Today's Considerations
From yesterday:
Call it “polarization” or “simplistic reductionism” as the pope
did recently, or call it “dividing” or “splitting” or “creating a schism” or
“separating” or “partitioning” or “segregating” or “carving up” or
“wall-building” or “dissecting” or “driving a wedge between” or “fencing off”
or “cracking” or “tearing apart” or “generating a sense of different-from-ment
and better-than-ment,” it still all deals in the end with one thing: duality.
It all deals with setting people apart from each other and
fixing them at a certain point along a continuum of separate places on
hierarchies, and hierarchies have long been a key tool of those who support
divisions, be they along political lines; religious lines; religious vs.
spiritual lines; spiritual vs. non-spiritual lines; religious vs. atheist or
agnostic or non-believer lines; racial lines, economic and class lines; ad
And it also deals with distortion and with seeing inaccurately or
even with being completely blind (as in “blind to truth” or as in “perceiving the false to be the truth as a result of looking through the lens of blind faith”). It also
deals with the distortion which comes when in the grips of the Ultimate
Sickness and its symptoms (said by Maharaj to include “learned ignorance and insanity”).
To illustrate, try this simple test:
What number of you see?
Do you see “1”?
But those whose thoughts and words and perceptions and
actions are being driven by the learned ignorance and imposed insanity which
result from ignorant and insane programming and conditioning and domestication
and acculturation and brainwashing and indoctrination look at this
But they see this:
And understand that they do not have an ocular disease or an eye
injury which is affecting their sight and causing the distortion which leads
them to look at a “1” but see a “2.” Here’s how vision works:
Visual perception begins as soon as the eye focuses light
onto the retina, where it is absorbed by a layer of photo receptor cells. Thsse
cells convert light into electro-chemical signals. The optic nerve primarily
routes information via the thalamus to the cerebral cortex, where visual
perception occurs, but the nerve also carries information required for the
mechanics of vision to two sites in the brain stem.
See? It's all about brain function, so seeing properly involves the use of the elemental plant
food brain.
However, seeing improperly - seeing a “2” when looking at a “1” - involves
the use of the non-elemental mind. That part of the brain, if filled with nonsense
via ignorant and insane programming and conditioning and domestication and acculturation
and brainwashing and indoctrination, can block the brain from seeing clearly and
thus from understanding accurately.
Note: no evidence exists that
eyesight is distorted by having been taught and having learned too little dogma.
Nor is distorted eyesight a result of having a spiritual malady.
Seeing in a distorted fashion only involves the mind and its
nonsensical content which interrupts the brain's normal functioning and thereby blocks persons from seeing
clearly. How many persons on the planet have that problem? Over 99%.
Now, when
considering the reason that billions on the planet look at a “1” but believe –
truly believe - that they are seeing a “2,” a few will understand that their
problem is not a physical problem involving a damaged brain or damaged eyes. It involved
damage to the consciousness to the degree that the consciousness have been
blocked from seeing clearly as a result of all of the garbage stuffed into a
part of the brain called “the mind” which blocks the clear-seeing process.
That happened here and it happened with Maharaj. Though his parents
were neither highly religious nor highly spiritual, he was - nevertheless - exposed
to many cultural influences for years, so for a time he bought into the notion that persons who
were seeing double – another symptom of the Ultimate Sickness - could be
treated if their hearts and / or spirits were ministered to or cured or healed. He would later find that treatment plan to be totally ineffective, so he abandoned that plan.
Double vision or “diplopia” or “seeing ghost images” or
seeing duals when looking at non-duals is a symptom to take seriously. Here’s
another test, checking to determine how many fingers are seen:
Do you see four fingers, or eight?
Are you, in fact, seeing 2 of everything when you should only be seeing
1 if you were seeing clearly?
Then here’s a warning:
And here’s another even more relevant warning:
Actually, if you are seeing double, STOP everything . . . not just driving.
Do not continue doing anything that you have been doing. History proves that seeing double, seeing dualities, has serious consequences throughout the relative existence. Take a break from everyone and everything and seek a place to retreat to and to receive the proper treatment needed. If seeing dually, take the steps required to begin seeing singularly.
Another problem happens with seeing. Some might look at this
But see this:
and this
To look at white skin or black skin and believe that one is
seeing something other than “skin” is also a mind problem. That’s some unclear
seeing, and unclear seeing - it has been shown - is a mental problem. In fact, looking at anything in terms of black and white only is a mental problem. To look at “a
rich person” and “a poor person” and then believe that you are seeing two very different
things is a mind problem.
To look at “native-borns” and at “immigrants” and believe
that you are seeing two very different things is a mind problem. To look at
someone from “your country” and someone from “a different country” and then
believe that you are seeing two very different things is a mind problem.To look at someone dressed in gang colors who shoots an unarmed person and at someone dressed in a uniform who shoots an unarmed person and then
believe that you are seeing two very different things, that's a mind problem.
The suggestion when such mind problems are inhibiting or preventing
clear seeing / clear witnessing: if you are seeing everything in duality, seeing
double, seeing ghosts, seeing images and taking those to be real, then seek guidance in dealing with that problem until
you start seeing only the singularity, the unicity, the unity beyond the misperceived
But to receive the proper treatment, it must first be
understand that the sickness involves a mind problem, not a soul problem, not a
spirit problem, not a ghost problem, and not a Holy Ghost problem.That must be understood in order to seek guidance in a venue where the real problem is being addressed. For one to go for chemo when a femoral artery is bleeding would also be a mind problem, would also be ignorant or insane.
So, the sane and logical treatment for the problems brought on by exposure to the Ultimate Sickness does not involve
being programmed to engage in more magical thinking or
assuming loftier identities or focusing on dreamed up beings or Beings and dreamed up
persons or Persons in dreamed up places
but calls for
being rid of all ideas, concepts, misperceptions, notions
(a.k.a., “beliefs”)
and calls for
being freed from all of that in order to purge the
nonsense-filled mind which is blocking any and every opportunity for the brain to function
normally and for you to see / witness clearly.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
The four most recent posts follow. You may access all of the posts in
this series and in the previous series and several thousand other posts as well by clicking on the links in the "Recent Posts and Archives" section.]