F.: Are you seeing what an obstacle - to abiding sanely and wisely and normally and naturally - that ANY personality identification brings? This consideration was offered yesterday:
Can anyone who is sane really endorse the Western take on personality, namely, to “hang onto personality but just develop ‘the assets side’ of your personality while diminishing the effect of the traits that are listed in the personality’s ‘liabilities column’”?
One cannot be more deeply entrapped in dualistic thinking than is the case with Westerners who claim, "Well, when it comes to personality and personality traits, you just gotta take the good with the bad."
Maharaj encouraged visitors to the loft to reach a “zero concepts” state and a “no-identity” state. That means: a non-dual, no-mind state and a non-dual no-personality state.
The Western notion that the way to deal with personality defects is to “accentuate the positive” suggests that one call “will away” the Ultimate Sickness (as if one could “will away” cancer, insane notions about “the healing power of prayer the eliminates any and all need for professional medical care” notwithstanding).
Next, contrary to the way that every person believes that he or she is “so unique” and “such as individual,” the salient fact which all are invited to understand is this: the influence of the nine basic personality types is textbook. Meaning?
Meaning that every Type One thinks and talks and acts like every other Type One; the same is true for Type Twos, Threes, etc. Any “variations” or misperceptions of “uniqueness” and “individuality” come about as a result of the degree to which each of the nine types exist and function within any particular “mind.”
How many different permutations of the nine types are available? 362,880. So yes, “persons” driven by personality can certainly seem to be unique because there are 362,880 possible ways that the nine types can combine in an given “person”; yet only nine types are operating as basic types, and usually persons have a primary type and 4-5 other types that are exerting a significant influence on thoughts and words and actions (leaving all of them trapped in the Multiple Personality Disorder).
Yet if one is a Type One, she or he will, again, behave exactly like all other Type Ones, and the same applies to all Twos, all Threes, etc. If someone makes a few statements in the presence of one versed in the nine basic personality types, that speaker’s type is almost always readily recognizable (or at least the type driving any particular comment is identifiable).
If one who is even slightly aware of “self” were to read the nine descriptions being offered in this series, some of each type might seem familiar, but one type above all others should likely be seen to be primary or dominant. (The exception: when alter egos have developed and are exerting near-equal influence over thoughts and words and actions.)
To continue with what the science of personality now reveals in terms of just how needy (and, therefore, dependent) persons are rendered as a result of being driven by the influences of the nine basic personality types (and all other assumed identities as well):
Persons who are Personality Type Six will be driven by the need to seek safety because Sixes are driven by fear and anxiety.
Persons who are Personality Type Six will be driven by the need to seek out caretakers. (Where Two’s view a relationship as a way to get the “love” not received early on in the quantity desired, Sixes view a relationship as a mean to an end, that end being taken care of - financially or otherwise).
Relatedly, persons who are Personality Type Six will be driven by the need to form alliances and align with authorities in order to feel secure.
Persons who are Personality Type Six will be driven by the need to behave in a passive-aggressive manner (but their degree of passive-aggressiveness will not equal that of the masters of passive-aggressiveness, namely, Type Nines).
Persons who are Personality Type Six will be driven by the need to avoid decision-making. They simply cannot decide. (Whereas only 1/2 of 1% of the planet’s population are Type Fours that might become prone to seek authenticity, 50% are Type Sixes. (Want to be the leader who can control the population? Trigger their fears and at least 50% are yours to guide and manipulate as you will.)
Persons who are Personality Type Six will be driven by the need to be cautious, hypervigilant, and ambivalent as well as reactive, anxious, negative and contradictory.
Persons who are Personality Type Six will be driven by the need to be defensive and to blame others for their problems.
Persons who are Personality Type Six will be driven by the need to panic at times, to be stressed, to see themselves as defenseless, and to be divisive.
Persons who are Personality Type Six will be driven by the need to feel persecuted.
Some of the personality disorders that Sixes can suffer from: the Passive-Aggressive P.D., the Paranoid P.D., the Dependent / Co-Dependent P.D., the Avoidance P.D., and the Borderline P.D. (revealed on the personality inventory by the presence of a high 6 score in combination with a high Type 4 score).
Such is the way the relative existence will unfold if one is a Type Six who becomes stressed and disintegrates.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
22 April 2014
F.: Are you seeing what an obstacle - to abiding sanely and wisely and normally and naturally - that ANY personality identification brings? This consideration was offered yesterday:
Can anyone who is sane really endorse the Western take on personality, namely, to “hang onto personality but just develop ‘the assets side’ of your personality while diminishing the effect of the traits that are listed in the personality’s ‘liabilities column’”?
One cannot be more deeply entrapped in dualistic thinking than is the case with Westerners who claim, "Well, when it comes to personality and personality traits, you just gotta take the good with the bad."
Maharaj encouraged visitors to the loft to reach a “zero concepts” state and a “no-identity” state. That means: a non-dual, no-mind state and a non-dual no-personality state.
The Western notion that the way to deal with personality defects is to “accentuate the positive” suggests that one call “will away” the Ultimate Sickness (as if one could “will away” cancer, insane notions about “the healing power of prayer the eliminates any and all need for professional medical care” notwithstanding).
Next, contrary to the way that every person believes that he or she is “so unique” and “such as individual,” the salient fact which all are invited to understand is this: the influence of the nine basic personality types is textbook. Meaning?
Meaning that every Type One thinks and talks and acts like every other Type One; the same is true for Type Twos, Threes, etc. Any “variations” or misperceptions of “uniqueness” and “individuality” come about as a result of the degree to which each of the nine types exist and function within any particular “mind.”
How many different permutations of the nine types are available? 362,880. So yes, “persons” driven by personality can certainly seem to be unique because there are 362,880 possible ways that the nine types can combine in an given “person”; yet only nine types are operating as basic types, and usually persons have a primary type and 4-5 other types that are exerting a significant influence on thoughts and words and actions (leaving all of them trapped in the Multiple Personality Disorder).
Yet if one is a Type One, she or he will, again, behave exactly like all other Type Ones, and the same applies to all Twos, all Threes, etc. If someone makes a few statements in the presence of one versed in the nine basic personality types, that speaker’s type is almost always readily recognizable (or at least the type driving any particular comment is identifiable).
If one who is even slightly aware of “self” were to read the nine descriptions being offered in this series, some of each type might seem familiar, but one type above all others should likely be seen to be primary or dominant. (The exception: when alter egos have developed and are exerting near-equal influence over thoughts and words and actions.)
To continue with what the science of personality now reveals in terms of just how needy (and, therefore, dependent) persons are rendered as a result of being driven by the influences of the nine basic personality types (and all other assumed identities as well):
Persons who are Personality Type Six will be driven by the need to seek safety because Sixes are driven by fear and anxiety.
Persons who are Personality Type Six will be driven by the need to seek out caretakers. (Where Two’s view a relationship as a way to get the “love” not received early on in the quantity desired, Sixes view a relationship as a mean to an end, that end being taken care of - financially or otherwise).
Relatedly, persons who are Personality Type Six will be driven by the need to form alliances and align with authorities in order to feel secure.
Persons who are Personality Type Six will be driven by the need to behave in a passive-aggressive manner (but their degree of passive-aggressiveness will not equal that of the masters of passive-aggressiveness, namely, Type Nines).
Persons who are Personality Type Six will be driven by the need to avoid decision-making. They simply cannot decide. (Whereas only 1/2 of 1% of the planet’s population are Type Fours that might become prone to seek authenticity, 50% are Type Sixes. (Want to be the leader who can control the population? Trigger their fears and at least 50% are yours to guide and manipulate as you will.)
Persons who are Personality Type Six will be driven by the need to be cautious, hypervigilant, and ambivalent as well as reactive, anxious, negative and contradictory.
Persons who are Personality Type Six will be driven by the need to be defensive and to blame others for their problems.
Persons who are Personality Type Six will be driven by the need to panic at times, to be stressed, to see themselves as defenseless, and to be divisive.
Persons who are Personality Type Six will be driven by the need to feel persecuted.
Some of the personality disorders that Sixes can suffer from: the Passive-Aggressive P.D., the Paranoid P.D., the Dependent / Co-Dependent P.D., the Avoidance P.D., and the Borderline P.D. (revealed on the personality inventory by the presence of a high 6 score in combination with a high Type 4 score).
Such is the way the relative existence will unfold if one is a Type Six who becomes stressed and disintegrates.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
22 April 2014
F.: To continue with what the science of personality now reveals in terms of just how needy (and, therefore, dependent) persons are rendered as a result of being driven by the influences of the nine basic personality types (and all other assumed identities as well):
Persons who are Personality Type Five will be driven by the need to be seen as more intellectual and more cerebral and more knowledgeable than anyone else.
Persons who are Personality Type Five will be driven by the need to be intense and perceptive but also secretive, isolated, and inaccessible except when an opportunity comes along to show off their knowledge. (That tendency toward being secretive and withdrawn leads to increasing degrees of detachment, eventually driving Fives to become quite reclusive).
Persons who are Personality Type Five will be driven by the need to procrastinate and avoid. (For example, they will avoid or delay paying their bills even if they have the money in the bank to pay them.)
Persons who are Personality Type Five will be driven by the need to hoard.
Persons who are Personality Type Five will be driven by the need to conceptualize everything before taking action, and that habit often results in no action being taken at all.
Persons who are Personality Type Five will be driven by the need to discuss off-beat esoteric subjects (a behavior that can often result in excruciating levels of boredom for listeners).
Persons who are Personality Type Five will be driven by the need to focus on their ideas in order to avoid dealing with reality, that is, with anything involved with the relative existence. Fives can be driven to detach from anything “practical” involving the relative existence.
Persons who are Personality Type Five will be driven by the need to deal with the dark and disturbing elements of their psyche, many of them having had an early exposure to death or blood and brutality. (One Five told me that he has had a recurring dream since the age of 5 or so, still interrupting his sleep even now though he is age 58. The dream involves his chewing broken glass and bleeding profusely from the mouth.)
Persons who are Personality Type Five will be driven by the need to become antagonistic when outside, day-to-day, relative issues intrude upon their “inner world.”
Persons who are Personality Type Five will be driven by the need to become more and more cynical, abrasive, and argumentative, developing extreme and radical views. (That “works” because it drives others away and allows Fives to isolate and avoid even more.)
Persons who are Personality Type Five will be driven by the need to analyze their work rather than do their work.
Persons who are Personality Type Five will be driven by the need (as they disintegrate even more psychically), to be withdrawn, secluded (mentally or literally) eccentric, and nihilistic.
Persons who are Personality Type Five will be driven by the need to become hypervigilant as they develop threatening or horrifying ideas and become prey to phobias and gross distortions.
At their most disintegrated state, they can become deranged and self-destructive, can experience a psychotic break with reality, can become schizophrenic, and can even be driven to commit suicide.
Key personality disorders that typically show up with Fives: the Schizoid-Avoidance P.D., the Schizotypal P.D., the Paranoid P.D., the Avoidant P.D.
Can anyone who is sane really endorse the Western take on personality, namely, to “hang onto personality but just develop ‘the assets side’ of your personality while diminishing the effect of the traits that are listed in your personality’s ‘liabilities column’”?
One cannot be more deeply entrapped in dualistic thinking than is the case with Westerners who claim, "Well, when it comes to personality and personality traits, you just gotta take the good with the bad."
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
21 April 2014
F.: To continue with what the science of personality now reveals in terms of just how needy (and, therefore, dependent) persons are rendered as a result of being driven by the influences of the nine basic personality types (and all other assumed identities as well):
Persons who are Personality Type Five will be driven by the need to be seen as more intellectual and more cerebral and more knowledgeable than anyone else.
Persons who are Personality Type Five will be driven by the need to be intense and perceptive but also secretive, isolated, and inaccessible except when an opportunity comes along to show off their knowledge. (That tendency toward being secretive and withdrawn leads to increasing degrees of detachment, eventually driving Fives to become quite reclusive).
Persons who are Personality Type Five will be driven by the need to procrastinate and avoid. (For example, they will avoid or delay paying their bills even if they have the money in the bank to pay them.)
Persons who are Personality Type Five will be driven by the need to hoard.
Persons who are Personality Type Five will be driven by the need to conceptualize everything before taking action, and that habit often results in no action being taken at all.
Persons who are Personality Type Five will be driven by the need to discuss off-beat esoteric subjects (a behavior that can often result in excruciating levels of boredom for listeners).
