F.: Next, it was asked yesterday by a site visitor following this series, “What’s with humanity and its preoccupation with beliefs about ‘good’ and ‘bad’? Sure there’s programming, conditioning, acculturation, domestication, indoctrination and brainwashing, but is there something even beyond that? Fear? Desire? Something even archetypal?”
The reply: “Fear? Yes. Desire? Yes, that, too. Something even archetypal? Yes as well.” Then this was shared:
The current series is also being followed by a licensed psychologist who has specialized in child therapy for over twenty years. She wrote to note that it is around the age of eight that children typically begin to outgrow their excessive preoccupation with the duality of “good vs. evil” and begin to abandon their focus on “always trying to be good.”
Thus, the developmental age of adults who do not transcend their beliefs about the dualities of “good vs. evil,” “right vs. wrong,” and “moral vs. immoral” is also – regardless of how many years they have walked the planet – about 8 or under.
(These teachings are not relevant for eight-year-olds, so most humans trapped in their beliefs about the dualistic pairs of “good vs. evil,” “right vs. wrong,” and “moral vs. immoral” will never accept the possibility that what they call “evil” is not “evil per se” but is actually evidence of what Maharaj identified as the key problem with the programmed and conditioned masses, namely, “ignorance, stupidity and insanity.” Thus he said: "Only that person will visit this place whose virtue and sin have come to an end." With that criterion, how many will ever seek the non-dual understanding? Almost none.)
To (A) that fixation with “good vs. evil” which should have been transitioned by the age of eight but almost never is, add the fact that
(B) one’s primary personality type is usually formed by the age of 6.
The result?
1. A planet occupied almost exclusively by adults who are living under the influence of personality and, therefore, thinking and talking and behaving like a six-year-old, regardless of how many years they report having lived; and
2. a planet occupied almost exclusively by adults who are living under the influence of a younger-than-eight-year-old who never got beyond a preoccupation with “virtue vs. sin” and "good vs. evil," regardless of how many years they report having lived.
So the paradigm of being driven by a belief in “good vs. evil” should end around the age of 8, but that can only happen if continuing domestication and conditioning is absent. Because those will not be absent, then that “standard” will also continue in most cases throughout the relative existence.
Working with thousands of seekers here over the last 24 years has shown that the pattern of abiding under the auspices of personality (actually, multiple personalities) is seldom ever questioned until the age of 42 to 43; such questioning only begins earlier - and wholeheartedly - among about ½ of 1% of the planet’s entire population (which is the percentage of Type Fours, like Maharaj, who have a tendency to question and rebel and seek “the Authentic Self.”)
Thus, the mental emotional development of the adults attached to the dualistic concepts that cause them to fixate in a “good-vs.-bad-mentality” around the age of 8 (and that caused them to hang onto that mentality rather than to transcend it by the age of eight), has set the stage for them to grow into adults who are still functioning at about a 3rd grade level mentally and emotionally.
The result of that? Billions of persons are mentally-intoxicated all of the time and emotionally-intoxicated all of the times. The peoples of the planet may as well be physically drunk 24 / 7, 365 days a year for all of the "good" that their dualistic belief systems are doing them. The effects are the same.
In the case being discussed here, the woman believes that all things to do with the beingness are bad and that all things to be with the THATNESS are good . . . even holy . . . even celestial . . . even divine.
So, she
(a) spurns all of the things that her elemental plant food body’s metabolic type requires and that would be natural for her, including enjoyable meals, sex, etc. and she
(b) prefers all things thought to be “supernatural” (meaning, actually, imagined and unnatural).
By contrast, deer are only involved with the beingness, totally, and with the THATNESS . . . not at all;
fish are only involved with the beingness, totally, and with the THATNESS . . . not at all;
birds are only involved with the beingness, totally, and with the THATNESS . . . not at all;
the other 8.7 billion species or life forms on earth are only involved with the beingness, totally, and with the THATNESS . . . not at all;
therefore, that involvement with the beingness, totally, and with the THATNESS . . . not at all is the case with all species – with all life forms on planet earth – except for humans.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
30 January 2014
The reply: “Fear? Yes. Desire? Yes, that, too. Something even archetypal? Yes as well.” Then this was shared:
The current series is also being followed by a licensed psychologist who has specialized in child therapy for over twenty years. She wrote to note that it is around the age of eight that children typically begin to outgrow their excessive preoccupation with the duality of “good vs. evil” and begin to abandon their focus on “always trying to be good.”
Thus, the developmental age of adults who do not transcend their beliefs about the dualities of “good vs. evil,” “right vs. wrong,” and “moral vs. immoral” is also – regardless of how many years they have walked the planet – about 8 or under.
(These teachings are not relevant for eight-year-olds, so most humans trapped in their beliefs about the dualistic pairs of “good vs. evil,” “right vs. wrong,” and “moral vs. immoral” will never accept the possibility that what they call “evil” is not “evil per se” but is actually evidence of what Maharaj identified as the key problem with the programmed and conditioned masses, namely, “ignorance, stupidity and insanity.” Thus he said: "Only that person will visit this place whose virtue and sin have come to an end." With that criterion, how many will ever seek the non-dual understanding? Almost none.)
To (A) that fixation with “good vs. evil” which should have been transitioned by the age of eight but almost never is, add the fact that
(B) one’s primary personality type is usually formed by the age of 6.
The result?
1. A planet occupied almost exclusively by adults who are living under the influence of personality and, therefore, thinking and talking and behaving like a six-year-old, regardless of how many years they report having lived; and
2. a planet occupied almost exclusively by adults who are living under the influence of a younger-than-eight-year-old who never got beyond a preoccupation with “virtue vs. sin” and "good vs. evil," regardless of how many years they report having lived.
So the paradigm of being driven by a belief in “good vs. evil” should end around the age of 8, but that can only happen if continuing domestication and conditioning is absent. Because those will not be absent, then that “standard” will also continue in most cases throughout the relative existence.
Working with thousands of seekers here over the last 24 years has shown that the pattern of abiding under the auspices of personality (actually, multiple personalities) is seldom ever questioned until the age of 42 to 43; such questioning only begins earlier - and wholeheartedly - among about ½ of 1% of the planet’s entire population (which is the percentage of Type Fours, like Maharaj, who have a tendency to question and rebel and seek “the Authentic Self.”)
Thus, the mental emotional development of the adults attached to the dualistic concepts that cause them to fixate in a “good-vs.-bad-mentality” around the age of 8 (and that caused them to hang onto that mentality rather than to transcend it by the age of eight), has set the stage for them to grow into adults who are still functioning at about a 3rd grade level mentally and emotionally.
The result of that? Billions of persons are mentally-intoxicated all of the time and emotionally-intoxicated all of the times. The peoples of the planet may as well be physically drunk 24 / 7, 365 days a year for all of the "good" that their dualistic belief systems are doing them. The effects are the same.
In the case being discussed here, the woman believes that all things to do with the beingness are bad and that all things to be with the THATNESS are good . . . even holy . . . even celestial . . . even divine.
So, she
(a) spurns all of the things that her elemental plant food body’s metabolic type requires and that would be natural for her, including enjoyable meals, sex, etc. and she
(b) prefers all things thought to be “supernatural” (meaning, actually, imagined and unnatural).
By contrast, deer are only involved with the beingness, totally, and with the THATNESS . . . not at all;
fish are only involved with the beingness, totally, and with the THATNESS . . . not at all;
birds are only involved with the beingness, totally, and with the THATNESS . . . not at all;
the other 8.7 billion species or life forms on earth are only involved with the beingness, totally, and with the THATNESS . . . not at all;
therefore, that involvement with the beingness, totally, and with the THATNESS . . . not at all is the case with all species – with all life forms on planet earth – except for humans.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
30 January 2014
F.: So, the questions at this juncture are these:
(1) What has been passed on to the woman being studied in the series via programming, conditioning, acculturation, domestication, indoctrination and brainwashing?
(2) What are the actual effects on her – and on billions of others on the planet who are being driven by similar beliefs?
(3) What can her example reveal to other seekers who have the ability to relate their own distortions by observation of what should be the obvious distortions of another seeker?
The effects of her programming, conditioning, acculturation, domestication, indoctrination and brainwashing?
A. She provides another example of a point offered here regularly: the woman is highly intelligent, was successful in business and has just been able to retire early, and has attracted a host of suitors (all of whom have been ignored for the sake of maintaining “purity”); yet as often witnessed, intelligence cannot prevent the manifestation of the ignorance or stupidity or insanity that Maharaj offered to address with the teachings / with the Ultimate Medicine.
B. She is a woman who is longing for post-manifestation dissolution, believing delusionally that she will otherwise “have to come back at a lower level or the same level and start all over” with her spiritual work (or more exactly, her spiritual workaholism). Note what Maharaj said in that regard: "There is no question of elevating to a higher level. Here it is only a question of understanding” and "There is no ‘progress’."
C. She is a woman who evidences the primary addiction of humanity (the desire to control) and the secondary addiction (the desire to have power / Power that can be used to control); so, she wants to have access to power and to Power in order to control something that does not even exist, namely, an afterlife that finally escapes the cycles of births and rebirths that she believes she has experienced and to enter instead into a “union” with something / Something.
D. She thinks she must earn, by being good and pure, what is already guaranteed to happen, no matter what she does, namely, the “dissolution.” In fact, the “un-doing” of the composite unity of body, air and conscious-energy will come. What will not come is nirvana or a "reunion" with a Supreme Spirit.
E. She believes that (1) the AM-ness is not only to be ignored but also believes that (2) wishing for an “early demise” is preferable to continued beingness and believes that (3) only the THAT which is referenced in the summative statement “I AM THAT; I AM” - matters (and in her opinion, matters a great deal).
F. So – having fixated at the third of seven steps on the “path” - she does not understand that dissolution WILL happen as her imaginary personas disappear; that the elemental plant food body WILL disappear as the elements return to the universal pool of elements; and that the consciousness (whether pure or not and whether unblocked or not) WILL still return to the universal pool of conscious-energy (which will not be conscious of anything); or, it can be stated that the "return" will be to the original nature which was awareness-energy that was not aware of anything and that shall not be aware of anything. (As Maharaj explained, one cannot be born again because one was never born in the first place.)
G. Thus she fails to see that this Am-ness is all that “matters” because, post-AM-ness, THAT shall not be known because there will be no “one” to know anything. Maharaj: “Consciousness is present everywhere, but knowledge of that consciousness is dependent on the form.” Post-manifestation . . . no form, so post-manifestation . . . no awareness of consciousness (or awareness of awareness, either).
So beliefs about “being pure” and “being holy” as a result of eating “good” food and not eating “bad” food is another distortion – another false, dualistic belief - that is based in ignorance (and even in insanity in many cases, including hers). Maharaj: "First of all you identify something as being good or bad for yourself. Then, in an effort to acquire good or to get rid of the bad, you have invented a God. Then you worship such a God and ... you pray to that God for something good to happen to you."
