F.: Often, one might believe that they are hearing contradictions from one sharing non-duality pointers. Sometimes they might be, or sometimes they might be hearing paradoxes.
The eBook below on “Maharaj’s Evolution” explains that
1. one might point out some inconsistencies during the years that he shifted from the use of one type yoga to another, yet even then the basic non-dual message was largely consistent;
2. some point out a shift in content and style as he began receiving more Westerners in the loft and was able to stop playing some of the games that had been played earlier in order to entice Easterners – mainly Hindus – to visit the loft in order to present a blend of what that audience was familiar with along with non-dual pointers; and
3. some pointers were not contradictions but were merely “level appropriate” pointers, each set of pointers custom-designed for two seekers who were at two different points on the “path,” so – yes – one might read comment “A” that Maharaj made in one session and comment “B” that he made in the very next session and those comments might seems to be contradictory, but they were actually just “level appropriate” instead.
And yes, he did offer a suggestion that angered some “non-dualists” when he suggested that not everyone need Realize Fully in order for the manner of one’s relative existence to shift from one marked by dependence and pain and misery and suffering to one marked by far greater levels of freedom and one marked by far less pain and misery and suffering.
[If that had not been the case, why would he have continued sharing non-dual pointers even after he came to understand that most would never Realize Fully? A visitor here once said, "Maybe M. was not restored to sanity after all. How crazy is it to teach seekers how to Realize if he is convinced that almost none of them will ever Realize?"]
Why indeed. The essence of the reply to that visitor was shared yesterday: “A man once shot off his foot and I put a tourniquet on the leg to check the flow of blood and then rushed him to a clinic. I was not able to restore him fully; I did not heal him fully; I did not ‘save’ his foot; he did not get 100% of what he would liked to have gotten (namely, restoration to his original state of wholeness). But he would have told you that getting at least part of what he was seeking was preferable to getting none of what he sought.”
So if Maharaj said that most will never Realized Fully, and if that point from him is accepted here as fact, why keep sharing?
1. Because it has been seen that those who see the way that the nine basic personality types are driving their thoughts and words and actions have an opportunity to become awake and aware and conscious of the way those types are impeding efforts to abide without the ignorance and insanity that personality generates;
2. because those who also see the other 60-80 personas / false identities (which they have been assigned or that they have assumed along the way) might have at least some chance at being free from the hidden agendas of personality and from the controlling influence of subconscious factors that are presently rendering them incapable of choosing anything; and
3. because, as Maharaj said, even if they never Realize Fully and understand “What They Really Are,” it is enough if they come to see what they are not, namely the scores of assumed roles that they are playing and that are driving them to the misery and suffering that are generated by personality disorders and by the subsequent neuroses and psychoses that can manifest after abiding under the influence of personality.
Some among “the OCD-driven, totally anal, totally perfectionistic non-dualists” will disagree with those points completely, dismissing them as a form of “non-dual heresy.” So it is. They would likely say, “If the man could not get the whole deal and have his foot re-attached and have his right leg and foot restored to its original state of oneness, to heck with it. If he could not enjoy the unicity of a foot-leg vs. a footless leg, then what he did get was not enough and was, ultimately, a total waste.”
Fine. Take whatever view you want to take, but he and his wife and two sons had a totally different perspective. And a totally different outlook prevails here as well, so . . .
A. if seekers that come this way do not Realize Fully but understand some of the pointers offered here that eventually free them to some degree from the insanity of personality, bring it on; and
B. if seekers that come this way do not Realize Fully but understand some of the pointers offered here that eventually free them to some degree from the insanity of erroneously believing that they are something that they are not, bring it on; and
C. if seekers suffering from the Ultimate Sickness come this way and only receive a “mental tourniquet” that inhibits to some degree the loss of sanity and reason and logic, bring it on.
Most are familiar with the tale about a fellow feeling sorry for himself because he had no shoes until he saw a man who had no foot. (Actually, “A’s” having no foot does not address at all the fact that “B” still need shoes but he does not have them; that example of illogical thinking that is rooted in a dualistic “better-than-worse-than” comparison notwithstanding, the non-Realized could “benefit” – relatively speaking - from a change in perspective.
But the point is this: I, too, saw a man who had no foot, but he welcomed the fact that the manifestation of consciousness was able to continue for a spell, even with one footless leg.)
Here, if the option is to assist in the administering of a dose of the Ultimate Medicine - even if that initial dosage might only partially address the symptoms of the Ultimate Sickness - so be it. And who knows . . . it might be that the Medicine continues to work and that some additional relief – or even total relief - from the symptoms of the Ultimate Sickness might eventually manifest. Here, the view is that it’s worth a shot.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
29 April 2014
F.: Often, one might believe that they are hearing contradictions from one sharing non-duality pointers. Sometimes they might be, or sometimes they might be hearing paradoxes.
The eBook below on “Maharaj’s Evolution” explains that
1. one might point out some inconsistencies during the years that he shifted from the use of one type yoga to another, yet even then the basic non-dual message was largely consistent;
2. some point out a shift in content and style as he began receiving more Westerners in the loft and was able to stop playing some of the games that had been played earlier in order to entice Easterners – mainly Hindus – to visit the loft in order to present a blend of what that audience was familiar with along with non-dual pointers; and
3. some pointers were not contradictions but were merely “level appropriate” pointers, each set of pointers custom-designed for two seekers who were at two different points on the “path,” so – yes – one might read comment “A” that Maharaj made in one session and comment “B” that he made in the very next session and those comments might seems to be contradictory, but they were actually just “level appropriate” instead.
And yes, he did offer a suggestion that angered some “non-dualists” when he suggested that not everyone need Realize Fully in order for the manner of one’s relative existence to shift from one marked by dependence and pain and misery and suffering to one marked by far greater levels of freedom and one marked by far less pain and misery and suffering.
[If that had not been the case, why would he have continued sharing non-dual pointers even after he came to understand that most would never Realize Fully? A visitor here once said, "Maybe M. was not restored to sanity after all. How crazy is it to teach seekers how to Realize if he is convinced that almost none of them will ever Realize?"]
Why indeed. The essence of the reply to that visitor was shared yesterday: “A man once shot off his foot and I put a tourniquet on the leg to check the flow of blood and then rushed him to a clinic. I was not able to restore him fully; I did not heal him fully; I did not ‘save’ his foot; he did not get 100% of what he would liked to have gotten (namely, restoration to his original state of wholeness). But he would have told you that getting at least part of what he was seeking was preferable to getting none of what he sought.”
So if Maharaj said that most will never Realized Fully, and if that point from him is accepted here as fact, why keep sharing?
1. Because it has been seen that those who see the way that the nine basic personality types are driving their thoughts and words and actions have an opportunity to become awake and aware and conscious of the way those types are impeding efforts to abide without the ignorance and insanity that personality generates;
2. because those who also see the other 60-80 personas / false identities (which they have been assigned or that they have assumed along the way) might have at least some chance at being free from the hidden agendas of personality and from the controlling influence of subconscious factors that are presently rendering them incapable of choosing anything; and
3. because, as Maharaj said, even if they never Realize Fully and understand “What They Really Are,” it is enough if they come to see what they are not, namely the scores of assumed roles that they are playing and that are driving them to the misery and suffering that are generated by personality disorders and by the subsequent neuroses and psychoses that can manifest after abiding under the influence of personality.
Some among “the OCD-driven, totally anal, totally perfectionistic non-dualists” will disagree with those points completely, dismissing them as a form of “non-dual heresy.” So it is. They would likely say, “If the man could not get the whole deal and have his foot re-attached and have his right leg and foot restored to its original state of oneness, to heck with it. If he could not enjoy the unicity of a foot-leg vs. a footless leg, then what he did get was not enough and was, ultimately, a total waste.”
Fine. Take whatever view you want to take, but he and his wife and two sons had a totally different perspective. And a totally different outlook prevails here as well, so . . .
A. if seekers that come this way do not Realize Fully but understand some of the pointers offered here that eventually free them to some degree from the insanity of personality, bring it on; and
B. if seekers that come this way do not Realize Fully but understand some of the pointers offered here that eventually free them to some degree from the insanity of erroneously believing that they are something that they are not, bring it on; and
C. if seekers suffering from the Ultimate Sickness come this way and only receive a “mental tourniquet” that inhibits to some degree the loss of sanity and reason and logic, bring it on.
Most are familiar with the tale about a fellow feeling sorry for himself because he had no shoes until he saw a man who had no foot. (Actually, “A’s” having no foot does not address at all the fact that “B” still need shoes but he does not have them; that example of illogical thinking that is rooted in a dualistic “better-than-worse-than” comparison notwithstanding, the non-Realized could “benefit” – relatively speaking - from a change in perspective.
But the point is this: I, too, saw a man who had no foot, but he welcomed the fact that the manifestation of consciousness was able to continue for a spell, even with one footless leg.)
Here, if the option is to assist in the administering of a dose of the Ultimate Medicine - even if that initial dosage might only partially address the symptoms of the Ultimate Sickness - so be it. And who knows . . . it might be that the Medicine continues to work and that some additional relief – or even total relief - from the symptoms of the Ultimate Sickness might eventually manifest. Here, the view is that it’s worth a shot.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
29 April 2014
F.: [Continued from yesterday] Furthermore, making use of some of the Western “weapons” that can be used in the “battle against personality” can allow one to see
THE RELATIVE PROBLEMS THAT COME WHEN MISSING OUT ON CERTAIN ASPECTS THAT NEVER DEVELOPED EARLY ON (and the ways that one’s relative existence can shift if those aspects are developed).
To be Realized is not to be out of touch with "the realities of the relative." (That condition is not called “Realization.” It is called “psychosis.” Any effort to try to escape and avoid “reality” – as addicts are trying to do, for example – is not called “Realization.” It is called “a full-blown case of the Addictive Personality Disorder.”)
To Realize is to understand why
1. I AM THAT is true; and,
2. why I AM, at least for the present, is also true; and
3. why “I AM THAT; I AM” is an expression of “advaita” (meaning, “not two” or “nondual”).
Next, Maharaj said that only 1 in 100,000 will ever truly Realize; later, after working for years more with seekers, he amended his estimate to only 1 in 1,000,000; eventually, he revised that to only 1 in 10,000,000. If his final “guesstimate” is even close, it means that at any given time, the number of people on the planet that are totally, Fully Realized is not an eight-digit number or a seven-digit number or even a six-digit number but is, instead, a three-digit number.
But how many among the billions of non-Realized persons on the planet think and believe that they are Fully Realized? No clue here, but wouldn’t you suppose that number might at least be greater than a three-digit number, or even a six-digit number, and maybe even a seven-digit number, and - possibly - might even be an eight-digit number?
And how many who sat in the loft left with the erroneous belief that “Now I’ve got it! Now, I am Realized Fully!” while all along Maharaj was predicting that the odds of that being the case were actually near-non-existent?
Moreover, Maharaj said that if one never Realizes, it is enough to merely know what one is not, even if one never finds the answer to “Who am I?” (which, again, should be, “What am I?” all sense of "who-ness" and "Who-ness" being a mirage.)
If one were to reach the third step on the seven-step “path” offered here and then transition beyond all body and mind and personality identification, then the relative existent would shift is such ways that many of the symptoms of the Ultimate Sickness (symptoms identified by Maharaj as “ignorance, stupidity and insanity”) would end.
With the odds against Realization being whatever they are, does it not make sense to at least use the available science that Maharaj predicted would be available someday to verify and advance all of the elements of the non-dual teachings (or, here, “un-teachings”)?
With the possibility that persons who are totally convinced of being Realized Fully might be mistaken, would it not be worth the effort to find all of what one is not and to find how all that might still be driving one’s thoughts and words and actions without one even knowing that is happening?
That is why the Western approach to personality is used here in the early goings, offering seekers the opportunity to see clearly whether
a. any of the nine basic personality types that are a part of the psyche of all humans might still be at play; to see if
b. some of those types are exerting far too great an influence and far too much control over one’s thoughts and words and deeds; and to see
c. if there are some aspects of basic “humanity” - relatively speaking - that are absent as a result of early trauma or early programming, conditioning, etc.
For example, unless one is Fully Realized, or unless one can sit in a cave or a home all day and avoid all contact with humans while the basic requirements of the composite unity are still being met, then for the others who are having to deal with humans throughout the day, would not some slight vestige of some of the Type 2 aspects be preferable – at least for a time, at least for an interim period - since it would allow for the manifestation of a sense of empathy and compassion and at least some version of “love” or caring?
Couldn’t those aspects serve the cause of peace and harmony more than apathy, disdain, mercilessness, discord, disunity, and hatred?
Ultimately, the Realized – being fully in touch with the unicity – will feel empathy and compassion and True Love, but those moving along the “path” could contribute to the cause of peace and harmony not by assuming a Type 2 personality but by feeling some sense of empathy and compassion before the Full Understanding happens?
Now, some criticize the approach here, suggesting that personality should not be discussed in such detail when all that needs to be said is “Get rid of personality.” To them: “Say that if you like, but here, it is clear that no wellness from any sickness comes with the snap of a finger. If that were the case, the Neo-Advaita Method of Teaching would be used here instead of the Direct Path Method.”
What has been seen is that there are seven steps to be taken, but along the way, some “mini-shifts” can also happen that can contribute to at least some degree of empathy and compassion and to at least some degree of peace and harmony until Full Realization happens.
It’s like this: I was fourteen years old and was out for a Saturday excursion with two friends and their father, fishing from stretches of the sandy banks that border the Comite River north of Baton Rouge, Louisiana:
There were always a variety of snakes we saw on our walks along the river. Copperheads would rarely move when approached, so we simply gave them a wide berth and moved on. Some other varieties ran away when we approached. But the more aggressive, more territorial water moccasins (a.k.a., “swamp moccasins” or “cottonmouths”) on that hot and uncomfortable day were different. We all understood that they run from nothing, that they retreat from nothing, and that they will at times even go on the offensive.
Some of the cottonmouths we saw were three feet long, and some were doubled that, and all had the potential to provide a deadly dose of poison. To provide protection in case one of the larger, more aggressive moccasins attacked, the father had brought along a shotgun, “just in case,” he had said. And sure enough, as he was walking point for us, a very large moccasin charged from the edge of the river. It flew out of the water and its white, open mouth was almost chest high to the grown man backing up toward us. Their dad moved back quickly, trying to take aim while simultaneously backpedaling from the rapidly advancing snake.
The result: I watched as in one swoop he suddenly lost his footing and stumbled, fell onto his back, and squeezed the trigger. Rather than the #6 birdshot of a shotgun shell blasting the snake, which fled at the sound of the shotgun's explosion, the man shot the place where his leg met his foot. As I raced to his side, I saw that the only part of the foot that was still attacked to his body was hanging by a small piece of skin on the back of his leg.
His sons were screaming, paralyzed, immobilized. Now, would the proper approach have been for me to say, “I want you healed completely - and healed completely at this very instant - so I am not going to do anything that might amount to nothing more than a stopgap measure. I will only take action if I am assured that you will be instantly healed . . . and completely”?
Or might the wiser approach have been the one I took which amounted to this: I had been trained months before in first aid techniques, and I knew what could possibly help, at least temporarily. The process would only be a stopgap measure, but it was better than nothing at this point. If something could be done to render him at least somewhat better off than he was right then, that seemed the wise thing to do. Full healing might then come later.
[Such is the case with the personality work done here, Western though it is in orientation, and temporary though it is, until the full Eastern understanding comes.] To continue:
I stripped my belt from the loops on my jeans and made a makeshift tourniquet. Much of the blood flow slowed. I took my shirt and wrapped the foot and the base of the leg together and tied that off with the sleeves of the shirt. I then grabbed a water oak limb lying nearby and used my friends’ belts to secure that tree limb to the father’s leg in order to keep the foot from falling away and to keep the leg in place as we carried him out of the woods.