Persons who are Personality Type Five will be driven by the need to focus on their ideas in order to avoid dealing with reality, that is, with anything involved with the relative existence. Fives can be driven to detach from anything “practical” involving the relative existence.
Persons who are Personality Type Five will be driven by the need to deal with the dark and disturbing elements of their psyche, many of them having had an early exposure to death or blood and brutality. (One Five told me that he has had a recurring dream since the age of 5 or so, still interrupting his sleep even now though he is age 58. The dream involves his chewing broken glass and bleeding profusely from the mouth.)
Persons who are Personality Type Five will be driven by the need to become antagonistic when outside, day-to-day, relative issues intrude upon their “inner world.”
Persons who are Personality Type Five will be driven by the need to become more and more cynical, abrasive, and argumentative, developing extreme and radical views. (That “works” because it drives others away and allows Fives to isolate and avoid even more.)
Persons who are Personality Type Five will be driven by the need to analyze their work rather than do their work.
Persons who are Personality Type Five will be driven by the need (as they disintegrate even more psychically), to be withdrawn, secluded (mentally or literally) eccentric, and nihilistic.
Persons who are Personality Type Five will be driven by the need to become hypervigilant as they develop threatening or horrifying ideas and become prey to phobias and gross distortions.
At their most disintegrated state, they can become deranged and self-destructive, can experience a psychotic break with reality, can become schizophrenic, and can even be driven to commit suicide.
Key personality disorders that typically show up with Fives: the Schizoid-Avoidance P.D., the Schizotypal P.D., the Paranoid P.D., the Avoidant P.D.
Can anyone who is sane really endorse the Western take on personality, namely, to “hang onto personality but just develop ‘the assets side’ of your personality while diminishing the effect of the traits that are listed in your personality’s ‘liabilities column’”?
One cannot be more deeply entrapped in dualistic thinking than is the case with Westerners who claim, "Well, when it comes to personality and personality traits, you just gotta take the good with the bad."
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
21 April 2014
F.: To continue with what the science of personality now reveals in terms of just how needy (and, therefore, dependent) persons are rendered as a result of being driven by the influences of the nine basic personality types (and all other assumed identities as well):
In the East, the term used as the title of one of the eBooks below (“Liberation”) actually refers to “liberation from personality” or “liberation from body-mind-personality identification.” To be liberated from the influences of personality (which subconsciously control all thoughts and words and actions) is to be liberated from delusion, distortion, and the things that every persona generates, including fear and desire and neediness.
Every persona, in order to believe it exists, “needs” a codependent, counterpart player to sustain the illusion. No persona can “stand alone.” No persona can be sustained as an identity in a vacuum or in isolation. “Someone else” is always required - "needed" - to play out the dualistic role of every persona.
Of course, as anticipated yesterday, some Threes wrote to explain why they are really nice people and how they were misrepresented in the description of stressed and disintegrated Threes. It should be understood that anything said about a Type Three yesterday, or anything that will be said about any type during this discussion, will likely will be taken personally, that is persona-ly, but there is actually nothing personal about any of the types.
To complain about anything said about the personalities / personas that have been assigned (by parents, cultures, etc.) and assumed (by “individuals”) would be tantamount to my walking along side by side with someone and then having her or him complain about the fact that I stepped on his or her shadow. It would be like walking across someone’s property on a hot afternoon and taking offense if a mirage appeared and it was pointed out that it is a mirage and not something that is one’s personal possession and that should be afforded all the love and respect that they would want shown to their child.
And that is the case. Since one’s primary type is usually determined by the age of 6, after which development often become fixated, then “the child within” is usually an appropriate way to look at one’s personality (or more accurately) one's multiple personalities.
[By the way: no Eights wrote to complain. Whereas Threes want to respond in order to defend their image and deny their truth, the Eights whom I’ve done personality testing and analysis with accept the fact that they are sociopathic and usually laugh about it. They could care less, whereas Threes could not care more . . . maxed out as they are in terms of their desire to sustain their image, and self-image, of being perfect.]
Next, understand that unless one is fully Realized and freed from being driven by the hidden agendas of personalities, then they do not have a clue about why they are doing the things they are doing.
When persons say, “Yeah, I like to do that because of this” or “I like to do such-and-such because of that” or “Really, the only reason I do that is because of this or that,” they are delusional (or, more specifically, self-delusional).
How can one doing something because of an agenda that is even hidden from them possibly identify accurately why they are doing anything? They cannot. It’s a hidden agenda that is causing the behavior they are discussing, and no hidden agenda can be seen by those abiding under the influence of one or more personalities’ hidden agendas.
By definition, they cannot know why they are doing what they doing. The reason is hidden from them. Only a Realized teacher or trained professional can lead them to see the buried and concealed and unseen motives behind their conduct. Now, to the next type to be discussed:
Fours are different from the masses without even trying to be. They make up only ½ of 1% of the planet’s population. If they are true to their type's primary motive (of finding the Authentic Self), they will either be seeking that or will have found it. In that case, they will be the exact opposite of Type Threes who care not a whit about authenticity and who are all about image and about form over substance.
If non-Realized, stressed, and psychically disintegrated, then Type Fours will exhibit the traits listed below which, among other things, result in a sense of neediness:
Persons who are Personality Type Four will be driven by the need to heighten and intensify their relative existence through fantasizing, stirring up passionate feelings, and using the imagination, often to excess.
Persons who are Personality Type Four will be driven by the need to rebel against authority, social mores, cultural customs, and what they see as silly traditions.
Persons who are Personality Type Four will be driven by the need to escape and to withdraw and to isolate. (If they Realize, they will enjoy the solitude. That might seem too subtle a distinction to even make, but it is not.)
Persons who are Personality Type Four will be driven by the need to allow moodiness or hypersensitivity to sweep over them.
Persons who are Personality Type Four will be driven by the need to shy away from social events.
Persons who are Personality Type Four will be driven by the need to feed their sense of being different or unique.
Persons who are Personality Type Four will be driven by the need to surround themselves with beauty, setting them up to be drawn in by Threes who are among “the beautiful people.”
Persons who are Personality Type Four will be driven by the need to spend money on things deemed beautiful, such as artwork and unique home décor items. (Threes do the same but they use their artwork and expensive home décor to show off and support an image whereas a Four feels like he or she must have such art for art’s sake or must have beautiful surroundings for the sake of beauty alone. Threes have to have people over to show off their beautiful possessions; Fours are content to enjoy the same in privacy.)
Persons who are Personality Type Four will be driven by the need to live in ways that differ from the way the masses live. (Consider a typical day for Maharaj who was a Type Four. Contrast that with the way he lived and worked pre-Realization and contrast the way he lived post-Realization with the way the typical Indian in his neighborhood lived.)
Persons who are Personality Type Four will be driven by the need to be melancholy dreamers, being decadent and excessively sensual and living in “a fantasy world.”
Persons who are Personality Type Four will be driven by the need to become excessively impractical and unproductive. (Consider the famous creative writers, most who were Type Fours, who isolated or drank to excess or did not care for themselves or lived lifestyles that were counterproductive (relatively speaking) and died earlier than might have been expected: Thomas Chatterton, age 17; John Keats, age 25; Stephen Crane and Anne Brontë and Christopher Marlowe and Percy Bysshe Shelley age 29; Sylvia Plath and Emily Brontë, age 30; John Kennedy Tolle, age 31; Lord Byron, age 36; Charlotte Brontë, age 38; Dylan Thomas and Flannery O’Connor, age 39; Edgar Allan Poe and Jack London and Franz Kafka, age 40; and Oscar Wilde, age 46, to name a few).
Persons who are Personality Type Four will be driven by the need for self-criticism.
Persons who are Personality Type Four will be driven by the need to normalize feelings of being tormented.
In days past when operating a tour company that guided groups across Western Europe, one stop in Amsterdam that was always included was a visit to the Rijksmuseum. One painting on display there was the Dutch Master Rembrandt's 1642 work entitled "The Night Watch."
The job of nightwatchman has long been an occupation, and the behavior of nightwatchmen on certain occasions can serve as a representation of the Type Four who is Realized and willing to share the teachings. If a fire or attack or other threat was detected during the night, the nightwatchman raised the alarm in an effort to try to awaken the entire community.
Who wanted to be awakened? No one, typically, but when a watchman saw the potential for (relative) harm to sleepers, he did not care about the way the sleepers were going to react to his willingness to try to wake them. The watchman simply offered to awaken them all without being affected in the least by their initial negative reactions. So it is with a Realized Type Four teacher, like Maharaj.
Personality disorder that Fours can succumb to:
The Avoidant P.D., the Depressive P.D., the Narcissistic P. D., the Histrionic P.D., the Borderline P.D. (if combined with a high Type 6 personality), and the Masochistic P.D.
The Type Four Personality can be a double-edged sword: it can lead to the kind of misery and suffering that come with the Ultimate Sickness, but it can also provide the means to Realization and freedom from misery if the Four's personality traits are transitioned.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
20 April 2014
F.: To continue with what the science of personality now reveals in terms of just how needy (and, therefore, dependent) persons are rendered as a result of being driven by the influences of the nine basic personality types (and all other assumed identities as well):
In the East, the term used as the title of one of the eBooks below (“Liberation”) actually refers to “liberation from personality” or “liberation from body-mind-personality identification.” To be liberated from the influences of personality (which subconsciously control all thoughts and words and actions) is to be liberated from delusion, distortion, and the things that every persona generates, including fear and desire and neediness.
Every persona, in order to believe it exists, “needs” a codependent, counterpart player to sustain the illusion. No persona can “stand alone.” No persona can be sustained as an identity in a vacuum or in isolation. “Someone else” is always required - "needed" - to play out the dualistic role of every persona.
Of course, as anticipated yesterday, some Threes wrote to explain why they are really nice people and how they were misrepresented in the description of stressed and disintegrated Threes. It should be understood that anything said about a Type Three yesterday, or anything that will be said about any type during this discussion, will likely will be taken personally, that is persona-ly, but there is actually nothing personal about any of the types.
To complain about anything said about the personalities / personas that have been assigned (by parents, cultures, etc.) and assumed (by “individuals”) would be tantamount to my walking along side by side with someone and then having her or him complain about the fact that I stepped on his or her shadow. It would be like walking across someone’s property on a hot afternoon and taking offense if a mirage appeared and it was pointed out that it is a mirage and not something that is one’s personal possession and that should be afforded all the love and respect that they would want shown to their child.
And that is the case. Since one’s primary type is usually determined by the age of 6, after which development often become fixated, then “the child within” is usually an appropriate way to look at one’s personality (or more accurately) one's multiple personalities.
[By the way: no Eights wrote to complain. Whereas Threes want to respond in order to defend their image and deny their truth, the Eights whom I’ve done personality testing and analysis with accept the fact that they are sociopathic and usually laugh about it. They could care less, whereas Threes could not care more . . . maxed out as they are in terms of their desire to sustain their image, and self-image, of being perfect.]
Next, understand that unless one is fully Realized and freed from being driven by the hidden agendas of personalities, then they do not have a clue about why they are doing the things they are doing.
When persons say, “Yeah, I like to do that because of this” or “I like to do such-and-such because of that” or “Really, the only reason I do that is because of this or that,” they are delusional (or, more specifically, self-delusional).
How can one doing something because of an agenda that is even hidden from them possibly identify accurately why they are doing anything? They cannot. It’s a hidden agenda that is causing the behavior they are discussing, and no hidden agenda can be seen by those abiding under the influence of one or more personalities’ hidden agendas.
By definition, they cannot know why they are doing what they doing. The reason is hidden from them. Only a Realized teacher or trained professional can lead them to see the buried and concealed and unseen motives behind their conduct. Now, to the next type to be discussed:
Fours are different from the masses without even trying to be. They make up only ½ of 1% of the planet’s population. If they are true to their type's primary motive (of finding the Authentic Self), they will either be seeking that or will have found it. In that case, they will be the exact opposite of Type Threes who care not a whit about authenticity and who are all about image and about form over substance.
If non-Realized, stressed, and psychically disintegrated, then Type Fours will exhibit the traits listed below which, among other things, result in a sense of neediness:
Persons who are Personality Type Four will be driven by the need to heighten and intensify their relative existence through fantasizing, stirring up passionate feelings, and using the imagination, often to excess.
Persons who are Personality Type Four will be driven by the need to rebel against authority, social mores, cultural customs, and what they see as silly traditions.