While dualities are at the root of so much ignorance and insane beliefs, it is the roles of beliefs and the effects of beliefs that are key. If one has no beliefs – that is, if a no-mind, no-concepts state is reached - then duality is automatically eliminated.
Maharaj noted that it is the IDEA of birth that sets persons up to believe in multiple births, and it is the IDEA of death that grips persons in delusions and anxiety and fear. Thus he taught:
"My true state, which is whole, undifferentiated, is beyond birth and death. I am never bound by my body and mind. I am limitless."
“When the birth is disproved, the great noble meaning of spirituality and the meaning of this world—everything—is disproved.”
So consider the ideas that are driving and paralyzing the woman discussed earlier – along with her programmers in the group that she is a member of - and see how their notions are rooted in their false beliefs about the dualities of “good vs. evil,” “right vs. wrong,” and “moral vs. immoral”:
Protein, purine, pork, turkey, fish, fish oil, all meats, fowl, lamb, onion, garlic, mushrooms, tea, coffee, and eggs are (dualistically) bad . . . not good.
Sex is (dualistically) bad . . . not good.
One must be good and not bad because (dualistically) good karma is good and bad karma is bad.
The absence of suffering and misery during the relative is bad.
All things associated with the relative are (dualistically) bad . . . not good.
Once you have reached a state of total purity and of being totally holy, then any continuation of the relative existence is (dualistically) bad . . . not good.
If one were to see objectively and realistically the actual effects of beliefs, would one possibly have any further desire to cling to even one of her or his beliefs?
What would be the result if all beliefs were discarded? No beliefs = no ignorance; no beliefs = no stupidity; no beliefs = no insanity.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
29 January 2014
(1) What has been passed on to the woman being studied in the series via programming, conditioning, acculturation, domestication, indoctrination and brainwashing?
(2) What are the actual effects on her – and on billions of others on the planet who are being driven by similar beliefs?
(3) What can her example reveal to other seekers who have the ability to relate their own distortions by observation of what should be the obvious distortions of another seeker?
The effects of her programming, conditioning, acculturation, domestication, indoctrination and brainwashing?
A. She provides another example of a point offered here regularly: the woman is highly intelligent, was successful in business and has just been able to retire early, and has attracted a host of suitors (all of whom have been ignored for the sake of maintaining “purity”); yet as often witnessed, intelligence cannot prevent the manifestation of the ignorance or stupidity or insanity that Maharaj offered to address with the teachings / with the Ultimate Medicine.
B. She is a woman who is longing for post-manifestation dissolution, believing delusionally that she will otherwise “have to come back at a lower level or the same level and start all over” with her spiritual work (or more exactly, her spiritual workaholism). Note what Maharaj said in that regard: "There is no question of elevating to a higher level. Here it is only a question of understanding” and "There is no ‘progress’."
C. She is a woman who evidences the primary addiction of humanity (the desire to control) and the secondary addiction (the desire to have power / Power that can be used to control); so, she wants to have access to power and to Power in order to control something that does not even exist, namely, an afterlife that finally escapes the cycles of births and rebirths that she believes she has experienced and to enter instead into a “union” with something / Something.
D. She thinks she must earn, by being good and pure, what is already guaranteed to happen, no matter what she does, namely, the “dissolution.” In fact, the “un-doing” of the composite unity of body, air and conscious-energy will come. What will not come is nirvana or a "reunion" with a Supreme Spirit.
E. She believes that (1) the AM-ness is not only to be ignored but also believes that (2) wishing for an “early demise” is preferable to continued beingness and believes that (3) only the THAT which is referenced in the summative statement “I AM THAT; I AM” - matters (and in her opinion, matters a great deal).
F. So – having fixated at the third of seven steps on the “path” - she does not understand that dissolution WILL happen as her imaginary personas disappear; that the elemental plant food body WILL disappear as the elements return to the universal pool of elements; and that the consciousness (whether pure or not and whether unblocked or not) WILL still return to the universal pool of conscious-energy (which will not be conscious of anything); or, it can be stated that the "return" will be to the original nature which was awareness-energy that was not aware of anything and that shall not be aware of anything. (As Maharaj explained, one cannot be born again because one was never born in the first place.)
G. Thus she fails to see that this Am-ness is all that “matters” because, post-AM-ness, THAT shall not be known because there will be no “one” to know anything. Maharaj: “Consciousness is present everywhere, but knowledge of that consciousness is dependent on the form.” Post-manifestation . . . no form, so post-manifestation . . . no awareness of consciousness (or awareness of awareness, either).
So beliefs about “being pure” and “being holy” as a result of eating “good” food and not eating “bad” food is another distortion – another false, dualistic belief - that is based in ignorance (and even in insanity in many cases, including hers). Maharaj: "First of all you identify something as being good or bad for yourself. Then, in an effort to acquire good or to get rid of the bad, you have invented a God. Then you worship such a God and ... you pray to that God for something good to happen to you."
While dualities are at the root of so much ignorance and insane beliefs, it is the roles of beliefs and the effects of beliefs that are key. If one has no beliefs – that is, if a no-mind, no-concepts state is reached - then duality is automatically eliminated.
Maharaj noted that it is the IDEA of birth that sets persons up to believe in multiple births, and it is the IDEA of death that grips persons in delusions and anxiety and fear. Thus he taught:
"My true state, which is whole, undifferentiated, is beyond birth and death. I am never bound by my body and mind. I am limitless."
“When the birth is disproved, the great noble meaning of spirituality and the meaning of this world—everything—is disproved.”
So consider the ideas that are driving and paralyzing the woman discussed earlier – along with her programmers in the group that she is a member of - and see how their notions are rooted in their false beliefs about the dualities of “good vs. evil,” “right vs. wrong,” and “moral vs. immoral”:
Protein, purine, pork, turkey, fish, fish oil, all meats, fowl, lamb, onion, garlic, mushrooms, tea, coffee, and eggs are (dualistically) bad . . . not good.
Sex is (dualistically) bad . . . not good.
One must be good and not bad because (dualistically) good karma is good and bad karma is bad.
The absence of suffering and misery during the relative is bad.
All things associated with the relative are (dualistically) bad . . . not good.
Once you have reached a state of total purity and of being totally holy, then any continuation of the relative existence is (dualistically) bad . . . not good.
If one were to see objectively and realistically the actual effects of beliefs, would one possibly have any further desire to cling to even one of her or his beliefs?
What would be the result if all beliefs were discarded? No beliefs = no ignorance; no beliefs = no stupidity; no beliefs = no insanity.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
29 January 2014
F.: Why take the opportunity to look into the machinations of a mind by studying the “thought-life” of the woman discussed earlier? Because she is a microcosm of the root of the problems that currently plague the entire planet, problems that are totally centered in the bogus content of the minds of the non-Realized masses.
Maharaj identified the root of the relative problems around the globe as mental (not spiritual) problems, specifically as “ignorance, stupidity, and insanity.” Indeed, the problems around the globe are rooted in mental issues - whether the problems lead to conflicts between nations or states or political groups or religions or families or couples; to be free of such mental problems, the mental issues at play must be understood and addressed if any shift is to happen.
Consider: Maharaj was eventually able to transition every one of the various forms of yoga that he used before settling into the Nisarga yoga only and thereafter forsaking all things "spiritual." Why?
Because he was not, at the core, a master of spirituality; he was, at the core, a master of psychology and was, therefore, able to understand the perverted and twisted machinations of the mind and then address them via use of the Ultimate Medicine (which includes heavy doses of logic and reason and sanity and wisdom).
Here, being certified to teach psychology in all fifty states in the U.S., there was an immediate appreciation of Maharaj’s methods. Having also worked with thousands of suffering people and / or seekers since 1989, it can be said that the monomania mentioned yesterday has been observed in many persons; however, it can also be said that it has been witnessed most especially in the religious, political, or spiritual fanatics who have come this way.
The example provided by the content of the mind and the belief system of the woman being studied in this series can also provide clear insight into the worldwide effects of fanaticism and monomania which are actually mental illnesses.
Yet the mental problems that are commonplace around the globe do not end there. Other personality disorders and neuroses and psychoses have been observed in fanatics and monomaniacs as well, many resulting in the same kind of extreme thoughts and beliefs and behaviors as those of the woman discussed in the previous posts, including:
the Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Depression, Histrionics, Narcissism, the Borderline Personality Disorder, Masochism, the Schizoid-Avoidance Disorder, Paranoia, the Addictive Personality Disorder, Sociopathic and Pathological Disorder, Sadism, and Dissociation.
Fanaticism itself is a personality disorder, defined as a disorder based in distorted beliefs that result in behavior marked by excessive zeal and passion and fervor and by an obsessive and compulsive and neurotic or psychotic enthusiasm for a pastime or cause or belief or ideology or philosophy or political party or religion or spiritual movement, among others;
fanatics usually display very strict standards and little tolerance for contrary ideas or opinions, and their fanaticism can reach such extremes that self-destruction (or even the destruction of “others” with different beliefs) can be deemed “normal” by fanatics.
Study the wars and the mass killings that have occurred around the globe just during the last decade or so and see how religious fanaticism is involved in almost every case. Then extend the study to the last centuries and the last several millennia and see that religious and / or spiritual fervor have resulted in more deaths than any other single source except natural causes.
The spiritual fervor of the woman being discussed has also driven her – and untold numbers of persons on the planet who are like her - to follow a destructive course (relatively speaking, which is all that “matters” because there will be no “post-manifestation matters” at all).
So to that point now:
In the past, when that pointer was being shared, it was asked: “Aren’t you a fanatic when it comes to non-duality?”
The reply: “Excellent question. The answer? No.”
Here, a half-hour or so might be set aside many mornings for posting. After that, non-duality is never mentioned. If a session or retreat is arranged by a seeker, that too can happen; otherwise, the days and nights here involve witnessing; enjoying the no-thought quiet that comes with the no-mind, no-beliefs, no-concepts condition that prevails here; visiting with the fauna in the nearby wooded areas; and enjoying time spent with the occasional Realized visitor that comes by.
Now, post-Realization, having overlaid Reality on the relative, only the relative “matters.” There is no focus on THAT; as for “this,” it is merely witnessed as all happens spontaneously. Maharaj said that, ultimately, knowing What You Are is less significant than understanding all that you are not.
See, the summative statement of the non-dual understanding is “I AM THAT; I AM.” It is not “I AM THAT.” Thus, the beingness is not ignored here. In fact, if anything is to be ignored, after it is understood, it is THAT. In other words, whatever happens here is about the beingness or the IS-ness or the AM-ness and not about THAT at all.
All involved with THAT will happen automatically. All involved with “this” happens naturally for the Realized or happens unnaturally as a result of the twisted and perverted machinations of the minds of the non-Realized.
