when viewed objectively and logically – show that it does not address the illness you are trying to address, then anyone who advises you to keep trying the same medicine or to increase the dosage of that medicine would be challenged in the same manner as “the religious” and “the spiritual” are challenged here when they claim that their dogma or methods or exercises or activities or meetings are the ingredients that make up the Ultimate Medicine which can address the Ultimate Sickness.
They are not the ingredients, and – as Maharaj said – that is based not in opinion but in “my own experience.” Same here.
Coming to that realization, Maharaj eventually advised seekers to give up on spirituality. He knew it was not working. His final talks included additional invitations to abandon the content of the mind, to reach a state of no concepts, to give up all beliefs, and to then abide naturally (as does every life-form on the planet with one exception: humans).
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
18 June 2014
F.: There are many peculiarities among humans which have manifested during the last 100,000 to 200,000 years. The evidence shows that some evolutionary changes and some behaviors and some abilities that were originally an asset (in terms of enhancing the human experience or contributing to the survival of the species) can shift 180-degrees and become a liability.
F.: There are many peculiarities among humans which have manifested during the last 100,000 to 200,000 years. The evidence shows that some evolutionary changes and some behaviors and some abilities that were originally an asset (in terms of enhancing the human experience or contributing to the survival of the species) can shift 180-degrees and become a liability.
1. For example, discussed recently was the fact that body enhancement among humans – which began some 160,000 years ago via the use of early forms of “makeup” - has disintegrated in many cases into body self-mutilation;
2. also, discussed frequently here is the fact that nature’s originally-intended use for that part of the brain which is now called “the mind” was to store information regarding dangers that could impede the survival of the species; to recall that information when facing such dangers; and then to move away from those dangers.
Yet nowadays, with the Ultimate Sickness’s widespread ignorance and insanity that is rooted in the mind, that former asset has become a liability that is generating thoughts and words and actions that are quite detrimental to the survival of the species.
Additionally, an overall peculiarity regarding humans and the human body is the fact that it can tolerate drastic departures from normal, natural conditions.
Consider as an example a “normal” reaction to alcohol: a normal reaction, if someone drank alcohol excessively, would be to get sick and throw up the offending substance that is causing damage to the elemental plant food body. An “abnormal” drinker, on the other hand, is simply one who can tolerate drastic departures from normal, natural conditions around alcohol consumption which – in this case – means he or she can drink dangerous levels of the substance and not throw up at all.
In that case and others, an unnatural tolerance can develop among humans with the result that nature’s way – the Nisarga way - is often short-circuited or over-ridden to the body’s detriment and (as more of those types of modifications, mutations, and distortions occur) to the detriment of the species.
The same happens when the masses develop a tolerance for the symptoms of the Ultimate Sickness. Most humans on the planet have built up an immunity against the Ultimate Medicine, so the seat of their Illness – the place where the Ultimate Sickness is centered, namely, in the mind – now rejects wisdom; truth;
pure witnessing; logic; reason; sense; common sense; the opportunity to be fully conscious, awake, and aware; and the opportunity to use intelligence (meaning here, a capacity for reasoning and for understanding while also including an aptitude for grasping truth and an ability to differentiate the true from the false).
In short, the masses have developed a tolerance for three of the major symptoms of the Ultimate (Mental) Sickness, identified by Maharaj as “ignorance, stupidity, and insanity.” In fact, the tolerance in most cases seems to have worsened to the point that it has become a preference among those suffering the three key traits of the Sickness and which they now seem to delight in.
That is a situation discussed previously, and a relevant comment from the U.S. President was shared as he observed about many members of the opposition party. He noted: “It's like these guys take pride in being ignorant.”
That is far too often the current state being displayed as well by members of the non-Realized masses: there is seemingly a pride in ignorance. That results in blocking any willingness to enter into self-or-Self-inquiry, which in turn blocks seeing insanity, which in turn blocks the taking of the necessary steps to find the Ultimate Medicine and to be free of the effects of the Ultimate Sickness.
The results of that, in turn, are aggression; grandiosity; greed; arrogance; compulsiveness; hostility; humorlessness; immaturity; deceitfulness; self-centeredness; self-importance; dependency; depression; egocentrism; vanity; vindictiveness; instability;
resentfulness; snobbery; manipulation and materialism as well as a tolerance for other effects of the Illness, including: anger; hatred; a sense of separation; a sense of better-than-ment; a sense of different-from-ment;
perverted desires; baseless fears; personality disorders that disintegrate further into full-blown neuroses and psychoses; and a propensity for not only believing BS but also defending it, often to the death.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
17 June 2014
F.: The Ultimate Medicine is offered via Realized non-dualists to address the symptoms of the Ultimate Sickness. One major symptom of the Sickness (per Maharaj) is insanity, and the intensity of insanity that has spread throughout almost all of humankind is to a degree that is far beyond the scope of sickness that manifested via any historical epidemics or plagues of the past. The Ultimate Sickness has reached a pandemic level.
A pandemic is also an epidemic, and the Ultimate Sickness is also plague-like since it, too, can be a deadly infectious disease; however, a pandemic is different in its range and extent because it spreads through human populations across a larger region and across multiple continents and even worldwide. Having now spread worldwide, the Ultimate Sickness is by far the most significant epidemic / plague / pandemic that humankind has ever faced.
While various plagues can be spread in the air, by direct contact, or by contaminated undercooked food, the Ultimate Sickness is spread by words and images alone. As a result of the widespread and unchecked dissemination of programming, conditioning, acculturation, domestication, brainwashing, and indoctrination, there is now no immunization that can ward off the Sickness and there is no escaping the near-100% chance among all humans of contracting the Illness.
[Note that the other billions and trillions of life-forms that have lived or that are now living on the planet, not a single one has ever contracted the Ultimate Sickness. All have been immune for two reasons: (1) they have no words, and (2) they have no minds. No wonder the sages have long-recommended silence; no wonder the sages like Maharaj have recommended returning to the no-concept, no-mind state.]
And like “superbugs” that are no longer affected by many of the antibiotics that treated certain infections (“bugs”) effectively in the past, the mind-centered Ultimate Sickness has also developed a near-unyielding resistance to all that has prevented or treated the Sickness in the past:
Pure Witnessing
Common Sense
Being Fully Conscious, Awake, and Aware
To clarify the latter: many of those considered to be among the most intelligent persons on the planet have been observed to behave in the dumbest ways. Some of the so-called "most intelligent persons on the planet" display all three of the keys symptoms of the Ultimate (Mental) Sickness, identified by Maharaj as “ignorance, stupidity, and insanity.”
Therefore, the definition of intelligence used here is the one which says that intelligence does not involve “smartness” but instead involves a capacity, specifically, a capacity for . . .
sound reasoning
and for
while also including
an aptitude for grasping truth
and, relatedly,
an ability to differentiate between the true and the false.
It also involves a spontaneous and automatic use of the brain (which results in natural living) rather than being driven blindly by the fiction that fills what has become “the detrimental minds of humans” and that, therefore, plagues almost all of humanity.
It was explained thusly on this site in 2007 via the following excerpt from the eBook below entitled THERE’S NO SUCH THING AS “PEACE OF MIND” (There Is Only Peace if You’re Out of Your Mind)”:
The brain (which was intended by nature to function in a “sustain-and-preserve” fashion) has now been overridden by the “mind” (which is bent toward chaos, destruction, and self-destruction). The parts of the brain that store and retrieve memories are overshadowing and overpowering all of the rest of the brain in determining how persons emote and behave. Historically, humankind in general attempted to take all necessary action to survive. That has changed.
It should be seen that all conduct that is considered harmful or destructive in the relative existence is a result of programmed and conditioned “minds” overriding the natural aspects of the human brain; therefore, all harmful or destructive conduct (relatively speaking) is based in that which is supernatural or in that which is unnatural.
The “mind,” intended by nature to function in coordination with the brain in order to inspire sane, constructive, and self-constructive behavior (again, relatively speaking) now short-circuits the natural process.
So, the brain is of the elements; the mind is rooted in the learned ignorance that is taught via programming, conditioning, acculturation, domestication, brainwashing, and indoctrination; and the consciousness is of the Absolute, capable during the manifestation of witnessing purely and capable of functioning with Wisdom; with Truth; with full consciousness, awakeness, and awareness; and with intelligence of the variety defined above.
When those are functioning, then all body and mind and personality identifications vanish and the focus of the “human-style” composite unity is on actual, relative needs (meaning, adequate-but-not-excessive food, clothing, shelter, et cetera); moreover, when such functioning is happening, then all phony, dreamed-up “needs” which are personality-generated and based in delusion and illusions also vanish.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
16 June 2014
F.: The Ultimate Medicine is offered via Realized non-dualists to address the symptoms of the Ultimate Sickness. One major symptom of the Sickness (per Maharaj) is insanity, and the intensity of insanity that has spread throughout almost all of humankind is to a degree that is far beyond the scope of sickness that manifested via any historical epidemics or plagues of the past. The Ultimate Sickness has reached a pandemic level.
A pandemic is also an epidemic, and the Ultimate Sickness is also plague-like since it, too, can be a deadly infectious disease; however, a pandemic is different in its range and extent because it spreads through human populations across a larger region and across multiple continents and even worldwide. Having now spread worldwide, the Ultimate Sickness is by far the most significant epidemic / plague / pandemic that humankind has ever faced.
While various plagues can be spread in the air, by direct contact, or by contaminated undercooked food, the Ultimate Sickness is spread by words and images alone. As a result of the widespread and unchecked dissemination of programming, conditioning, acculturation, domestication, brainwashing, and indoctrination, there is now no immunization that can ward off the Sickness and there is no escaping the near-100% chance among all humans of contracting the Illness.
[Note that the other billions and trillions of life-forms that have lived or that are now living on the planet, not a single one has ever contracted the Ultimate Sickness. All have been immune for two reasons: (1) they have no words, and (2) they have no minds. No wonder the sages have long-recommended silence; no wonder the sages like Maharaj have recommended returning to the no-concept, no-mind state.]
And like “superbugs” that are no longer affected by many of the antibiotics that treated certain infections (“bugs”) effectively in the past, the mind-centered Ultimate Sickness has also developed a near-unyielding resistance to all that has prevented or treated the Sickness in the past:
Pure Witnessing
Common Sense
Being Fully Conscious, Awake, and Aware
To clarify the latter: many of those considered to be among the most intelligent persons on the planet have been observed to behave in the dumbest ways. Some of the so-called "most intelligent persons on the planet" display all three of the keys symptoms of the Ultimate (Mental) Sickness, identified by Maharaj as “ignorance, stupidity, and insanity.”
Therefore, the definition of intelligence used here is the one which says that intelligence does not involve “smartness” but instead involves a capacity, specifically, a capacity for . . .
sound reasoning
and for
while also including
an aptitude for grasping truth
and, relatedly,
an ability to differentiate between the true and the false.
It also involves a spontaneous and automatic use of the brain (which results in natural living) rather than being driven blindly by the fiction that fills what has become “the detrimental minds of humans” and that, therefore, plagues almost all of humanity.
It was explained thusly on this site in 2007 via the following excerpt from the eBook below entitled THERE’S NO SUCH THING AS “PEACE OF MIND” (There Is Only Peace if You’re Out of Your Mind)”:
The brain (which was intended by nature to function in a “sustain-and-preserve” fashion) has now been overridden by the “mind” (which is bent toward chaos, destruction, and self-destruction). The parts of the brain that store and retrieve memories are overshadowing and overpowering all of the rest of the brain in determining how persons emote and behave. Historically, humankind in general attempted to take all necessary action to survive. That has changed.
It should be seen that all conduct that is considered harmful or destructive in the relative existence is a result of programmed and conditioned “minds” overriding the natural aspects of the human brain; therefore, all harmful or destructive conduct (relatively speaking) is based in that which is supernatural or in that which is unnatural.
The “mind,” intended by nature to function in coordination with the brain in order to inspire sane, constructive, and self-constructive behavior (again, relatively speaking) now short-circuits the natural process.
So, the brain is of the elements; the mind is rooted in the learned ignorance that is taught via programming, conditioning, acculturation, domestication, brainwashing, and indoctrination; and the consciousness is of the Absolute, capable during the manifestation of witnessing purely and capable of functioning with Wisdom; with Truth; with full consciousness, awakeness, and awareness; and with intelligence of the variety defined above.
When those are functioning, then all body and mind and personality identifications vanish and the focus of the “human-style” composite unity is on actual, relative needs (meaning, adequate-but-not-excessive food, clothing, shelter, et cetera); moreover, when such functioning is happening, then all phony, dreamed-up “needs” which are personality-generated and based in delusion and illusions also vanish.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
16 June 2014
F.: Yesterday:
Krishna’s asserted that those who are no longer fooled know that “He” is beyond both beingness and non-beingness.
The understanding on the non-beingness is another means by which one can come to be free of personality identification and personality-generated delusion and illusions and the phony, dreamed-up “needs” that personalities inspire. So, more on the non-beingness tomorrow.
The persons referred to as the “non-Realized masses on the planet” include almost all humans. That group even includes many who are convinced that they are now Realized though they are not, their belief that they are now “enlightened,” “liberated,” Realized, “THAT,” whatever, notwithstanding.
[Recall, Maharaj made clear that those types, though believing 100% that they are now standing in the full light of the noonday sun have actually not even moved beyond the dim light of dawn.]
The very presence of any beliefs - and especially beliefs about being “enlightened,” “liberated,” Realized, “THAT,” whatever - exposes the false conclusion that they have drawn about their present condition.
Even as they and billions believe that they have the ability to choose and that they have power and that they have access to a Power or Powers, they are actually being driven by the beliefs and desires and fears and totally subconscious agendas of every one of their false identifies (i.e., personalities, personas, roles, ego-states, stage characters, etc.)
Persons are certain that “they are being” and that “they are being this and being that” or that “they have been that or they were that but they are now this instead” and that “they will be such-and-such after this life,” etc. So sure are they of their false beliefs about beingness, how could they possibly grasp the teachings regarding non-beingness? That is, how can persons understand the untruth of non-beingness when they do not understand the lies they believe about beingness?
In 2005, there was offered during a discussion about the untruth of beingness, dealing with several women who really believed that they were “Mrs. Thomas Smith”:
Consider persons who were married and divorced. They imagined that “spouse” really identified who they were. But for that (false) identity to exist, another person was required to complete the assumed role. But "That Which They Truly Are" is real; it depends on nothing else and no one else for its existence, and never changes.
What They Truly Are, They Were That before a court officer signing a document and will be that after a court officer signs another document. Court officers, like all persons, deal in lies and illusions and assumptions that false identities are real.
A document cannot create You; a document cannot destroy You. It can, however, inspire a false belief that a dependent role can define who you are. How grand is the lie? Take the fictional Thomas Smith as an example. He married Jane Jones and a man in a robe told her that she was now Mrs. Thomas Smith. She assumed that new identity and all the fears and expectations and desires that came with it. But her fears were realized when Thomas left her for Mary Martin.
In a court, a man in a robe told Jane Jones / Mrs. Thomas Smith that she was no longer Mrs. Thomas Smith but could once again be Miss Jane Jones; shortly after that event, another man in a robe told Mary Martin that she was Mrs. Thomas Smith. She assumed that new identity and all the fears and expectations and desires that came with it. But her fears were realized when Thomas left her for Patty Prentiss.
In a court, a man in a robe told Mary Martin / Mrs. Thomas Smith that she was no longer Mrs. Thomas Smith but could once again be Miss Mary Martin; shortly after that event, another man in a robe told Patty Prentiss that she was Mrs. Thomas Smith. Do you see the insanity of assuming identities?
"Mrs. Thomas Smith" was a role assumed by three different persons, and all three really believed that they were who and what their culture told them that they were. But the culture told three different persons that they were the same person. In the remote past, Jane was Mrs. Thomas Smith; in the past Mary was Mrs. Thomas Smith; in the present, Patty is Mrs. Thomas Smith. One can guess that in the future, Patty will not be Mrs. Thomas Smith.
From this example, isn’t it clear that any assumption of any persona as a real identity is an insane case of mistaken, false identity? Are you assuming any false identities as real identities? Are you unconsciously listening to all the persons in your culture who haven't a clue as to Who They Truly Are while unconsciously allowing them to tell you who or what you are? Then you'll also unconsciously accept all the fears and desires and expectations that come with roles and that guarantee misery in the relative existence.