I had no driver’s license, but I had been driving my dad’s truck around an open field in order to learn the basics of changing transmission gears with a manual stick shift and to practice for the driving test I’d take someday, so I got behind the wheel of their father's truck and raced toward town as the two sons sat on either side of their father who was stretched out in the bed of the truck.
We had only traveled a few miles until the flashing lights of a parish sheriff's car were seen in the rear view mirror. I pulled over and as he approached, the boys were standing up in the back of truck, screaming and waving at their father. As soon as what was happening registered, the sheriff yelled, "Follow me!" and we were given an escort to a clinic in a small nearby town. [No, he never asked for my license.]
The next time I saw the father was months later, waving to me from the porch of his home one morning as I passed by, riding my bike to school. I waved back and pedaled on (knowing there was not enough time to stop because I was almost late for class and knew the sociopathic, Type 8 Coach Phillips would be giving me five swats with the board that he used to administer the Louisiana school-approved corporal punishment for tardiness).
See, the point has been made that, here, the message is always “level appropriate.” As with Maharaj, a step six pointer - offered to shift a seeker from step six to the step seven understanding - would never be offered to a seeker at the second step. Similarly, a pointer to one not Fully Realized would never be: “Just live as if you’re Fully Realized”; and it would never be: "Don't make any shifts around personality at all along the way."
Moreover, until a person is free of the subconscious, hidden agendas of the assumed personas that are driving and controlling him or her all throughout the day, then there will be no suggestion offered to that person to “just believe or claim that there are no remaining personalities that are affecting your thoughts and words and actions and it will be so.”
That is why this consideration is offered: if you are convinced that you are Fully Realized, might you be cautious enough to err on the side of wisdom and consider the possibility that there might be some personality influences that yet remain?
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
28 April 2014
F.: [Continued from yesterday] Furthermore, making use of some of the Western “weapons” that can be used in the “battle against personality” can allow one to see
THE RELATIVE PROBLEMS THAT COME WHEN MISSING OUT ON CERTAIN ASPECTS THAT NEVER DEVELOPED EARLY ON (and the ways that one’s relative existence can shift if those aspects are developed).
To be Realized is not to be out of touch with "the realities of the relative." (That condition is not called “Realization.” It is called “psychosis.” Any effort to try to escape and avoid “reality” – as addicts are trying to do, for example – is not called “Realization.” It is called “a full-blown case of the Addictive Personality Disorder.”)
To Realize is to understand why
1. I AM THAT is true; and,
2. why I AM, at least for the present, is also true; and
3. why “I AM THAT; I AM” is an expression of “advaita” (meaning, “not two” or “nondual”).
Next, Maharaj said that only 1 in 100,000 will ever truly Realize; later, after working for years more with seekers, he amended his estimate to only 1 in 1,000,000; eventually, he revised that to only 1 in 10,000,000. If his final “guesstimate” is even close, it means that at any given time, the number of people on the planet that are totally, Fully Realized is not an eight-digit number or a seven-digit number or even a six-digit number but is, instead, a three-digit number.
But how many among the billions of non-Realized persons on the planet think and believe that they are Fully Realized? No clue here, but wouldn’t you suppose that number might at least be greater than a three-digit number, or even a six-digit number, and maybe even a seven-digit number, and - possibly - might even be an eight-digit number?
And how many who sat in the loft left with the erroneous belief that “Now I’ve got it! Now, I am Realized Fully!” while all along Maharaj was predicting that the odds of that being the case were actually near-non-existent?
Moreover, Maharaj said that if one never Realizes, it is enough to merely know what one is not, even if one never finds the answer to “Who am I?” (which, again, should be, “What am I?” all sense of "who-ness" and "Who-ness" being a mirage.)
If one were to reach the third step on the seven-step “path” offered here and then transition beyond all body and mind and personality identification, then the relative existent would shift is such ways that many of the symptoms of the Ultimate Sickness (symptoms identified by Maharaj as “ignorance, stupidity and insanity”) would end.
With the odds against Realization being whatever they are, does it not make sense to at least use the available science that Maharaj predicted would be available someday to verify and advance all of the elements of the non-dual teachings (or, here, “un-teachings”)?
With the possibility that persons who are totally convinced of being Realized Fully might be mistaken, would it not be worth the effort to find all of what one is not and to find how all that might still be driving one’s thoughts and words and actions without one even knowing that is happening?
That is why the Western approach to personality is used here in the early goings, offering seekers the opportunity to see clearly whether
a. any of the nine basic personality types that are a part of the psyche of all humans might still be at play; to see if
b. some of those types are exerting far too great an influence and far too much control over one’s thoughts and words and deeds; and to see
c. if there are some aspects of basic “humanity” - relatively speaking - that are absent as a result of early trauma or early programming, conditioning, etc.
For example, unless one is Fully Realized, or unless one can sit in a cave or a home all day and avoid all contact with humans while the basic requirements of the composite unity are still being met, then for the others who are having to deal with humans throughout the day, would not some slight vestige of some of the Type 2 aspects be preferable – at least for a time, at least for an interim period - since it would allow for the manifestation of a sense of empathy and compassion and at least some version of “love” or caring?
Couldn’t those aspects serve the cause of peace and harmony more than apathy, disdain, mercilessness, discord, disunity, and hatred?
Ultimately, the Realized – being fully in touch with the unicity – will feel empathy and compassion and True Love, but those moving along the “path” could contribute to the cause of peace and harmony not by assuming a Type 2 personality but by feeling some sense of empathy and compassion before the Full Understanding happens?
Now, some criticize the approach here, suggesting that personality should not be discussed in such detail when all that needs to be said is “Get rid of personality.” To them: “Say that if you like, but here, it is clear that no wellness from any sickness comes with the snap of a finger. If that were the case, the Neo-Advaita Method of Teaching would be used here instead of the Direct Path Method.”
What has been seen is that there are seven steps to be taken, but along the way, some “mini-shifts” can also happen that can contribute to at least some degree of empathy and compassion and to at least some degree of peace and harmony until Full Realization happens.
It’s like this: I was fourteen years old and was out for a Saturday excursion with two friends and their father, fishing from stretches of the sandy banks that border the Comite River north of Baton Rouge, Louisiana:
There were always a variety of snakes we saw on our walks along the river. Copperheads would rarely move when approached, so we simply gave them a wide berth and moved on. Some other varieties ran away when we approached. But the more aggressive, more territorial water moccasins (a.k.a., “swamp moccasins” or “cottonmouths”) on that hot and uncomfortable day were different. We all understood that they run from nothing, that they retreat from nothing, and that they will at times even go on the offensive.
Some of the cottonmouths we saw were three feet long, and some were doubled that, and all had the potential to provide a deadly dose of poison. To provide protection in case one of the larger, more aggressive moccasins attacked, the father had brought along a shotgun, “just in case,” he had said. And sure enough, as he was walking point for us, a very large moccasin charged from the edge of the river. It flew out of the water and its white, open mouth was almost chest high to the grown man backing up toward us. Their dad moved back quickly, trying to take aim while simultaneously backpedaling from the rapidly advancing snake.
The result: I watched as in one swoop he suddenly lost his footing and stumbled, fell onto his back, and squeezed the trigger. Rather than the #6 birdshot of a shotgun shell blasting the snake, which fled at the sound of the shotgun's explosion, the man shot the place where his leg met his foot. As I raced to his side, I saw that the only part of the foot that was still attacked to his body was hanging by a small piece of skin on the back of his leg.
His sons were screaming, paralyzed, immobilized. Now, would the proper approach have been for me to say, “I want you healed completely - and healed completely at this very instant - so I am not going to do anything that might amount to nothing more than a stopgap measure. I will only take action if I am assured that you will be instantly healed . . . and completely”?
Or might the wiser approach have been the one I took which amounted to this: I had been trained months before in first aid techniques, and I knew what could possibly help, at least temporarily. The process would only be a stopgap measure, but it was better than nothing at this point. If something could be done to render him at least somewhat better off than he was right then, that seemed the wise thing to do. Full healing might then come later.
[Such is the case with the personality work done here, Western though it is in orientation, and temporary though it is, until the full Eastern understanding comes.] To continue:
I stripped my belt from the loops on my jeans and made a makeshift tourniquet. Much of the blood flow slowed. I took my shirt and wrapped the foot and the base of the leg together and tied that off with the sleeves of the shirt. I then grabbed a water oak limb lying nearby and used my friends’ belts to secure that tree limb to the father’s leg in order to keep the foot from falling away and to keep the leg in place as we carried him out of the woods.
I had no driver’s license, but I had been driving my dad’s truck around an open field in order to learn the basics of changing transmission gears with a manual stick shift and to practice for the driving test I’d take someday, so I got behind the wheel of their father's truck and raced toward town as the two sons sat on either side of their father who was stretched out in the bed of the truck.
We had only traveled a few miles until the flashing lights of a parish sheriff's car were seen in the rear view mirror. I pulled over and as he approached, the boys were standing up in the back of truck, screaming and waving at their father. As soon as what was happening registered, the sheriff yelled, "Follow me!" and we were given an escort to a clinic in a small nearby town. [No, he never asked for my license.]
The next time I saw the father was months later, waving to me from the porch of his home one morning as I passed by, riding my bike to school. I waved back and pedaled on (knowing there was not enough time to stop because I was almost late for class and knew the sociopathic, Type 8 Coach Phillips would be giving me five swats with the board that he used to administer the Louisiana school-approved corporal punishment for tardiness).
But as I continued to glance toward him, I saw that my friends' father had his leg propped up on a box, his crutches set to one side, the foot missing from his right leg. All else seemed to be intact.
The reason he was there, alive, and waving with gratitude? It was not because I had healed him fully, in the instant it takes to snap a finger, even as he lay bleeding into the sand next to a small river on a hot summer day in South Louisiana.
The reason he was there, alive, and waving with gratitude? It was not because I had healed him fully, in the instant it takes to snap a finger, even as he lay bleeding into the sand next to a small river on a hot summer day in South Louisiana.
He was alive on that porch that morning and able to wave because I had taken an interim step - a step that did not address at all the worst problem he faced that afternoon on a sandy stretch of the bank alongside the Comite River - but a step that did, nevertheless, make things somewhat better than they would have been, even as full treatment and healing were to come later.
See, the point has been made that, here, the message is always “level appropriate.” As with Maharaj, a step six pointer - offered to shift a seeker from step six to the step seven understanding - would never be offered to a seeker at the second step. Similarly, a pointer to one not Fully Realized would never be: “Just live as if you’re Fully Realized”; and it would never be: "Don't make any shifts around personality at all along the way."
Moreover, until a person is free of the subconscious, hidden agendas of the assumed personas that are driving and controlling him or her all throughout the day, then there will be no suggestion offered to that person to “just believe or claim that there are no remaining personalities that are affecting your thoughts and words and actions and it will be so.”
That is why this consideration is offered: if you are convinced that you are Fully Realized, might you be cautious enough to err on the side of wisdom and consider the possibility that there might be some personality influences that yet remain?
Might you also consider the possibility that there could possibly be some influences which are exerting a far-too-significant influence on you while also considering the possibility that there might be some elements which never developed that might be useful (as far as the relative existence right now is concerned)?
This would be, of course, an interim step, a “stopgap” means by which all of the perversions of personality could begin to be addressed. Just as the Eastern goal is to be free of all personality influences, and just as it was shown yesterday that there are relative consequences to being excessively-influenced by any given type, so the case if that certain duality-based perversions can also lead to consequences that no one wise and sane would find tolerable.
So, there are just some stopgap measures that can be taken to contribute somewhat to peace and harmony until Realization happens and allows peace and harmony and freedom to become the markers of one’s continuous, uninterrupted condition.
So, when early trauma or programming and conditioning and acculturation and domestication and brainwashing and indoctrination block off the typical development of some level of each of the nine types, these consequences can manifest and can be addressed as a stopgap measure, as a way to at least modify one’s relative existence somewhat until full treatment and healing come later:
AN EXCEEDINGLY LOW 1: Can cause persons to settle for less than is required for a well-functioning relative existence; can cause people to fail to do all things in the most productive manner possible; can generate chaos rather than orderliness.
AN EXCEEDINGLY LOW 2: Can cause persons to care too little about others; can cause persons to be unable to love and care; can cause a lack of generosity.
AN EXCEEDINGLY LOW 3: Can cause one to be less optimistic; can cause one to be less confident; can cause one to lack energy; and can cause one to be less efficient.
AN EXCEEDINGLY LOW 4: Can cause one to be less warm; can cause one to be less available to a partner consistently; and can cause one to be less creative and intuitive.
AN EXCEEDINGLY LOW 5: Can cause one to be less analytical and less understanding of cause and effect and motives and can cause people to be less objective and perceptive.
AN EXCEEDINGLY LOW 6: Can cause persons to be less loyal and to want to use others; can cause one to be less compassionate; and can cause one to be less giving and caring because of a sense of entitlement.
AN EXCEEDINGLY LOW 7: Can cause people to be too rigid and less fun-loving; can cause people to be unenthusiastic; and can cause people to be less curious and less spontaneous.
AN EXCEEDINGLY LOW 8: Can cause one to be indirect; can result in one attracting controlling types; can cause persons to tolerate abuse; and can cause people to be less protective of themselves and their rights.
AN EXCEEDINGLY LOW 9: Can cause people to be unpleasant; can cause people to be willing to fight rather than maintain the peace; and can cause people to be less patient.
This would be, of course, an interim step, a “stopgap” means by which all of the perversions of personality could begin to be addressed. Just as the Eastern goal is to be free of all personality influences, and just as it was shown yesterday that there are relative consequences to being excessively-influenced by any given type, so the case if that certain duality-based perversions can also lead to consequences that no one wise and sane would find tolerable.
So, there are just some stopgap measures that can be taken to contribute somewhat to peace and harmony until Realization happens and allows peace and harmony and freedom to become the markers of one’s continuous, uninterrupted condition.
So, when early trauma or programming and conditioning and acculturation and domestication and brainwashing and indoctrination block off the typical development of some level of each of the nine types, these consequences can manifest and can be addressed as a stopgap measure, as a way to at least modify one’s relative existence somewhat until full treatment and healing come later:
AN EXCEEDINGLY LOW 1: Can cause persons to settle for less than is required for a well-functioning relative existence; can cause people to fail to do all things in the most productive manner possible; can generate chaos rather than orderliness.
AN EXCEEDINGLY LOW 2: Can cause persons to care too little about others; can cause persons to be unable to love and care; can cause a lack of generosity.
AN EXCEEDINGLY LOW 3: Can cause one to be less optimistic; can cause one to be less confident; can cause one to lack energy; and can cause one to be less efficient.
AN EXCEEDINGLY LOW 4: Can cause one to be less warm; can cause one to be less available to a partner consistently; and can cause one to be less creative and intuitive.
AN EXCEEDINGLY LOW 5: Can cause one to be less analytical and less understanding of cause and effect and motives and can cause people to be less objective and perceptive.
AN EXCEEDINGLY LOW 6: Can cause persons to be less loyal and to want to use others; can cause one to be less compassionate; and can cause one to be less giving and caring because of a sense of entitlement.
AN EXCEEDINGLY LOW 7: Can cause people to be too rigid and less fun-loving; can cause people to be unenthusiastic; and can cause people to be less curious and less spontaneous.
AN EXCEEDINGLY LOW 8: Can cause one to be indirect; can result in one attracting controlling types; can cause persons to tolerate abuse; and can cause people to be less protective of themselves and their rights.
AN EXCEEDINGLY LOW 9: Can cause people to be unpleasant; can cause people to be willing to fight rather than maintain the peace; and can cause people to be less patient.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
28 April 2014
F.: As shared with one man who recently completed the personality inventory test, one aspect of the Western approach for dealing with personality (and personality defects) involves finding out which of the nine types are driving thoughts and words and deeds; then, the invitation after that is . . .
(1) to stay alert and awake and aware and conscious of the words You hear yourself saying and of the actions you take; and then,
(2) to determine which type is actually inspiring those words and deeds; and then,
(3) to turn from those subconscious agendas after seeing them at play.