To understand the functioning of the totality is to understand that what some call “Floyd” – and whatever persons call “you” – is nothing more than a “composite unity” involving three components: an elemental plant food BODY; OXYGEN being circulated; and CONSCIOUS-ENERGY also being circulated.
[Yes. Consciousness also circulates. If there were one quantity of consciousness that has been forever manifested within “your body-cum-consciousness,” then you would not have to eat. The consciousness must be replenished, just like the organs have to be replenished with a food plan geared for one of the three specific body metabolic types.]
To understand the functioning of the totality is to understand that the “composite unity” which has come together temporarily will eventually come apart (see “The Second Law of Thermodynamics”), so the elements will return to the universal pool of elements; the air will return to the universal pool of air; and the conscious-energy will return to the universal pool of energy from which it manifested.
And to understand that is to understand that there is no “one” now, much less “someone” who will survive the unmanifestation process; much less “someone” who will be “reborn”; much less “someone” who will be reborn many times; much less “someone” who will be reunited with anything or anyone (including family members, God, a Supreme Spirit, one’s True Self, Mohammed, Jesus, Brahman, etc.)
To understand both that and THAT (and “this” and THAT) is to be clear about why THAT is meaningless after its understanding allows a seeker to realize all that she / he is not.
After understanding that, then any particular speck of IS-ness will remain for whatever length of time it remains and will function with
(A) freedom from the ignorance of believing that one is someone or something that one is not and with
(B) freedom from the insanity of not knowing what one actually is (namely energy / matter).
Freed of ignorance and insanity, then one can relax and take it easy and enjoy what the relative existence can offer – NOW – and that includes all of the contentment and joys and happiness and delights that “The Super Religious One” or “The Spiritual Giant” or “The Super Seeker of Nirvana” will miss out on in his or her quest for something that does not even exist and for something that only seems to be real in the minds of non-Realized persons who have been filled with insane beliefs that were passed along via programming, conditioning, acculturation, domestication, indoctrination and brainwashing.
To be continued
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
28 January 2014
Maharaj identified the root of the relative problems around the globe as mental (not spiritual) problems, specifically as “ignorance, stupidity, and insanity.” Indeed, the problems around the globe are rooted in mental issues - whether the problems lead to conflicts between nations or states or political groups or religions or families or couples; to be free of such mental problems, the mental issues at play must be understood and addressed if any shift is to happen.
Consider: Maharaj was eventually able to transition every one of the various forms of yoga that he used before settling into the Nisarga yoga only and thereafter forsaking all things "spiritual." Why?
Because he was not, at the core, a master of spirituality; he was, at the core, a master of psychology and was, therefore, able to understand the perverted and twisted machinations of the mind and then address them via use of the Ultimate Medicine (which includes heavy doses of logic and reason and sanity and wisdom).
Here, being certified to teach psychology in all fifty states in the U.S., there was an immediate appreciation of Maharaj’s methods. Having also worked with thousands of suffering people and / or seekers since 1989, it can be said that the monomania mentioned yesterday has been observed in many persons; however, it can also be said that it has been witnessed most especially in the religious, political, or spiritual fanatics who have come this way.
The example provided by the content of the mind and the belief system of the woman being studied in this series can also provide clear insight into the worldwide effects of fanaticism and monomania which are actually mental illnesses.
Yet the mental problems that are commonplace around the globe do not end there. Other personality disorders and neuroses and psychoses have been observed in fanatics and monomaniacs as well, many resulting in the same kind of extreme thoughts and beliefs and behaviors as those of the woman discussed in the previous posts, including:
the Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Depression, Histrionics, Narcissism, the Borderline Personality Disorder, Masochism, the Schizoid-Avoidance Disorder, Paranoia, the Addictive Personality Disorder, Sociopathic and Pathological Disorder, Sadism, and Dissociation.
Fanaticism itself is a personality disorder, defined as a disorder based in distorted beliefs that result in behavior marked by excessive zeal and passion and fervor and by an obsessive and compulsive and neurotic or psychotic enthusiasm for a pastime or cause or belief or ideology or philosophy or political party or religion or spiritual movement, among others;
fanatics usually display very strict standards and little tolerance for contrary ideas or opinions, and their fanaticism can reach such extremes that self-destruction (or even the destruction of “others” with different beliefs) can be deemed “normal” by fanatics.
Study the wars and the mass killings that have occurred around the globe just during the last decade or so and see how religious fanaticism is involved in almost every case. Then extend the study to the last centuries and the last several millennia and see that religious and / or spiritual fervor have resulted in more deaths than any other single source except natural causes.
The spiritual fervor of the woman being discussed has also driven her – and untold numbers of persons on the planet who are like her - to follow a destructive course (relatively speaking, which is all that “matters” because there will be no “post-manifestation matters” at all).
So to that point now:
In the past, when that pointer was being shared, it was asked: “Aren’t you a fanatic when it comes to non-duality?”
The reply: “Excellent question. The answer? No.”
Here, a half-hour or so might be set aside many mornings for posting. After that, non-duality is never mentioned. If a session or retreat is arranged by a seeker, that too can happen; otherwise, the days and nights here involve witnessing; enjoying the no-thought quiet that comes with the no-mind, no-beliefs, no-concepts condition that prevails here; visiting with the fauna in the nearby wooded areas; and enjoying time spent with the occasional Realized visitor that comes by.
Now, post-Realization, having overlaid Reality on the relative, only the relative “matters.” There is no focus on THAT; as for “this,” it is merely witnessed as all happens spontaneously. Maharaj said that, ultimately, knowing What You Are is less significant than understanding all that you are not.
See, the summative statement of the non-dual understanding is “I AM THAT; I AM.” It is not “I AM THAT.” Thus, the beingness is not ignored here. In fact, if anything is to be ignored, after it is understood, it is THAT. In other words, whatever happens here is about the beingness or the IS-ness or the AM-ness and not about THAT at all.
All involved with THAT will happen automatically. All involved with “this” happens naturally for the Realized or happens unnaturally as a result of the twisted and perverted machinations of the minds of the non-Realized.
To understand the functioning of the totality is to understand that what some call “Floyd” – and whatever persons call “you” – is nothing more than a “composite unity” involving three components: an elemental plant food BODY; OXYGEN being circulated; and CONSCIOUS-ENERGY also being circulated.
[Yes. Consciousness also circulates. If there were one quantity of consciousness that has been forever manifested within “your body-cum-consciousness,” then you would not have to eat. The consciousness must be replenished, just like the organs have to be replenished with a food plan geared for one of the three specific body metabolic types.]
To understand the functioning of the totality is to understand that the “composite unity” which has come together temporarily will eventually come apart (see “The Second Law of Thermodynamics”), so the elements will return to the universal pool of elements; the air will return to the universal pool of air; and the conscious-energy will return to the universal pool of energy from which it manifested.
And to understand that is to understand that there is no “one” now, much less “someone” who will survive the unmanifestation process; much less “someone” who will be “reborn”; much less “someone” who will be reborn many times; much less “someone” who will be reunited with anything or anyone (including family members, God, a Supreme Spirit, one’s True Self, Mohammed, Jesus, Brahman, etc.)
To understand both that and THAT (and “this” and THAT) is to be clear about why THAT is meaningless after its understanding allows a seeker to realize all that she / he is not.
After understanding that, then any particular speck of IS-ness will remain for whatever length of time it remains and will function with
(A) freedom from the ignorance of believing that one is someone or something that one is not and with
(B) freedom from the insanity of not knowing what one actually is (namely energy / matter).
Freed of ignorance and insanity, then one can relax and take it easy and enjoy what the relative existence can offer – NOW – and that includes all of the contentment and joys and happiness and delights that “The Super Religious One” or “The Spiritual Giant” or “The Super Seeker of Nirvana” will miss out on in his or her quest for something that does not even exist and for something that only seems to be real in the minds of non-Realized persons who have been filled with insane beliefs that were passed along via programming, conditioning, acculturation, domestication, indoctrination and brainwashing.
To be continued
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
28 January 2014
F.: Regular visitors to the site know that “the past” is dismissed because it is an illusion. Why? Because it can only be seen through the use of "memories" and because the registration of events in the past were registered via the prism of distorted perceptions; thus, any present "memory" used to reflect on that event is also a distortion.
“The future” is dismissed as well because it is nothing but a mental projection that is based in fears and desires and because fears and desires are the imaginings that are generated by ego-states; since ego-states are fictitious, then anything about “the future” that the non-Realized imagine is also a distortion.
Yet 97% on the planet who claim an affiliation with one religion or another, and the 2% or so who claim to be spiritual or affiliated with a spiritual organization or group, are focused on “the future” and allowing their agendas in that regard to determine their present conduct.
They are not focused on the NOW; instead, their present actions are
(A) driven by fears about the future (that is, about the prospect of eternal punishment or about rebirths and recycling and lesser reincarnations) or are
(B) driven by their desires for the future (that is, about the prospect of eternal reward or about rebirths and recycling and higher reincarnations and eventual dissolution and nirvana) … or something similar, depending on the religion or spiritual group that is programming and conditioning and indoctrinating them.
The result? Widespread distortion and deception and trickery and fraudulent beliefs. The result of fraudulent beliefs? Insanity, of course. It is insane to believe things that can be proven to be totally false when the relevant facts are studied.
What kind of insanity is the woman discussed in yesterday’s post suffering from?
1. The insanity that drives her to destroy her body – by following a food plan that she has known for decades was not providing the nutrients that her body type needs - and doing that totally for the sake of a delusional belief that the unhealthy plan is “keeping her pure and holy.”
2. The insanity of believing that entering into a “relationship” with a man and engaging in sexual relations with him will make her “impure and unholy.”
3. The insanity of believing that appetizing meals are “sinful” and that deprivation has some spiritual merit.
(No single religious or spiritual group has a monopoly on such beliefs. Ever been to a Seder dinner and been served bitter herbs, veggies dipped in salt water, and a roast hard-boiled egg? Ever listened to a fundamentalist in a religion who is extolling the virtue of misery and suffering NOW in order to assure than one will be rewarded LATER? Ever heard a Christian rejoice that his or her suffering aligns him or her with Christ who suffered on the cross? Ever heard the variety of food laws that people in many other religions or spiritual groups are following?)
4. And the insanity of monomania.
Monomania a form of insanity which manifests in persons who are driven by a single, pathological preoccupation. They focus on one thing and one thing only, be it their dogma or their political party or – in the case of the woman yesterday – on the desire for final dissolution in “the future” . . . for “the extinction of the flame of life” . . . for “emancipation from matter and re-union with the Supreme Spirit (Brahman)” . . . for being “The Super Nirvani” (that, is, “The Super Seeker of Nirvana”).
Consider the ultimate symbol of monomania in literature: Captain Ahab. Ahab was driven by a single, pathological preoccupation, focusing on one thing and one thing only: killing the white whale. The result: the mental illness led to his “premature demise.”
