An Advaita forum focusing on Realisation, enlightenment, non-duality, Real Love, peace, freedom, Your original nature, abiding naturally, the Oneness, the Nothingness, and Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj.
As for Maharaj, you will find here some of his early pointers for beginners but some of his later pointers that are for seekers farther along the "path." During his last years, he said of I AM THAT: "That book and whatever was expounded at that time was only relevant for that period. I am speaking differently today" and am "emphasizing different aspects." What he offered later differed considerably from his earlier talks, making clear that the pointers in I AM THAT will take you to the midpoint of "the race" but that his final talks point the way to "the finish line."
F.: If one does not follow Maharaj's suggestion to set yourself free of all backgrounds and all cultures, then no dignity can happen and no sense of the Oneness can possibly manifest. If one would follow precisely Maharaj's "formula" and complete the "steps" he mentions that can move a seeker farther along the "path" toward Realization, then the role of all backgrounds and all cultures, must be understand.
"Backgrounds," as used by Maharaj in this case, refers most often to the programming and conditioning and domestication that children are subjected to early on in the home, so "setting yourself free of all backgrounds" involves seeing the effects of early programming and conditioning and domestication and casting aside all of those influences.
"Setting yourself free of all cultures" involves seeing the effects of early and continuing acculturation and casting aside all of those influences. One indication of entrapment, of not having set yourself free of all cultures? False pride regarding the city where you live, the region where you live, or the nation where you live.
How many there are among the non-Realized masses who believe that they are better than others because they live in a city that is "different" and "special." They almost speak of the city where they live as if it were their lover, identified as they are with its "beauty" or "uniqueness" that, they believe, sets them apart from people in all lesser cities.
The same applies with regional and national pride. Seldom in the U.S. - unless one enjoys the wisdom to turn off the television - can one made it through a single, twenty-hour period without hearing someone (usually a pandering politician) making the claim that "this is the greatest country on earth." Really? By whose standard? By the results of what data collected via objective research? What arrogant claptrap.
Next, as you are invited to set yourself free of all cultures, know that some cultures are far more closed than others, and they more often than not are cultures wherein the general population is homogenous in both appearance and race. As a result, they are far more aware of any among them that are of a "different" appearance or race; far more aware of any who have an appearance that is atypical in that society or nation; and far less open to truly knowing the Oneness. And their languages support that fact.
That is, while the languages in some cultures reveal an understanding of the Oneness, languages in other cultures often reveal a xenophobic, dualistic "mindset." For example, the Japanese language has the word "chigatte," which has dual meanings. In certain instancs, the word can mean "different." In other cases, the same word means, "wrong."
Telling, yes? "Different" = "wrong"? Could any such linguistic structure expose a culture's dualistic beliefs more than that? Yet the cultures and nations that are homogenous in appearance and race do not have a monopoly on equating "different" with "wrong":
In the U.S. - where the population is made up of whites / Caucasians / Anglo-Saxons; some few American Indians and Alaskan Natives; Asians; Hispanics / Latinos; Blacks / African Americans; and Native Hawaiians as well as other Pacific Islanders - it seems that the diversity (rather than the variance from a homogenous majority) also inspires a sense of separation and better-than-ment that is rooted in the "different" = "wrong" belief.
If you study cultures around the globe, it becomes clear that whether their populations are homogenous or diverse, the dualistic belief in separation and better-than-ment and the idea that "different" = "wrong" is the rule far more often than the exception.
But what of the earlier pointer that "languages in some cultures reveal an understanding of the Oneness"? A consideration offered recently is relevant here:
Among the Realized, there are no words used that can convey any sense of separation. For example, in "The Vocabulary of Realization, "others" is used in quote marks when working with seekers on the early part of the "path," but once Full Realization happens, then the entire vocabulary of separation and differentiation and apart-ness is purged.
The vocabulary of the Realized is devoid of racially-charged words and words that support the false sense of hierarchies that the non-Realized use regularly.
The native tongue of the Cherokee Grandmother, with whom much time was spent during the early years, has no words in the language for “hate,” “war,” “greed,” “contend,” “competition,” “rival,” "different," or "separate."
Similarly, the Penans and the Apayao tribes have no words or terms for “separation,” and that is the case with the languages of hundreds of other early tribes that were far more in touch with the Oneness than with the two-ness.
