Monday, November 30, 2015

MAHARAJ: “I Talk to You from the Perspective of the Universal Consciousness,” Part Eight

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Today's Considerations

This pointer was offered by Maharaj and is often offered on this site as well:

Understand that I am no different from anyone that comes to visit. The only “difference” is in perspective.

Here, since at least 1989, sessions have happened with hundreds of men who have come this way, all sharing in common a mental-emotional state that is a mix of one part resentment, one part anger, and one part sadness because their previously-assumed role of “The Husband” had come to an end when the person playing the required, co-dependent, counterpart role of “The Spouse” walked in one day and said, “I’m leaving.”

Something else they all had in common on the day that they heard the announcement of their spouses’ departure? The absence of a proper perspective which could - had it been present - prevented their being surprised at all had they been able to see clearly the way that their spouses were feeling and capable of viewing with a clear perspective the true state of their marriages.  

Hundreds of men over the years have recalled their comments in reaction to being told by their spouses that they were leaving, including these:

“I was completely shocked” 


"I thought things were going along pretty good"


“I was totally surprised”


“I was caught totally off guard”

as well as



“I can’t believe this!”

Others over the years have explained that they were “astonished,” “astounded,” “flabbergasted,” “stunned,” “shocked,” or “bowled over.” Then, as we began reviewing the specific details of their “relationships” as I asked questions which were intended to expose the actual, long-standing, deteriorated state of their marriages, the eventual consideration offered to them was this:

“From what you have now told me, isn't the actual fact that the only real surprise about her leaving should have been that it didn't happen years earlier?”

Not once did any “husband” report that his reply to being told “I am leaving you” was:

“I’m not surprised. I saw it coming.”

Nor has even one man reported that his reply was:

“I understand”


“This outcome was inevitable”


“Of course you’re leaving””


“This outcome was totally predictable”


“This outcome was absolutely foreseeable”


“This outcome has been long anticipated.”

In every case, it was shown that (a) not only were the men totally devoid of any clear perspective surrounding the state of their marriages or surrounding the way that their wives were really feeling but also that (b) even worse than having an unclear perspective, those men were completely blind to the truth of their own circumstances.

Yet when asked if they might presently be just as blind about other aspects of their relative existence or about themselves, none came up with any clear insights and none could come up with an example of anything else that they might be viewing via a warped perspective.

As noted earlier, a warped perspective cannot be compartmentalized. To see one thing unclearly is to see all things unclearly.

Unlike the human eye which might see things clearly if they are up close but unclearly if they are far away (or vice-versa), a warped perspective regarding the way the mind looks at things dominates in all instances.

A person who thinks magically - such as one who assigns divine, supernatural cause to an event that is merely natural – will apply that same degree of warped perspective to everything that is believed.

The fact that Hurricane Katrina developed off the coast of Africa and moved along the path that it followed until it stuck the southern coast of the U.S. on August 29, 2005 was a path determined solely by natural weather conditions - steered by prevailing global winds in combination with the environmental wind field surrounding the hurricane’s location at any given point. Low pressure systems and high pressures systems along the way also affected and ultimately determined the path that the hurricane followed.

What does not affect the path that hurricanes take is anything magical or supernatural or other worldly; thus, the Dalai Lama showed that he is operating with a totally warped perspective when he concluded that the hurricane especially devastated the city of New Orleans because of the negative karma of the people there.

It was noted yesterday that Ronald Reagan looked back on the invasion of the “New World” and the slaughter of 150,000,000 people living there and - because of his totally warped perspective - concluded that the invasion and mass murder was actually the result of divine intervention and was actually an act of God because in His Overall Divine Plan, God had long before "set aside" the lands of North and Central and South American to be used at some future time by godly Europeans to create Christian nations whereas the people living there at the time were only heathens. 

So what is the difference in that Christian perspective and the perspective of Muslims who are presently being criticized by Christians because those Muslims want to impose their religious beliefs and their religion-based laws on others? There is none.