To “combat” the unconscious and subconscious agendas of the multiple personalities that are driving persons, the weapons to be used against that which is unconscious and subconscious must (logically) include being conscious, being awake, and being aware of those unconscious and subconscious motives.
Until the polyps inside “floyd’s” elemental plant food body were properly diagnosed and seen to exist, their removal could not begin to be undertaken. The same applies with seeing / recognizing the presence of the unseen but “cancerous, mental polyps” (known as “personalities” or “personas”) that have taken root in the minds of the masses.
At the same time, one can introduce some “weapons” from the Eastern arsenal to combat the constant attacks that come via personality:
(4) to begin shifting away from being driven by the subconscious pressure exerted by the hidden agendas of the nine basic personalities (and by the agendas of the other 20 or 40 or 60 or 80 assumed or assigned personas / roles that at play) can be facilitated by turning one’s focus from those false identities and then focusing on the fact that what is taken to be “you” is actually nothing more than a composite unity of circulating plant food elements, circulating air / oxygen and circulating conscious-energy, the latter being introduced into the body-cum-consciousness via the consumption of plant food or via the consumption of something that ate plant food.
(5) Another strategy in the “war on personality” is to begin casting aside all beliefs, for every belief is rooted in one or more personalities. Elemental plant food has no beliefs; the air has no beliefs; the conscious-energy has no beliefs. Only a persona can actually (and erroneously) believe that it believes. To begin the task of moving toward freedom from beliefs is to simultaneously move toward freedom from personality identification.
Meanwhile, making use of some of the Western “weapons” that can be used in the “battle against personality” can allow one to see (via the test used here) exactly what happens when an excessively-strong influence of a personality type is revealed via an excessively high score in that type;
however, if you have read the descriptions offered in recent posts, you might already be gaining some awareness of which of the types are at play throughout each day of your relative existence.
Either way, you are invited to understand the following influences that are play via those basic types.
THE PROBLEMS THAT COME WITH BEING EXCESSIVELY INFLUENCED BY CERTAIN OF THE BASIC PERSONALITY TYPES (and the ways that relative experiences can undergo a major shift as a result of becoming aware of a persona’s presence and becoming aware of a persona’s influence and then enjoying the reduction in influence of any given personality, also through awareness):
AN EXCESSIVELY HIGH TYPE ONE PERFECTIONIST INFLUENCE: Can cause perfectionism, rigidity, judgmentalism, excessive criticism, and excessive self-criticism.
AN EXCESSIVELY HIGH TYPE TWO HELPER / SAVIOR INFLUENCE: Can cause an excessive dependency on relationships to feel worthy and loved; can result in extreme histrionics at times; can cause a sense of entitlement; and can inspire excessive focus on self.
AN EXCESSIVELY HIGH TYPE THREE PERFORMER INFLUENCE: Can cause one to be excessively concerned with image, to be excessively concerned with being super “successful,” to seek applause and affirmation in excessive levels, and to succumb to workaholism; can cause a sense of entitlement; can cause one to become a status-seeker; and can inspire excessive focus on self.
AN EXCESSIVELY HIGH TYPE FOUR ROMANTIC / REBEL / ESCAPIST INFLUENCE: Can cause one to overly-romanticize life; can result in one being less in touch with reality; can drive one to rebel constantly and / or to be angry and / or to fight; and can inspire excessive focus on self.
AN EXCESSIVELY HIGH TYPE FIVE ANALYST / KNOWER INFLUENCE: Can cause excessive avoidance and can cause excessive concern with being more knowledgeable than others.
AN EXCESSIVELY HIGH TYPE SIX LOYALIST / DEPENDENT / CO-DEPENDENT / SEEKER OF CARETAKERS INFLUENCE: Can cause an excessive sense of hypervigilance; can cause a sense of entitlement; can cause excessive fear; can cause excessive anxiety or even paranoia.
AN EXCESSIVELY HIGH TYPE SEVEN ADVENTURER / ADDICT INFLUENCE: Can lead to addiction; can cause people to want to have excessive fun and to escape and to obsess about having too little freedom; can cause a sense of entitlement; can cause people to avoid responsibilities; can lead to chaos.
AN EXCESSIVELY HIGH TYPE EIGHT CONTROLLER / BOSS / COMBATANT INFLUENCE: Can cause anger, aggressiveness; can cause an excessive desire to control; can attract types who are seen to be weaker and controllable; and can lead to relationships with passive-aggressive types who appear to be submissive but who always – at some point – show an aggressive side by doing whatever they want, no matter how it might contradict an agreement or understanding that has been made with a controlling Type 8.
AN EXCESSIVELY HIGH TYPE NINE AVOIDER / DODGER INFLUENCE: Can cause passive-aggressive behavior; can cause excessive avoidance; can cause a sense of entitlement; and can attract controlling types.
Are you beginning to be able to see which of those types might be exerting some influence or control over your relative existence? Are you seeing what the results are of allowing those influences to continue? Are you seeing why the Eastern sages have long advised seekers to be free of the influence of any and all personality identification and influence?
So, some suggested strategies have been offered to address the influences of personality and to ultimately attain freedom from the subsequent personality disorders and neuroses and psychoses that personality can lead to. Meanwhile, what are some techniques that have been tried over and over (and that that have been proven to wise observers over and over) to NEVER address personality disorders and neuroses and psychoses?
(A) Sitting in a meeting and talking about relative issues or bragging about "progress" that has been made.
(B) Allowing yourself to be convinced that untrained non-professionals can provide a treatment plan for one's mental and emotional and psychological issues that, in fact, only trained professions can formulate and administer.
(C) Talking to an unseen, external "Power" and asking that Power to remove your personality defects and neuroses and psychoses. (If one is awake, surely she or he could figure out that if there were an efficient and caring and all-powerful force, such a power would not have allowed those defects and neuroses and psychoses - and their subsequent misery and suffering - to manifest in the first place, so why would that source be turned to in order to have those removed? It would have been senseless to believe that the same Nazi who allowed one to be placed into a gas chamber could also be the one to provide freedom from the gas chamber if you ask faithfully and pleadingly: "Hey, would you please remove me from this gas chamber? I am really asking you to do this with unquestioning faith in your power and goodness and love, so please grant me what I'm asking for.")
(D) Failing to understand that the only power available to address such internal issues is an internal resource, an inner resource, an inner guru and failing to realize that contact with that resource was blocked long ago by way of programming, conditioning, domestication, acculturation, brainwashing, and indoctrination.
(E) And failing to see that the willingness to try to address mental and emotional and psychological issues - and their accompanying insanity - in the same way over and over without getting any results (but still expecting those methods to work at some point in the future) is a form of insanity in itself.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
27 April 2014
F.: As shared with one man who recently completed the personality inventory test, one aspect of the Western approach for dealing with personality (and personality defects) involves finding out which of the nine types are driving thoughts and words and deeds; then, the invitation after that is . . .
(1) to stay alert and awake and aware and conscious of the words You hear yourself saying and of the actions you take; and then,
(2) to determine which type is actually inspiring those words and deeds; and then,
(3) to turn from those subconscious agendas after seeing them at play.
To “combat” the unconscious and subconscious agendas of the multiple personalities that are driving persons, the weapons to be used against that which is unconscious and subconscious must (logically) include being conscious, being awake, and being aware of those unconscious and subconscious motives.
Until the polyps inside “floyd’s” elemental plant food body were properly diagnosed and seen to exist, their removal could not begin to be undertaken. The same applies with seeing / recognizing the presence of the unseen but “cancerous, mental polyps” (known as “personalities” or “personas”) that have taken root in the minds of the masses.
At the same time, one can introduce some “weapons” from the Eastern arsenal to combat the constant attacks that come via personality:
(4) to begin shifting away from being driven by the subconscious pressure exerted by the hidden agendas of the nine basic personalities (and by the agendas of the other 20 or 40 or 60 or 80 assumed or assigned personas / roles that at play) can be facilitated by turning one’s focus from those false identities and then focusing on the fact that what is taken to be “you” is actually nothing more than a composite unity of circulating plant food elements, circulating air / oxygen and circulating conscious-energy, the latter being introduced into the body-cum-consciousness via the consumption of plant food or via the consumption of something that ate plant food.
(5) Another strategy in the “war on personality” is to begin casting aside all beliefs, for every belief is rooted in one or more personalities. Elemental plant food has no beliefs; the air has no beliefs; the conscious-energy has no beliefs. Only a persona can actually (and erroneously) believe that it believes. To begin the task of moving toward freedom from beliefs is to simultaneously move toward freedom from personality identification.
Meanwhile, making use of some of the Western “weapons” that can be used in the “battle against personality” can allow one to see (via the test used here) exactly what happens when an excessively-strong influence of a personality type is revealed via an excessively high score in that type;
however, if you have read the descriptions offered in recent posts, you might already be gaining some awareness of which of the types are at play throughout each day of your relative existence.
Either way, you are invited to understand the following influences that are play via those basic types.
THE PROBLEMS THAT COME WITH BEING EXCESSIVELY INFLUENCED BY CERTAIN OF THE BASIC PERSONALITY TYPES (and the ways that relative experiences can undergo a major shift as a result of becoming aware of a persona’s presence and becoming aware of a persona’s influence and then enjoying the reduction in influence of any given personality, also through awareness):
AN EXCESSIVELY HIGH TYPE ONE PERFECTIONIST INFLUENCE: Can cause perfectionism, rigidity, judgmentalism, excessive criticism, and excessive self-criticism.
AN EXCESSIVELY HIGH TYPE TWO HELPER / SAVIOR INFLUENCE: Can cause an excessive dependency on relationships to feel worthy and loved; can result in extreme histrionics at times; can cause a sense of entitlement; and can inspire excessive focus on self.
AN EXCESSIVELY HIGH TYPE THREE PERFORMER INFLUENCE: Can cause one to be excessively concerned with image, to be excessively concerned with being super “successful,” to seek applause and affirmation in excessive levels, and to succumb to workaholism; can cause a sense of entitlement; can cause one to become a status-seeker; and can inspire excessive focus on self.
AN EXCESSIVELY HIGH TYPE FOUR ROMANTIC / REBEL / ESCAPIST INFLUENCE: Can cause one to overly-romanticize life; can result in one being less in touch with reality; can drive one to rebel constantly and / or to be angry and / or to fight; and can inspire excessive focus on self.
AN EXCESSIVELY HIGH TYPE FIVE ANALYST / KNOWER INFLUENCE: Can cause excessive avoidance and can cause excessive concern with being more knowledgeable than others.
AN EXCESSIVELY HIGH TYPE SIX LOYALIST / DEPENDENT / CO-DEPENDENT / SEEKER OF CARETAKERS INFLUENCE: Can cause an excessive sense of hypervigilance; can cause a sense of entitlement; can cause excessive fear; can cause excessive anxiety or even paranoia.
AN EXCESSIVELY HIGH TYPE SEVEN ADVENTURER / ADDICT INFLUENCE: Can lead to addiction; can cause people to want to have excessive fun and to escape and to obsess about having too little freedom; can cause a sense of entitlement; can cause people to avoid responsibilities; can lead to chaos.
AN EXCESSIVELY HIGH TYPE EIGHT CONTROLLER / BOSS / COMBATANT INFLUENCE: Can cause anger, aggressiveness; can cause an excessive desire to control; can attract types who are seen to be weaker and controllable; and can lead to relationships with passive-aggressive types who appear to be submissive but who always – at some point – show an aggressive side by doing whatever they want, no matter how it might contradict an agreement or understanding that has been made with a controlling Type 8.
AN EXCESSIVELY HIGH TYPE NINE AVOIDER / DODGER INFLUENCE: Can cause passive-aggressive behavior; can cause excessive avoidance; can cause a sense of entitlement; and can attract controlling types.
Are you beginning to be able to see which of those types might be exerting some influence or control over your relative existence? Are you seeing what the results are of allowing those influences to continue? Are you seeing why the Eastern sages have long advised seekers to be free of the influence of any and all personality identification and influence?
So, some suggested strategies have been offered to address the influences of personality and to ultimately attain freedom from the subsequent personality disorders and neuroses and psychoses that personality can lead to. Meanwhile, what are some techniques that have been tried over and over (and that that have been proven to wise observers over and over) to NEVER address personality disorders and neuroses and psychoses?
(A) Sitting in a meeting and talking about relative issues or bragging about "progress" that has been made.
(B) Allowing yourself to be convinced that untrained non-professionals can provide a treatment plan for one's mental and emotional and psychological issues that, in fact, only trained professions can formulate and administer.
(C) Talking to an unseen, external "Power" and asking that Power to remove your personality defects and neuroses and psychoses. (If one is awake, surely she or he could figure out that if there were an efficient and caring and all-powerful force, such a power would not have allowed those defects and neuroses and psychoses - and their subsequent misery and suffering - to manifest in the first place, so why would that source be turned to in order to have those removed? It would have been senseless to believe that the same Nazi who allowed one to be placed into a gas chamber could also be the one to provide freedom from the gas chamber if you ask faithfully and pleadingly: "Hey, would you please remove me from this gas chamber? I am really asking you to do this with unquestioning faith in your power and goodness and love, so please grant me what I'm asking for.")
(D) Failing to understand that the only power available to address such internal issues is an internal resource, an inner resource, an inner guru and failing to realize that contact with that resource was blocked long ago by way of programming, conditioning, domestication, acculturation, brainwashing, and indoctrination.
(E) And failing to see that the willingness to try to address mental and emotional and psychological issues - and their accompanying insanity - in the same way over and over without getting any results (but still expecting those methods to work at some point in the future) is a form of insanity in itself.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
27 April 2014
F.: Recent posts have reviewed the effects of the hidden agendas of nine basic personality types that manifest to one degree or another in all persons after being subjected to programming, conditioning, domestication, acculturation, indoctrination, and brainwashing.
The posts also exposed the way that those subconscious, unconscious agendas solely and exclusively and completely and totally determine and control the thoughts and the words and the actions of all non-Realized persons, even as the masses erroneously conclude that they are making conscious decisions.
The personality type descriptions showed how the relative existence unfolds when those trapped in personality become stressed and disintegrate and then showed the way that the masses all around the globe function (or fail to function sanely and wisely and instead behave in their highly-dysfunctional ways as a result of living under the auspices of personality).
So what was the approach in the loft regarding personality and what is the approach here? Maharaj always asked a few questions and allowed a visitor to speak in order to determine “where” on the seven-step “path” the visitor was and thereby determine “where” the visitor needed to go next.
Therefore, if a visitor’s words indicated that the seeker was at the third step, Maharaj offered pointer to move the seeker to the fourth step. (There was no sharing of pointers that were intended to allow the seekers to skip ahead to the end of the “path,” Maharaj noting that the reverse, going back steps had to be completed in an exact stepwise fashion).
The same approach is used here, but if the issue involves personality identification, there is another tool that is often recommended. It was Maharaj who predicted that science would eventually advance to the point it would make available factual evidence – regarding every aspect of the teachings - that would prove conclusively and irrefutably the truth of the teachings in every area.
In the area of personality, the science today begins with the facts revealed about which personas are most affecting a person, revelations that come via use of the enneagram personality inventory that is employed here if the words of a visitor indicate that (1) a deeper understanding of personality is called for and indicate that (2) a person is not aware of how his or her personalities are functioning and what the effects of those assumed identities are on that person’s relative existence and why the influence should be abandoned.
The goal of the Eastern approach is to be free of all personality influence and the effects of all of the hidden agendas that come with every assumed personality. Meanwhile, the Western, dualistic take regarding personality involves “addressing liabilities” while “accentuating positives.”
While a dualistic approach such as that can never be the final goal here, the approach has been seen to offer an effective “stopgap” measure which can lay the groundwork for an eventual shift to freedom from suffering the ill effects of having one’s thoughts and words and deeds determined by the subconscious motives of personas.
The personality inventory used here can show with its concrete, numerical scores and can show “in black and white” exactly where one is along the continuum of influence being exerted on a person by each of the personality types.