Persons who are Personality Type Four will be driven by the need to escape and to withdraw and to isolate. (If they Realize, they will enjoy the solitude. That might seem too subtle a distinction to even make, but it is not.)
Persons who are Personality Type Four will be driven by the need to allow moodiness or hypersensitivity to sweep over them.
Persons who are Personality Type Four will be driven by the need to shy away from social events.
Persons who are Personality Type Four will be driven by the need to feed their sense of being different or unique.
Persons who are Personality Type Four will be driven by the need to surround themselves with beauty, setting them up to be drawn in by Threes who are among “the beautiful people.”
Persons who are Personality Type Four will be driven by the need to spend money on things deemed beautiful, such as artwork and unique home décor items. (Threes do the same but they use their artwork and expensive home décor to show off and support an image whereas a Four feels like he or she must have such art for art’s sake or must have beautiful surroundings for the sake of beauty alone. Threes have to have people over to show off their beautiful possessions; Fours are content to enjoy the same in privacy.)
Persons who are Personality Type Four will be driven by the need to live in ways that differ from the way the masses live. (Consider a typical day for Maharaj who was a Type Four. Contrast that with the way he lived and worked pre-Realization and contrast the way he lived post-Realization with the way the typical Indian in his neighborhood lived.)
Persons who are Personality Type Four will be driven by the need to be melancholy dreamers, being decadent and excessively sensual and living in “a fantasy world.”
Persons who are Personality Type Four will be driven by the need to become excessively impractical and unproductive. (Consider the famous creative writers, most who were Type Fours, who isolated or drank to excess or did not care for themselves or lived lifestyles that were counterproductive (relatively speaking) and died earlier than might have been expected: Thomas Chatterton, age 17; John Keats, age 25; Stephen Crane and Anne Brontë and Christopher Marlowe and Percy Bysshe Shelley age 29; Sylvia Plath and Emily Brontë, age 30; John Kennedy Tolle, age 31; Lord Byron, age 36; Charlotte Brontë, age 38; Dylan Thomas and Flannery O’Connor, age 39; Edgar Allan Poe and Jack London and Franz Kafka, age 40; and Oscar Wilde, age 46, to name a few).
Persons who are Personality Type Four will be driven by the need for self-criticism.
Persons who are Personality Type Four will be driven by the need to normalize feelings of being tormented.
In days past when operating a tour company that guided groups across Western Europe, one stop in Amsterdam that was always included was a visit to the Rijksmuseum. One painting on display there was the Dutch Master Rembrandt's 1642 work entitled "The Night Watch."
The job of nightwatchman has long been an occupation, and the behavior of nightwatchmen on certain occasions can serve as a representation of the Type Four who is Realized and willing to share the teachings. If a fire or attack or other threat was detected during the night, the nightwatchman raised the alarm in an effort to try to awaken the entire community.
Who wanted to be awakened? No one, typically, but when a watchman saw the potential for (relative) harm to sleepers, he did not care about the way the sleepers were going to react to his willingness to try to wake them. The watchman simply offered to awaken them all without being affected in the least by their initial negative reactions. So it is with a Realized Type Four teacher, like Maharaj.
Personality disorder that Fours can succumb to:
The Avoidant P.D., the Depressive P.D., the Narcissistic P. D., the Histrionic P.D., the Borderline P.D. (if combined with a high Type 6 personality), and the Masochistic P.D.
The Type Four Personality can be a double-edged sword: it can lead to the kind of misery and suffering that come with the Ultimate Sickness, but it can also provide the means to Realization and freedom from misery if the Four's personality traits are transitioned.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
20 April 2014
F.: To continue with what the science of personality now reveals in terms of just how needy (and, therefore, dependent) persons are rendered as a result of being driven by the influences of the nine basic personality types (and all other assumed identities as well):
First, the traits being discussed for each type are the more detrimental of the traits that manifest and mar the relative existence, traits which come after years of stress and disintegration into the lower levels of psychic unhealthiness. The Sickness is progressive, and short of Realization, nothing about the Sickness will get better on its own. As with untreated cancer, an untreated case of the Ultimate Sickness will only grow worse over time.
While the non-dual sages have long focused on freeing persons of body-mind-and-personality identification, understand that mind and personality are not separate. It is within the mind that personas are taken to be actual identities; next, personas are at the root of humankind’s relative problems; therefore, the problems of humankind are, indeed, centered in the mind.
Now, what did Maharaj identify as three of the main symptoms of humankind’s Ultimate Sickness? Ignorance, stupidity, and insanity. And where are those centered? In the mind. Again, there’s the mind . . . the place where humankind’s problems are centered.
Once persons have been programmed; conditioned; domesticated; acculturated; brainwashed; indoctrinated; driven to develop the nine basic personality types that control thoughts and words and actions to varying degrees; and adopt scores of other personalities that are assigned or assumed as false identities, then it is thereafter that the mind-personality tandem begins to operate in an endless loop that will eventually generate personality disorders which, in turn, can become aggravated into full-blown neuroses and psychoses.
The sages have long known that the ill effects of mind and personality identification cannot be overstated. Because of the beliefs and thoughts that are common to each of the nine basic personality types, each specific type will be prone to develop certain specific personality disorders. As for Types One and Two discussed yesterday, those types often develop the following:
Type Ones are likely to develop the Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder (P.D.), the Depressive P.D., and the Narcissistic P.D. They will also develop "anger management issues."
Type Twos often develop the Histrionic P.D. (and thus suffer from emotional intoxication), the Factitious P.D., the Narcissistic P.D., the Somatization P.D., and the Dependent / Co-Dependent P.D.
Now, to the next of the nine types:
My daughter once said, “Okay, so you have my enneagram test results and you do ‘Compatibility / Conflict studies’ for couples predicting what is likely to happen in their relationship. So looking at my scores, are there some types that I would be more prone to be compatible with and some types I would be more prone to be in conflict with?”
The reply: “Well, there’s been a lot of research in that area. Let me say first that there is no ‘set in concrete’ answer, but research has shown that there are some types that are more likely to be compatible together and some type pairings that are more likely to end up in constant conflict. But after having tested thousands and analyzed their results and then witnessed what has happened with them, I can tell you that trying to living peacefully with a Type Three or a Type Eight will often prove to be a considerable challenge.”
She: “Why?”
F.: “Well, Three’s are often the grandest narcissists that you’ll ever meet, but Eights even take the Threes' degree of narcissism to a whole new level and display what I call ‘malignant narcissism’.”
Agree, or disagree? Consider Type Three’s, especially those that have reached advanced stages of stress and disintegration and psychic unhealthiness, and the forms of neediness that result:
Persons who are Personality Type Threes will be driven by the need to fabricate a false but “positive” image.
Persons who are Personality Type Threes will be driven by the need to appear to be charming, pleasant, charismatic, and enchanting.
Persons who are Personality Type Threes will be driven by the need to be surrounded by persons who will support their counterfeit image.
Persons who are Personality Type Threes will be driven by the need to go and do and zoom. They cannot tolerate sitting still. They will develop workaholism in every area of their lives, over-doing everything involved with work, or with religion, or with spirituality, or with family, or with social engagements, or with exercise or with whatever they become involved with.
As for exercise, persons who are Personality Type Threes will be driven by the need to exercise, to work out, and to spend hours in the gym or at the fitness center because, more than any other types, they – being more concerned with appearance rather than substance – are the most identified with their bodies and the most concerned with "looking good" physically. In fact, the body is one of the key elements in the arsenal of things they use to attract others to provide them with the highest lifestyle possible (which they think they are entitled to). And the fact is that in every culture, Type Threes are generally the ones considered the standard for the way that “beautiful” or “handsome” are defined.
Persons who are Personality Type Threes will be driven by their perceived need for attention, applause, recognition, adulation, praise, respect, admiration, and even idolization, glorification, and worship. (Such are the results of unchecked narcissism.)
Persons who are Personality Type Threes will be driven by the constant need to have their narcissism satisfied in every way. (If you are in a relationship with a Type Three and want to offer some “constructive criticism,” man the battle stations because you are going to find that the response to your comments will be overwhelmingly hostile.)
Persons who are Personality Type Threes will be driven by the constant need to “put a spin on” any mistake that they make or any failure or any shortcoming that they might experience in order to reestablish their sense of being perfect. If a Three actually sees that he or she might have made a mistake or might be wrong about something, they will hang onto that realization for about five seconds, then they immediately shift to “Aw, what the heck. It’s all good. In fact, I wasn’t wrong at all. My philosophy is, ‘Love what is.’ It really is all good, and I’m really all good, too.” (As a result, Three’s always have a strong Type One Perfectionist influence that they use to protect both their self-image and their public image. Inspired to tap into the One’s belief that “there are no gray areas, there is only black and white, right or wrong, and moral or immoral,” it is easy to see how personality generates and sustains dualistic beliefs.)
Persons who are Personality Type Three will be driven by the need to create a sense of self-worth via their accumulations, having the best looks, the best body, the best clothes, the best job or company, the best house, the best car, the most money, the best-looking partner, etc.)
Persons who are Personality Type Threes will be driven by the need to avoid failure at all cost and will be driven by the need for status and success (and if they do not actually succeed, then the appearance of being a success will be good enough).
Persons who are Personality Type Threes will be driven by the need to climb socially.
Persons who are Personality Type Threes will be driven by the need to be seen as “the best” (meaning, usually, either the best singer, the best model, the best actor or actress, the best politician, the best manager or business owner, etc.)
Persons who are Personality Type Threes will be driven by the need to "package" themselves constantly.
Persons who are Personality Type Threes will be driven by the need to suppress feelings and to be unavailable while appearing to be caring and charming.
Persons who are Personality Type Threes will be driven by the need to avoid intimacy and “letting go” and maintaining a ”smooth façade” instead.
Persons who are Personality Type Threes will be driven by the need to feel superior, to promote themselves, to satisfy their sense of grandiosity and their inflated sense of self-worth, to show off their talents, to be exhibitionistic and seductive, to say with thoughts and words and deeds, “Look at me!” Three's will do whatever is necessary to insure that they are always "in the spotlight," one way or another.
Persons who are Personality Type Threes will be driven by the need to be jealous and overly-competitive, to find people to pay their bills and provide the highest lifestyle possible, to be concerned with externals and appearances, and to care not at all about substance.
Persons who are Personality Type Threes will be driven by the need to do whatever it takes to preserve the positive public image that they fabricate.
Persons who are Personality Type Threes will be driven by the need to destroy anyone who does not support their image or who exposes their false public image.
Persons who are Personality Type Threes will be driven by the need to be devious and deceptive if that is necessary to maintain their image and “succeed.”
Persons who are Personality Type Threes will be driven by the need to betray or sabotage others in order to triumph over them.
For specific examples of the type, consider these famous Type Threes: Arnold Schwarzenegger, John Edwards, Mitt Romney, Bill Wilson (AA Founder), Bernie Madoff, O.J. Simpson, Tiger Woods, Lance Armstrong, Justin Bieber, Tom Cruise, and those whom Maharaj referred to as the "Big Name Teachers."
Nations as a whole can also generally exemplify a dominant type, and the U.S. is probably the “most Three” nation of all. The Enneagram Institute says in that regard:
“The United States is fast becoming a dysfunctional ‘Three’ culture: driven, narcissistic, image-oriented, emphasizing style over substance, symbols over reality. The pursuit of excellence . . . is being replaced by the celebration of the artificial as everything is treated like a commodity—packaged, advertised, and marketed. Politics is becoming less concerned with principles or the use of power for the common good than with the display of personalities. Politics serves public relations, selling candidates with their calculated positions to a public which can no longer tell a fabricated image from a real person.”
Are you involved with a Three in the home, in the workplace, in a relationship? Then you are aware of why the sages have long advocated for freedom for the influence of personality, and you are regularly experiencing the mess that personality can make of the relative existence of those trapped in their personality and the mess that personality can make of the relative existence of those around persons trapped in their personality type.
Interested in forming a relationship or partnership with someone like the Threes described above? In that case, might you be wise to understand the nine types and know what each will often bring to the table and find which two of the nine types should likely be most avoided?
Now the Western take is, “Well, let’s find the assets of Type Threes and hope those show up more than the liabilities above.” Best of luck.
The Eastern take: “Fluctuating between the asset side and the liability side of personality be damned. Take the steps necessary to be free of all of the chaos-generating influences of personality.”
