[Please note: Out of town the 9th and 10th. Please visit the archives.]
From a site visitor: [Received 05 January 2007] Would you talk more about that Child Ignorance you mentioned to Luca today? Thank you.
F.: Yesterday, the cycling of the conscious-energy was described up to the point when…
…in those early days of manifestation, I witnessed. At that point, only a full stomach and dry clothing were required for bliss to happen. All was still fairly simply at that point.
Now, to continue with the process of consciousness manifesting and being corrupted, see that the experiencing of that bliss is always short-lived. That simple state of I-Amness (wherein there was only an “awareness of being”) would soon be followed by learned ignorance as the consciousness would be subjected to parental programming and conditioning. It would also be subjected to programming in schools, in the culture, and in churches by those whose tool kits included lies and distortions and illusions and by those whose agenda included using those tools to try to control behavior by controlling thoughts and beliefs.
The foundation for all eventual difficulties had thus been laid, and once the programming was forced upon the consciousness, it triggered the shift away from that Child Ignorance stage and the shift towards misery and suffering as body, mind, and personality identification replaced objective witnessing and peaceful beingness. The mental and emotional misery and suffering that would soon come would be rooted in the learned ignorance. The physical miseries and sufferings would eventually happen as accidents, age, a contaminated food supply, and the laws of thermodynamics began to exert their effects on the elemental body. The misery and suffering continued as "the world" was taken to be real, which resulted in the experiencing of stress and trauma as dealing with the widespread mental and emotional illness among persons took its toll.
For those persons who are so arrogant as to proclaim they have never experienced misery and suffering and never will, the invitation is to…be patient. Should the manifestation of the consciousness continue for a long-enough period, both shall be visited upon you…upon you, the corrupted consciousness. (That misery and suffering shall be visited equally upon those who think their religion or spirituality has made them “good” or “better” as well as upon those who they label as “the bad people” or “the ones who are worse than us.”)
To return to that earlier, blissful state, see everything that has been accumulated between (a) those earliest stages of witnessing and Child Ignorance and (b) this very moment. All of that accumulation is what must be discarded in order to lighten the load and move freely through the remainder of the manifestation. Such lightness of being happens only if abidance as the Absolute happens, even as the consciousness is yet manifested. Please enter the silence of contemplation.
From a site visitor: [Received 05 January 2007] Would you talk more about that Child Ignorance you mentioned to Luca today? Thank you.
F.: Yesterday, the cycling of the conscious-energy was described up to the point when…
…in those early days of manifestation, I witnessed. At that point, only a full stomach and dry clothing were required for bliss to happen. All was still fairly simply at that point.
Now, to continue with the process of consciousness manifesting and being corrupted, see that the experiencing of that bliss is always short-lived. That simple state of I-Amness (wherein there was only an “awareness of being”) would soon be followed by learned ignorance as the consciousness would be subjected to parental programming and conditioning. It would also be subjected to programming in schools, in the culture, and in churches by those whose tool kits included lies and distortions and illusions and by those whose agenda included using those tools to try to control behavior by controlling thoughts and beliefs.
The foundation for all eventual difficulties had thus been laid, and once the programming was forced upon the consciousness, it triggered the shift away from that Child Ignorance stage and the shift towards misery and suffering as body, mind, and personality identification replaced objective witnessing and peaceful beingness. The mental and emotional misery and suffering that would soon come would be rooted in the learned ignorance. The physical miseries and sufferings would eventually happen as accidents, age, a contaminated food supply, and the laws of thermodynamics began to exert their effects on the elemental body. The misery and suffering continued as "the world" was taken to be real, which resulted in the experiencing of stress and trauma as dealing with the widespread mental and emotional illness among persons took its toll.
For those persons who are so arrogant as to proclaim they have never experienced misery and suffering and never will, the invitation is to…be patient. Should the manifestation of the consciousness continue for a long-enough period, both shall be visited upon you…upon you, the corrupted consciousness. (That misery and suffering shall be visited equally upon those who think their religion or spirituality has made them “good” or “better” as well as upon those who they label as “the bad people” or “the ones who are worse than us.”)
To return to that earlier, blissful state, see everything that has been accumulated between (a) those earliest stages of witnessing and Child Ignorance and (b) this very moment. All of that accumulation is what must be discarded in order to lighten the load and move freely through the remainder of the manifestation. Such lightness of being happens only if abidance as the Absolute happens, even as the consciousness is yet manifested. Please enter the silence of contemplation.