Another free eBook as a result of
the Andy Gugar, Jr. / Floyd Henderson
Another free eBook as a result of
the Andy Gugar, Jr. / Floyd Henderson
Behind the Thesis of the Book
Behind the Thesis of the Book
Statistics from research (cited in this upcoming fifth-in-a-series-of-five free eBooks) offer proof that the majority of people incarcerated in jails and prisons are suffering from at least one – and often more – serious personality disorders and mental illnesses.
To understand the toll that personality disorders and serious mental illnesses are taking on families, talk with parents who are dealing with a child who is suffering from a serious mental illness and allow them to explain in detail the colossal hardships involved.
Talk with any experienced counselor or psychologist or therapist with at least twenty years of experience in their field and receive some understanding about how much more widespread and how much more serious the mental conditions are which they are dealing with nowadays as opposed to those they saw two decades ago in order to appreciate how personality disorders / mental illnesses are increasing at an alarming rate.
Speak with social workers whose clients include the homeless, the chronically-addicted, or the imprisoned and ask how many of those clients are where they are because of an untreated mental illness.
Speak with the parents or children left behind annually in the U.S. as 59% of all women killed and 41% of all men killed each year are murdered during a breakup; then, ask about the tolls that those acts of emotional intoxication and insanity continue to take on them.
Then note the toll taken on societies as governments during the last several decades have "saved money" at the local or state or national levels by cutting mental healthcare funding, by closing mental institutions, and by (supposedly) turning over the care and treatment of the mentally ill to volunteers; to religious institutions; to twelve-step programs or other spiritual groups; and to often-unaffordable private, for-profit facilities; then return to the experienced counselors or psychologists or therapists and ask how that "money saving" plan is working, based in an observable and objective look at the results.
Then consider:
Why are religious institutions with billions of members not reducing the widespread and far-flung and ever-increasing levels of mental illness around the globe?
Why are so-called spiritual groups and spiritual institutions with their millions of members not reducing the widespread and far-flung and ever-increasing levels of mental illness around the globe, even as the still-insane members there are claiming that they “were crazy in the past but are not crazy anymore” and even though they continue to exhibit the most self-defeating and self-destructive behaviors imaginable?
Why are some of the most intelligent people you might know also behaving in highly ignorant and insane ways?
If interested in non-duality . . .
You might ask why Maharaj first tried to incorporate religious dogma into his sharings as he tried to find an efficient form of Medicine to treat the Ultimate Sickness but eventually abandoned the use of all dogma;
or you might ask why Maharaj next tried to use an all-spiritual-principles approach as he tried to find an efficient form of Medicine to treat the Ultimate Sickness but abandoned the use of spirituality as the Ultimate Medicine as well;
or you might give some consideration to why persons with extremely high IQ’s exhibit, just as often as anyone else among the non-Realized masses, the three keys traits of the Sickness which Maharaj identified, namely, “ignorance, stupidity, and insanity.”
If such inquires are undertaken, it may become clear that . . .
. . . the Ultimate Sickness is a Mind Sickness rather than a sickness caused by someone not being religious enough; that
. . . the Ultimate Sickness is a Mind Sickness rather than a sickness caused by a “spiritual malady” or a “sick spirit”; and that
. . . the Ultimate Sickness is a Mind Sickness rather than a sickness caused by not being intelligent enough.
Moreover, the Ultimate Sickness involves another element which has left sufferers with a limited or missing ability, specifically, the ability to see and to see clearly and to see accurately and to see truthfully.
Among the earth’s population, there are people who are “partially sighted”; there are some who are said to be “sight impaired”; and then there are those who are completely blind.
When it comes to the Ultimate Sickness, some seekers are “partially sighted” or are “sight impaired” (even though they’ll claim that they can now see all quite clearly); among all of the billions of remaining non-Realized masses on the planet, most can see physically yet they can be said to be totally blind . . . that is, totally blind to truth.
They excel in differentiating between those at various points on the duality-based hierarchies that persons contrive, but they cannot differentiate between what is true and what is false.
And what symptom of the Ultimate Sickness accounts most for “the seeing problem”? The blindness which is generated by blind faith.
You are invited to read the book after asking the pertinent considerations above and (a) then find the facts regarding what the Ultimate Sickness really involves and (b) also find why approaches which have tried to address the Sickness with dogma or spiritual principles or excessive accumulation of large quantities of specialized knowledge (which Maharaj dismissed as “learned ignorance”) have totally failed to address the issue.