Whether warped perspectives are used to distort one’s view about the state of a marriage 


are used to spread nonsense about natural weather events 


are used to minimize acts of mass genocide by Europeans


are used to minimize a God's act of mass genocide when he used "The Great Flood" to kill everyone on earth except for the members of one family, the result is the same: persons are believing the unbelievable because of unbelievably ignorant and insane programming and conditioning and domestication and acculturation and indoctrination and brainwashing.

Persons are coming up with the most astounding and ignorant ideas about every aspects of their lives and about “the world” as a result of unbelievably ignorant and insane programming and conditioning and domestication and acculturation and indoctrination and brainwashing.

And even as persons watch a news item and conclude “that guy is as crazy as can be,” they fail to see that they too are exhibiting the symptoms of the Ultimate Sickness (identified by Maharaj as being “ignorance and stupidity and insanity”). They do not see that those symptoms are marking and marring their own relative existence just as much as they are marking and marring the existence of “those others” whom they are identifying as the ones who are “as crazy as can be.”

Maharaj: “As long as you are interested in your present way of living, you will not abandon it. Discovery cannot come as long as you cling to the familiar. It is only when you realize fully the immense sorrow of your life and revolt against it that a way out can be found.” 

Maharaj: "What you perceive is distorted and coloured by feelings of like and dislike.”

Maharaj: “To see reality is as simple as to see one's face in a mirror. Only the mirror must be clear and true.”

To be continued.

Please enter the silence of contemplation.

[NOTE: The four most recent posts follow. You may access all of the posts in this series and in the previous series and several thousand other posts as well by clicking on the links in the "Recent Posts and Archives" section.]

Sunday, November 29, 2015

MAHARAJ: “I Talk to You from the Perspective of the Universal Consciousness,” Part Seven

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Today's Considerations

The perspectives held by billions of persons all around the globe, who are not realized and who are not free of humanity’s widespread beliefs, are rooted not in the Universal Consciousness (that is, not rooted in “the unblocked consciousness which is capable of seeing clearly and differentiating between true and false") but are rooted in the blocked (some call it “warped”) consciousness which is rooted, in turn, in the ignorance and insanity which are passed down from one generation to the next via ignorant and insane programming, conditioning, domestication, acculturation, indoctrination, and brainwashing.

Humankind’s problems all evolve from the nonsensical beliefs passed down and now stored in billions of minds all around the planet, and those nonsensical beliefs are the guiding force behind everything that person think and say and do; yet nonsense can only generate more nonsense.

Attachment to nonsensical beliefs will guarantee that all will be seen via a warped perspective which results in illusion being seen as reality; in distortions being seen as truth; and in insane beliefs being seen as perfectly sane and sound beliefs.  

As Maharaj eventually noted, humanity’s problems are all rooted in the mind (and in the warped perspectives which the mind generates).

A comedian shared this during his act: “Here’s a parenting tip for you: if your goal is to really screw up your kids, don’t use corporal punishment. Wounds heal in seven to ten days or so. No, to really screw ‘em up good, don’t screw up their bodies. That’s temporary; instead, screw up their minds. Now that punishment lasts forever!” 

So what do the results of "screwing up their minds" look like? This example was shared in the past when recounting what a man told her daughters:

“You do not need an education. You’re both good looking. Neither of you will have any trouble finding a husband to take care of you.” And they used that approach . . . and they have both been miserable for forty years. Yet not only those two women but millions of others have taken that advice to be heart, believing: “A man is a plan." In other words, their subconscious belief is: “I shall play the role of a lifestyle whore. I will find a man to provide me with a wonderful lifestyle and I will use my looks to catch him and to keep him and I will put up with anything that he comes up with in order to have my bills paid and to keep a nice roof over your head.” And yes, there are plenty of men out there who also believe that they are entitled to have a woman or another man pay their bills as well.

The result? Some will recall this example offered a couple of years ago:

I was in another city where some non-dualists organized a weekend retreat. A woman came in who had bruises on her arms and neck. When another woman in the group asked about those, she said, “Oh, my husband gives me what he calls ‘love taps’ every now and then. And he’s right. Like he says, if he didn’t care, he would never have the kind of emotions he shows with me. A lot of my friends have husbands who are numb around their wives. It’s clear they couldn’t care less. My husband obviously cares a lot.” 