Yet those cultures were decimated, for the most part, so the languages of modern cultures reinforce duality rather than a sense of the Oneness. If You do not free yourself of all of the influences of the modern cultures that have influenced you - or that continue to influence you - then a key element of Maharaj's formula for Realization will be missed, guaranteed. As a result, Realization will also be missed.
Tomorrow: One means of impeding the diffusion of the dualistic messages that are conveyed by cultures steeped in duality.
You are invited to enter into the silence. (To be continued)
F.: If one does not follow Maharaj's suggestion to set yourself free of all backgrounds and all cultures, then no dignity can happen and no sense of the Oneness can possibly manifest. If one would follow precisely Maharaj's "formula" and complete the "steps" he mentions that can move a seeker farther along the "path" toward Realization, then the role of all backgrounds and all cultures, must be understand.
"Backgrounds," as used by Maharaj in this case, refers most often to the programming and conditioning and domestication that children are subjected to early on in the home, so "setting yourself free of all backgrounds" involves seeing the effects of early programming and conditioning and domestication and casting aside all of those influences.
"Setting yourself free of all cultures" involves seeing the effects of early and continuing acculturation and casting aside all of those influences. One indication of entrapment, of not having set yourself free of all cultures? False pride regarding the city where you live, the region where you live, or the nation where you live.
How many there are among the non-Realized masses who believe that they are better than others because they live in a city that is "different" and "special." They almost speak of the city where they live as if it were their lover, identified as they are with its "beauty" or "uniqueness" that, they believe, sets them apart from people in all lesser cities.
The same applies with regional and national pride. Seldom in the U.S. - unless one enjoys the wisdom to turn off the television - can one made it through a single, twenty-hour period without hearing someone (usually a pandering politician) making the claim that "this is the greatest country on earth." Really? By whose standard? By the results of what data collected via objective research? What arrogant claptrap.
Next, as you are invited to set yourself free of all cultures, know that some cultures are far more closed than others, and they more often than not are cultures wherein the general population is homogenous in both appearance and race. As a result, they are far more aware of any among them that are of a "different" appearance or race; far more aware of any who have an appearance that is atypical in that society or nation; and far less open to truly knowing the Oneness. And their languages support that fact.
That is, while the languages in some cultures reveal an understanding of the Oneness, languages in other cultures often reveal a xenophobic, dualistic "mindset." For example, the Japanese language has the word "chigatte," which has dual meanings. In certain instancs, the word can mean "different." In other cases, the same word means, "wrong."
Telling, yes? "Different" = "wrong"? Could any such linguistic structure expose a culture's dualistic beliefs more than that? Yet the cultures and nations that are homogenous in appearance and race do not have a monopoly on equating "different" with "wrong":
In the U.S. - where the population is made up of whites / Caucasians / Anglo-Saxons; some few American Indians and Alaskan Natives; Asians; Hispanics / Latinos; Blacks / African Americans; and Native Hawaiians as well as other Pacific Islanders - it seems that the diversity (rather than the variance from a homogenous majority) also inspires a sense of separation and better-than-ment that is rooted in the "different" = "wrong" belief.
If you study cultures around the globe, it becomes clear that whether their populations are homogenous or diverse, the dualistic belief in separation and better-than-ment and the idea that "different" = "wrong" is the rule far more often than the exception.
But what of the earlier pointer that "languages in some cultures reveal an understanding of the Oneness"? A consideration offered recently is relevant here:
Among the Realized, there are no words used that can convey any sense of separation. For example, in "The Vocabulary of Realization, "others" is used in quote marks when working with seekers on the early part of the "path," but once Full Realization happens, then the entire vocabulary of separation and differentiation and apart-ness is purged.
The vocabulary of the Realized is devoid of racially-charged words and words that support the false sense of hierarchies that the non-Realized use regularly.
The native tongue of the Cherokee Grandmother, with whom much time was spent during the early years, has no words in the language for “hate,” “war,” “greed,” “contend,” “competition,” “rival,” "different," or "separate."
Similarly, the Penans and the Apayao tribes have no words or terms for “separation,” and that is the case with the languages of hundreds of other early tribes that were far more in touch with the Oneness than with the two-ness.
Yet those cultures were decimated, for the most part, so the languages of modern cultures reinforce duality rather than a sense of the Oneness. If You do not free yourself of all of the influences of the modern cultures that have influenced you - or that continue to influence you - then a key element of Maharaj's formula for Realization will be missed, guaranteed. As a result, Realization will also be missed.
Tomorrow: One means of impeding the diffusion of the dualistic messages that are conveyed by cultures steeped in duality.