There is another way - another treatment plan – which can sometimes eliminate a person’s Ultimate-Sickness-based problems if that person is ready and willing. To begin, the readiness is all.
If you are seeking freedom, may the readiness manifest, possibly after reading this book and understanding all that the Ultimate Sickness entails. Best regards if you do continue with the seeking and if you become willing to seek until you have found.
Peace, Unity, Light, Love
To be continued.
Please enter into the silence of contemplation.
Section Two offers other recent posts. (All of the nearly 2,400 posts as well as any specific topics which you’re interested in can be accessed by using the search feature at the top of the right column.)
Section Three offers ways that seekers have Realized, tools which some have used, and information on floyd's books.
Section Four offers four free eBooks, compliments of Andy Gugar, Jr.
Section Five discusses parallels in Maharaj's and Floyd's "journey" and provides a chance for you to see if you've had any such parallels as well.
Section Six offers information on paperbacks that are available through Amazon.com for those who prefer a book in hand.
* * * * * *
3 January 2015
To understand the toll that personality disorders and serious mental illnesses are taking on families, talk with parents who are dealing with a child who is suffering from a serious mental illness and allow them to explain in detail the colossal hardships involved.
Talk with any experienced counselor or psychologist or therapist with at least twenty years of experience in their field and receive some understanding about how much more widespread and how much more serious the mental conditions are which they are dealing with nowadays as opposed to those they saw two decades ago in order to appreciate how personality disorders / mental illnesses are increasing at an alarming rate.
Speak with social workers whose clients include the homeless, the chronically-addicted, or the imprisoned and ask how many of those clients are where they are because of an untreated mental illness.
Speak with the parents or children left behind annually in the U.S. as 59% of all women killed and 41% of all men killed each year are murdered during a breakup; then, ask about the tolls that those acts of emotional intoxication and insanity continue to take on them.
Then note the toll taken on societies as governments during the last several decades have "saved money" at the local or state or national levels by cutting mental healthcare funding, by closing mental institutions, and by (supposedly) turning over the care and treatment of the mentally ill to volunteers; to religious institutions; to twelve-step programs or other spiritual groups; and to often-unaffordable private, for-profit facilities; then return to the experienced counselors or psychologists or therapists and ask how that "money saving" plan is working, based in an observable and objective look at the results.
Then consider:
Why are religious institutions with billions of members not reducing the widespread and far-flung and ever-increasing levels of mental illness around the globe?
Why are so-called spiritual groups and spiritual institutions with their millions of members not reducing the widespread and far-flung and ever-increasing levels of mental illness around the globe, even as the still-insane members there are claiming that they “were crazy in the past but are not crazy anymore” and even though they continue to exhibit the most self-defeating and self-destructive behaviors imaginable?
Why are some of the most intelligent people you might know also behaving in highly ignorant and insane ways?
If interested in non-duality . . .
You might ask why Maharaj first tried to incorporate religious dogma into his sharings as he tried to find an efficient form of Medicine to treat the Ultimate Sickness but eventually abandoned the use of all dogma;
or you might ask why Maharaj next tried to use an all-spiritual-principles approach as he tried to find an efficient form of Medicine to treat the Ultimate Sickness but abandoned the use of spirituality as the Ultimate Medicine as well;
or you might give some consideration to why persons with extremely high IQ’s exhibit, just as often as anyone else among the non-Realized masses, the three keys traits of the Sickness which Maharaj identified, namely, “ignorance, stupidity, and insanity.”
If such inquires are undertaken, it may become clear that . . .
. . . the Ultimate Sickness is a Mind Sickness rather than a sickness caused by someone not being religious enough; that
. . . the Ultimate Sickness is a Mind Sickness rather than a sickness caused by a “spiritual malady” or a “sick spirit”; and that
. . . the Ultimate Sickness is a Mind Sickness rather than a sickness caused by not being intelligent enough.
Moreover, the Ultimate Sickness involves another element which has left sufferers with a limited or missing ability, specifically, the ability to see and to see clearly and to see accurately and to see truthfully.
Among the earth’s population, there are people who are “partially sighted”; there are some who are said to be “sight impaired”; and then there are those who are completely blind.
When it comes to the Ultimate Sickness, some seekers are “partially sighted” or are “sight impaired” (even though they’ll claim that they can now see all quite clearly); among all of the billions of remaining non-Realized masses on the planet, most can see physically yet they can be said to be totally blind . . . that is, totally blind to truth.
They excel in differentiating between those at various points on the duality-based hierarchies that persons contrive, but they cannot differentiate between what is true and what is false.