The personality disorders that Three’s are most likely to develop include:
the Narcissistic P.D. / The God Complex P.D., the Histrionic P.D., and even degrees of the Sociopathic P.D. or the Psychopathic P.D. (second only to the degrees shown by unhealthy Type Eights). To see the way their sociopathy can manifest, review the list of famous Threes above.
Again, is it any wonder that non-dual teachers have spent so much time and effort in trying to guide persons to total freedom from the influences of personality?
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
19 April 2014
F.: To continue with what the science of personality now reveals in terms of just how needy (and, therefore, dependent) persons are rendered as a result of being driven by the influences of the nine basic personality types (and all other assumed identities as well):
First, the traits being discussed for each type are the more detrimental of the traits that manifest and mar the relative existence, traits which come after years of stress and disintegration into the lower levels of psychic unhealthiness. The Sickness is progressive, and short of Realization, nothing about the Sickness will get better on its own. As with untreated cancer, an untreated case of the Ultimate Sickness will only grow worse over time.
While the non-dual sages have long focused on freeing persons of body-mind-and-personality identification, understand that mind and personality are not separate. It is within the mind that personas are taken to be actual identities; next, personas are at the root of humankind’s relative problems; therefore, the problems of humankind are, indeed, centered in the mind.
Now, what did Maharaj identify as three of the main symptoms of humankind’s Ultimate Sickness? Ignorance, stupidity, and insanity. And where are those centered? In the mind. Again, there’s the mind . . . the place where humankind’s problems are centered.
Once persons have been programmed; conditioned; domesticated; acculturated; brainwashed; indoctrinated; driven to develop the nine basic personality types that control thoughts and words and actions to varying degrees; and adopt scores of other personalities that are assigned or assumed as false identities, then it is thereafter that the mind-personality tandem begins to operate in an endless loop that will eventually generate personality disorders which, in turn, can become aggravated into full-blown neuroses and psychoses.
The sages have long known that the ill effects of mind and personality identification cannot be overstated. Because of the beliefs and thoughts that are common to each of the nine basic personality types, each specific type will be prone to develop certain specific personality disorders. As for Types One and Two discussed yesterday, those types often develop the following:
Type Ones are likely to develop the Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder (P.D.), the Depressive P.D., and the Narcissistic P.D. They will also develop "anger management issues."
Type Twos often develop the Histrionic P.D. (and thus suffer from emotional intoxication), the Factitious P.D., the Narcissistic P.D., the Somatization P.D., and the Dependent / Co-Dependent P.D.
Now, to the next of the nine types:
My daughter once said, “Okay, so you have my enneagram test results and you do ‘Compatibility / Conflict studies’ for couples predicting what is likely to happen in their relationship. So looking at my scores, are there some types that I would be more prone to be compatible with and some types I would be more prone to be in conflict with?”
The reply: “Well, there’s been a lot of research in that area. Let me say first that there is no ‘set in concrete’ answer, but research has shown that there are some types that are more likely to be compatible together and some type pairings that are more likely to end up in constant conflict. But after having tested thousands and analyzed their results and then witnessed what has happened with them, I can tell you that trying to living peacefully with a Type Three or a Type Eight will often prove to be a considerable challenge.”
She: “Why?”
F.: “Well, Three’s are often the grandest narcissists that you’ll ever meet, but Eights even take the Threes' degree of narcissism to a whole new level and display what I call ‘malignant narcissism’.”
Agree, or disagree? Consider Type Three’s, especially those that have reached advanced stages of stress and disintegration and psychic unhealthiness, and the forms of neediness that result:
Persons who are Personality Type Threes will be driven by the need to fabricate a false but “positive” image.
Persons who are Personality Type Threes will be driven by the need to appear to be charming, pleasant, charismatic, and enchanting.
Persons who are Personality Type Threes will be driven by the need to be surrounded by persons who will support their counterfeit image.
Persons who are Personality Type Threes will be driven by the need to go and do and zoom. They cannot tolerate sitting still. They will develop workaholism in every area of their lives, over-doing everything involved with work, or with religion, or with spirituality, or with family, or with social engagements, or with exercise or with whatever they become involved with.
As for exercise, persons who are Personality Type Threes will be driven by the need to exercise, to work out, and to spend hours in the gym or at the fitness center because, more than any other types, they – being more concerned with appearance rather than substance – are the most identified with their bodies and the most concerned with "looking good" physically. In fact, the body is one of the key elements in the arsenal of things they use to attract others to provide them with the highest lifestyle possible (which they think they are entitled to). And the fact is that in every culture, Type Threes are generally the ones considered the standard for the way that “beautiful” or “handsome” are defined.
Persons who are Personality Type Threes will be driven by their perceived need for attention, applause, recognition, adulation, praise, respect, admiration, and even idolization, glorification, and worship. (Such are the results of unchecked narcissism.)
Persons who are Personality Type Threes will be driven by the constant need to have their narcissism satisfied in every way. (If you are in a relationship with a Type Three and want to offer some “constructive criticism,” man the battle stations because you are going to find that the response to your comments will be overwhelmingly hostile.)
Persons who are Personality Type Threes will be driven by the constant need to “put a spin on” any mistake that they make or any failure or any shortcoming that they might experience in order to reestablish their sense of being perfect. If a Three actually sees that he or she might have made a mistake or might be wrong about something, they will hang onto that realization for about five seconds, then they immediately shift to “Aw, what the heck. It’s all good. In fact, I wasn’t wrong at all. My philosophy is, ‘Love what is.’ It really is all good, and I’m really all good, too.” (As a result, Three’s always have a strong Type One Perfectionist influence that they use to protect both their self-image and their public image. Inspired to tap into the One’s belief that “there are no gray areas, there is only black and white, right or wrong, and moral or immoral,” it is easy to see how personality generates and sustains dualistic beliefs.)
Persons who are Personality Type Three will be driven by the need to create a sense of self-worth via their accumulations, having the best looks, the best body, the best clothes, the best job or company, the best house, the best car, the most money, the best-looking partner, etc.)
Persons who are Personality Type Threes will be driven by the need to avoid failure at all cost and will be driven by the need for status and success (and if they do not actually succeed, then the appearance of being a success will be good enough).
Persons who are Personality Type Threes will be driven by the need to climb socially.
Persons who are Personality Type Threes will be driven by the need to be seen as “the best” (meaning, usually, either the best singer, the best model, the best actor or actress, the best politician, the best manager or business owner, etc.)
Persons who are Personality Type Threes will be driven by the need to "package" themselves constantly.
Persons who are Personality Type Threes will be driven by the need to suppress feelings and to be unavailable while appearing to be caring and charming.
Persons who are Personality Type Threes will be driven by the need to avoid intimacy and “letting go” and maintaining a ”smooth façade” instead.
Persons who are Personality Type Threes will be driven by the need to feel superior, to promote themselves, to satisfy their sense of grandiosity and their inflated sense of self-worth, to show off their talents, to be exhibitionistic and seductive, to say with thoughts and words and deeds, “Look at me!” Three's will do whatever is necessary to insure that they are always "in the spotlight," one way or another.
Persons who are Personality Type Threes will be driven by the need to be jealous and overly-competitive, to find people to pay their bills and provide the highest lifestyle possible, to be concerned with externals and appearances, and to care not at all about substance.
Persons who are Personality Type Threes will be driven by the need to do whatever it takes to preserve the positive public image that they fabricate.
Persons who are Personality Type Threes will be driven by the need to destroy anyone who does not support their image or who exposes their false public image.
Persons who are Personality Type Threes will be driven by the need to be devious and deceptive if that is necessary to maintain their image and “succeed.”
Persons who are Personality Type Threes will be driven by the need to betray or sabotage others in order to triumph over them.
For specific examples of the type, consider these famous Type Threes: Arnold Schwarzenegger, John Edwards, Mitt Romney, Bill Wilson (AA Founder), Bernie Madoff, O.J. Simpson, Tiger Woods, Lance Armstrong, Justin Bieber, Tom Cruise, and those whom Maharaj referred to as the "Big Name Teachers."
Nations as a whole can also generally exemplify a dominant type, and the U.S. is probably the “most Three” nation of all. The Enneagram Institute says in that regard:
“The United States is fast becoming a dysfunctional ‘Three’ culture: driven, narcissistic, image-oriented, emphasizing style over substance, symbols over reality. The pursuit of excellence . . . is being replaced by the celebration of the artificial as everything is treated like a commodity—packaged, advertised, and marketed. Politics is becoming less concerned with principles or the use of power for the common good than with the display of personalities. Politics serves public relations, selling candidates with their calculated positions to a public which can no longer tell a fabricated image from a real person.”
Are you involved with a Three in the home, in the workplace, in a relationship? Then you are aware of why the sages have long advocated for freedom for the influence of personality, and you are regularly experiencing the mess that personality can make of the relative existence of those trapped in their personality and the mess that personality can make of the relative existence of those around persons trapped in their personality type.
Interested in forming a relationship or partnership with someone like the Threes described above? In that case, might you be wise to understand the nine types and know what each will often bring to the table and find which two of the nine types should likely be most avoided?
Now the Western take is, “Well, let’s find the assets of Type Threes and hope those show up more than the liabilities above.” Best of luck.
The Eastern take: “Fluctuating between the asset side and the liability side of personality be damned. Take the steps necessary to be free of all of the chaos-generating influences of personality.”
The personality disorders that Three’s are most likely to develop include:
the Narcissistic P.D. / The God Complex P.D., the Histrionic P.D., and even degrees of the Sociopathic P.D. or the Psychopathic P.D. (second only to the degrees shown by unhealthy Type Eights). To see the way their sociopathy can manifest, review the list of famous Threes above.
Again, is it any wonder that non-dual teachers have spent so much time and effort in trying to guide persons to total freedom from the influences of personality?
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
19 April 2014
F.: Consider the major effects that personality exerts: personality controls person’s thoughts and their words and their actions and how they feel while at the same time generating seldom-legitimate fears and a constant stream of unmet desires. And all of that makes persons unbelievably needy and, therefore, dependent and anything but free.
Moreover, personality does all of that on a subconscious level, each personality having its own hidden agenda that is hidden from each person assuming that ego-state as an actual identity.
The hidden agendas of their multiple personalities leave persons with the belief that they are choosing to do what they do and that they are making conscious choices when, in fact, their assigned and assumed personalities are unconsciously in charge. Functioning constantly in that unconscious manner will guarantee that most persons will never wake up . . . will never experience an awakening.
When seen, the dreamed up, freedom-robbing, dependency-generating “needs” that each of the basic personality types always spawn can reveal why the sages for ages have made “freedom from personality identification” one of the key focal points of their teachings.
So what does the science of personality now reveal in terms of just how needy (and, therefore, dependent) persons end up being as a result of the influences of the nine basic personality types?
Type One’s need to be seen as "Knowers."
Type One’s need people to see them as always being right.
Type One’s need to try to improve and reform people, including their friends, their relatives, strangers, and even “the world.”
Type One’s need to be constricted, uptight, anal-retentive, and anal-compulsive in order to feel “normal,” relaxation being anathema to them.
Type One’s need to be high-minded idealists, separated from reality.
Type One’s need to badger people and need to tell others how they ought to behave.
Type One’s need to be obsessive and compulsive.
Type One’s need to be fastidious, hypervigilant about never making a mistake, pedantic, excessive in their orderliness, constricted, and rigid about keeping their feelings in check.
Type One’s need to be highly critical, picky, judgmental, and opinionated.
Type One’s need to be moralizing, scolding, abrasive, angry, noisy, dogmatic, self-righteous, intolerant, inflexible, severe, condemnatory, punitive, and cruel.
Type One’s need the perfect partner or mate to correspond to their own self concept of being perfect and deserving nothing less than perfection.
Are you involved with a One in the home, in the workplace, or in a conflict with the authorities? Then you are aware of why the sages have long advocated for freedom from the influence of personality, and you are regularly experiencing the mess that personality can make of the relative existence of those trapped in their personality and the mess that personality can make of the relative existence of those around persons trapped in their personality type(s).
[Note: Consider the depth of the dependency and neediness generated by the assumption (and always-soon-to-follow upgrading) of any persona: “The Husband” needs “The Wife” in order for the husband to continue to believe that he “exists.” “The Wife” needs “The Husband” in order for the wife to continue to believe that she “exists.”
But then the ego-defense mechanism of egotism also soon activates to support the ego-state of “Spouse”; soon, therefore, “The Wife” sees herself as “The Super Wife” and “The Husband” sees himself as “The Super Husband.” Initially in their minds, all that “The Wife” needed to “exist” was “The Husband,” but after upgrading, then “The Super Wife” must have a “Super Husband” to "exist," and vice-versa. Any wonder that the divorce rate in the U.S. hovers in the 50-60% range?
