Thursday, February 21, 2008


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An Advaita Vedanta enlightenment, realization, nisarga yoga site discussing non-duality, nonduality, your original nature, and the means of dwelling in the natural state per Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj.

FROM A SITE VISITOR: (Reference is to the 17 February 2008 posting) Today you wrote about the re-purified (or unblocked) consciousness. Which is it, or do those mean the same thing?

F.: (Continued from yesterday) Now, please review this definition offered at the beginning of this series:

The word “dilemma” (Greek, “di”=“two” and “lemma”=“alternatives, choices or propositions”) refers to a “difficult situation” where a person is forced to choose between two propositions, neither of which is a satisfactory alternative.

It can be seen, therefore, that every “difficult situation” in the relative existence is based in “di” duality. Too, understand that all dualistic beliefs are stored in that warehouse of fiction called the “mind.”

Furthermore, understand that once persons are “minded,” they become “dual-minded” persons who are unstable in all ways. A psychiatrist in one of David Baldacci’s novels tells one of his patients,

“…the answer to your problems is between your left and right frontal lobes. It’s a distance of about four inches and quite remarkable in that it contains trillions of bits of thoughts and memories that make you, you.”

Yes, the root of all “difficult situations” in the relative are rooted in the dualistic thoughts and memories stored in that portion of the elemental brain than is referred to as “the mind.” Therein, the false notion of “you” is housed, a notion that blocks awareness of the Real You. Thus "blocked," "you" really believe that "the false, imagined you" is really "you"; as a result, few can ever come to know the True Self.

Contradicting the dualistic “either-or” fallacy that traps the masses in illusion, the Advaitin poet Shakespeare has his character Hamlet offer this pointer: “…there is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so.” So there is nothing that is either good or bad. It is only the thoughts and memories stored in that “four-inch area” that leads persons to take such "either-or" duality to be true.

And yes, the fictional “you” is nothing more than a mental image, a reflection of the “I” consciousness that supposes that it lives in “a world” that is also nothing more than a picture of your “I” consciousness.

The Advaitin Jesus reportedly said, "Heaven and earth shall fade away," meaning that when the consciousness fades away (un-manifests) from the form that persons take themselves to be, their "pictured world" and "pictured self" and "pictured heaven" will fade away as well. It's all in the "mind," not at all in Reality.

Yet that four-inch area of the brain prevents most from knowing the truth of their limitless, infinite, original nature, and that is why most persons will stay trapped within their limited and finite "minds" and will continue to employ their cultures' closed, “either-or” scenarios; that will prevent their looking “outside the box” at the third possibility: Neti-Neti.

Even more rarely do they consider the “neither-nor” possibility: “I am neither sinful nor moral; I am neither good nor bad.” ("Neti-Neti" reveals the truth of "not this; not this"...the truth of "neither-nor." If applied to each and every label and form/space and name, Advaitin seekers can eventually eliminate belief in every relative concept, including the "I" and "the world," and arrive at the eternal Truth.)

Understand how I am neither sinful nor virtuous and neither good nor bad and you’ll also see why this speck of consciousness is neither body nor mind nor persona. This pointer was offered earlier as well:

Programmed persons are trying to maneuver through their relative existence with “the handicap” of many “reasoning fallacies” that drive them to establish “impossible conditions” or “either-or fallacies” of duality where the two options they typically consider are both erroneous and based in illogical nonsense.

While some instances of “either-or” can be valid (a woman is either pregnant or not) the “either-or” scenarios used among the masses are typically fallacious. Only the objective witness of "neither-nor" can arrive at the Pure Witness, True Self state.

Tomorrow’s discussion will cite specific examples of reasoning fallacies that generate the “relative dilemmas” that result from the masses being programmed and conditioned and domesticated and enculturated in ways that leave them handicapped with no ability to reason logically. Please enter the silence of contemplation. (To be continued)


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