F.: Other clarifications that came via the vision follow. NOTE: An entire glossary - relevant to those early on in the seeking process but including pointers for those far along "the path" - is available in the eBook below entitled "FROM THE I TO THE ABSOLUTE (A Seven-Step Journey to Reality)" which is also included in the paperback four-book anthology entitled, "The Advanced Seekers' Series."
As this series soon draws to a close, visitors to this site will be given information on how they can obtain a free copy of the eBook based in the vision. You may also have free copies sent to anyone of your choosing.
To continue:
258. The vision allowed for the witnessing of the dissolution of the gross and subtle bodies, and the portion of the vision in the cave allowed for the witnessing of the dissolution of the final vestige as the causal body “dissolved” into the light – into the energy field – from which it had manifested.
259. Then this came: “…You are the light.” – Maharaj
260. At that point, other relevant words of Maharaj came: "Both experience and experiencer will disappear."
261. That is exactly what happened after witnessing the vision, and it became clear that such is exactly what will happen with all.
262. Upon completion of the third leg – the “coming back in again but without any of the detriments of the programming, conditioning, etc. this time” – it was seen that all except an awareness of the Am-ness (and its true nature) had dissolved:
263. All the working at being “this” or “that,” all of the religious work, all of the spiritual exercises … it had all dissolved. Why? Maharaj’s words came: “Whatever you have tried to understand during your spiritual search will prove false.”
264. Then this came: So forget the spiritual seeking and searching because once chaos and instability come to an end, seeking and spirituality can do so as well. Then the words of Maharaj again: “I am stabilized. There is no going into samadhi, or coming down from samadhi. That is over.”
265. Then this: so all of your past religious work and spiritual work - your "good" motives notwithstanding - were merely adding to chaos and instability and were blocking the ability to abide naturally.
266. That made clear that those not yet stabilized will work at trying to still the mind, and that work usually takes the form of religious and / or spiritual work.
267. It became clear that the earlier efforts that had blocked simple living by making a second job out of living – a religious or spiritual job – must end. They were only adding more false identities to the mix anyway.
268. The consequences? More opportunities for comfort and joy and happiness and pleasure and bliss came as a result of not having that second job.
269. Any notion about a “personal floyd or Floyd” dissolved.
270. All became so simple, just as Maharaj reported: "Both the mantra and the faith in the mantra will get dissolved."
271. Exactly. Thus, efforts to be "virtuous" and "better-than" and "good" and "different-from" and "pleasing to an imaginary power / Powers" came to an end as Maharaj’s words in that regard returned to consciousness again: “From the Absolute no-knowing state, spontaneously, this consciousness ‘I am’ has appeared—there is no reason, no cause.”
272. Therefore, all ideas, attitudes, perceptions, thoughts, dreams, views, notions, theories, hypotheses, and concepts dissolved, verifying the facts that Maharaj’s admonition (to "go to zero concepts") was not only possible but was assured if Realization happens.
273. It was seen that because beliefs are nothing more than a conglomeration of ideas, attitudes, perceptions, thoughts, dreams, views, notions, theories, hypotheses, and concepts, when those went, so did all beliefs.
274. It was seen that the “mind” is nothing more than a storehouse of false ideas, attitudes, perceptions, thoughts, dreams, views, notions, theories, hypotheses, and concepts (a.k.a., beliefs), so …
275. when all beliefs went – eliminating belief in any ideas, attitudes, perceptions, thoughts, dreams, views, notions, theories, hypotheses, and concepts – then so too did the mind dissolve.
276. Other words from Maharaj came: “That mind-language will talk only about the impressions it has collected. The knowledge ‘I Am’ is not a thought but observes the thoughts.”
277. Post-“mind” functioning then began happening under the auspices of the brain (which is rooted in the elements) and under the auspices of the unblocked consciousness (which is rooted in the Absolute).
278. Abidance post-Realization was, therefore, more in the style of the “gull” in the vision, that is, more in the style of what the gull in the vision represents: the no-knowing child that – if fed and dry and in a place with comfortable temperatures – is perfectly content because a child at that point has not been programmed, conditioned, acculturated, domesticated, brainwashed, or indoctrinated.
279. That is why, at that point, the child has not yet been rendered (per the words of Maharaj) “ignorant, stupid, and insane.”
280. It then became clear that the only intent of the second leg of the "journey" is to free persons of those three.
281. Then this came: So it's NOT about things noble and lofty and righteous and virtuous and moral and sacred and consecrated and holy and sanctified and divine and blessed and devout and godly and saintly and devout and sublime?
282. Then: "No."
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
5 January 2014
As this series soon draws to a close, visitors to this site will be given information on how they can obtain a free copy of the eBook based in the vision. You may also have free copies sent to anyone of your choosing.
To continue:
258. The vision allowed for the witnessing of the dissolution of the gross and subtle bodies, and the portion of the vision in the cave allowed for the witnessing of the dissolution of the final vestige as the causal body “dissolved” into the light – into the energy field – from which it had manifested.
259. Then this came: “…You are the light.” – Maharaj
260. At that point, other relevant words of Maharaj came: "Both experience and experiencer will disappear."
261. That is exactly what happened after witnessing the vision, and it became clear that such is exactly what will happen with all.
262. Upon completion of the third leg – the “coming back in again but without any of the detriments of the programming, conditioning, etc. this time” – it was seen that all except an awareness of the Am-ness (and its true nature) had dissolved:
263. All the working at being “this” or “that,” all of the religious work, all of the spiritual exercises … it had all dissolved. Why? Maharaj’s words came: “Whatever you have tried to understand during your spiritual search will prove false.”
264. Then this came: So forget the spiritual seeking and searching because once chaos and instability come to an end, seeking and spirituality can do so as well. Then the words of Maharaj again: “I am stabilized. There is no going into samadhi, or coming down from samadhi. That is over.”
265. Then this: so all of your past religious work and spiritual work - your "good" motives notwithstanding - were merely adding to chaos and instability and were blocking the ability to abide naturally.
266. That made clear that those not yet stabilized will work at trying to still the mind, and that work usually takes the form of religious and / or spiritual work.
267. It became clear that the earlier efforts that had blocked simple living by making a second job out of living – a religious or spiritual job – must end. They were only adding more false identities to the mix anyway.
268. The consequences? More opportunities for comfort and joy and happiness and pleasure and bliss came as a result of not having that second job.
269. Any notion about a “personal floyd or Floyd” dissolved.
270. All became so simple, just as Maharaj reported: "Both the mantra and the faith in the mantra will get dissolved."
271. Exactly. Thus, efforts to be "virtuous" and "better-than" and "good" and "different-from" and "pleasing to an imaginary power / Powers" came to an end as Maharaj’s words in that regard returned to consciousness again: “From the Absolute no-knowing state, spontaneously, this consciousness ‘I am’ has appeared—there is no reason, no cause.”
272. Therefore, all ideas, attitudes, perceptions, thoughts, dreams, views, notions, theories, hypotheses, and concepts dissolved, verifying the facts that Maharaj’s admonition (to "go to zero concepts") was not only possible but was assured if Realization happens.
273. It was seen that because beliefs are nothing more than a conglomeration of ideas, attitudes, perceptions, thoughts, dreams, views, notions, theories, hypotheses, and concepts, when those went, so did all beliefs.
274. It was seen that the “mind” is nothing more than a storehouse of false ideas, attitudes, perceptions, thoughts, dreams, views, notions, theories, hypotheses, and concepts (a.k.a., beliefs), so …
275. when all beliefs went – eliminating belief in any ideas, attitudes, perceptions, thoughts, dreams, views, notions, theories, hypotheses, and concepts – then so too did the mind dissolve.
276. Other words from Maharaj came: “That mind-language will talk only about the impressions it has collected. The knowledge ‘I Am’ is not a thought but observes the thoughts.”
277. Post-“mind” functioning then began happening under the auspices of the brain (which is rooted in the elements) and under the auspices of the unblocked consciousness (which is rooted in the Absolute).
278. Abidance post-Realization was, therefore, more in the style of the “gull” in the vision, that is, more in the style of what the gull in the vision represents: the no-knowing child that – if fed and dry and in a place with comfortable temperatures – is perfectly content because a child at that point has not been programmed, conditioned, acculturated, domesticated, brainwashed, or indoctrinated.
279. That is why, at that point, the child has not yet been rendered (per the words of Maharaj) “ignorant, stupid, and insane.”
280. It then became clear that the only intent of the second leg of the "journey" is to free persons of those three.
281. Then this came: So it's NOT about things noble and lofty and righteous and virtuous and moral and sacred and consecrated and holy and sanctified and divine and blessed and devout and godly and saintly and devout and sublime?
282. Then: "No."
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
5 January 2014
F.: Other clarifications that came via the vision follow. NOTE: An entire glossary - relevant to those early on in the seeking process but including pointers for those far along "the path" - is available in the eBook below entitled "FROM THE I TO THE ABSOLUTE (A Seven-Step Journey to Reality)" which is also included in the paperback four-book anthology entitled, "The Advanced Seekers' Series."
As this series soon draws to a close, visitors to this site will be given information on how they can obtain a free copy of the eBook based in the vision. You may also have free copies sent to anyone of your choosing.
To continue:
235. As further consideration was given to the content of the vision, it also became clear that nothing was really “coming to me” as a result.
236. It became clear that the realizations and the understandings that came during the “journey” to Full Realization were always “with me” … with the pure consciousness.
237. It became clear that the subject-object witnessing that manifested as a result of dualistic thinking (which had manifested as a result of duality-based programming, conditioning, etc.) had merely blocked the Pure Witnessing from seeing accurately and clearly.
238. The suggestion is that (a) if you have the necessary intellect (that is, the ability to understand) and (b) if you spend as much time contemplating the content of the vision as I did that (c) the realizations and understandings required to move you along the entire length of the seven-step “path” to Full Realization will be seen as well because they are already within you and can be accessed by any seeker with the necessary intellect.
239. Next, witnessing the dissolution into the light in the cave made clear a comment by scientist Szent-Gyorgyi that had been read years earlier: “What drives life is thus a little electric current, set up by the sunshine.”
240. It was seen that during the first leg of the manifestation, light carried Me via a circuitous route which cycled the conscious-energy from its source to plants to a man and to a woman who – via an act of friction - then cycled humans cells (which had been plant cells), after which an elemental plant food body formed naturally and spontaneously (not religiously or spiritually or magically or supernaturally) over a nine-month period.
241. It was then seen that the light had been blocked via programming, conditioning, acculturation, domestication, brainwashing and indoctrination, resulting in a period of darkness.
242. The years of seeking were a natural reaction to the darkness because – as is the case with a tree that over the years will bend itself in an effort to seek the light – so too do those with the requisite intellect seek the light as well.
243. By contrast, those who have been rendered “ignorant, stupid, and insane” (Maharaj) hate the light and prefer the darkness. Such types will endorse and admire darkness. (The current president of the U.S., observing examples of warped thinking) said in 2008, “It’s like these guys take pride in being ignorant.”)
244. Indeed, but for those with the prerequisite of intellect, those that came from the light and were cast into the darkness (as all in this relative, duality-based existence are and as all in this relative, duality-based existence will be), it became clear that “the path” is merely the path taken to return to the light to be free of the darkness, free of the ignorance, the stupidity, the insanity.
245. What had been taken to be some lofty, supernatural, superior, grand, noble, and exalted process was seen to be nothing more than a natural process without a single “spiritual” or “righteous” or “virtuous” or “moral” or “upright” or “honorable” or “respectable” aspect at all.