How much is “The Helper” driving one throughout the day? To what degree exactly is “The Escapism / Avoidance Group” (made up of the 4-5-6-7-9 types) driving a person each day?
Consider this example of the results of one person who recently took the test:
The solid red scores show average to excessive influence and the outlined scores show slight influence. This person was functioning under the mistaken belief that his “decades of treating his alcoholism in a twelve-step program have moved him along much of the path,” (a few “slips” along the way notwithstanding and “a recent slip” notwithstanding); that his study of non-duality had made him “almost free of the influence of personality”; that he was “almost fully Realized”; and that he was only in need of “a little fine-tuning that maybe an hour or two with Floyd could provide.”
What, to the contrary, did the facts revealed by his test scores actually show?
1. That he is not an alcoholic at all (his 7 score showing that only 35% of the time are his thoughts and words and actions being driven by the agenda of a real alcoholic); and
Note that the results showed that the 4’s escapism agenda was at play 100% of the time, as were the 5 and the 6’s desires to avoid, combined with the agenda of the 9 to avoid which was at play 95% of the time. And all the while, the 7’s influence to use addictive behavior as a way to escape and try to cope was only 35%.
The treatment for the personality disorders that drive escapism and avoidance are totally different from the treatment for the addictive personality. Of course the methods being used to treat addiction were totally ineffective for him. He was not an alcoholic. That was not what was behind his behavior that certainly looked like alcoholism to those who claim that “if you show up here, you’re a real alcoholic.” That misdiagnosis prevented him from seeking the actual solution to his real problem for several decades.
What else did the results show?
3. That he was far from free of the influence of personality;
To see in concrete numbers and percentage the way that personality is controlling persons throughout the day can sometimes provide the impetus that is required to motivate one to earnestly begin the process that can free them of their false beliefs about “self” (actually, “selves”) and that can bring an end to the chaos and the fear and the desires and the insanity of being driven by subconscious, hidden agendas throughout the day, every day, and every week, and every month, and every year.
To be continued.
Please enter the silencer of contemplation.
26 April 2014
F.: Recent posts have reviewed the effects of the hidden agendas of nine basic personality types that manifest to one degree or another in all persons after being subjected to programming, conditioning, domestication, acculturation, indoctrination, and brainwashing.
The posts also exposed the way that those subconscious, unconscious agendas solely and exclusively and completely and totally determine and control the thoughts and the words and the actions of all non-Realized persons, even as the masses erroneously conclude that they are making conscious decisions.
The personality type descriptions showed how the relative existence unfolds when those trapped in personality become stressed and disintegrate and then showed the way that the masses all around the globe function (or fail to function sanely and wisely and instead behave in their highly-dysfunctional ways as a result of living under the auspices of personality).
So what was the approach in the loft regarding personality and what is the approach here? Maharaj always asked a few questions and allowed a visitor to speak in order to determine “where” on the seven-step “path” the visitor was and thereby determine “where” the visitor needed to go next.
Therefore, if a visitor’s words indicated that the seeker was at the third step, Maharaj offered pointer to move the seeker to the fourth step. (There was no sharing of pointers that were intended to allow the seekers to skip ahead to the end of the “path,” Maharaj noting that the reverse, going back steps had to be completed in an exact stepwise fashion).
The same approach is used here, but if the issue involves personality identification, there is another tool that is often recommended. It was Maharaj who predicted that science would eventually advance to the point it would make available factual evidence – regarding every aspect of the teachings - that would prove conclusively and irrefutably the truth of the teachings in every area.
In the area of personality, the science today begins with the facts revealed about which personas are most affecting a person, revelations that come via use of the enneagram personality inventory that is employed here if the words of a visitor indicate that (1) a deeper understanding of personality is called for and indicate that (2) a person is not aware of how his or her personalities are functioning and what the effects of those assumed identities are on that person’s relative existence and why the influence should be abandoned.
The goal of the Eastern approach is to be free of all personality influence and the effects of all of the hidden agendas that come with every assumed personality. Meanwhile, the Western, dualistic take regarding personality involves “addressing liabilities” while “accentuating positives.”
While a dualistic approach such as that can never be the final goal here, the approach has been seen to offer an effective “stopgap” measure which can lay the groundwork for an eventual shift to freedom from suffering the ill effects of having one’s thoughts and words and deeds determined by the subconscious motives of personas.
The personality inventory used here can show with its concrete, numerical scores and can show “in black and white” exactly where one is along the continuum of influence being exerted on a person by each of the personality types.
How much is “The Helper” driving one throughout the day? To what degree exactly is “The Escapism / Avoidance Group” (made up of the 4-5-6-7-9 types) driving a person each day?
Consider this example of the results of one person who recently took the test:
The solid red scores show average to excessive influence and the outlined scores show slight influence. This person was functioning under the mistaken belief that his “decades of treating his alcoholism in a twelve-step program have moved him along much of the path,” (a few “slips” along the way notwithstanding and “a recent slip” notwithstanding); that his study of non-duality had made him “almost free of the influence of personality”; that he was “almost fully Realized”; and that he was only in need of “a little fine-tuning that maybe an hour or two with Floyd could provide.”
What, to the contrary, did the facts revealed by his test scores actually show?
1. That he is not an alcoholic at all (his 7 score showing that only 35% of the time are his thoughts and words and actions being driven by the agenda of a real alcoholic); and
2. that he only looks like a real alcoholic because of the subconscious desires of the Escapism and Avoidance group of personalities which are resulting in a desire to escape (the 4’s agenda) and to avoid (the agendas of the 5, 6, and 9).
Note that the results showed that the 4’s escapism agenda was at play 100% of the time, as were the 5 and the 6’s desires to avoid, combined with the agenda of the 9 to avoid which was at play 95% of the time. And all the while, the 7’s influence to use addictive behavior as a way to escape and try to cope was only 35%.
The treatment for the personality disorders that drive escapism and avoidance are totally different from the treatment for the addictive personality. Of course the methods being used to treat addiction were totally ineffective for him. He was not an alcoholic. That was not what was behind his behavior that certainly looked like alcoholism to those who claim that “if you show up here, you’re a real alcoholic.” That misdiagnosis prevented him from seeking the actual solution to his real problem for several decades.
What else did the results show?
3. That he was far from free of the influence of personality;
4. that he is suffering from the Borderline Personality Disorder (revealed by the high 4-6 combination);
5. that his 9’s influence is so high and his 8’s influence is so low that he will seek out abusive Type 8’s and will be treated like a doormat in his relationships;
6. that his core belief about relationships is that people are to be used and that “love” is meaningless (as revealed by his high 6 which seeks caretakers that can be used to provide food and clothing and shelter and a high lifestyle) vs. his low 2 (which cares about people at least to the degree that love is given in order to try to get love in return);
7. and so much more.
To see in concrete numbers and percentage the way that personality is controlling persons throughout the day can sometimes provide the impetus that is required to motivate one to earnestly begin the process that can free them of their false beliefs about “self” (actually, “selves”) and that can bring an end to the chaos and the fear and the desires and the insanity of being driven by subconscious, hidden agendas throughout the day, every day, and every week, and every month, and every year.
To be continued.
Please enter the silencer of contemplation.
26 April 2014
F.: To continue with the discussion based in the Maharaj-predicted science of personality which now reveals just how psychically unhealthy and how needy (and, therefore, dependent) persons are rendered as a result of being driven by the influences of the nine basic personality types (and all other assumed identities as well):
The most frequently-used name to refer to a Personality Type Nine is “The Peacemaker,” but that is a misnomer. Peacemakers are generally seen as those who go into action to restore the peace or to “make peace” after a disruption has resulted in disharmony or chaos or conflict.
That is not the way a Type Nine functions. Re-consider Type Five avoiders and Type Four and Seven escapists and then know that Nines can take avoiding to a far higher level than those three types discussed earlier.
Nines are not about “making peace” as much as they are about “preserving peace,” but the peace they are primarily concerned with preserving is their own, not that of others; in fact, they are often the ones who disrupt the peace of others by entering into agreements with others that the Nines will never keep.
A typical Nine might think, “Okay. My taxes are due tomorrow and if they are late I can be fined and penalized. So let’s see … I guess maybe I’ll do those . . . after I clean my desk.”
Or a Nine might say to a mate, “Yes, I know the taxes were due yesterday and I said I’d take care of it, but we can file an extension. The fines and penalties probably won’t be much. Geez, why do people get so worked up over the small stuff?”
Or, being the kings and queens of passive-aggressive behavior, they might say to a spouse, “Yes, I know we do not have the money in our checking account for me to buy such-and-such this month. No problem. Yes, I know the charge cards are maxed out, too. I hear you. No writing any checks. No using any of our charge cards. That’s clear as a bell.”
Yet the spouse might come home later that day and see that such-and-such was bought and is sitting on a table. And when asked about such-and-such having been bought after an agreement had been made that it would not be purchased, the response from the Nine might be, “Just calm down. I didn’t write a check and I didn’t use a charge card. The owner of the store let me charge it to an in-house account and said I could wait until next month to pay for it.” The unstated, or maybe even subconscious thought, is often something like this: “I’ll agree to whatever he / she says, but - in the end - I’ll do whatever I want.”
Many see Type Eights as being “the most powerful” of the nine basic personality types, but that is a misperception. Nines wield far more "power and control" in the long run because they are the ones who often end up doing whatever they want to do on an even more frequent basic than Type Eights (and in that process, they can be far more maddening in relationships, relatively speaking).
In fact, Eights are often attracted to type Nines because when they are dating, Nines seen so passive and placid and indecisive that such a style is thought to be “right up an Eights alley” . . . supposedly the perfect mate for any Type Eight control freaks who often mistakenly conclude that they have found docile partners who will do whatever they tell them to do.
Little does the Eight in such a case realize that lurking beneath the Nine’s surface awaits a very aggressive person who is going to drive the Eight nuts by saying, “Sure, I’ll do that” though they do not do that, or “Sure, I’ll not do that” though they do exactly what they promised they would not do.
Thus, while Eights might think that they are the most powerful of all nine types, there is a “sleeper,” one type that is in disguise, one type who really holds that position of “the most powerful and controlling ones”: that is the passive-aggressive Type Nine.
A Type Nine might address the crack in the foundation of a house and the cracks along the interior walls of a house with putty in the crack outside and with some caulk and paint on the inside rather than address the real issue. Such is the determination of Nines to avoid anything and everything that might disrupt their (supposed) inner peace (which in not real peace at all).
Have an unruly child and expect your Nine spouse / parent to help redirect the child’s behavior? Not going to happen. They are often the least effective parents of all because they do not want to “pay the price” required to confront the child and set boundaries. Why? Because of their desire to avoid confrontation and because if they did set boundaries, then the next step would require them to take the time and make the effort to enforce the boundaries. That’s not going to happen with a Nine, either.
One surprise that can come when people believe they are dealing with a Type Nine is this: there is something referred to here as “a Divine Nine.” Often a high Nine score (on the personality inventory test that is used here) can show up with non-Nines.
That often happens with non-Nines who have been absorbed in "spiritual work" or "recovery programs" or "Far Eastern studies" or "religious work" or “Native American spirituality.” They can assume the stance of “a peaceful person,” but it is nothing more than an image that has been adopted through osmosis.
When surrounded with persons who are claiming to be “at perfect peace” when they are not at peace at all, those in such company will also begin to "talk the company line” and assume that false identity. Such types see themselves as being "more peaceful" than most, but they most assuredly are not.
Again, in the case of the Divine Nine, the high Nine score is a product of form more than substance, yet Divine Nines really believe that they are more at peace or more holy or more spiritual than others. Deal with them for awhile and the cloak will eventually fall away and the real anger that has been hidden behind that false persona will surface.
Thus, persons who are Personality Type Nine will be driven by the need to obsess at times but to be apathetic at other times.
Persons who are Personality Type Nine will be driven by the need to suppress and deny the actual high level of anger that many of them experience but hide.
Persons who are Personality Type Nine will be driven by the need to stuff their anger (which results in depression, though they will claim they are not depressed at all).
Persons who are Personality Type Nine will be driven by the need to be stubborn and aggressive at times but passive at other times.
Persons who are Personality Type Nine will be driven by the need to be assertive at times but docile at other times.
Persons who are Personality Type Nine will be driven by the need to be gentle and mild-mannered at times but stubbornly independent and forceful at times.
[Are you seeing why Type Nines are often misidentified as having the Borderline Personality Disorder? Having lived with a Type Three – a type that can shift to the Nine and can exhibit Nine traits at times – and who also happened to have the Borderline Personality Disorder, this was seen: people with such partners can always be assured that change and surprises are inevitable because those with such mates or partners never know if they are going to return home in the evening, open the door, and then be greeted by “Mrs. Hug” or “Mrs. Slug” or greeted by “Mr. Hug” or “Mr. Slug.” Can any of you relate? Are you seeing the relative nightmares that personality can generate? Are you seeing why the sages have long warned against personality and invited people to transcend the influence of the hidden agendas that personalities bring?]
Persons who are Personality Type Nine will be driven by the need to seem to be accommodating as a result of their fear of conflict, often adopting a “go along to get along” stance except when the aggressive side of their passive-aggressive nature manifests.
Persons who are Personality Type Nine will be driven by the need to use trite or stock sayings to deflect others and to avoid any conversation that might be “heavy” or serious or that might lead to a call for the Nine to deal with relative issues that might warrant discussion and decision-making.
Persons who are Personality Type Nine will be driven by the need to be active at times but disengaged, inattentive, and unavailable at other times. (Conversations that have happened here with the children of Type Nines often included statement by those children that described how “cold” their Type Nine parents are.)
Persons who are Personality Type Nine will be driven by the need to do anything required to keep them from being affected.
Persons who are Personality Type Nine will be driven by the need to muse or ruminate or have hazy thoughts or comforting fantasies.
Persons who are Personality Type Nine will be driven by the need to “tune out” and often become oblivious to what is happening around them.
Persons who are Personality Type Nine will be driven by the need to be resigned or fatalistic.
Persons who are Personality Type Nine will be driven by the need to procrastinate and be unresponsive to others.
Persons who are Personality Type Nine will be driven by the need to dodge routine assignments or miss deadlines.
Persons who are Personality Type Nine will be driven by the need to be slothful and lazy and neglectful.
Persons who are Personality Type Nine will be driven by the need to repress and avoid anything considered to be “a problem.”
Persons who are Personality Type Nine will be driven by the need to find someone to fulfill their sense of entitlement and to address their belief that they should be taken care of by another or others.
Persons who are Personality Type Nine will be driven by the need to be numb.
Persons who are Personality Type Nine will be driven by the need to develop alter egos or multiple personalities as tools to assist with escaping and avoiding.
Some of the personality disorders that Nines can suffer from: the Schizoid P.D., the Dependent P.D., the Passive-Aggressive P.D., the Dissociative P.D., and the Avoidant Personality Disorder.
Such is the way the relative existence can unfold if one is a Type Nine and becomes stressed and disintegrates.
And such is the way the masses all around the globe function as a result of living under the auspices of personality.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
25 April 2014
F.: To continue with the discussion based in the Maharaj-predicted science of personality which now reveals just how psychically unhealthy and how needy (and, therefore, dependent) persons are rendered as a result of being driven by the influences of the nine basic personality types (and all other assumed identities as well):
The most frequently-used name to refer to a Personality Type Nine is “The Peacemaker,” but that is a misnomer. Peacemakers are generally seen as those who go into action to restore the peace or to “make peace” after a disruption has resulted in disharmony or chaos or conflict.
That is not the way a Type Nine functions. Re-consider Type Five avoiders and Type Four and Seven escapists and then know that Nines can take avoiding to a far higher level than those three types discussed earlier.
Nines are not about “making peace” as much as they are about “preserving peace,” but the peace they are primarily concerned with preserving is their own, not that of others; in fact, they are often the ones who disrupt the peace of others by entering into agreements with others that the Nines will never keep.
