Tuesday, February 21, 2006


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From a site visitor: “How about explaining ‘the essence’ for me.”

F.: The essence cannot be explained for that ‘me’ you mention. What can be explained is that currently You Are the essence…that true nature of being. A person identified with the body will proclaim at the end of a day’s work, “I have no energy.” By way of comparison, if you use an electron microscope to look at a steel beam, you see that it is neither steel nor beam but is a swirling mass of energy. If the beam could talk, it would not say, “I have energy.” It would say, “I am energy.” And if you look at the way the energy is functioning within the atoms, you would see that electrons and protons and neutrons are obviously aware of the presence of the other and are functioning as one unit. So it is with the body: the body requires the essence of the food in order that energy-consciousness might continue to manifest and that consciousness might speak via the body. But the invitation is to realize that, like the beam, you do not have energy. You Are energy. You Are consciousness.

Similarly, a person who goes to sleep or passes out might later say, “I lost consciousness.” Just as energy cannot be "lost," so consciousness cannot be "lost." You Are energy-consciousness, manifested momentarily. The fallacy comes when a person mistakes the body for What It Is. Energy cannot be created nor destroyed. Consciousness, as a form of energy, cannot be created nor destroyed. Yet energy-consciousness can move and "re-locate." It is the essence of the plant (or the essence of the meat that was acquired when an animal consumed plants) which plays the key role in the cycling of energy/consciousness on the planet. The body eats and restocks the energy released via activities. The body also eats and restocks the essence which allows the consciousness to continue its manifestation. If the body stops eating, the consciousness cannot continue to manifest.

Suppose your body has stored the energy required to lift a hammer and drive a nail into wood. That energy was not lost. It was dissipated. The space released the energy as it was transferred to the nail and to the wood, but that energy still exists in the field of energy. It cannot be destroyed, but it can and does move. The consciousness will eventually relocate from the space, but that consciousness will still exist in the field of consciousness. It cannot be destroyed, but it can and does move. The manifestation of energy-consciousness for “humans” happens via plants. You’ve heard, “You are what you eat.” Exactly. By eating plants (or animals that ate plants) your body is acquiring the essence. The completion of “The Seven-Step Journey to Reality” referenced in yesterday’s post is marked by a shift from identifying with the physical and by a shift from identifying with religious or spiritual roles to knowing that You Are currently that essence. Among those three—the physical body, the religious or spiritual roles that bodies and minds play, or the essence—Which do You Realize that You Truly Are in your current beingness? Please enter into the silence of contemplation. [To be continued]

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