Saturday, December 08, 2018


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1. [See the offer following this post for details on how you can watch a retreat on video which includes a detailed discussion of all seven of the steps on the path as used by Maharaj] 

2. Here, with those who are still driven to talk about "God," the "Son of God," the "Holy Spirit," "Buddha," "Krishna," etc., etc., etc., the invitation to them is to view those as verbs, not nouns. See the end of the post for the full meaning and implications of that. 

3. A new video ("Number Ten: Awakening Together Satsang, March 2018") has now been added in the far right column of this page, offering the opportunity to view a recent 2018 satsang session with Floyd being interviewed by Regina and Jacqueline of "The Awakening Together Group." 

Offspring Number Thirty-Six = 
An Inability to Differentiate Between "self" and "Self" and to understand what "the Self" Is and What "the Self" is not and to understand both the not-Self and the not-self. 


Some suggest that "Everything evolves." That is untrue. One professor of philosopher handed out a writing assignment to a class which included one student I knew. 

They were to write a paper expressing their answer to this question: 

"Is the human race presently evolving or devolving?" 

One definition of "evolve" is to change or develop slowly, often into a better, more complex, or more advanced state."

Of course that definition is chock full of relatives, is it not, including "develop," "better," and "advanced"? 

To the contrary, there is "devolution." 

Devolution - or de-evolution, or backward evolution - is the notion that species can revert to supposedly more primitive forms over time." 

Some suggest that the U.S. population and the populations of many other nations around the globe have entered into a period of devolution. 

What Maharaj addressed the Ultimate Sickness, and those with that Sickness neither evolve nor devolve. They usually just stay Sick. 

And what have been the characteristic or symptoms of that Sickness - symptoms which have neither evolved or devolved - throughout the totality of the human experience on this planet? 

The reason that so many are confused by Maharaj's words, if they have studied his talks from the beginning to the end, is two-fold. 

1. First, his pointers were never consistent because he offered level-appropriate answers to questions raised by seekers. 

After a few moments of listening to a visitor, Maharaj knew exactly where the speaker was on the seven-step path. If she or he was at the third step, Maharaj offered pointers which were intended to more the seeker to the fourth step. If at the second step, he offered pointers intended to move the seeker to the third step. 

2. Secondly, his message evolved, changed. that his message evolved. It changed. 

Early on, he held the common view of the 97% on the planet who claimed and still claim a religious affiliation. Their view is that the Sickness is sickness rooted in immorality and is, therefore, a too-little-religion-based illness. 

Later, he would focus on the view of the millions of persons on the planet who are playing a variety of "spiritual roles" and agreed that the symptoms of the Sickness are rooted in a "spiritual sickness" or "spiritual malady" of "sick spirit" or "soul sickness." 

But in the end, he would come to see that (a) the most commonly-occurring and most widespread symptoms of the Ultimate sickness are "ignorance, stupidity, and insanity"; that (b) those three traits all involved a dysfunctional mind; and that (c) the Sickness is - therefore - not a religious or immorality Sickness and is not a "spiritual" Sickness but is a mind-Sickness. 

So his message definitely evolved, that is, "changed." 

He eventually concluded that a form of the Ultimate Medicine which tries to address morality or a sick spirit could have no effect at all on healing the actual problem which is a mind Sickness. 

Thus his message always changed depending on the particular seeker being addressed and eventually changed as his understanding evolved over the decades. 

discusses Maharaj's "Evolution" or "Shifts" or "Changes" in detail, but here's a summary: 

Throughout all the years that Maharaj received visitors into the loft, his approach shifted from the use of . . .

guru-bhakti and god-bhakti 


bhakti and jnana yoga (and mention of "atma") 


jnana yoga and nisarga yoga; and finally 


only the nisarga yoga, period. 

He spoke early on of "the commands of my guru." He said of his guru, "He also told me, 'You must repeat all these bhajans three or four times a day. You have to do it. He said, for the sake of the ignorant people, we have to do this'." 

Later, he would say, "My Guru asked me to do these five bhajans daily, and he never cancelled his instructions before he passed away. I don't need to do them anymore but I will carry on doing them . . . because this is the command of my Guru. I continue to obey his instructions, even though I know these bhajans are pointless, because of the respect and gratitude I feel towards him." 