A typical Nine might think, “Okay. My taxes are due tomorrow and if they are late I can be fined and penalized. So let’s see … I guess maybe I’ll do those . . . after I clean my desk.”
Or a Nine might say to a mate, “Yes, I know the taxes were due yesterday and I said I’d take care of it, but we can file an extension. The fines and penalties probably won’t be much. Geez, why do people get so worked up over the small stuff?”
Or, being the kings and queens of passive-aggressive behavior, they might say to a spouse, “Yes, I know we do not have the money in our checking account for me to buy such-and-such this month. No problem. Yes, I know the charge cards are maxed out, too. I hear you. No writing any checks. No using any of our charge cards. That’s clear as a bell.”
Yet the spouse might come home later that day and see that such-and-such was bought and is sitting on a table. And when asked about such-and-such having been bought after an agreement had been made that it would not be purchased, the response from the Nine might be, “Just calm down. I didn’t write a check and I didn’t use a charge card. The owner of the store let me charge it to an in-house account and said I could wait until next month to pay for it.” The unstated, or maybe even subconscious thought, is often something like this: “I’ll agree to whatever he / she says, but - in the end - I’ll do whatever I want.”
Many see Type Eights as being “the most powerful” of the nine basic personality types, but that is a misperception. Nines wield far more "power and control" in the long run because they are the ones who often end up doing whatever they want to do on an even more frequent basic than Type Eights (and in that process, they can be far more maddening in relationships, relatively speaking).
In fact, Eights are often attracted to type Nines because when they are dating, Nines seen so passive and placid and indecisive that such a style is thought to be “right up an Eights alley” . . . supposedly the perfect mate for any Type Eight control freaks who often mistakenly conclude that they have found docile partners who will do whatever they tell them to do.
Little does the Eight in such a case realize that lurking beneath the Nine’s surface awaits a very aggressive person who is going to drive the Eight nuts by saying, “Sure, I’ll do that” though they do not do that, or “Sure, I’ll not do that” though they do exactly what they promised they would not do.
Thus, while Eights might think that they are the most powerful of all nine types, there is a “sleeper,” one type that is in disguise, one type who really holds that position of “the most powerful and controlling ones”: that is the passive-aggressive Type Nine.
A Type Nine might address the crack in the foundation of a house and the cracks along the interior walls of a house with putty in the crack outside and with some caulk and paint on the inside rather than address the real issue. Such is the determination of Nines to avoid anything and everything that might disrupt their (supposed) inner peace (which in not real peace at all).
Have an unruly child and expect your Nine spouse / parent to help redirect the child’s behavior? Not going to happen. They are often the least effective parents of all because they do not want to “pay the price” required to confront the child and set boundaries. Why? Because of their desire to avoid confrontation and because if they did set boundaries, then the next step would require them to take the time and make the effort to enforce the boundaries. That’s not going to happen with a Nine, either.
One surprise that can come when people believe they are dealing with a Type Nine is this: there is something referred to here as “a Divine Nine.” Often a high Nine score (on the personality inventory test that is used here) can show up with non-Nines.
That often happens with non-Nines who have been absorbed in "spiritual work" or "recovery programs" or "Far Eastern studies" or "religious work" or “Native American spirituality.” They can assume the stance of “a peaceful person,” but it is nothing more than an image that has been adopted through osmosis.
When surrounded with persons who are claiming to be “at perfect peace” when they are not at peace at all, those in such company will also begin to "talk the company line” and assume that false identity. Such types see themselves as being "more peaceful" than most, but they most assuredly are not.
Again, in the case of the Divine Nine, the high Nine score is a product of form more than substance, yet Divine Nines really believe that they are more at peace or more holy or more spiritual than others. Deal with them for awhile and the cloak will eventually fall away and the real anger that has been hidden behind that false persona will surface.
Thus, persons who are Personality Type Nine will be driven by the need to obsess at times but to be apathetic at other times.
Persons who are Personality Type Nine will be driven by the need to suppress and deny the actual high level of anger that many of them experience but hide.
Persons who are Personality Type Nine will be driven by the need to stuff their anger (which results in depression, though they will claim they are not depressed at all).
Persons who are Personality Type Nine will be driven by the need to be stubborn and aggressive at times but passive at other times.
Persons who are Personality Type Nine will be driven by the need to be assertive at times but docile at other times.
Persons who are Personality Type Nine will be driven by the need to be gentle and mild-mannered at times but stubbornly independent and forceful at times.
[Are you seeing why Type Nines are often misidentified as having the Borderline Personality Disorder? Having lived with a Type Three – a type that can shift to the Nine and can exhibit Nine traits at times – and who also happened to have the Borderline Personality Disorder, this was seen: people with such partners can always be assured that change and surprises are inevitable because those with such mates or partners never know if they are going to return home in the evening, open the door, and then be greeted by “Mrs. Hug” or “Mrs. Slug” or greeted by “Mr. Hug” or “Mr. Slug.” Can any of you relate? Are you seeing the relative nightmares that personality can generate? Are you seeing why the sages have long warned against personality and invited people to transcend the influence of the hidden agendas that personalities bring?]
Persons who are Personality Type Nine will be driven by the need to seem to be accommodating as a result of their fear of conflict, often adopting a “go along to get along” stance except when the aggressive side of their passive-aggressive nature manifests.
Persons who are Personality Type Nine will be driven by the need to use trite or stock sayings to deflect others and to avoid any conversation that might be “heavy” or serious or that might lead to a call for the Nine to deal with relative issues that might warrant discussion and decision-making.
Persons who are Personality Type Nine will be driven by the need to be active at times but disengaged, inattentive, and unavailable at other times. (Conversations that have happened here with the children of Type Nines often included statement by those children that described how “cold” their Type Nine parents are.)
Persons who are Personality Type Nine will be driven by the need to do anything required to keep them from being affected.
Persons who are Personality Type Nine will be driven by the need to muse or ruminate or have hazy thoughts or comforting fantasies.
Persons who are Personality Type Nine will be driven by the need to “tune out” and often become oblivious to what is happening around them.
Persons who are Personality Type Nine will be driven by the need to be resigned or fatalistic.
Persons who are Personality Type Nine will be driven by the need to procrastinate and be unresponsive to others.
Persons who are Personality Type Nine will be driven by the need to dodge routine assignments or miss deadlines.
Persons who are Personality Type Nine will be driven by the need to be slothful and lazy and neglectful.
Persons who are Personality Type Nine will be driven by the need to repress and avoid anything considered to be “a problem.”
Persons who are Personality Type Nine will be driven by the need to find someone to fulfill their sense of entitlement and to address their belief that they should be taken care of by another or others.
Persons who are Personality Type Nine will be driven by the need to be numb.
Persons who are Personality Type Nine will be driven by the need to develop alter egos or multiple personalities as tools to assist with escaping and avoiding.
Some of the personality disorders that Nines can suffer from: the Schizoid P.D., the Dependent P.D., the Passive-Aggressive P.D., the Dissociative P.D., and the Avoidant Personality Disorder.
Such is the way the relative existence can unfold if one is a Type Nine and becomes stressed and disintegrates.
And such is the way the masses all around the globe function as a result of living under the auspices of personality.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
25 April 2014
F.: The modern, Western perspective on personality includes the following:
(1) that there are three levels of being “psychically healthy,” three levels of “average psychic healthiness,” and three levels of “psychic unhealthiness”; and,
(2) that any personality type is just fine as long as persons are functioning within the top three levels of psychic healthiness.
The ancient, Eastern understanding is that personality (i.e., personalities, personas, false identities, phony roles, bogus, dreamed up stage characters) are merely an illusion, a delusion-based, fantasized “self” (actually, “selves”).
So the question becomes, “How can dreamed up roles that subconsciously control the thoughts and words and actions of persons – stripping them of any ability to choose anything consciously – ever possibly be 'just fine'?”
Having visited with some of the pioneers in the field of modern, Western personality analysis – pioneers whose work is highly respected around the globe and whose research is respected by this observer as well – it is clear that at their core, they understand the Eastern take perfectly. Yet being Westerners and dealing mainly with Westerners, certain aspects of the Eastern view are only alluded to and given an occasional nod of respect.
Understand that nothing in this series or in the teachings offered here should be misinterpreted as a criticism of the research and findings that are based in the Western take on personality. Even among seekers that are using an Eastern slant, what these modern pioneers in the field of personality can share is relevant. If that were not the case, then nothing in this series would have been shared.
To see exactly how personality functions and generates fears and desires and delusions is vital to understanding All That One Is Not in order to move farther along the “path” (or even to move no farther along the path but to relax in the awareness of all that one is not and then abide naturally).
Finally, this can be said nowadays about the various levels of psychic health (or lack thereof) that are a part of the Western teachings regarding personality:
If ever a person is found who is functioning at any one of the top three levels of psychic healthiness, then the entire Eastern notion of being free of the influence from any and all personality will be revisited. In the meantime, the current take will continue because objective witnessing reveals that all but a few on the planet are trapped in the below average to totally unhealthy psychic levels.
[By the way, Maharaj said that even among the Realized, there can remain a tiny speck of one’s original primary type. For example, he was a Type Four, a seeker of authenticity. Because some speck of the Type Four remained to the end, he shared with those interested in authenticity but was free of the influences of the other eight types' agendas. That left him free of being perfectionistic, free from playing the role of the rescuer, free of “needing” applause, free of avoidance, free of dependency and co-dependency, free of escapism, free of being psychopathic, and free of fluctuating between states of passivity and aggressiveness.]
So, to continue with the discussion based in the Maharaj-predicted science of personality which now reveals just how psychically unhealthy and how needy (and, therefore, dependent) persons are rendered as a result of being driven by the influences of the nine basic personality types (and all other assumed identities as well):
If you have ever been employed, you have likely dealt with an Eight or with someone who has internalized the Type Eight or who has disintegrated to the very worse that an Eight can offer. (Have you ever had to deal with “The Nightmare Boss” or “The Monster in Charge”? Welcome to the world of an unhealthy Type Eight.)
As an example: here in Texas four months ago, a CEO went to the podium of the room in which employees from five states had gathered. Assuming that they were about to be wished a “Merry Christmas,” they were shocked to hear instead, “By the way, while you’re all here, let me announce that some of you have complained about some of the work conditions here. Let me tell you, if you don’t like it, leave right now!”
A man familiar with the enneagram once said something relevant to that CEO's Type Eight behavior: “I’ve worked for Type Sevens who were suffering from alcoholism and were difficult to deal with, but all of the Type Eights I have worked for have been suffering from assholism and have been impossible to deal with.”
While Eights can shift to the lowest levels of psychic health and become full-blown sociopaths, “functioning Eights” can be entrepreneurs, business executives, lawyers, military leaders, and even sports figures. (As examples of the latter, consider both O.J. Simpson and Oscar Pistorius who are Type Three Achievers / Performers who may have internalized some degree of the Type Eight personality, which can happen when one feels abused during childhood. The Three's influence provided both men with a sense of entitlement and the Eight - maybe - provided the impetus to kill when not receiving what they thought they were entitled to, namely, money, respect, deference, admiration, even awe, unquestioning obedience, compliance with their wishes, upholding their image, etc. Threes and Eights both share that attitude. The Three’s influence certainly allows both of those men to be skilled actors and effective manipulators. Note, though, that highly disintegrated Threes can behave like highly-disintegrated Type Eights, the difference being that Three’s are extreme narcissists while Eights are what are deemed here to be “malignant narcissists.” But what if the Eight was not a player in those two cases? Granted, that’s possible, as common it is for disintegrated Eights to become sociopathic murderers. Both Type Threes and Eights are capable of murder when highly disintegrated and totally absorbed in personality; therefore, the Three’s narcissism - a.k.a., God Complex Personality Disorder – alone can drive one to murder even if the Eight influence is not present. It is the belief of many that “God decides who lives and who dies . . . and when” and a highly disintegrated Type Three, playing God, can definitely buy in to that belief and kill as a result.)
Whether a Three-Eight combination was at play in the cases above or not, some other famous persons can provide examples of the Eight personality at play: Fidel Castro, Saddam Hussein, Senator John (“Bomb ‘Em All”) McCain, John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, Russell Crowe, Alec Baldwin, “Dr. Phil” McGraw and such fictional characters as Tony Soprano, Frank Underwood (“House of Cards”), and Vito Andolini Corleone (“The Godfather”) who are all based in – and modeled upon - a classic, highly disintegrated Type Eight.
Persons who are Personality Type Eight will be driven by the need to nurture a sense of being “self-sufficient” while, ironically, seeking external power. In that regard, they will seek financial independence and an accumulation of resources.
Persons who are Personality Type Eight will be driven by the need to see themselves as “rugged individualists” and “wheeler-dealers.”
Persons who are Personality Type Eight will be driven by the need to take risks, work hard, and deny their feelings.
Persons who are Personality Type Eight will be driven by the need to dominate.
Persons who are Personality Type Eight will be driven by the need to expect and demand undying loyalty (and unquestioning respect for their authority) from those around them.
Persons who are Personality Type Eight will be driven by the need to be swaggering, boastful, proud, egotistical, and forceful.
Persons who are Personality Type Eight will be driven by the need to seemingly have no equals.
Persons who are Personality Type Eight will be driven by the need to be combative and intimidating, to make people around them “walk on eggshells.”
Persons who are Personality Type Eight will be driven by the need to never back down.
Persons who are Personality Type Eight will be driven by the need to use threats and reprisals to get obedience by making others feel insecure or in danger.
Persons who are Personality Type Eight will be driven by the need, if they become stressed or further disintegrated, to become ruthless, dictatorial, hard-hearted, barbaric, and violent megalomaniacs.
Persons who are Personality Type Eight will be driven by the need to develop delusional ideas about their power and a sense of being invincible.
Persons who are Personality Type Eight will be driven by the need, if feeling threatened, to destroy everything and everyone that has not conformed to their will.
Some of the personality disorders that Eights can suffer from: the Antisocial / Sociopathic P. D., the Pathological P.D., the Sadistic P.D., and "malignant" levels of the Narcissist P.D.
Such is the way the relative existence can unfold if one is a Type Eight and becomes stressed and disintegrates.
And such is the way the masses all around the globe function as a result of living under the auspices of personality.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
24 April 2014
F.: The modern, Western perspective on personality includes the following:
(1) that there are three levels of being “psychically healthy,” three levels of “average psychic healthiness,” and three levels of “psychic unhealthiness”; and,
(2) that any personality type is just fine as long as persons are functioning within the top three levels of psychic healthiness.
The ancient, Eastern understanding is that personality (i.e., personalities, personas, false identities, phony roles, bogus, dreamed up stage characters) are merely an illusion, a delusion-based, fantasized “self” (actually, “selves”).
So the question becomes, “How can dreamed up roles that subconsciously control the thoughts and words and actions of persons – stripping them of any ability to choose anything consciously – ever possibly be 'just fine'?”
Having visited with some of the pioneers in the field of modern, Western personality analysis – pioneers whose work is highly respected around the globe and whose research is respected by this observer as well – it is clear that at their core, they understand the Eastern take perfectly. Yet being Westerners and dealing mainly with Westerners, certain aspects of the Eastern view are only alluded to and given an occasional nod of respect.
Understand that nothing in this series or in the teachings offered here should be misinterpreted as a criticism of the research and findings that are based in the Western take on personality. Even among seekers that are using an Eastern slant, what these modern pioneers in the field of personality can share is relevant. If that were not the case, then nothing in this series would have been shared.
To see exactly how personality functions and generates fears and desires and delusions is vital to understanding All That One Is Not in order to move farther along the “path” (or even to move no farther along the path but to relax in the awareness of all that one is not and then abide naturally).
Finally, this can be said nowadays about the various levels of psychic health (or lack thereof) that are a part of the Western teachings regarding personality:
If ever a person is found who is functioning at any one of the top three levels of psychic healthiness, then the entire Eastern notion of being free of the influence from any and all personality will be revisited. In the meantime, the current take will continue because objective witnessing reveals that all but a few on the planet are trapped in the below average to totally unhealthy psychic levels.