246. Then: No wonder Maharaj suggested setting aside spiritual exercises! No wonder he suggested that persons abandon all of their spirituality and abide naturally! So many have misrepresented what the “journey” is about. No wonder he said: "Whatever spiritual things you aspire to know are all happening in this objective world, in the illusion. All this is happening in the objective world. All is dishonesty. There is no truth in this fraud” and "There is no progress” and “There is no question of elevating to a higher level. Here it is only a question of understanding."
247. So much for what had been read from what Maharaj warned against (namely, “Big Name Teachers”) who had only presented more and more obstacles and blockages that prevented seeing the oh-so-simple Truth.
248. So much for the teaching that “It helps to understand we have something … that we are something … which is unchangeable, beautiful, completely aware, and continues no matter what.”>
249. Finally, truth from fiction could be differentiated:
a. No, there is no “one” to have something (thus Maharaj’s invitation to "Understand that it is not the individual which has consciousness; it is the consciousness which assumes innumerable forms");
b. No, we are not something;
c. Yes, the energy is unchangeable;
d. No, energy is not dualistic, so it is neither beautiful nor ugly;
e. No, the energy is not completely aware but is only aware when the conscious-energy is manifested and when Realization has happened, but eventually that energy will return to the source and awareness will not be aware of;
f. Yes, the energy continues, no matter what, for it was not created and it cannot be destroyed.
250. As more and more clarifications were revealed, Maharaj’s suggestion to discard what the Big Name Teachers have taught and written and said was heeded, so more of more of the volumes of misrepresentations and misunderstandings and false teachings that had been read for years was all discarded.
The wisdom of his advice “…You should go back, reverse, to the source" and “Follow the same path by which you came”) was appreciated fully:
251. That which was witnessed in the cave made clear that the “coming in” (the “first leg” manifesting) was a natural happening that led to the most unnatural happenings (of being programmed, conditioned, acculturated, domesticated, indoctrinated, and brainwashed); that the second leg covered in the vision was the means by which the resultant blockages and darkness could be removed; that the third leg involved “coming back” and overlaying Reality on the relative; and that the fourth leg would happen when mahasamadhi was taken and this particular elemental plant food body with its parts that had come together would eventually come part.
252. And it was seen that in regards to all that is involved from unmanifesting to unmanifesting that there was no post-manifestation judgment; no post-manifestation rebirth; no post-manifestation period in a world of pleasure if one was “good” or in a world of punishment and pain and suffering and misery if one was “bad.”
With the clarity that came via the vision, the words of Maharaj were revisited and were also totally understood:
253. No wonder Maharaj said that "Only that person will visit this place whose virtue and sin have come to an end."
254. After the vision, Maharaj’s explanation of the role of the elemental plant food body in the cycling process became clear: “In order to manifest itself, the consciousness needs a frame, a particular construct in which it can appear.”
255. After seeing via the vision what happened at the end of the time in the cave, this became clearer: "Prior to taking this form, you were formless; spontaneously the form came, and when the form came there was a natural longing to return to the formless state. When you want to return to the formless, desireless state, then only you come here, to seek what you are. The consciousness has to know the consciousness. When it realizes itself, then only do you return to normal."
256. After the vision revealed what is real and what is not as well as what happens and what does not, this became clear: "My true state, which is whole, undifferentiated, is beyond birth and death. I am never bound by my body and mind. I am limitless."
257. After seeing the “second leg” way back out of the darkness and into the light, the first leg happenings were understood, including how all personas are cast into darkness. Then this was understood: "Out of my existence as the Noumenon has come this state of the phenomenal. The homogenous understands the play of the attributes, the projection of the mind, but the play, the projection of the mind, cannot understand the homogeneous."
To be continued.
Please enter into the silence of contemplation.
4 January 2014
As this series soon draws to a close, visitors to this site will be given information on how they can obtain a free copy of the eBook based in the vision. You may also have free copies sent to anyone of your choosing.
To continue:
235. As further consideration was given to the content of the vision, it also became clear that nothing was really “coming to me” as a result.
236. It became clear that the realizations and the understandings that came during the “journey” to Full Realization were always “with me” … with the pure consciousness.
237. It became clear that the subject-object witnessing that manifested as a result of dualistic thinking (which had manifested as a result of duality-based programming, conditioning, etc.) had merely blocked the Pure Witnessing from seeing accurately and clearly.
238. The suggestion is that (a) if you have the necessary intellect (that is, the ability to understand) and (b) if you spend as much time contemplating the content of the vision as I did that (c) the realizations and understandings required to move you along the entire length of the seven-step “path” to Full Realization will be seen as well because they are already within you and can be accessed by any seeker with the necessary intellect.
239. Next, witnessing the dissolution into the light in the cave made clear a comment by scientist Szent-Gyorgyi that had been read years earlier: “What drives life is thus a little electric current, set up by the sunshine.”
240. It was seen that during the first leg of the manifestation, light carried Me via a circuitous route which cycled the conscious-energy from its source to plants to a man and to a woman who – via an act of friction - then cycled humans cells (which had been plant cells), after which an elemental plant food body formed naturally and spontaneously (not religiously or spiritually or magically or supernaturally) over a nine-month period.
241. It was then seen that the light had been blocked via programming, conditioning, acculturation, domestication, brainwashing and indoctrination, resulting in a period of darkness.
242. The years of seeking were a natural reaction to the darkness because – as is the case with a tree that over the years will bend itself in an effort to seek the light – so too do those with the requisite intellect seek the light as well.
243. By contrast, those who have been rendered “ignorant, stupid, and insane” (Maharaj) hate the light and prefer the darkness. Such types will endorse and admire darkness. (The current president of the U.S., observing examples of warped thinking) said in 2008, “It’s like these guys take pride in being ignorant.”)
244. Indeed, but for those with the prerequisite of intellect, those that came from the light and were cast into the darkness (as all in this relative, duality-based existence are and as all in this relative, duality-based existence will be), it became clear that “the path” is merely the path taken to return to the light to be free of the darkness, free of the ignorance, the stupidity, the insanity.
245. What had been taken to be some lofty, supernatural, superior, grand, noble, and exalted process was seen to be nothing more than a natural process without a single “spiritual” or “righteous” or “virtuous” or “moral” or “upright” or “honorable” or “respectable” aspect at all.
246. Then: No wonder Maharaj suggested setting aside spiritual exercises! No wonder he suggested that persons abandon all of their spirituality and abide naturally! So many have misrepresented what the “journey” is about. No wonder he said: "Whatever spiritual things you aspire to know are all happening in this objective world, in the illusion. All this is happening in the objective world. All is dishonesty. There is no truth in this fraud” and "There is no progress” and “There is no question of elevating to a higher level. Here it is only a question of understanding."
247. So much for what had been read from what Maharaj warned against (namely, “Big Name Teachers”) who had only presented more and more obstacles and blockages that prevented seeing the oh-so-simple Truth.
248. So much for the teaching that “It helps to understand we have something … that we are something … which is unchangeable, beautiful, completely aware, and continues no matter what.”>
249. Finally, truth from fiction could be differentiated:
a. No, there is no “one” to have something (thus Maharaj’s invitation to "Understand that it is not the individual which has consciousness; it is the consciousness which assumes innumerable forms");
b. No, we are not something;
c. Yes, the energy is unchangeable;
d. No, energy is not dualistic, so it is neither beautiful nor ugly;
e. No, the energy is not completely aware but is only aware when the conscious-energy is manifested and when Realization has happened, but eventually that energy will return to the source and awareness will not be aware of;
f. Yes, the energy continues, no matter what, for it was not created and it cannot be destroyed.
250. As more and more clarifications were revealed, Maharaj’s suggestion to discard what the Big Name Teachers have taught and written and said was heeded, so more of more of the volumes of misrepresentations and misunderstandings and false teachings that had been read for years was all discarded.
The wisdom of his advice “…You should go back, reverse, to the source" and “Follow the same path by which you came”) was appreciated fully:
251. That which was witnessed in the cave made clear that the “coming in” (the “first leg” manifesting) was a natural happening that led to the most unnatural happenings (of being programmed, conditioned, acculturated, domesticated, indoctrinated, and brainwashed); that the second leg covered in the vision was the means by which the resultant blockages and darkness could be removed; that the third leg involved “coming back” and overlaying Reality on the relative; and that the fourth leg would happen when mahasamadhi was taken and this particular elemental plant food body with its parts that had come together would eventually come part.
252. And it was seen that in regards to all that is involved from unmanifesting to unmanifesting that there was no post-manifestation judgment; no post-manifestation rebirth; no post-manifestation period in a world of pleasure if one was “good” or in a world of punishment and pain and suffering and misery if one was “bad.”
With the clarity that came via the vision, the words of Maharaj were revisited and were also totally understood:
253. No wonder Maharaj said that "Only that person will visit this place whose virtue and sin have come to an end."
254. After the vision, Maharaj’s explanation of the role of the elemental plant food body in the cycling process became clear: “In order to manifest itself, the consciousness needs a frame, a particular construct in which it can appear.”
255. After seeing via the vision what happened at the end of the time in the cave, this became clearer: "Prior to taking this form, you were formless; spontaneously the form came, and when the form came there was a natural longing to return to the formless state. When you want to return to the formless, desireless state, then only you come here, to seek what you are. The consciousness has to know the consciousness. When it realizes itself, then only do you return to normal."
256. After the vision revealed what is real and what is not as well as what happens and what does not, this became clear: "My true state, which is whole, undifferentiated, is beyond birth and death. I am never bound by my body and mind. I am limitless."
257. After seeing the “second leg” way back out of the darkness and into the light, the first leg happenings were understood, including how all personas are cast into darkness. Then this was understood: "Out of my existence as the Noumenon has come this state of the phenomenal. The homogenous understands the play of the attributes, the projection of the mind, but the play, the projection of the mind, cannot understand the homogeneous."
To be continued.
Please enter into the silence of contemplation.
4 January 2014
F.: Other clarifications that came via the vision follow. NOTE: An entire glossary - relevant to those early on in the seeking process but including pointers for those far along "the path" - is available in the eBook below entitled "FROM THE I TO THE ABSOLUTE (A Seven-Step Journey to Reality)" which is also included in the paperback four-book anthology entitled, "The Advanced Seekers' Series."
224. The vision at the second step – the “mind step” - made clear that what is called “the mind” is merely the storehouse of all of the blockages of the pure consciousness which prevent clear seeing, which block pure witnessing, and which inspire belief in the false rather than understanding truth and The Truth. Then this came:
So humans are born with a brain but not with a mind; the mind is that storehouse of all the lies and concepts and knowledge / ignorance that persons accumulate; once filled with the nonsense that persons dream up, it becomes the source of all misery, constantly in movement, constantly imagining desires / fears as a result of programming and conditioning. Persons each believe that they have what they call "my mind," but there is only "their mind," that is, the mind that is created by programmers who pass along their ideas, their notions, their concepts, their perspectives (all of which eventually are taken to be “one’s own beliefs” and which are given high esteem and worth and value and which are all erroneously deemed to be important, significant, and meaningful, all of which programmed persons then take to be their own ideas and all of which are used by persons to erroneously define “self”).
But so much of the content of the talks in I AM THAT deal with jnana – with knowledge or a “higher” knowledge – even as Maharaj tells some that their knowledge is “learned ignorance.” So what is with the focus on the knower and knowing and the known, only to be told later on that there is no knower, no “one” to know?
225. That led to a review of the stages of Maharaj’s “journey” and to an understanding of the fact that he offered “level appropriate pointers,” the result of which was that he would tell seeker “A” something in one talk and then tell seeker “B” the exact opposite in the next talk.
226. It also led to an understanding that would be discussed years later in a book entitled SRI NISARGADATTA MAHARAJ and HIS EVOLUTION (see below), an understanding of the fact that, over the years, the type yoga that influenced his pointers shifted from guru-bhakti and bhakti; to bhakti and jnana; to jnana and nisargan; and eventually to the nisarga yoga alone.