The same is happening with the woman who can serve as a vehicle for understanding the insanity of self-destructive and self-defeating conduct (relatively speaking), all in the name of “spirituality” (which is really just religion dressed up in a different cloak) and as a result of the desire of her primary ego-state (“The Spiritual Giant” / “The Super Nirvani”).
Again, fear and desire can only manifest when identified with personality, with a persona. Her role of “The Spiritual Giant” / “The Seeker of Nirvana” has
(1) a FEAR of being reincarnated – and possibly being reincarnated into a lesser form, such as a cow or even a frog – and
(2) a DESIRE for “emancipation from matter and re-union with the Supreme Spirit (Brahman).”
As a result, she cannot pull off what a bird with a tiny brain or a roach with a tiny brain or a fish with a tiny brain or the totally unintelligent deer in this community are pulling off every day, namely, simply abiding . . . simply abiding without any concern about “the past” and without any notion at all that there is “some future” to be preoccupied with or concerned about.
No bird or roach or fish or deer has a mind; no bird or roach or fish or deer has any beliefs; no bird or roach or fish or deer is buying into any concepts such as “birth” or “death” or “resurrection” or “eternal reward or punishment” or “reincarnation” or “ascending or descending into different forms”; as a result, no bird or roach or fish or deer experiences the angst or deprivation or fears or desires that generate the misery and suffering that are commonplace among humans.
While humans are driven to abide unnaturally as a result of their belief-driven angst or deprivation or fears or desires – and therefore try to abide supernaturally to attain a final reward – every other living thing on the planet lives sanely, that is, naturally.
So a woman’s beliefs are driving her to play “the long game” and ignore what is happening NOW. She is missing out on everything that could be enjoyed NOW in order to get a “payoff” in “the future.”
See, religions are not the only ones setting up that “mind”-set. Many in a variety of so-called spiritual communities are doing the same, and the bogus concept of “multiple births” and “multiple lives” and “multiple deaths” are driving persons to care only about "the future" while depriving them of the joys of the AM-ness NOW.
How entrenched are such religious beliefs and spiritual beliefs? So entrenched that when the woman heard that there are four more steps on the seven-step “path” beyond the third step (where religious and / or spiritual roles are assumed and played), the reaction was intense anger and immediate rejection without consideration.
Why? Because the very suggestions that
(a) the dissolution which she is desiring and obsessing over is going to come no matter what she does
and that, therefore,
(b) she might as well enjoy fully all that the AM-ness can offer
are tantamount to a multi-life sentence for her, locking her away in the prison of endless cyclings in and out of the relative existence.
How dare I!
Again, when the mind rejects the freedom of abiding in the moment and sees "NOW" as something to be avoided, one thing is assured: misery and suffering, NOW and for the entire remainder of the manifestation.
Ironically, this beingness or IS-ness is actually the only relevant issue in any discussion of the AM-ness vs. THAT . . . of "this" vs. THAT. Why? That tomorrow.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
27 January 2014
“The future” is dismissed as well because it is nothing but a mental projection that is based in fears and desires and because fears and desires are the imaginings that are generated by ego-states; since ego-states are fictitious, then anything about “the future” that the non-Realized imagine is also a distortion.
Yet 97% on the planet who claim an affiliation with one religion or another, and the 2% or so who claim to be spiritual or affiliated with a spiritual organization or group, are focused on “the future” and allowing their agendas in that regard to determine their present conduct.
They are not focused on the NOW; instead, their present actions are
(A) driven by fears about the future (that is, about the prospect of eternal punishment or about rebirths and recycling and lesser reincarnations) or are
(B) driven by their desires for the future (that is, about the prospect of eternal reward or about rebirths and recycling and higher reincarnations and eventual dissolution and nirvana) … or something similar, depending on the religion or spiritual group that is programming and conditioning and indoctrinating them.
The result? Widespread distortion and deception and trickery and fraudulent beliefs. The result of fraudulent beliefs? Insanity, of course. It is insane to believe things that can be proven to be totally false when the relevant facts are studied.
What kind of insanity is the woman discussed in yesterday’s post suffering from?
1. The insanity that drives her to destroy her body – by following a food plan that she has known for decades was not providing the nutrients that her body type needs - and doing that totally for the sake of a delusional belief that the unhealthy plan is “keeping her pure and holy.”
2. The insanity of believing that entering into a “relationship” with a man and engaging in sexual relations with him will make her “impure and unholy.”
3. The insanity of believing that appetizing meals are “sinful” and that deprivation has some spiritual merit.
(No single religious or spiritual group has a monopoly on such beliefs. Ever been to a Seder dinner and been served bitter herbs, veggies dipped in salt water, and a roast hard-boiled egg? Ever listened to a fundamentalist in a religion who is extolling the virtue of misery and suffering NOW in order to assure than one will be rewarded LATER? Ever heard a Christian rejoice that his or her suffering aligns him or her with Christ who suffered on the cross? Ever heard the variety of food laws that people in many other religions or spiritual groups are following?)
4. And the insanity of monomania.
Monomania a form of insanity which manifests in persons who are driven by a single, pathological preoccupation. They focus on one thing and one thing only, be it their dogma or their political party or – in the case of the woman yesterday – on the desire for final dissolution in “the future” . . . for “the extinction of the flame of life” . . . for “emancipation from matter and re-union with the Supreme Spirit (Brahman)” . . . for being “The Super Nirvani” (that, is, “The Super Seeker of Nirvana”).
Consider the ultimate symbol of monomania in literature: Captain Ahab. Ahab was driven by a single, pathological preoccupation, focusing on one thing and one thing only: killing the white whale. The result: the mental illness led to his “premature demise.”
The same is happening with the woman who can serve as a vehicle for understanding the insanity of self-destructive and self-defeating conduct (relatively speaking), all in the name of “spirituality” (which is really just religion dressed up in a different cloak) and as a result of the desire of her primary ego-state (“The Spiritual Giant” / “The Super Nirvani”).
Again, fear and desire can only manifest when identified with personality, with a persona. Her role of “The Spiritual Giant” / “The Seeker of Nirvana” has
(1) a FEAR of being reincarnated – and possibly being reincarnated into a lesser form, such as a cow or even a frog – and
(2) a DESIRE for “emancipation from matter and re-union with the Supreme Spirit (Brahman).”
As a result, she cannot pull off what a bird with a tiny brain or a roach with a tiny brain or a fish with a tiny brain or the totally unintelligent deer in this community are pulling off every day, namely, simply abiding . . . simply abiding without any concern about “the past” and without any notion at all that there is “some future” to be preoccupied with or concerned about.
No bird or roach or fish or deer has a mind; no bird or roach or fish or deer has any beliefs; no bird or roach or fish or deer is buying into any concepts such as “birth” or “death” or “resurrection” or “eternal reward or punishment” or “reincarnation” or “ascending or descending into different forms”; as a result, no bird or roach or fish or deer experiences the angst or deprivation or fears or desires that generate the misery and suffering that are commonplace among humans.
While humans are driven to abide unnaturally as a result of their belief-driven angst or deprivation or fears or desires – and therefore try to abide supernaturally to attain a final reward – every other living thing on the planet lives sanely, that is, naturally.
So a woman’s beliefs are driving her to play “the long game” and ignore what is happening NOW. She is missing out on everything that could be enjoyed NOW in order to get a “payoff” in “the future.”
See, religions are not the only ones setting up that “mind”-set. Many in a variety of so-called spiritual communities are doing the same, and the bogus concept of “multiple births” and “multiple lives” and “multiple deaths” are driving persons to care only about "the future" while depriving them of the joys of the AM-ness NOW.
How entrenched are such religious beliefs and spiritual beliefs? So entrenched that when the woman heard that there are four more steps on the seven-step “path” beyond the third step (where religious and / or spiritual roles are assumed and played), the reaction was intense anger and immediate rejection without consideration.
Why? Because the very suggestions that
(a) the dissolution which she is desiring and obsessing over is going to come no matter what she does
and that, therefore,
(b) she might as well enjoy fully all that the AM-ness can offer
are tantamount to a multi-life sentence for her, locking her away in the prison of endless cyclings in and out of the relative existence.
How dare I!
Again, when the mind rejects the freedom of abiding in the moment and sees "NOW" as something to be avoided, one thing is assured: misery and suffering, NOW and for the entire remainder of the manifestation.
Ironically, this beingness or IS-ness is actually the only relevant issue in any discussion of the AM-ness vs. THAT . . . of "this" vs. THAT. Why? That tomorrow.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
27 January 2014
There is with many among the non-Realized, because of the faulty memories discussed in an earlier post, a sense that past was more secure . . . more "positive." That view can be changed by a traumatic event that exposes the false sense of past security while at the same time casting a pall of uncertainly over "the future."
In such a scenario, NOW is miserable; it is marked and marred by (even in relative terms, almost-always) unjustified anxiety, unwarranted fear, and needless concern over uncertainities. The antidote for that part of the Ultimate Sickness among the Realized is spontaneity.
Abiding spontaneously takes away the fear of uncertainities and takes away their ability to generate anxiety. Abiding in the NOW does the same, but the non-Realized cannot understand that, so NOW for them becomes a trap between the "lost security of 'the past'" and "the feared uncertainly of "the future'."
In other cases, there is a notion that misery and suffering and sacrificing and avoiding pleasure NOW can assure an eternity of pleasure later, so in those cases “the future” is not dreaded or feared but is longed for (often resulting in self-destructive behavior NOW in order to – often subconsciously – hasten the departure from the relative existence in order to attain mahasamadhi and nirvana sooner rather than much later).
Regular visitors to this site will recall a woman who has been stuck at the third of seven steps on the path for years. As the only Westerner in a group of Easterners who have been meeting weekly for years to “monitor” each other, she has long been programmed and indoctrinated in what they take to be their “spiritual ways.”
As a result of their programming and indoctrination (along with her severe case of the Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder) she has assumed the role of “The Spiritual Giant” and has adopted their version of so-called “Enlightenment” and has been adhering strictly to . . .
their food plan;
their notion that pleasure robs persons of their purity;
their belief in reincarnation;
their beliefs that the maintenance of her purity requires not only eating vegetables but also requires her to abstain from sex, from doing anything involving body pleasures, from eating meat, and from taking any medication or supplement that contains animal by-products or even fish oil.
This is the woman, some might recall, who was told by a physician that her body type required a balanced food plan and that her consumption of vegetables only was going to kill her. He told her that to continue to work with him to restore her elemental plant food body to a healthy state, she was going to have to combine traditional medicine with a holistic approach that was going to include certain food supplements for a period as well as consulting with his nutritionist in order to establish a healthy food plan designed specifically for her.
When she returned to the group, she was told that she could follow that nutritionist’s advice, but it would assure that – rather than reaching the state of nirvana at the end of this manifestation as a result of the moral quality of her actions in this life – she was not going to experience the transmigration of the soul that they have her on track to attain.