And what symptom of the Ultimate Sickness accounts most for “the seeing problem”? The blindness which is generated by blind faith.
You are invited to read the book after asking the pertinent considerations above and (a) then find the facts regarding what the Ultimate Sickness really involves and (b) also find why approaches which have tried to address the Sickness with dogma or spiritual principles or excessive accumulation of large quantities of specialized knowledge (which Maharaj dismissed as “learned ignorance”) have totally failed to address the issue.
There is another way - another treatment plan – which can sometimes eliminate a person’s Ultimate-Sickness-based problems if that person is ready and willing. To begin, the readiness is all.
If you are seeking freedom, may the readiness manifest, possibly after reading this book and understanding all that the Ultimate Sickness entails. Best regards if you do continue with the seeking and if you become willing to seek until you have found.
Peace, Unity, Light, Love
To be continued.
Please enter into the silence of contemplation.
NOTE: Sections Two through Six follow:
Section Two offers other recent posts. (All of the nearly 2,400 posts as well as any specific topics which you’re interested in can be accessed by using the search feature at the top of the right column.)
Section Three offers ways that seekers have Realized, tools which some have used, and information on floyd's books.
Section Four offers four free eBooks, compliments of Andy Gugar, Jr.
Section Five discusses parallels in Maharaj's and Floyd's "journey" and provides a chance for you to see if you've had any such parallels as well.
Section Six offers information on paperbacks that are available through Amazon.com for those who prefer a book in hand.
* * * * * *
Other Recent Posts
3 January 2015
PART TWO REVIEW [continued]
198. Consider “intelligence” as opposed to “wisdom.”
199. Intelligence is the prerequisite for an ability to comprehend or understand.
200. Intelligence points only to a capacity for awareness and logic and reason but guarantees none of those.
201. Thus, intelligence can never serves as the Ultimate Medicine for the Ultimate Sickness because highly intelligent persons can be - and usually are - controlled by the same degrees of “ignorance, stupidity, and insanity” which control the thoughts and words and actions of all non-Realized persons.
202. It is, instead, wisdom which allows some few to be freed from those three symptoms of the Ultimate Sickness.
203. With wisdom comes an ability to discern, and with discernment comes an otherwise non-existent ability to differentiate the true from the false.
204. In another free eBook offered on the author’s non-duality site, the fallacy of the dualistic belief in “good vs. evil” is discussed and offers the consideration that understanding the root cause of humanity’s problems requires a look at the two options:
205. either the right-wing, conservative fundamentalists are right and there are two gods - one god of evil and one god of good - and it really is the god of evil who is causing all of the evil happenings around the globe; or
206. things deemed by the duality-driven, non-Realized masses to be “evil” are really things rooted not in evil at all and not in an evil god at all but are rooted in the mind, in “ignorance, stupidity, and insanity.”
207. U.S. prisons have now become the de facto home of the mentally ill. A study in 2012 found that 356,000 mentally ill inmates were being held in state prisons and that as many as ninety-one percent of those prisoners were likely suffering from one or more serious mental illnesses. Evil? Or insanity?
208. A study of such statistics confirms what Maharaj came to understand via his own experiments and experiences: the main problems of humanity are not rooted in "evil" (which “believers” believe can be stamped out with more religious dogma or by treating some nebulous “spiritual malady”) but is, indeed, rooted in mental issues which involve “ignorance, stupidity, and insanity,” this is, the mind. Freedom involves freedom from the influence of those three. So how much freedom do you really have? How much freedom do you really want?
209. Some questions which might assist in finding out how many of the earliest effects of programming, conditioning, domestication, etc. are still driving you might include the following:
210. Do you believe that the problems of humanity might involve “the minds of others” but certainly do not involve “your mind?”
211. Are you, in fact, actually proud of your mind and what’s in it?
212. Do you think that it is the beliefs and values which you have been taught and which are now stored in your mind that supposedly make you "different from" and "better than" those who are not as good as you?
213. Are you proud of the beliefs that your parents and relatives and religious leaders or spiritual guides have implanted therein?
214. Do you think that there are no beliefs stored therein that need to be questioned thoroughly and objectively and maybe even discarded? Really? Hummm.
To be continued.
Please enter into the silence of contemplation.
198. Consider “intelligence” as opposed to “wisdom.”
199. Intelligence is the prerequisite for an ability to comprehend or understand.
200. Intelligence points only to a capacity for awareness and logic and reason but guarantees none of those.
201. Thus, intelligence can never serves as the Ultimate Medicine for the Ultimate Sickness because highly intelligent persons can be - and usually are - controlled by the same degrees of “ignorance, stupidity, and insanity” which control the thoughts and words and actions of all non-Realized persons.