So there is an example of a lie about beingness and no-longer-being, and the same applies to every role ever assigned or assumed. Understand:
That which never had any real was-ness cannot later have no-was-ness. That which has never “had beingness” cannot later “have non-beingness.”
To understand beingness and non-beingness is another step closer to being free of beliefs, including the phony beliefs involving dreamed-up “needs” which are all personality-generated and based in delusion and illusions.
Consider as well: even if not assuming the role of “The Husband,” “husbanding” can happen; yet even if husbanding were happening here, no fears or anger could come about if someone tried to threaten that role by claiming, “I’m leaving you.” Why? Because it is totally understood that I am not “The Husband That Is Dependent on a Co-Dependent, Counterpart Player for Its Existence to Be and to Continue to Be.”
This AM-ness presently is, sure, but there is no word that can legitimately or truthfully follow the words, “I am.”
More to the point, what is not cannot later on not-be. What is not cannot be threatened. What is not cannot be afraid. All ego-states are ghosts, and only the ignorant and / or insane believe in ghosts. The Realized are not scared of ghosts or anything else; the Realized cannot be afraid of what is not real. The Realized cannot be concerned with any concept that was merely dreamed up by humans. And the Realized cannot be concerned about the potential loss of anything conceptualized by humans.
Additionally, there can be no perceived "loss" or "gain" post-Realization. No Realized person could say, “Well, the mirage was earlier today, but it is no longer being anymore.”
Mirages are not real. Rainbows are not real. Angels are not real. Souls are not real. Upgraded and downgraded versions of earth which are places that some Power will use to hand out eternal rewards or eternal punishment are not real. Unicorns are not real. Oh, and “you” are not real, either.
Energy – matter is real. It was never created. It cannot be destroyed. Can it undergo major changes in form? Sure. The space called “floyd” cannot be affected, but the form called “floyd” will be. Per the Second Law of Thermodynamics, what comes together will comes apart.
The form called “floyd” will not only come apart “later,” that coming apart is happening right now. The skin on the outside of the form is replaced entirely every twenty-eight days. The acids in the stomach eat away the stomach every few days and the stomach is replaced.
Thus, skin is constantly coming and going, stomach linings are constantly coming and going, and the same coming-and-going-process is happening throughout the universe. Among life forms on earth, eating happens so whatever is eaten can convert into different cell types, but those cells come and go constantly too, requiring a constant supply of food.
But to think the form that is seen is actually “floyd,” well, that is false; thus, to believe that when the form is manifested no more it is because “floyd died” is nonsense.
Nothing was created, nothing was destroyed. All is cycling. Right now. What is thought by the masses to be is not, so what is also thought by the masses to no longer be is bogus, too. Earth to earth. Ashes to ashes. Cycling. See?
This was shared last week with Pete:
If a barren woman is insane and talks about the child she had, that’d be nuts, but what if she later talked about that child dying and claimed that the child is now no longer being. Also crazy, yes? Apply that to every ego-state: “I was husband so that was my being . . . it was what defined my beingness; but my wife left, so now I am a non-husband.” How many hang onto that new identity for decades?
On forms that ask, "Are you single, married, or divorced?" I always write, “No.” (Just a little fun. Most will ignore the answer, anyway. Their forms are meaningless and they know they are meaningless, so they never even read them.)
But how many among the masses believe, “Well, I was single, but then I got married, but it didn’t work out so now I am divorced”? The implication is: “I was 'that' but then I became 'that' but now I am 'this'.” Label. Label. Label. Unquestioned acculturation. Unquestioned acculturation. Unquestioned acculturation. BS. BS. BS.)
A composite unity of an elemental plant food body and oxygen and conscious-energy was not “born” and was not “created.” The components – or what evolved or combined to make the components – always were and always shall be. What will not be is any particular composite. It has no continuity now, much less “later.”
Be free of believing in beingness - in “being this” or “being that” – and one can then be free of delusions now and can also be free of the fear of “non-beingness” as well.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
16 June 2014
F.: Yesterday:
Krishna’s asserted that those who are no longer fooled know that “He” is beyond both beingness and non-beingness.
The understanding on the non-beingness is another means by which one can come to be free of personality identification and personality-generated delusion and illusions and the phony, dreamed-up “needs” that personalities inspire. So, more on the non-beingness tomorrow.
The persons referred to as the “non-Realized masses on the planet” include almost all humans. That group even includes many who are convinced that they are now Realized though they are not, their belief that they are now “enlightened,” “liberated,” Realized, “THAT,” whatever, notwithstanding.
[Recall, Maharaj made clear that those types, though believing 100% that they are now standing in the full light of the noonday sun have actually not even moved beyond the dim light of dawn.]
The very presence of any beliefs - and especially beliefs about being “enlightened,” “liberated,” Realized, “THAT,” whatever - exposes the false conclusion that they have drawn about their present condition.
Even as they and billions believe that they have the ability to choose and that they have power and that they have access to a Power or Powers, they are actually being driven by the beliefs and desires and fears and totally subconscious agendas of every one of their false identifies (i.e., personalities, personas, roles, ego-states, stage characters, etc.)
Persons are certain that “they are being” and that “they are being this and being that” or that “they have been that or they were that but they are now this instead” and that “they will be such-and-such after this life,” etc. So sure are they of their false beliefs about beingness, how could they possibly grasp the teachings regarding non-beingness? That is, how can persons understand the untruth of non-beingness when they do not understand the lies they believe about beingness?
In 2005, there was offered during a discussion about the untruth of beingness, dealing with several women who really believed that they were “Mrs. Thomas Smith”:
Consider persons who were married and divorced. They imagined that “spouse” really identified who they were. But for that (false) identity to exist, another person was required to complete the assumed role. But "That Which They Truly Are" is real; it depends on nothing else and no one else for its existence, and never changes.
What They Truly Are, They Were That before a court officer signing a document and will be that after a court officer signs another document. Court officers, like all persons, deal in lies and illusions and assumptions that false identities are real.
A document cannot create You; a document cannot destroy You. It can, however, inspire a false belief that a dependent role can define who you are. How grand is the lie? Take the fictional Thomas Smith as an example. He married Jane Jones and a man in a robe told her that she was now Mrs. Thomas Smith. She assumed that new identity and all the fears and expectations and desires that came with it. But her fears were realized when Thomas left her for Mary Martin.
In a court, a man in a robe told Jane Jones / Mrs. Thomas Smith that she was no longer Mrs. Thomas Smith but could once again be Miss Jane Jones; shortly after that event, another man in a robe told Mary Martin that she was Mrs. Thomas Smith. She assumed that new identity and all the fears and expectations and desires that came with it. But her fears were realized when Thomas left her for Patty Prentiss.
In a court, a man in a robe told Mary Martin / Mrs. Thomas Smith that she was no longer Mrs. Thomas Smith but could once again be Miss Mary Martin; shortly after that event, another man in a robe told Patty Prentiss that she was Mrs. Thomas Smith. Do you see the insanity of assuming identities?
"Mrs. Thomas Smith" was a role assumed by three different persons, and all three really believed that they were who and what their culture told them that they were. But the culture told three different persons that they were the same person. In the remote past, Jane was Mrs. Thomas Smith; in the past Mary was Mrs. Thomas Smith; in the present, Patty is Mrs. Thomas Smith. One can guess that in the future, Patty will not be Mrs. Thomas Smith.
From this example, isn’t it clear that any assumption of any persona as a real identity is an insane case of mistaken, false identity? Are you assuming any false identities as real identities? Are you unconsciously listening to all the persons in your culture who haven't a clue as to Who They Truly Are while unconsciously allowing them to tell you who or what you are? Then you'll also unconsciously accept all the fears and desires and expectations that come with roles and that guarantee misery in the relative existence.
So there is an example of a lie about beingness and no-longer-being, and the same applies to every role ever assigned or assumed. Understand:
That which never had any real was-ness cannot later have no-was-ness. That which has never “had beingness” cannot later “have non-beingness.”
To understand beingness and non-beingness is another step closer to being free of beliefs, including the phony beliefs involving dreamed-up “needs” which are all personality-generated and based in delusion and illusions.
Consider as well: even if not assuming the role of “The Husband,” “husbanding” can happen; yet even if husbanding were happening here, no fears or anger could come about if someone tried to threaten that role by claiming, “I’m leaving you.” Why? Because it is totally understood that I am not “The Husband That Is Dependent on a Co-Dependent, Counterpart Player for Its Existence to Be and to Continue to Be.”
This AM-ness presently is, sure, but there is no word that can legitimately or truthfully follow the words, “I am.”
More to the point, what is not cannot later on not-be. What is not cannot be threatened. What is not cannot be afraid. All ego-states are ghosts, and only the ignorant and / or insane believe in ghosts. The Realized are not scared of ghosts or anything else; the Realized cannot be afraid of what is not real. The Realized cannot be concerned with any concept that was merely dreamed up by humans. And the Realized cannot be concerned about the potential loss of anything conceptualized by humans.
Additionally, there can be no perceived "loss" or "gain" post-Realization. No Realized person could say, “Well, the mirage was earlier today, but it is no longer being anymore.”
Mirages are not real. Rainbows are not real. Angels are not real. Souls are not real. Upgraded and downgraded versions of earth which are places that some Power will use to hand out eternal rewards or eternal punishment are not real. Unicorns are not real. Oh, and “you” are not real, either.
Energy – matter is real. It was never created. It cannot be destroyed. Can it undergo major changes in form? Sure. The space called “floyd” cannot be affected, but the form called “floyd” will be. Per the Second Law of Thermodynamics, what comes together will comes apart.
The form called “floyd” will not only come apart “later,” that coming apart is happening right now. The skin on the outside of the form is replaced entirely every twenty-eight days. The acids in the stomach eat away the stomach every few days and the stomach is replaced.
Thus, skin is constantly coming and going, stomach linings are constantly coming and going, and the same coming-and-going-process is happening throughout the universe. Among life forms on earth, eating happens so whatever is eaten can convert into different cell types, but those cells come and go constantly too, requiring a constant supply of food.
But to think the form that is seen is actually “floyd,” well, that is false; thus, to believe that when the form is manifested no more it is because “floyd died” is nonsense.
Nothing was created, nothing was destroyed. All is cycling. Right now. What is thought by the masses to be is not, so what is also thought by the masses to no longer be is bogus, too. Earth to earth. Ashes to ashes. Cycling. See?
This was shared last week with Pete:
If a barren woman is insane and talks about the child she had, that’d be nuts, but what if she later talked about that child dying and claimed that the child is now no longer being. Also crazy, yes? Apply that to every ego-state: “I was husband so that was my being . . . it was what defined my beingness; but my wife left, so now I am a non-husband.” How many hang onto that new identity for decades?
On forms that ask, "Are you single, married, or divorced?" I always write, “No.” (Just a little fun. Most will ignore the answer, anyway. Their forms are meaningless and they know they are meaningless, so they never even read them.)
But how many among the masses believe, “Well, I was single, but then I got married, but it didn’t work out so now I am divorced”? The implication is: “I was 'that' but then I became 'that' but now I am 'this'.” Label. Label. Label. Unquestioned acculturation. Unquestioned acculturation. Unquestioned acculturation. BS. BS. BS.)
A composite unity of an elemental plant food body and oxygen and conscious-energy was not “born” and was not “created.” The components – or what evolved or combined to make the components – always were and always shall be. What will not be is any particular composite. It has no continuity now, much less “later.”
Be free of believing in beingness - in “being this” or “being that” – and one can then be free of delusions now and can also be free of the fear of “non-beingness” as well.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
16 June 2014
F.: Ultimately, the objective of the Direct Path Non-Dual Teachings / Unteachings is to lead seekers beyond all body-mind-personality identification and, therefore, beyond all beliefs.
All phenomenal beliefs deal with body-mind-personality identification, and yes, if one became free of those beliefs, huge shifts in the way that the relative existence unfolds would manifest.
So why did Maharaj discuss any additional steps, and why are the additional steps discussed here? The answer involves understanding why the teachings here are blended with the Nisarga Yoga.
The objective of the Direct Path / Nisarga Yoga blend is to assure that not only are all phenomenal identifications discarded but that all Noumenal identifications come to an end as well. The objective of the Nisarga Yoga is to provide a means by which natural, no-who-ness and No-Who-ness, no identity-at-all abidance can happen for the remainder of the relative existence.
Recall that a key non-dual pointer is this: “A dual-minded person is unstable in all ways.” Next, grasp that the summative statement of non-duality is this: “I AM THAT; I AM.” The full understanding results in the additional understanding that the statement of non-duality really does involve “advaita” (“not two”). Yet to focus on both as if "they" were "two" results in dual-mindedness, so the invitation here is to focus in a singular, non-dual fashion for the remainder of the post-Realization existence.
That part of the process can happen via the Direct Path Method of Teaching / Unteachings, and the guidance that can allow seekers to reach that point is provided in the book FROM THE I TO THE ABSOLUTE (A Seven-Step Journey to Reality).
When seekers take the online course here, they are provided with four books that serve as the course materials, and that book the one used first. But the title of the third of four books makes clear that completing the seven steps and Realizing in not the end for those that seek “the whole story” . . . the entire understanding that allows for total freedom from duality and for a totally-natural manner of abidance.
The title of the third book used in the course? FROM THE ABSOLUTE TO THE NOTHINGNESS.
For the few that do Realize, they often try to abide in a most unnatural and supernatural manner (that is, a religious, spiritual, or magical-thinking manner). They use non-duality as a means by which they can escape the relative rather than enjoy it fully.
With that often subconscious agenda, they are the one who move into Foo-Foo Land and focus only on THAT and their THAT-ness and their Supreme Self-ness or their Infinite Self or whatever other identites they assume after thinking they have aligned with "only things Noumenal." Those types are as trapped in false identities and egotism as are those who have never sought at all.
That is the point where the Nisarga Yoga understanding can serve as a second round of Ultimate Medicine because the first round used to treat the Ultimate Sickness often does not provide the full cure, no different from the case when a second round of antibiotics is sometimes required to eliminate completely an infection.
The full cure results in singular, non-dual focusing, focusing only on the AM-ness in order to enjoy the happiness and bliss that can only come now, never later. Such happiness and bliss can only come after abandoning all preoccupation with what follows the relative existence.
("Wait a minute! Focus only on the AM-ness?" Yes. Why? Of the billions and billions of life-forms on the planet, only one becomes so mentally-perverted that it focuses on “this” or "That" or “THAT,” namely, humans. Birds are not concerned with That or THAT. The deer in this area are not concerned with That or THAT. The fish in the lake around which this community has been built are not concerned with That or THAT. Nothing is concerned with anything post-manifestation except humans who have been programmed to believe that they, or some part of them, shall survive post-manifestation and that their thoughts and attention and efforts to prepare must focus on whatever That or THAT is.)
The fact is this: what follow the relative existence will follow, and no one can affect it in the slightest. First, there will be no “one” present post-manifestation to do so, and what will happen post-manifestation with happen according to the laws of nature, not according to the laws or efforts or desires of any man / woman / being / Being.
If the Nisarga understanding happens, then the remainder of the manifestation will happen spontaneously and naturally (which is also the case with what happens post-manifestation). Freedom comes when that is understood!
No one or One to please? No. No one or One to answer to? No. No egomaniacal Supreme Something or Other who wants to be worshipped and adored or who wants to hear songs of praise and words of adoration and glorification and veneration and exaltation forever? No. (Consider in that regard: the odds are great that you’ve lived with a narcissist - or with a malignant narcissist, a.k.a., a sociopath) or that you have dealt with many of those types. If that is the case, can the prospect of living for eternity with a praise-seeking Otherworldly Narcissist really be something to be pursued?)
Moreover, if the Nisarga understanding happens alongside the Realization that can come via the Direct Path Teachings / Unteachings, then more freedom-bringing understandings will come, such as:
No cycles up or down? No. No karma dues to be collected by some "Great, Celestial Accountant" or some “All-Knowing Accounting System in the Sky”? No. No reward to work for and no punishment to avoid? No.
Instead? No nothing. That and that alone is the understanding that can allow the remainder of the manifestation to unfold without the misery of unmet desires and without the anxiety and stress and angst of fears (what with both desires and fears always being rooted in personal identification).
A man named Pete has begun the online course and is presently studying and considering the implications of understanding beingness and non-beingness (along with Krishna’s assertion that those who are no longer fooled know that “He” is beyond both).