227. Confusion had resulted from a Neo-Advaitin’s pointers (“Floyd, the only thing you can know is ‘I AM’” and “there is no path – just know that and be done”) vs. Maharaj’s Direct Path Method of teaching that made clear there is a “path” or a “journey.” It had been clear that if I would drive from Los Angeles to New York, I could not crank the engine of the car, press the accelerator, and instantly be in New York.
228. It was seen that there is indeed no “knower” and that the one assuming the role of “The Knower” soon upgrades himself to “The Super Knower” and “The Knower of It All” (or “The Know It All”).
229. Returning to the vision, it was clear that – in the end – all role-playing ends, including that of “The Knower.” It was seen at the end of the vision that "knowing" is not involved at all and that Realization has everything to do with understanding – with understanding the functioning of the totality, with understanding the actual unity beyond the wrongly-perceived multiplicity, with understanding how to abide for the remainder of the manifestation in an AS IF fashion, with understanding what bliss is and what bliss is not, with understanding how all living things on the planet abide naturally except for the non-Realized (non-understanding) masses who abide unnaturally and who try to live supernaturally (that is, magically, religiously, and / or “spiritually”).
230. “The multiplicity” was seen to be nothing more than a perception / misperception among persons that the world and the universe are made of multiple components rather than the one true THAT; was seen to be a belief in the concepts of separate and different (which, in turn, inspire judgment and separation; ego; and belief in dualities such as superior vs. inferior, good vs. bad, right vs. wrong, best vs. worst along with all of the dualistic thinking and erroneous perceiving that prevents persons from knowing the unicity and being aware of the at-one-ment of all).
231. “The Unicity” was seen to be the fact-based opposite of the false, dualistic concept of multiplicity.
232. It was seen in the cave portion of the vision that persons mistakenly perceive a multiplicity of things that supposedly make up “this world” whereas, in fact, all in “this world” is imagined - is wrongly perceived by the non-Realized masses - and that there is but the Oneness.
233. It became clear that, to understand the unicity, one must understand the prefix “uni” ("one”) and then realize that the universe is but One.
234. The vision made clear that “indeed, All that exists is but one, single THAT” and that “All does not have THAT in common but, instead, is in common.”
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
3 January 2013
224. The vision at the second step – the “mind step” - made clear that what is called “the mind” is merely the storehouse of all of the blockages of the pure consciousness which prevent clear seeing, which block pure witnessing, and which inspire belief in the false rather than understanding truth and The Truth. Then this came:
So humans are born with a brain but not with a mind; the mind is that storehouse of all the lies and concepts and knowledge / ignorance that persons accumulate; once filled with the nonsense that persons dream up, it becomes the source of all misery, constantly in movement, constantly imagining desires / fears as a result of programming and conditioning. Persons each believe that they have what they call "my mind," but there is only "their mind," that is, the mind that is created by programmers who pass along their ideas, their notions, their concepts, their perspectives (all of which eventually are taken to be “one’s own beliefs” and which are given high esteem and worth and value and which are all erroneously deemed to be important, significant, and meaningful, all of which programmed persons then take to be their own ideas and all of which are used by persons to erroneously define “self”).
But so much of the content of the talks in I AM THAT deal with jnana – with knowledge or a “higher” knowledge – even as Maharaj tells some that their knowledge is “learned ignorance.” So what is with the focus on the knower and knowing and the known, only to be told later on that there is no knower, no “one” to know?
225. That led to a review of the stages of Maharaj’s “journey” and to an understanding of the fact that he offered “level appropriate pointers,” the result of which was that he would tell seeker “A” something in one talk and then tell seeker “B” the exact opposite in the next talk.
226. It also led to an understanding that would be discussed years later in a book entitled SRI NISARGADATTA MAHARAJ and HIS EVOLUTION (see below), an understanding of the fact that, over the years, the type yoga that influenced his pointers shifted from guru-bhakti and bhakti; to bhakti and jnana; to jnana and nisargan; and eventually to the nisarga yoga alone.
227. Confusion had resulted from a Neo-Advaitin’s pointers (“Floyd, the only thing you can know is ‘I AM’” and “there is no path – just know that and be done”) vs. Maharaj’s Direct Path Method of teaching that made clear there is a “path” or a “journey.” It had been clear that if I would drive from Los Angeles to New York, I could not crank the engine of the car, press the accelerator, and instantly be in New York.
228. It was seen that there is indeed no “knower” and that the one assuming the role of “The Knower” soon upgrades himself to “The Super Knower” and “The Knower of It All” (or “The Know It All”).
229. Returning to the vision, it was clear that – in the end – all role-playing ends, including that of “The Knower.” It was seen at the end of the vision that "knowing" is not involved at all and that Realization has everything to do with understanding – with understanding the functioning of the totality, with understanding the actual unity beyond the wrongly-perceived multiplicity, with understanding how to abide for the remainder of the manifestation in an AS IF fashion, with understanding what bliss is and what bliss is not, with understanding how all living things on the planet abide naturally except for the non-Realized (non-understanding) masses who abide unnaturally and who try to live supernaturally (that is, magically, religiously, and / or “spiritually”).
230. “The multiplicity” was seen to be nothing more than a perception / misperception among persons that the world and the universe are made of multiple components rather than the one true THAT; was seen to be a belief in the concepts of separate and different (which, in turn, inspire judgment and separation; ego; and belief in dualities such as superior vs. inferior, good vs. bad, right vs. wrong, best vs. worst along with all of the dualistic thinking and erroneous perceiving that prevents persons from knowing the unicity and being aware of the at-one-ment of all).
231. “The Unicity” was seen to be the fact-based opposite of the false, dualistic concept of multiplicity.
232. It was seen in the cave portion of the vision that persons mistakenly perceive a multiplicity of things that supposedly make up “this world” whereas, in fact, all in “this world” is imagined - is wrongly perceived by the non-Realized masses - and that there is but the Oneness.
233. It became clear that, to understand the unicity, one must understand the prefix “uni” ("one”) and then realize that the universe is but One.
234. The vision made clear that “indeed, All that exists is but one, single THAT” and that “All does not have THAT in common but, instead, is in common.”
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
3 January 2013
F.: Other clarifications that came via the vision follow. NOTE: An entire glossary - relevant to those early on in the seeking process but including pointers for those far along "the path" - is available in the eBook below entitled "FROM THE I TO THE ABSOLUTE (A Seven-Step Journey to Reality)" which is also included in the paperback four-book anthology entitled, "The Advanced Seekers' Series."
213. After the vision came, and after much consideration of its content led to so many revelations and led the understanding to flood into awareness, three things also became clear:
a. The masses prefer magical thinking, dogma-driven thinking, and spiritual-driven thinking (which Maharaj classified as really nothing more than a “kindergarten” level of understanding what “spirituality” is, or more accurately, what “spirituality” is not) so most would not be interested in a study of the content of the vision and then Realized Fully;
b. and it was seen that, of the few who do seek the non-dual understanding, so many stop after being encouraged to focus upon a text (which puts them in company with those accepting or adopting and then playing a religious persona and also revering what they take to be a “holy” text); or, those who abandon seeking because they accept the neo-Advaitin approach and come to a belief about what can be known or not known while ignoring what can be revealed and understood; or who accept one of the other popular but bogus versions of non-duality or pseudo-Advaita;
c. and it was seen, after reflecting on Maharaj’s own circuitous “journey” to reach the understanding which eventually came here via the vision, that many parallels in his "journey" and the one here existed (detailed farther down this page).
Then these awarenesses came:
He was wealthy, and my current employment is also providing a very high income as well;
he set that aside (which is not a requirement necessarily); he became freed from a wife who was totally absorbed in traditional religious teachings (and in playing the personas that engenders) and who was forever discontented over the fact that he would not be pressed into returning to his religious roots; and then he focused on offering the understanding that came to him via a long and arduous “path.” It was then asked:
Might it be possible for me to leave a tenured position with a guaranteed income and excellent healthcare benefits and other perks, a job that only required working 180 days a year, and to focus as Maharaj did on sharing the understanding that came via the vision … an understanding that eventually led to freedom from beliefs, freedom from the assumption of false identities, and freedom from the instability and chaos that always accompanies dual-mindedness?
Thus the decision was made: I will abandon that job - ten years sooner than the age of full retirement is reached – and share these teachings and see what happens.
What happened? What happened is what happened with Maharaj: great wealth has not returned, but always there have been those – some wealthy and some not – who have shared in order to allow these teachings to go on. Some of the regular visitors to this site came forth again recently to assure that what is required for the message to be disseminated ... a message that gave them clarity and that they would have other seekers find as well.
Those over the years have included Andy G. and Sim D. and Mac and Bob R. and many others. So now, the postings and writings continue. Periods of considerable challenge have come during the years since the decision was made, just as they come to all humans moving through this relative existence, but the understanding that came with the vision has allowed all challenges to be witnessed objectively and without attachment and without emotional intoxication or desire or fear.
Never once has the “the road not taken” been looked back on with doubt, much less regret. Never once since Realization has there been a desire for anything other than this relative existence that now always unfolds spontaneously and naturally since Reality was overlaid upon it. If You use the content of the vision to Realize as well, the same can be “your present reality” and Your Reality as well. That is what the summative statement “I AM THAT; I AM” points to.
So, on to “a” above:
214. The vision eliminated all of the earlier magical thinking that had been happening. Magical thinking was seen to be thinking that is based in non-fact, superstition, myth and false beliefs in other-worldly powers; thinking that generates the belief that there is a micro-managing power (or powers) in another realm that is in charge of all that happens in what the masses take to be “this world.”
215. it is the type of thinking that leads to the belief that there is a single cause for all happenings on the planet, namely, an external locus of control; the type of thinking that is inspired via religious or “spiritual” programming; the type of thinking that is often inspired by abuse and trauma suffered in such a degree that a desire for rescue by some external power is wished or hoped for; the type of thinking inspired by ego that wants control and therefore also wants a power at one’s beck and call that can grant wishes;
216. it is the fanciful thinking that leads persons to believe that they can petition a power in another realm that can then grant them control over people, places, things, weather, and all events; the type thinking that inspires the belief that weather-related happenings are not events in nature but are punishments or signs delivered by an angry, other-worldly power; it is the type of thinking based in ignorance;
217. it is the type of thinking that drives persons who have not even been born once to believe that they will be born multiple times; it is the type of thinking that dismisses scientific facts and endorses blind, unquestioning faith; it is the type thinking that blocks all awareness of Reality and imprisons persons in the confines of the false concepts of “a mind.”
218. It is the kind of thinking which leads the majority of the persons on the planet to think that when persons "die," the dead actually live on, and live on with a physical form that has an appearance that is so similar to the way they looked when alive on earth that they will be recognizable to family and friends, except that they will have a gauzy, see-through look and will have sprouted wings that allow them to float about in the sky and in heaven in a half-human, half-bird manner. (Gauzy or not, though, they think the physical form can experience pain - such as from flames - or can experience pleasures.)
219. It is the kind of thinking that, in the U.S., leads 87% of the population to belief that pregnancies result with input from three-parties instead of two. (They think that it requires a man and a woman engaging in an act of friction that results in a sperm cell fertilizing an egg, but they also think that a god in another world intervenes in the process and plays some role as well.)
220. It is the kind of thinking that generates the ignorance that Maharaj spoke of, that results in 87% of adults being so ignorant that they do not even understand the biological processes that allow elemental plant food bodies to play a role in the cycling of elements that form additional plant food bodies.