Most will read only Maharaj's talks in I AM THAT and buy into the "spiritual classic" message only. Some, not aware of his method of using only "level appropriate" pointers, will claim that "Maharaj is constantly contradicting himself" without understanding at all what determined the variety of pointers offered to seekers at a variety of points along "the path." Some will read I AM THAT and then read some of the last talks and claim that Maharaj "declined" as he shifted away from a spiritual message. 

The message (or "approach" or "focus") changed as Maharaj eventually 

(a) "evolved" beyond what seemed to be an absorption in guru-bhakti, god-bhakti, and jnana yoga; 

(b) shared fewer pointers which were merely "Siddharameshwar, Part Deux" and which became more of a "Pure Maharaj" message; 

(c) behaved in ways that were based more in "the experiences" of Maharaj than in the guidelines and "commands" issued by Siddharameshwar; and 

(d) "evolved" into "Maharaj the Giver of a Psychological / Nisargan Message." 

During the last stage of his evolution, no religious and / or spiritual activities were endorsed, and the message changed from the type of pointers that were more prevalent in I AM THAT (with its religious / Hindu-style overtones and with its spiritual overtones) to a message with no religious or spiritual overtones at all. 

He would eventually advise seekers to stop reading I AM THAT and to listen to his current message which was more relevant. That later message was about the psychological issues plaguing humanity and about the core issue – the mind – which is the key source (and key sustainer) of the Ultimate Sickness. 

Yes, Maharaj understood that the religious and spiritual activities still had to happen, [which take place during the third of seven steps here] but the time and tolerance allowed for assuming those false ego-states as new identities - and for playing those roles for a spell before moving on - shrank considerably. 

The longer Maharaj taught, the less tolerant he was of those fixating at a place on the "path" that is not even the halfway point of the "journey"; thus, he spoke of their "kindergarten spirituality." He noted that "there are so many who take the dawn for the noon, a momentary experience for full realization . . . . " 

For all the spiritual and religious and philosophical talk in I AM THAT, the most direct pointers he offered contained less and less of the earlier "beating around the bush"; thus, he said to two visitors, "Forget spirituality." 

He encouraged seekers to follow "their normal inclinations," that is, to follow their natural tendencies, to abandon all of their spiritual work and just abide naturally - not unnaturally and not supernaturally (i.e., neither "religiously" nor "spiritually" nor "philosophically"). He told visitors, "Do your normal duties" and "just give up spirituality." 

So all pointers here aside, might you be able to deduce on your own why it was that Maharaj finally defied the commands of his guru; why he transitioned beyond all religious practices; why he stopped offering spirituality-oriented talks like those in I AM THAT; and why he focused on the psychological roots of the Ultimate Sickness? 

Might you be able to deduce why the same sequence of events occurred here? 

Might you be able to deduce why he eventually offered to seekers an approach without dogma, without continuous spiritual practices, and without a preoccupation with “Self”-Inquiry and said that "self-inquiry" is enough - that “it is enough just to find out who you are not”? 

Might you be able to deduce why the same approach is now offered here? 

Might the experience here have been the experience with Maharaj? 

Now, the remaining question is this: 

Is humankind evolving or devolving, or have the "devolved-like" traits always been there but only become evident during periods when populations are more comfortable expressing openly their prejudices, their hatred, their duality-based sense of separation, their narcissistic ways, their sociopathic ways, and their pathological ways? 

To be continued. 

Watch an updated seven-hour streaming video of a retreat with Floyd Henderson which can be viewed by anyone with internet access. (In this video, all seven of the steps on "the path" as taught by Maharaj are explained and discussed.) 

If interested; click the button below to pay the fee via PayPal. You will then receive an email which includes the link for you to view the private, unlisted video via an arrangement we have made with YouTube, Inc. You do not have to have a YouTube account to watch this privately streamed video. 

(If you do not receive the link promptly, your computer or email provider may have high filter settings. Check your spam and trash folders because some providers automatically transfer emails containing links to those folders.) 

To access the seven-hour streaming video of a retreat and begin watching right away, click this "Buy Now" button: 

Buy Now 

Please enter into the silence of contemplation. 

[NOTE: The four most recent posts are below. You may access all of the posts in this series and in the previous series and several thousand other posts as well by clicking on the links in the "Recent Posts and Archives" section.] 