The understanding on the non-beingness is another means by which one can come to be free of personality identification and personality-generated delusion and illusions and the phony, dreamed-up “needs” that personalities inspire. So, more on the non-beingness tomorrow.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
Previous post
F.: Ultimately, the objective of the Direct Path Non-Dual Teachings / Unteachings is to lead seekers beyond all body-mind-personality identification and, therefore, beyond all beliefs.
All phenomenal beliefs deal with body-mind-personality identification, and yes, if one became free of those beliefs, huge shifts in the way that the relative existence unfolds would manifest.
So why did Maharaj discuss any additional steps, and why are the additional steps discussed here? The answer involves understanding why the teachings here are blended with the Nisarga Yoga.
The objective of the Direct Path / Nisarga Yoga blend is to assure that not only are all phenomenal identifications discarded but that all Noumenal identifications come to an end as well. The objective of the Nisarga Yoga is to provide a means by which natural, no-who-ness and No-Who-ness, no identity-at-all abidance can happen for the remainder of the relative existence.
Recall that a key non-dual pointer is this: “A dual-minded person is unstable in all ways.” Next, grasp that the summative statement of non-duality is this: “I AM THAT; I AM.” The full understanding results in the additional understanding that the statement of non-duality really does involve “advaita” (“not two”). Yet to focus on both as if "they" were "two" results in dual-mindedness, so the invitation here is to focus in a singular, non-dual fashion for the remainder of the post-Realization existence.
That part of the process can happen via the Direct Path Method of Teaching / Unteachings, and the guidance that can allow seekers to reach that point is provided in the book FROM THE I TO THE ABSOLUTE (A Seven-Step Journey to Reality).
When seekers take the online course here, they are provided with four books that serve as the course materials, and that book the one used first. But the title of the third of four books makes clear that completing the seven steps and Realizing in not the end for those that seek “the whole story” . . . the entire understanding that allows for total freedom from duality and for a totally-natural manner of abidance.
The title of the third book used in the course? FROM THE ABSOLUTE TO THE NOTHINGNESS.
For the few that do Realize, they often try to abide in a most unnatural and supernatural manner (that is, a religious, spiritual, or magical-thinking manner). They use non-duality as a means by which they can escape the relative rather than enjoy it fully.
With that often subconscious agenda, they are the one who move into Foo-Foo Land and focus only on THAT and their THAT-ness and their Supreme Self-ness or their Infinite Self or whatever other identites they assume after thinking they have aligned with "only things Noumenal." Those types are as trapped in false identities and egotism as are those who have never sought at all.
That is the point where the Nisarga Yoga understanding can serve as a second round of Ultimate Medicine because the first round used to treat the Ultimate Sickness often does not provide the full cure, no different from the case when a second round of antibiotics is sometimes required to eliminate completely an infection.
The full cure results in singular, non-dual focusing, focusing only on the AM-ness in order to enjoy the happiness and bliss that can only come now, never later. Such happiness and bliss can only come after abandoning all preoccupation with what follows the relative existence.
("Wait a minute! Focus only on the AM-ness?" Yes. Why? Of the billions and billions of life-forms on the planet, only one becomes so mentally-perverted that it focuses on “this” or "That" or “THAT,” namely, humans. Birds are not concerned with That or THAT. The deer in this area are not concerned with That or THAT. The fish in the lake around which this community has been built are not concerned with That or THAT. Nothing is concerned with anything post-manifestation except humans who have been programmed to believe that they, or some part of them, shall survive post-manifestation and that their thoughts and attention and efforts to prepare must focus on whatever That or THAT is.)
The fact is this: what follow the relative existence will follow, and no one can affect it in the slightest. First, there will be no “one” present post-manifestation to do so, and what will happen post-manifestation with happen according to the laws of nature, not according to the laws or efforts or desires of any man / woman / being / Being.
If the Nisarga understanding happens, then the remainder of the manifestation will happen spontaneously and naturally (which is also the case with what happens post-manifestation). Freedom comes when that is understood!
No one or One to please? No. No one or One to answer to? No. No egomaniacal Supreme Something or Other who wants to be worshipped and adored or who wants to hear songs of praise and words of adoration and glorification and veneration and exaltation forever? No. (Consider in that regard: the odds are great that you’ve lived with a narcissist - or with a malignant narcissist, a.k.a., a sociopath) or that you have dealt with many of those types. If that is the case, can the prospect of living for eternity with a praise-seeking Otherworldly Narcissist really be something to be pursued?)
Moreover, if the Nisarga understanding happens alongside the Realization that can come via the Direct Path Teachings / Unteachings, then more freedom-bringing understandings will come, such as:
No cycles up or down? No. No karma dues to be collected by some "Great, Celestial Accountant" or some “All-Knowing Accounting System in the Sky”? No. No reward to work for and no punishment to avoid? No.
Instead? No nothing. That and that alone is the understanding that can allow the remainder of the manifestation to unfold without the misery of unmet desires and without the anxiety and stress and angst of fears (what with both desires and fears always being rooted in personal identification).
A man named Pete has begun the online course and is presently studying and considering the implications of understanding beingness and non-beingness (along with Krishna’s assertion that those who are no longer fooled know that “He” is beyond both).
The understanding on the non-beingness is another means by which one can come to be free of personality identification and personality-generated delusion and illusions and the phony, dreamed-up “needs” that personalities inspire. So, more on the non-beingness tomorrow.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
Previous post
F.: Just received from a site visitor: “I read that Maharaj said something like ‘many of you take yourselves to be spiritual giants; as for me, I am a spiritual pygmy.’ So why of all the hundreds of personality identifications that persons ‘can be assigned or can adopted’ (as you say) did Maharaj's last talks focus so much on giving up the role of the spiritual giant instead of any of the other roles that are played?”
Excellent query and the answer has much to do with the next pointer in the discussion here.
Maharaj was quite familiar with the hundreds of personality identifications that persons can be assigned or can adopt. He understood that all personas will generate delusion-based, phony "needs."
He understood that phony "needs" can never be met consistently; and he understood that even unmet phony needs will still generate frustration and unhappiness and misery and suffering.
He also understood that most persons will never be liberated from personality and will, therefore, cling to those false identities until they are stripped away . . .
a. if the co-dependent, counterpart player (who is required for any persona to think it exists) quits playing, such as when “The Spouse” leaves or when “The Employer” fires “The Employee”; or
b. when an ego-state's co-dependent, counterpart player “dies.”
Moreover, Maharaj's focus did not turn toward “The Super Religious Ones” or “The Spiritual Giants” or “The Super Seekers” because the effects of those were "worst" than the effects of other roles. All roles can lead to fanaticism and all false identities will come to believe at times that they are being threatened or interfered with, and often that belief will lead to homicidal thoughts.
So if “The Wife” says she is leaving, “The Husband” can believe that he is being threatened and can assume a defensive posture that shifts to an offensive posture and can kill “The Wife” in response; or
religious fanatics can be so sure that members of other religions are threatening the agenda of their religious persona that they will kill, declare war, declare jihad, ad infinitum.
So Maharaj did not focus so much on addressing religious / spiritual ego-states because their influence has far more detrimental consequences (relatively speaking) than other personality identifications. All personas are capable of generating detrimental consequences during the relative existence, and usually do.
So what was the reason that his focus shifted to those roles then? What has caused the focus here to shift to those roles? The answer is simple:
among seekers – and that is the audience being addressed – the last roles to “go,” the last to be abandoned once and for all, are the typically the roles of “The Super Religious One” and / or “The Spiritual Giant” and / or “The Super Seeker.”
In an effort to allow his visitors to move to the 4th step and to complete the entire ‘journey,” he understood that those three roles are the ones that are most likely to bring the “journey” to a halt, that they are the most likely to inspire seekers to fixate at the third of seven steps where those roles are played, and that they are, therefore, the ones that are the most likely of all to prevent Full Realization.
What an irony, yes? The very mental condition that convinces person to believe that they “have arrived” and to believe that they “have completed the entire journey” is the condition that not only impedes further movement along the “path” but also prevents the completion of the entire “journey.”
He understood that the playing of “The Super Religious One” or “The Spiritual Giant” can leave persons so delusional that they can mistake the dull light of the dawn for the full brightness of the noonday sun. Now that is ignorant. That is delusional. That is deranged. That is insane.
And because the non-dual teacher's primary objective is to eliminate those traits of the Ultimate Sickness, then how derelict would the teacher be if she or he did not focus on the roles that are the greatest impediment to completion of the entire “journey”?
So, that impediment being the case, what false identities should be discussed more with seekers than the roles of “The Super Religious One” or “The Spiritual Giant” and / or “The Super Seeker”? Obviously, none.
Now, have you noticed the search feature on the top right side of this page? What other non-dual topics are you interested in? You are invited to use that tool to search through the thousands of free postings to find additional discussions of non-dual topics that are of particular interest to you specifically.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
11 June 2014
F.: Just received from a site visitor: “I read that Maharaj said something like ‘many of you take yourselves to be spiritual giants; as for me, I am a spiritual pygmy.’ So why of all the hundreds of personality identifications that persons ‘can be assigned or can adopted’ (as you say) did Maharaj's last talks focus so much on giving up the role of the spiritual giant instead of any of the other roles that are played?”
Excellent query and the answer has much to do with the next pointer in the discussion here.
Maharaj was quite familiar with the hundreds of personality identifications that persons can be assigned or can adopt. He understood that all personas will generate delusion-based, phony "needs."
He understood that phony "needs" can never be met consistently; and he understood that even unmet phony needs will still generate frustration and unhappiness and misery and suffering.
He also understood that most persons will never be liberated from personality and will, therefore, cling to those false identities until they are stripped away . . .
a. if the co-dependent, counterpart player (who is required for any persona to think it exists) quits playing, such as when “The Spouse” leaves or when “The Employer” fires “The Employee”; or
b. when an ego-state's co-dependent, counterpart player “dies.”
Moreover, Maharaj's focus did not turn toward “The Super Religious Ones” or “The Spiritual Giants” or “The Super Seekers” because the effects of those were "worst" than the effects of other roles. All roles can lead to fanaticism and all false identities will come to believe at times that they are being threatened or interfered with, and often that belief will lead to homicidal thoughts.
So if “The Wife” says she is leaving, “The Husband” can believe that he is being threatened and can assume a defensive posture that shifts to an offensive posture and can kill “The Wife” in response; or
religious fanatics can be so sure that members of other religions are threatening the agenda of their religious persona that they will kill, declare war, declare jihad, ad infinitum.
So Maharaj did not focus so much on addressing religious / spiritual ego-states because their influence has far more detrimental consequences (relatively speaking) than other personality identifications. All personas are capable of generating detrimental consequences during the relative existence, and usually do.
So what was the reason that his focus shifted to those roles then? What has caused the focus here to shift to those roles? The answer is simple:
among seekers – and that is the audience being addressed – the last roles to “go,” the last to be abandoned once and for all, are the typically the roles of “The Super Religious One” and / or “The Spiritual Giant” and / or “The Super Seeker.”
In an effort to allow his visitors to move to the 4th step and to complete the entire ‘journey,” he understood that those three roles are the ones that are most likely to bring the “journey” to a halt, that they are the most likely to inspire seekers to fixate at the third of seven steps where those roles are played, and that they are, therefore, the ones that are the most likely of all to prevent Full Realization.
What an irony, yes? The very mental condition that convinces person to believe that they “have arrived” and to believe that they “have completed the entire journey” is the condition that not only impedes further movement along the “path” but also prevents the completion of the entire “journey.”
He understood that the playing of “The Super Religious One” or “The Spiritual Giant” can leave persons so delusional that they can mistake the dull light of the dawn for the full brightness of the noonday sun. Now that is ignorant. That is delusional. That is deranged. That is insane.
And because the non-dual teacher's primary objective is to eliminate those traits of the Ultimate Sickness, then how derelict would the teacher be if she or he did not focus on the roles that are the greatest impediment to completion of the entire “journey”?
So, that impediment being the case, what false identities should be discussed more with seekers than the roles of “The Super Religious One” or “The Spiritual Giant” and / or “The Super Seeker”? Obviously, none.
Now, have you noticed the search feature on the top right side of this page? What other non-dual topics are you interested in? You are invited to use that tool to search through the thousands of free postings to find additional discussions of non-dual topics that are of particular interest to you specifically.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
11 June 2014
F.: [Continued from yesterday] There was nothing “negative” that Maharaj felt about those who think that religion and / or spirituality might be the Ultimate Medicine to address the ignorance and insanity that are at core of the Ultimate Sickness. (Feeling “negative” would be as dualistic as feeling “positive.”)
There was no person there and there is no person here to feel “negative” or “positive” about anything. As far as “humans” go, there are only composite unities, and which of the composites’ three parts - earth elements or air or (conscious) energy – could possibly feel either negative or positive about anything?
The point is, Maharaj at various times prescribed both dogma and spiritual exercises to be used as the Ultimate Medicine, an approach tried by billions; unlike those billions, he abandoned both when he awoke to the fact that neither treats humankind’s main problem which centers in the mind . . . a problem which is a mental and emotional illness involving personality identification and the subsequent personality disorders that disintegrate into neuroses and psychoses.
The same is the case here: both were tried and prescribed; it became clear that neither has ever addressed humankind’s all-pervasive mental and emotional illnesses; it became clear that neither can address the real problem; and it was seen that both actually contribute to the Sickness.
(What is more mentally unstable and emotionally-intoxicated than those who are fanatical about religion or spirituality or politics or sports or guns or anything else?)
Thus, this has been shared many times in the past: “Here, there is nothing that is believed, so there is no one here who wants you to believe anything, either. Here, the invitation is to be free of all that you have been programmed, conditioned, acculturated, and domesticated to believe so that you can be free, period.”
So, Maharaj in the end advised persons not to read the excessively-spiritual talks in I AM THAT but to read his later talks which addressed the effective way to treat the Ultimate Sickness, specifically, with a version of non-duality that results post-Realization in a Nisargan manner of abiding naturally.
Someone once asked why anything from that book is still mentioned on this site. This is the explanation offered in the past:
“As for Maharaj, you will find here some of his early pointers for beginners but some of his later pointers that are for seekers farther along the ‘path.’ During his last years, he said of I AM THAT:
‘That book and whatever was expounded at that time was only relevant for that period. I am speaking differently today’ [and am] emphasizing different aspects.’
What he offered later differed considerably from his earlier talks, making clear that the pointers in I AM THAT will take you to the midpoint of ‘the race’ but that his final talks point the way to ‘the finish line’.”
Same here. There are neither “positive” nor “negative” thoughts about persons who are still trying to use a totally ineffective “medicine” for their Sickness. Again, why?
It is clear that there is nothing that is either “positive” or “negative”; having reached a state of “zero concepts,” there is no mind so there are no thoughts; and having had years of experience with religious and spiritual workaholism and fanaticism – as did Maharaj – the same conclusion as his was finally reached:
That which has been the most abundant source of nonsense and dualistic thinking and ignorant beliefs and insane behavior cannot possibly address nonsense and dualistic thinking and ignorant beliefs and insane behavior. Both methods for thousands of years have given it “the good ole college try,” but in the end: sorry . . . no cigar.
In terms of those stuck at the third of seven steps who continue to assume and play their “Super Religious One” role or their “Spiritual Giant” role or their “Super Seeker” role, there is no childish attitude here that says, “I hate you!” Nor is there the sociopath’s version of “I hate all of you!” Instead, the case here is this: there is no one – no persona – here that can hate, for only a persona can become emotionally-intoxicated and hate.
There is offered (from what Mac called “Floyd’s electronic loft”) the same invitation that was offered from Maharaj’s loft:
Here, there is simply an invitation to (1) consider seeking something else for a change and to (2) seek it somewhere else besides in the places that are obviously the planet’s warehouses of fanaticism and myth-and-superstition-based, nonsensical beliefs. So you are being begged, to use Maharaj's words, to . . .
a. abandon all of the methods of seeking that have been used in the past but that have been conducted in a helter-skelter fashion;
b. seek a proper diagnosis and seek to understand what the real problem is;
c. come to a true understanding of the most pervasive, debilitating illness that humanity has ever faced;
d. see that the Ultimate Sickness involves neither a dogma-deficiency nor spiritual unfitness; and,
e. see that humanity’s (relative) ignorance and (relative) destructive and self-destructive insanity could be reduced if the proper Medicine were used to treat humanity’s mental and emotional illnesses rather than using the totally ineffective medicine that the masses are currently using.