221. In the book "SPIRITUAL SOBRIETY: Recovering What Religions Lost," (see below) Dr. Jeffrey A. Schaler is quoted as he discusses “psychosis,” a condition in which persons fail to differentiate between the symbolic (or the “abstract”) and the real (or the “concrete”) … an ability which the non-dual teachings can provide to some. He said:
“People are labeled ‘psychotic’ when they refer to mental representations as if they were substantive and real. One example [involves taking] the 'voice of conscience' as the literal voice of another being, known as 'hearing voices.' The failure to differentiate between the symbolic and the real may be intentional (artistic license) or strategic (lying) or the result of a cognitive inability to differentiate between fantasy and reality.”
222. Indeed, the vision showed that magical thinking is based in fantasy rather than being in touch with reality and living naturally. Schaler also discusses another illness that can generate belief in illusions.”
223. Such is the abnormal “norm” now, but it need not be for those that come to understand fully the content of the vision.
To be continued.
Please enter into the silence of contemplation.
[Previous post prior to the computer crash]
213. After the vision came, and after much consideration of its content led to so many revelations and led the understanding to flood into awareness, three things also became clear:
a. The masses prefer magical thinking, dogma-driven thinking, and spiritual-driven thinking (which Maharaj classified as really nothing more than a “kindergarten” level of understanding what “spirituality” is, or more accurately, what “spirituality” is not) so most would not be interested in a study of the content of the vision and then Realized Fully;
b. and it was seen that, of the few who do seek the non-dual understanding, so many stop after being encouraged to focus upon a text (which puts them in company with those accepting or adopting and then playing a religious persona and also revering what they take to be a “holy” text); or, those who abandon seeking because they accept the neo-Advaitin approach and come to a belief about what can be known or not known while ignoring what can be revealed and understood; or who accept one of the other popular but bogus versions of non-duality or pseudo-Advaita;
c. and it was seen, after reflecting on Maharaj’s own circuitous “journey” to reach the understanding which eventually came here via the vision, that many parallels in his "journey" and the one here existed (detailed farther down this page).
Then these awarenesses came:
He was wealthy, and my current employment is also providing a very high income as well;
he set that aside (which is not a requirement necessarily); he became freed from a wife who was totally absorbed in traditional religious teachings (and in playing the personas that engenders) and who was forever discontented over the fact that he would not be pressed into returning to his religious roots; and then he focused on offering the understanding that came to him via a long and arduous “path.” It was then asked:
Might it be possible for me to leave a tenured position with a guaranteed income and excellent healthcare benefits and other perks, a job that only required working 180 days a year, and to focus as Maharaj did on sharing the understanding that came via the vision … an understanding that eventually led to freedom from beliefs, freedom from the assumption of false identities, and freedom from the instability and chaos that always accompanies dual-mindedness?
Thus the decision was made: I will abandon that job - ten years sooner than the age of full retirement is reached – and share these teachings and see what happens.
What happened? What happened is what happened with Maharaj: great wealth has not returned, but always there have been those – some wealthy and some not – who have shared in order to allow these teachings to go on. Some of the regular visitors to this site came forth again recently to assure that what is required for the message to be disseminated ... a message that gave them clarity and that they would have other seekers find as well.
Those over the years have included Andy G. and Sim D. and Mac and Bob R. and many others. So now, the postings and writings continue. Periods of considerable challenge have come during the years since the decision was made, just as they come to all humans moving through this relative existence, but the understanding that came with the vision has allowed all challenges to be witnessed objectively and without attachment and without emotional intoxication or desire or fear.
Never once has the “the road not taken” been looked back on with doubt, much less regret. Never once since Realization has there been a desire for anything other than this relative existence that now always unfolds spontaneously and naturally since Reality was overlaid upon it. If You use the content of the vision to Realize as well, the same can be “your present reality” and Your Reality as well. That is what the summative statement “I AM THAT; I AM” points to.
So, on to “a” above:
214. The vision eliminated all of the earlier magical thinking that had been happening. Magical thinking was seen to be thinking that is based in non-fact, superstition, myth and false beliefs in other-worldly powers; thinking that generates the belief that there is a micro-managing power (or powers) in another realm that is in charge of all that happens in what the masses take to be “this world.”
215. it is the type of thinking that leads to the belief that there is a single cause for all happenings on the planet, namely, an external locus of control; the type of thinking that is inspired via religious or “spiritual” programming; the type of thinking that is often inspired by abuse and trauma suffered in such a degree that a desire for rescue by some external power is wished or hoped for; the type of thinking inspired by ego that wants control and therefore also wants a power at one’s beck and call that can grant wishes;
216. it is the fanciful thinking that leads persons to believe that they can petition a power in another realm that can then grant them control over people, places, things, weather, and all events; the type thinking that inspires the belief that weather-related happenings are not events in nature but are punishments or signs delivered by an angry, other-worldly power; it is the type of thinking based in ignorance;
217. it is the type of thinking that drives persons who have not even been born once to believe that they will be born multiple times; it is the type of thinking that dismisses scientific facts and endorses blind, unquestioning faith; it is the type thinking that blocks all awareness of Reality and imprisons persons in the confines of the false concepts of “a mind.”
218. It is the kind of thinking which leads the majority of the persons on the planet to think that when persons "die," the dead actually live on, and live on with a physical form that has an appearance that is so similar to the way they looked when alive on earth that they will be recognizable to family and friends, except that they will have a gauzy, see-through look and will have sprouted wings that allow them to float about in the sky and in heaven in a half-human, half-bird manner. (Gauzy or not, though, they think the physical form can experience pain - such as from flames - or can experience pleasures.)
219. It is the kind of thinking that, in the U.S., leads 87% of the population to belief that pregnancies result with input from three-parties instead of two. (They think that it requires a man and a woman engaging in an act of friction that results in a sperm cell fertilizing an egg, but they also think that a god in another world intervenes in the process and plays some role as well.)
220. It is the kind of thinking that generates the ignorance that Maharaj spoke of, that results in 87% of adults being so ignorant that they do not even understand the biological processes that allow elemental plant food bodies to play a role in the cycling of elements that form additional plant food bodies.
221. In the book "SPIRITUAL SOBRIETY: Recovering What Religions Lost," (see below) Dr. Jeffrey A. Schaler is quoted as he discusses “psychosis,” a condition in which persons fail to differentiate between the symbolic (or the “abstract”) and the real (or the “concrete”) … an ability which the non-dual teachings can provide to some. He said:
“People are labeled ‘psychotic’ when they refer to mental representations as if they were substantive and real. One example [involves taking] the 'voice of conscience' as the literal voice of another being, known as 'hearing voices.' The failure to differentiate between the symbolic and the real may be intentional (artistic license) or strategic (lying) or the result of a cognitive inability to differentiate between fantasy and reality.”
222. Indeed, the vision showed that magical thinking is based in fantasy rather than being in touch with reality and living naturally. Schaler also discusses another illness that can generate belief in illusions.”
223. Such is the abnormal “norm” now, but it need not be for those that come to understand fully the content of the vision.
To be continued.
Please enter into the silence of contemplation.
[Previous post prior to the computer crash]
F.: Other clarifications that came via the vision follow. NOTE: An entire glossary - relevant to those early on in the seeking process but including pointers for those far along "the path" - is available in the eBook below entitled "FROM THE I TO THE ABSOLUTE (A Seven-Step Journey to Reality)" which is also included in the paperback four-book anthology entitled, "The Advanced Seekers' Series."
196. Next, during the continuing study of the content of the vision, this awareness came in regards to the end of seeking that happened at the vision's end: while the roles of "The Super Religious One" and "The Spiritual Giant" ended at the third step, seeking ended by the vision's end. This also came:
197. In cultures of accumulation, no peace can exist because the seeking of more is unending, unless Realization happens. The only possible result for persons who are programmed and conditioned to seek more is a guaranteed that they will never be convinced that they have enough.
198. Persons never convinced that they have enough—enough money, enough respect, enough praise, enough “love,” enough things—will never be content with whatever it is that they do have.
199. Endless seeking produces either arrogance (as "The Seeker" becomes "The Knower" as opposed to "The Understander") or produces misery, no matter how much "peace" or "bliss" is believed to have been "gained" in the search.
200. Peace comes via Realization, via the knowing that what one has is enough. In fact, Realization often reveals that - as persons - they already had too much and so de-accumulation begins. Then AS IF living happens.
201. Then, focused on the awareness of the void that came near the end of the vision, this was recalled: the Italians have a phrase used in a scene from the novel "The Board of Directors of Wars":
Kirk then felt the peace that manifests when one knows "The Sweet Void," as he called it, when one can truly taste il dolce di fare niente—"the sweetness of doing nothing." Kirk even gained the level beyond that, experiencing what he called il dolce di Niente—not "the sweetness of doing nothing" but more simply "the sweetness of Nothing," period. The Realized "live" between nowhere and nowhere, aware that what They Truly Are is the conscious-energy that is currently but temporarily abiding as the "I-Amness," devoid of all need.
202. Next came clarity around the fact that those programmed with dogma can unquestioningly believe in a personal "Supreme Being" that could be forever, but when the scientific fact that it is actually just energy-matter that has been forever, they balk.
203. Moreover, it was seen that many persons can easily imagine "infinity" after their "death" while at the same time ignoring the reality of infinity prior to, prior to all they perceive now. Infinite is infinite - not merely a "post-something infinity" - and the vision made that clear after showing what cycles and lasts vs. what does not last: nothing personal and nothing associated with things personal will last at all.
204. Then, so there is no "God" or anything comparable that has been, that is, or that shall be forever; instead, there is energy-matter that was, is, and shall be.
205. In addition to showing the seven steps on the "path," the vision made clear "five stages." [Note: Any such enumeration and separation into steps or stages in for the sake of discussion and for bringing clarity only.]
206. The five stages provided an overview that showed how persons are programmed and showed what is required to reach Realization and AS IF living. To paraphrase the explanation offered in "The Twice-Stolen Necklace Murders," these are the stages:
207. Stage One includes ages 1-20 when person are conditioned, indoctrinated, and programmed to accumulate, to get.
208. Stage Two is ages 20-40 when persons unconsciously do what they were programmed to do, repeating what they were programmed to say, and believing what they were programmed to believe. Most never transcend that stage. For those who undertake "the journey" and follow the Advaita "path," they enter a Third Stage.
209. At that stage, some begin a "self-inquiry" (seeing all that they are not) and a Self-Inquiry (seeking that which they truly are). Some say at that point, "This life is shallow, hollow, unfulfilling. There must be more. I don’t even know who I am—who am I?"
210. If they come to understand the True Self - and what it is and what it is not - they begin to de-accumulate in the Fourth Stage. De-accumulation is the mark of one becoming free of the programming. [It also became clear that "liberation" is about being liberated from the influence of personality / personas which subconsciously drive thoughts and words and actions.]
211. After that, one can live in an AS IF fashion throughout what can be termed "Stage Five" (again, for the sake of discussion only), meaning, living as if this life is the real but understanding what is actually Real and what is not; then, with that understanding, they can then enjoy whatever remains of this life, truly free for the first time (including free of educational indoctrination, free of religious and / or spiritual indoctrination, free of political indoctrination, free of economic indoctrination). Free. Independent. Period.
212. It was made clear that AS IF living means that the Realized know that this relative existence should be taken as nothing more than an amusement, not as anything that is really serious.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
23 December 2014
196. Next, during the continuing study of the content of the vision, this awareness came in regards to the end of seeking that happened at the vision's end: while the roles of "The Super Religious One" and "The Spiritual Giant" ended at the third step, seeking ended by the vision's end. This also came:
197. In cultures of accumulation, no peace can exist because the seeking of more is unending, unless Realization happens. The only possible result for persons who are programmed and conditioned to seek more is a guaranteed that they will never be convinced that they have enough.
198. Persons never convinced that they have enough—enough money, enough respect, enough praise, enough “love,” enough things—will never be content with whatever it is that they do have.
