Here, with those who are still driven to talk about "god," the "Son of
god," the "Holy Spirit," "Buddha," "Krishna," etc., etc., etc., the
invitation to them is to view those as verbs, not nouns. See the green text after today's post for the full meaning and implications of that.
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now been added in the far right column of this page, offering the
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interviewed by Regina and Jacqueline of "The Awakening Together Group."
(See the details in the blue text after this post.)
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Maharaj: "This is all so simple."
Why do most seekers not find that to be the case? Because the mere act of continuing to seek is proof that there is still an attachment to "The Super Seeker" role and is proof that there is still no commitment to natural living only and that there still remains some commitment to or desire to abide unnaturally and / or supernaturally (i.e., spiritually, magically, focused on some "other world" and what the "Beings" there might offer) rather than abiding in a simple, all-natural, spontaneous fashion and enjoying the present AM-ness.
That further shows that a mind is still present and operating as minds usually do - at warp speed - complicating everything along the way. For example:
1. What is simple and normal and natural is thus given some elevated status. Natural events - such as hurricanes or flooding rains - are not accepted as totally natural events (humankind's actions which are impacting weather conditions not withstanding) but are, instead, assigned some "other-worldly connection" and are believed by many to be caused by some angry Power or Vengeful Power who is sending a message to humans on earth about something that is presently disturbing that Power
2. take conscious-energy as another example.
Consciousness among many traditions and among many seekers has been elevated to a special place, sitting on a kind of throne of honor in those traditions which seem to revere and all but worship said consciousness. Yet what is consciousness, really?
Consciousness is merely conscious-energy, one of many types of energy but the only one consistently held in high regard by many.Yes, early tribes worshipped the sun and its energy, but with only a few exceptions, sun worshipers have gone to way of Zeus worshipers, of Rain God worshipers, etc.
Since consciousness is held in such high esteem by some, why not also worship thermal energy, chemical energy, nuclear energy, motion energy, sound energy, gravitational energy, or electrical energy?
Electrical energy? Sure. Why not.
If one is standing before the blender in a kitchen or home bar, ready to whip up a batch of frozen margaritas, why not pause first and follow the blender's cord to the plug in that wall and bow before it and thank the electrical energy that is about to provide what is required for the blender to function? Pray to it. Plead your case to it. Adore it. Adulate it. Give it all the glory. Worship it in song as you sing its praises:
🎵"Praise electricity from whom all blessings flow. Praise it all creatures here below. Praise it above ye heavenly hosts."🎵
Stupid? Not if one witnesses the reverence and status that some humans give to consciousness / conscious-energy.
Energy is energy. All natural. Nothing special. If driven to focus on some form of energy, go with awareness-energy rather than conscious-energy.
Maharaj said: "Awareness is primordial; it is the original state . . . beginning-less, endless, uncaused, unsupported, without parts, without change. Consciousness is on contact, a reflection against a surface, a state of duality. There can be no consciousness without awareness, but there can be awareness without consciousness . . . ."
To understand the consciousness / awareness "linkage," consider these examples. In the first, note the water / ice linkage:
Water has the potential to be formed into the shape of an ice cube; however, if not exposed to the temperature at which water freezes, then "an ice cube" shall not manifest.
Thus, there can be water without freezing, but there can be no cubes without frozen water.
Similarly, there can be awareness (or the universal pool of aware-energy), but there can be no conscious-energy except when aware-energy is pulled into manifestation within an elemental body.
In the second example, consider the potential energy in a flashlight (Br., "torch") and the manifested light-energy when it is turned on.
A flashlight sitting on a table and turned off still has energy within, but then, if switched on, it can function and provide a different type of energy outside the flashlight. The flashlight / torch has the potential to cast light, but unless certain things happen in a certain order, that will not happen. Same with awareness and the manifestation of conscious-energy.
Awareness in its original state is "free-ranging." Awareness, not confined within any specific space in its original state, has the potential to manifest within a space in the form of conscious-energy / consciousness. In its original state, it is not aware-of and is not conscious-of. It is merely energy with a potentiality.
The manifested conscious-energy (when manifested within a human) will always become blocked via programming, conditioning, domestication, acculturation, brainwashing, and indoctrination which are the transmitters of learned ignorance. If unblocked (via the realization process) then there can be a consciousness of awareness and awareness can also then be aware of itself.
Post-manifestation, there will be no conscious-of-ness and no aware-of-ness (as was the case prior to manifesting).
The manifested conscious-energy (when manifested within a human) will always become blocked via programming, conditioning, domestication, acculturation, brainwashing, and indoctrination which are the transmitters of learned ignorance. If unblocked (via the realization process) then there can be a consciousness of awareness and awareness can also then be aware of itself.
