Tuesday, April 24, 2007


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F.: As this series ends after responding to questions submitted about samskaras and archetypes, let the main pointer be offered: solutions in the relative cannot be found unless problems in the relative (and their sources) are properly identified. It is useless to top off the weeds in a garden instead of pulling them up at the root and discarding them. Take the garden that is bastardized with weeds to be the relative existence. Take the plants to be the lives of persons (that is, the non-Realized) that could be flourishing but that do not because of the weeds. Take the weeds to be all that chokes off the ability of the plants to flourish (and to exist in a calm and peaceful fashion):

the belief by persons that they are awake when they are walking about in their sleep; the belief by persons that they are making choices and have free will when in fact everything they think and emote and do is controlled by genetics and chemical imbalances and a “mind” that is a repository of lies and programming and enculturation and conditioning; the arrogant belief by persons that they have the right to control friends, neighbors, traffic, co-workers, spouses, a nation and all other nations; the belief by persons that they have the right to decide who should die and who should live; and the deep love affair that persons have with their concept of “separation.”

It is that love affair that persons have with their belief in separation and duality which breeds all arrogance and all “better-than-you” type thinking; which makes neighbors or co-workers or spouses or other teams or other cities or other states or other nations “not good enough”; which allows persons to believe that the deaths of persons in their group are bad but that the deaths of those outside their group can be good; which allows persons to believe that they have a god in another world that is empowering them and making them “better”; which drives persons to believe that if you do not worship, or if you do not worship their god according to the dictates of their religion or denomination or sect, that they have the right to punish you, reject you, or even kill you.

And what are the roots of those weeds that have always brought misery and suffering to the “human existence”? The roots are ignorance; a lack of wisdom; a preference among persons to explain everything supernaturally or mythically or magically or superstitiously rather than preferring the scientific and factual and actual explanation for happenings; a laziness that drives persons to accept what others say rather than investigating and seeking truth themselves; a preference for emotional intoxication over reason and logic; programming, conditioning and enculturation; taking impressions and images to be real; the assumption of ego-states as identities; the allowance of the ego-defense mechanisms that accompany all ego-states to determine everything that persons say, do, or feel; the refusal to seek an understanding of the unicity while clinging to the belief in separation and multiplicity; and, as a result of believing in “separate but not equal,” being driven by such high levels of arrogance, egotism, and self-importance that the planet becomes dominated by persons (playing their roles of “leader”) who are supercilious, prideful, and haughty.

Further, all that is defined as “destructive” on the planet evolves from two relative contributors: (1) the arrogance, ego, and false pride of “leaders” and (2) the programmed and conditioned masses who blindly follow those leaders and who refuse to question the words of their politicians or preachers or generals or ayatollahs or judges or teachers or priests or mullahs or spiritual teachers or entertainers or rabbis or gurus or medicine men or imams.

The “journey” to Realization begins with questioning…with a willingness to question it all. To clean out the garden and thereby allow the plants to flourish, the seeker must find the roots of the weeds and discard not just the evidence of the weeds but must be rid of the root systems as well. When the manner in which persons think, emote and behave is determined by impressions and images and personas instead of by logic and reason and fact, then a relative existence problem exists and nothing other than insane or insane-like behavior can follow. Persons are being driven by unconscious and subconscious forces, even as they believe that they are making choices.

Impressions and images and archetypes and dogma and ideas are all concepts that are based in memories and stored in the unconscious or in the subconscious. To be influenced by anything that you are unconscious of blocks Realization and prevents true freedom. The basic archetypes are merely personality types that are universally recognized. The commonly-held beliefs about such types have been repeated so frequently that those fictitious characters are no longer questioned by persons but are assumed as identities instead.

As with all myths and superstitions (and the religious and spiritual beliefs that have evolved from them), the impressions or imprints that follow repeated exposure to such “typing” are soon taken by the conditioned masses to be real. False identities are assumed to be real and those assumptions are seldom ever questioned. As a result of thousands of years of conditioning and genetic messaging, the belief in falsehoods has become so widespread that the attachment of “positive vs. negative” connotations to ideas or words is now automatic, no matter how nonsensical the labels of “good vs. bad” might be.

Archetypes are about symbols, images, personas, and individualization, all of which are false concepts taken to be true by “the mind” and all of which must be seen to be fictional if one is to Realize. The liability that “the mind” has become should now be clear. Archetypes inspire certain patterns of thought when truth can only be found beyond “thoughts,” beyond the fiction of the "mind."

Archetypes are “deposits of the repeated experience of humanity” which cause humans to accept “mythical ideas” as real. The Advaitin knows that these inherent and cultural images are only one more influence that must be transitioned if Realization is to happen. The stuff of myths and legends and fairy tales has become the stuff of “the mind” of persons. Along with the accumulation of ideas and concepts and beliefs and dogma, those archetypal images and concepts now form a collection of never-to-be-questioned beliefs that drive humans to behave and emote and think in the unnatural or supernatural ways that they now behave and emote and think.

Just as was the case with the brain’s ability to store memories and retrieve memories, impressions and archetypes were initially an “asset” in facilitating the perpetuation of the species, but now (just as is the case with “the mind”) they have become a liability to those seeking freedom and truth and independence.

To be independent and in touch with reality, seven specific steps are required. They must be taken in an exact order, which happens to be exactly the reverse order by which the consciousness manifested and became corrupted through various levels of programming and conditioning and enculturation and genetic coding. If you want to take those seven steps, the guide is available. Please enter the silence of contemplation.
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