199. Endless seeking produces either arrogance (as "The Seeker" becomes "The Knower" as opposed to "The Understander") or produces misery, no matter how much "peace" or "bliss" is believed to have been "gained" in the search.
200. Peace comes via Realization, via the knowing that what one has is enough. In fact, Realization often reveals that - as persons - they already had too much and so de-accumulation begins. Then AS IF living happens.
201. Then, focused on the awareness of the void that came near the end of the vision, this was recalled: the Italians have a phrase used in a scene from the novel "The Board of Directors of Wars":
Kirk then felt the peace that manifests when one knows "The Sweet Void," as he called it, when one can truly taste il dolce di fare niente—"the sweetness of doing nothing." Kirk even gained the level beyond that, experiencing what he called il dolce di Niente—not "the sweetness of doing nothing" but more simply "the sweetness of Nothing," period. The Realized "live" between nowhere and nowhere, aware that what They Truly Are is the conscious-energy that is currently but temporarily abiding as the "I-Amness," devoid of all need.
202. Next came clarity around the fact that those programmed with dogma can unquestioningly believe in a personal "Supreme Being" that could be forever, but when the scientific fact that it is actually just energy-matter that has been forever, they balk.
203. Moreover, it was seen that many persons can easily imagine "infinity" after their "death" while at the same time ignoring the reality of infinity prior to, prior to all they perceive now. Infinite is infinite - not merely a "post-something infinity" - and the vision made that clear after showing what cycles and lasts vs. what does not last: nothing personal and nothing associated with things personal will last at all.
204. Then, so there is no "God" or anything comparable that has been, that is, or that shall be forever; instead, there is energy-matter that was, is, and shall be.
205. In addition to showing the seven steps on the "path," the vision made clear "five stages." [Note: Any such enumeration and separation into steps or stages in for the sake of discussion and for bringing clarity only.]
206. The five stages provided an overview that showed how persons are programmed and showed what is required to reach Realization and AS IF living. To paraphrase the explanation offered in "The Twice-Stolen Necklace Murders," these are the stages:
207. Stage One includes ages 1-20 when person are conditioned, indoctrinated, and programmed to accumulate, to get.
208. Stage Two is ages 20-40 when persons unconsciously do what they were programmed to do, repeating what they were programmed to say, and believing what they were programmed to believe. Most never transcend that stage. For those who undertake "the journey" and follow the Advaita "path," they enter a Third Stage.
209. At that stage, some begin a "self-inquiry" (seeing all that they are not) and a Self-Inquiry (seeking that which they truly are). Some say at that point, "This life is shallow, hollow, unfulfilling. There must be more. I don’t even know who I am—who am I?"
210. If they come to understand the True Self - and what it is and what it is not - they begin to de-accumulate in the Fourth Stage. De-accumulation is the mark of one becoming free of the programming. [It also became clear that "liberation" is about being liberated from the influence of personality / personas which subconsciously drive thoughts and words and actions.]
211. After that, one can live in an AS IF fashion throughout what can be termed "Stage Five" (again, for the sake of discussion only), meaning, living as if this life is the real but understanding what is actually Real and what is not; then, with that understanding, they can then enjoy whatever remains of this life, truly free for the first time (including free of educational indoctrination, free of religious and / or spiritual indoctrination, free of political indoctrination, free of economic indoctrination). Free. Independent. Period.
212. It was made clear that AS IF living means that the Realized know that this relative existence should be taken as nothing more than an amusement, not as anything that is really serious.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
23 December 2014
F.: Other clarifications that came via the vision follow. NOTE: An entire glossary - relevant to those early on in the seeking process but including pointers for those far along "the path" - is available in the eBook below entitled "FROM THE I TO THE ABSOLUTE (A Seven-Step Journey to Reality)" which is also included in the paperback four-book anthology entitled, "The Advanced Seekers' Series."
186. Via the vision came the end of identity: via the unblocked consciousness - which allowed both an awareness of awareness to manifest and which allowed awareness to be aware of ItSelf and its / Your Original Nature - the illusions of ego and personality were seen to dissolve.
187. The vision showed that multiplicities of ego-states are taken by persons to make up their so-called "identity."
188. The vision made clear that the egotism-supported illusions of ego and ego-states which foster a sense of separation and "different-from-ment" and "better-than-ment" all ended in the crystal cave when the Oneness was seen clearly.
189. In the vision, what came was a condition of being awake, conscious, and aware - a condition that has not left.
190. With full awareness comes Realization and the end of suffering from the effects of the programming and conditioning and all of the other blockages that prevent the consciousness from Witnessing Purely and seeing Reality.
191. The vision showed that the movement along the "path" ended belief in any of the former, "bad" roles that had been assumed and played as well as an end to the newer, "good" religious and spiritual roles that had been assumed and played (as the raven's dissolution illustrated).
192. It showed that the final role to go at the end of the vision was "The Seeker" because an understanding of the functioning of the totality manifest, allowing all seeking to end.
193. Thus came an end to the assumption of any and all false identities and an end to the beliefs and ideas that accompany them.
194. It was shown that, as the assumption of any and all false identities ends, those trapped in the step-three-of-seven personas of the "religious person" or the "spiritual person" can finally break free of those ego-states as they stop identifying with a super power, can take the remaining steps on the "journey" to Full Realization, and can live an AS IF-style life of authenticity as a result of the understanding that comes via being free of beliefs and being awake, aware, and conscious.
195. Only then can misery end and only then can bliss / happiness / contentment / satisfaction begin.
To be continued tomorrow with more on what came via the vision regarding the end of seeking.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
22 December 2013
186. Via the vision came the end of identity: via the unblocked consciousness - which allowed both an awareness of awareness to manifest and which allowed awareness to be aware of ItSelf and its / Your Original Nature - the illusions of ego and personality were seen to dissolve.
187. The vision showed that multiplicities of ego-states are taken by persons to make up their so-called "identity."
188. The vision made clear that the egotism-supported illusions of ego and ego-states which foster a sense of separation and "different-from-ment" and "better-than-ment" all ended in the crystal cave when the Oneness was seen clearly.
189. In the vision, what came was a condition of being awake, conscious, and aware - a condition that has not left.
190. With full awareness comes Realization and the end of suffering from the effects of the programming and conditioning and all of the other blockages that prevent the consciousness from Witnessing Purely and seeing Reality.
191. The vision showed that the movement along the "path" ended belief in any of the former, "bad" roles that had been assumed and played as well as an end to the newer, "good" religious and spiritual roles that had been assumed and played (as the raven's dissolution illustrated).
192. It showed that the final role to go at the end of the vision was "The Seeker" because an understanding of the functioning of the totality manifest, allowing all seeking to end.
193. Thus came an end to the assumption of any and all false identities and an end to the beliefs and ideas that accompany them.
194. It was shown that, as the assumption of any and all false identities ends, those trapped in the step-three-of-seven personas of the "religious person" or the "spiritual person" can finally break free of those ego-states as they stop identifying with a super power, can take the remaining steps on the "journey" to Full Realization, and can live an AS IF-style life of authenticity as a result of the understanding that comes via being free of beliefs and being awake, aware, and conscious.
195. Only then can misery end and only then can bliss / happiness / contentment / satisfaction begin.
To be continued tomorrow with more on what came via the vision regarding the end of seeking.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
22 December 2013
F.: Other clarifications that came via the vision follow. NOTE: An entire glossary - relevant to those early on in the seeking process but including pointers for those far along "the path" - is available in the eBook below entitled "FROM THE I TO THE ABSOLUTE (A Seven-Step Journey to Reality)" which is also included in the paperback four-book anthology entitled, "The Advanced Seekers' Series."
170. Continued study of the messages available via the vision made clear a distinction between "ego," "ego-states," and egotism.
171. The word "ego comes from Latin and means “I.” Specifically, it is the pronoun used by those who believe any false identity to be real.
172. The wise see that the concept of ego becomes the source of perceived separation and the source of fighting to preserve image.
173. An ego-state is that “state” in which a persona "exists," taking itself and false assigned or assumed roles to be true identities. An ego-state is always identified by placing a word after "I am" (such as, "I am a spouse"; "I am a lover"; "I am an employee," "I am a teacher," "I am spiritual," "I am religious," "I am an alcoholic," etc.)
174. Egotism is one of the many ego-defense mechanisms used to defend an assumed ego (or false self).
175. When an identity is assumed, that is, when an ego is taken to be a real identity by a person, that person will enter into an ego-state; when functioning from within an ego-state, egotism triggers and defends the false identity.
176. Soon, with egotism at play, the ego - the false assigned or assumed identity - self-promotes itself to a "Super "role.
177. In that process of egotism upgrading self, it automatically downgrades "others," so while the ego-state of "The Wife" only needs the codependent, counterpart player of "The Husband" for her to supposedly "exist," after being upgraded to "The Super Wife," she must have "A Super Husband" to fulfill the illusion of her upgraded role. The same happens when "The Husband" engages in a self-upgrading that is followed by a downgrading of his spouse. Any wonder that the divorce rate is so high when duality and role-assumption and upgrading and downgrading are at play? Any wonder that there is such widespread sense of separation and fighting and chaos on the planet when duality and role-assumption and upgrading and downgrading are at play?
178. The vision showed that a body with a mind that formed within a part of a brain is the prerequisite for assuming false identities or for accepting assigned false identities as real.
179. It showed that the absorption in the "mind stage" allows for the assumption of "bad" roles and "good" roles.
180. It showed that it is at the third step, when religious and spiritual roles are assumed and played, that the entire seven-step "journey" to Full Realization usually comes to a halt and is never completed.
181. It showed that - if seekers are willing to see that there is far more to the "journey" than replacing old "bad" roles with new "good" roles - then they have a chance to move on along the "path," complete all seven of the steps, and see that all of the nonsense they had been taught is wiped out completely when an understanding of the functioning of the totality comes.
182. It is the vision that can reveal the manner in which the totality functions:
183. "Functioning" refers to how all in this universe actually operates and how it has always operated and how all that is or was in all universes has functioned and is functioning and will always function.
184. "Totality" refers to every happening that has ever happened, that is presently happening, and that will eventually happen, infinitely.