The questions asked here over the years when persons have described their misery and the abuse they were tolerating for the sake of their “better lifestyle” have included these: (1) “What are you putting up with in exchange for money or a mansion or to have someone else pay your bills?” (2) “Do you really think that bill paying is free?" (3) "What’s the actual cost of what you think is a free perk?” (4) "Do you really think everything that you are putting up with is making you happier?”

Maharaj: “Nothing can make you happier than you are. All search for happiness is misery and leads to more misery. The only happiness worth the name is the natural happiness of conscious being.”

“Follow the leader” is a childhood game that should only be played during childhood, but all around the globe it is being played by far more adults than children with disastrous results (relatively speaking).

Consider the warped perspective involved which can drive a person to respond “OKAY!” when told: “Our concept of god is the only right one, so our god wants those worshiping the false gods – of Christianity, of Judaism, etc. – to convert or be killed. So strap on this suicide vest and go kill yourself along with those in that crowd of people who do not worship our God.”

Here in North America, an annual, national holiday called “Thanksgiving” was marked this past week by religious observances and a traditional meal including turkey. The holiday commemorates a harvest festival celebrated by the Pilgrims in 1621, and it is held in the US on the fourth Thursday in November. What does it means to the typical “American” who has been brainwashed and indoctrinated and acculturated? It means an opportunity to thank a god for all of the blessing that come with “living in the greatest country on earth.”

What did it mean for the “Native Americans” who were living here when those people landed on these shores? It marked the beginning of the “American Holocaust” when Europeans bought into the idea that their god wanted them to expand their empires to include “The New World.” They believed that all should only worship their god, and when those among the native population did not convert to Christianity, then 150,000,000 of them (who had long been living in areas now known as North, Central, and South America) were killed.

Former Republican U.S. President Ronald Reagan shared his perspective about that invasion and genocide this way in June of 1952: "I, in my own mind, have always thought of America as a place in the divine scheme of things that was set aside as a promised land.” And there’s the rub: that belief came from “his own mind,” the same mind that came up with a statement in 1980 using a Biblical allusion to describe “American values”:

“I believe that Americans are every bit as committed to that vision of ‘a shining city on a hill’ as were those long ago settlers.” See? Perspective: Just “settlers,” not “slaughtering invaders.” That spin is quite similar to one set forth by those currently affiliated with Reagan’s political party who are presently warping the truth about the human slave trade by including in current Texas school textbooks a passage that has recast “slaves” as “workers.” See? Warped perspectives warp truth.

Thus, these are some other examples of commonplace warped perspectives:

“Let’s invade that land across the ocean to the west and kill 98% of the ‘Indian Natives’ there and take 99% of their land and let’s say we’re going to kill the millions of people already living there because they are heathens and because we are establishing a Christian nation for God!”

“Let’s round up Africans and ship them to that country in order to provide a free-labor force in order for the businesses there to maximize profits!”

“Lets’ have a religious inquisition run by Catholic Christians and kill in the name of God all those who are not behaving as we want them to!”

“Let’s invade all of the nations surrounding Germany and gather up all of the Jews as well as the mentally-handicapped and the homosexuals and send them all off to concentration camps and gas them!”

“Let’s invade Vietnam!”

“Let’s invade Grenada!”

“Let’s invade Nicaragua!”

“Let’s invade El Salvador!”

“Let’s invade Iraq!”

“Let’s tell them that subdividing a country is totally unacceptable and that we will never allow them to re-divide their country into the three regions / states that existed before the British invaders drew the present boundary lines for Iraq!”

“But while we tell them that it’s not acceptable to subdivide a country into parts, let’s ignore the fact that we have subdivided our country into fifty states!”

“Let’s invade Afghanistan!”

“Let’s invade Iraq again!”

“Let’s invade Syria!”

“Let’s invade the nation of Georgia!”

“Let’s invade Ukraine!”

“Let’s drink the poisonous Kool-Aid!”

“This is real blood and real body. Let’s drink it and eat it because that will let us commune with God and because it will please God and because it will make us closer to Him, and let's ignore the fact that we're engaging in vampirism and cannibalism!”