In short,
1. seek not any of the popular Noumenal or supernatural treatments (since the Noumenal takes care of itself automatically); instead,
2. seek the real source of all relative problems and chaos and ignorance and insanity and seek the real solution; then
3. abandon the use of a medicine that has been shown, after having had thousands of years to fix humanity's main problem, to have failed completely . . . to have had no effect at all on the Ultimate Sickness;
4. use the Ultimate Medicine to treat the Ultimate Sickness (while recognizing that for many, additional professional help may also be a required part of the treatment plan).
The sages have long understood that the most significant problems of humankind throughout history have been rooted in personality identification. (Maharaj even said that if seekers never get anything more from their seeking than freedom from personality - and, therefore, from their personality disorders - then that would be enough.)
And those sages also understood that assuming “new and improved good roles” (in an effort to replace what was considered to be their “former bad roles”) is a totally senseless, totally futile, enterprise.
In fact, as shared here before, many who have lived with a “formerly-really-rotten person” and are now having to try to bear the fanaticism of “the new and improved Super Religious One” or “The Spiritual Giant” or “The Political Activist” or “The One Who Is Fanatical About This or That” are now longing for the former. They only thought at the time that “the former person” they were living with could not get any worse.
So really, if you’re fanatical about religion or spirituality or non-duality or any of the hundreds of other things that persons can become obsessive about, how much fun are you to be around, really? Is fanaticism making Jack a dull boy or Jill a dull girl? To abandon destructive behavior need not bring to an end the willingness or the ability to enjoy the relative existence and relative things fully.
As one of the indigenous peoples in the U.S. says in a song, “Winds of life are blowing across the reservation and I can hear the voice of a new generation . . . and it's time, yes it's time, to live.”
How about with you? In it time to live . . . to live freely . . . to live naturally . . . to truly relax and take it easy . . . and to leave others alone to do the same?
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
10 June 2014
F.: [Continued from yesterday] There was nothing “negative” that Maharaj felt about those who think that religion and / or spirituality might be the Ultimate Medicine to address the ignorance and insanity that are at core of the Ultimate Sickness. (Feeling “negative” would be as dualistic as feeling “positive.”)
There was no person there and there is no person here to feel “negative” or “positive” about anything. As far as “humans” go, there are only composite unities, and which of the composites’ three parts - earth elements or air or (conscious) energy – could possibly feel either negative or positive about anything?
The point is, Maharaj at various times prescribed both dogma and spiritual exercises to be used as the Ultimate Medicine, an approach tried by billions; unlike those billions, he abandoned both when he awoke to the fact that neither treats humankind’s main problem which centers in the mind . . . a problem which is a mental and emotional illness involving personality identification and the subsequent personality disorders that disintegrate into neuroses and psychoses.
The same is the case here: both were tried and prescribed; it became clear that neither has ever addressed humankind’s all-pervasive mental and emotional illnesses; it became clear that neither can address the real problem; and it was seen that both actually contribute to the Sickness.
(What is more mentally unstable and emotionally-intoxicated than those who are fanatical about religion or spirituality or politics or sports or guns or anything else?)
Thus, this has been shared many times in the past: “Here, there is nothing that is believed, so there is no one here who wants you to believe anything, either. Here, the invitation is to be free of all that you have been programmed, conditioned, acculturated, and domesticated to believe so that you can be free, period.”
So, Maharaj in the end advised persons not to read the excessively-spiritual talks in I AM THAT but to read his later talks which addressed the effective way to treat the Ultimate Sickness, specifically, with a version of non-duality that results post-Realization in a Nisargan manner of abiding naturally.
Someone once asked why anything from that book is still mentioned on this site. This is the explanation offered in the past:
“As for Maharaj, you will find here some of his early pointers for beginners but some of his later pointers that are for seekers farther along the ‘path.’ During his last years, he said of I AM THAT:
‘That book and whatever was expounded at that time was only relevant for that period. I am speaking differently today’ [and am] emphasizing different aspects.’
What he offered later differed considerably from his earlier talks, making clear that the pointers in I AM THAT will take you to the midpoint of ‘the race’ but that his final talks point the way to ‘the finish line’.”
Same here. There are neither “positive” nor “negative” thoughts about persons who are still trying to use a totally ineffective “medicine” for their Sickness. Again, why?
It is clear that there is nothing that is either “positive” or “negative”; having reached a state of “zero concepts,” there is no mind so there are no thoughts; and having had years of experience with religious and spiritual workaholism and fanaticism – as did Maharaj – the same conclusion as his was finally reached:
That which has been the most abundant source of nonsense and dualistic thinking and ignorant beliefs and insane behavior cannot possibly address nonsense and dualistic thinking and ignorant beliefs and insane behavior. Both methods for thousands of years have given it “the good ole college try,” but in the end: sorry . . . no cigar.
In terms of those stuck at the third of seven steps who continue to assume and play their “Super Religious One” role or their “Spiritual Giant” role or their “Super Seeker” role, there is no childish attitude here that says, “I hate you!” Nor is there the sociopath’s version of “I hate all of you!” Instead, the case here is this: there is no one – no persona – here that can hate, for only a persona can become emotionally-intoxicated and hate.
There is offered (from what Mac called “Floyd’s electronic loft”) the same invitation that was offered from Maharaj’s loft:
Here, there is simply an invitation to (1) consider seeking something else for a change and to (2) seek it somewhere else besides in the places that are obviously the planet’s warehouses of fanaticism and myth-and-superstition-based, nonsensical beliefs. So you are being begged, to use Maharaj's words, to . . .
a. abandon all of the methods of seeking that have been used in the past but that have been conducted in a helter-skelter fashion;
b. seek a proper diagnosis and seek to understand what the real problem is;
c. come to a true understanding of the most pervasive, debilitating illness that humanity has ever faced;
d. see that the Ultimate Sickness involves neither a dogma-deficiency nor spiritual unfitness; and,
e. see that humanity’s (relative) ignorance and (relative) destructive and self-destructive insanity could be reduced if the proper Medicine were used to treat humanity’s mental and emotional illnesses rather than using the totally ineffective medicine that the masses are currently using.
In short,
1. seek not any of the popular Noumenal or supernatural treatments (since the Noumenal takes care of itself automatically); instead,
2. seek the real source of all relative problems and chaos and ignorance and insanity and seek the real solution; then
3. abandon the use of a medicine that has been shown, after having had thousands of years to fix humanity's main problem, to have failed completely . . . to have had no effect at all on the Ultimate Sickness;
4. use the Ultimate Medicine to treat the Ultimate Sickness (while recognizing that for many, additional professional help may also be a required part of the treatment plan).
The sages have long understood that the most significant problems of humankind throughout history have been rooted in personality identification. (Maharaj even said that if seekers never get anything more from their seeking than freedom from personality - and, therefore, from their personality disorders - then that would be enough.)
And those sages also understood that assuming “new and improved good roles” (in an effort to replace what was considered to be their “former bad roles”) is a totally senseless, totally futile, enterprise.
In fact, as shared here before, many who have lived with a “formerly-really-rotten person” and are now having to try to bear the fanaticism of “the new and improved Super Religious One” or “The Spiritual Giant” or “The Political Activist” or “The One Who Is Fanatical About This or That” are now longing for the former. They only thought at the time that “the former person” they were living with could not get any worse.
So really, if you’re fanatical about religion or spirituality or non-duality or any of the hundreds of other things that persons can become obsessive about, how much fun are you to be around, really? Is fanaticism making Jack a dull boy or Jill a dull girl? To abandon destructive behavior need not bring to an end the willingness or the ability to enjoy the relative existence and relative things fully.
As one of the indigenous peoples in the U.S. says in a song, “Winds of life are blowing across the reservation and I can hear the voice of a new generation . . . and it's time, yes it's time, to live.”
How about with you? In it time to live . . . to live freely . . . to live naturally . . . to truly relax and take it easy . . . and to leave others alone to do the same?
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
10 June 2014
F.: When Maharaj abandoned bhajans and organized religion, he was criticized highly by many persons. Later, when he abandoned spirituality as the solution for the Ultimate Sickness, far more criticized that decision.
He had no problem with people who continued to play those roles, knowing there was no “one” to have a problem with. It would be like watching a movie and not caring for the way the antagonist behaved and then hating that actor for the rest of your life. It was just a role, a stage character, assumed by someone who was playing a role.
The same applies here. But because Maharaj was attempting to share a solution that would eliminate the symptoms of the Ultimate Sickness (such as “ignorance, stupidity, and insanity”) he cared enough about those suffering from those conditions to abandoned what was not working and offer something else.
The same applies here. If there had been any evidence at all that belief-based systems could free persons of the beliefs (which are at the root of the problem) then those belief-based systems would still be used here.
If there had been any evidence that abandoning “bad” roles and then assuming and playing “good” roles – or “Really Good” roles, or even "Super Good" roles – could free persons from the nonsense generated by role-playing, that would still be used here. Obviously, such evidence cannot exist, so to continue.
With 97% of the planet’s population claiming an affiliation with one organized religion or another, and with millions more proudly proclaiming that they “are not religious but are spiritual instead,” and with millions more claiming membership in one or another ideological group or splinter group or fundamentalist cult, can any objective observer actually believe those people when they claim that “all of the evils of the world are caused by the fact that people are not religious and / or spiritual enough”?
Really? Religion and spirituality are more widespread than in the history of humankind, yet so are the problems of humankind. With 99.9% of the people on the planet being in one of the three groups above, the problems are obviously not a result of there being too few religious or spiritual people. (In fact, those stats shown that the opposite possibility might be the case.) No, instead the problems are rooted in the mental and emotional illness called “the Ultimate Sickness.”
While the masses have bought into the suggestion that persons need to know even more about religion and spirituality and need to study “this holy book” or “that holy book,” only the non-dual message, combined with the Nisarga Yoga, suggests that persons already “know” far too much and that the solution to their problems - at least partly - involve the need to be untaught . . . involve the need to unlearn.
There is no “one” here, so obviously there is no one here that wants you to learn more. The results of what Maharaj called planet-wide “learned ignorance” have been seen quite clearly.
As for reading “holy books,” Maharaj expressed his attitude about what so-called “leaders” say and about books that are deemed to be “holy” this way: “I have no faith in anything which has ever been told, not even what has been told by the Vedas. Only my own experience.”
Programming conditioning, acculturation, domestication, brainwashing, and indoctrination – which are the province of parents and cultures and religions and spiritual programs and governments or rulers – have resulted in persons learning far too much. Too much of what?
Too much of what Maharaj called “learned ignorance.” Too much of the assigning or assuming of false identities. Too much of the accompanying personality disorders, neuroses, and psychoses that come with personality identification. Too much insanity.
That is what Maharaj made clear is at the root of the Ultimate Sickness: “ignorance, stupidity, and insanity,” and the cure for those is neither religion nor spirituality. Claim whatever benefit you are getting from one or both of those, but neither offers anything close to the methods and techniques that must be used to eliminate personality disorders and other mental illnesses.
Additionally, an eBook below discusses in detail what has been found that the non-dual “teachings” can and cannot address. While religious and spiritual leaders and authors and lecturers might claim that their beliefs are the panacea for the Sickness of the masses, there is no claim here that the non-dual understanding is the ultimate universal cure, the Ultimate Medicine which can, all by itself, cure the Sickness.
Too, the challenges for finding the cure are multiple and varied. Recall that once an ego-state is assigned or assumed as an identity, then ego-defense mechanisms will soon activate and upgrade the identity in the mind of the “beholder.”
A man was diagnosed as being clinically-depressed (which only affirmed what many acquainted with him had long recognized); yet because he was playing the role of “The Spiritual Giant” and was presenting himself as one whose spirituality had rendered him happy and joyous and free, he denied that diagnosis completely. So a personality’s agenda will impede receiving treatment for the Ultimate Sickness.
And even if persons admit that they are indeed suffering from the Ultimate Sickness, the chances of their finding someone that can dispense the Ultimate Medicine in the proper manner and in the proper dosage are practically nil. Moreover, as noted above, many are suffering a form of the Sickness which is so severe that they require professional help (and even that might not be able to address the most severe cases).
For those whose condition can be affected by the understanding, there are seven steps offered. Maharaj pointed out that most will never advance beyond the third of seven steps where they will play “kindergarten-level spirituality” and where they will mistakenly believe that they are being bathed in the full light of the noonday sun when in fact they are still standing in the dull light of dawn.
Consider the ramifications of that fictional belief:
Many are aware of the fact that, here, there was early on an understanding of the consequences of duality via “my own experience.” (Later, it would be learned that there is no “experiencer,” but early on, such “experiencing” is required.)
On the one hand, there was the chaos and noise and concern about the two gangs whose leaders lived in the same inner city neighborhood; that inner city existence was also marked and marred by the struggles that came with extreme poverty along with the angst of abiding with an angry, abusive father.
By contrast, there was the cabin of Grandmother, a Cherokee Medicine Woman / Healer, which was set on a hilltop at the edge of a huge forest in the piney woods of East Texas.
The drive to her house took about three hours by car, but usually I traveled by Greyhound bus and that took nine hours or more. Yet there was never the slightest regret about that trip, even though it was always after dark before the driver dropped me off on the side of the highway near the foot of the hill where her cabin was located.
She would always listen for the bus, so after walking up the hill with my cardboard suitcase in hand and arriving in front of her home, Grandmother would be on the front porch to greet me. There awaited Love Manifest; in the home awaited peace and quiet . . . a lot of quiet, in fact . . . a lot of silence . . . an absence of angst . . . and freedom from exposure to the violence in the inner city.
Though her cabin had no running water, no AC for cooling during the hot summer, poor heat sources during the winter, a wood-burning stove, a smokehouse to be tended to, wood to be gathered or chopped, a one-acre garden that needed work, the feeding and watering of her mule, and a well in the back where water was drawn, time spent in that house was far more comfortable than anywhere in the city I had left behind.
Duality at its max.
Yet arriving at the front of her house did me no good unless I took certain measures. In front of the porch were three huge stones. The one closest to the house was about three high and four feet wide, roughly shaped along the edges but flat on the top. In front of that was a stone about two feet high, and in front of that, a stone that was about a foot high.
I could take the first step, and the second, and the third. But if I had not taken the fourth step onto the porch, there would have been no experiencing of Love Manifest or of peace and quietness and silence and freedom. And if I had not taken the other steps to reach my final destination inside that place of comfort, the entire trip would have been for nil.
How insane it would have been to travel for nine or more hours and then walk to the top of the third step and stand there for the three summer months or for the duration of the holiday visits and then take a nine-hour bus ride back to the inner city.
How insane it would have been for me to be convinced that I had arrived when I had only moved as far as the third step.
How ignorant it would have been to stand on the third step and then return to the city three months later and tell people about the amazing Love and peace and quietness and silence and freedom that I had enjoyed. I could shout all I wanted that “I am now happy and joyous and free!” Yet I would have only been deluding myself and all listeners.
Had I done that, I would not have been lying because I was not moral enough, religious enough, or spiritual enough. I would have been lying because I would have been ignorant, talking the talk and believing the talk while not having a clue at all that I was deceiving myself and others as well.
That would have been quite a sorry turn of events, yes? Can you see any comparisons?
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
9 June 2014
F.: When Maharaj abandoned bhajans and organized religion, he was criticized highly by many persons. Later, when he abandoned spirituality as the solution for the Ultimate Sickness, far more criticized that decision.
He had no problem with people who continued to play those roles, knowing there was no “one” to have a problem with. It would be like watching a movie and not caring for the way the antagonist behaved and then hating that actor for the rest of your life. It was just a role, a stage character, assumed by someone who was playing a role.
The same applies here. But because Maharaj was attempting to share a solution that would eliminate the symptoms of the Ultimate Sickness (such as “ignorance, stupidity, and insanity”) he cared enough about those suffering from those conditions to abandoned what was not working and offer something else.
The same applies here. If there had been any evidence at all that belief-based systems could free persons of the beliefs (which are at the root of the problem) then those belief-based systems would still be used here.
If there had been any evidence that abandoning “bad” roles and then assuming and playing “good” roles – or “Really Good” roles, or even "Super Good" roles – could free persons from the nonsense generated by role-playing, that would still be used here. Obviously, such evidence cannot exist, so to continue.
With 97% of the planet’s population claiming an affiliation with one organized religion or another, and with millions more proudly proclaiming that they “are not religious but are spiritual instead,” and with millions more claiming membership in one or another ideological group or splinter group or fundamentalist cult, can any objective observer actually believe those people when they claim that “all of the evils of the world are caused by the fact that people are not religious and / or spiritual enough”?