Post-manifestation, there will be no conscious-of-ness and no aware-of-ness (as was the case prior to manifesting).
Many seek the single-word answer to the question, "Where were you prior to conception?" The fact: there is no single-word answer. This "you" which people are supposedly seeing or talking to is simply a composite unity comprised of an elemental plant food body (with elements constantly coming together and coming apart).
The three parts of a composite unity are the manifested conscious-energy within (which is manifesting within a plant food body but then leaving the body, thus requiring a constant supply of new replacement quantities of said energy - received via the eating of plant food or the eating of something that ate plants) in order for the elements plant food body to continue be, to function, and to "live"); and the oxygen which continuously circulates in and out as well.
The three parts of a composite unity are the manifested conscious-energy within (which is manifesting within a plant food body but then leaving the body, thus requiring a constant supply of new replacement quantities of said energy - received via the eating of plant food or the eating of something that ate plants) in order for the elements plant food body to continue be, to function, and to "live"); and the oxygen which continuously circulates in and out as well.
So the presence and combination of three parts require three answers to where those parts were prior to conception.
The elements were on planet earth, having arrived via comets, asteroids, a collision with some embryonic planet such as Mercury, etc.; the oxygen in the earth's atmosphere came from tiny ocean plants first (phytoplankton) and later from land plants; and the conscious-energy was in that universal pool of energy which was, prior to manifestation, free-ranging awareness-energy which has no ability to be aware of unless manifested as consciousness within a confined space or composite which has been freed of learned ignorance and now understands.
If manifested in a confined space or composite, then awareness-energy for the sake of discussion can be called "conscious-energy" or "consciousness" which has the potential for conscious-of-ness.
Again, should the conscious-energy within that space realize (that is, become freed of learned ignorance and come to understand the functioning of the totality), then consciousness can become conscious of awareness and awareness can become aware of itself. As what? As the composite unity's original nature, which was a quantity of energy which was not manifested within a confined space and which - as a result - had no ability to be aware of anything.
So much for any bogus belief in some version of a composite unity existing post-mahasamadhi, be that version a "soul," "a spirit," "a ghost," "an angel," or anything else dreamed up by ignorant persons thousands of years ago.
[And that is all that awaits post-manifestation, post-mahasamadhi. No judgment. No life or series of lives. No karma. No body. No mind. No identity or Identity. No wings. No reward. No punishment. After Yeshua ("Jesus") heard and began sharing certain non-dual pointers, he said, "No one shall ever see the kingdom of heaven. It is within, now." So, want joy? Find it now.]
[And that is all that awaits post-manifestation, post-mahasamadhi. No judgment. No life or series of lives. No karma. No body. No mind. No identity or Identity. No wings. No reward. No punishment. After Yeshua ("Jesus") heard and began sharing certain non-dual pointers, he said, "No one shall ever see the kingdom of heaven. It is within, now." So, want joy? Find it now.]
What exists post-manifestation is the awareness-energy / THAT which returns to the universal pool of energy wherein it will once again not be aware of anything, including the awareness itself. Nor are the formerly-manifested specks of consciousness which were present within the composite unity at the time of the taking of mahasamadhi any longer conscious of anything else or itself, either.
Nor do the billions of specks of energy which were introduced into the composite unity via the eating of elemental plant food (or things which consumed elemental plant food) move along with the three parts of the composite unity as they return to the universal pools of elements, oxygen, and conscious-energy.
The elements came and went for the entire manifestation, helping form a plant food body for a time but then moving away and being replaced by other plant food cells which were consumed and converted into human cells; the oxygen came and went throughout the entire manifestation, circulating into and then out of the body space;
and conscious-energy came and went throughout the entire manifestation, quantities of said energy being "used up" and then replaced via the consumption of conscious-energy-bearing plants or things which had eaten such plants.
and conscious-energy came and went throughout the entire manifestation, quantities of said energy being "used up" and then replaced via the consumption of conscious-energy-bearing plants or things which had eaten such plants.
Were the same conscious which manifested originally always present within the composite unity, then no one and no thing would ever have to eat again. To the contrary, specks of conscious-energy constantly come and go, entering the space and exiting the space formed by a plant food body. At the point when mahasamadhi is taken, whatever conscious-energy might be present at that moment will exit one last time, slowly. Thus, also after Yeshua ("Jesus") heard and began sharing certain non-dual pointers, he said, "Heaven and earth shall fade away."