[By the way, Maharaj said that even among the Realized, there can remain a tiny speck of one’s original primary type. For example, he was a Type Four, a seeker of authenticity. Because some speck of the Type Four remained to the end, he shared with those interested in authenticity but was free of the influences of the other eight types' agendas. That left him free of being perfectionistic, free from playing the role of the rescuer, free of “needing” applause, free of avoidance, free of dependency and co-dependency, free of escapism, free of being psychopathic, and free of fluctuating between states of passivity and aggressiveness.]
So, to continue with the discussion based in the Maharaj-predicted science of personality which now reveals just how psychically unhealthy and how needy (and, therefore, dependent) persons are rendered as a result of being driven by the influences of the nine basic personality types (and all other assumed identities as well):
If you have ever been employed, you have likely dealt with an Eight or with someone who has internalized the Type Eight or who has disintegrated to the very worse that an Eight can offer. (Have you ever had to deal with “The Nightmare Boss” or “The Monster in Charge”? Welcome to the world of an unhealthy Type Eight.)
As an example: here in Texas four months ago, a CEO went to the podium of the room in which employees from five states had gathered. Assuming that they were about to be wished a “Merry Christmas,” they were shocked to hear instead, “By the way, while you’re all here, let me announce that some of you have complained about some of the work conditions here. Let me tell you, if you don’t like it, leave right now!”
A man familiar with the enneagram once said something relevant to that CEO's Type Eight behavior: “I’ve worked for Type Sevens who were suffering from alcoholism and were difficult to deal with, but all of the Type Eights I have worked for have been suffering from assholism and have been impossible to deal with.”
While Eights can shift to the lowest levels of psychic health and become full-blown sociopaths, “functioning Eights” can be entrepreneurs, business executives, lawyers, military leaders, and even sports figures. (As examples of the latter, consider both O.J. Simpson and Oscar Pistorius who are Type Three Achievers / Performers who may have internalized some degree of the Type Eight personality, which can happen when one feels abused during childhood. The Three's influence provided both men with a sense of entitlement and the Eight - maybe - provided the impetus to kill when not receiving what they thought they were entitled to, namely, money, respect, deference, admiration, even awe, unquestioning obedience, compliance with their wishes, upholding their image, etc. Threes and Eights both share that attitude. The Three’s influence certainly allows both of those men to be skilled actors and effective manipulators. Note, though, that highly disintegrated Threes can behave like highly-disintegrated Type Eights, the difference being that Three’s are extreme narcissists while Eights are what are deemed here to be “malignant narcissists.” But what if the Eight was not a player in those two cases? Granted, that’s possible, as common it is for disintegrated Eights to become sociopathic murderers. Both Type Threes and Eights are capable of murder when highly disintegrated and totally absorbed in personality; therefore, the Three’s narcissism - a.k.a., God Complex Personality Disorder – alone can drive one to murder even if the Eight influence is not present. It is the belief of many that “God decides who lives and who dies . . . and when” and a highly disintegrated Type Three, playing God, can definitely buy in to that belief and kill as a result.)
Whether a Three-Eight combination was at play in the cases above or not, some other famous persons can provide examples of the Eight personality at play: Fidel Castro, Saddam Hussein, Senator John (“Bomb ‘Em All”) McCain, John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, Russell Crowe, Alec Baldwin, “Dr. Phil” McGraw and such fictional characters as Tony Soprano, Frank Underwood (“House of Cards”), and Vito Andolini Corleone (“The Godfather”) who are all based in – and modeled upon - a classic, highly disintegrated Type Eight.
Persons who are Personality Type Eight will be driven by the need to nurture a sense of being “self-sufficient” while, ironically, seeking external power. In that regard, they will seek financial independence and an accumulation of resources.
Persons who are Personality Type Eight will be driven by the need to see themselves as “rugged individualists” and “wheeler-dealers.”
Persons who are Personality Type Eight will be driven by the need to take risks, work hard, and deny their feelings.
Persons who are Personality Type Eight will be driven by the need to dominate.
Persons who are Personality Type Eight will be driven by the need to expect and demand undying loyalty (and unquestioning respect for their authority) from those around them.
Persons who are Personality Type Eight will be driven by the need to be swaggering, boastful, proud, egotistical, and forceful.
Persons who are Personality Type Eight will be driven by the need to seemingly have no equals.
Persons who are Personality Type Eight will be driven by the need to be combative and intimidating, to make people around them “walk on eggshells.”
Persons who are Personality Type Eight will be driven by the need to never back down.
Persons who are Personality Type Eight will be driven by the need to use threats and reprisals to get obedience by making others feel insecure or in danger.
Persons who are Personality Type Eight will be driven by the need, if they become stressed or further disintegrated, to become ruthless, dictatorial, hard-hearted, barbaric, and violent megalomaniacs.
Persons who are Personality Type Eight will be driven by the need to develop delusional ideas about their power and a sense of being invincible.
Persons who are Personality Type Eight will be driven by the need, if feeling threatened, to destroy everything and everyone that has not conformed to their will.
Some of the personality disorders that Eights can suffer from: the Antisocial / Sociopathic P. D., the Pathological P.D., the Sadistic P.D., and "malignant" levels of the Narcissist P.D.
Such is the way the relative existence can unfold if one is a Type Eight and becomes stressed and disintegrates.
And such is the way the masses all around the globe function as a result of living under the auspices of personality.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
24 April 2014
F.: A few have visited the “Finding Your Personality Type(s)” page at the top of this site and asked some questions about how I started incorporating the enneagram personality inventory process into the non-dual teachings.
The first introduction of the method came in the mid to late 1960’s in college, mentioned by a professor of Spanish heritage, but its significance did not register. During the years in the 1980’s when “the search” here turned toward the East (allowing the relative hazards of personality assignment and assumption to finally be seen fully), further investigation led once more to the enneagram method of understanding personality and its effect. Finally, the significance of the method registered.
After years of trying to share the non-dual understanding - and after learning that Maharaj suggested that science would one day be used to verify the teachings and then to facilitate the teaching process - the significance became even clearer.
It was seen that the science of personality and the enneagram method of analysis could provide a more complete understanding of personality and the effects of the nine basic types and that such as understanding – if presented in black and white, right before a seeker’s eyes – might provide an impetus to shift (which might otherwise be missing).
That information, if seen clearly, might move one beyond the Westerner notion regarding personality (namely, “just “minimize the liabilities of your personality and accentuate your personality’s assets”) and then encourage seekers to consider the Eastern approach of bringing to an end, once and for all, the misery and suffering that result when one is living under the influence of personality or, typically, the influence of multiple personalities (as in, “the Multiple Personality Disorder”).
Around 2002, the path here crossed with that of a college friend who is a counselor and who – like more and more therapists around the globe – uses the personality inventory with every client.
At an enneagram conference we attended outside Amsterdam, we met scores of people from Western Europe, from Eastern Europe and Russia, from South and Central America, from Africa, and from Australia who are using the enneagram in their counseling practice and in their businesses. Over 50 people in attendance were CEO’s of major corporations who use the enneagram inventory for hiring (or not hiring) purposes and for "staff development."
Soon, I was working as a consultant with the owners and CEO’s of various progressive companies in the U.S., all executives who realize the effects of personality on their companies’ bottom line and who now understand the degree to which personality affects not only people's behavior in the workplace but also company performance overall.
Today, I still work with companies in the U.S. that are using the process and am also working with counselors around the globe, taking the test results that the therapist send, analyzing the results, and sending back a custom-tailored report for each of their clients.
The freedom that comes when the information provided is used to lead to the understanding and to an awareness of how significant a role that personality plays with persons all around the globe cannot be overstated. And that is why information rooted in the science of personality is now offered here (in combination with the Direct Path Teaching Method and the Nisarga Yoga).
The fact is this among the non-Realized: because they are so stressed and so disintegrated psychically – a condition that is more often than not rooted in personality - the levels of their psychic unhealthiness are pervasive and cannot be overemphasized.
Therefore, there will be a continuation of the discussion based in the science of personality which now reveals just how psychically unhealthy and how needy (and, therefore, dependent) persons are rendered as a result of being driven by the influences of the nine basic personality types (and all other assumed identities as well):
Persons who are Personality Type Seven will be driven by the constant need to seek options and choices because of their hatred of commitment.
Persons who are Personality Type Seven will be driven by the need to seek new experiences and to take risks that are not always based in reason.
Persons who are Personality Type Seven will be driven by the need to earn money to finance their adventurers, to provide variety, and to keep up with the latest trends.
Persons who are Personality Type Seven will be driven by the need to be hyperactive and to never say “no” to themselves.
Persons who are Personality Type Seven will be driven by the need to be uninhibited, wise-cracking, and sometimes insulting.
Persons who are Personality Type Seven will be driven by the need to be in perpetual motion, doing more and more until they crash, then recharge, then bounce back, and then start that entire cycle all over again.
Persons who are Personality Type Seven will be driven by the need to escape (which can, eventually, leads to addictive thinking and addictive behavior).
Persons who are Personality Type Seven will be driven by the need to enter into all kinds of excess, to become self-centered, to become materialistic and greedy, and to feel as if they never have enough of anything.
Persons who are Personality Type Seven will be driven by their eventual need to be demanding and pushy and unsatisfied and jaded and hardened and insensitive.
Persons who are Personality Type Seven will be driven by the need to try to quell their anxieties, resulting in their becoming impulsive and infantile, never knowing “when to stop” anything.
Persons who are Personality Type Seven will be driven by the need to escape mentally and emotionally and even geographically, moving here and there to try to find “the right job,” “the right person,” etc., always blaming externals for their internal condition.
Persons who are Personality Type Seven will be driven by the need to run away from issues because, ultimately, they are in flight from self (and, therefore, from Self as well).
Persons who are Personality Type Seven will be driven by the need to allow their erratic mood swings and their lack of control to have free rein.
Persons who are Personality Type Seven will be driven by the need to go and do and zoom until, finally, their energy and health will be spent. Often, deep depression and despair and self-destructive tendencies can eventually result in suicide, either of the conscious or the unconscious variety.
Some of the personality disorders that Sevens can suffer from: the Addictive P.D., the Bipolar P.D., the Histrionic P.D., the Narcissistic P.D., the Dependent P.D., and the suffering of Hypomanic Episodes.
[The answer to the question, "Is alcoholism (or any addiction) a disease or a choice" should now be clear. The answer is: "Neither."
When driven by personality, one has no ability to choose or not choose. Rather than being a "disease," therefore, addiction is simply a manner of psychically-unhealthy thinking and talking and behaving; thus, no one is living under the influence of alcohol or anything else to which persons become addicted. All among the non-Realized are living under the influence of personality and experiencing all of the insanity that personality generates.
It can be seen, therefore, that addiction to anything is the result of personality and personality disorders which - as is the case with all personality disorders - can lead to many types and degrees of neuroses and psychoses. Rather than being either "a disease or a choice," such dysfucntionalism is like almost all dysfunctionalism: it is not a disease but is likely evidence of the presence of the Ultimate Sickness instead.]
Such is the way the relative existence will unfold if one is a Type Seven and becomes stressed and disintegrates.
And such is the way that the masses all around the globe dysfunctionally operate as a result of living under the auspices of personality.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
23 April 2014
F.: A few have visited the “Finding Your Personality Type(s)” page at the top of this site and asked some questions about how I started incorporating the enneagram personality inventory process into the non-dual teachings.
The first introduction of the method came in the mid to late 1960’s in college, mentioned by a professor of Spanish heritage, but its significance did not register. During the years in the 1980’s when “the search” here turned toward the East (allowing the relative hazards of personality assignment and assumption to finally be seen fully), further investigation led once more to the enneagram method of understanding personality and its effect. Finally, the significance of the method registered.
After years of trying to share the non-dual understanding - and after learning that Maharaj suggested that science would one day be used to verify the teachings and then to facilitate the teaching process - the significance became even clearer.
It was seen that the science of personality and the enneagram method of analysis could provide a more complete understanding of personality and the effects of the nine basic types and that such as understanding – if presented in black and white, right before a seeker’s eyes – might provide an impetus to shift (which might otherwise be missing).
That information, if seen clearly, might move one beyond the Westerner notion regarding personality (namely, “just “minimize the liabilities of your personality and accentuate your personality’s assets”) and then encourage seekers to consider the Eastern approach of bringing to an end, once and for all, the misery and suffering that result when one is living under the influence of personality or, typically, the influence of multiple personalities (as in, “the Multiple Personality Disorder”).
Around 2002, the path here crossed with that of a college friend who is a counselor and who – like more and more therapists around the globe – uses the personality inventory with every client.
At an enneagram conference we attended outside Amsterdam, we met scores of people from Western Europe, from Eastern Europe and Russia, from South and Central America, from Africa, and from Australia who are using the enneagram in their counseling practice and in their businesses. Over 50 people in attendance were CEO’s of major corporations who use the enneagram inventory for hiring (or not hiring) purposes and for "staff development."
Soon, I was working as a consultant with the owners and CEO’s of various progressive companies in the U.S., all executives who realize the effects of personality on their companies’ bottom line and who now understand the degree to which personality affects not only people's behavior in the workplace but also company performance overall.
Today, I still work with companies in the U.S. that are using the process and am also working with counselors around the globe, taking the test results that the therapist send, analyzing the results, and sending back a custom-tailored report for each of their clients.
The freedom that comes when the information provided is used to lead to the understanding and to an awareness of how significant a role that personality plays with persons all around the globe cannot be overstated. And that is why information rooted in the science of personality is now offered here (in combination with the Direct Path Teaching Method and the Nisarga Yoga).
The fact is this among the non-Realized: because they are so stressed and so disintegrated psychically – a condition that is more often than not rooted in personality - the levels of their psychic unhealthiness are pervasive and cannot be overemphasized.
Therefore, there will be a continuation of the discussion based in the science of personality which now reveals just how psychically unhealthy and how needy (and, therefore, dependent) persons are rendered as a result of being driven by the influences of the nine basic personality types (and all other assumed identities as well):
Persons who are Personality Type Seven will be driven by the constant need to seek options and choices because of their hatred of commitment.
Persons who are Personality Type Seven will be driven by the need to seek new experiences and to take risks that are not always based in reason.
Persons who are Personality Type Seven will be driven by the need to earn money to finance their adventurers, to provide variety, and to keep up with the latest trends.
Persons who are Personality Type Seven will be driven by the need to be hyperactive and to never say “no” to themselves.
Persons who are Personality Type Seven will be driven by the need to be uninhibited, wise-cracking, and sometimes insulting.
Persons who are Personality Type Seven will be driven by the need to be in perpetual motion, doing more and more until they crash, then recharge, then bounce back, and then start that entire cycle all over again.
Persons who are Personality Type Seven will be driven by the need to escape (which can, eventually, leads to addictive thinking and addictive behavior).
Persons who are Personality Type Seven will be driven by the need to enter into all kinds of excess, to become self-centered, to become materialistic and greedy, and to feel as if they never have enough of anything.
Persons who are Personality Type Seven will be driven by their eventual need to be demanding and pushy and unsatisfied and jaded and hardened and insensitive.
Persons who are Personality Type Seven will be driven by the need to try to quell their anxieties, resulting in their becoming impulsive and infantile, never knowing “when to stop” anything.
Persons who are Personality Type Seven will be driven by the need to escape mentally and emotionally and even geographically, moving here and there to try to find “the right job,” “the right person,” etc., always blaming externals for their internal condition.
Persons who are Personality Type Seven will be driven by the need to run away from issues because, ultimately, they are in flight from self (and, therefore, from Self as well).
Persons who are Personality Type Seven will be driven by the need to allow their erratic mood swings and their lack of control to have free rein.
Persons who are Personality Type Seven will be driven by the need to go and do and zoom until, finally, their energy and health will be spent. Often, deep depression and despair and self-destructive tendencies can eventually result in suicide, either of the conscious or the unconscious variety.