Really? Religion and spirituality are more widespread than in the history of humankind, yet so are the problems of humankind. With 99.9% of the people on the planet being in one of the three groups above, the problems are obviously not a result of there being too few religious or spiritual people. (In fact, those stats shown that the opposite possibility might be the case.) No, instead the problems are rooted in the mental and emotional illness called “the Ultimate Sickness.”
While the masses have bought into the suggestion that persons need to know even more about religion and spirituality and need to study “this holy book” or “that holy book,” only the non-dual message, combined with the Nisarga Yoga, suggests that persons already “know” far too much and that the solution to their problems - at least partly - involve the need to be untaught . . . involve the need to unlearn.
There is no “one” here, so obviously there is no one here that wants you to learn more. The results of what Maharaj called planet-wide “learned ignorance” have been seen quite clearly.
As for reading “holy books,” Maharaj expressed his attitude about what so-called “leaders” say and about books that are deemed to be “holy” this way: “I have no faith in anything which has ever been told, not even what has been told by the Vedas. Only my own experience.”
Programming conditioning, acculturation, domestication, brainwashing, and indoctrination – which are the province of parents and cultures and religions and spiritual programs and governments or rulers – have resulted in persons learning far too much. Too much of what?
Too much of what Maharaj called “learned ignorance.” Too much of the assigning or assuming of false identities. Too much of the accompanying personality disorders, neuroses, and psychoses that come with personality identification. Too much insanity.
That is what Maharaj made clear is at the root of the Ultimate Sickness: “ignorance, stupidity, and insanity,” and the cure for those is neither religion nor spirituality. Claim whatever benefit you are getting from one or both of those, but neither offers anything close to the methods and techniques that must be used to eliminate personality disorders and other mental illnesses.
Additionally, an eBook below discusses in detail what has been found that the non-dual “teachings” can and cannot address. While religious and spiritual leaders and authors and lecturers might claim that their beliefs are the panacea for the Sickness of the masses, there is no claim here that the non-dual understanding is the ultimate universal cure, the Ultimate Medicine which can, all by itself, cure the Sickness.
Too, the challenges for finding the cure are multiple and varied. Recall that once an ego-state is assigned or assumed as an identity, then ego-defense mechanisms will soon activate and upgrade the identity in the mind of the “beholder.”
A man was diagnosed as being clinically-depressed (which only affirmed what many acquainted with him had long recognized); yet because he was playing the role of “The Spiritual Giant” and was presenting himself as one whose spirituality had rendered him happy and joyous and free, he denied that diagnosis completely. So a personality’s agenda will impede receiving treatment for the Ultimate Sickness.
And even if persons admit that they are indeed suffering from the Ultimate Sickness, the chances of their finding someone that can dispense the Ultimate Medicine in the proper manner and in the proper dosage are practically nil. Moreover, as noted above, many are suffering a form of the Sickness which is so severe that they require professional help (and even that might not be able to address the most severe cases).
For those whose condition can be affected by the understanding, there are seven steps offered. Maharaj pointed out that most will never advance beyond the third of seven steps where they will play “kindergarten-level spirituality” and where they will mistakenly believe that they are being bathed in the full light of the noonday sun when in fact they are still standing in the dull light of dawn.
Consider the ramifications of that fictional belief:
Many are aware of the fact that, here, there was early on an understanding of the consequences of duality via “my own experience.” (Later, it would be learned that there is no “experiencer,” but early on, such “experiencing” is required.)
On the one hand, there was the chaos and noise and concern about the two gangs whose leaders lived in the same inner city neighborhood; that inner city existence was also marked and marred by the struggles that came with extreme poverty along with the angst of abiding with an angry, abusive father.
By contrast, there was the cabin of Grandmother, a Cherokee Medicine Woman / Healer, which was set on a hilltop at the edge of a huge forest in the piney woods of East Texas.
The drive to her house took about three hours by car, but usually I traveled by Greyhound bus and that took nine hours or more. Yet there was never the slightest regret about that trip, even though it was always after dark before the driver dropped me off on the side of the highway near the foot of the hill where her cabin was located.
She would always listen for the bus, so after walking up the hill with my cardboard suitcase in hand and arriving in front of her home, Grandmother would be on the front porch to greet me. There awaited Love Manifest; in the home awaited peace and quiet . . . a lot of quiet, in fact . . . a lot of silence . . . an absence of angst . . . and freedom from exposure to the violence in the inner city.
Though her cabin had no running water, no AC for cooling during the hot summer, poor heat sources during the winter, a wood-burning stove, a smokehouse to be tended to, wood to be gathered or chopped, a one-acre garden that needed work, the feeding and watering of her mule, and a well in the back where water was drawn, time spent in that house was far more comfortable than anywhere in the city I had left behind.
Duality at its max.
Yet arriving at the front of her house did me no good unless I took certain measures. In front of the porch were three huge stones. The one closest to the house was about three high and four feet wide, roughly shaped along the edges but flat on the top. In front of that was a stone about two feet high, and in front of that, a stone that was about a foot high.
I could take the first step, and the second, and the third. But if I had not taken the fourth step onto the porch, there would have been no experiencing of Love Manifest or of peace and quietness and silence and freedom. And if I had not taken the other steps to reach my final destination inside that place of comfort, the entire trip would have been for nil.
How insane it would have been to travel for nine or more hours and then walk to the top of the third step and stand there for the three summer months or for the duration of the holiday visits and then take a nine-hour bus ride back to the inner city.
How insane it would have been for me to be convinced that I had arrived when I had only moved as far as the third step.
How ignorant it would have been to stand on the third step and then return to the city three months later and tell people about the amazing Love and peace and quietness and silence and freedom that I had enjoyed. I could shout all I wanted that “I am now happy and joyous and free!” Yet I would have only been deluding myself and all listeners.
Had I done that, I would not have been lying because I was not moral enough, religious enough, or spiritual enough. I would have been lying because I would have been ignorant, talking the talk and believing the talk while not having a clue at all that I was deceiving myself and others as well.
That would have been quite a sorry turn of events, yes? Can you see any comparisons?
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
9 June 2014
F.: So here, there are seven steps offered. They are the same seven steps that Maharaj discussed during his talks about “going back” and "following the same path by which you came, except in reverse” (though he never discussed them in order and never numbered them 1 to 7).
Of those seven steps, the third step is the religious or spiritual step, so again, there is no “hatred” here of those roles or the persons playing them. They usually have to be played for a time, but not for a lifetime. Been there, done that, too. What is anathema here is the relative damage done to persons who need to be restored to sanity but who are being misled.
Consider: some similarities in the “journey” here and Maharaj’s “journey” are discussed after the postings. Here’s another:
We both first tried to use religion to find the solution for our problems and to allay our fears and to end our unhappiness and to be restored to sanity and to address the absence of steady, unassailable peace; the same was recommended to others as a means for addressing their problems. That recommendation was given even when religion was not solving our problems, yet we both arrogantly and ignorantly and insanely continued to recommend it to others as the means by which their problems could be solved.
Next, after it was seen that religion was not going to provide a solution, we both tried to use spirituality to find the solution for our problems and to allay our fears and to end our unhappiness and to be restored to sanity and to address the absence of steady, unassailable peace; the same was recommended to others as a means for addressing their problems. That recommendation was given even when spirituality was not solving our problems, yet we both arrogantly and ignorantly and insanely continued to recommend it to others as the means by which their problems could be solved.
That is, even when it was seen that spirituality could not address the problems and that spirituality, like religion, had no effect whatsoever on the Ultimate Sickness, we both arrogantly and ignorantly and insanely continued to recommend it to others as the means by which their problems could be solved.
In the end, when ego and egotism and role-playing were set aside, and when sanity was restored, both stopped recommending religion and spirituality as the means to address the mental illness called “the Ultimate Sickness” (or, more specifically, the personality disorders that always accompanying personality identification).
Eventually, both of us came to these two realizations:
Being spiritual is as far removed from being sane as possible.
Being religious is as far removed from being sane as possible.
Who believes more insane, myth-based and superstition-based, dualistic nonsense? No one. Are sane persons going to believe as some Muslims do that a god told them to strap on a suicide bomb vest and kill people because those people belong to a different religion? Yet their most vocal critics among other religions who dismiss them as “totally nuts” are just as insane.
Are sane people going to believe as most Christians do that the earth is only 6000 years old; that a virgin could have a child; that a loving god would drown everyone on the planet except the members of one family and all the planet’s fauna; that a loving god would cast people into flames as an eternal punishment; and that it’s cool to shoot Muslims with rifles made in the U.S. that have biblical verses etched onto the rifle?
Be objective and it’s clear how insane all such types are. See that the insane cannot do a thing to address the insanity of others: “I cannot help myself but I can certainly help you?” Really?
So the message is, believe all the beliefs you want to believe (since that’s what’s going to happen in most cases anyway), but if you are playing role of “The Super Religious One” or the role of “The Spiritual Giant,” please give those struggling with personality identification and personality disorders and neuroses and psychoses a break and stop telling them being religious or being spiritually fit has something to do with being sane.
At one point, after seeing that neither religion nor spirituality addressed the mental / emotional issues at the core of the Ultimate Sickness, Maharaj said to one seeker something to the effect of this: “I beg you to give up all this spirituality” and “Go live naturally.”
The same applies here, but what I beg of you - if you are playing the role of “The Super Religious One” or the role of “The Spiritual Giant” - is not to give up playing your roles. What is begged of those playing those roles is, give those who are trying to find sanity and freedom and peace a fair “fighting chance.” How?
By abandoning the egotism that supports every ego-state, including “The Super Religious One” and the role of “The Spiritual Giant” so that you might consider (a) that your solution is not the only one and (b) that it might not be the best one and (c) that it might not be the solution for mental and emotional problems at all.
Consider being as religious or spiritual as you want but look at the facts and look at the evidence before you. Look at all the people who have labeled themselves religious and / or spiritual for 20, 30, 40, 50 years or more; look objectively and honestly; then you are invited to admit that sometimes you look at them or listen to them and think, “That person is completely nuts.”
Then, if you can take such an inventory of others, you might turn the focus on yourself and admit honestly what has and has not happened in your case.
Afterwards, you might consider doing whatever you want while no longer telling people that being spiritual will make persons sane or that being religious can make persons sane.
Of course, that’s all just a suggestion (with some begging thrown in to boot).
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
7 June 2014
F.: So here, there are seven steps offered. They are the same seven steps that Maharaj discussed during his talks about “going back” and "following the same path by which you came, except in reverse” (though he never discussed them in order and never numbered them 1 to 7).
Of those seven steps, the third step is the religious or spiritual step, so again, there is no “hatred” here of those roles or the persons playing them. They usually have to be played for a time, but not for a lifetime. Been there, done that, too. What is anathema here is the relative damage done to persons who need to be restored to sanity but who are being misled.
Consider: some similarities in the “journey” here and Maharaj’s “journey” are discussed after the postings. Here’s another:
We both first tried to use religion to find the solution for our problems and to allay our fears and to end our unhappiness and to be restored to sanity and to address the absence of steady, unassailable peace; the same was recommended to others as a means for addressing their problems. That recommendation was given even when religion was not solving our problems, yet we both arrogantly and ignorantly and insanely continued to recommend it to others as the means by which their problems could be solved.
Next, after it was seen that religion was not going to provide a solution, we both tried to use spirituality to find the solution for our problems and to allay our fears and to end our unhappiness and to be restored to sanity and to address the absence of steady, unassailable peace; the same was recommended to others as a means for addressing their problems. That recommendation was given even when spirituality was not solving our problems, yet we both arrogantly and ignorantly and insanely continued to recommend it to others as the means by which their problems could be solved.
That is, even when it was seen that spirituality could not address the problems and that spirituality, like religion, had no effect whatsoever on the Ultimate Sickness, we both arrogantly and ignorantly and insanely continued to recommend it to others as the means by which their problems could be solved.
In the end, when ego and egotism and role-playing were set aside, and when sanity was restored, both stopped recommending religion and spirituality as the means to address the mental illness called “the Ultimate Sickness” (or, more specifically, the personality disorders that always accompanying personality identification).
Eventually, both of us came to these two realizations:
Being spiritual is as far removed from being sane as possible.
Being religious is as far removed from being sane as possible.
Who believes more insane, myth-based and superstition-based, dualistic nonsense? No one. Are sane persons going to believe as some Muslims do that a god told them to strap on a suicide bomb vest and kill people because those people belong to a different religion? Yet their most vocal critics among other religions who dismiss them as “totally nuts” are just as insane.
Are sane people going to believe as most Christians do that the earth is only 6000 years old; that a virgin could have a child; that a loving god would drown everyone on the planet except the members of one family and all the planet’s fauna; that a loving god would cast people into flames as an eternal punishment; and that it’s cool to shoot Muslims with rifles made in the U.S. that have biblical verses etched onto the rifle?
Be objective and it’s clear how insane all such types are. See that the insane cannot do a thing to address the insanity of others: “I cannot help myself but I can certainly help you?” Really?
So the message is, believe all the beliefs you want to believe (since that’s what’s going to happen in most cases anyway), but if you are playing role of “The Super Religious One” or the role of “The Spiritual Giant,” please give those struggling with personality identification and personality disorders and neuroses and psychoses a break and stop telling them being religious or being spiritually fit has something to do with being sane.
At one point, after seeing that neither religion nor spirituality addressed the mental / emotional issues at the core of the Ultimate Sickness, Maharaj said to one seeker something to the effect of this: “I beg you to give up all this spirituality” and “Go live naturally.”
The same applies here, but what I beg of you - if you are playing the role of “The Super Religious One” or the role of “The Spiritual Giant” - is not to give up playing your roles. What is begged of those playing those roles is, give those who are trying to find sanity and freedom and peace a fair “fighting chance.” How?
By abandoning the egotism that supports every ego-state, including “The Super Religious One” and the role of “The Spiritual Giant” so that you might consider (a) that your solution is not the only one and (b) that it might not be the best one and (c) that it might not be the solution for mental and emotional problems at all.
Consider being as religious or spiritual as you want but look at the facts and look at the evidence before you. Look at all the people who have labeled themselves religious and / or spiritual for 20, 30, 40, 50 years or more; look objectively and honestly; then you are invited to admit that sometimes you look at them or listen to them and think, “That person is completely nuts.”
Then, if you can take such an inventory of others, you might turn the focus on yourself and admit honestly what has and has not happened in your case.
Afterwards, you might consider doing whatever you want while no longer telling people that being spiritual will make persons sane or that being religious can make persons sane.
Of course, that’s all just a suggestion (with some begging thrown in to boot).
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
7 June 2014
F.: Regular visitors to this site are aware of the fact that, here, the road to Realization was a needlessly long and arduous one. Some can already relate, seeing that such is also the case with them.
The so-called “journey” was really nothing more than an effort to find the proper treatment for the sickness that was being experienced from early on and which was much later identified as “the Ultimate Sickness”; and actually, that “journey” was nothing more than a series of visits to one place after another, seeking healing and seeking, ultimately, peace and freedom.
While most persons on the planet will never seek at all, for reasons already discussed, why is it that among those who do seek that their “journey” is also proving to be a long and arduous one that is not providing the proper treatment for what really ails them? Even after having received the proper diagnosis – that the illness that is causing discomfort and misery and suffering is indeed “the Ultimate Sickness” - why does the seeking of the Ultimate Medicine end so often in failure?
The reason is simple: even after a proper diagnosis, most who are the ones offering “cures and answers and solutions” have no clue at all about how to treat the real problem effectively and efficiently.
Consider this comparison: the “surgery du jour” in the U.S. now is gall bladder removal. Here, every few years, a natural purging of the buildup in the gall bladder is undertaken. It happens with no pain, no mess, no fuss. Simple. Natural. After the flush, discomfort ends, the digestive processes return to normal and to maximum efficiency, and then all is cool once again.
But for most, who do not abide in the most natural way possible, they will visit a doctor who will immediately schedule surgery. Either they will try to blast the gallstones to pieces with lasers, damaging the organ and surrounding organs as well, or their attitude is this (because it pays more):
“Fix it? No. Cleanse it? No. Rip that sucker out? Yes! You don’t really need it. It’s like your tonsils. Besides, I’ve got five huge car notes and a huge note on my mansion and my other two houses, so I’ve gotta snip . . . snip . . . snip, cut . . . cut . . . cut!” And the masses, ignorant of the simple, effective, easy solution, go under the knife and have an organ removed, the absence of which will forever deprive them of the all-natural functioning of one of the major systems in the elemental plant food body.