That is, eventually, "heaven" and "earth" will be no more because they are nothing more than concepts dreamed up by men and believed in by those who listened to those men and who repeated what those men and thousands of subsequent generations have passed down to others.
But why "fade away?" Because after the taking of mahasamadhi, the "gross body" (the one which provides the elemental part of the composite unity and provides a space in which conscious-energy can manifest and through which oxygen can circulate) shifts to stages which can be called for the sake of discussion the "subtle body" and the "causal body."
One-hundred percent of the consciousness manifested within a composite unity at the time of the taking mahasamadhi does not exit the gross body instantly. It "fades away." (Ever heard anyone say they "they felt they 'died' but hovered above their body - the 'gross body' - and watched as rescuers tried to revive them?" That was not the remains of a gross body watching itself but was the consciousness fading away in its transitional forms. Should the consciousness of the "patient" be restored, the "life" might continue to another day because all of the conscious-energy had not departed the gross body instantly.
Similarly, at the point of mahasamadhi, any concepts which any composite was conscious of at that point shall also just fade away. Why? The concepts / beliefs stored in the fiction-filled mind were all nothing more than the product of the blocked consciousness, mere mirages, all eventually leaving the gross body's mind because they were nothing but dreamed up notions to begin with.
The key point is this:
none of the three components of the composite unity triad (the ever-circulating elements, the ever-circulating oxygen, and the ever-circulating conscious-energy) ever remain as a part of the ever-evolving, ever-changing composite unity for even a day, much less for a lifetime, much less for eternity.
How the masses misunderstand that! It would be as if a bomb were to fall on a stone house and shatter it into a million tiny stones, only to have a human come along and pick up one stone and lift it into the air and tell anyone and everyone who would listen to him, "Behold, I have in my hand the house which once stood right here on this very spot."
No-the-hell you don't. Nor can anyone correctly claim that whatever "their seventy-year-old composite unity" might be during the seconds prior to taking mahasamadhi, it contains all of the oxygen which earlier moved through that space and all of the elements which made up that space and all of the conscious-energy which came into that space and then left that space. Those parts came and went throughout the manifestation for a number of times which would be in the millions and billions, depending on how long the plant food body "survived."
All of those parts came and went constantly, so nothing that was there one day is there the next. If you have the collection, look at your school pictures taken during the first twelve years of enrollment and see what they are showing: there is no "you" that can be defined as "this . . . as 'this' is me," because one second this is the composite unity supposedly known to others (and maybe to "yourself" as "you") but it is not the same composite unity as a second before.
You might as well claim that the hairs on your head are the same hairs which have always been in view for people to see. No they are not. Hair follicles reside in the skin and generate the shafts which are the parts that are visible above the scalp.
Your hair has been growing (and the shafts have been dying) forever, unless one of your mother's genes set your body up for baldness. The part you see is made of layers of protein, but the protein is dead. That is why barbers and hair stylists to not have to anesthetize their clients before cutting their hair. It is dead and cannot feel any sensation.
So much for capitalist advertisers who claim their shampoo and conditioner products will make your hair "vibrant," which mean "alive, full of energy." Again, no-the-hell they can't do that. Hair shafts are dead and cannot be resuscitated by any product. And if a gross body is accurately deemed to be dead, it cannot be resuscitated by anyone or Anyone or any Power or any so-called "Supreme Being."
The hair you see this month is not the hair you saw last month, and the gross body and its outer skin which you see in the afternoon is not the same gross body you saw in the mirror before leaving home this morning.
If there were a "me" (which there is not), then one speaking of that "me" - if accurate - would have to saw, "This is me. No wait . . . now this is me. No wait . . . now this is me. No wait . . . now this is me," revising their truth every second. And that would have to continue right up until the manifestation ends.
People ask, "When you came to this understanding, weren't you devastated by fear, knowing that this is all there is and when you're gone that's the end?" Of course I laugh, very hard and very loud. Then I respond:
"If you like the steaks at your favorite restaurant and are then told by the owner that he's retiring and will be closing, would you not go there often during the restaurant's final days and would you not absolutely savor each and every meal you could eat for the remainder of time that is available to you?
"The case with me is the same: Understanding that "this is all there is" inspires me to enjoy what remains, NOW. It leads me to savor absolutely each and every remaining moment that is available."
The focus is on NOW, not on some dreamed up "later" in some dreamed up upgraded world ("heaven") or in some dreamed up downgraded world ("hell") or in some dreamed up series of lives and incarnations to come and not in some dreamed up Celestial Brothel with 72 virgins and thousands of wives and thousands of whores to pleasure a dreamed up gross body which many erroneously believe can survive the taking of mahasamadhi (which is only imagined in some persons' dreams or delusions or distortions).