And what if the co-dependent player of a person's counterpart role decides to quit playing? When “The Super Wife” makes clear to “The Most-Assuredly-Not-Super Husband” that she is leaving, then this is the salient fact:
59% of the women killed in the U.S. annually are killed during a breakup, and 41% of the men killed annually are killed by a mate during a breakup. Ever wonder why that lover or spouse is the first “person of interest” that the police want to interview? It’s because of the facts, the facts that are rooted in personality assumption, perceived personality threats, and the subsequent actions that follow. When a persona feels threatened, the first reaction is to take a defensive posture and to try to persuade a person not to end the relationship. If that does not work, then the next tendency is to take an offensive posture: “You’re not going anywhere!” or “If I can’t have you, no one will!” or “You’re having an affair with my partner and breaking up this family? You are doing to die!”
That’s the relative power of personas: so certain they are that they are real, they are willing to kill and / or die in order to assure the continuation of that identity.]
Type Two’s need needy people.
Type Two's need "Broken-Wing Birds" that need healing and fixing.
Type Two’s need “love” so much that they over-give to others, hoping to get “love” in return, but they are forever frustrated because their giving is always conditional – wanting something in return for what they give - yet there “love” is never returned in kind.
Type Two’s need to try to please people.
Type Two’s need to be overly—demonstrative and talkative, believing that other will not “love” them unless they are talking and impressing others and showing how love-worthy they are.
Type Two’s need approval, strokes, flattery, and attention.
Type Two’s need to be intrusive, meddlesome, controlling, and codependent.
Type Two’s need to feel self-important, self-satisfied, and indispensable.
Type Two’s need to be martyrs.
Type Two’s need to be overbearing, patronizing, presumptuous, manipulative, domineering, and coercive.
Type Two’s need to feel deserving.
Are you involved with a Two in the home or in the workplace? Then you are aware of why the sages have long advocated for freedom from the influence of personality, and you are regularly experiencing the mess that personality can make of the relative existence of those trapped in their personality and the mess that personality can make of the relative existence of those around persons trapped in their personality type.
Personality. Personality. Personality. Needy. Needy. Needy. No thanks.
And all the while, that sense of neediness is based in beliefs that are generated by mirages and illusions that, of course, have no needs at all because they are imaginary identities to start with. As for the composite unity, for it to continue and to function it only needs (1) a supply of cycling elements, (2) a supply of cycling air, and (3) a supply of cycling conscious-energy.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
18 April 2014
F.: Consider the major effects that personality exerts: personality controls person’s thoughts and their words and their actions and how they feel while at the same time generating seldom-legitimate fears and a constant stream of unmet desires. And all of that makes persons unbelievably needy and, therefore, dependent and anything but free.
Moreover, personality does all of that on a subconscious level, each personality having its own hidden agenda that is hidden from each person assuming that ego-state as an actual identity.
The hidden agendas of their multiple personalities leave persons with the belief that they are choosing to do what they do and that they are making conscious choices when, in fact, their assigned and assumed personalities are unconsciously in charge. Functioning constantly in that unconscious manner will guarantee that most persons will never wake up . . . will never experience an awakening.
When seen, the dreamed up, freedom-robbing, dependency-generating “needs” that each of the basic personality types always spawn can reveal why the sages for ages have made “freedom from personality identification” one of the key focal points of their teachings.
So what does the science of personality now reveal in terms of just how needy (and, therefore, dependent) persons end up being as a result of the influences of the nine basic personality types?
Type One’s need to be seen as "Knowers."
Type One’s need people to see them as always being right.
Type One’s need to try to improve and reform people, including their friends, their relatives, strangers, and even “the world.”
Type One’s need to be constricted, uptight, anal-retentive, and anal-compulsive in order to feel “normal,” relaxation being anathema to them.
Type One’s need to be high-minded idealists, separated from reality.
Type One’s need to badger people and need to tell others how they ought to behave.
Type One’s need to be obsessive and compulsive.
Type One’s need to be fastidious, hypervigilant about never making a mistake, pedantic, excessive in their orderliness, constricted, and rigid about keeping their feelings in check.
Type One’s need to be highly critical, picky, judgmental, and opinionated.
Type One’s need to be moralizing, scolding, abrasive, angry, noisy, dogmatic, self-righteous, intolerant, inflexible, severe, condemnatory, punitive, and cruel.
Type One’s need the perfect partner or mate to correspond to their own self concept of being perfect and deserving nothing less than perfection.
Are you involved with a One in the home, in the workplace, or in a conflict with the authorities? Then you are aware of why the sages have long advocated for freedom from the influence of personality, and you are regularly experiencing the mess that personality can make of the relative existence of those trapped in their personality and the mess that personality can make of the relative existence of those around persons trapped in their personality type(s).
[Note: Consider the depth of the dependency and neediness generated by the assumption (and always-soon-to-follow upgrading) of any persona: “The Husband” needs “The Wife” in order for the husband to continue to believe that he “exists.” “The Wife” needs “The Husband” in order for the wife to continue to believe that she “exists.”
But then the ego-defense mechanism of egotism also soon activates to support the ego-state of “Spouse”; soon, therefore, “The Wife” sees herself as “The Super Wife” and “The Husband” sees himself as “The Super Husband.” Initially in their minds, all that “The Wife” needed to “exist” was “The Husband,” but after upgrading, then “The Super Wife” must have a “Super Husband” to "exist," and vice-versa. Any wonder that the divorce rate in the U.S. hovers in the 50-60% range?
And what if the co-dependent player of a person's counterpart role decides to quit playing? When “The Super Wife” makes clear to “The Most-Assuredly-Not-Super Husband” that she is leaving, then this is the salient fact:
59% of the women killed in the U.S. annually are killed during a breakup, and 41% of the men killed annually are killed by a mate during a breakup. Ever wonder why that lover or spouse is the first “person of interest” that the police want to interview? It’s because of the facts, the facts that are rooted in personality assumption, perceived personality threats, and the subsequent actions that follow. When a persona feels threatened, the first reaction is to take a defensive posture and to try to persuade a person not to end the relationship. If that does not work, then the next tendency is to take an offensive posture: “You’re not going anywhere!” or “If I can’t have you, no one will!” or “You’re having an affair with my partner and breaking up this family? You are doing to die!”
That’s the relative power of personas: so certain they are that they are real, they are willing to kill and / or die in order to assure the continuation of that identity.]
Type Two’s need needy people.
Type Two's need "Broken-Wing Birds" that need healing and fixing.
Type Two’s need “love” so much that they over-give to others, hoping to get “love” in return, but they are forever frustrated because their giving is always conditional – wanting something in return for what they give - yet there “love” is never returned in kind.
Type Two’s need to try to please people.
Type Two’s need to be overly—demonstrative and talkative, believing that other will not “love” them unless they are talking and impressing others and showing how love-worthy they are.
Type Two’s need approval, strokes, flattery, and attention.
Type Two’s need to be intrusive, meddlesome, controlling, and codependent.
Type Two’s need to feel self-important, self-satisfied, and indispensable.
Type Two’s need to be martyrs.
Type Two’s need to be overbearing, patronizing, presumptuous, manipulative, domineering, and coercive.
Type Two’s need to feel deserving.
Are you involved with a Two in the home or in the workplace? Then you are aware of why the sages have long advocated for freedom from the influence of personality, and you are regularly experiencing the mess that personality can make of the relative existence of those trapped in their personality and the mess that personality can make of the relative existence of those around persons trapped in their personality type.
Personality. Personality. Personality. Needy. Needy. Needy. No thanks.
And all the while, that sense of neediness is based in beliefs that are generated by mirages and illusions that, of course, have no needs at all because they are imaginary identities to start with. As for the composite unity, for it to continue and to function it only needs (1) a supply of cycling elements, (2) a supply of cycling air, and (3) a supply of cycling conscious-energy.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
18 April 2014
F.: This was offered for consideration yesterday:
To understand what an “actual need” is vs. a “perceived need” is to distinguish between composite-unity-based “needs that manifest during the relative existence” vs. “illusory needs that are taken to be real when, in fact, they are based in the illusory fears and desires of personality . . . of personas.”
There is no single aspect of the Ultimate Sickness that has garnered more attention from the sages over the millennia than the illusion of personality and the way that body-mind-personality identification is involved in all of the relative problems of persons all round the globe.
Moreover, there is no single aspect of the Ultimate Medicine that has garnered more attention from the sages over the millennia than the part of that treatment which frees persons from belief in assigned or assumed personas and from the effects of personality that must be eliminated if one is to enjoy the relative effects of being free of the ignorance and insanity and anxiety and fear and desires and neediness that personality assumption always generates.
Maharaj said that someday science would advance to the point that it would prove the validity of all of the non-dual teachings. Here’s the science behind personality:
There are nine basic personality types and each personality has a subconscious, hidden agenda that will drive the thoughts and words and actions of persons. Persons may be assigned scores of false identities during childhood and will assume scores more along the way, but the nine types are always there and always influencing every person from early on (the primary type usually being set by the age of six).
The hidden agendas of all assigned or assumed personalities that are erroneously taken to be actual identities all include:
1. a basic desire;
2. a basic fear, which always involves the delusion that the agendas of the various assumed personalities are under attack;
3. a “dreamed up need” that becomes an obsession;
4. the requirement of another person or persons willing to play the role of the co-dependent counterpart that is always necessary for the continuation of the false belief that an ego-state is an actual identity;
5. on occasions, an overwhelming sense that an identity is being threatened or attacked or interfered with;
6. being convinced that the occasional, assumed threat against any given persona (which is always thought to truly define, 100%, “who one is”) constitutes an actual “life-or-death” situation; and
7. on occasions, the experiencing of an ominous and menacing and frightening sensation that is so strong that it can drive persons to assume a defensive posture at times and can, at other times, drive an identity to take offensive actions, supposedly in order to “protect” and “sustain” itself.
And the fact that every persona is a total illusion makes the relative effects of a persona’s agenda no less problematic, dangerous, and even fatal (again, relatively speaking). To continue with the understandings provided nowadays by the science of personality which Maharaj accurately predicted would come about someday:
All persons evidence some influence from each of the nine basic types, but one type is almost always dominant (except in those cases where some people have developed alter-egos or in other cases where traumatic events caused a person to fixate at the level of a child, so they never develop psychically at all).
In all cases, more than one personality type is always driving persons, so all of the non-Realized persons on the planet are abiding under the influence of multiple personalities (a.k.a., suffering from the relative effects of the Multiple Personality Disorder).
Before discussing the perceived but false “needs” that every assumed personality brings, consider the relative “benefits” of understanding one’s personality styles, knowing their effects on you, and then being able to use that knowledge to change one’s relative existence for the better (again, relatively speaking):
Most people will “go to their graves” without ever understanding why they think the thoughts that disturb their peace; why they say words that are not always in the best interests of themselves or others; why they do the things they do that are not always in the best interests of themselves or others; and why they feel the way they feel even when their feelings sometimes seems inexplicable.
That can change by understanding how personality styles determine the thoughts and words and actions of all people without their even knowing it, it all happening on a subconscious level (even as persons believe they are making conscious choices and are in control).
So powerful are the personality styles that control people that, in the ancient Eastern teachings, a primary goal is to be free of personality’s influence completely.
In the West, it is noted by those who are aware of personality and its effects that all people have some degree of each of the nine basic personality types. The key to a healthy life, many teach in the West, is a balanced equilibrium, stability, and steadiness; in the West, therefore, few will ever consider the Eastern approach and find a way to be free of the influence of all false identities, and - if some persons seek at all - the ideal that is sought will be to become “well-rounded” and “balanced.”
Elizabeth Gilbert wrote: “The ingredients of both darkness and light are equally present in all of us. The madness of this planet is largely a result of human beings’ difficulty in coming to balance with themselves.”
Most have heard the maxim that “too much of a good thing is bad.” The goal is to be as balanced as we can be:
Olen Steinhauer said, “Without balance, a life is no longer worth the effort.”
Regarding “being stable in all ways,” the Greeks said, “Nothing in excess” and “all things in balance.”