185. Upon the manifestation of Full Realization which the vision can bring about, the complete understanding comes of how all has happened and how all happens and how all will forever happen. How inclusive is that understanding? Among all that is understood are the following:
*** How this universe and all prior universes came to be;
*** How consciousness manifests in a space or form;
*** Where You were in the days and weeks prior to "conception";
*** Where You Were prior to consciousness and manifestation;
*** What is relative and What Is Absolute;
*** Why no external Power or God or Goddesses or "Creator" can exist and how that can be proved scientifically;
*** Why no truth can be found except within but why a "guide" is required to focus Your search for Truth;
*** Why You Were never born and cannot die;
*** Why, post-manifestation, there will be no eternal form or body or "you";
*** Why all notions of "who-ness" are false:
*** Why notions about a "Supreme Self" are dualistic, all talk about Oneness notwithstanding;
*** Why neither eternal reward nor punishment awaits;
*** Why abiding unnaturally and / or supernaturally is insane and why only natural living is sane;
*** Why Reality is non-dual;
*** How persons come to believe that they are in the world instead of understanding that "the world" is in them ... in their "minds";
*** Why "memories" about things relative have no validity;
*** What the difference is between awareness and consciousness;
*** Why only "the nothingness" is valid, ultimately;
*** The difference between "love" and "Real Love";
*** How to find Real Love in "an unreal world";
*** Why most persons fear independence and actually do not prefer it at all over their dependencies and their co-dependencies;
*** Why there is nothing that is personal;
*** What Your Original Nature is;
*** How to move through the relative existence as if dancing lightly;
*** Why dual-minded persons are unstable in all ways;
*** Why all things relative are much ado about nothing;
*** How Reality can be overlaid on the relative;
*** Why I AM THAT and I AM are not two;
*** What generates instability;
*** How to "be stable";
*** How personality forms and determines thoughts and words and deeds;
*** How personality preempts the ability to choose ... to make choices;
*** Why belief in an external locus of power and control is fiction;
*** How role-assumption generates dependency and co-dependency;
*** What bliss is and what bliss is not;
*** Why you must be empty before you can be full;
*** Why there is no such thing as "peace of mind";
*** Why there is no "doer";
*** Why a "mind" and "wisdom" cannot co-exist within a person;
*** What the real cause of desire and fear is;
*** What the difference is between emotions and feelings;
*** Why freedom is a prerequisite for peace and happiness;
*** Why You have nothing to do with either "time" or "space" or "form";
*** How it is that trillions of persons have been in error regarding their ideas and concepts and beliefs and perceptions and why only a few at any given point in the history of planet earth have seen clearly;
*** What "The Ultimate Sickness" is and what "The Ultimate Medicine" is;
*** What the exact steps are that must be taken in order to be free of belief in the false "I" / "I's";
*** What the differences are between programming, conditioning, acculturation, and domestication;
*** What the relative effects of programming, conditioning, acculturation, and domestication are;
*** Why no humans have ever "made a baby" or "created a child" or "created a new life";
*** What happens when consciousness is no longer manifested;
*** How all cycles;
*** How the enculturation process puts persons to sleep even as they are certain that they are awake;
*** The beginninglessness and the expanse of infinity;
*** The limitlessness;
*** Bliss via desirelessness;
*** The source of all suffering;
*** Freedom from the pursuit of meaning;
*** Infinite Cause;
*** The link between mind and fear;
*** Why "the mind" is a total illusion;
*** Why all perceived via "a mind" is false and is illusory;
*** Why you must be out of your mind to be sane;
*** Why all knowledge is nothing more than learned ignorance;
*** Why time and timelines are illusions;
*** How illusions are taken to be real by persons;
*** What the Oneness Truly Is;
*** What you are not; and
*** Who / What You Truly Are ... to name but a portion of what becomes understood.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
21 December 2013
170. Continued study of the messages available via the vision made clear a distinction between "ego," "ego-states," and egotism.
171. The word "ego comes from Latin and means “I.” Specifically, it is the pronoun used by those who believe any false identity to be real.
172. The wise see that the concept of ego becomes the source of perceived separation and the source of fighting to preserve image.
173. An ego-state is that “state” in which a persona "exists," taking itself and false assigned or assumed roles to be true identities. An ego-state is always identified by placing a word after "I am" (such as, "I am a spouse"; "I am a lover"; "I am an employee," "I am a teacher," "I am spiritual," "I am religious," "I am an alcoholic," etc.)
174. Egotism is one of the many ego-defense mechanisms used to defend an assumed ego (or false self).
175. When an identity is assumed, that is, when an ego is taken to be a real identity by a person, that person will enter into an ego-state; when functioning from within an ego-state, egotism triggers and defends the false identity.
176. Soon, with egotism at play, the ego - the false assigned or assumed identity - self-promotes itself to a "Super "role.
177. In that process of egotism upgrading self, it automatically downgrades "others," so while the ego-state of "The Wife" only needs the codependent, counterpart player of "The Husband" for her to supposedly "exist," after being upgraded to "The Super Wife," she must have "A Super Husband" to fulfill the illusion of her upgraded role. The same happens when "The Husband" engages in a self-upgrading that is followed by a downgrading of his spouse. Any wonder that the divorce rate is so high when duality and role-assumption and upgrading and downgrading are at play? Any wonder that there is such widespread sense of separation and fighting and chaos on the planet when duality and role-assumption and upgrading and downgrading are at play?
178. The vision showed that a body with a mind that formed within a part of a brain is the prerequisite for assuming false identities or for accepting assigned false identities as real.
179. It showed that the absorption in the "mind stage" allows for the assumption of "bad" roles and "good" roles.
180. It showed that it is at the third step, when religious and spiritual roles are assumed and played, that the entire seven-step "journey" to Full Realization usually comes to a halt and is never completed.
181. It showed that - if seekers are willing to see that there is far more to the "journey" than replacing old "bad" roles with new "good" roles - then they have a chance to move on along the "path," complete all seven of the steps, and see that all of the nonsense they had been taught is wiped out completely when an understanding of the functioning of the totality comes.
182. It is the vision that can reveal the manner in which the totality functions:
183. "Functioning" refers to how all in this universe actually operates and how it has always operated and how all that is or was in all universes has functioned and is functioning and will always function.
184. "Totality" refers to every happening that has ever happened, that is presently happening, and that will eventually happen, infinitely.
185. Upon the manifestation of Full Realization which the vision can bring about, the complete understanding comes of how all has happened and how all happens and how all will forever happen. How inclusive is that understanding? Among all that is understood are the following:
*** How this universe and all prior universes came to be;
*** How consciousness manifests in a space or form;
*** Where You were in the days and weeks prior to "conception";
*** Where You Were prior to consciousness and manifestation;
*** What is relative and What Is Absolute;
*** Why no external Power or God or Goddesses or "Creator" can exist and how that can be proved scientifically;
*** Why no truth can be found except within but why a "guide" is required to focus Your search for Truth;
*** Why You Were never born and cannot die;
*** Why, post-manifestation, there will be no eternal form or body or "you";
*** Why all notions of "who-ness" are false:
*** Why notions about a "Supreme Self" are dualistic, all talk about Oneness notwithstanding;
*** Why neither eternal reward nor punishment awaits;
*** Why abiding unnaturally and / or supernaturally is insane and why only natural living is sane;
*** Why Reality is non-dual;
*** How persons come to believe that they are in the world instead of understanding that "the world" is in them ... in their "minds";
*** Why "memories" about things relative have no validity;
*** What the difference is between awareness and consciousness;
*** Why only "the nothingness" is valid, ultimately;
*** The difference between "love" and "Real Love";
*** How to find Real Love in "an unreal world";
*** Why most persons fear independence and actually do not prefer it at all over their dependencies and their co-dependencies;
*** Why there is nothing that is personal;
*** What Your Original Nature is;
*** How to move through the relative existence as if dancing lightly;
*** Why dual-minded persons are unstable in all ways;
*** Why all things relative are much ado about nothing;
*** How Reality can be overlaid on the relative;
*** Why I AM THAT and I AM are not two;
*** What generates instability;
*** How to "be stable";
*** How personality forms and determines thoughts and words and deeds;
*** How personality preempts the ability to choose ... to make choices;
*** Why belief in an external locus of power and control is fiction;
*** How role-assumption generates dependency and co-dependency;
*** What bliss is and what bliss is not;
*** Why you must be empty before you can be full;
*** Why there is no such thing as "peace of mind";
*** Why there is no "doer";
*** Why a "mind" and "wisdom" cannot co-exist within a person;
*** What the real cause of desire and fear is;
*** What the difference is between emotions and feelings;
*** Why freedom is a prerequisite for peace and happiness;
*** Why You have nothing to do with either "time" or "space" or "form";
*** How it is that trillions of persons have been in error regarding their ideas and concepts and beliefs and perceptions and why only a few at any given point in the history of planet earth have seen clearly;
*** What "The Ultimate Sickness" is and what "The Ultimate Medicine" is;
*** What the exact steps are that must be taken in order to be free of belief in the false "I" / "I's";
*** What the differences are between programming, conditioning, acculturation, and domestication;
*** What the relative effects of programming, conditioning, acculturation, and domestication are;
*** Why no humans have ever "made a baby" or "created a child" or "created a new life";
*** What happens when consciousness is no longer manifested;
*** How all cycles;
*** How the enculturation process puts persons to sleep even as they are certain that they are awake;
*** The beginninglessness and the expanse of infinity;
*** The limitlessness;
*** Bliss via desirelessness;
*** The source of all suffering;
*** Freedom from the pursuit of meaning;
*** Infinite Cause;
*** The link between mind and fear;
*** Why "the mind" is a total illusion;
*** Why all perceived via "a mind" is false and is illusory;
*** Why you must be out of your mind to be sane;
*** Why all knowledge is nothing more than learned ignorance;
*** Why time and timelines are illusions;
*** How illusions are taken to be real by persons;
*** What the Oneness Truly Is;
*** What you are not; and
*** Who / What You Truly Are ... to name but a portion of what becomes understood.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
21 December 2013
F.: Other clarifications that came via the vision follow. NOTE: An entire glossary - relevant to those early on in the seeking process but including pointers for those far along "the path" - is available in the eBook below entitled "FROM THE I TO THE ABSOLUTE (A Seven-Step Journey to Reality)" which is also included in the paperback four-book anthology entitled, "The Advanced Seekers' Series."
152. After days and weeks of reading and re-reading the vision and garnering one additional understanding after another from its content, I took a break. One day, I was lying on the couch listening to music when I was tossed up into a sitting position. I stood and raced to the room where the latest, most expanded, version of the vision sat on a desk and I began reading it again.
153. At the end of that re-reading came the moment when the seven steps on the "path" became clear. At one time or another, Maharaj had discussed every element of the "journey" which the vision depicted, but he never once explained exactly how the seekers who came his way were to " … go back, reverse, to the source" or how they were to "follow the same path by which you came."
154. It was clear that his teaching method was to point the seekers' focus in a certain direction and then he would send them away to sit in the quiet, tap into the inner guru, and realize - to bring into full consciousness - that which they had known originally but which had been blocked off via programming, conditioning, etc.
155. Re-reading the vision again with the focus on understanding the exact, step-wise manner for " … going back, reversing, to the source" and "following the same path by which you came," it all became perfectly clear. To this day, the means by which seekers can find the steps are laid out here before them; however, in the fashion of my teacher, the final awareness of the steps is left for them to find. The steps are clear. They are laid out here for you. Merely follow the invitation that has ended the thousands of postings offered on this site: just "enter into the silence of contemplation." See. See clearly. See all.
156. Then, several revelations that were emanating from the inner resource (that is, via the pure consciousness ... the inner guru) came:
157. Even as a young child whose age was measured in a single digit, you questioned the nonsensical dogma you heard in the religious venues you were forced to visit. As soon as you left home, you swore never to enter the doors of such institutions again. But then, in later years, you allowed a woman to pull you back. You compromised. You cratered. You turned from the Authentic Self and, per her demands, you played with her the role of "The Super Religious One." And that phony role-playing continued until you became totally repulsed by the fraud that you had become and until you became completely sickened by the forfeiture of your inner peace, thoroughly disgusted with "self" - with the phony role.
158. So that phase ended once and for all, but the remaining restlessness propelled you deeper into the role of "The Seeker."
159. During that phase, you did it all. You made a second job of merely living. You assumed the role of "The Spiritual Giant"; you studied with those who had become millionaires off the non-dual teachings, specifically, those Maharaj would later warn you to stay away from, namely, "The Big Name Teachers."
160. Like the millions of so-called "spiritual people" on the planet, you thought you had finally "arrived" at the end of "the path," believing that you had completed a "journey" that had, actually, not even reached the midway point. It was as if you had left Los Angeles to journey to New York, had reached Kansas, and has suddenly stopped traveling along the path to New York, delusionally convinced that you had already arrive in New York when you were hardly halfway there. You were mistakingly believing that Kansas was the end of the journey and that you had arrived in New York. How delusional. How deceived. How completely fooled you were as "they" who said you had arrived had fooled you once and then as you fooled yourself time and again afterwards by believing "them."
161. You joined those that Maharaj spoke of who were playing their "kindergarten spirituality" games. You delusionally thought that you were enlightened, standing in the brightness of the noonday sun when, in fact, you had not so much as left the dimness of the dull dawn.