You are invited to enter into the silence. (To be continued)
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For those seeking the full explanation of the topics addressed on this site: there are non-duality books offered below as well as retreats and Skype or telephone sessions available at Floyd Henderson's Website
The full explanations are also available in the books in the author's collection that explain in detail all of the non-duality, nisarga teachings offered here:
1. Most non-duality books below are available through
2. Read Kindle books on your own device by downloading a free app.
The full explanations are also available in the books in the author's collection that explain in detail all of the non-duality, nisarga teachings offered here:
1. Most non-duality books below are available through
2. Read Kindle books on your own device by downloading a free app.
The available books are arranged on the carousels below. Use the arrows to move each book to the forefront; then, you may click on any book that you might be interested in to find more information or to purchase.
From the I to the Absolute
Consciousness / Awareness
From the Absolute to the Nothingness
The Final Understanding
The Advanced Seekers' Series in paperback
The Two Meditation Guides
From the I to the Absolute
Consciousness / Awareness
From the Absolute to the Nothingness
The Final Understanding
The Advanced Seekers' Series in paperback
The Two Meditation Guides
What BLISS Is and What BLISS Is Not
Why You Must Be Empty If You Would Be Full
When Reality Is Overlaid Upon the Relative
Freedom from Shifting Between States of Happiness and Unhappiness
The Blissful Abidance Series (6 books) in paperback
What BLISS Is and What BLISS Is Not
Why You Must Be Empty If You Would Be Full
When Reality Is Overlaid Upon the Relative
Freedom from Shifting Between States of Happiness and Unhappiness
The Blissful Abidance Series (6 books) in paperback
The ADVAITINS Collection
with THE MAHARAJ QUATRO, including:
(1) Why NISARGA YOGA in addition to the ADVAITA TEACHING?
(2) Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj and His Evolution
(4) Going Crazy / Going Sane
Jesus Christ the Advaitin
William Shakespeare the Advaitin
with THE MAHARAJ QUATRO, including:
(1) Why NISARGA YOGA in addition to the ADVAITA TEACHING?
(2) Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj and His Evolution
(4) Going Crazy / Going Sane
Jesus Christ the Advaitin
William Shakespeare the Advaitin
Overcoming the Fear of Being Totally Independent
I AM THAT (vs. "This Is Who I Think I Am")
The Essence of the Teachings
There Is Nothing That Is Personal (Including You and Including God)
Lessons in Non-Duality from Travels in South Africa
The Path to Freedom vs. the Path to Misery
Overcoming the Fear of Being Totally Independent
I AM THAT (vs. "This Is Who I Think I Am")
The Essence of the Teachings
There Is Nothing That Is Personal (Including You and Including God)
Lessons in Non-Duality from Travels in South Africa
The Path to Freedom vs. the Path to Misery
Instability / Insanity: What the Advaita Teachings Can (and Cannot) Address
The Ultimate Sickness, The Ultimate Medicine
Going Crazy / Going Sane
There's No Such Thing As "Peace of Mind" (There Is Only Peace If You're Out of Your Mind)
Dancing Lightly
Instability / Insanity: What the Advaita Teachings Can (and Cannot) Address
The Ultimate Sickness, The Ultimate Medicine
Going Crazy / Going Sane
There's No Such Thing As "Peace of Mind" (There Is Only Peace If You're Out of Your Mind)
Dancing Lightly
A Twelve-Step Journey to SELF-Realization [Kindle]
A Twelve-Step Journey to SELF-Realization [Paperback]
A Guide for Working the Twelve Steps (In the Manner Used by the Founders)
The Twelve Steps and Advaita / Non-Duality: A 21-Day Plan for a Psychic Change
Finding Real Love in An Unreal World
Casting Light on the Dark Side of Relationships
A Twelve-Step Journey to SELF-Realization [Kindle]
A Twelve-Step Journey to SELF-Realization [Paperback]
A Guide for Working the Twelve Steps (In the Manner Used by the Founders)
The Twelve Steps and Advaita / Non-Duality: A 21-Day Plan for a Psychic Change
Finding Real Love in An Unreal World
Casting Light on the Dark Side of Relationships
The Myth of Death
What Happens When I Die?
The Twice-Stolen Necklace Murders (Non-Duality) [Kindle]
The Board of Directors of Wars (Non-Duality) [Kindle]
The Board of Directors of Wars (Non-Duality) [Paperback]
Living Within Your Means
How Your Personality Type Shapes Your Spending Habits
The Myth of Death
What Happens When I Die?
