FROM A SITE VISITOR: [Received 14 Dec 2006] Today, you said that spiritual role-playing is nothing more than one step in becoming fully Realized. I believe that I am a spiritual creature having a human experience. Being a spiritual creature is not a step on the way to some higher level—it is the highest level.
F.: The ego (the false “I”) always wants to believe that it is different and, therefore, special. Living out the relative existence under the auspices of warped consciousness, which partitions you into dozens or scores of false identities, there is always a longing for a sense of wholeness. In the search for that sense of wholeness, the ego always looks externally because all ego-states require a co-dependent counterpart to play a role in sustaining each assumed identity. (“Husband” must have “wife” to exist.). Evolving out of that scenario and the assumed identity of "spiritual creature" is the concept of an external “supreme being” that can create a “spiritual being/human being combo” (a very “special creation” indeed). Do you see how trapped in ego you really are, wanting to appear to be so different and special and spiritual?
First, you are speaking of a duality: creature and human. That alone proves that your belief is a lie. Secondly, that phrase has been making the spiritual-speaker-circuit for many years, so it's not original; thus, you’re not really stating a belief that you have as much as you are parroting what someone else said. As long as you are parroting others, you cannot come to know what can only be known via the inner resource. You know what someone else knows, but what do you know? Third, you are standing in the dim light of dawn but are convinced that you are in the brightness of the noonday sun. Fourth, you are deluded, as is the case with all persons whose false identities are generated and sustained by their beliefs (which are really the beliefs of others adopted by them).
You are not fixed in the I Am but follow that phrase with a label. And of course the label you've selected is one with “noble” connotations, so attachment to that role as an identity comes easily. Few are willing to admit “I am a thief,” “I am a low-life,” “I am an ass,” or “I am totally delusional as a result of programming.” Those have “negative” connotations. In contrast see how billions of persons happily proclaim, as you do, “I am a spiritual creature,” “I am that which is the highest level,” “I am religious,” “I am a Christian” (or “Muslim” or “Jew” or “Advaitan”), “I am a child of god,” “I am god’s agent on earth,” and/or “I am many wonderful things,” ad infinitum.
To be a creature is to say you were created. To say you were created is to say that there is a creator. But since neither energy nor matter can be created (nor destroyed), WHO is proclaiming there is a creator and WHO is claiming that he/she was a creation of that creator? [Again, connotations play their role in establishing and maintaining your egotism: if your body is a combination of elements that came together because two persons fornicated—and if your “mind” is a collection of garbage that they programmed into you but that you nevertheless value highly—that would not be so “special,” would it? But for you to have been "created" by a super-powerful extraterrestrial god rather than resulting from an act of friction by two earthly fornicators gives you a most exclusive and highly distinguished status, does it not?]
As for your experience, only an ego-state can believe it is experiencing anything. THAT which you truly are is beyond all experience. As the consciousness purifies, the subject-object witness gives way to the Pure Witness that sees the unicity and sees no subjects or objects. Also having seen the Absolute for what it is, the True Self knows what it is and knows it is not a spiritual creature or a human. And that knowing can only happen while the consciousness is manifest. There is no mechanism in that Absolute state by which anything can be known, understood, or stated. THAT cannot even be accurately described—scientists coming the closest to having an ability to define it—so for you to describe yourself as some spiritual creature that will survive, in tact, post-manifestation is delusional. There is no “yourself” or “self” or “Self” in that vast pool of potential energy or “energy-at-rest,” so no "spiritual self" can exist either. It is a false role "here," and to think it will be a role played out "there" is delusion and duality. Presence—and awareness of presence—are limited to the relative only. Please enter the silence of contemplation. [To be continued]
F.: The ego (the false “I”) always wants to believe that it is different and, therefore, special. Living out the relative existence under the auspices of warped consciousness, which partitions you into dozens or scores of false identities, there is always a longing for a sense of wholeness. In the search for that sense of wholeness, the ego always looks externally because all ego-states require a co-dependent counterpart to play a role in sustaining each assumed identity. (“Husband” must have “wife” to exist.). Evolving out of that scenario and the assumed identity of "spiritual creature" is the concept of an external “supreme being” that can create a “spiritual being/human being combo” (a very “special creation” indeed). Do you see how trapped in ego you really are, wanting to appear to be so different and special and spiritual?
First, you are speaking of a duality: creature and human. That alone proves that your belief is a lie. Secondly, that phrase has been making the spiritual-speaker-circuit for many years, so it's not original; thus, you’re not really stating a belief that you have as much as you are parroting what someone else said. As long as you are parroting others, you cannot come to know what can only be known via the inner resource. You know what someone else knows, but what do you know? Third, you are standing in the dim light of dawn but are convinced that you are in the brightness of the noonday sun. Fourth, you are deluded, as is the case with all persons whose false identities are generated and sustained by their beliefs (which are really the beliefs of others adopted by them).
You are not fixed in the I Am but follow that phrase with a label. And of course the label you've selected is one with “noble” connotations, so attachment to that role as an identity comes easily. Few are willing to admit “I am a thief,” “I am a low-life,” “I am an ass,” or “I am totally delusional as a result of programming.” Those have “negative” connotations. In contrast see how billions of persons happily proclaim, as you do, “I am a spiritual creature,” “I am that which is the highest level,” “I am religious,” “I am a Christian” (or “Muslim” or “Jew” or “Advaitan”), “I am a child of god,” “I am god’s agent on earth,” and/or “I am many wonderful things,” ad infinitum.
To be a creature is to say you were created. To say you were created is to say that there is a creator. But since neither energy nor matter can be created (nor destroyed), WHO is proclaiming there is a creator and WHO is claiming that he/she was a creation of that creator? [Again, connotations play their role in establishing and maintaining your egotism: if your body is a combination of elements that came together because two persons fornicated—and if your “mind” is a collection of garbage that they programmed into you but that you nevertheless value highly—that would not be so “special,” would it? But for you to have been "created" by a super-powerful extraterrestrial god rather than resulting from an act of friction by two earthly fornicators gives you a most exclusive and highly distinguished status, does it not?]
As for your experience, only an ego-state can believe it is experiencing anything. THAT which you truly are is beyond all experience. As the consciousness purifies, the subject-object witness gives way to the Pure Witness that sees the unicity and sees no subjects or objects. Also having seen the Absolute for what it is, the True Self knows what it is and knows it is not a spiritual creature or a human. And that knowing can only happen while the consciousness is manifest. There is no mechanism in that Absolute state by which anything can be known, understood, or stated. THAT cannot even be accurately described—scientists coming the closest to having an ability to define it—so for you to describe yourself as some spiritual creature that will survive, in tact, post-manifestation is delusional. There is no “yourself” or “self” or “Self” in that vast pool of potential energy or “energy-at-rest,” so no "spiritual self" can exist either. It is a false role "here," and to think it will be a role played out "there" is delusion and duality. Presence—and awareness of presence—are limited to the relative only. Please enter the silence of contemplation. [To be continued]