And that is the closest that realization can come to providing any 'benefit," namely, the freedom to enjoy each moment, freed from the effects of learned ignorance and / or imposed insanity.
Maharaj made clear that realization is what leads to a free-of-all-learned-ignorance state which one enters into and abides in for the remainder of the manifestation if truly and fully realized. That requires truly and fully discarding all beliefs, period, understanding that they were all just so much dreamed up nonsense in the first place.
To understand scientific facts and truth, Maharaj made clear, is the prerequisite for understanding the functioning of the totality and thereby being free of all of the dreamed up nonsense which has been passed down, including dreamed up nonsense about "the better or worse worlds which are awaiting you, for eternity"; about "Heavenly Whore Houses";
about continuous incarnations and reincarnations which one must find a way to break out of; about males becoming gods of their own worlds and whispering their wives' secret names and pulling them through slits in veils, supposedly the only way by which women can enter into heaven; and about thousands of other beliefs about what happens to gross bodies / composite unities which supposedly exist post-manifestation but cannot possibly exist post-manifestation at all.
Do you see why fanatics who try to use dogma or spirituality to control your thoughts and words and actions find scientific facts abhorrent? Do you see why dictatorial politicians who want to have absolute control over the masses hate the truth and the free press and non-religious universities and the wisest among the masses and instead prefer lies which tap into the fears of the masses which are rooted in the personal identifications which they have been assigned or which they have assumed?
And do you see why Maharaj turned away from versions of the Ultimate Medicine which combined either dogma and non-dual pointers or combined spirituality and non-dual pointers and told people to ignore those and pay attention to pointers rooted in the sciences of psychology and physical cosmology and its branches of physics and astrophysics which address the actual roots of the Ultimate Sickness, namely, the programmed and conditioned and domesticated and indoctrinated and acculturated and brainwashed mind along with countless other distorted beliefs about the cosmos?
Finally, let it be clear that an adept guide can reveal the truth in understandable terms, so those with OCD and those trapped in fanaticism need not succumb to the influence of those psychological drivers and motivators if seeking freedom from learned ignorance and reaching a state of full realization. One does not need a doctorate in psychology or physical cosmology or physics or astrophysics to understand how to discard nonsensical concepts and notions and ideas (a.k.a., "beliefs").
As I heard one "non-dualist" explain years ago, “The point is to wake up, not to earn a Ph.D. in waking up.”
See? Easy peasy. No Master's Degree required, and no Doctor's Degree required. No dogma required. No supposedly holy tests required. No lifetime of visiting supposedly holy sites required. No daily spiritual exercises required. No wailing wall required. No prayer blankets required. No incense required. No special pillows with special bowls to be struck with special sticks required.
No special garments required. No accoutrements required. No special buildings required. No special hair cut required. No priests or ayatollahs or preachers or rabbis or lamas required. No government required. No lifetime of seeking and going and doing and zooming required. No kneeling-rising-kneeling-rising required. No crosses required. No gourd rattlers required. No chants required.
No killing of non-believers required. No killing of infidels required. No special food plan required. No speaking in foreign tongues and rolling around on the floor required. No cult or sky cult required. No exposure to sexual abuse by religious leaders required. No being struck on the forehead and swooning in order to be healed required. No work, work, work and endless doingness required. And no judging and punishing others required.
Just wake up to the lies and then wake up to the truth.
As Maharaj explained, the process here really is so very simple, especially when compared to all of the other methods being used out there.
To be continued.
an updated seven-hour streaming video of a retreat with Floyd Henderson
which can be viewed by anyone with internet access. (In this video, all
seven of the steps on "the path" as taught by Maharaj are explained and
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Here, with those who are still driven to talk about "god," the "Son of god," the "Holy Spirit," "Buddha," "Krishna," etc., etc., etc., the invitation to them is to view those as verbs, not nouns.
To be continued.
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The Advanced Seekers' Series
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non-duality pointers that can guide seekers to abide as their original
nature. Included in the anthology are
"From the I to the Absolute (A Seven-Step Journey to Reality");
"Consciousness / Awareness: The Nature of Reality Beyond SELF-Realization (Peace Every Day When Abiding As the Absolute)";
"From the Absolute to the Nothingness";
"The Final Understanding."