The Twice-Stolen Necklace Murders (Non-Duality) [Kindle]
The Board of Directors of Wars (Non-Duality) [Kindle]
The Board of Directors of Wars (Non-Duality) [Paperback]
Living Within Your Means
How Your Personality Type Shapes Your Spending Habits
(Click the pictures for information on the paperback versions)
(Click the pictures for information on the paperback versions)
An online Advaita Internet Course is offered here. The price of the course includes the four Advaita eBooks used as the texts; questions sent after completion of the assigned readings; replies to your answers; and follow-up as required.
The price of the course includes the four Advaita eBooks used as the texts; questions sent after completion of the assigned readings, replies to your answers, and follow-up as required.
You will be guided through all seven of the steps, in order, that lead from identification with the false "I" to the Absolute (and beyond). For more specific information and details about the course, you may click on the link to the right. To get started now now, click the pay button below and receive the $365 course for a discounted price of $325.00.
Purchase at Discount the Advaita Internet Course with Floyd

Clicking the Buy Now Button below:
Or, if you prefer, begin by arranging a one-hour Advaita session via Skype with Floyd:
Next, you can now receive for $40 a downloadable computer file version of the same 7-hour satsang that seekers receive when they visit for the Advaita Retreat with Floyd. You will be guided through the seven steps from identification with the false "I" to the Absolute (and beyond).
The price of the course includes the four Advaita eBooks used as the texts; questions sent after completion of the assigned readings, replies to your answers, and follow-up as required.
You will be guided through all seven of the steps, in order, that lead from identification with the false "I" to the Absolute (and beyond). For more specific information and details about the course, you may click on the link to the right. To get started now now, click the pay button below and receive the $365 course for a discounted price of $325.00.
Purchase at Discount the Advaita Internet Course with Floyd

Clicking the Buy Now Button below:
Or, if you prefer, begin by arranging a one-hour Advaita session via Skype with Floyd:
Next, you can now receive for $40 a downloadable computer file version of the same 7-hour satsang that seekers receive when they visit for the Advaita Retreat with Floyd. You will be guided through the seven steps from identification with the false "I" to the Absolute (and beyond).
For more information or to order, click:
DVD or Downloadable computer file versions of the Four-Day Advaita Retreat
1. BY WATCHING the 4-Disk, Seven-Hour Video (DVD) Set of an advaita retreat, or the downloadable file version. To find out more or to purchase the DVD or downloadable computer file version of the retreat, click:
DVD or Downloadable computer file versions of the Four-Day Advaita Retreat
International buyers: note the separate option for those outside the continental U.S.
2. BY READING the explanations offered in the collection of non-duality books that are available on this site.
3. BY ENROLLING in the Online Advaita Classes
For information, visit Information on the Advaita Classes on the Internet
To enroll visit Enroll in the Advaita Internet Course
4. BY ATTENDING an Advaitin retreat for satsang with floyd and being guided through all seven steps. For details of the retreats offered, please visit the retreat information site.
5. BY ARRANGING satsang by telephone in the U.S. or by Skype internationally. Use the Contact link for information or use the link below to pay for your first Advaita session.
You may click the BUY NOW button below to begin arrangements for your first Advaita session with Floyd via Skype and he will contact you to schedule:
DVD or Downloadable computer file versions of the Four-Day Advaita Retreat
1. BY WATCHING the 4-Disk, Seven-Hour Video (DVD) Set of an advaita retreat, or the downloadable file version. To find out more or to purchase the DVD or downloadable computer file version of the retreat, click:
DVD or Downloadable computer file versions of the Four-Day Advaita Retreat
International buyers: note the separate option for those outside the continental U.S.
2. BY READING the explanations offered in the collection of non-duality books that are available on this site.
3. BY ENROLLING in the Online Advaita Classes
For information, visit Information on the Advaita Classes on the Internet
To enroll visit Enroll in the Advaita Internet Course
4. BY ATTENDING an Advaitin retreat for satsang with floyd and being guided through all seven steps. For details of the retreats offered, please visit the retreat information site.
5. BY ARRANGING satsang by telephone in the U.S. or by Skype internationally. Use the Contact link for information or use the link below to pay for your first Advaita session.
You may click the BUY NOW button below to begin arrangements for your first Advaita session with Floyd via Skype and he will contact you to schedule:
6. BY ARRANGING for floyd to travel to your location and meet with you or your group. Use the contact link below to discuss details.