“Let’s go on a pilgrimage where the chances are great that we’ll be killed in a human stampede!” 

“Let’s tell them that God loves them unconditionally!”

“But let’s also tell them that he will burn them in hell forever!”

“Similarly, let’s tell our children that the reason we whip them and even beat them is also because we love them!”

“Let’s abuse anyone who is a member of a minority, and let’s do that all around the globe!”

“Let’s kill all who are not members of our religious sect!”

“Let’s mock those non-Christians for separating their religion into two competing sects but let’s separate our Christian religion into 41,000 different denominations!”

“Let’s be like sheep that are followers and are willing to be led off a cliff!”

Sheep follow the leader, even if the leader jumps to its death off a cliff. The “non-Realized” – trapped into being controlled by their hand-me-down warped perspectives - are just as capable of doing the same.
To be continued.

Please enter the silence of contemplation.

[NOTE: The four most recent posts follow. You may access all of the posts in this series and in the previous series and several thousand other posts as well by clicking on the links in the "Recent Posts and Archives" section.]

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

MAHARAJ: “I Talk to You from the Perspective of the Universal Consciousness,” Part Six

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Today's Considerations

[The last few posts have shared a step-by-step process used to guide someone to a different perspective. To summarize:]

A visitor arrived with these perspectives about the cause of his financial and relationship problems which he deemed to be totally accurate and completely true and spot on perspectives about the way he was viewing things:

“Until my brother-in-law came along, I had an ideal marriage.”

“My former brother-in-law ruined my marriage and caused my former wife and me to break up.”

“My expectation that I could . . .

(1) leave my business in the hands of a brother-in-law with a history of incompetency 

and that I could. . .

(2) leave with a known thief a stack of signed, blank checks that would be needed to pay the company bills during the six weeks I was going to be gone

. . . was a perfectly reasonable expectation because you should be able to trust a relative who should be grateful for everything I’d done for him.”

“I believe that if a wife is unhappy, a man can do things for her and her family and make her happy and then they can have a happy marriage (so, of course, the same goes for a wife if her husband is unhappy).”

“And anyone who suggests that my perspectives are warped is an ass.”

After six fairly-brief sessions, he left with these perspectives:

“It is possible to think that ‘A’ is true even though ‘A’ is the exact opposite of the truth.”

“It is common for humans to be willing to fight to defend their beliefs, even though those beliefs are complete and total BS.”

“Not any one, single cause can explain why anything happened as it happened, including ‘why marriages fail’ or ‘why businesses fail’ or ‘why persons use escapism or avoidance or denial to preserve self-images and to promote the hidden agendas of their assigned or assumed false identities'.”

“A marriage or any other kind of relationship can look to outside observers to be ideal even though it is a complete and miserable sham, and a person involved in a marriage or any other kind of relationship which is a complete and miserable sham can be seen to someone in that relationship who has a totally warped perspective about everything to be 'a pretty darn good marriage'.”

“Neither warped perspectives nor ignorance nor insanity can be compartmentalized. To see one thing in a warped fashion is to see all things in a warped fashion; to allow ignorance to dominate one aspect of one’s existence is to allow ignorance to infiltrate all aspects of one’s experience; and to be insane is to be insane (though, granted, there are degrees of personality disorders, neuroses, and psychoses); nevertheless, insanity when present will eventually mark and mar all aspects of one’s existence.”

Shifts in perspective can happen, though they are rare. They come when realization happens, specifically when it is realized that one has warped perspectives and then takes the steps to be free of them. 

No illness (including the Ultimate Sickness) can be addressed unless it is first admitted that “I am really sick”; unless it is admitted that "my perspective about everything is skewed and warped"; unless it is admitted that "my mind is my own worst enemy because it is the source of distortion and illusion and an endless stream of perverted and confused views";

and unless it is admitted that “all of the programming and conditioning and acculturation and domestication and brainwashing and indoctrination which I have been exposed to from early childhood and continuing to this very moment has all led to my playing a variety of roles which all have hidden agendas that are twisted and bent and which are the source of a near-endless chain of misrepresentations of truth.”