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This anthology (438 pages) contains the six books that make up what has been called The Blissful Abidance Series for those seeking to live blissfully and happily for the remainder of the manifestation, including,
“What BLISS is and what BLISS is not”;
“There’s No Such Thing As Peace of Mind (There’s Only Peace If You’re ‘Out of Your Mind’)”;
“Liberation (Attaining Freedom from Personality via Realization)”;
“Freedom from Shifting Between States of Happiness and Unhappiness”;
“Why You Must Be Empty If You Would Be Full”;
“When REALITY Is Overlaid on the RELATIVE.”
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Here, with those who are still driven to talk about "god," the "Son of god," the "Holy Spirit," "Buddha," "Krishna," etc., etc., etc., the invitation to them is to view those as verbs, not nouns.
looked at as nouns, they point to illusions and are, therefore, a total
waste of time to even discuss; if looked at as verbs which are
resulting in certain sane but rare behaviors among humanity, then they
are worthy of some attention during the relative existence.
There are members of certain groups who say things such as "My concept
of god in the past was of a weak god, an absentee god, A Santa
Claus-type god, a mean, punishing, vindictive god, etc. Today, I am in
close contact with a loving and caring god whom I worship and praise and
glorify and give thanks to."
reply to that usually goes like this: "If you are in contact with a god
that wants to be worshipped and praised and glorified, then you're
dealing with someone like yourself - a narcissist - and hanging out with
narcissists will never bring an end to your narcissism (that narcissism
evidenced by the fact that you think you are "godly").
in the phrase 'loving and caring god,' any supposed god that truly had
her or his act together would tell you that the totally irrelevant part
of that phrase is 'god' and that the only part that is relevant is the
"loving and caring" part.
is, a non-narcissistic their god / their goddess would say, "I care not
an iota about being worshipped and praised and glorified by you or
anyone else. How arrogant and insecure and needy would I have to be to
want that? Forget the man-made, dreamed up noun 'god' and focus on the
'god as a verb' understanding and then go forth and let loving and
caring be verbs - not adjectives - and let them generate the act of love
and the act of caring and let those actions manifest through you."
Yeshu'a (Jesus) and Pope John Paul II and Pope Francis were spot on:
"No one shall ever see 'the kingdom of heaven.' It is within"
--Yeshu'a (Jesus)
"Heaven and earth shall fade away."
--Yeshu'a (Jesus)
"Heaven and hell are not geographic places
but are states of mind, nothing more than
concepts dreamed up by men."
--Pope John Paul II
"There is no hell."
--Pope Francis, the current pope
in an interview with journalist Eugenio Scalfari,
a writer used by the Pope to issue off the record
teachings which become a part of the Papal Magisterium.
said, would that the popes who have shown the courage to reject a core
concept of their dogma - namely, "hell" - would find the additional
courage required to question the very existence of their institution in
light of the centuries-long cover-up of their history of raping children
and in light of the mental and emotional and psychological scarring of
billions of their members past and present.
that need for courage also applies as questions need to be asked about
why so many other sky cults are still being supported and allowed to
continue to exist as well. When certain types of programming and
conditioning have been shown to blind the masses, they should end. Will
they? Not likely. Why?
what the masses think and say and do is most influenced by the
international crime families which hold sway over the masses as
criminals conduct their planet-wide operations. What are the major
international crime families and which are the most influential and have
the largest memberships?
Mafia / La Cosa Nostra; the Catholic Church (with it 1.2 billion
followers) whose Vatican Bank worked for decades with the Mafia while
laundering mob earnings (for a 15% all-profit charge by the Bank);
Protestant and Evangelical Churches (with over 1.2 billion followers)
like the one I was raised in where the youth director molested and
sexually assaulted young girls; big business which has long created
environments in which people have been abused; powerful political bodies
like the U.S. Congress, etc., etc., etc.)
all of those crime families, neither the followers nor the leadership
ever voluntarily step down or shut down their criminal activities. Be
they gangs, organized crime families, religions, big business,
politicians, etc., they all want control and they all want power and
they all want money, and nothing internal will interfere with the
driving forces at play.
masses must demand that all those in charge must step down and their
groups and institutions must shut down, and there's the real problem
because the continuation of their crimes are enabled not as much by the
people running such crime organizations as they are enabled by the
masses of people who - wanting some perceived "payoff" - remain involved
with them and give them money and support them and aid and abet the
continued existence of those criminal enterprises and thus facilitate
the ability of church criminals and political criminals and other types
of criminals to continue to commit their crimes.]
the direct link to the VIDEO VERSION
of the "Awakening Together" satsang session with Regina and Jacqueline referenced earlier, 18 MARCH 2018
You can click on the picture link which has now been added for video "Number Ten" in the upper right-hand column on this page.
If preferred, here's
the direct link to the AUDIO VERSION.
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