In addition to the five non-duality books made available without charge by Andy Gugar, Jr. (see “FREEBIES” above), you can now access nearly 3,300 posts for any topics of interest to you. 

Here, with those who are still driven to talk about "God," the "Son of God," the "Holy Spirit," "Buddha," "Krishna," etc., etc., etc., the invitation to them is to view those as verbs, not nouns. 


If looked at as nouns, they point to illusions and are, therefore, a total waste of time to even discuss; if looked at as verbs which are resulting in certain sane but rare behaviors among humanity, then they are worthy of some attention during the relative existence. 

Meaning? There are members of certain groups who say things such as "My concept of God in the past was of a weak God, an absentee God, A Santa Claus-type God, a mean, punishing, vindictive God, etc. Today, I am in close contact with a loving and caring God whom I worship and praise and glorify and give thanks to." 

The reply to that usually goes like this: "If you are in contact with a God that wants to be worshipped and praised and glorified, then you're dealing with someone like yourself - a narcissist - and hanging out with narcissists will never bring an end to your narcissism (that narcissism evidenced by the fact that you think you are "godly"). 

Next, in the phrase 'loving and caring God,' any supposed God that truly had her or his act together would tell you that the totally irrelevant part of that phrase is 'God' and that the only part that is relevant is the "loving and caring" part. 

"That is, a non-narcissistic god / goddess would say, "I care not an iota about being worshipped and praised and glorified by you or anyone else. How arrogant and insecure and needy would I have to be to want that? Forget the man-made, dreamed up noun 'God' and focus on the 'God as a verb' understanding and then go forth and let loving and caring be verbs - not adjectives - and let them generate the act of love and the act of caring and let those actions manifest through you." 

Yeshu'a (Jesus) and Pope John Paul II and Pope Francis were spot on: 

"No one shall ever see 'the kingdom of heaven.' It is within" 
--Yeshu'a (Jesus) 


"Heaven and earth shall fade away." 
--Yeshu'a (Jesus) 


"Heaven and hell are not geographic places 
but are states of mind, nothing more than 
concepts dreamed up by men." 
--Pope John Paul II 

"There is no hell." 
--Pope Francis, the current pope 
in an interview with journalist Eugenio Scalfari, 
a writer used by the Pope to issue off the record 
teachings which become a part of the Papal Magisterium. 

[That said, would that the popes who have shown the courage to reject a core concept of their dogma - namely, "hell" - would find the additional courage required to question the very existence of their institution in light of the centuries-long cover-up of their history of raping children and in light of the mental and emotional and psychological scarring of billions of their members past and present. 

And that need for courage also applies as questions need to be asked about why so many other sky cults are still being supported and allowed to continue to exist as well. When certain types of programming and conditioning have been shown to blind the masses, they should end. Will they? Not likely. Why? 

Because what the masses think and say and do is most influenced by the international crime families which hold sway over the masses as criminals conduct their planet-wide operations. What are the major international crime families and which are the most influential and have the largest memberships? 

The Mafia / La Cosa Nostra; the Catholic Church (with it 1.2 billion followers); Protestant and Evangelical Churches (with over 1.2 billion followers) like the one I was raised in where the youth director molested and sexually assaulted young girls; big business which has long created environments in which people have been abused; powerful political bodies like the U.S. Congress, etc., etc., etc.) 

With all of those crime families, neither the followers nor the leadership ever voluntarily step down or shut down their criminal activities. Be they gangs, organized crime families, religions, big business, politicians, etc., they all want control and they all want power and they all want money, and nothing internal will interfere with the driving forces at play. 

The masses must demand that all those in charge must step down and their groups and institutions must shut down, and there's the real problem because the continuation of their crimes are enabled not as much by the people running such crime organizations as they are enabled by the masses of people who - wanting some perceived "payoff" - remain involved with them and give them money and support them and aid and abet the continued existence of those criminal enterprises and thus facilitate the ability of church criminals and political criminals and other types of criminals to continue to commit their crimes.] 


the direct link to the VIDEO VERSION 

of the "Awakening Together" satsang session with Regina and Jacqueline referenced earlier, 18 MARCH 2018 

If preferred, here's 

the direct link to the AUDIO VERSION 

of that session.

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