Saturday, April 08, 2006


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[Please note: The “journey” to Realization has seven, clear-cut steps that must be taken in an exact order. The third step requires that persons first play a religious role or a spiritual role. Both must be transcended to continue, but either (or both) can serve as a step; however, it is far easier to move beyond a spiritual persona than a religious persona.]

F.: Most of the people on earth who claim affiliation with a religion belong to one of the three that all evolved from the same teachings of Abraham: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. What was the god of Abraham like? What are the facts that are presented to children (and adults) by those religions week-after-week about the god of Judaism, about the god of Judaeo-Christians, and about the god of Islam? They are told that He can be made angry by humans/“his children” (and therefore suffers the personality defect of co-dependency); that he can claim to love unconditionally but still kill and punish at the same time (showing evidence of delusion, lying, or schizophrenia); that he opened the earth and had it swallow up thousands of people and killed them (showing that he is homicidal); that he arranged wars that allowed 120,000 to be killed at one time by his chosen army; that he can became so angry that he was willing to kill all the people on earth except one family; and that even today when he is angry, he will kill by using his followers or by using weather events to destroy property and people. And during those same religious services, the children (and adults) are taught to praise the god that behaved that way; to glorify the god that still behaves that way; to seek to be close to that god and to seek to live in a way that will guarantee that they get to spend eternity with a god that behaves that way.

In disclosing what that god is like (and to act as if it is not only okay but is conduct to be respected) then co-dependency is “normalized” as children are taught to accept that it is normal if the way god feels is dependent on what people do or think or believe.

In disclosing what that god is like (and to act as if it is not only okay but is conduct to be respected) then pre-meditated murder is “normalized” as children are taught to accept that the murder of thousands and thousands of "His children" is normal and acceptable behavior and that arranging for his son to be murdered was also normal.

In disclosing what that god is like (and to act as if it is not only okay but is conduct to be respected) then genocide is “normalized” as children are taught to accept that the annihilation of all of God’s children except for one family is normal behavior and is acceptable.

Consider a parent who takes his/her child into that venue each week and is delighted to expose a child to such programming in “Sunday School.” How would that same parent feel if on Monday their child’s regular school teacher told the child that Hilter should be praised and glorified because he had 12,000,000 killed and started a war that killed 55,000,000? Mass murder by a dictator is to be condemned while mass murder by a god is to be praised? Tell children on Sunday to love a mass murderer and tell those same children on Monday to hate a mass murderer and you’ll end up with a planet filled with some very confused people who haven’t a clue that they’re confused. Thus, in the “minds” of persons, distortion is not distortion, contradictions are not contradictions, and the abnormal is not abnormal at all. That type of programming and conditioning is a major cause of persons being totally insane, totally out of touch with reality. Wherefore your "advantage"? Do you not see that religious teachings are one of the major sources of the contamination and bastardization of the consciousness that only Realization can cleanse?
The insanity of such inconsistency escapes those who cannot see the inconsistencies in such spurious belief systems. Instead, they stand in awe of their killer-god’s murderous work in the past as well as in the modern-day examples they cite: “God allowed the Towers to be knocked down because of homosexuals, feminists, and non-Christians”; “God used a tsunami to punish evil people in Asia”; “God sent Hurricane Katrina and killed thousands because he was angry about a pending gay parade" (or, as the Dalai Lama said, "It happened because of the past karma of the citizens of New Orleans.”) Again, is it seen that among many religious (and many so-called spiritual) persons, the modern version of God is just as vindictive and destructive and lethal as the ancient version of that same god? Yet you want to focus on the "advantages" of religion while excluding all other considerations? Can you be objective enough to recognize the broader effects beyond those claimed by your self? Please enter into the silence of contemplation. [To be continued]

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