The same happens with the Ultimate Sickness. There are millions who claim to know your problem and what the proper treatment is. They include preachers, priests, high priests, Muftis, Grand Muftis, imams, ayatollahs, abbots, bishops, popes, cardinals, rabbis, self-help gurus, sponsors, mullahs, Big Name Teachers, cult leaders, ideologues, medicine men, medicine women, shamans, supreme leaders, politicians, monks, fundamentalists, ad infinitum - yet not a one of them really knows what the real problem is; therefore, they cannot possibly know what the proper treatment is, namely, the Ultimate Medicine.
While most will never even receive a proper diagnosis of their real problem - understandable if you see the variety of personal agendas that are driving the persons on the list above - then it should be clear why it is that, even for the few who do receive the proper diagnosis, they will never receive the proper treatment.
Most are misled and believe . . .
a. that the Ultimate Sickness is a sickness of the spirit or the soul and that the proper treatment involves doing what is required to become spiritually fit. Not true. Other believe . . .
b. that the Ultimate Sickness – or the ills of the “world” – are based in the fact that people are not religious enough and that they therefore need to hear more and more religious messages. Not true. The fact: never in the history of humanity have people heard as many religious messages as they hear nowadays. The proselytizing is constant. There is no escape:
c. Weatherwomen and weathermen reference the role God plays in affecting weather patterns and the routes of hurricanes; the Dalai Lama got international coverage when he claimed that New Orleans was hit by Hurricane Katrina “because of the negative karma of the people there”; Christians and Muslims alike talked about why the Twin Towers were knocked down in N.Y., and it all had to do with either a God that had been made angry (from Christians) or with a God that sanctioned the attack and was happy that the mission was a success (from Muslims); religious radio shows broadcast 24/7; religious channels on television broadcast 24/7; nothing dominates the internet the way that religious messaging does; millions attend meetings on a daily basis, gathering around tables to hear a religious message which is thought to be “a spiritual message”; 1.6 billion Muslims gather five times per day to get their dosage (i.e., their overdose) of religious messages; billions of Christians gather regularly to get their dose of religious messaging, etc., etc., etc. Yet for all that, the state of humanity around the globe is: “More screwed than ever.” It’s not working.
The improper methods for addressing the Ultimate Sickness prevail on a global basis, and the masses are told – and have become convinced – that a sickness that is centered in the mind can be treated by a heavier dose of religion or a heavier dose of spirituality. Maharaj eventually called “Nonsense!” on that and encouraged seekers to abandon that approach. Yet the advice that most persons hear and that most persons follow is this: "Do not try anything new . . . just keep coming back and keep increasing the dosage of what has already been shown to fail to treat your illness."
Yesterday, a review of the symptoms of the Ultimate Sickness – the major challenge facing humans all around the globe – showed that the symptoms have nothing to do with “soul-sickness” or “spirit-sickness” but have everything to do with mental issues and nothing else.
Maharaj listed the major symptoms of the widespread Ultimate Sickness as “ignorance, stupidity, and insanity.” Why is it that the infestation of “ignorance, stupidity, and insanity” is spreading daily all around the globe, a fact that any objective witness would see clearly is the case?
To review: the problem is here
but the treatment being offered by religious and spiritual groups and spiritual programs and cults and self-help groups, etc. (and which the masses are blindly accepting as “the proper way to go”) is focused on the following place:
Some know that years ago this elemental plant food body staggered into the office of a cardiologist who, within minutes of conducting a brief examination, called for a wheelchair and rolled this body into the adjacent hospital for admission.
A stent was inserted to allow for a freer flow of blood through the left anterior descending artery (the LAD) which had, according to the doc, a 97% to 99% blockage.
So the problem was in this region:
and if
But really, how insane would that have been? How totally crazy would it have been for the doc to claim that the problem is with the heart but that we’re going to treat the brain? And how insane would it have been - when the brain surgery did not solve the problem - for me to return to the same cardiologist and tell him that I was not feeling better and for the same cardiologist to offer nothing different but to say, “Just keep going back . . . keep going back to the brain surgeon . . . stick with that treatment . . . have some more brain surgery . . . even if the results are nil . . . keep coming back until your miracle happens”?
And how crazy and egotistical would it have been for the brain surgeon to ignore the fact that the problem was with the heart and to refuse to admit that he could never solve my real problem?
Crazy, and arrogant, huh? Is that a dumb example, maybe? Well, that would be no dumber than the approach now being used with the masses all around the planet who are suffering from the Ultimate Sickness which is centered in the mind. They are being told by their spiritual advisers and their religious leaders or their sponsors, “Yes, we said the main problem centers in the mind, but we must work on the soul. We must improve your spiritual condition.” Talk about magical (supernatural) thinking.
And if they are asked by the sick ones, “Will that approach address the main problem which centers in the mind?” they always answer, “Of course. The plan is, if you have a mental problem, we treat that by working on the soul . . . on the spirit.”
The suggestion: Realization depends of realizing . . . on realizing where the root of the problem lies and on addressing the problem there, at the source, rather than thinking that the problem can be addressed by talking about conceptualizations and focusing on nebulous things that have been dreamed up by persons who are talking in their sleep.
Sky cults, in effect, are claiming that they can address mirages, illusions, fantasies, and all of the other stuff of myths and superstitions. The invitation here is to see that the main problem of persons on the planet is rooted in the mind, that that is what the non-dual message can address in many cases.
So the most relevant questions of all for those who have not yet Realized Fully are these
1. If you are not seeking because you are certain that your dogma provides everything that there is to know and understand, is it possible that you will never know what must be known and never understand what must be understood in order to be sane, wise, peaceful and free because you have a head problem but your “healer” is recommending you work on some other nebulous, dreamed up non-organ, like this?
2. if you have been seeking but have not yet Realized Fully, might it also be because this is what has been happening?
The answer: as far away as an approach that tries to use brain surgery to address a heart issue, or heart surgery to address a brain issue.
3. Most relevant, is it now clear . . .
. . . why Maharaj abandoned any and all talk about religion and spirituality
. . . why he later on advised people not to read the book entitled I AM THAT with transcripts of his talks which contained more than a little attention to “spiritual matters” and is now labeled “a spiritual classic”?
He came to understand that the Ultimate Sickness is a mental illness and that religion and spirituality contribute to and aggravate mental illness rather than cure it.
He came to understand that the key symptoms of the Ultimate Sickness really do include “ignorance, stupidity, and insanity.”
He came to understand this: that which contributes to a sickness cannot cure it.
That is, he came to understand that nothing has advanced the occurrence of “ignorance, stupidity, and insanity” more than the magical thinking that is inspired by religion and spirituality; that “ignorance, stupidity, and insanity” have only to do with the mind and have nothing whatsoever to do with “a soul” or “the spirit” or “spiritual unfitness”;
and that the non-dual teachings must focus on addressing the symptoms of “ignorance, stupidity, and insanity” and not on talking and talking more and talking even more and more about dogma and things thought to be “spiritual.” How could magical thinking and the magical talk that it generates possibly address a mental illness? It cannot.
Next, it might be asked, “How can the above be shared with such conviction?” For several reasons. First, all other methods were tried and failed, so the conclusion about those methods is based in first-hand experience; and, almost all of the teachers listed above were given a chance to address the real problem but failed. Only non-duality finally “worked.” Why? Because “a dual-minded person is unstable in all ways.” It is dual-mindedness that must go.
The problem is not about having too little dogma. It is not about having too little spiritual fitness. It is about dual-mindedness, that is, about having been bizarrely programmed and conditioned and domesticated and acculturated and brainwashed and indoctrinated; about having false, personal identities assigned; and about assuming other personalities as well and then suffering from the personality disorders that they subsequently bring.
To those who suggest that the assumption and development of the “The Super Religious One” and “The Spiritual Giant” are the cure, the fact is that “The Super Religious One” and “The Spiritual Giant” are also assumed personalities, and assumed personalities cannot possibly be the cure for assumed personalities and the Sickness they bring.
False identites cannot eliminate the chaos and Sickness that come with false identities.
Next, it is now known for a fact that insanity cannot spot either sanity or insanity; sanity, on the other hand, can spot both. Only from the latter condition was all of the above seen.
(1) Having been made insane as a result of having originally been programmed and conditioned and domesticated and acculturated and brainwashed and indoctrinated in a totally bizarre way, and then
(2) subsequently having been freed from all of that and having been restored to a state of sanity, what can now be shared is a clear understanding of what causes insanity and what can address insanity.
Here, it was not all of the talking and talking more and talking even more about dogma and things thought to be “spiritual” that addressed the insane effects of having been bizarrely programmed and conditioned and domesticated and acculturated and brainwashed and indoctrinated; here, it was an understanding of duality vs. non-duality that addressed and removed the symptoms of “ignorance, stupidity, and insanity.”
Except for time spent with visitors, Maharaj became very quiet. In the end he became even quieter, knowing that one thing for sure that does not address the Ultimate Sickness is blah-blah-blah; in fact, it is only via blah-blah-blah that the Ultimate Sickness can be spread. It is the only sickness that humankind suffers from that is spread by . . . talk.
My Cherokee Grandmother taught that the closest thing to truth is the space behind an inhalation and an exhalation. It is said that the Dao / Tao itself cannot be expressed or understood in language, that the truth can be known but cannot be stated.
Here, the pointer offered is this: when words end, a chance to see Truth begins; when words begin, any chance to see Truth ends. Silence is not just golden. It is the only means by which the spread of the Ultimate Sickness can be checked.
Finally, the playing of religious and spiritual roles make up the third of the seven steps on the “path” that is offered here; thus – contrary to popular belief – there is no “hatred” of religion or spirituality here.
What there is, is a love of wisdom and prudence and sanity (which have nothing to do with religion or spirituality or any of the other sources that engender belief systems and the assumption and playing of false roles).
What there is, is a love of freedom from all sense of “who-ness” and “Who-ness” and from a sense of all things “personal.” What there is, is a love of freedom and independence. What there is, is a love of peace. What there is, is a love of the Oneness. What there is, is a love of Love. What there is, is Love, period.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
6 June 2014
F.: Regular visitors to this site are aware of the fact that, here, the road to Realization was a needlessly long and arduous one. Some can already relate, seeing that such is also the case with them.
The so-called “journey” was really nothing more than an effort to find the proper treatment for the sickness that was being experienced from early on and which was much later identified as “the Ultimate Sickness”; and actually, that “journey” was nothing more than a series of visits to one place after another, seeking healing and seeking, ultimately, peace and freedom.
While most persons on the planet will never seek at all, for reasons already discussed, why is it that among those who do seek that their “journey” is also proving to be a long and arduous one that is not providing the proper treatment for what really ails them? Even after having received the proper diagnosis – that the illness that is causing discomfort and misery and suffering is indeed “the Ultimate Sickness” - why does the seeking of the Ultimate Medicine end so often in failure?
The reason is simple: even after a proper diagnosis, most who are the ones offering “cures and answers and solutions” have no clue at all about how to treat the real problem effectively and efficiently.
Consider this comparison: the “surgery du jour” in the U.S. now is gall bladder removal. Here, every few years, a natural purging of the buildup in the gall bladder is undertaken. It happens with no pain, no mess, no fuss. Simple. Natural. After the flush, discomfort ends, the digestive processes return to normal and to maximum efficiency, and then all is cool once again.
But for most, who do not abide in the most natural way possible, they will visit a doctor who will immediately schedule surgery. Either they will try to blast the gallstones to pieces with lasers, damaging the organ and surrounding organs as well, or their attitude is this (because it pays more):
“Fix it? No. Cleanse it? No. Rip that sucker out? Yes! You don’t really need it. It’s like your tonsils. Besides, I’ve got five huge car notes and a huge note on my mansion and my other two houses, so I’ve gotta snip . . . snip . . . snip, cut . . . cut . . . cut!” And the masses, ignorant of the simple, effective, easy solution, go under the knife and have an organ removed, the absence of which will forever deprive them of the all-natural functioning of one of the major systems in the elemental plant food body.
The same happens with the Ultimate Sickness. There are millions who claim to know your problem and what the proper treatment is. They include preachers, priests, high priests, Muftis, Grand Muftis, imams, ayatollahs, abbots, bishops, popes, cardinals, rabbis, self-help gurus, sponsors, mullahs, Big Name Teachers, cult leaders, ideologues, medicine men, medicine women, shamans, supreme leaders, politicians, monks, fundamentalists, ad infinitum - yet not a one of them really knows what the real problem is; therefore, they cannot possibly know what the proper treatment is, namely, the Ultimate Medicine.
While most will never even receive a proper diagnosis of their real problem - understandable if you see the variety of personal agendas that are driving the persons on the list above - then it should be clear why it is that, even for the few who do receive the proper diagnosis, they will never receive the proper treatment.
Most are misled and believe . . .
a. that the Ultimate Sickness is a sickness of the spirit or the soul and that the proper treatment involves doing what is required to become spiritually fit. Not true. Other believe . . .
b. that the Ultimate Sickness – or the ills of the “world” – are based in the fact that people are not religious enough and that they therefore need to hear more and more religious messages. Not true. The fact: never in the history of humanity have people heard as many religious messages as they hear nowadays. The proselytizing is constant. There is no escape:
c. Weatherwomen and weathermen reference the role God plays in affecting weather patterns and the routes of hurricanes; the Dalai Lama got international coverage when he claimed that New Orleans was hit by Hurricane Katrina “because of the negative karma of the people there”; Christians and Muslims alike talked about why the Twin Towers were knocked down in N.Y., and it all had to do with either a God that had been made angry (from Christians) or with a God that sanctioned the attack and was happy that the mission was a success (from Muslims); religious radio shows broadcast 24/7; religious channels on television broadcast 24/7; nothing dominates the internet the way that religious messaging does; millions attend meetings on a daily basis, gathering around tables to hear a religious message which is thought to be “a spiritual message”; 1.6 billion Muslims gather five times per day to get their dosage (i.e., their overdose) of religious messages; billions of Christians gather regularly to get their dose of religious messaging, etc., etc., etc. Yet for all that, the state of humanity around the globe is: “More screwed than ever.” It’s not working.
The improper methods for addressing the Ultimate Sickness prevail on a global basis, and the masses are told – and have become convinced – that a sickness that is centered in the mind can be treated by a heavier dose of religion or a heavier dose of spirituality. Maharaj eventually called “Nonsense!” on that and encouraged seekers to abandon that approach. Yet the advice that most persons hear and that most persons follow is this: "Do not try anything new . . . just keep coming back and keep increasing the dosage of what has already been shown to fail to treat your illness."
Yesterday, a review of the symptoms of the Ultimate Sickness – the major challenge facing humans all around the globe – showed that the symptoms have nothing to do with “soul-sickness” or “spirit-sickness” but have everything to do with mental issues and nothing else.
Maharaj listed the major symptoms of the widespread Ultimate Sickness as “ignorance, stupidity, and insanity.” Why is it that the infestation of “ignorance, stupidity, and insanity” is spreading daily all around the globe, a fact that any objective witness would see clearly is the case?
To review: the problem is here
but the treatment being offered by religious and spiritual groups and spiritual programs and cults and self-help groups, etc. (and which the masses are blindly accepting as “the proper way to go”) is focused on the following place:
Some know that years ago this elemental plant food body staggered into the office of a cardiologist who, within minutes of conducting a brief examination, called for a wheelchair and rolled this body into the adjacent hospital for admission.
A stent was inserted to allow for a freer flow of blood through the left anterior descending artery (the LAD) which had, according to the doc, a 97% to 99% blockage.
So the problem was in this region:
(A) I had been given a diagnosis of a 97-99% blockage of the LAD
and if
and if
(B) the doc had explained that the problem is here
(C) I had then asked, “So, what do we need to do to treat the illness
and if
(D) he said, “Well, I’m going to send you to an associate of mine who is a neurosurgeon, who is actually the top-rated brain surgeon is all of Houston – and have him operate on your brain
and if
(E) I had said, “Okay. Sounds good,” then the doc would have been insane to come up with that treatment plan and I would have been insane to go along with it. (Yet what else is a seeker to do - when the same happens in the case of their Ultimate Sickness - except to go along . . . being so desperate that they are willing to try anything?)
