Monday, August 17, 2015


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Today's Considerations

During the years when Maharaj began to abandon the obligations he had been feeling because of his entrapment in guru-bhakti, and as he began to shift away from bhakti – all the while longing to focus on the Nisarga Yoga alone – he experienced tremendous pushback and blowback from the religious persons in his environment.

As his sharings moved more toward jnani-yoga and towards sharings which attracted more Westerners who were looking for an understanding via “Eastern teachings,” the pushback and blowback from religious persons increased.

Then, when he determined that the spirituality-based sharings which he was offering to Westerners were not bringing about any true understanding, he began advising seekers to give up spirituality, too.

He also set forth his declaration of independence from the earlier attachment to Self-Inquiry and advised seekers that "it is enough to know who you are not.” More blowback and pushback followed.

To be willing to study the evidence and the facts, and to then be willing to admit that what one had been teaching was totally misguided, can only happen in the absence of ego identification and egotism. Maharaj did it, though, and stood firm against the continuing blowback and pushback.

Same here.

And be assured that at each point when the old was set aside and the new was tried as a possibly-effective version of the Ultimate Medicine, there was not just resistance from seekers and observers. There was also some internal resistance experienced: “The old is not working. Something different must be tried. Do you have the wherewithal to persevere in offering something different in face of the continuing – as well as the pending – blowback and pushback?"

Then the questions were asked of “self” (actually, of "selves”) which are now also asked of those clinging to old beliefs which had already been seen to be bogus.

The questions were asked in terms of the “WHO’s,” that is, "Who – which ego-state” is involved, is trying to influence, is fighting for its perceived but totally counterfeit and phony beingness? The questions asked of self, which visitors are now invited to ask of themselves include these:

1. WHO finds the pointers here objectionable?

2. WHO finds the suggestion of living naturally - rather than unnaturally or supernaturally - objectionable?

3. WHO objects to Maharaj’s assertion that it is not really a requirement to know the Supreme Self?

4. WHO objects to his declaration that he gave up all interest in the Supreme Self?

5. WHO objects to his declaration that it is enough to know only who you are not?

6. WHO that is sane can find even a single legitimate objection to abiding naturally?

7. WHO that is sane would question the invitation to stop all the nonsense and just abide unnaturally?


8. WHO that is sane would question the invitation to stop trying to abide supernaturally and / or religiously and / or spiritually and / or as a Supreme Self and to simply abide naturally instead?

The answers in each case were, “No one who is sane." Yes, some in what has been “The Land of Thousands of Mirages” for over 5000 years have been exposed to a non-dual message and have been willing to give up their belief in the existence of thousands of gods and goddesses.

Yet then, they turn right around and accept the notion that . . . “They are God!” or “They are the Supreme!” Could that be taken legitimately as a shift toward clear seeing or logic or reason? Could that state of mind possibly be confused with the condition of having truly been restored to sanity and of truly being free of the insane effects of programming and conditioning and domestication and acculturation and indoctrination and brainwashing?

WHO could possibly object if they look objectively at the reasons why Maharaj . . . 

abandoned the use of a religious / non-dual version of the Ultimate Medicine; 

abandoned the use of a spiritual / non-dual version of the Ultimate Medicine; 

stopped recommending that years been spent on the task of “finding Self”; 


then recommended merely abiding naturally, just like every other living thing on the planet except for humans?

No other living thing on the planet has any sense of “WHO-ness”; on the other hand, humans have very little sense at all except for their sense of WHO-ness.

Maharaj made clear that persons were not created by god but that god was dreamed up by persons. They made it up. They came up with their own conception which is just that - a mere conception. To "turn one’s life and will over" to the care of an accumulation of mind conceptualizations and personality identifications (while thinking that one is turning her or his will and care over to some dreamed up power or Power beyond) is about as far out-of-touch with the reality of the AM-ness as possible.

As far as the Reality of the THAT-ness, post-manifestation there will be no “one” to know either “Reality” or “THAT.” As Maharaj explained, “If you were never born once, you most assuredly cannot be born again.”

Post-manifestation, the elements shall merge with the universal pool of elements; the air shall merge with the universal pool of air; and the conscious-energy shall merge with the universal pool of awareness-energy which can be aware of nothing if not manifested.

So the invitation is to find out WHO – that is, which ego-state or ego-states – think that there is a payoff for playing the “good” roles (or even “The Great Role”) which they are playing; to see when one is being driven through life by a belief in mirages; and to get real . . . now. Then, kick back and take it easy, like all every other no-mind, no-identity living thing on the planet except for humans.

To be continued.

Please enter the silence of contemplation.

[NOTE: The four most recent posts follow. You may access all of the posts in this series and in the previous series and several thousand other posts as well by clicking on the links in the "Recent Posts and Archives" section.]

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