Some of the personality disorders that Sevens can suffer from: the Addictive P.D., the Bipolar P.D., the Histrionic P.D., the Narcissistic P.D., the Dependent P.D., and the suffering of Hypomanic Episodes.
[The answer to the question, "Is alcoholism (or any addiction) a disease or a choice" should now be clear. The answer is: "Neither."
When driven by personality, one has no ability to choose or not choose. Rather than being a "disease," therefore, addiction is simply a manner of psychically-unhealthy thinking and talking and behaving; thus, no one is living under the influence of alcohol or anything else to which persons become addicted. All among the non-Realized are living under the influence of personality and experiencing all of the insanity that personality generates.
It can be seen, therefore, that addiction to anything is the result of personality and personality disorders which - as is the case with all personality disorders - can lead to many types and degrees of neuroses and psychoses. Rather than being either "a disease or a choice," such dysfucntionalism is like almost all dysfunctionalism: it is not a disease but is likely evidence of the presence of the Ultimate Sickness instead.]
Such is the way the relative existence will unfold if one is a Type Seven and becomes stressed and disintegrates.
And such is the way that the masses all around the globe dysfunctionally operate as a result of living under the auspices of personality.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
23 April 2014
F.: Are you seeing what an obstacle - to abiding sanely and wisely and normally and naturally - that ANY personality identification brings? This consideration was offered yesterday:
Can anyone who is sane really endorse the Western take on personality, namely, to “hang onto personality but just develop ‘the assets side’ of your personality while diminishing the effect of the traits that are listed in the personality’s ‘liabilities column’”?
One cannot be more deeply entrapped in dualistic thinking than is the case with Westerners who claim, "Well, when it comes to personality and personality traits, you just gotta take the good with the bad."
Maharaj encouraged visitors to the loft to reach a “zero concepts” state and a “no-identity” state. That means: a non-dual, no-mind state and a non-dual no-personality state.
The Western notion that the way to deal with personality defects is to “accentuate the positive” suggests that one call “will away” the Ultimate Sickness (as if one could “will away” cancer, insane notions about “the healing power of prayer the eliminates any and all need for professional medical care” notwithstanding).
Next, contrary to the way that every person believes that he or she is “so unique” and “such as individual,” the salient fact which all are invited to understand is this: the influence of the nine basic personality types is textbook. Meaning?
Meaning that every Type One thinks and talks and acts like every other Type One; the same is true for Type Twos, Threes, etc. Any “variations” or misperceptions of “uniqueness” and “individuality” come about as a result of the degree to which each of the nine types exist and function within any particular “mind.”
How many different permutations of the nine types are available? 362,880. So yes, “persons” driven by personality can certainly seem to be unique because there are 362,880 possible ways that the nine types can combine in an given “person”; yet only nine types are operating as basic types, and usually persons have a primary type and 4-5 other types that are exerting a significant influence on thoughts and words and actions (leaving all of them trapped in the Multiple Personality Disorder).
Yet if one is a Type One, she or he will, again, behave exactly like all other Type Ones, and the same applies to all Twos, all Threes, etc. If someone makes a few statements in the presence of one versed in the nine basic personality types, that speaker’s type is almost always readily recognizable (or at least the type driving any particular comment is identifiable).
If one who is even slightly aware of “self” were to read the nine descriptions being offered in this series, some of each type might seem familiar, but one type above all others should likely be seen to be primary or dominant. (The exception: when alter egos have developed and are exerting near-equal influence over thoughts and words and actions.)
To continue with what the science of personality now reveals in terms of just how needy (and, therefore, dependent) persons are rendered as a result of being driven by the influences of the nine basic personality types (and all other assumed identities as well):
Persons who are Personality Type Six will be driven by the need to seek safety because Sixes are driven by fear and anxiety.
Persons who are Personality Type Six will be driven by the need to seek out caretakers. (Where Two’s view a relationship as a way to get the “love” not received early on in the quantity desired, Sixes view a relationship as a mean to an end, that end being taken care of - financially or otherwise).
Relatedly, persons who are Personality Type Six will be driven by the need to form alliances and align with authorities in order to feel secure.
Persons who are Personality Type Six will be driven by the need to behave in a passive-aggressive manner (but their degree of passive-aggressiveness will not equal that of the masters of passive-aggressiveness, namely, Type Nines).
Persons who are Personality Type Six will be driven by the need to avoid decision-making. They simply cannot decide. (Whereas only 1/2 of 1% of the planet’s population are Type Fours that might become prone to seek authenticity, 50% are Type Sixes. (Want to be the leader who can control the population? Trigger their fears and at least 50% are yours to guide and manipulate as you will.)
Persons who are Personality Type Six will be driven by the need to be cautious, hypervigilant, and ambivalent as well as reactive, anxious, negative and contradictory.
Persons who are Personality Type Six will be driven by the need to be defensive and to blame others for their problems.
Persons who are Personality Type Six will be driven by the need to panic at times, to be stressed, to see themselves as defenseless, and to be divisive.
Persons who are Personality Type Six will be driven by the need to feel persecuted.
Some of the personality disorders that Sixes can suffer from: the Passive-Aggressive P.D., the Paranoid P.D., the Dependent / Co-Dependent P.D., the Avoidance P.D., and the Borderline P.D. (revealed on the personality inventory by the presence of a high 6 score in combination with a high Type 4 score).
Such is the way the relative existence will unfold if one is a Type Six who becomes stressed and disintegrates.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
22 April 2014
F.: Are you seeing what an obstacle - to abiding sanely and wisely and normally and naturally - that ANY personality identification brings? This consideration was offered yesterday:
Can anyone who is sane really endorse the Western take on personality, namely, to “hang onto personality but just develop ‘the assets side’ of your personality while diminishing the effect of the traits that are listed in the personality’s ‘liabilities column’”?
One cannot be more deeply entrapped in dualistic thinking than is the case with Westerners who claim, "Well, when it comes to personality and personality traits, you just gotta take the good with the bad."
Maharaj encouraged visitors to the loft to reach a “zero concepts” state and a “no-identity” state. That means: a non-dual, no-mind state and a non-dual no-personality state.
The Western notion that the way to deal with personality defects is to “accentuate the positive” suggests that one call “will away” the Ultimate Sickness (as if one could “will away” cancer, insane notions about “the healing power of prayer the eliminates any and all need for professional medical care” notwithstanding).
Next, contrary to the way that every person believes that he or she is “so unique” and “such as individual,” the salient fact which all are invited to understand is this: the influence of the nine basic personality types is textbook. Meaning?
Meaning that every Type One thinks and talks and acts like every other Type One; the same is true for Type Twos, Threes, etc. Any “variations” or misperceptions of “uniqueness” and “individuality” come about as a result of the degree to which each of the nine types exist and function within any particular “mind.”
How many different permutations of the nine types are available? 362,880. So yes, “persons” driven by personality can certainly seem to be unique because there are 362,880 possible ways that the nine types can combine in an given “person”; yet only nine types are operating as basic types, and usually persons have a primary type and 4-5 other types that are exerting a significant influence on thoughts and words and actions (leaving all of them trapped in the Multiple Personality Disorder).
Yet if one is a Type One, she or he will, again, behave exactly like all other Type Ones, and the same applies to all Twos, all Threes, etc. If someone makes a few statements in the presence of one versed in the nine basic personality types, that speaker’s type is almost always readily recognizable (or at least the type driving any particular comment is identifiable).
If one who is even slightly aware of “self” were to read the nine descriptions being offered in this series, some of each type might seem familiar, but one type above all others should likely be seen to be primary or dominant. (The exception: when alter egos have developed and are exerting near-equal influence over thoughts and words and actions.)
To continue with what the science of personality now reveals in terms of just how needy (and, therefore, dependent) persons are rendered as a result of being driven by the influences of the nine basic personality types (and all other assumed identities as well):
Persons who are Personality Type Six will be driven by the need to seek safety because Sixes are driven by fear and anxiety.
Persons who are Personality Type Six will be driven by the need to seek out caretakers. (Where Two’s view a relationship as a way to get the “love” not received early on in the quantity desired, Sixes view a relationship as a mean to an end, that end being taken care of - financially or otherwise).
Relatedly, persons who are Personality Type Six will be driven by the need to form alliances and align with authorities in order to feel secure.
Persons who are Personality Type Six will be driven by the need to behave in a passive-aggressive manner (but their degree of passive-aggressiveness will not equal that of the masters of passive-aggressiveness, namely, Type Nines).
Persons who are Personality Type Six will be driven by the need to avoid decision-making. They simply cannot decide. (Whereas only 1/2 of 1% of the planet’s population are Type Fours that might become prone to seek authenticity, 50% are Type Sixes. (Want to be the leader who can control the population? Trigger their fears and at least 50% are yours to guide and manipulate as you will.)
Persons who are Personality Type Six will be driven by the need to be cautious, hypervigilant, and ambivalent as well as reactive, anxious, negative and contradictory.
Persons who are Personality Type Six will be driven by the need to be defensive and to blame others for their problems.
Persons who are Personality Type Six will be driven by the need to panic at times, to be stressed, to see themselves as defenseless, and to be divisive.
Persons who are Personality Type Six will be driven by the need to feel persecuted.
Some of the personality disorders that Sixes can suffer from: the Passive-Aggressive P.D., the Paranoid P.D., the Dependent / Co-Dependent P.D., the Avoidance P.D., and the Borderline P.D. (revealed on the personality inventory by the presence of a high 6 score in combination with a high Type 4 score).
Such is the way the relative existence will unfold if one is a Type Six who becomes stressed and disintegrates.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
22 April 2014
F.: To continue with what the science of personality now reveals in terms of just how needy (and, therefore, dependent) persons are rendered as a result of being driven by the influences of the nine basic personality types (and all other assumed identities as well):
Persons who are Personality Type Five will be driven by the need to be seen as more intellectual and more cerebral and more knowledgeable than anyone else.
Persons who are Personality Type Five will be driven by the need to be intense and perceptive but also secretive, isolated, and inaccessible except when an opportunity comes along to show off their knowledge. (That tendency toward being secretive and withdrawn leads to increasing degrees of detachment, eventually driving Fives to become quite reclusive).
Persons who are Personality Type Five will be driven by the need to procrastinate and avoid. (For example, they will avoid or delay paying their bills even if they have the money in the bank to pay them.)
Persons who are Personality Type Five will be driven by the need to hoard.
Persons who are Personality Type Five will be driven by the need to conceptualize everything before taking action, and that habit often results in no action being taken at all.
Persons who are Personality Type Five will be driven by the need to discuss off-beat esoteric subjects (a behavior that can often result in excruciating levels of boredom for listeners).
Persons who are Personality Type Five will be driven by the need to focus on their ideas in order to avoid dealing with reality, that is, with anything involved with the relative existence. Fives can be driven to detach from anything “practical” involving the relative existence.
Persons who are Personality Type Five will be driven by the need to deal with the dark and disturbing elements of their psyche, many of them having had an early exposure to death or blood and brutality. (One Five told me that he has had a recurring dream since the age of 5 or so, still interrupting his sleep even now though he is age 58. The dream involves his chewing broken glass and bleeding profusely from the mouth.)
Persons who are Personality Type Five will be driven by the need to become antagonistic when outside, day-to-day, relative issues intrude upon their “inner world.”
Persons who are Personality Type Five will be driven by the need to become more and more cynical, abrasive, and argumentative, developing extreme and radical views. (That “works” because it drives others away and allows Fives to isolate and avoid even more.)
Persons who are Personality Type Five will be driven by the need to analyze their work rather than do their work.
Persons who are Personality Type Five will be driven by the need (as they disintegrate even more psychically), to be withdrawn, secluded (mentally or literally) eccentric, and nihilistic.
Persons who are Personality Type Five will be driven by the need to become hypervigilant as they develop threatening or horrifying ideas and become prey to phobias and gross distortions.
At their most disintegrated state, they can become deranged and self-destructive, can experience a psychotic break with reality, can become schizophrenic, and can even be driven to commit suicide.
Key personality disorders that typically show up with Fives: the Schizoid-Avoidance P.D., the Schizotypal P.D., the Paranoid P.D., the Avoidant P.D.
Can anyone who is sane really endorse the Western take on personality, namely, to “hang onto personality but just develop ‘the assets side’ of your personality while diminishing the effect of the traits that are listed in your personality’s ‘liabilities column’”?
One cannot be more deeply entrapped in dualistic thinking than is the case with Westerners who claim, "Well, when it comes to personality and personality traits, you just gotta take the good with the bad."
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
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“ ‘THE VISION’ is such a well-written, condensed version of the Nisarga Yoga approach to understanding and enjoying Reality that I feel it can serve as a must-read ‘meditation guide’ for all earnest seekers.” – Andy Gugar, Jr.
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Therefore, another movement or shift is happening here spontaneously after reflecting on the more than two decades since the teachings were first offered here and looking at the results of Maharaj sharing pointers in his loft and looking at the results of "Floyd" sharing pointers in this electronic loft: Looking objectively at his results, Maharaj's satsang method of sharing - in the end and by his own admission (only "one out of 10,000,000") - did not produce the intended outcome.
* * * * * * *

Anthology of four books

Anthology of six books

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[Please note: When the Direct Path Teaching Method is offered in conjunction with the Nisarga Yoga, something unique results when compared to what happens via the approach used by religions, spiritual movements, philosophies, ideologies, etc.:
rather than inviting seekers to learn more, the invitation here is to unlearn all; rather than offerings teachings, what is offered are unteachings; rather than offering to provide seekers more of anything, seekers will find that the process will take away everything. And via that process, the bliss of Your Original Nature will manifest and remain until mahasamadhi is taken.
To that end, the content of this book will seem radical to the seekers of more, but for those truly ready to be totally free and totally independent - and for those who are truly ready to abandon efforts to accumulate and to de-accumulate instead - the pointers in this book might be relevant.]
To receive your free copy, or to have us send a free copy to your friends or relatives, send your email address (or their addresses) to the following:
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Simply state in your email that you want the book sent as a gift to you (or as a gift from you to as many people as you like. Copies are now ready to be sent.)

F.: To continue with what the science of personality now reveals in terms of just how needy (and, therefore, dependent) persons are rendered as a result of being driven by the influences of the nine basic personality types (and all other assumed identities as well):
Persons who are Personality Type Five will be driven by the need to be seen as more intellectual and more cerebral and more knowledgeable than anyone else.
Persons who are Personality Type Five will be driven by the need to be intense and perceptive but also secretive, isolated, and inaccessible except when an opportunity comes along to show off their knowledge. (That tendency toward being secretive and withdrawn leads to increasing degrees of detachment, eventually driving Fives to become quite reclusive).
Persons who are Personality Type Five will be driven by the need to procrastinate and avoid. (For example, they will avoid or delay paying their bills even if they have the money in the bank to pay them.)
Persons who are Personality Type Five will be driven by the need to hoard.
Persons who are Personality Type Five will be driven by the need to conceptualize everything before taking action, and that habit often results in no action being taken at all.
Persons who are Personality Type Five will be driven by the need to discuss off-beat esoteric subjects (a behavior that can often result in excruciating levels of boredom for listeners).
Persons who are Personality Type Five will be driven by the need to focus on their ideas in order to avoid dealing with reality, that is, with anything involved with the relative existence. Fives can be driven to detach from anything “practical” involving the relative existence.
Persons who are Personality Type Five will be driven by the need to deal with the dark and disturbing elements of their psyche, many of them having had an early exposure to death or blood and brutality. (One Five told me that he has had a recurring dream since the age of 5 or so, still interrupting his sleep even now though he is age 58. The dream involves his chewing broken glass and bleeding profusely from the mouth.)
Persons who are Personality Type Five will be driven by the need to become antagonistic when outside, day-to-day, relative issues intrude upon their “inner world.”
Persons who are Personality Type Five will be driven by the need to become more and more cynical, abrasive, and argumentative, developing extreme and radical views. (That “works” because it drives others away and allows Fives to isolate and avoid even more.)