So, the focus in the West in on seeing that each personality type can bring assets or can bring liabilities. Excessively high scores on a personality inventory can indicate in the West that a personality type is probably exerting too much subconscious control, resulting in an excess of what would otherwise be “a good thing” in moderation. Exceedingly low scores often indicate, in the West, that certain “well-rounding traits” are missing and, if developed, could provide a person with some additional assets to be used on the journey through this existence.
Now, that addresses the effects of the nine basic types that are common to all humanity. Then, add in the scores of other personas that are assigned or assumed and played throughout a lifetime; then, imagine how many hidden forces are controlling humans without their ever having a clue that subconscious control is happening.
Next, the dreamed up “needs” that each of the nine basic personality types can bring will be discussed.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
17 April 2014
F.: This was offered for consideration yesterday:
To understand what an “actual need” is vs. a “perceived need” is to distinguish between composite-unity-based “needs that manifest during the relative existence” vs. “illusory needs that are taken to be real when, in fact, they are based in the illusory fears and desires of personality . . . of personas.”
There is no single aspect of the Ultimate Sickness that has garnered more attention from the sages over the millennia than the illusion of personality and the way that body-mind-personality identification is involved in all of the relative problems of persons all round the globe.
Moreover, there is no single aspect of the Ultimate Medicine that has garnered more attention from the sages over the millennia than the part of that treatment which frees persons from belief in assigned or assumed personas and from the effects of personality that must be eliminated if one is to enjoy the relative effects of being free of the ignorance and insanity and anxiety and fear and desires and neediness that personality assumption always generates.
Maharaj said that someday science would advance to the point that it would prove the validity of all of the non-dual teachings. Here’s the science behind personality:
There are nine basic personality types and each personality has a subconscious, hidden agenda that will drive the thoughts and words and actions of persons. Persons may be assigned scores of false identities during childhood and will assume scores more along the way, but the nine types are always there and always influencing every person from early on (the primary type usually being set by the age of six).
The hidden agendas of all assigned or assumed personalities that are erroneously taken to be actual identities all include:
1. a basic desire;
2. a basic fear, which always involves the delusion that the agendas of the various assumed personalities are under attack;
3. a “dreamed up need” that becomes an obsession;
4. the requirement of another person or persons willing to play the role of the co-dependent counterpart that is always necessary for the continuation of the false belief that an ego-state is an actual identity;
5. on occasions, an overwhelming sense that an identity is being threatened or attacked or interfered with;
6. being convinced that the occasional, assumed threat against any given persona (which is always thought to truly define, 100%, “who one is”) constitutes an actual “life-or-death” situation; and
7. on occasions, the experiencing of an ominous and menacing and frightening sensation that is so strong that it can drive persons to assume a defensive posture at times and can, at other times, drive an identity to take offensive actions, supposedly in order to “protect” and “sustain” itself.
And the fact that every persona is a total illusion makes the relative effects of a persona’s agenda no less problematic, dangerous, and even fatal (again, relatively speaking). To continue with the understandings provided nowadays by the science of personality which Maharaj accurately predicted would come about someday:
All persons evidence some influence from each of the nine basic types, but one type is almost always dominant (except in those cases where some people have developed alter-egos or in other cases where traumatic events caused a person to fixate at the level of a child, so they never develop psychically at all).
In all cases, more than one personality type is always driving persons, so all of the non-Realized persons on the planet are abiding under the influence of multiple personalities (a.k.a., suffering from the relative effects of the Multiple Personality Disorder).
Before discussing the perceived but false “needs” that every assumed personality brings, consider the relative “benefits” of understanding one’s personality styles, knowing their effects on you, and then being able to use that knowledge to change one’s relative existence for the better (again, relatively speaking):
Most people will “go to their graves” without ever understanding why they think the thoughts that disturb their peace; why they say words that are not always in the best interests of themselves or others; why they do the things they do that are not always in the best interests of themselves or others; and why they feel the way they feel even when their feelings sometimes seems inexplicable.
That can change by understanding how personality styles determine the thoughts and words and actions of all people without their even knowing it, it all happening on a subconscious level (even as persons believe they are making conscious choices and are in control).
So powerful are the personality styles that control people that, in the ancient Eastern teachings, a primary goal is to be free of personality’s influence completely.
In the West, it is noted by those who are aware of personality and its effects that all people have some degree of each of the nine basic personality types. The key to a healthy life, many teach in the West, is a balanced equilibrium, stability, and steadiness; in the West, therefore, few will ever consider the Eastern approach and find a way to be free of the influence of all false identities, and - if some persons seek at all - the ideal that is sought will be to become “well-rounded” and “balanced.”
Elizabeth Gilbert wrote: “The ingredients of both darkness and light are equally present in all of us. The madness of this planet is largely a result of human beings’ difficulty in coming to balance with themselves.”
Most have heard the maxim that “too much of a good thing is bad.” The goal is to be as balanced as we can be:
Olen Steinhauer said, “Without balance, a life is no longer worth the effort.”
Regarding “being stable in all ways,” the Greeks said, “Nothing in excess” and “all things in balance.”
So, the focus in the West in on seeing that each personality type can bring assets or can bring liabilities. Excessively high scores on a personality inventory can indicate in the West that a personality type is probably exerting too much subconscious control, resulting in an excess of what would otherwise be “a good thing” in moderation. Exceedingly low scores often indicate, in the West, that certain “well-rounding traits” are missing and, if developed, could provide a person with some additional assets to be used on the journey through this existence.
Now, that addresses the effects of the nine basic types that are common to all humanity. Then, add in the scores of other personas that are assigned or assumed and played throughout a lifetime; then, imagine how many hidden forces are controlling humans without their ever having a clue that subconscious control is happening.
Next, the dreamed up “needs” that each of the nine basic personality types can bring will be discussed.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
17 April 2014
F.: “You Needed Me” is the title of a song written by Randy Goodrum, released in 1978. The song became a #1 single in the United States for Canadian singer Anne Murray. A song with the title “You Needed Me” became a number one hit? You bet it did. Here are some of the lyrics:
I was confused; You cleared my mind. I sold my soul; You bought it back for me and held me up and gave me dignity. Somehow you needed me.
You put me high upon a pedestal, So high that I could almost see eternity. You needed me, you needed me.
I needed you, And you were there, and I'll never leave.
You needed me, you needed me, you needed me, you needed me.
What a message, yes? The words were surely loved by all narcissists who felt the lyrics were custom-made for them and revealed something that their lovers / spouses / employees should realize: “You needed me, bigtime, and you still do.”
Consider this exchange with a man that happened a few years ago:
He: “Our marriage can be rocky occasionally, pretty up and down at times, Floyd, but she tells me all the time that she needs me, and that makes me feel pretty damn good.”
F.: “Really?”
He: “Damn straight!”
F.: “So you are attracted to needy people? Being with needy people is ‘a good thing’ from your perspective?”
He: [Expletive deleted]
F.: “Just trying to understanding the working of your mind and your personas. You see, the person I am with does not need me in the least. She has been self-supporting for decades, doing quite well before I ever came along. Her take is, ‘I’m with you because I choose to be with you, not because I need you or need anything you have, thank you very much.”
“That’s the message I shared with my daughter years ago when she was still in high school and when we discussed her going to college: ‘I am encouraging you to earn a degree that can be used to attain decent employment and some degree of independence so that someday, if you get with a man and stay with him, it will be because you choose to, not because you think you have to’.”
[That understanding can also reduce or eliminate any sense of entitlement; any sense that one must find a rescuer; any sense that one needs to find someone attracted to needy people; the likelihood of a person seeking a caretaker; the likelihood of a person being dependent and co-dependent; the likelihood of a person using relationships as a means to attaining “higher” lifestyle; the likelihood of one staying in a miserable relationship in order to maintain a higher lifestyle; and the likelihood of one developing the philosophy that “a man is a plan” or “a woman is a plan”.]
Of course the perspective that neediness is not an asset and is not a compliment is rare because the masses are trapped in egotism and in their own perceived “needs” which are personality-generated and totally based in delusion and illusions. As a result, the level of total independence and complete freedom that the non-dual, Nisargan understanding offers has little appeal.
Are there no “needs” at all then? Certainly there are, as far as the AM-ness is concerned, and if one is in touch with both reality and Reality, then the AM-ness is viewed in its proper perspective as alluded to in the summative statement of non-duality: “I AM THAT; I AM.”
To understand what an “actual need” is vs. a “perceived need” is to distinguish between “needs that manifest during the relative existence” vs. “illusory needs that are taken to be real when, in fact, they are based in the illusory fears and desires of personality . . . of personas.”
Consider the deer, the birds, the insects, and humans. What do they have in common? All are examples of composite unities, a composite unity being a temporarily-manifested triad involving (A) an elemental plant food body, (B) air that is circulating through that body, and (C) a body-cum-consciousness in which conscious-energy also circulates via the continual consumption of plant food (or of things that ate plant food).
For the functioning of a composite unity, what is “needed” . . . what is required?
1. A cycling of plant food to replace cells that come and go and to maintain a plant food body that can temporarily house the conscious-energy;
2. air, cycling into and out the elemental plant food body; and
3. a constant supply of the conscious-energy that also comes and goes.
If oxygen is cut off, the elemental plant food body will cease to function in a matter of minutes; or, if the supply of elemental plant food is cut off, then again, the elemental plant food body will cease to function, (in that case, in a matter of weeks).
For the functioning of a persona, what is required?
1. personality-driven hidden agendas;
2. fears;
3. desires;
4. a codependent counterpart willing to play the foil, that is, someone willing to assume the corresponding role of the complementary persona required for any persona to be seen as real (as in “The Husband,” who needs someone to play the co-dependent, counterpart of “The Wife”; “The Employee,” who needs someone to play the co-dependent, counterpart of “The Employer”; “The Sponsor,” who needs someone to play the co-dependent, counterpart of “The Subservient Protégé”; or, “The Big Name Teacher,” who needs someone to play the co-dependent, counterpart of “The Seeker Who Feels Superior by Associating with the Famous”);
5. dependence;
6. and, of course, the following:
a. programming;
b. conditioning;
c. acculturation;
d. domestication;
e. brainwashing; and
f. indoctrination.
[Note: The “Big Name Teachers,” whom Maharaj warned visitors to the loft to avoid, are not just those involved with non-duality (or some bastardized version thereof); they run churches, synagogues, temples and a variety of other sky cults; they lecture on public broadcast stations; they run step groups and (ironically) self-help programs; they run right-wing, fundamentalist hate groups; in other words, they should be watched for in every venue.]
So, the first two keys to understanding actual (relative) “needs” vs. “phony, dreamed-up needs” are these:
1. Understand that composite unities have simple needs: elements, air, energy; and that
2. Personas / personalities / false identities support the false belief that they have needs and that those needs are real when, in fact, they are only imaginary; yet they result in humankind’s very complex problems (including all those problems that arise because the personality-driven masses actually prefer neediness and dependency and co-dependency over freedom and independence and the ability to choose consciously instead of being driven unconsciously and subconsciously).
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
16 April 2014
Comments regarding the free eBook entitled “THE VISION”:
“My thanks to you and Andy.” – Andrew “Mac” McMaster
“Thanks so much for the book! And, by the way, it is brilliant and the most effective pointing that you have done. It has served to help clear the remaining blockages.” – Stan Cross
“Greatly appreciate having “THE VISION” added to my Henderson resource library that is situated on the right side of my bed for easy access! Eternally grateful for what was received and what was given.” – Robert Rigby
“ ‘THE VISION’ is such a well-written, condensed version of the Nisarga Yoga approach to understanding and enjoying Reality that I feel it can serve as a must-read ‘meditation guide’ for all earnest seekers.” – Andy Gugar, Jr.
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Therefore, another movement or shift is happening here spontaneously after reflecting on the more than two decades since the teachings were first offered here and looking at the results of Maharaj sharing pointers in his loft and looking at the results of "Floyd" sharing pointers in this electronic loft: Looking objectively at his results, Maharaj's satsang method of sharing - in the end and by his own admission (only "one out of 10,000,000") - did not produce the intended outcome.
* * * * * * *



Anthology of four books

Anthology of six books



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[Please note: When the Direct Path Teaching Method is offered in conjunction with the Nisarga Yoga, something unique results when compared to what happens via the approach used by religions, spiritual movements, philosophies, ideologies, etc.:
rather than inviting seekers to learn more, the invitation here is to unlearn all; rather than offerings teachings, what is offered are unteachings; rather than offering to provide seekers more of anything, seekers will find that the process will take away everything. And via that process, the bliss of Your Original Nature will manifest and remain until mahasamadhi is taken.
