Saturday, July 26, 2008

PERCEPTION MANAGEMENT, PART THREE: Slaves of the Dream, Masters of the Lie

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An Advaita Vedanta philosophy site, focusing on Realization, enlightenment, nisarga yoga, non-duality (nonduality), your original nature, dwelling as your natural state, and the teachings of Maharaj.

F.: In the realm of the duality-based relative existence—and the imaginary “pecking orders” that are defined by every culture—all persons (all of the non-Realized) are functioning as either a slave or a master. Which role each person plays depends upon whether they are manipulating others or, instead, are allowing others to manipulate them.

By definition, all perception managers are liars, and all who allow those managers to influence them are believers of lies. Any perception that you have accepted from someone else is a lie because the Truth cannot be stated. It can be known, via the inner guru/the inner resource, but that is not even a perception. Realized, that is a known truth.

By contrast, all perceptions are illusory. One might think he/she has perceived a mirage, yet that is an illusion…not at all what it is thought to be. A rope can be perceived as a snake, or a snake can be perceived to be a rope. In either case, neither is what it appears to be. Memories are warped by perception…things weren’t really that way at all.

Your “relationships” are not really the way that you perceive them to be. The people you claim to love are not the way you perceive them, the people who claim to love you are not really the way they are perceived to be, and the people you hate are not the way you perceive them, either. If the truth is to be known, then all perceptions and beliefs must be cast aside.

If one would be happy, then one must be free, and if one would be free, one must be free of belief in concepts and ideas. All in the relative existence is misperceived by the non-Realized. The result is that they are not free but are being manipulated—by the use of lies and “deceptions” and “truth projections” and “psychological” games. As a result of that manipulation, they are accepting blindly as true that which is false.

It is blind faith among sheep which inspires them to follow the leader…even over the edge of a cliff. Those persons who are similarly asleep as a result of blind faith will allow their thoughts, words and deeds to be managed by “leaders” or by “persons of influence.”

[NOTE: You are also invited to understand this: while there are plenty of persons who have assumed the role of perception managers—doing all they can to scam people into believing what the managers want them to believe—most of your perception managers are of another variety:

those who managed your perceptions in the past, who are currently managing your perceptions, and who will manage you in the future, are just as often people who really believe what they are telling you. Their perceptions were warped so effectively that they believe that every concept and belief that they are passing along to you is the “gospel truth.”

The latter are far more asleep then the cunning perception managers who at least know they are liars, deceiving anyone and everyone they can. (Interestingly, some of them tell the lie so much they eventually believe that their own lies are truth. These types who are capable of self-deception are so common that you have likely witnessed their use of self-deception and denial).

Unlike those perception managers who know that they are liars, your programmers and conditioners and domesticators don’t have a clue that they are only passing along the learned ignorance they were taught.

In the end, though, it matters not since the results are the same: the planet is now populated by billions of persons who have been programmed with ignorance and nonsense—whether by those who are cleverly deceiving people or by persons who are unconsciously deceiving others.]

Across the planet, those “leaders” and “persons of influence” who are experts at perception management continue to make use of distortions and untruths in order to convince sleepwalking persons to accept the managers’ perceptions as their own and to accept false and distorted perceptions as reality.

And what greater blindness exists than that which drives persons to perceive that they are making choices when they are not; to perceive that they are free when they are actually imprisoned by their fiction-filled “minds”; to perceive that they are that which they are not while having no clue at all of Who/What They Truly Are;

and to perceive that they have beliefs and ideas that are “their own” when those beliefs and concepts are really just dreamed-up attitudes and thoughts that have been handed down from the most ignorant of ancient cultures and are being passed along now by the most ignorant in modern cultures.

Such is the case when persons today (who are slaves of the dream) are having their perceptions managed by “leaders” or “loved ones” (who are masters of the lie).

Having been stripped of logic and reason via perception management, the persons of the planet function in a “monkey-see-monkey-do” mode, believing that (1) they have “their own” beliefs and that (2) they are making their own choices. Both are deceptions.

Only the Realized are exempt from belief in either dreams or lies. Only the Realized will admit that the truth cannot be stated but that it can be found. Only the Realized are exempt from having perceptions and are, therefore, also exempt from having perceptions managed by others. Please enter the silence of contemplation. (To be continued)


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