But really, how insane would that have been? How totally crazy would it have been for the doc to claim that the problem is with the heart but that we’re going to treat the brain? And how insane would it have been - when the brain surgery did not solve the problem - for me to return to the same cardiologist and tell him that I was not feeling better and for the same cardiologist to offer nothing different but to say, “Just keep going back . . . keep going back to the brain surgeon . . . stick with that treatment . . . have some more brain surgery . . . even if the results are nil . . . keep coming back until your miracle happens”?
And how crazy and egotistical would it have been for the brain surgeon to ignore the fact that the problem was with the heart and to refuse to admit that he could never solve my real problem?
Crazy, and arrogant, huh? Is that a dumb example, maybe? Well, that would be no dumber than the approach now being used with the masses all around the planet who are suffering from the Ultimate Sickness which is centered in the mind. They are being told by their spiritual advisers and their religious leaders or their sponsors, “Yes, we said the main problem centers in the mind, but we must work on the soul. We must improve your spiritual condition.” Talk about magical (supernatural) thinking.
And if they are asked by the sick ones, “Will that approach address the main problem which centers in the mind?” they always answer, “Of course. The plan is, if you have a mental problem, we treat that by working on the soul . . . on the spirit.”
The suggestion: Realization depends of realizing . . . on realizing where the root of the problem lies and on addressing the problem there, at the source, rather than thinking that the problem can be addressed by talking about conceptualizations and focusing on nebulous things that have been dreamed up by persons who are talking in their sleep.
Sky cults, in effect, are claiming that they can address mirages, illusions, fantasies, and all of the other stuff of myths and superstitions. The invitation here is to see that the main problem of persons on the planet is rooted in the mind, that that is what the non-dual message can address in many cases.
The call is to address the mental issues, because using a backdoor approach that claims it can come at one's mind problems through a soul door or a religious door or a spiritual door are tantamount to allowing someone to treat a blocked heart artery via brain surgery.
So the most relevant questions of all for those who have not yet Realized Fully are these
1. If you are not seeking because you are certain that your dogma provides everything that there is to know and understand, is it possible that you will never know what must be known and never understand what must be understood in order to be sane, wise, peaceful and free because you have a head problem but your “healer” is recommending you work on some other nebulous, dreamed up non-organ, like this?
2. if you have been seeking but have not yet Realized Fully, might it also be because this is what has been happening?
How far away is that approach from what is required in order for the one who does not understand to finally understand? Or, how far away is that approach from what is required in order for the one who has been seeking for years - without having found totally and unequivocally - to finally find what was being sought . . . to finally find relief?
The answer: as far away as an approach that tries to use brain surgery to address a heart issue, or heart surgery to address a brain issue.
3. Most relevant, is it now clear . . .
. . . why Maharaj abandoned any and all talk about religion and spirituality
. . . why he later on advised people not to read the book entitled I AM THAT with transcripts of his talks which contained more than a little attention to “spiritual matters” and is now labeled “a spiritual classic”?
He came to understand that the Ultimate Sickness is a mental illness and that religion and spirituality contribute to and aggravate mental illness rather than cure it.
He came to understand that the key symptoms of the Ultimate Sickness really do include “ignorance, stupidity, and insanity.”
He came to understand this: that which contributes to a sickness cannot cure it.
That is, he came to understand that nothing has advanced the occurrence of “ignorance, stupidity, and insanity” more than the magical thinking that is inspired by religion and spirituality; that “ignorance, stupidity, and insanity” have only to do with the mind and have nothing whatsoever to do with “a soul” or “the spirit” or “spiritual unfitness”;
and that the non-dual teachings must focus on addressing the symptoms of “ignorance, stupidity, and insanity” and not on talking and talking more and talking even more and more about dogma and things thought to be “spiritual.” How could magical thinking and the magical talk that it generates possibly address a mental illness? It cannot.
Next, it might be asked, “How can the above be shared with such conviction?” For several reasons. First, all other methods were tried and failed, so the conclusion about those methods is based in first-hand experience; and, almost all of the teachers listed above were given a chance to address the real problem but failed. Only non-duality finally “worked.” Why? Because “a dual-minded person is unstable in all ways.” It is dual-mindedness that must go.
The problem is not about having too little dogma. It is not about having too little spiritual fitness. It is about dual-mindedness, that is, about having been bizarrely programmed and conditioned and domesticated and acculturated and brainwashed and indoctrinated; about having false, personal identities assigned; and about assuming other personalities as well and then suffering from the personality disorders that they subsequently bring.
To those who suggest that the assumption and development of the “The Super Religious One” and “The Spiritual Giant” are the cure, the fact is that “The Super Religious One” and “The Spiritual Giant” are also assumed personalities, and assumed personalities cannot possibly be the cure for assumed personalities and the Sickness they bring.
False identites cannot eliminate the chaos and Sickness that come with false identities.
Next, it is now known for a fact that insanity cannot spot either sanity or insanity; sanity, on the other hand, can spot both. Only from the latter condition was all of the above seen.
(1) Having been made insane as a result of having originally been programmed and conditioned and domesticated and acculturated and brainwashed and indoctrinated in a totally bizarre way, and then
(2) subsequently having been freed from all of that and having been restored to a state of sanity, what can now be shared is a clear understanding of what causes insanity and what can address insanity.
Here, it was not all of the talking and talking more and talking even more about dogma and things thought to be “spiritual” that addressed the insane effects of having been bizarrely programmed and conditioned and domesticated and acculturated and brainwashed and indoctrinated; here, it was an understanding of duality vs. non-duality that addressed and removed the symptoms of “ignorance, stupidity, and insanity.”
Except for time spent with visitors, Maharaj became very quiet. In the end he became even quieter, knowing that one thing for sure that does not address the Ultimate Sickness is blah-blah-blah; in fact, it is only via blah-blah-blah that the Ultimate Sickness can be spread. It is the only sickness that humankind suffers from that is spread by . . . talk.
My Cherokee Grandmother taught that the closest thing to truth is the space behind an inhalation and an exhalation. It is said that the Dao / Tao itself cannot be expressed or understood in language, that the truth can be known but cannot be stated.
Here, the pointer offered is this: when words end, a chance to see Truth begins; when words begin, any chance to see Truth ends. Silence is not just golden. It is the only means by which the spread of the Ultimate Sickness can be checked.
Finally, the playing of religious and spiritual roles make up the third of the seven steps on the “path” that is offered here; thus – contrary to popular belief – there is no “hatred” of religion or spirituality here.
What there is, is a love of wisdom and prudence and sanity (which have nothing to do with religion or spirituality or any of the other sources that engender belief systems and the assumption and playing of false roles).
What there is, is a love of freedom from all sense of “who-ness” and “Who-ness” and from a sense of all things “personal.” What there is, is a love of freedom and independence. What there is, is a love of peace. What there is, is a love of the Oneness. What there is, is a love of Love. What there is, is Love, period.
Only a few will understand. So it is.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
6 June 2014
F.: Yesterday:
“Not in my spiritual condition that in not as fit as it should be?”
“Not in the condition of my sick soul?”
If the composite unity called “floyd” continues for another three months to cycle earth elements via the consumption of plant food and continues to cycle conscious-energy via the consumption of plant food and continues to cycle air into and out of the space in which the consciousness is manifested, then it will be said by some in September that “floyd is now 67 years old.”
Throughout many of those years, tens of thousands of persons have been dealt with who are seeking something different – a different life, a more peaceful existence, freedom, whatever.
It has been shared that 97% of the persons on the planet have indicated that they are affiliated with one religion or another and are using dogma and “holy” books in order to try to have a more peaceful existence, freedom, etc., yet decades of pure and objective witnessing confirm that the long-term results of their efforts are nil.
It has been shared that millions more on the planet have indicated that they are not affiliated with one religion or another and state this proudly (even arrogantly): “I am not religious. I am spiritual.”
But they also try to use “special books” while seeking a more peaceful existence, freedom, etc. Again, however, decades of pure and objective witnessing confirm that the long-term results of their efforts are nil.
Why are all of their efforts for naught? Because their problem is here
But their “work” (be it religious work or spiritual exercises or supernatural work) is focused here
Persons have been using religious work or spiritual exercises or supernatural work for some at least 5,000 years. How are the masses doing with that plan?
Are the symptoms of the Ultimate Sickness being reduced overall, or does objective witnessing reveal that not only the extent but also the degree of the Sickness are both skyrocketing?
How much sanity is being exhibited by the masses vs. how much insanity?
How much wisdom is being exhibited by the masses vs. how much ignorance?
As you review some of the symptoms again, are these physical symptoms? Are they “soul or spirit” symptoms? Or are they symptoms rooted in mental issues?
An inability to distinguish true from false and, therefore, the propensity to believe lies; distorted perceptions; believing that images are real; having no clue who you are; talking in one's sleep; working and driving and walk while asleep;
accepting as true, without questioning to even the slightest degree, the concepts and beliefs that are taught by authority figures and believing the most unbelievable tales that those figures dream up; accumulating the various forms of the Sickness and then passing them along to family members and friends and associates with pride in having done so; accepting, with blind faith, beliefs that have no basis in fact and that cannot possibly be proved; being so delusional that “one” is believed to be “two”;
believing that learned ignorance is wisdom; suffering willingly and repeatedly the consequences of what Maharaj called "learned ignorance"; losing all ability to detect nonsense when it is heard;
allowing subconscious motivators (a.k.a., personality / personalities) to determine every thought and word and action while believing that one is consciously choosing to think what is thought, to say what is said, and to do what is done; being asleep but believing that one is awake;
being self-destructive; exhibiting impaired judgment; being unreasonable and illogical; displaying unstable and inappropriate emotions (that is, being emotionally-intoxicated); being religiously or spiritually intoxicated; having hallucinations (such as believing that you can hear a supernatural being from another world and believing that such a being is actually talking to you);
believing that the not-special is special; believing that absolutes can be applied to things relative; being disorganized and confused while thinking that you are organized and thinking clearly; developing extreme dependencies on people and groups and leaders and on powers that are supposedly living in unseen worlds; being unable to cope; being in a state of unwarranted fear; constantly desiring more and more of what is already making one sick;
feeling guilt and self-blame that have no basis in fact; behaving like a six-year old child for an entire manifestation, even during "the adult years"; being preoccupied with "self" (with the false selves or false identities that are assumed and thought to be real); playing roles on a stage and believing the characters are real;
believing that a physical, plant food body can disintegrate, re-integrate, and last for eternity and can feel pain or ecstasy for eternity; suffering and then still believing that suffering is good; and believing that things that are unnatural and things that are mistakenly called “supernatural” are actually natural.
Billions believe that within the physical, elemental plant food body, there is literally something called “the soul” or “the spirit” which not only literally exists right now but will literally exist after the manifestation ends.
If something so literal actually exists, why has it never been seen by any surgeon? Every part of the body has been opened up and inspected, viewed, studied, and worked on, while the manifestation is continuing as well after the manifestation had ended.
Yet not one sighting of “the soul” or “the spirit” ever been seen and reported. Same with the hundreds of thousands of gods (or gods and goddesses) that persons have been so sure about, always believing that one or more gods or goddesses have also existed literally, though – as with “the soul” or “the spirit” – their god or their gods and goddesses have never been seen even once.
What should be obvious is this: with a religious and / or spiritual approach having been used continuously for at least 5,000 years (without providing even one, single sighting to affirm His or Her or Their existence), two things are obvious:
1. Blind faith, more than any other religious or spiritual idea, is His or Her or Their most valued concept; and secondly,
2. His or Her or Their ego and egotism (and, yes, narcissism) are His or Her or Their second-most prized thing, always requiring in one way or another than everyone should love Him or Her or Them “with all your body and heart and mind and soul.”
So, while the non-dual message is there for some, and while remarkable strides have been made by others in diagnosing and treating mental and emotional illnesses and personality disorders and neuroses and some psychoses, how many seek
One writer paraphrased certain pointers offered by Maharaj and came to this conclusion:
“As well search for an eagle's nest on the bed of an ocean, as search for happiness in the world outside of you.”
That can also be paraphrased to provide another consideration: “As well search for gold doubloons inside your body as search for a soul or spirit inside of you that can serve as the Ultimate Medicine for your Ultimate Sickness”
“As well search for freedom in a prison as search for the cause of ignorance and insanity and the absence of peace in any place other than in your mind.”
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
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Therefore, another movement or shift is happening here spontaneously after reflecting on the more than two decades since the teachings were first offered here and looking at the results of Maharaj sharing pointers in his loft and looking at the results of "Floyd" sharing pointers in this electronic loft: Looking objectively at his results, Maharaj's satsang method of sharing - in the end and by his own admission (only "one out of 10,000,000") - did not produce the intended outcome.
* * * * * * *



Anthology of four books

Anthology of six books



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[Please note: When the Direct Path Teaching Method is offered in conjunction with the Nisarga Yoga, something unique results when compared to what happens via the approach used by religions, spiritual movements, philosophies, ideologies, etc.:
rather than inviting seekers to learn more, the invitation here is to unlearn all; rather than offerings teachings, what is offered are unteachings; rather than offering to provide seekers more of anything, seekers will find that the process will take away everything. And via that process, the bliss of Your Original Nature will manifest and remain until mahasamadhi is taken.
To that end, the content of this book will seem radical to the seekers of more, but for those truly ready to be totally free and totally independent - and for those who are truly ready to abandon efforts to accumulate and to de-accumulate instead - the pointers in this book might be relevant.]
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F.: Yesterday:
“Not in my spiritual condition that in not as fit as it should be?”
“Not in the condition of my sick soul?”
If the composite unity called “floyd” continues for another three months to cycle earth elements via the consumption of plant food and continues to cycle conscious-energy via the consumption of plant food and continues to cycle air into and out of the space in which the consciousness is manifested, then it will be said by some in September that “floyd is now 67 years old.”
Throughout many of those years, tens of thousands of persons have been dealt with who are seeking something different – a different life, a more peaceful existence, freedom, whatever.
It has been shared that 97% of the persons on the planet have indicated that they are affiliated with one religion or another and are using dogma and “holy” books in order to try to have a more peaceful existence, freedom, etc., yet decades of pure and objective witnessing confirm that the long-term results of their efforts are nil.
It has been shared that millions more on the planet have indicated that they are not affiliated with one religion or another and state this proudly (even arrogantly): “I am not religious. I am spiritual.”
But they also try to use “special books” while seeking a more peaceful existence, freedom, etc. Again, however, decades of pure and objective witnessing confirm that the long-term results of their efforts are nil.
Why are all of their efforts for naught? Because their problem is here
But their “work” (be it religious work or spiritual exercises or supernatural work) is focused here
Persons have been using religious work or spiritual exercises or supernatural work for some at least 5,000 years. How are the masses doing with that plan?
Are the symptoms of the Ultimate Sickness being reduced overall, or does objective witnessing reveal that not only the extent but also the degree of the Sickness are both skyrocketing?
How much sanity is being exhibited by the masses vs. how much insanity?
How much wisdom is being exhibited by the masses vs. how much ignorance?
As you review some of the symptoms again, are these physical symptoms? Are they “soul or spirit” symptoms? Or are they symptoms rooted in mental issues?
An inability to distinguish true from false and, therefore, the propensity to believe lies; distorted perceptions; believing that images are real; having no clue who you are; talking in one's sleep; working and driving and walk while asleep;
accepting as true, without questioning to even the slightest degree, the concepts and beliefs that are taught by authority figures and believing the most unbelievable tales that those figures dream up; accumulating the various forms of the Sickness and then passing them along to family members and friends and associates with pride in having done so; accepting, with blind faith, beliefs that have no basis in fact and that cannot possibly be proved; being so delusional that “one” is believed to be “two”;
believing that learned ignorance is wisdom; suffering willingly and repeatedly the consequences of what Maharaj called "learned ignorance"; losing all ability to detect nonsense when it is heard;
allowing subconscious motivators (a.k.a., personality / personalities) to determine every thought and word and action while believing that one is consciously choosing to think what is thought, to say what is said, and to do what is done; being asleep but believing that one is awake;
being self-destructive; exhibiting impaired judgment; being unreasonable and illogical; displaying unstable and inappropriate emotions (that is, being emotionally-intoxicated); being religiously or spiritually intoxicated; having hallucinations (such as believing that you can hear a supernatural being from another world and believing that such a being is actually talking to you);
believing that the not-special is special; believing that absolutes can be applied to things relative; being disorganized and confused while thinking that you are organized and thinking clearly; developing extreme dependencies on people and groups and leaders and on powers that are supposedly living in unseen worlds; being unable to cope; being in a state of unwarranted fear; constantly desiring more and more of what is already making one sick;
feeling guilt and self-blame that have no basis in fact; behaving like a six-year old child for an entire manifestation, even during "the adult years"; being preoccupied with "self" (with the false selves or false identities that are assumed and thought to be real); playing roles on a stage and believing the characters are real;
believing that a physical, plant food body can disintegrate, re-integrate, and last for eternity and can feel pain or ecstasy for eternity; suffering and then still believing that suffering is good; and believing that things that are unnatural and things that are mistakenly called “supernatural” are actually natural.