202. It is, instead, wisdom which allows some few to be freed from those three symptoms of the Ultimate Sickness.
203. With wisdom comes an ability to discern, and with discernment comes an otherwise non-existent ability to differentiate the true from the false.
204. In another free eBook offered on the author’s non-duality site, the fallacy of the dualistic belief in “good vs. evil” is discussed and offers the consideration that understanding the root cause of humanity’s problems requires a look at the two options:
205. either the right-wing, conservative fundamentalists are right and there are two gods - one god of evil and one god of good - and it really is the god of evil who is causing all of the evil happenings around the globe; or
206. things deemed by the duality-driven, non-Realized masses to be “evil” are really things rooted not in evil at all and not in an evil god at all but are rooted in the mind, in “ignorance, stupidity, and insanity.”
207. U.S. prisons have now become the de facto home of the mentally ill. A study in 2012 found that 356,000 mentally ill inmates were being held in state prisons and that as many as ninety-one percent of those prisoners were likely suffering from one or more serious mental illnesses. Evil? Or insanity?
208. A study of such statistics confirms what Maharaj came to understand via his own experiments and experiences: the main problems of humanity are not rooted in "evil" (which “believers” believe can be stamped out with more religious dogma or by treating some nebulous “spiritual malady”) but is, indeed, rooted in mental issues which involve “ignorance, stupidity, and insanity,” this is, the mind. Freedom involves freedom from the influence of those three. So how much freedom do you really have? How much freedom do you really want?
209. Some questions which might assist in finding out how many of the earliest effects of programming, conditioning, domestication, etc. are still driving you might include the following:
210. Do you believe that the problems of humanity might involve “the minds of others” but certainly do not involve “your mind?”
211. Are you, in fact, actually proud of your mind and what’s in it?
212. Do you think that it is the beliefs and values which you have been taught and which are now stored in your mind that supposedly make you "different from" and "better than" those who are not as good as you?
213. Are you proud of the beliefs that your parents and relatives and religious leaders or spiritual guides have implanted therein?
214. Do you think that there are no beliefs stored therein that need to be questioned thoroughly and objectively and maybe even discarded? Really? Hummm.
To be continued.
Please enter into the silence of contemplation.
2 January 2015
PART TWO REVIEW [continued]
166. The Ultimate Sickness is a mind sickness, and the fuller the mind, the more serious the Sickness.
167. The invitation is to seek the Ultimate Medicine which amounts to nothing more than receiving the understanding which can render you fully conscious of what you are actually thinking; fully conscious of what you are actually saying; fully conscious of what you are doing; and fully conscious of why you have did everything you've ever done after personality began driving you subconsciously.
168. Thus, the full, unblocked consciousness allows you to understand fully WHY you are thinking and talking and doing the things you do;
169. allows you to understand fully WHY you are being controlled by the continuum which unconsciously drives humanity and which preempts any opportunity to enjoy the silence and the non-doingness and the peace; and then
170. allows you to finally understand fully that only if mindless (rather than mind-full) can you return to the peace and silence and non-doingness which once characterized Your Original Nature. (See the eBook below if further understanding of that subject is being sought.)
171. Another eBook below which is available on the author’s site traces the course of “Maharaj’s Evolution” as he tried to find the proper form of the Ultimate Medicine to offer to seekers who came his way and who were suffering from the Ultimate Sickness.
172. Because of the shifts in his understanding of the roots of the Ultimate Sickness (and, therefore, the proper version of the Ultimate Medicine that is required to try to address it) he had been cast into a state of ill-repute during the middle and later years of his teaching career by those who took themselves to be religious persons and by those who took themselves to be spiritual persons. Such criticisms continue to this day.
173. What were the shifts which happened? Initially, almost 100% of those visiting the loft were Hindus. Maharaj early on engaged with them in some of the traditional Hindu methods of worship and then tried to sprinkle in some non-dual pointers.
174. By the time Westerners began coming, he was already familiar with the history of religions and with the endlessly-occurring religious conflicts which they generate.
175. By then he had also seen that religion was not healing the Ultimately Sick but was actually aggravating their Sickness.
176. He knew that Islam had initially entered the largely-Hindu nation of India in the 7th century as Muslim invaders first conquered some of the northern regions through military conquest and sacked many Hindu temples along the way.
177. He also knew that Mass genocide of Hindus followed, but later those who paid a tax to the Muslims could be spared, for a time.