Instead, they warned, if she does not adhere to the group’s monitoring and advice, she is going to enter the flesh again and it’s not going to be the flesh she would hope for. She was warned that a reincarnation into the flesh of something on a lower level would be guaranteed if she altered the food plan they prescribed for her.
The catch: as has been explained here in the past when people raised the subject, there are three distinct body types among humans, and each type has specific but different dietary requirements if one’s organs are to at function at peak performance.
The three types as explained in “Holistic Healing” are:
the SYMPATHETIC DOMINANT BODY TYPE (Called “Body Type 4” by nutritionists)
For persons who test on a metabolic profile to be sympathetic dominant, their most effective fuel / food sources are vegetables, particularly leafy greens and, secondarily, root vegetables. Ideally fruits and grains should account for approximately 80% of their food plan and chicken and fish are roughly 20% of the food plan.
the PARASYMPATHETIC DOMINANT BODY TYPE (Called “Body Type 5” by nutritionists)
For persons who are found to be parasympathetic dominant, their best fuel / food sources are proteins that are high in purine, like red meat. Parasympathetic types should restrict the intake of leafy green vegetables.
the BALANCED BODY TYPE (Called “Body Type 8” by nutritionists)
With balanced types, neither the sympathetic nor the parasympathetic autonomic systems are dominant. They can fall anywhere on the body ph scale ranging from very acidic to very alkaline or somewhere in the middle depending on food, drinks or medications consumed. The most effective foods for the balanced type include proteins such as low fat, low purine animal proteins including chicken, turkey, white fish and eggs. Complementary proteins (beans, rice, etc.) are also excellent. Red meat, salmon, and tuna are recommended 2-3 times per week.
Various nationalities tend to have more among their populations who are of one body type than others, and the Easterners who are advising the woman mentioned above are all of a nationality that can function quite well on a totally vegetarian food plan; the woman they are advising, however, is parasympathetic dominant; thus, the advice they are giving to her – though working fine for them – is killing her.
For years she has ignoring warnings that her vegetarian food plan is fatal for parasympathetic dominants, but driven as she is to remain “pure in all ways,” she has ignored those warnings and focused only on "maintaining her 'purity' so that she can escape the cycles of reincarnation."
In relative terms, her so-called "spirituality" will assure that she will "die" without ever having "lived."
The result: she is not abiding blissfully or happily or contentedly in the moment but is “living in the future,” longing so wholeheartedly for mahasamadhi and dissolution that she cannot see that her actions are clear evidence of a relative “death” wish.
Update: The woman has reported to a friend recently that she is testing high in an indicator of a muscular disorder. She has been tested for Muscular Dystrophy, Lou Gehrig’s Disease, and several other similar illnesses, all of which came back negative. The traditional medical community is “stumped” for an explanation of why her muscles have deteriorated so much that – though she is in her late 50’s – her muscles are in the shape of those usually seen in women in their 80’s.
For one who has been joyously anticipating mahasamadhi and nirvana, she is suddenly seeing that retirement is a possibility which could allow her to do some of the things she has always wanted to do but could not do because of working 40-50 hours per week, 50 weeks a year.
She has misunderstood the pointers regarding pain and pleasure by trying to apply them is an absolute fashion, missing the fact that sex (especially if happening with persons who are aware of the Oneness and aware of the distinction between love and Love) can generate a wonderful form of pleasure that can be contrasted with the effects experienced by those who are suffering from, say, a “love and sex addiction.”
She is bitter now that she has given up having sex for decades though she has very much wanted the experience at times; she is aware of the fact that her adherence to a food plan that has been inappropriate for her body type is now leaving her in a debilitated condition.
Yet she has returned to the group and been advised to rejoice in the illness and to hope that it progresses at a rapid pace in order to hasten the coming of the day that she can take mahasamadhi and reap the benefit of having reached nirvana as a result of maintaining her "purity."
Her ego-state of “The Spiritual Giant” having been reinforced – along with adopting what amounts to a “death”-wish-mentality, that is, a self-destructive “mind”set; therefore, she is ready to move full speed ahead, continuing to be driven by all of the personality-based, self-destructive, Spiritual Giant-inspired thoughts and words and actions that are the root of the current body pain that she is begrudgingly enduring.
Far better - is her belief - that she remain “good” and “pure” and thereby put an end, finally, to the cycles of reincarnation that she is convinced she has been experiencing.
This is a woman who has been blinded and then sent on a mission with the zeal of a religious fanatic who is wearing a suicide vest and seeking out people who do not share his religious beliefs.
Her mission: to forsake "NOW" and to seek with unlimited spiritual enthusiasm to "live for the future" in the manner that has been prescribed by those whom she believes to be "Fully Enlightened" though they are actually trapped in the darkness of "kindergarten-level spirituality" and ignorance. And because one can only "give away what one 'has'", they have given her a far-from-healthy (and actually fatal) dose of their kindergarten-level spirituality and their ignorance.
Contrary to the supposedly-sacred beliefs of "Spiritual Giants," their so-called "spirituality" can be based as much in the "ignorance, stupidity, and insanity" that Maharaj warned against as any of the forms of religious fanaticism that are so prevalent around the globe.
Tomorrow: The age at which children typically outgrow a preoccupation with the duality of “good” and “evil” if they are left to do so,
the developmental age of adults who do not transcend their beliefs about the dualities of “good vs. evil,” “right vs. wrong,” and “moral vs. immoral.”
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
Previous posts
In such a scenario, NOW is miserable; it is marked and marred by (even in relative terms, almost-always) unjustified anxiety, unwarranted fear, and needless concern over uncertainities. The antidote for that part of the Ultimate Sickness among the Realized is spontaneity.
Abiding spontaneously takes away the fear of uncertainities and takes away their ability to generate anxiety. Abiding in the NOW does the same, but the non-Realized cannot understand that, so NOW for them becomes a trap between the "lost security of 'the past'" and "the feared uncertainly of "the future'."
In other cases, there is a notion that misery and suffering and sacrificing and avoiding pleasure NOW can assure an eternity of pleasure later, so in those cases “the future” is not dreaded or feared but is longed for (often resulting in self-destructive behavior NOW in order to – often subconsciously – hasten the departure from the relative existence in order to attain mahasamadhi and nirvana sooner rather than much later).
Regular visitors to this site will recall a woman who has been stuck at the third of seven steps on the path for years. As the only Westerner in a group of Easterners who have been meeting weekly for years to “monitor” each other, she has long been programmed and indoctrinated in what they take to be their “spiritual ways.”
As a result of their programming and indoctrination (along with her severe case of the Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder) she has assumed the role of “The Spiritual Giant” and has adopted their version of so-called “Enlightenment” and has been adhering strictly to . . .
their food plan;
their notion that pleasure robs persons of their purity;
their belief in reincarnation;
their beliefs that the maintenance of her purity requires not only eating vegetables but also requires her to abstain from sex, from doing anything involving body pleasures, from eating meat, and from taking any medication or supplement that contains animal by-products or even fish oil.
This is the woman, some might recall, who was told by a physician that her body type required a balanced food plan and that her consumption of vegetables only was going to kill her. He told her that to continue to work with him to restore her elemental plant food body to a healthy state, she was going to have to combine traditional medicine with a holistic approach that was going to include certain food supplements for a period as well as consulting with his nutritionist in order to establish a healthy food plan designed specifically for her.
When she returned to the group, she was told that she could follow that nutritionist’s advice, but it would assure that – rather than reaching the state of nirvana at the end of this manifestation as a result of the moral quality of her actions in this life – she was not going to experience the transmigration of the soul that they have her on track to attain.
Instead, they warned, if she does not adhere to the group’s monitoring and advice, she is going to enter the flesh again and it’s not going to be the flesh she would hope for. She was warned that a reincarnation into the flesh of something on a lower level would be guaranteed if she altered the food plan they prescribed for her.
The catch: as has been explained here in the past when people raised the subject, there are three distinct body types among humans, and each type has specific but different dietary requirements if one’s organs are to at function at peak performance.
The three types as explained in “Holistic Healing” are:
the SYMPATHETIC DOMINANT BODY TYPE (Called “Body Type 4” by nutritionists)
For persons who test on a metabolic profile to be sympathetic dominant, their most effective fuel / food sources are vegetables, particularly leafy greens and, secondarily, root vegetables. Ideally fruits and grains should account for approximately 80% of their food plan and chicken and fish are roughly 20% of the food plan.
the PARASYMPATHETIC DOMINANT BODY TYPE (Called “Body Type 5” by nutritionists)
For persons who are found to be parasympathetic dominant, their best fuel / food sources are proteins that are high in purine, like red meat. Parasympathetic types should restrict the intake of leafy green vegetables.
the BALANCED BODY TYPE (Called “Body Type 8” by nutritionists)
With balanced types, neither the sympathetic nor the parasympathetic autonomic systems are dominant. They can fall anywhere on the body ph scale ranging from very acidic to very alkaline or somewhere in the middle depending on food, drinks or medications consumed. The most effective foods for the balanced type include proteins such as low fat, low purine animal proteins including chicken, turkey, white fish and eggs. Complementary proteins (beans, rice, etc.) are also excellent. Red meat, salmon, and tuna are recommended 2-3 times per week.
Various nationalities tend to have more among their populations who are of one body type than others, and the Easterners who are advising the woman mentioned above are all of a nationality that can function quite well on a totally vegetarian food plan; the woman they are advising, however, is parasympathetic dominant; thus, the advice they are giving to her – though working fine for them – is killing her.
For years she has ignoring warnings that her vegetarian food plan is fatal for parasympathetic dominants, but driven as she is to remain “pure in all ways,” she has ignored those warnings and focused only on "maintaining her 'purity' so that she can escape the cycles of reincarnation."
In relative terms, her so-called "spirituality" will assure that she will "die" without ever having "lived."
The result: she is not abiding blissfully or happily or contentedly in the moment but is “living in the future,” longing so wholeheartedly for mahasamadhi and dissolution that she cannot see that her actions are clear evidence of a relative “death” wish.
Update: The woman has reported to a friend recently that she is testing high in an indicator of a muscular disorder. She has been tested for Muscular Dystrophy, Lou Gehrig’s Disease, and several other similar illnesses, all of which came back negative. The traditional medical community is “stumped” for an explanation of why her muscles have deteriorated so much that – though she is in her late 50’s – her muscles are in the shape of those usually seen in women in their 80’s.
For one who has been joyously anticipating mahasamadhi and nirvana, she is suddenly seeing that retirement is a possibility which could allow her to do some of the things she has always wanted to do but could not do because of working 40-50 hours per week, 50 weeks a year.
She has misunderstood the pointers regarding pain and pleasure by trying to apply them is an absolute fashion, missing the fact that sex (especially if happening with persons who are aware of the Oneness and aware of the distinction between love and Love) can generate a wonderful form of pleasure that can be contrasted with the effects experienced by those who are suffering from, say, a “love and sex addiction.”