Billions believe that within the physical, elemental plant food body, there is literally something called “the soul” or “the spirit” which not only literally exists right now but will literally exist after the manifestation ends.
If something so literal actually exists, why has it never been seen by any surgeon? Every part of the body has been opened up and inspected, viewed, studied, and worked on, while the manifestation is continuing as well after the manifestation had ended.
Yet not one sighting of “the soul” or “the spirit” ever been seen and reported. Same with the hundreds of thousands of gods (or gods and goddesses) that persons have been so sure about, always believing that one or more gods or goddesses have also existed literally, though – as with “the soul” or “the spirit” – their god or their gods and goddesses have never been seen even once.
What should be obvious is this: with a religious and / or spiritual approach having been used continuously for at least 5,000 years (without providing even one, single sighting to affirm His or Her or Their existence), two things are obvious:
1. Blind faith, more than any other religious or spiritual idea, is His or Her or Their most valued concept; and secondly,
2. His or Her or Their ego and egotism (and, yes, narcissism) are His or Her or Their second-most prized thing, always requiring in one way or another than everyone should love Him or Her or Them “with all your body and heart and mind and soul.”
So, while the non-dual message is there for some, and while remarkable strides have been made by others in diagnosing and treating mental and emotional illnesses and personality disorders and neuroses and some psychoses, how many seek
(a) via non-duality or in professional venues as opposed to
(b) the 99.9%+ who do not seek because they believe their organized religions have all the answers or because they believe that their spiritual exercises are addressing all of their issues, including their mental and emotional issues that actually center in the mind?
One writer paraphrased certain pointers offered by Maharaj and came to this conclusion:
“As well search for an eagle's nest on the bed of an ocean, as search for happiness in the world outside of you.”
That can also be paraphrased to provide another consideration: “As well search for gold doubloons inside your body as search for a soul or spirit inside of you that can serve as the Ultimate Medicine for your Ultimate Sickness”
“As well search for freedom in a prison as search for the cause of ignorance and insanity and the absence of peace in any place other than in your mind.”
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
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Just hang on to those please.
Just hang on to those please.
A "movement" or "shift" happened here that added another parallel to the many parallels in terms of the phenomenal "experiences" and the noumenal revelations that "Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj" and "Floyd" share in common. (Many visitors over the years have said that they also shared the same parallels with "Maharaj" and "Floyd" as well.)
In the case of "Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj" and "Floyd":
1. both grew up in very poor families 2. both moved to populated areas to seek employment opportunities 3. both exhibited business skills that led to their opening and operating many businesses and to their having a large number of employees working for them 4. both succeeded financially 5. both became attached to accumulating; 6. both married and had a family 7. both were initially religious 8. both moved away from organized religion and became interested in "spiritual" matters, finding and following the teachings of a big name teacher (or, in "Floyd's" case, many big name teachers) 9. both had highly religious wives who were quite displeased with the shift away from religion and toward "spirituality" 10. both began to feel empty in spite of all of their "spiritual seeking" and in spite of all of their accumulated "spiritual knowledge";
1. both grew up in very poor families 2. both moved to populated areas to seek employment opportunities 3. both exhibited business skills that led to their opening and operating many businesses and to their having a large number of employees working for them 4. both succeeded financially 5. both became attached to accumulating; 6. both married and had a family 7. both were initially religious 8. both moved away from organized religion and became interested in "spiritual" matters, finding and following the teachings of a big name teacher (or, in "Floyd's" case, many big name teachers) 9. both had highly religious wives who were quite displeased with the shift away from religion and toward "spirituality" 10. both began to feel empty in spite of all of their "spiritual seeking" and in spite of all of their accumulated "spiritual knowledge";
11. both began to de-accumulate after both saw that they could survive quite well on a fraction of the income they had been making
12. both had wives who were unhappy when the de-accumulation stage was entered and both had wives who became unhappy about their husbands' focus on non-duality and who blamed their unhappiness on no longer having a religious husband
(The facts be known, in both cases the unhappiness involved the fact that their husbands were no longer interested in - or willing - to work 80+ hours per week and that their husbands were no longer interested in accumulating wealth and possessions and providing the rich lifestyle to which their wives had grown accustomed)
13. both eventually came to see that the religious and spiritual states were also ego-states, and both saw that there are far more steps on the "path" to complete after reaching the religious and spiritual steps and after playing those roles which are the third of seven steps on the entire "path" 14. both "lost" their wives (one via "death," the other through divorce); 15. both accelerated their seeking; 16. both entered into the "forest dweller stage" 17. both Realized 18. both began to de-accumulate even more
19. both began sharing the teachings 20. for years, both answered questions in whatever order those questions were received, though both said that the movement from identification with the false "I" / "I's" involved an exact, step-wise manner of moving along a "path" that involved "going back" in the same (but reverse order) of the way they "came in" - that is, the way that the manifestation happened and the way that the consciousness was blocked through seven stages that resulted in their becoming identified solely with their false personas, with the content of the "mind," and eventually, with the body. But the most significant awareness that finally came to both after years of offering satsang and after having answered thousands and thousands of questions was this: After years of "Maharaj" offering satsang in his loft, and after years of "Floyd" offering satsang in meeting halls and in his home and via what one site visitor called "Floyd's electronic loft," this fact became obvious to both: "Maharaj" came to see in the 1970's and into 1980 and 1981 that his approach was not working and "Floyd" finally came to see the same.
13. both eventually came to see that the religious and spiritual states were also ego-states, and both saw that there are far more steps on the "path" to complete after reaching the religious and spiritual steps and after playing those roles which are the third of seven steps on the entire "path" 14. both "lost" their wives (one via "death," the other through divorce); 15. both accelerated their seeking; 16. both entered into the "forest dweller stage" 17. both Realized 18. both began to de-accumulate even more
19. both began sharing the teachings 20. for years, both answered questions in whatever order those questions were received, though both said that the movement from identification with the false "I" / "I's" involved an exact, step-wise manner of moving along a "path" that involved "going back" in the same (but reverse order) of the way they "came in" - that is, the way that the manifestation happened and the way that the consciousness was blocked through seven stages that resulted in their becoming identified solely with their false personas, with the content of the "mind," and eventually, with the body. But the most significant awareness that finally came to both after years of offering satsang and after having answered thousands and thousands of questions was this: After years of "Maharaj" offering satsang in his loft, and after years of "Floyd" offering satsang in meeting halls and in his home and via what one site visitor called "Floyd's electronic loft," this fact became obvious to both: "Maharaj" came to see in the 1970's and into 1980 and 1981 that his approach was not working and "Floyd" finally came to see the same.
21. Both saw that many who heard the teachings are not going to understand (Maharaj reporting that "only 1 in 100,000 are going to 'get' this" understanding)
22. both soon saw that even more than expected of those who heard the teachings were not going to understand (Maharaj modifying his "guesstimate" and reporting that "only 1 in 1,000,000 are going to 'get' this" understanding)
23. eventually both saw that even far more than expected of those who heard the teachings were not going to understand (Maharaj eventually concluding that "only 1 in 10,000,000 are going to 'get' this" understanding). And the failings were not the fault of seekers.
A "one -in-ten-million" estimate is proof that satsang was not working for most seekers, and the evidence here lately is proof of the same.
Both "Maharaj" and "Floyd" invited seekers to focus on the exact, step-wise "path." Yes, during satsang, "Maharaj" sometimes alluded to the steps while discussing them in no particular order - but he never once laid out the steps in the exact order in which they had to be completed. That was not his teachings style or approach.
Therefore, another movement or shift is happening here spontaneously after reflecting on the more than two decades since the teachings were first offered here and looking at the results of Maharaj sharing pointers in his loft and looking at the results of "Floyd" sharing pointers in this electronic loft: Looking objectively at his results, Maharaj's satsang method of sharing - in the end and by his own admission (only "one out of 10,000,000") - did not produce the intended outcome.
Looking objectively at the results here when using an "electronic loft" satsang method of sharing has not produced the intended outcome nearly as often as any of the three "face-to-face" methods used with seekers by which they have been led through the seven steps in order.
Here, the body is growing older, of course. Mahasamadhi could be taken today, or it could be taken in twenty years.
Obviously, that cannot be known. But the decision here has been made that whatever amount of the relative existence remains shall be spent in sharing the teachings in the ways that have been seen over the last 20+ years to be the most effective methods.
Looking back over the list of those that have truly received the understanding, it is seen that Robert R. read all of the books, then took the online Advaita course and then completed some face-to-face Skype sessions to receive the final clarifications required. It was seen that Mac read all of the books, completed the online course, and then attended a retreat where he was guided through the seven steps. Mac said that the online course work inspired him to attend the retreat in order to be able to receive the final "pieces." It was seen that Andy Gugar, Jr. read all of the books, then came here for a retreat and was taken through the seven steps in order, and then returned once more for the final clarifications required. After reviewing the shifts that happened with him after attending two retreats, he reaffirmed this past week his commitment to helping spread the non-duality, nisarga understanding as presented here. As a result of seeing what has "worked" during the last 20+ years of sharing the non-duality understanding - and seeing what had not "worked" as well - changes will be made.
Looking back over the list of those that have truly received the understanding, it is seen that Robert R. read all of the books, then took the online Advaita course and then completed some face-to-face Skype sessions to receive the final clarifications required. It was seen that Mac read all of the books, completed the online course, and then attended a retreat where he was guided through the seven steps. Mac said that the online course work inspired him to attend the retreat in order to be able to receive the final "pieces." It was seen that Andy Gugar, Jr. read all of the books, then came here for a retreat and was taken through the seven steps in order, and then returned once more for the final clarifications required. After reviewing the shifts that happened with him after attending two retreats, he reaffirmed this past week his commitment to helping spread the non-duality, nisarga understanding as presented here. As a result of seeing what has "worked" during the last 20+ years of sharing the non-duality understanding - and seeing what had not "worked" as well - changes will be made.
In "Part One," examples were given of seekers that were led to Realization not by satsang but by following the various protocols outlined farther down this page which provide the understanding in the step-wise, orderly, required fashion which moves seekers along a "path" that is as prescribed by Maharaj ... "going back" in the "reverse order" by which the consciousness manifested and became blocked.
However, conversations with some that just read the majority of the books have revealed that they certainly seem to have grasped the understanding and Realized as well.
As a result of seeing what has "worked" during the last 20+ years of sharing the non-duality understanding - and seeing what has "not worked" as well - changes are being made.
There are seven specific steps that happen when awareness-energy is "pulled" into a cycle of manifestation. When that energy manifests as conscious-energy, that formerly pure and unadulterated energy becomes "corrupted" (or "blocked" from seeing clearly) via programming, conditioning, domestication, acculturation, and brainwashing. Soon, there is a belief in the not-Real as a result of seven degrees of separation from an understanding of the Real.
Using the method that was also employed by his contemporaries - a method which focused on offering non-duality pointers via satsang - Maharaj addressed questions in the order in which they were received. He might receive a question from a seeker at the third step and his reply would include what amounted to an invitation to move to the fourth step. The next question might come from a seeker at the first step, and the reply would include an invitation to move to the second step.
The information offered to the second seeker would seemingly contradict what was offered to the first seeker, so visitors who have come here for decades have asked questions which showed how confused they were by the fact that Maharaj's statements to each visitor in his loft were "level-appropriate" yet were provided in no precise order, resulting in what seemed to be an inconsistent message.
So the process overall was confusing in that
seekers were told to follow the "path back" in the same way that they "came in," except in reverse order,
pointers were not given in a specific, step-wise order at all.
Maharaj did recognize the seven steps that are taught here, but by offering the teachings in an order that was dictated by the order in which questions were received from seekers who were at different steps on the "path," the result was this:
a pointer about moving beyond the fourth step might be followed by a pointer about moving beyond the first step, and that pointer might be followed by a pointer about how to move beyond the sixth step.
The same was done on this site for seven years. The result is a collection of 1,800 or so essays discussing almost every non-duality topic that can be discussed, and the search button on the top right side of this page will now allow seekers with a question about a specific topic to find an explanation. That method, however, will never provide the manner in which the seven steps on the "path" must be transmitted and received in order to Realize Fully.
An objective study of the history here of more than twenty years of offering non-duality pointers reveals this: seekers that were given pointers in the exact order in which they needed to receive them were the ones that Realized.
They read the books, then they completed the online course and / or completed seven Skype or telephone sessions or came here for a retreat (or watched the downloadable DVD version of an actual retreat, available below).
Some found that which they were seeking by reading the author's book that deal with non-duality subject matter. Via all of those venues, the steps are taught in their proper order.
The essays available on this site will remain for those interested in searching for a discussion of a particular non-duality topic without charge, but the focus here until mahasamadhi is taken is going to be on offering the teachings in the step-wise fashion that has been seen to work.
(Four by Floyd Henderson and two by Dennis Waite. Click the picture for more information or to order)
(Four by Floyd Henderson and two by Dennis Waite. Click the picture for more information or to order)
* * * * * * *
are available at
Floyd Henderson's Website
International buyers: note the separate option for those outside the continental U.S.
II. BY READING the explanations offered in the collection of non-duality books that are available on this site and at www.floydhenderson.com.
III. BY ENROLLING in the Online Advaita Classes For information, visit Information on the Advaita Classes on the Internet To enroll visit Enroll in the Advaita Internet Course
IV. BY ATTENDING an Advaitin retreat with floyd and being guided through all seven steps. For details of the retreats offered, please visit the retreat information site.
V. BY ARRANGING a one-hour session via Skype or telephone with Floyd. (Skype is a free service.)
Click the button to pay and you will be contacted to arrange a date and time for the call.
Floyd Henderson's Website
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I. BY WATCHING the 4-Disk, Seven-Hour Video (DVD) Set of an advaita retreat, or the downloadable file version. To find out more or to purchase the DVD or downloadable computer file version of the retreat, DVD or Downloadable computer file versions of the Four-Day Advaita Retreat
I. BY WATCHING the 4-Disk, Seven-Hour Video (DVD) Set of an advaita retreat, or the downloadable file version. To find out more or to purchase the DVD or downloadable computer file version of the retreat, DVD or Downloadable computer file versions of the Four-Day Advaita Retreat
International buyers: note the separate option for those outside the continental U.S.
II. BY READING the explanations offered in the collection of non-duality books that are available on this site and at www.floydhenderson.com.
III. BY ENROLLING in the Online Advaita Classes For information, visit Information on the Advaita Classes on the Internet To enroll visit Enroll in the Advaita Internet Course
IV. BY ATTENDING an Advaitin retreat with floyd and being guided through all seven steps. For details of the retreats offered, please visit the retreat information site.
V. BY ARRANGING a one-hour session via Skype or telephone with Floyd. (Skype is a free service.)
Click the button to pay and you will be contacted to arrange a date and time for the call.
Floyd Henderson's Website
FROM THE I TO THE ABSOLUTE: A Seven-Step Journey to Reality



Anthology of four books

Anthology of six books


For more information on this book, or to purchase a copy now, click:


[Please note: When the Direct Path Teaching Method is offered in conjunction with the Nisarga Yoga, something unique results when compared to what happens via the approach used by religions, spiritual movements, philosophies, ideologies, etc.:
rather than inviting seekers to learn more, the invitation here is to unlearn all; rather than offerings teachings, what is offered are unteachings; rather than offering to provide seekers more of anything, seekers will find that the process will take away everything. And via that process, the bliss of Your Original Nature will manifest and remain until mahasamadhi is taken.
To that end, the content of this book will seem radical to the seekers of more, but for those truly ready to be totally free and totally independent - and for those who are truly ready to abandon efforts to accumulate and to de-accumulate instead - the pointers in this book might be relevant.]
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