162. Then, this: The vision should have made clear by now that if you believe that there is some version or element of "Floyd's Self" that is going to exist after this manifestation, you have not actually realized anything in fact. You have not been liberated - that is - freed from the subconscious influence of personality that drives your thoughts and words and actions.
163. The revelations continued: The vision should have made clear by now that if you believe that there is some "Supreme Self" that is going to exist after this manifestation and that you will find that you are That Supreme Self as well, then you have not actually realized anything.
164. Look at the end of the vision. What remains? Energy remains. Nothing that bears even the slightest comparison to what seemed to be "floyd" (or "Floyd" for that matter) remains.
165. No god or gods were met. No judgment happened. There was nothing like the process when Nazis unloaded Jewish people from cattle cars at Auschwitz whereupon they were instructed with the pointing of a commander's finger to go left or to go right (meaning, "go to the work camp and live for a time" or "go to the gas chamber and die now").
166. There was no Commander / God / Supreme Being at the end of the vision that was pointing left toward a heaven or a higher reincarnation, and there was no Commander / God / Supreme Being at the end of the vision that was pointing to the right toward a hell or a lower incarnation. There was no Great Conductor orchestrating all of the events and happenings on earth and throughout the universe, and that realization explained why so many sour notes were being hit constantly all around the planet. Then, indeed, if that's the best the Great Conductor can come up with, should anyone be impressed? Should anyone continue believing in "Greatness" when the planet-wide results are consistently falling so very far short of anything "great"?
167. Looking back at the vision, it became clear that, rather than all of the things that had been promised (or threatened), there was instead ... nothing. To paraphrase Krishna, those who know that I - the Absolute (energy) - am beyond both beingness and non-beingness are wise. All others are fools.
168. Then, Yes ... the Nothingness ... the Void. Next, "Wisdom is knowing that I am nothing." Yes ... that's it! Nothing. Nothing now. Nothing later.
169. Then this: "Now, take that back to the relative and overlay that understanding on the remainder of the manifestation. Be nothing. Abide spontaneously. Abide in a nisarga, all-natural fashion. Forget trying to live in a supernatural / spiritual / religious fashion. Forget living in that unnatural fashion where you made a second job of mere living, where you engaged into all kinds of "spiritual exercises" and did your so-called "spiritual work." Stop it! Just live simply and naturally, as does everything else on the planet except role-playing humans who are strutting about on the stage of the Theater of the Lie, totally lost in the dream of the planet and playing their roles for so long that they take them to be real. Stop it! Just BE!
To be continued.
Please enter into the silence of contemplation.
[See "older posts" for the rest of the vision series]
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Therefore, another movement or shift is happening here spontaneously after reflecting on the more than two decades since the teachings were first offered here and looking at the results of Maharaj sharing pointers in his loft and looking at the results of "Floyd" sharing pointers in this electronic loft: Looking objectively at his results, Maharaj's satsang method of sharing - in the end and by his own admission (only "one out of 10,000,000") - did not produce the intended outcome.
* * * * * * *



Anthology of four books

Anthology of six books



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[Please note: When the Direct Path Teaching Method is offered in conjunction with the Nisarga Yoga, something unique results when compared to what happens via the approach used by religions, spiritual movements, philosophies, ideologies, etc.:
rather than inviting seekers to learn more, the invitation here is to unlearn all; rather than offerings teachings, what is offered are unteachings; rather than offering to provide seekers more of anything, seekers will find that the process will take away everything. And via that process, the bliss of Your Original Nature will manifest and remain until mahasamadhi is taken.
To that end, the content of this book will seem radical to the seekers of more, but for those truly ready to be totally free and totally independent - and for those who are truly ready to abandon efforts to accumulate and to de-accumulate instead - the pointers in this book might be relevant.]
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152. After days and weeks of reading and re-reading the vision and garnering one additional understanding after another from its content, I took a break. One day, I was lying on the couch listening to music when I was tossed up into a sitting position. I stood and raced to the room where the latest, most expanded, version of the vision sat on a desk and I began reading it again.
153. At the end of that re-reading came the moment when the seven steps on the "path" became clear. At one time or another, Maharaj had discussed every element of the "journey" which the vision depicted, but he never once explained exactly how the seekers who came his way were to " … go back, reverse, to the source" or how they were to "follow the same path by which you came."
154. It was clear that his teaching method was to point the seekers' focus in a certain direction and then he would send them away to sit in the quiet, tap into the inner guru, and realize - to bring into full consciousness - that which they had known originally but which had been blocked off via programming, conditioning, etc.
155. Re-reading the vision again with the focus on understanding the exact, step-wise manner for " … going back, reversing, to the source" and "following the same path by which you came," it all became perfectly clear. To this day, the means by which seekers can find the steps are laid out here before them; however, in the fashion of my teacher, the final awareness of the steps is left for them to find. The steps are clear. They are laid out here for you. Merely follow the invitation that has ended the thousands of postings offered on this site: just "enter into the silence of contemplation." See. See clearly. See all.
156. Then, several revelations that were emanating from the inner resource (that is, via the pure consciousness ... the inner guru) came:
157. Even as a young child whose age was measured in a single digit, you questioned the nonsensical dogma you heard in the religious venues you were forced to visit. As soon as you left home, you swore never to enter the doors of such institutions again. But then, in later years, you allowed a woman to pull you back. You compromised. You cratered. You turned from the Authentic Self and, per her demands, you played with her the role of "The Super Religious One." And that phony role-playing continued until you became totally repulsed by the fraud that you had become and until you became completely sickened by the forfeiture of your inner peace, thoroughly disgusted with "self" - with the phony role.
158. So that phase ended once and for all, but the remaining restlessness propelled you deeper into the role of "The Seeker."
159. During that phase, you did it all. You made a second job of merely living. You assumed the role of "The Spiritual Giant"; you studied with those who had become millionaires off the non-dual teachings, specifically, those Maharaj would later warn you to stay away from, namely, "The Big Name Teachers."
160. Like the millions of so-called "spiritual people" on the planet, you thought you had finally "arrived" at the end of "the path," believing that you had completed a "journey" that had, actually, not even reached the midway point. It was as if you had left Los Angeles to journey to New York, had reached Kansas, and has suddenly stopped traveling along the path to New York, delusionally convinced that you had already arrive in New York when you were hardly halfway there. You were mistakingly believing that Kansas was the end of the journey and that you had arrived in New York. How delusional. How deceived. How completely fooled you were as "they" who said you had arrived had fooled you once and then as you fooled yourself time and again afterwards by believing "them."
161. You joined those that Maharaj spoke of who were playing their "kindergarten spirituality" games. You delusionally thought that you were enlightened, standing in the brightness of the noonday sun when, in fact, you had not so much as left the dimness of the dull dawn.
162. Then, this: The vision should have made clear by now that if you believe that there is some version or element of "Floyd's Self" that is going to exist after this manifestation, you have not actually realized anything in fact. You have not been liberated - that is - freed from the subconscious influence of personality that drives your thoughts and words and actions.
163. The revelations continued: The vision should have made clear by now that if you believe that there is some "Supreme Self" that is going to exist after this manifestation and that you will find that you are That Supreme Self as well, then you have not actually realized anything.
164. Look at the end of the vision. What remains? Energy remains. Nothing that bears even the slightest comparison to what seemed to be "floyd" (or "Floyd" for that matter) remains.
165. No god or gods were met. No judgment happened. There was nothing like the process when Nazis unloaded Jewish people from cattle cars at Auschwitz whereupon they were instructed with the pointing of a commander's finger to go left or to go right (meaning, "go to the work camp and live for a time" or "go to the gas chamber and die now").
166. There was no Commander / God / Supreme Being at the end of the vision that was pointing left toward a heaven or a higher reincarnation, and there was no Commander / God / Supreme Being at the end of the vision that was pointing to the right toward a hell or a lower incarnation. There was no Great Conductor orchestrating all of the events and happenings on earth and throughout the universe, and that realization explained why so many sour notes were being hit constantly all around the planet. Then, indeed, if that's the best the Great Conductor can come up with, should anyone be impressed? Should anyone continue believing in "Greatness" when the planet-wide results are consistently falling so very far short of anything "great"?
167. Looking back at the vision, it became clear that, rather than all of the things that had been promised (or threatened), there was instead ... nothing. To paraphrase Krishna, those who know that I - the Absolute (energy) - am beyond both beingness and non-beingness are wise. All others are fools.
168. Then, Yes ... the Nothingness ... the Void. Next, "Wisdom is knowing that I am nothing." Yes ... that's it! Nothing. Nothing now. Nothing later.
169. Then this: "Now, take that back to the relative and overlay that understanding on the remainder of the manifestation. Be nothing. Abide spontaneously. Abide in a nisarga, all-natural fashion. Forget trying to live in a supernatural / spiritual / religious fashion. Forget living in that unnatural fashion where you made a second job of mere living, where you engaged into all kinds of "spiritual exercises" and did your so-called "spiritual work." Stop it! Just live simply and naturally, as does everything else on the planet except role-playing humans who are strutting about on the stage of the Theater of the Lie, totally lost in the dream of the planet and playing their roles for so long that they take them to be real. Stop it! Just BE!
To be continued.
Please enter into the silence of contemplation.
[See "older posts" for the rest of the vision series]
You can also scroll down through the book section below if interested in receiving a free copy of the eBook entitled
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Just hang on to those please.
Just hang on to those please.
A "movement" or "shift" happened here that added another parallel to the many parallels in terms of the phenomenal "experiences" and the noumenal revelations that "Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj" and "Floyd" share in common. (Many visitors over the years have said that they also shared the same parallels with "Maharaj" and "Floyd" as well.)
In the case of "Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj" and "Floyd":
1. both grew up in very poor families 2. both moved to populated areas to seek employment opportunities 3. both exhibited business skills that led to their opening and operating many businesses and to their having a large number of employees working for them 4. both succeeded financially 5. both became attached to accumulating; 6. both married and had a family 7. both were initially religious 8. both moved away from organized religion and became interested in "spiritual" matters, finding and following the teachings of a big name teacher (or, in "Floyd's" case, many big name teachers) 9. both had highly religious wives who were quite displeased with the shift away from religion and toward "spirituality" 10. both began to feel empty in spite of all of their "spiritual seeking" and in spite of all of their accumulated "spiritual knowledge";
1. both grew up in very poor families 2. both moved to populated areas to seek employment opportunities 3. both exhibited business skills that led to their opening and operating many businesses and to their having a large number of employees working for them 4. both succeeded financially 5. both became attached to accumulating; 6. both married and had a family 7. both were initially religious 8. both moved away from organized religion and became interested in "spiritual" matters, finding and following the teachings of a big name teacher (or, in "Floyd's" case, many big name teachers) 9. both had highly religious wives who were quite displeased with the shift away from religion and toward "spirituality" 10. both began to feel empty in spite of all of their "spiritual seeking" and in spite of all of their accumulated "spiritual knowledge";
11. both began to de-accumulate after both saw that they could survive quite well on a fraction of the income they had been making
12. both had wives who were unhappy when the de-accumulation stage was entered and both had wives who became unhappy about their husbands' focus on non-duality and who blamed their unhappiness on no longer having a religious husband
(The facts be known, in both cases the unhappiness involved the fact that their husbands were no longer interested in - or willing - to work 80+ hours per week and that their husbands were no longer interested in accumulating wealth and possessions and providing the rich lifestyle to which their wives had grown accustomed)
13. both eventually came to see that the religious and spiritual states were also ego-states, and both saw that there are far more steps on the "path" to complete after reaching the religious and spiritual steps and after playing those roles which are the third of seven steps on the entire "path" 14. both "lost" their wives (one via "death," the other through divorce); 15. both accelerated their seeking; 16. both entered into the "forest dweller stage" 17. both Realized 18. both began to de-accumulate even more
19. both began sharing the teachings 20. for years, both answered questions in whatever order those questions were received, though both said that the movement from identification with the false "I" / "I's" involved an exact, step-wise manner of moving along a "path" that involved "going back" in the same (but reverse order) of the way they "came in" - that is, the way that the manifestation happened and the way that the consciousness was blocked through seven stages that resulted in their becoming identified solely with their false personas, with the content of the "mind," and eventually, with the body. But the most significant awareness that finally came to both after years of offering satsang and after having answered thousands and thousands of questions was this: After years of "Maharaj" offering satsang in his loft, and after years of "Floyd" offering satsang in meeting halls and in his home and via what one site visitor called "Floyd's electronic loft," this fact became obvious to both: "Maharaj" came to see in the 1970's and into 1980 and 1981 that his approach was not working and "Floyd" finally came to see the same.