And among those who have undertaken a “journey” or who are “following a path” or who are engaged in some “self-help process” or who have joined a group of insane people and believed them when they said that they “can’t help themselves but they can help you," among those, nothing is more insane than when those types claim to have been restored to sanity by virtue of giving up certain self-destructive behaviors even as they continue to engage in other forms of self-destructive behaviors.

Consider a person that is meeting with a trained, mental healthcare professional who is being treated for a mental disorder. Does the professional who has

diagnosed the patient’s illness

and who has

devised a long-term treatment plan to address the client’s mental disorder  

allow the client to decide when he or she is no longer insane and allow the client to decide when the need for treatment has ended?

Those whose existence is dominated by ignorance have no clue that their existence is dominated by ignorance. Those among the masses - who are all so often driven by insanity - haven’t the slightest clue that they are being driven by insanity. Moreover, written, self-reported claims of having been restored to sanity are not worth the paper they are written on, and verbalized, self-reported claims of having been restored to sanity are not worth the air that such words are spewed into.

When a person has been ordered by a court to be confined in a psychiatric institution and to receive long-term, professional treatment for insanity, the court does not release that person when the person self-reports that he or she has been restored to sanity. That diagnosis can only be determined by someone other than the insane person.

Similarly, Maharaj made clear that persons who self-report that they are fully realized are usually in error. He said that many declare that they are standing in the full light of the noonday sun when they are actually just standing in the dull light of dawn. What more evidence could there be of the continuing presence of the symptoms of the Ultimate Sickness (which Maharaj said include “ignorance and insanity”) than to make such a totally erroneous declaration that it is noontime when it is dawn or to believe that one is standing in full light when actually standing in shades of darkness?

Maharaj never accepted the word of a person who was claiming to be totally realized. He asked questions and then used the answers to verify whether there was factual evidence of realization . . . or not.

The only thing crazier than a crazy person telling others that he or she was once crazy but now is not crazy anymore - even as there is clear evidence to the contrary - is people believing an erroneous self-diagnosis that no insanity remains.

What is crazier than believing a still-crazy person who claims that he can lead persons to sanity? What is crazier than someone thinking he can give away something that he does not have, be that “sanity” or be that “realization”? And what is more self-centered and selfish and arrogant and ignorant than ignoring the continuing evidence of insane, destructive behaviors and then telling persons that they have been restored to sanity when they have not?

What  is more self-centered and selfish and arrogant and ignorant than allowing persons to believe that they have been restored to sanity when they have not, thus shutting down their search for a truly effective means of treating their mental issues?

At the root of humankind’s problem is the mind because the mind is the home of humanity's warped perspectives which evolve from the nonsense and insane beliefs that have been stored away in every mind as a result of exposure to nonsensical and insane programming and conditioning and acculturation and domestication and brainwashing and indoctrination?

No one makes herself or himself crazy. That is an outside job, so those who have even the slightest hope of being restored to sanity or realizing fully require outside intervention and an outside diagnosis in order to find out their true state. Any perspectives or perceptions - all of which are based in minds which are all plagued by warped  perspectives and perceptions - cannot lead to anything other than distortion and illusion.

A court of law does not accept a self-diagnosis from any insane person who is claiming to have been restored to sanity. No court of law gives any credibility to claims about "having been restored to sanity" when the claims are coming from obviously-still-insane persons who has been confined to a psychiatric institution and ordered to receive long-term, professional treatment for insanity. Only reports from mental healthcare professionals will be accepted by the judge as true.

And Maharaj did not accept a self-diagnosis (or supposed “Self”-diagnosis) from anyone claiming to be fully realized. His own inquiry was used to determine where on “the path” anyone might – or might not – be. 

Presently, the greatest curse of humanity is abiding under the influence of warped perspectives and nonsense and ignorance and insanity while believing erroneously that one is seeing everything clearly; while believing erroneously that one is wise; while believing erroneously that one is brilliant; and while believing erroneously that one is sane.
To be continued.

Please enter the silence of contemplation.

[NOTE: The four most recent posts follow. You may access all of the posts in this series and in the previous series and several thousand other posts as well by clicking on the links in the "Recent Posts and Archives" section.]