She is bitter now that she has given up having sex for decades though she has very much wanted the experience at times; she is aware of the fact that her adherence to a food plan that has been inappropriate for her body type is now leaving her in a debilitated condition.
Yet she has returned to the group and been advised to rejoice in the illness and to hope that it progresses at a rapid pace in order to hasten the coming of the day that she can take mahasamadhi and reap the benefit of having reached nirvana as a result of maintaining her "purity."
Her ego-state of “The Spiritual Giant” having been reinforced – along with adopting what amounts to a “death”-wish-mentality, that is, a self-destructive “mind”set; therefore, she is ready to move full speed ahead, continuing to be driven by all of the personality-based, self-destructive, Spiritual Giant-inspired thoughts and words and actions that are the root of the current body pain that she is begrudgingly enduring.
Far better - is her belief - that she remain “good” and “pure” and thereby put an end, finally, to the cycles of reincarnation that she is convinced she has been experiencing.
This is a woman who has been blinded and then sent on a mission with the zeal of a religious fanatic who is wearing a suicide vest and seeking out people who do not share his religious beliefs.
Her mission: to forsake "NOW" and to seek with unlimited spiritual enthusiasm to "live for the future" in the manner that has been prescribed by those whom she believes to be "Fully Enlightened" though they are actually trapped in the darkness of "kindergarten-level spirituality" and ignorance. And because one can only "give away what one 'has'", they have given her a far-from-healthy (and actually fatal) dose of their kindergarten-level spirituality and their ignorance.
Contrary to the supposedly-sacred beliefs of "Spiritual Giants," their so-called "spirituality" can be based as much in the "ignorance, stupidity, and insanity" that Maharaj warned against as any of the forms of religious fanaticism that are so prevalent around the globe.
Tomorrow: The age at which children typically outgrow a preoccupation with the duality of “good” and “evil” if they are left to do so,
the developmental age of adults who do not transcend their beliefs about the dualities of “good vs. evil,” “right vs. wrong,” and “moral vs. immoral.”
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
Previous posts
[Continued from yesterday]
Maharaj said, “ . . . Whatever you perceive is not you, nor yours. It is there in the field of consciousness, but you are not the field and its contents, nor even the knower of the field.”
A car on this planet is not the atmosphere which surrounds it. A body on this planet is not the atmosphere which surrounds it. In fact, nothing on this planet is the atmosphere which surrounds it.
All is energy-matter and is functioning within a space or "the field." Energy-matter moves throughout the universe, so it can be in one area at one point and in another area at another point. On planet earth, the force of gravity holds matter within a limited space, but conscious-energy knows no such bounds.
To understand that, and all that is involved with the functioning of the totality, is to be free of the effects of the chaotic high’s and debilitating low’s that mark the relative existence. It is the means by which one can be free of the addiction to chaos. It is the means by which one can be free of the instability of dual-mindedness (because "a dual-minded person is," indeed, "unstable in all ways").
It is the means by which one can be free of ego and the egotism that comes to each ego-state's defense. It is to know that all of “this” is meaningless and that being meaningless is just fine.
It is the also means by which one can be free of the delusion that one is “enlightened” and thus free of the self-deception that "this body is not me - the Real Me is something which is so much grander than this, which is so majestic, and which is so magnificent."
To be free of the arrogance that comes by finally seeing that neither the body nor the mind nor the roles being played deserve even the slightest degree of esteem or admiration or high regard can also allow one to be freed from mistakenly taking herself / himself to be “enlightened” and being trapped in the illusion of being something that is special because of its Noumenal nature, setting the stage for all new levels of conceit.
When the prerequisites for actual Realization manifest, then the delusion of touting the “benefits” of wishing and hoping and desiring are seen to be the self-centered and self-serving acts that they are; and
supposedly having power (or supposedly being “in contact with ‘A Power’ or ‘The Power’ or ‘The Powers’”) is revealed to be a false belief that reinforces self-consciousness.
Finally, to Maharaj’s pointer that the non-dual understanding can, in some cases, free persons of the ignorance and stupidity and insanity which are the by-products of programming and conditioning and acculturation and domestication and indoctrination and brainwashing.
Being free of the effects of those three conditions can then bring about freedom from the self-aggrandizing and self-righteous notion that one’s dogma and “holy” text(s) provide all that can ever be understood;
being free of the effects of those three conditions can also free one from being self-deceived and free one from being deceived by “others.”
Being free of the effects of those three conditions can also free some persons from the effects of being (relatively speaking) self-defeating and self-sabotaging and self-destructive.
Being free of the effects of those three conditions can also eliminate self-absorption and acts of self-indulgence.
Bore to the point, being free of the effects of those three conditions can also free one from useless hoping and wishing and desiring; can free one from trying to control through the use of phenomenal forms of perceived “power” and / or through appealing to a Noumenal “Power” or “Powers”; and can free one from the effects of ignorance and stupidity and insanity that will free one from all of his or her illusions about "self."
That will allow one to be free of the delusions of personality and free of belief in such bogus concepts as “personhood” and “a Higher Personal Self” and “a Personal Higher Power or Powers.” (Again, “ . . . Whatever you perceive is not you, nor yours.")
Free of those beliefs will allow for an end to dependency and co-dependency, after which total and unrestricted freedom and independence can come.
Then only can the freedom of natural abidance manifest. Then only can spontaneous living happen. Then only can AS IF living happen. And then only can a human be as free and as sane as ever other living thing on the planet (with the exception of the unbelievably insane human masses).
Awareness and sanity and peace and stability await at the end of "the path."
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
23 January 2014
Maharaj said, “ . . . Whatever you perceive is not you, nor yours. It is there in the field of consciousness, but you are not the field and its contents, nor even the knower of the field.”
A car on this planet is not the atmosphere which surrounds it. A body on this planet is not the atmosphere which surrounds it. In fact, nothing on this planet is the atmosphere which surrounds it.
All is energy-matter and is functioning within a space or "the field." Energy-matter moves throughout the universe, so it can be in one area at one point and in another area at another point. On planet earth, the force of gravity holds matter within a limited space, but conscious-energy knows no such bounds.
To understand that, and all that is involved with the functioning of the totality, is to be free of the effects of the chaotic high’s and debilitating low’s that mark the relative existence. It is the means by which one can be free of the addiction to chaos. It is the means by which one can be free of the instability of dual-mindedness (because "a dual-minded person is," indeed, "unstable in all ways").
It is the means by which one can be free of ego and the egotism that comes to each ego-state's defense. It is to know that all of “this” is meaningless and that being meaningless is just fine.
It is the also means by which one can be free of the delusion that one is “enlightened” and thus free of the self-deception that "this body is not me - the Real Me is something which is so much grander than this, which is so majestic, and which is so magnificent."
To be free of the arrogance that comes by finally seeing that neither the body nor the mind nor the roles being played deserve even the slightest degree of esteem or admiration or high regard can also allow one to be freed from mistakenly taking herself / himself to be “enlightened” and being trapped in the illusion of being something that is special because of its Noumenal nature, setting the stage for all new levels of conceit.
When the prerequisites for actual Realization manifest, then the delusion of touting the “benefits” of wishing and hoping and desiring are seen to be the self-centered and self-serving acts that they are; and
supposedly having power (or supposedly being “in contact with ‘A Power’ or ‘The Power’ or ‘The Powers’”) is revealed to be a false belief that reinforces self-consciousness.
Finally, to Maharaj’s pointer that the non-dual understanding can, in some cases, free persons of the ignorance and stupidity and insanity which are the by-products of programming and conditioning and acculturation and domestication and indoctrination and brainwashing.
Being free of the effects of those three conditions can then bring about freedom from the self-aggrandizing and self-righteous notion that one’s dogma and “holy” text(s) provide all that can ever be understood;
being free of the effects of those three conditions can also free one from being self-deceived and free one from being deceived by “others.”
Being free of the effects of those three conditions can also free some persons from the effects of being (relatively speaking) self-defeating and self-sabotaging and self-destructive.
Being free of the effects of those three conditions can also eliminate self-absorption and acts of self-indulgence.
Bore to the point, being free of the effects of those three conditions can also free one from useless hoping and wishing and desiring; can free one from trying to control through the use of phenomenal forms of perceived “power” and / or through appealing to a Noumenal “Power” or “Powers”; and can free one from the effects of ignorance and stupidity and insanity that will free one from all of his or her illusions about "self."
That will allow one to be free of the delusions of personality and free of belief in such bogus concepts as “personhood” and “a Higher Personal Self” and “a Personal Higher Power or Powers.” (Again, “ . . . Whatever you perceive is not you, nor yours.")
Free of those beliefs will allow for an end to dependency and co-dependency, after which total and unrestricted freedom and independence can come.
Then only can the freedom of natural abidance manifest. Then only can spontaneous living happen. Then only can AS IF living happen. And then only can a human be as free and as sane as ever other living thing on the planet (with the exception of the unbelievably insane human masses).
Awareness and sanity and peace and stability await at the end of "the path."
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
23 January 2014
First, a reminder: when Maharaj spoke of the fact that the non-dual teachings are aimed at eliminating “ignorance, stupidity, and insanity,” he was not suggesting that there are ignorant or stupid or insane persons. “Persons,” “personas,” “personalities,” and all things thought to be “personal” are illusions.
Nor was he suggesting that any persons should be wiped out, only that ignorance, stupidity, and insanity must be wiped out if distortions and delusions and illusions – and the pain and misery and suffering and chaos that they generate – are to be eliminated in order that freedom and stability might manifest consistently.
Yet those conditions will never be eliminated as long as the masses remain unlikely to seek the freedom that can allow the conditions of freedom and stability to manifest.
Those who are able to put a spin on the facts surrounding their destructive and / or harmful behavior (relatively speaking) and on their far-from-desirable personality traits - along with those who are able to distort or deny the facts about their behaviors and traits – can feel quite optimistic and positive and hopeful about themselves. They have no motivation to look objectively at themselves (at their “selves”) and have no ability to see their hopelessly delusional condition. Thus, they will not seek.
Those who believe that they have power (and / or “A Power” or “Powers”) that can be used to control anything and everything and everyone will not seek to abandon their belief in the false concepts of “power” and “Power” or “Powers.” They will not seek freedom from their delusions but will only seek to expand their imagined power and / or their “contact” with and access to “A Power” or “Powers.”
And most assuredly those plagued by insanity are seldom likely to come to the realization that they are suffering from a condition of insanity. In some cases, the ignorant might know that they are ignorant, but rather than seeking freedom from that condition, many actually brag about it … seemingly proud of the fact that they are “different from” the formally educated or from the intelligentsia whom they despise. They will not seek that which could free them of an ignorant condition.
And the one who is sure that he knows it all – that his religious dogma or his spiritual exercises have revealed all – shall not seek.
The percentage of those on the planet who rely solely on the myth-and-superstition-based sets of beliefs that have been dreamed up over the ages by the leaders of the various sky cults is over 97%.