13. both eventually came to see that the religious and spiritual states were also ego-states, and both saw that there are far more steps on the "path" to complete after reaching the religious and spiritual steps and after playing those roles which are the third of seven steps on the entire "path" 14. both "lost" their wives (one via "death," the other through divorce); 15. both accelerated their seeking; 16. both entered into the "forest dweller stage" 17. both Realized 18. both began to de-accumulate even more
19. both began sharing the teachings 20. for years, both answered questions in whatever order those questions were received, though both said that the movement from identification with the false "I" / "I's" involved an exact, step-wise manner of moving along a "path" that involved "going back" in the same (but reverse order) of the way they "came in" - that is, the way that the manifestation happened and the way that the consciousness was blocked through seven stages that resulted in their becoming identified solely with their false personas, with the content of the "mind," and eventually, with the body. But the most significant awareness that finally came to both after years of offering satsang and after having answered thousands and thousands of questions was this: After years of "Maharaj" offering satsang in his loft, and after years of "Floyd" offering satsang in meeting halls and in his home and via what one site visitor called "Floyd's electronic loft," this fact became obvious to both: "Maharaj" came to see in the 1970's and into 1980 and 1981 that his approach was not working and "Floyd" finally came to see the same.
21. Both saw that many who heard the teachings are not going to understand (Maharaj reporting that "only 1 in 100,000 are going to 'get' this" understanding)
22. both soon saw that even more than expected of those who heard the teachings were not going to understand (Maharaj modifying his "guesstimate" and reporting that "only 1 in 1,000,000 are going to 'get' this" understanding)
23. eventually both saw that even far more than expected of those who heard the teachings were not going to understand (Maharaj eventually concluding that "only 1 in 10,000,000 are going to 'get' this" understanding). And the failings were not the fault of seekers.
A "one -in-ten-million" estimate is proof that satsang was not working for most seekers, and the evidence here lately is proof of the same.
Both "Maharaj" and "Floyd" invited seekers to focus on the exact, step-wise "path." Yes, during satsang, "Maharaj" sometimes alluded to the steps while discussing them in no particular order - but he never once laid out the steps in the exact order in which they had to be completed. That was not his teachings style or approach.
Therefore, another movement or shift is happening here spontaneously after reflecting on the more than two decades since the teachings were first offered here and looking at the results of Maharaj sharing pointers in his loft and looking at the results of "Floyd" sharing pointers in this electronic loft: Looking objectively at his results, Maharaj's satsang method of sharing - in the end and by his own admission (only "one out of 10,000,000") - did not produce the intended outcome.
Looking objectively at the results here when using an "electronic loft" satsang method of sharing has not produced the intended outcome nearly as often as any of the three "face-to-face" methods used with seekers by which they have been led through the seven steps in order.
Here, the body is growing older, of course. Mahasamadhi could be taken today, or it could be taken in twenty years.
Obviously, that cannot be known. But the decision here has been made that whatever amount of the relative existence remains shall be spent in sharing the teachings in the ways that have been seen over the last 20+ years to be the most effective methods.
Looking back over the list of those that have truly received the understanding, it is seen that Robert R. read all of the books, then took the online Advaita course and then completed some face-to-face Skype sessions to receive the final clarifications required. It was seen that Mac read all of the books, completed the online course, and then attended a retreat where he was guided through the seven steps. Mac said that the online course work inspired him to attend the retreat in order to be able to receive the final "pieces." It was seen that Andy Gugar, Jr. read all of the books, then came here for a retreat and was taken through the seven steps in order, and then returned once more for the final clarifications required. After reviewing the shifts that happened with him after attending two retreats, he reaffirmed this past week his commitment to helping spread the non-duality, nisarga understanding as presented here. As a result of seeing what has "worked" during the last 20+ years of sharing the non-duality understanding - and seeing what had not "worked" as well - changes will be made.
Looking back over the list of those that have truly received the understanding, it is seen that Robert R. read all of the books, then took the online Advaita course and then completed some face-to-face Skype sessions to receive the final clarifications required. It was seen that Mac read all of the books, completed the online course, and then attended a retreat where he was guided through the seven steps. Mac said that the online course work inspired him to attend the retreat in order to be able to receive the final "pieces." It was seen that Andy Gugar, Jr. read all of the books, then came here for a retreat and was taken through the seven steps in order, and then returned once more for the final clarifications required. After reviewing the shifts that happened with him after attending two retreats, he reaffirmed this past week his commitment to helping spread the non-duality, nisarga understanding as presented here. As a result of seeing what has "worked" during the last 20+ years of sharing the non-duality understanding - and seeing what had not "worked" as well - changes will be made.
In "Part One," examples were given of seekers that were led to Realization not by satsang but by following the various protocols outlined farther down this page which provide the understanding in the step-wise, orderly, required fashion which moves seekers along a "path" that is as prescribed by Maharaj ... "going back" in the "reverse order" by which the consciousness manifested and became blocked.
However, conversations with some that just read the majority of the books have revealed that they certainly seem to have grasped the understanding and Realized as well.
As a result of seeing what has "worked" during the last 20+ years of sharing the non-duality understanding - and seeing what has "not worked" as well - changes are being made.
There are seven specific steps that happen when awareness-energy is "pulled" into a cycle of manifestation. When that energy manifests as conscious-energy, that formerly pure and unadulterated energy becomes "corrupted" (or "blocked" from seeing clearly) via programming, conditioning, domestication, acculturation, and brainwashing. Soon, there is a belief in the not-Real as a result of seven degrees of separation from an understanding of the Real.
Using the method that was also employed by his contemporaries - a method which focused on offering non-duality pointers via satsang - Maharaj addressed questions in the order in which they were received. He might receive a question from a seeker at the third step and his reply would include what amounted to an invitation to move to the fourth step. The next question might come from a seeker at the first step, and the reply would include an invitation to move to the second step.
The information offered to the second seeker would seemingly contradict what was offered to the first seeker, so visitors who have come here for decades have asked questions which showed how confused they were by the fact that Maharaj's statements to each visitor in his loft were "level-appropriate" yet were provided in no precise order, resulting in what seemed to be an inconsistent message.
So the process overall was confusing in that
seekers were told to follow the "path back" in the same way that they "came in," except in reverse order,
pointers were not given in a specific, step-wise order at all.
Maharaj did recognize the seven steps that are taught here, but by offering the teachings in an order that was dictated by the order in which questions were received from seekers who were at different steps on the "path," the result was this:
a pointer about moving beyond the fourth step might be followed by a pointer about moving beyond the first step, and that pointer might be followed by a pointer about how to move beyond the sixth step.
The same was done on this site for seven years. The result is a collection of 1,800 or so essays discussing almost every non-duality topic that can be discussed, and the search button on the top right side of this page will now allow seekers with a question about a specific topic to find an explanation. That method, however, will never provide the manner in which the seven steps on the "path" must be transmitted and received in order to Realize Fully.
An objective study of the history here of more than twenty years of offering non-duality pointers reveals this: seekers that were given pointers in the exact order in which they needed to receive them were the ones that Realized.
They read the books, then they completed the online course and / or completed seven Skype or telephone sessions or came here for a retreat (or watched the downloadable DVD version of an actual retreat, available below).
Some found that which they were seeking by reading the author's book that deal with non-duality subject matter. Via all of those venues, the steps are taught in their proper order.
The essays available on this site will remain for those interested in searching for a discussion of a particular non-duality topic without charge, but the focus here until mahasamadhi is taken is going to be on offering the teachings in the step-wise fashion that has been seen to work.
(Four by Floyd Henderson and two by Dennis Waite. Click the picture for more information or to order)
(Four by Floyd Henderson and two by Dennis Waite. Click the picture for more information or to order)
* * * * * * *
are available at
Floyd Henderson's Website
International buyers: note the separate option for those outside the continental U.S.
II. BY READING the explanations offered in the collection of non-duality books that are available on this site and at www.floydhenderson.com.
III. BY ENROLLING in the Online Advaita Classes For information, visit Information on the Advaita Classes on the Internet To enroll visit Enroll in the Advaita Internet Course
IV. BY ATTENDING an Advaitin retreat with floyd and being guided through all seven steps. For details of the retreats offered, please visit the retreat information site.
V. BY ARRANGING a one-hour session via Skype or telephone with Floyd. (Skype is a free service.)
Click the button to pay and you will be contacted to arrange a date and time for the call.
Floyd Henderson's Website
Within minutes of purchase you can be reading any of the eBooks below on your mobile devices, including an iPhone, iPad, Android tablet, Android phone, laptop, home computer or on a Kindle reader.
For Apple and Android, either download the eBook directly onto your device or email the eBook file to your mobile device and open the file from your email. For Kindles or other similar devices, use your USB cable to transfer the eBook to your reader.
I. BY WATCHING the 4-Disk, Seven-Hour Video (DVD) Set of an advaita retreat, or the downloadable file version. To find out more or to purchase the DVD or downloadable computer file version of the retreat, DVD or Downloadable computer file versions of the Four-Day Advaita Retreat
I. BY WATCHING the 4-Disk, Seven-Hour Video (DVD) Set of an advaita retreat, or the downloadable file version. To find out more or to purchase the DVD or downloadable computer file version of the retreat, DVD or Downloadable computer file versions of the Four-Day Advaita Retreat
International buyers: note the separate option for those outside the continental U.S.
II. BY READING the explanations offered in the collection of non-duality books that are available on this site and at www.floydhenderson.com.
III. BY ENROLLING in the Online Advaita Classes For information, visit Information on the Advaita Classes on the Internet To enroll visit Enroll in the Advaita Internet Course
IV. BY ATTENDING an Advaitin retreat with floyd and being guided through all seven steps. For details of the retreats offered, please visit the retreat information site.
V. BY ARRANGING a one-hour session via Skype or telephone with Floyd. (Skype is a free service.)
Click the button to pay and you will be contacted to arrange a date and time for the call.
Floyd Henderson's Website
FROM THE I TO THE ABSOLUTE: A Seven-Step Journey to the Absolute



Anthology of four books

Anthology of six books


For more information on this book, or to purchase a copy now, click:


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[Please note: When the Direct Path Teaching Method is offered in conjunction with the Nisarga Yoga, something unique results when compared to what happens via the approach used by religions, spiritual movements, philosophies, ideologies, etc.:
rather than inviting seekers to learn more, the invitation here is to unlearn all; rather than offerings teachings, what is offered are unteachings; rather than offering to provide seekers more of anything, seekers will find that the process will take away everything. And via that process, the bliss of Your Original Nature will manifest and remain until mahasamadhi is taken.
To that end, the content of this book will seem radical to the seekers of more, but for those truly ready to be totally free and totally independent - and for those who are truly ready to abandon efforts to accumulate and to de-accumulate instead - the pointers in this book might be relevant.]
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