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

MAHARAJ: “I Talk to You from the Perspective of the Universal Consciousness,” Part Five

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Today's Considerations

[To continue with the recounting of an incident which shows step-by-step the process of guiding someone to a different perspective which might lead to the realization of the truth. Now, to the third visit. He entered and sat silently after a quiet greeting, looking down at the floor. I waited. Finally, he looked up and looked at me sitting in a chair to his left.]

He: “Okay. So where do we begin today?”

F.: “How about if I begin by asking if you went home and sat in the quiet and considered what we’ve discussed so far?”

He: “Yeah. I did.”

F.: "So next, how about if I ask if you saw anything about the hiring of your brother-in-law or about the state of your marriage at the time you hired him or about your marriage in general or about your ex-wife or in regards to the way you were running your business. Did you see anything about those in a somewhat different light?”

He: “No.” [Long pause, looking down, then finally saying without looking me in the eyes:] “I saw every one of those in a totally different light. I decided that I had been miserable, that I am miserable, and that I don’t want to be miserable anymore so maybe I should give this deal a chance. I wanted to knock your head off a few days ago, but today I want your help. I’m ready to try to do whatever you tell me to do.”

F.: “Okay. Then consider this: what if you do not have to do anything? What if you simply need to understand, and I don’t mean understand those other people. I mean to understand you, the false selves you’ve been assigned or have adopted and how the hidden agendas of your personality identifications have been driving you all of your life, in control of your every thought and word and action?”

He: [Another long pause. Then:] “I’m willing to try. Let's get it going."

F.: Ah. Another flash of impatience? Or maybe readiness? The readiness would be preferred. Alright, so you said you’re seeing everything about the incident we have been discussing from a different perspective. Tell me about what you saw.”

He: “What I saw is that you were right. I was an idiot to hire a fellow like that brother-in-law. I’d never have hired anyone like that if I had not been urged to do so.”

F.: “To be clear, are you blaming your ex-wife for the fact that you did that?”

He: “Not in the least. Something was wrong with me that I went along with that. I know that now. I just don’t know what was wrong.”

F.: “Sure you do. I just told you, so let’s try it again: the hidden agendas of your personality identifications have been driving you all of your life and have been in control of your every thought and word and action. I’m going to ask you two questions and let’s see how you handle them: First, ‘WHO’ drove you to do that, and the answer is not ‘my ex-wife.' Furthermore, the answer to a WHO question will never be you. The answer will always be some false identity that you felt was real. The second question is, 'WHY did you go along with that WHO’s agenda'?”

He: “No clue.”

F.: “Short, succinct, to the point. Excellent. The truth should stun you in silence, Maharaj said. I’m seeing some progress already, even if you can’t answer the questions. We now know that under other circumstances, you would not have hired someone with a history of incompetency and a history of stealing money from an employer, so you are not totally insane. There’s hope for you."

He: [A faded smile, but no words.]

F.: “So WHO went along with the request from a wife at that time to hire someone you knew to be incompetent and a thief?”

He: [Considering, and then shaking his head to signal that he had no clue.]

F.: “Well, let’s get some background. Your original perspective was that your marriage was flowing along quite smoothly until he did what he did; then, you believed, his actions triggered a series of events that led to the end of your marriage. Maharaj said that the cause of all is all – all that happens contributes to all that happens. So let’s look objectively at the state of that marriage before the separation. What was it really like?"

He: “I thought about that last night. It sucked. We’d fought for years, but the aftermath of the fights seemed to pass, so I assumed that everything was okay after that. It never was, and on some level I know that nothing had really passed and that nothing was really okay. I had a major fear of her leaving and taking our child, of losing the house, the savings, our life, everything. You mentioned fears and desires and I told you I was never afraid of anything, but I saw last night that I was afraid of everything and I desired to hang on to what I thought we had but it was not at all what I thought it was.”

F.: “Excellent!”

He: “Excellent? Excellent my ass! What was excellent about that?"

F.: “Nothing was excellent about that. It was all a lie. Two people play-acting on the stage of the Theater of the Lie. What is excellent is you’re seeing that fact. So back to question #1: ‘WHO hired an incompetent thief at the behest of his wife, and the answer is not ‘you.’ It is a role. What role were you trying to maintain?”