Why would they possibly seek to be free of ignorance and stupidity and insanity? They will not, except for a few exceptions. They are far too certain that what they believe as a result of their unquestioning faith (rather than as a result of any objective study of the facts that are now available) is the Absolute Truth.
Ignore the fact that their beliefs were dreamed up over a thousand years or two thousand years or four thousand years or five thousand years ago when nothing factual was understood about the functioning of the totality - beliefs which would be dismissed with even the slightest application of logic and reason. They will not seek.
To the contrary, they will argue vehemently that they are "The Knowers of the Truth" and that their dogma is "the truth that can be known only by those in their sects or denominations or groups."
For the few among those masses who do break free and seek, the process of transitioning beyond the ignorance of their beliefs is sometimes described with this sequence:
Post-programming, post-conditioning, post-acculturation, post-domestication, post-brainwashing, and post-indoctrination . . .
persons do not know, and they do not know that they know not;
there might come a time when . . .
they do not know and but at least they come to know that they know not;
later, they might reach the point where . . .
they know but do not know that they know;
but if they Realize, then
they know and know that they know.
In strict non-dual terms, in the absence of any knower at all, that might read:
persons do not understand and do not understand that they understand not;
they do not understand but at least a few may come to understand that they understand not;
next, they understand but do not understand that they understand;
and finally
they understand and understand that they understand (even in the absence of “An Understander”).
So, consider the illusions of “the knower / the gnani / the jnani” and “the known / the gnana / the jnana.” Yes, at some point a non-dual discussion of those personas and concepts will be level-appropriate, but in the end, there is much to be understood but nothing to be known, even in the absence of no “understander.”
When does the “journey” to understanding begin?
Maharaj advised seekers to first “discover all that you are not.”
He said:
“Putting words together will not take you far. Go within and discover what you are not. Nothing else matters”
“You cannot give what you do not have and you don't have what you are not.”
Moreover, he said at one point to another seeker, “To know what you are, you must first investigate and know what you are not.”
He would also note that, in the end, this applies: “ . . . Whatever you perceive is not you, nor yours. It is there in the field of consciousness, but you are not the field and its contents, nor even the knower of the field.”
So what are you / You?
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
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Therefore, another movement or shift is happening here spontaneously after reflecting on the more than two decades since the teachings were first offered here and looking at the results of Maharaj sharing pointers in his loft and looking at the results of "Floyd" sharing pointers in this electronic loft: Looking objectively at his results, Maharaj's satsang method of sharing - in the end and by his own admission (only "one out of 10,000,000") - did not produce the intended outcome.
* * * * * * *

Anthology of four books

Anthology of six books

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[Please note: When the Direct Path Teaching Method is offered in conjunction with the Nisarga Yoga, something unique results when compared to what happens via the approach used by religions, spiritual movements, philosophies, ideologies, etc.:
rather than inviting seekers to learn more, the invitation here is to unlearn all; rather than offerings teachings, what is offered are unteachings; rather than offering to provide seekers more of anything, seekers will find that the process will take away everything. And via that process, the bliss of Your Original Nature will manifest and remain until mahasamadhi is taken.
To that end, the content of this book will seem radical to the seekers of more, but for those truly ready to be totally free and totally independent - and for those who are truly ready to abandon efforts to accumulate and to de-accumulate instead - the pointers in this book might be relevant.]
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Simply state in your email that you want the book sent as a gift to you (or as a gift from you to as many people as you like. Copies are now ready to be sent.)

First, a reminder: when Maharaj spoke of the fact that the non-dual teachings are aimed at eliminating “ignorance, stupidity, and insanity,” he was not suggesting that there are ignorant or stupid or insane persons. “Persons,” “personas,” “personalities,” and all things thought to be “personal” are illusions.
Nor was he suggesting that any persons should be wiped out, only that ignorance, stupidity, and insanity must be wiped out if distortions and delusions and illusions – and the pain and misery and suffering and chaos that they generate – are to be eliminated in order that freedom and stability might manifest consistently.
Yet those conditions will never be eliminated as long as the masses remain unlikely to seek the freedom that can allow the conditions of freedom and stability to manifest.
Those who are able to put a spin on the facts surrounding their destructive and / or harmful behavior (relatively speaking) and on their far-from-desirable personality traits - along with those who are able to distort or deny the facts about their behaviors and traits – can feel quite optimistic and positive and hopeful about themselves. They have no motivation to look objectively at themselves (at their “selves”) and have no ability to see their hopelessly delusional condition. Thus, they will not seek.
Those who believe that they have power (and / or “A Power” or “Powers”) that can be used to control anything and everything and everyone will not seek to abandon their belief in the false concepts of “power” and “Power” or “Powers.” They will not seek freedom from their delusions but will only seek to expand their imagined power and / or their “contact” with and access to “A Power” or “Powers.”
And most assuredly those plagued by insanity are seldom likely to come to the realization that they are suffering from a condition of insanity. In some cases, the ignorant might know that they are ignorant, but rather than seeking freedom from that condition, many actually brag about it … seemingly proud of the fact that they are “different from” the formally educated or from the intelligentsia whom they despise. They will not seek that which could free them of an ignorant condition.
And the one who is sure that he knows it all – that his religious dogma or his spiritual exercises have revealed all – shall not seek.
The percentage of those on the planet who rely solely on the myth-and-superstition-based sets of beliefs that have been dreamed up over the ages by the leaders of the various sky cults is over 97%.
Why would they possibly seek to be free of ignorance and stupidity and insanity? They will not, except for a few exceptions. They are far too certain that what they believe as a result of their unquestioning faith (rather than as a result of any objective study of the facts that are now available) is the Absolute Truth.
Ignore the fact that their beliefs were dreamed up over a thousand years or two thousand years or four thousand years or five thousand years ago when nothing factual was understood about the functioning of the totality - beliefs which would be dismissed with even the slightest application of logic and reason. They will not seek.
To the contrary, they will argue vehemently that they are "The Knowers of the Truth" and that their dogma is "the truth that can be known only by those in their sects or denominations or groups."
For the few among those masses who do break free and seek, the process of transitioning beyond the ignorance of their beliefs is sometimes described with this sequence:
Post-programming, post-conditioning, post-acculturation, post-domestication, post-brainwashing, and post-indoctrination . . .
persons do not know, and they do not know that they know not;
there might come a time when . . .
they do not know and but at least they come to know that they know not;
later, they might reach the point where . . .
they know but do not know that they know;
but if they Realize, then
they know and know that they know.
In strict non-dual terms, in the absence of any knower at all, that might read:
persons do not understand and do not understand that they understand not;
they do not understand but at least a few may come to understand that they understand not;
next, they understand but do not understand that they understand;
and finally
they understand and understand that they understand (even in the absence of “An Understander”).
So, consider the illusions of “the knower / the gnani / the jnani” and “the known / the gnana / the jnana.” Yes, at some point a non-dual discussion of those personas and concepts will be level-appropriate, but in the end, there is much to be understood but nothing to be known, even in the absence of no “understander.”
When does the “journey” to understanding begin?
Maharaj advised seekers to first “discover all that you are not.”
He said:
“Putting words together will not take you far. Go within and discover what you are not. Nothing else matters”
“You cannot give what you do not have and you don't have what you are not.”
Moreover, he said at one point to another seeker, “To know what you are, you must first investigate and know what you are not.”
He would also note that, in the end, this applies: “ . . . Whatever you perceive is not you, nor yours. It is there in the field of consciousness, but you are not the field and its contents, nor even the knower of the field.”
So what are you / You?
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
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Just hang on to those please.
Just hang on to those please.
A "movement" or "shift" happened here that added another parallel to the many parallels in terms of the phenomenal "experiences" and the noumenal revelations that "Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj" and "Floyd" share in common. (Many visitors over the years have said that they also shared the same parallels with "Maharaj" and "Floyd" as well.)
In the case of "Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj" and "Floyd":
1. both grew up in very poor families 2. both moved to populated areas to seek employment opportunities 3. both exhibited business skills that led to their opening and operating many businesses and to their having a large number of employees working for them 4. both succeeded financially 5. both became attached to accumulating; 6. both married and had a family 7. both were initially religious 8. both moved away from organized religion and became interested in "spiritual" matters, finding and following the teachings of a big name teacher (or, in "Floyd's" case, many big name teachers) 9. both had highly religious wives who were quite displeased with the shift away from religion and toward "spirituality" 10. both began to feel empty in spite of all of their "spiritual seeking" and in spite of all of their accumulated "spiritual knowledge";
1. both grew up in very poor families 2. both moved to populated areas to seek employment opportunities 3. both exhibited business skills that led to their opening and operating many businesses and to their having a large number of employees working for them 4. both succeeded financially 5. both became attached to accumulating; 6. both married and had a family 7. both were initially religious 8. both moved away from organized religion and became interested in "spiritual" matters, finding and following the teachings of a big name teacher (or, in "Floyd's" case, many big name teachers) 9. both had highly religious wives who were quite displeased with the shift away from religion and toward "spirituality" 10. both began to feel empty in spite of all of their "spiritual seeking" and in spite of all of their accumulated "spiritual knowledge";
11. both began to de-accumulate after both saw that they could survive quite well on a fraction of the income they had been making
12. both had wives who were unhappy when the de-accumulation stage was entered and both had wives who became unhappy about their husbands' focus on non-duality and who blamed their unhappiness on no longer having a religious husband
(The facts be known, in both cases the unhappiness involved the fact that their husbands were no longer interested in - or willing - to work 80+ hours per week and that their husbands were no longer interested in accumulating wealth and possessions and providing the rich lifestyle to which their wives had grown accustomed)
13. both eventually came to see that the religious and spiritual states were also ego-states, and both saw that there are far more steps on the "path" to complete after reaching the religious and spiritual steps and after playing those roles which are the third of seven steps on the entire "path" 14. both "lost" their wives (one via "death," the other through divorce); 15. both accelerated their seeking; 16. both entered into the "forest dweller stage" 17. both Realized 18. both began to de-accumulate even more
19. both began sharing the teachings 20. for years, both answered questions in whatever order those questions were received, though both said that the movement from identification with the false "I" / "I's" involved an exact, step-wise manner of moving along a "path" that involved "going back" in the same (but reverse order) of the way they "came in" - that is, the way that the manifestation happened and the way that the consciousness was blocked through seven stages that resulted in their becoming identified solely with their false personas, with the content of the "mind," and eventually, with the body. But the most significant awareness that finally came to both after years of offering satsang and after having answered thousands and thousands of questions was this: After years of "Maharaj" offering satsang in his loft, and after years of "Floyd" offering satsang in meeting halls and in his home and via what one site visitor called "Floyd's electronic loft," this fact became obvious to both: "Maharaj" came to see in the 1970's and into 1980 and 1981 that his approach was not working and "Floyd" finally came to see the same.