To that end, the content of this book will seem radical to the seekers of more, but for those truly ready to be totally free and totally independent - and for those who are truly ready to abandon efforts to accumulate and to de-accumulate instead - the pointers in this book might be relevant.]
To receive your free copy, or to have us send a free copy to your friends or relatives, send your email address (or their addresses) to the following:
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F.: “You Needed Me” is the title of a song written by Randy Goodrum, released in 1978. The song became a #1 single in the United States for Canadian singer Anne Murray. A song with the title “You Needed Me” became a number one hit? You bet it did. Here are some of the lyrics:
I was confused; You cleared my mind. I sold my soul; You bought it back for me and held me up and gave me dignity. Somehow you needed me.
You put me high upon a pedestal, So high that I could almost see eternity. You needed me, you needed me.
I needed you, And you were there, and I'll never leave.
You needed me, you needed me, you needed me, you needed me.
What a message, yes? The words were surely loved by all narcissists who felt the lyrics were custom-made for them and revealed something that their lovers / spouses / employees should realize: “You needed me, bigtime, and you still do.”
Consider this exchange with a man that happened a few years ago:
He: “Our marriage can be rocky occasionally, pretty up and down at times, Floyd, but she tells me all the time that she needs me, and that makes me feel pretty damn good.”
F.: “Really?”
He: “Damn straight!”
F.: “So you are attracted to needy people? Being with needy people is ‘a good thing’ from your perspective?”
He: [Expletive deleted]
F.: “Just trying to understanding the working of your mind and your personas. You see, the person I am with does not need me in the least. She has been self-supporting for decades, doing quite well before I ever came along. Her take is, ‘I’m with you because I choose to be with you, not because I need you or need anything you have, thank you very much.”
“That’s the message I shared with my daughter years ago when she was still in high school and when we discussed her going to college: ‘I am encouraging you to earn a degree that can be used to attain decent employment and some degree of independence so that someday, if you get with a man and stay with him, it will be because you choose to, not because you think you have to’.”
[That understanding can also reduce or eliminate any sense of entitlement; any sense that one must find a rescuer; any sense that one needs to find someone attracted to needy people; the likelihood of a person seeking a caretaker; the likelihood of a person being dependent and co-dependent; the likelihood of a person using relationships as a means to attaining “higher” lifestyle; the likelihood of one staying in a miserable relationship in order to maintain a higher lifestyle; and the likelihood of one developing the philosophy that “a man is a plan” or “a woman is a plan”.]
Of course the perspective that neediness is not an asset and is not a compliment is rare because the masses are trapped in egotism and in their own perceived “needs” which are personality-generated and totally based in delusion and illusions. As a result, the level of total independence and complete freedom that the non-dual, Nisargan understanding offers has little appeal.
Are there no “needs” at all then? Certainly there are, as far as the AM-ness is concerned, and if one is in touch with both reality and Reality, then the AM-ness is viewed in its proper perspective as alluded to in the summative statement of non-duality: “I AM THAT; I AM.”
To understand what an “actual need” is vs. a “perceived need” is to distinguish between “needs that manifest during the relative existence” vs. “illusory needs that are taken to be real when, in fact, they are based in the illusory fears and desires of personality . . . of personas.”
Consider the deer, the birds, the insects, and humans. What do they have in common? All are examples of composite unities, a composite unity being a temporarily-manifested triad involving (A) an elemental plant food body, (B) air that is circulating through that body, and (C) a body-cum-consciousness in which conscious-energy also circulates via the continual consumption of plant food (or of things that ate plant food).
For the functioning of a composite unity, what is “needed” . . . what is required?
1. A cycling of plant food to replace cells that come and go and to maintain a plant food body that can temporarily house the conscious-energy;
2. air, cycling into and out the elemental plant food body; and
3. a constant supply of the conscious-energy that also comes and goes.
If oxygen is cut off, the elemental plant food body will cease to function in a matter of minutes; or, if the supply of elemental plant food is cut off, then again, the elemental plant food body will cease to function, (in that case, in a matter of weeks).
For the functioning of a persona, what is required?
1. personality-driven hidden agendas;
2. fears;
3. desires;
4. a codependent counterpart willing to play the foil, that is, someone willing to assume the corresponding role of the complementary persona required for any persona to be seen as real (as in “The Husband,” who needs someone to play the co-dependent, counterpart of “The Wife”; “The Employee,” who needs someone to play the co-dependent, counterpart of “The Employer”; “The Sponsor,” who needs someone to play the co-dependent, counterpart of “The Subservient Protégé”; or, “The Big Name Teacher,” who needs someone to play the co-dependent, counterpart of “The Seeker Who Feels Superior by Associating with the Famous”);
5. dependence;
6. and, of course, the following:
a. programming;
b. conditioning;
c. acculturation;
d. domestication;
e. brainwashing; and
f. indoctrination.
[Note: The “Big Name Teachers,” whom Maharaj warned visitors to the loft to avoid, are not just those involved with non-duality (or some bastardized version thereof); they run churches, synagogues, temples and a variety of other sky cults; they lecture on public broadcast stations; they run step groups and (ironically) self-help programs; they run right-wing, fundamentalist hate groups; in other words, they should be watched for in every venue.]
So, the first two keys to understanding actual (relative) “needs” vs. “phony, dreamed-up needs” are these:
1. Understand that composite unities have simple needs: elements, air, energy; and that
2. Personas / personalities / false identities support the false belief that they have needs and that those needs are real when, in fact, they are only imaginary; yet they result in humankind’s very complex problems (including all those problems that arise because the personality-driven masses actually prefer neediness and dependency and co-dependency over freedom and independence and the ability to choose consciously instead of being driven unconsciously and subconsciously).
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
16 April 2014
F.: [To complete the sharing of excerpts from the eBook DANCING LIGHTLY]:
So what is to happen with the Realized and these teachings? Something? Or nothing? It was noted at the beginning that the "end game" is not to sit around discussing Advaita all day.
Some of the Realized might choose to teach; some might choose not to. Some might leave the silence for a brief period to share the understanding; some might not. Either way, the relative is enjoyed on a daily basis with no preoccupation with Advaita.
Such preoccupation itself would indicate that the fullness of the understanding has not manifested. These teachings are not to be focused upon, in the end. In the end, they are to lead to nisarga (natural) living for the remainder of the manifestation. They are to lead to a condition whereby all can be either relished or witnessed purely (and without emotional intoxication), whether that "all" includes what some dualistic observers might call "bad things" or "good things."
To one protégé who was witnessed recently to have Realized Fully, these words instead were offered: “Now You Are done here. No need for more visits or discussions or questions-and-answers is indicated. Via the unblocked consciousness that You Are, the teachings could happen very easily. They may or they may not. So it is. Now, go.”
It was understood that AS IF living would now happen and that the dance can be danced . . . or not. Now, with him, additional discussions of non-dual subject matter amounts to nothing more than a part of the dance, just a smooth, harmonious movement in consciousness. And that’s that.
As for You, you are invited to the dance; you are invited to Realize Fully and then join in and dance lightly.
Yet few ever will for they cannot hear the music that is being drowned out by the constant chatter of the mind. That is what blocks the hearing of the music, namely, the loud, inharmonious noise of the mind; that place where the Ultimate Sickness settles; that place from which the symptoms that Maharaj identified as "ignorance, stupidity, and insanity" spread and contaminate all; specifically, it is the bogus content of the mind that drowns out the music and prevents any ability to dance lightly.
The mind must go first in order for the music to be heard and for the ability to dance lightly to manifest.
Reject the content of the mind, and then come to the dance.
Peace, Unity, Love, Light.
NEXT: Actual (Relative) “Needs” vs. Phony, Dreamed-Up “Needs” That Are Personality-Generated and Totally Based in Delusion and Illusions
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
You can scroll down through the book section below if interested in receiving a free copy of the eBooks entitled:
F.: [To complete the sharing of excerpts from the eBook DANCING LIGHTLY]:
So what is to happen with the Realized and these teachings? Something? Or nothing? It was noted at the beginning that the "end game" is not to sit around discussing Advaita all day.
Some of the Realized might choose to teach; some might choose not to. Some might leave the silence for a brief period to share the understanding; some might not. Either way, the relative is enjoyed on a daily basis with no preoccupation with Advaita.
Such preoccupation itself would indicate that the fullness of the understanding has not manifested. These teachings are not to be focused upon, in the end. In the end, they are to lead to nisarga (natural) living for the remainder of the manifestation. They are to lead to a condition whereby all can be either relished or witnessed purely (and without emotional intoxication), whether that "all" includes what some dualistic observers might call "bad things" or "good things."
To one protégé who was witnessed recently to have Realized Fully, these words instead were offered: “Now You Are done here. No need for more visits or discussions or questions-and-answers is indicated. Via the unblocked consciousness that You Are, the teachings could happen very easily. They may or they may not. So it is. Now, go.”
It was understood that AS IF living would now happen and that the dance can be danced . . . or not. Now, with him, additional discussions of non-dual subject matter amounts to nothing more than a part of the dance, just a smooth, harmonious movement in consciousness. And that’s that.
As for You, you are invited to the dance; you are invited to Realize Fully and then join in and dance lightly.
Yet few ever will for they cannot hear the music that is being drowned out by the constant chatter of the mind. That is what blocks the hearing of the music, namely, the loud, inharmonious noise of the mind; that place where the Ultimate Sickness settles; that place from which the symptoms that Maharaj identified as "ignorance, stupidity, and insanity" spread and contaminate all; specifically, it is the bogus content of the mind that drowns out the music and prevents any ability to dance lightly.
The mind must go first in order for the music to be heard and for the ability to dance lightly to manifest.
Reject the content of the mind, and then come to the dance.
Peace, Unity, Love, Light.
NEXT: Actual (Relative) “Needs” vs. Phony, Dreamed-Up “Needs” That Are Personality-Generated and Totally Based in Delusion and Illusions
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
You can scroll down through the book section below if interested in receiving a free copy of the eBooks entitled:
Comments regarding the free eBook entitled “THE VISION”:
“My thanks to you and Andy.” – Andrew “Mac” McMaster
“Thanks so much for the book! And, by the way, it is brilliant and the most effective pointing that you have done. It has served to help clear the remaining blockages.” – Stan Cross
“Greatly appreciate having “THE VISION” added to my Henderson resource library that is situated on the right side of my bed for easy access! Eternally grateful for what was received and what was given.” – Robert Rigby
“ ‘THE VISION’ is such a well-written, condensed version of the Nisarga Yoga approach to understanding and enjoying Reality that I feel it can serve as a must-read ‘meditation guide’ for all earnest seekers.” – Andy Gugar, Jr.
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Just hang on to those please.
Just hang on to those please.
A "movement" or "shift" happened here that added another parallel to the many parallels in terms of the phenomenal "experiences" and the noumenal revelations that "Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj" and "Floyd" share in common. (Many visitors over the years have said that they also shared the same parallels with "Maharaj" and "Floyd" as well.)