He: [Considering, then:] “The husband”?

F.: “So you’re asking the questions now instead of answering them?”

He: [Smirk, half smile, then:] “The husband.”

F.: “Excellent again! Because you had assumed a role that wanted continuity, that wanted to sustain itself forever, you did something very ignorant: you thought you could make happy someone who was unhappy, so you hired someone who was incompetent and who was a thief and you left him a stack of signed, black checks before hopping a jet for a month-and-a-half-long vacation that was also supposed to make your wife happy.”

He: “What an idiot, huh?”

F.: “Him, or you?”

He: “Me. He ended up with tens of thousands of dollars and a company that was already in full swing. He was obviously a lot smarter than I was.”

F.: “Nope. You were both being driven by ignorance and insanity and the agendas of many assumed identities. No beating up on yourself, please. I suspect that has happened enough. But understand that it was not ‘The husband’ alone who was at play. ‘The father’ was concerned about losing a child; ‘The Moneyman’ was petrified, seemingly threatened, and almost angry enough to kill. ‘The Homeowner’ was fearing that the wife would take the house. We could probably find a dozen or more other roles involved in your being driven to behave as you did. Tell me about your wife and brother-in-law's relationship with their parents."

He: [He was slowed by the shift in direction, but finally answered:] "Their dad had an affair. Left the mom. Hurt her tremendously. Like I said, my wife's brother lived with his dad and new wife, worked for his father."

F.: "And destroyed $100,000 worth of equipment. Any chance that might have been inspired subconsciously, maybe by the hidden agenda of ‘The Hurt and Vengeful Son’?"

He. :Wow."

F.: "Now tell me about your relationship with your parents."

He: "Similar. Dad left and remarried. I was hurt and I was angry when I saw the hurt mom was going through. I tried as best I could to help her get past their divorce and I tried to make her happy, but she never got over it.”

F.: “So ‘The Good Son’ was doing all he could to rescue mom and became convinced that if someone is unhappy, he has the power to do something about that. Sound about right?”

He: “Never thought of it that way. So you’re saying maybe later even as an adult, I subconsciously wanted to make an unhappy woman happy - that time my wife -  and was sorta driven by those earlier event?"

F.: "Maybe sort of like that brother-in-law might have been driven subconsciously by earlier events? But it doesn't really matter what I say. What matters is what you see and whether you see it clearly.”

He: “Damnation! That explains it. So I experienced what divorce is like through my parents, how miserable it is to be abandoned by a spouse, and I chose to do everything I could not to end up like mom. I decided to do everything I could to make my wife happy so she’d stay and then I wouldn’t have to go through that hurt mom went through. Is that what you’re trying to get at?”

F.: “Again, I'm am not trying to ‘get at’ anything. I'm pointing you toward truth and clear seeing. Seems we might be moving in that direction. Next, do you see that it was all of the hidden agendas of those WHO’s that were driving you and that you never ‘chose’ or ‘decided’ to do anything that you eventually did?”

He: [Looking down again. Silence. After some time, a tear streaming down a face. Silence on my end as well. Finally, he rubbed his cheeks and then looked at me. Then:] “So what’s next?”

F.: “Next is you need to stand up.” [We both stood. I went over and put an arm around his shoulders. Then:] "What’s next is for you to go home and consider in the silence all that you are seeing in a different light with a different perspective. In the process, consider what happens when persons enter into relationships with an unresolved fear of abandonment. Consider what happens when persons are driven by the hidden agendas of a host of personal identities. Consider all of the aspects of the event which you were angry and resentful about when you came here a few days ago. Then we’ll continue, same time tomorrow.”

He nodded in agreement and walked toward the door. He gripped the door knob but turned and said, “Thanks” before walking out of the house and closing the door very quietly rather than slamming it in anger.

Sometimes, that's the kind of shift that happens if a person is willing to listen to someone talking "from the perspective of the universal consciousness" or from the point of view of awareness and the Original Nature. 

To be continued.

Please enter the silence of contemplation.

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