13. both eventually came to see that the religious and spiritual states were also ego-states, and both saw that there are far more steps on the "path" to complete after reaching the religious and spiritual steps and after playing those roles which are the third of seven steps on the entire "path" 14. both "lost" their wives (one via "death," the other through divorce); 15. both accelerated their seeking; 16. both entered into the "forest dweller stage" 17. both Realized 18. both began to de-accumulate even more
19. both began sharing the teachings 20. for years, both answered questions in whatever order those questions were received, though both said that the movement from identification with the false "I" / "I's" involved an exact, step-wise manner of moving along a "path" that involved "going back" in the same (but reverse order) of the way they "came in" - that is, the way that the manifestation happened and the way that the consciousness was blocked through seven stages that resulted in their becoming identified solely with their false personas, with the content of the "mind," and eventually, with the body. But the most significant awareness that finally came to both after years of offering satsang and after having answered thousands and thousands of questions was this: After years of "Maharaj" offering satsang in his loft, and after years of "Floyd" offering satsang in meeting halls and in his home and via what one site visitor called "Floyd's electronic loft," this fact became obvious to both: "Maharaj" came to see in the 1970's and into 1980 and 1981 that his approach was not working and "Floyd" finally came to see the same.
21. Both saw that many who heard the teachings are not going to understand (Maharaj reporting that "only 1 in 100,000 are going to 'get' this" understanding)
22. both soon saw that even more than expected of those who heard the teachings were not going to understand (Maharaj modifying his "guesstimate" and reporting that "only 1 in 1,000,000 are going to 'get' this" understanding)
23. eventually both saw that even far more than expected of those who heard the teachings were not going to understand (Maharaj eventually concluding that "only 1 in 10,000,000 are going to 'get' this" understanding). And the failings were not the fault of seekers.
A "one -in-ten-million" estimate is proof that satsang was not working for most seekers, and the evidence here lately is proof of the same.
Both "Maharaj" and "Floyd" invited seekers to focus on the exact, step-wise "path." Yes, during satsang, "Maharaj" sometimes alluded to the steps while discussing them in no particular order - but he never once laid out the steps in the exact order in which they had to be completed. That was not his teachings style or approach.
Therefore, another movement or shift is happening here spontaneously after reflecting on the more than two decades since the teachings were first offered here and looking at the results of Maharaj sharing pointers in his loft and looking at the results of "Floyd" sharing pointers in this electronic loft: Looking objectively at his results, Maharaj's satsang method of sharing - in the end and by his own admission (only "one out of 10,000,000") - did not produce the intended outcome.
Looking objectively at the results here when using an "electronic loft" satsang method of sharing has not produced the intended outcome nearly as often as any of the three "face-to-face" methods used with seekers by which they have been led through the seven steps in order.
Here, the body is growing older, of course. Mahasamadhi could be taken today, or it could be taken in twenty years.
Obviously, that cannot be known. But the decision here has been made that whatever amount of the relative existence remains shall be spent in sharing the teachings in the ways that have been seen over the last 20+ years to be the most effective methods.
Looking back over the list of those that have truly received the understanding, it is seen that Robert R. read all of the books, then took the online Advaita course and then completed some face-to-face Skype sessions to receive the final clarifications required. It was seen that Mac read all of the books, completed the online course, and then attended a retreat where he was guided through the seven steps. Mac said that the online course work inspired him to attend the retreat in order to be able to receive the final "pieces." It was seen that Andy Gugar, Jr. read all of the books, then came here for a retreat and was taken through the seven steps in order, and then returned once more for the final clarifications required. After reviewing the shifts that happened with him after attending two retreats, he reaffirmed this past week his commitment to helping spread the non-duality, nisarga understanding as presented here. As a result of seeing what has "worked" during the last 20+ years of sharing the non-duality understanding - and seeing what had not "worked" as well - changes will be made.
Looking back over the list of those that have truly received the understanding, it is seen that Robert R. read all of the books, then took the online Advaita course and then completed some face-to-face Skype sessions to receive the final clarifications required. It was seen that Mac read all of the books, completed the online course, and then attended a retreat where he was guided through the seven steps. Mac said that the online course work inspired him to attend the retreat in order to be able to receive the final "pieces." It was seen that Andy Gugar, Jr. read all of the books, then came here for a retreat and was taken through the seven steps in order, and then returned once more for the final clarifications required. After reviewing the shifts that happened with him after attending two retreats, he reaffirmed this past week his commitment to helping spread the non-duality, nisarga understanding as presented here. As a result of seeing what has "worked" during the last 20+ years of sharing the non-duality understanding - and seeing what had not "worked" as well - changes will be made.
In "Part One," examples were given of seekers that were led to Realization not by satsang but by following the various protocols outlined farther down this page which provide the understanding in the step-wise, orderly, required fashion which moves seekers along a "path" that is as prescribed by Maharaj ... "going back" in the "reverse order" by which the consciousness manifested and became blocked.
However, conversations with some that just read the majority of the books have revealed that they certainly seem to have grasped the understanding and Realized as well.
As a result of seeing what has "worked" during the last 20+ years of sharing the non-duality understanding - and seeing what has "not worked" as well - changes are being made.
There are seven specific steps that happen when awareness-energy is "pulled" into a cycle of manifestation. When that energy manifests as conscious-energy, that formerly pure and unadulterated energy becomes "corrupted" (or "blocked" from seeing clearly) via programming, conditioning, domestication, acculturation, and brainwashing. Soon, there is a belief in the not-Real as a result of seven degrees of separation from an understanding of the Real.
Using the method that was also employed by his contemporaries - a method which focused on offering non-duality pointers via satsang - Maharaj addressed questions in the order in which they were received. He might receive a question from a seeker at the third step and his reply would include what amounted to an invitation to move to the fourth step. The next question might come from a seeker at the first step, and the reply would include an invitation to move to the second step.
The information offered to the second seeker would seemingly contradict what was offered to the first seeker, so visitors who have come here for decades have asked questions which showed how confused they were by the fact that Maharaj's statements to each visitor in his loft were "level-appropriate" yet were provided in no precise order, resulting in what seemed to be an inconsistent message.
So the process overall was confusing in that
seekers were told to follow the "path back" in the same way that they "came in," except in reverse order,
pointers were not given in a specific, step-wise order at all.
Maharaj did recognize the seven steps that are taught here, but by offering the teachings in an order that was dictated by the order in which questions were received from seekers who were at different steps on the "path," the result was this:
a pointer about moving beyond the fourth step might be followed by a pointer about moving beyond the first step, and that pointer might be followed by a pointer about how to move beyond the sixth step.
The same was done on this site for seven years. The result is a collection of 1,800 or so essays discussing almost every non-duality topic that can be discussed, and the search button on the top right side of this page will now allow seekers with a question about a specific topic to find an explanation. That method, however, will never provide the manner in which the seven steps on the "path" must be transmitted and received in order to Realize Fully.
An objective study of the history here of more than twenty years of offering non-duality pointers reveals this: seekers that were given pointers in the exact order in which they needed to receive them were the ones that Realized.
They read the books, then they completed the online course and / or completed seven Skype or telephone sessions or came here for a retreat (or watched the downloadable DVD version of an actual retreat, available below).
Some found that which they were seeking by reading the author's book that deal with non-duality subject matter. Via all of those venues, the steps are taught in their proper order.
The essays available on this site will remain for those interested in searching for a discussion of a particular non-duality topic without charge, but the focus here until mahasamadhi is taken is going to be on offering the teachings in the step-wise fashion that has been seen to work.
(Four by Floyd Henderson and two by Dennis Waite. Click the picture for more information or to order)
(Four by Floyd Henderson and two by Dennis Waite. Click the picture for more information or to order)
* * * * * * *
are available at
Floyd Henderson's Website
International buyers: note the separate option for those outside the continental U.S.
II. BY READING the explanations offered in the collection of non-duality books that are available on this site and at www.floydhenderson.com.
III. BY ENROLLING in the Online Advaita Classes For information, visit Information on the Advaita Classes on the Internet To enroll visit Enroll in the Advaita Internet Course
IV. BY ATTENDING an Advaitin retreat with floyd and being guided through all seven steps. For details of the retreats offered, please visit the retreat information site.
V. BY ARRANGING a one-hour session via Skype or telephone with Floyd. (Skype is a free service.)
Click the button to pay and you will be contacted to arrange a date and time for the call.
Floyd Henderson's Website
Within minutes of purchase you can be reading any of the eBooks below on your mobile devices, including an iPhone, iPad, Android tablet, Android phone, laptop, home computer or on a Kindle reader.
For Apple and Android, either download the eBook directly onto your device or email the eBook file to your mobile device and open the file from your email. For Kindles or other similar devices, use your USB cable to transfer the eBook to your reader.
I. BY WATCHING the 4-Disk, Seven-Hour Video (DVD) Set of an advaita retreat, or the downloadable file version. To find out more or to purchase the DVD or downloadable computer file version of the retreat, DVD or Downloadable computer file versions of the Four-Day Advaita Retreat
I. BY WATCHING the 4-Disk, Seven-Hour Video (DVD) Set of an advaita retreat, or the downloadable file version. To find out more or to purchase the DVD or downloadable computer file version of the retreat, DVD or Downloadable computer file versions of the Four-Day Advaita Retreat
International buyers: note the separate option for those outside the continental U.S.
II. BY READING the explanations offered in the collection of non-duality books that are available on this site and at www.floydhenderson.com.
III. BY ENROLLING in the Online Advaita Classes For information, visit Information on the Advaita Classes on the Internet To enroll visit Enroll in the Advaita Internet Course
IV. BY ATTENDING an Advaitin retreat with floyd and being guided through all seven steps. For details of the retreats offered, please visit the retreat information site.
V. BY ARRANGING a one-hour session via Skype or telephone with Floyd. (Skype is a free service.)
Click the button to pay and you will be contacted to arrange a date and time for the call.
Floyd Henderson's Website
FROM THE I TO THE ABSOLUTE: A Seven-Step Journey to Reality



Anthology of four books

Anthology of six books


For more information on this book, or to purchase a copy now, click:


[Please note: When the Direct Path Teaching Method is offered in conjunction with the Nisarga Yoga, something unique results when compared to what happens via the approach used by religions, spiritual movements, philosophies, ideologies, etc.:
rather than inviting seekers to learn more, the invitation here is to unlearn all; rather than offerings teachings, what is offered are unteachings; rather than offering to provide seekers more of anything, seekers will find that the process will take away everything. And via that process, the bliss of Your Original Nature will manifest and remain until mahasamadhi is taken.
To that end, the content of this book will seem radical to the seekers of more, but for those truly ready to be totally free and totally independent - and for those who are truly ready to abandon efforts to accumulate and to de-accumulate instead - the pointers in this book might be relevant.]
To receive your free copy, or to have us send a free copy to your friends or relatives, send your email address (or their addresses) to the following:
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