In the case of "Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj" and "Floyd":
1. both grew up in very poor families 2. both moved to populated areas to seek employment opportunities 3. both exhibited business skills that led to their opening and operating many businesses and to their having a large number of employees working for them 4. both succeeded financially 5. both became attached to accumulating; 6. both married and had a family 7. both were initially religious 8. both moved away from organized religion and became interested in "spiritual" matters, finding and following the teachings of a big name teacher (or, in "Floyd's" case, many big name teachers) 9. both had highly religious wives who were quite displeased with the shift away from religion and toward "spirituality" 10. both began to feel empty in spite of all of their "spiritual seeking" and in spite of all of their accumulated "spiritual knowledge";
1. both grew up in very poor families 2. both moved to populated areas to seek employment opportunities 3. both exhibited business skills that led to their opening and operating many businesses and to their having a large number of employees working for them 4. both succeeded financially 5. both became attached to accumulating; 6. both married and had a family 7. both were initially religious 8. both moved away from organized religion and became interested in "spiritual" matters, finding and following the teachings of a big name teacher (or, in "Floyd's" case, many big name teachers) 9. both had highly religious wives who were quite displeased with the shift away from religion and toward "spirituality" 10. both began to feel empty in spite of all of their "spiritual seeking" and in spite of all of their accumulated "spiritual knowledge";
11. both began to de-accumulate after both saw that they could survive quite well on a fraction of the income they had been making
12. both had wives who were unhappy when the de-accumulation stage was entered and both had wives who became unhappy about their husbands' focus on non-duality and who blamed their unhappiness on no longer having a religious husband
(The facts be known, in both cases the unhappiness involved the fact that their husbands were no longer interested in - or willing - to work 80+ hours per week and that their husbands were no longer interested in accumulating wealth and possessions and providing the rich lifestyle to which their wives had grown accustomed)
13. both eventually came to see that the religious and spiritual states were also ego-states, and both saw that there are far more steps on the "path" to complete after reaching the religious and spiritual steps and after playing those roles which are the third of seven steps on the entire "path" 14. both "lost" their wives (one via "death," the other through divorce); 15. both accelerated their seeking; 16. both entered into the "forest dweller stage" 17. both Realized 18. both began to de-accumulate even more
19. both began sharing the teachings 20. for years, both answered questions in whatever order those questions were received, though both said that the movement from identification with the false "I" / "I's" involved an exact, step-wise manner of moving along a "path" that involved "going back" in the same (but reverse order) of the way they "came in" - that is, the way that the manifestation happened and the way that the consciousness was blocked through seven stages that resulted in their becoming identified solely with their false personas, with the content of the "mind," and eventually, with the body. But the most significant awareness that finally came to both after years of offering satsang and after having answered thousands and thousands of questions was this: After years of "Maharaj" offering satsang in his loft, and after years of "Floyd" offering satsang in meeting halls and in his home and via what one site visitor called "Floyd's electronic loft," this fact became obvious to both: "Maharaj" came to see in the 1970's and into 1980 and 1981 that his approach was not working and "Floyd" finally came to see the same.
13. both eventually came to see that the religious and spiritual states were also ego-states, and both saw that there are far more steps on the "path" to complete after reaching the religious and spiritual steps and after playing those roles which are the third of seven steps on the entire "path" 14. both "lost" their wives (one via "death," the other through divorce); 15. both accelerated their seeking; 16. both entered into the "forest dweller stage" 17. both Realized 18. both began to de-accumulate even more
19. both began sharing the teachings 20. for years, both answered questions in whatever order those questions were received, though both said that the movement from identification with the false "I" / "I's" involved an exact, step-wise manner of moving along a "path" that involved "going back" in the same (but reverse order) of the way they "came in" - that is, the way that the manifestation happened and the way that the consciousness was blocked through seven stages that resulted in their becoming identified solely with their false personas, with the content of the "mind," and eventually, with the body. But the most significant awareness that finally came to both after years of offering satsang and after having answered thousands and thousands of questions was this: After years of "Maharaj" offering satsang in his loft, and after years of "Floyd" offering satsang in meeting halls and in his home and via what one site visitor called "Floyd's electronic loft," this fact became obvious to both: "Maharaj" came to see in the 1970's and into 1980 and 1981 that his approach was not working and "Floyd" finally came to see the same.
21. Both saw that many who heard the teachings are not going to understand (Maharaj reporting that "only 1 in 100,000 are going to 'get' this" understanding)
22. both soon saw that even more than expected of those who heard the teachings were not going to understand (Maharaj modifying his "guesstimate" and reporting that "only 1 in 1,000,000 are going to 'get' this" understanding)
23. eventually both saw that even far more than expected of those who heard the teachings were not going to understand (Maharaj eventually concluding that "only 1 in 10,000,000 are going to 'get' this" understanding). And the failings were not the fault of seekers.
A "one -in-ten-million" estimate is proof that satsang was not working for most seekers, and the evidence here lately is proof of the same.
Both "Maharaj" and "Floyd" invited seekers to focus on the exact, step-wise "path." Yes, during satsang, "Maharaj" sometimes alluded to the steps while discussing them in no particular order - but he never once laid out the steps in the exact order in which they had to be completed. That was not his teachings style or approach.
Therefore, another movement or shift is happening here spontaneously after reflecting on the more than two decades since the teachings were first offered here and looking at the results of Maharaj sharing pointers in his loft and looking at the results of "Floyd" sharing pointers in this electronic loft: Looking objectively at his results, Maharaj's satsang method of sharing - in the end and by his own admission (only "one out of 10,000,000") - did not produce the intended outcome.
Looking objectively at the results here when using an "electronic loft" satsang method of sharing has not produced the intended outcome nearly as often as any of the three "face-to-face" methods used with seekers by which they have been led through the seven steps in order.
Here, the body is growing older, of course. Mahasamadhi could be taken today, or it could be taken in twenty years.
Obviously, that cannot be known. But the decision here has been made that whatever amount of the relative existence remains shall be spent in sharing the teachings in the ways that have been seen over the last 20+ years to be the most effective methods.
Looking back over the list of those that have truly received the understanding, it is seen that Robert R. read all of the books, then took the online Advaita course and then completed some face-to-face Skype sessions to receive the final clarifications required. It was seen that Mac read all of the books, completed the online course, and then attended a retreat where he was guided through the seven steps. Mac said that the online course work inspired him to attend the retreat in order to be able to receive the final "pieces." It was seen that Andy Gugar, Jr. read all of the books, then came here for a retreat and was taken through the seven steps in order, and then returned once more for the final clarifications required. After reviewing the shifts that happened with him after attending two retreats, he reaffirmed this past week his commitment to helping spread the non-duality, nisarga understanding as presented here. As a result of seeing what has "worked" during the last 20+ years of sharing the non-duality understanding - and seeing what had not "worked" as well - changes will be made.
Looking back over the list of those that have truly received the understanding, it is seen that Robert R. read all of the books, then took the online Advaita course and then completed some face-to-face Skype sessions to receive the final clarifications required. It was seen that Mac read all of the books, completed the online course, and then attended a retreat where he was guided through the seven steps. Mac said that the online course work inspired him to attend the retreat in order to be able to receive the final "pieces." It was seen that Andy Gugar, Jr. read all of the books, then came here for a retreat and was taken through the seven steps in order, and then returned once more for the final clarifications required. After reviewing the shifts that happened with him after attending two retreats, he reaffirmed this past week his commitment to helping spread the non-duality, nisarga understanding as presented here. As a result of seeing what has "worked" during the last 20+ years of sharing the non-duality understanding - and seeing what had not "worked" as well - changes will be made.
In "Part One," examples were given of seekers that were led to Realization not by satsang but by following the various protocols outlined farther down this page which provide the understanding in the step-wise, orderly, required fashion which moves seekers along a "path" that is as prescribed by Maharaj ... "going back" in the "reverse order" by which the consciousness manifested and became blocked.
However, conversations with some that just read the majority of the books have revealed that they certainly seem to have grasped the understanding and Realized as well.
As a result of seeing what has "worked" during the last 20+ years of sharing the non-duality understanding - and seeing what has "not worked" as well - changes are being made.
There are seven specific steps that happen when awareness-energy is "pulled" into a cycle of manifestation. When that energy manifests as conscious-energy, that formerly pure and unadulterated energy becomes "corrupted" (or "blocked" from seeing clearly) via programming, conditioning, domestication, acculturation, and brainwashing. Soon, there is a belief in the not-Real as a result of seven degrees of separation from an understanding of the Real.
Using the method that was also employed by his contemporaries - a method which focused on offering non-duality pointers via satsang - Maharaj addressed questions in the order in which they were received. He might receive a question from a seeker at the third step and his reply would include what amounted to an invitation to move to the fourth step. The next question might come from a seeker at the first step, and the reply would include an invitation to move to the second step.
The information offered to the second seeker would seemingly contradict what was offered to the first seeker, so visitors who have come here for decades have asked questions which showed how confused they were by the fact that Maharaj's statements to each visitor in his loft were "level-appropriate" yet were provided in no precise order, resulting in what seemed to be an inconsistent message.
So the process overall was confusing in that
seekers were told to follow the "path back" in the same way that they "came in," except in reverse order,
pointers were not given in a specific, step-wise order at all.
Maharaj did recognize the seven steps that are taught here, but by offering the teachings in an order that was dictated by the order in which questions were received from seekers who were at different steps on the "path," the result was this:
a pointer about moving beyond the fourth step might be followed by a pointer about moving beyond the first step, and that pointer might be followed by a pointer about how to move beyond the sixth step.
The same was done on this site for seven years. The result is a collection of 1,800 or so essays discussing almost every non-duality topic that can be discussed, and the search button on the top right side of this page will now allow seekers with a question about a specific topic to find an explanation. That method, however, will never provide the manner in which the seven steps on the "path" must be transmitted and received in order to Realize Fully.
An objective study of the history here of more than twenty years of offering non-duality pointers reveals this: seekers that were given pointers in the exact order in which they needed to receive them were the ones that Realized.
They read the books, then they completed the online course and / or completed seven Skype or telephone sessions or came here for a retreat (or watched the downloadable DVD version of an actual retreat, available below).
Some found that which they were seeking by reading the author's book that deal with non-duality subject matter. Via all of those venues, the steps are taught in their proper order.
The essays available on this site will remain for those interested in searching for a discussion of a particular non-duality topic without charge, but the focus here until mahasamadhi is taken is going to be on offering the teachings in the step-wise fashion that has been seen to work.
(Four by Floyd Henderson and two by Dennis Waite. Click the picture for more information or to order)
(Four by Floyd Henderson and two by Dennis Waite. Click the picture for more information or to order)
* * * * * * *
are available at
Floyd Henderson's Website
International buyers: note the separate option for those outside the continental U.S.
II. BY READING the explanations offered in the collection of non-duality books that are available on this site and at www.floydhenderson.com.
III. BY ENROLLING in the Online Advaita Classes For information, visit Information on the Advaita Classes on the Internet To enroll visit Enroll in the Advaita Internet Course
IV. BY ATTENDING an Advaitin retreat with floyd and being guided through all seven steps. For details of the retreats offered, please visit the retreat information site.
V. BY ARRANGING a one-hour session via Skype or telephone with Floyd. (Skype is a free service.)
Click the button to pay and you will be contacted to arrange a date and time for the call.
Floyd Henderson's Website
Within minutes of purchase you can be reading any of the eBooks below on your mobile devices, including an iPhone, iPad, Android tablet, Android phone, laptop, home computer or on a Kindle reader.
For Apple and Android, either download the eBook directly onto your device or email the eBook file to your mobile device and open the file from your email. For Kindles or other similar devices, use your USB cable to transfer the eBook to your reader.
I. BY WATCHING the 4-Disk, Seven-Hour Video (DVD) Set of an advaita retreat, or the downloadable file version. To find out more or to purchase the DVD or downloadable computer file version of the retreat, DVD or Downloadable computer file versions of the Four-Day Advaita Retreat
I. BY WATCHING the 4-Disk, Seven-Hour Video (DVD) Set of an advaita retreat, or the downloadable file version. To find out more or to purchase the DVD or downloadable computer file version of the retreat, DVD or Downloadable computer file versions of the Four-Day Advaita Retreat
International buyers: note the separate option for those outside the continental U.S.
II. BY READING the explanations offered in the collection of non-duality books that are available on this site and at www.floydhenderson.com.
III. BY ENROLLING in the Online Advaita Classes For information, visit Information on the Advaita Classes on the Internet To enroll visit Enroll in the Advaita Internet Course
IV. BY ATTENDING an Advaitin retreat with floyd and being guided through all seven steps. For details of the retreats offered, please visit the retreat information site.
V. BY ARRANGING a one-hour session via Skype or telephone with Floyd. (Skype is a free service.)
Click the button to pay and you will be contacted to arrange a date and time for the call.
Floyd Henderson's Website
FROM THE I TO THE ABSOLUTE: A Seven-Step Journey to Reality



Anthology of four books

Anthology of six books


For more information on this book, or to purchase a copy now, click:


[Please note: When the Direct Path Teaching Method is offered in conjunction with the Nisarga Yoga, something unique results when compared to what happens via the approach used by religions, spiritual movements, philosophies, ideologies, etc.:
rather than inviting seekers to learn more, the invitation here is to unlearn all; rather than offerings teachings, what is offered are unteachings; rather than offering to provide seekers more of anything, seekers will find that the process will take away everything. And via that process, the bliss of Your Original Nature will manifest and remain until mahasamadhi is taken.
To that end, the content of this book will seem radical to the seekers of more, but for those truly ready to be totally free and totally independent - and for those who are truly ready to abandon efforts to accumulate and to de-accumulate instead - the pointers in this book might be relevant.]
To receive your free copy, or to have us send a free copy to your friends or relatives, send your email address (or their addresses) to the following:
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