Persons who are Personality Type Five will be driven by the need to analyze their work rather than do their work.
Persons who are Personality Type Five will be driven by the need (as they disintegrate even more psychically), to be withdrawn, secluded (mentally or literally) eccentric, and nihilistic.
Persons who are Personality Type Five will be driven by the need to become hypervigilant as they develop threatening or horrifying ideas and become prey to phobias and gross distortions.
At their most disintegrated state, they can become deranged and self-destructive, can experience a psychotic break with reality, can become schizophrenic, and can even be driven to commit suicide.
Key personality disorders that typically show up with Fives: the Schizoid-Avoidance P.D., the Schizotypal P.D., the Paranoid P.D., the Avoidant P.D.
Can anyone who is sane really endorse the Western take on personality, namely, to “hang onto personality but just develop ‘the assets side’ of your personality while diminishing the effect of the traits that are listed in your personality’s ‘liabilities column’”?
One cannot be more deeply entrapped in dualistic thinking than is the case with Westerners who claim, "Well, when it comes to personality and personality traits, you just gotta take the good with the bad."
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
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Comments regarding the free eBook entitled “THE VISION”:
“My thanks to you and Andy.” – Andrew “Mac” McMaster
“Thanks so much for the book! And, by the way, it is brilliant and the most effective pointing that you have done. It has served to help clear the remaining blockages.” – Stan Cross
“Greatly appreciate having “THE VISION” added to my Henderson resource library that is situated on the right side of my bed for easy access! Eternally grateful for what was received and what was given.” – Robert Rigby
“ ‘THE VISION’ is such a well-written, condensed version of the Nisarga Yoga approach to understanding and enjoying Reality that I feel it can serve as a must-read ‘meditation guide’ for all earnest seekers.” – Andy Gugar, Jr.
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Just hang on to those please.
Just hang on to those please.
A "movement" or "shift" happened here that added another parallel to the many parallels in terms of the phenomenal "experiences" and the noumenal revelations that "Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj" and "Floyd" share in common. (Many visitors over the years have said that they also shared the same parallels with "Maharaj" and "Floyd" as well.)
In the case of "Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj" and "Floyd":
1. both grew up in very poor families 2. both moved to populated areas to seek employment opportunities 3. both exhibited business skills that led to their opening and operating many businesses and to their having a large number of employees working for them 4. both succeeded financially 5. both became attached to accumulating; 6. both married and had a family 7. both were initially religious 8. both moved away from organized religion and became interested in "spiritual" matters, finding and following the teachings of a big name teacher (or, in "Floyd's" case, many big name teachers) 9. both had highly religious wives who were quite displeased with the shift away from religion and toward "spirituality" 10. both began to feel empty in spite of all of their "spiritual seeking" and in spite of all of their accumulated "spiritual knowledge";
1. both grew up in very poor families 2. both moved to populated areas to seek employment opportunities 3. both exhibited business skills that led to their opening and operating many businesses and to their having a large number of employees working for them 4. both succeeded financially 5. both became attached to accumulating; 6. both married and had a family 7. both were initially religious 8. both moved away from organized religion and became interested in "spiritual" matters, finding and following the teachings of a big name teacher (or, in "Floyd's" case, many big name teachers) 9. both had highly religious wives who were quite displeased with the shift away from religion and toward "spirituality" 10. both began to feel empty in spite of all of their "spiritual seeking" and in spite of all of their accumulated "spiritual knowledge";
11. both began to de-accumulate after both saw that they could survive quite well on a fraction of the income they had been making
12. both had wives who were unhappy when the de-accumulation stage was entered and both had wives who became unhappy about their husbands' focus on non-duality and who blamed their unhappiness on no longer having a religious husband
(The facts be known, in both cases the unhappiness involved the fact that their husbands were no longer interested in - or willing - to work 80+ hours per week and that their husbands were no longer interested in accumulating wealth and possessions and providing the rich lifestyle to which their wives had grown accustomed)
13. both eventually came to see that the religious and spiritual states were also ego-states, and both saw that there are far more steps on the "path" to complete after reaching the religious and spiritual steps and after playing those roles which are the third of seven steps on the entire "path" 14. both "lost" their wives (one via "death," the other through divorce); 15. both accelerated their seeking; 16. both entered into the "forest dweller stage" 17. both Realized 18. both began to de-accumulate even more
19. both began sharing the teachings 20. for years, both answered questions in whatever order those questions were received, though both said that the movement from identification with the false "I" / "I's" involved an exact, step-wise manner of moving along a "path" that involved "going back" in the same (but reverse order) of the way they "came in" - that is, the way that the manifestation happened and the way that the consciousness was blocked through seven stages that resulted in their becoming identified solely with their false personas, with the content of the "mind," and eventually, with the body. But the most significant awareness that finally came to both after years of offering satsang and after having answered thousands and thousands of questions was this: After years of "Maharaj" offering satsang in his loft, and after years of "Floyd" offering satsang in meeting halls and in his home and via what one site visitor called "Floyd's electronic loft," this fact became obvious to both: "Maharaj" came to see in the 1970's and into 1980 and 1981 that his approach was not working and "Floyd" finally came to see the same.
13. both eventually came to see that the religious and spiritual states were also ego-states, and both saw that there are far more steps on the "path" to complete after reaching the religious and spiritual steps and after playing those roles which are the third of seven steps on the entire "path" 14. both "lost" their wives (one via "death," the other through divorce); 15. both accelerated their seeking; 16. both entered into the "forest dweller stage" 17. both Realized 18. both began to de-accumulate even more
19. both began sharing the teachings 20. for years, both answered questions in whatever order those questions were received, though both said that the movement from identification with the false "I" / "I's" involved an exact, step-wise manner of moving along a "path" that involved "going back" in the same (but reverse order) of the way they "came in" - that is, the way that the manifestation happened and the way that the consciousness was blocked through seven stages that resulted in their becoming identified solely with their false personas, with the content of the "mind," and eventually, with the body. But the most significant awareness that finally came to both after years of offering satsang and after having answered thousands and thousands of questions was this: After years of "Maharaj" offering satsang in his loft, and after years of "Floyd" offering satsang in meeting halls and in his home and via what one site visitor called "Floyd's electronic loft," this fact became obvious to both: "Maharaj" came to see in the 1970's and into 1980 and 1981 that his approach was not working and "Floyd" finally came to see the same.
21. Both saw that many who heard the teachings are not going to understand (Maharaj reporting that "only 1 in 100,000 are going to 'get' this" understanding)
22. both soon saw that even more than expected of those who heard the teachings were not going to understand (Maharaj modifying his "guesstimate" and reporting that "only 1 in 1,000,000 are going to 'get' this" understanding)
23. eventually both saw that even far more than expected of those who heard the teachings were not going to understand (Maharaj eventually concluding that "only 1 in 10,000,000 are going to 'get' this" understanding). And the failings were not the fault of seekers.
A "one -in-ten-million" estimate is proof that satsang was not working for most seekers, and the evidence here lately is proof of the same.
Both "Maharaj" and "Floyd" invited seekers to focus on the exact, step-wise "path." Yes, during satsang, "Maharaj" sometimes alluded to the steps while discussing them in no particular order - but he never once laid out the steps in the exact order in which they had to be completed. That was not his teachings style or approach.
Therefore, another movement or shift is happening here spontaneously after reflecting on the more than two decades since the teachings were first offered here and looking at the results of Maharaj sharing pointers in his loft and looking at the results of "Floyd" sharing pointers in this electronic loft: Looking objectively at his results, Maharaj's satsang method of sharing - in the end and by his own admission (only "one out of 10,000,000") - did not produce the intended outcome.
Looking objectively at the results here when using an "electronic loft" satsang method of sharing has not produced the intended outcome nearly as often as any of the three "face-to-face" methods used with seekers by which they have been led through the seven steps in order.
Here, the body is growing older, of course. Mahasamadhi could be taken today, or it could be taken in twenty years.
Obviously, that cannot be known. But the decision here has been made that whatever amount of the relative existence remains shall be spent in sharing the teachings in the ways that have been seen over the last 20+ years to be the most effective methods.
Looking back over the list of those that have truly received the understanding, it is seen that Robert R. read all of the books, then took the online Advaita course and then completed some face-to-face Skype sessions to receive the final clarifications required. It was seen that Mac read all of the books, completed the online course, and then attended a retreat where he was guided through the seven steps. Mac said that the online course work inspired him to attend the retreat in order to be able to receive the final "pieces." It was seen that Andy Gugar, Jr. read all of the books, then came here for a retreat and was taken through the seven steps in order, and then returned once more for the final clarifications required. After reviewing the shifts that happened with him after attending two retreats, he reaffirmed this past week his commitment to helping spread the non-duality, nisarga understanding as presented here. As a result of seeing what has "worked" during the last 20+ years of sharing the non-duality understanding - and seeing what had not "worked" as well - changes will be made.
Looking back over the list of those that have truly received the understanding, it is seen that Robert R. read all of the books, then took the online Advaita course and then completed some face-to-face Skype sessions to receive the final clarifications required. It was seen that Mac read all of the books, completed the online course, and then attended a retreat where he was guided through the seven steps. Mac said that the online course work inspired him to attend the retreat in order to be able to receive the final "pieces." It was seen that Andy Gugar, Jr. read all of the books, then came here for a retreat and was taken through the seven steps in order, and then returned once more for the final clarifications required. After reviewing the shifts that happened with him after attending two retreats, he reaffirmed this past week his commitment to helping spread the non-duality, nisarga understanding as presented here. As a result of seeing what has "worked" during the last 20+ years of sharing the non-duality understanding - and seeing what had not "worked" as well - changes will be made.
In "Part One," examples were given of seekers that were led to Realization not by satsang but by following the various protocols outlined farther down this page which provide the understanding in the step-wise, orderly, required fashion which moves seekers along a "path" that is as prescribed by Maharaj ... "going back" in the "reverse order" by which the consciousness manifested and became blocked.
However, conversations with some that just read the majority of the books have revealed that they certainly seem to have grasped the understanding and Realized as well.
As a result of seeing what has "worked" during the last 20+ years of sharing the non-duality understanding - and seeing what has "not worked" as well - changes are being made.
There are seven specific steps that happen when awareness-energy is "pulled" into a cycle of manifestation. When that energy manifests as conscious-energy, that formerly pure and unadulterated energy becomes "corrupted" (or "blocked" from seeing clearly) via programming, conditioning, domestication, acculturation, and brainwashing. Soon, there is a belief in the not-Real as a result of seven degrees of separation from an understanding of the Real.
Using the method that was also employed by his contemporaries - a method which focused on offering non-duality pointers via satsang - Maharaj addressed questions in the order in which they were received. He might receive a question from a seeker at the third step and his reply would include what amounted to an invitation to move to the fourth step. The next question might come from a seeker at the first step, and the reply would include an invitation to move to the second step.
The information offered to the second seeker would seemingly contradict what was offered to the first seeker, so visitors who have come here for decades have asked questions which showed how confused they were by the fact that Maharaj's statements to each visitor in his loft were "level-appropriate" yet were provided in no precise order, resulting in what seemed to be an inconsistent message.
So the process overall was confusing in that
seekers were told to follow the "path back" in the same way that they "came in," except in reverse order,
pointers were not given in a specific, step-wise order at all.
Maharaj did recognize the seven steps that are taught here, but by offering the teachings in an order that was dictated by the order in which questions were received from seekers who were at different steps on the "path," the result was this:
a pointer about moving beyond the fourth step might be followed by a pointer about moving beyond the first step, and that pointer might be followed by a pointer about how to move beyond the sixth step.
The same was done on this site for seven years. The result is a collection of 1,800 or so essays discussing almost every non-duality topic that can be discussed, and the search button on the top right side of this page will now allow seekers with a question about a specific topic to find an explanation. That method, however, will never provide the manner in which the seven steps on the "path" must be transmitted and received in order to Realize Fully.
An objective study of the history here of more than twenty years of offering non-duality pointers reveals this: seekers that were given pointers in the exact order in which they needed to receive them were the ones that Realized.
They read the books, then they completed the online course and / or completed seven Skype or telephone sessions or came here for a retreat (or watched the downloadable DVD version of an actual retreat, available below).
Some found that which they were seeking by reading the author's book that deal with non-duality subject matter. Via all of those venues, the steps are taught in their proper order.
The essays available on this site will remain for those interested in searching for a discussion of a particular non-duality topic without charge, but the focus here until mahasamadhi is taken is going to be on offering the teachings in the step-wise fashion that has been seen to work.
(Four by Floyd Henderson and two by Dennis Waite. Click the picture for more information or to order)
(Four by Floyd Henderson and two by Dennis Waite. Click the picture for more information or to order)
* * * * * * *
are available at
Floyd Henderson's Website
International buyers: note the separate option for those outside the continental U.S.
II. BY READING the explanations offered in the collection of non-duality books that are available on this site and at www.floydhenderson.com.
III. BY ENROLLING in the Online Advaita Classes For information, visit Information on the Advaita Classes on the Internet To enroll visit Enroll in the Advaita Internet Course
IV. BY ATTENDING an Advaitin retreat with floyd and being guided through all seven steps. For details of the retreats offered, please visit the retreat information site.
V. BY ARRANGING a one-hour session via Skype or telephone with Floyd. (Skype is a free service.)
Click the button to pay and you will be contacted to arrange a date and time for the call.
Floyd Henderson's Website
Within minutes of purchase you can be reading any of the eBooks below on your mobile devices, including an iPhone, iPad, Android tablet, Android phone, laptop, home computer or on a Kindle reader.
For Apple and Android, either download the eBook directly onto your device or email the eBook file to your mobile device and open the file from your email. For Kindles or other similar devices, use your USB cable to transfer the eBook to your reader.
I. BY WATCHING the 4-Disk, Seven-Hour Video (DVD) Set of an advaita retreat, or the downloadable file version. To find out more or to purchase the DVD or downloadable computer file version of the retreat, DVD or Downloadable computer file versions of the Four-Day Advaita Retreat
I. BY WATCHING the 4-Disk, Seven-Hour Video (DVD) Set of an advaita retreat, or the downloadable file version. To find out more or to purchase the DVD or downloadable computer file version of the retreat, DVD or Downloadable computer file versions of the Four-Day Advaita Retreat
International buyers: note the separate option for those outside the continental U.S.
II. BY READING the explanations offered in the collection of non-duality books that are available on this site and at www.floydhenderson.com.
III. BY ENROLLING in the Online Advaita Classes For information, visit Information on the Advaita Classes on the Internet To enroll visit Enroll in the Advaita Internet Course
IV. BY ATTENDING an Advaitin retreat with floyd and being guided through all seven steps. For details of the retreats offered, please visit the retreat information site.
V. BY ARRANGING a one-hour session via Skype or telephone with Floyd. (Skype is a free service.)
Click the button to pay and you will be contacted to arrange a date and time for the call.
Floyd Henderson's Website
FROM THE I TO THE ABSOLUTE: A Seven-Step Journey to Reality



Anthology of four books

Anthology of six books


For more information on this book, or to purchase a copy now, click:


[Please note: When the Direct Path Teaching Method is offered in conjunction with the Nisarga Yoga, something unique results when compared to what happens via the approach used by religions, spiritual movements, philosophies, ideologies, etc.:
rather than inviting seekers to learn more, the invitation here is to unlearn all; rather than offerings teachings, what is offered are unteachings; rather than offering to provide seekers more of anything, seekers will find that the process will take away everything. And via that process, the bliss of Your Original Nature will manifest and remain until mahasamadhi is taken.
To that end, the content of this book will seem radical to the seekers of more, but for those truly ready to be totally free and totally independent - and for those who are truly ready to abandon efforts to accumulate and to de-accumulate instead - the pointers in this book might be relevant.]
To receive your free copy, or to have us send a free copy to your friends or relatives, send your email address (or their addresses) to the following:
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Simply state in your email that you want the book sent as a gift to you (or as a gift from you to as many people as you like. Copies are now ready to be sent.)