178. Thus, Maharaj knew that the history of Hindu-Muslim “relationships” had been marred by violence, the mark of which is seen even today, especially in India's right-wing Hindutva movement vs. those in the mostly Islamic State of Pakistan.
179. The historical evidence, combined with his own experience (which showed that religion does not address the Sickness but actually exacerbates the Sickness) led him to focus on spiritual talks – such as those in I AM THAT.
180. More and more Westerners came who were willing to listen to "spiritual" talks but were not interested in Hinduism or in any of the other religions which they had tried out during their searching, so he was influenced by them to focus on “spirituality” in his talks.
181. Eventually, his own experiments and experience would lead to this shift in focus: he saw that neither religion nor spirituality were addressing the Sickness at all, so he focused more on the specific cause of the Sickness in an effort to try to find a more effective form of Medicine that might work.
182. As a result, he came to see that all of the main problems of humanity center in the mind, not in having too little religion and not in having a spiritual malady.
183. What followed was an abandonment of Hinduism entirely;
184. the offering of pointers which encouraged visitors to abandon spirituality entirely; and
185. advice to seekers to stop reading the "spirituality-based talks" in I AM THAT.
186. He came to understand that it is mind-full-ness which generates misery and suffering and that a state of joy or bliss can only come via mindlessness.
187. He said: “There is no such thing as peace of mind.”
188. He said that he had reached a state of zero concepts.
189. He said that he no longer had a mind at all.
190. With Maharaj having identified three of the key symptoms of the Ultimate Sickness as being “ignorance, stupidity, and insanity,” he could have as easily said in the end, “It’s the mind, stupid.”
191. He didn't because he never called anyone “ignorant” or “stupid” or “insane.”
192. He said instead that “ignorance, stupidity, and insanity” were driving humanity’s thoughts and words and actions.
193. Persons (assuming personas as identities) are as much an illusion as any mirage.
194. There are no “ignorant” or “stupid” or “insane” mirages, so there are no “ignorant” or “stupid” or “insane” persons.
195. There is on a global basis, however, much “ignorance, stupidity, and insanity,” all of which involve the mind.
196. Therefore, the Ultimate Sickness is about the mind, so the Ultimate Medicine must be one which addresses the issues of the mind.
197. In the end, his focus shifted to that approach as Maharaj abandoned all talk about religion and all talk about spirituality; thereafter, his talks concentrated solely on psychological issues (on mind issues) which are at the core of the Ultimate Sickness.
To be continued.
Please enter into the silence of contemplation.
1 January 2015
166. The Ultimate Sickness is a mind sickness, and the fuller the mind, the more serious the Sickness.
167. The invitation is to seek the Ultimate Medicine which amounts to nothing more than receiving the understanding which can render you fully conscious of what you are actually thinking; fully conscious of what you are actually saying; fully conscious of what you are doing; and fully conscious of why you have did everything you've ever done after personality began driving you subconsciously.
168. Thus, the full, unblocked consciousness allows you to understand fully WHY you are thinking and talking and doing the things you do;
169. allows you to understand fully WHY you are being controlled by the continuum which unconsciously drives humanity and which preempts any opportunity to enjoy the silence and the non-doingness and the peace; and then
170. allows you to finally understand fully that only if mindless (rather than mind-full) can you return to the peace and silence and non-doingness which once characterized Your Original Nature. (See the eBook below if further understanding of that subject is being sought.)
171. Another eBook below which is available on the author’s site traces the course of “Maharaj’s Evolution” as he tried to find the proper form of the Ultimate Medicine to offer to seekers who came his way and who were suffering from the Ultimate Sickness.
172. Because of the shifts in his understanding of the roots of the Ultimate Sickness (and, therefore, the proper version of the Ultimate Medicine that is required to try to address it) he had been cast into a state of ill-repute during the middle and later years of his teaching career by those who took themselves to be religious persons and by those who took themselves to be spiritual persons. Such criticisms continue to this day.
173. What were the shifts which happened? Initially, almost 100% of those visiting the loft were Hindus. Maharaj early on engaged with them in some of the traditional Hindu methods of worship and then tried to sprinkle in some non-dual pointers.
174. By the time Westerners began coming, he was already familiar with the history of religions and with the endlessly-occurring religious conflicts which they generate.
175. By then he had also seen that religion was not healing the Ultimately Sick but was actually aggravating their Sickness.
176. He knew that Islam had initially entered the largely-Hindu nation of India in the 7th century as Muslim invaders first conquered some of the northern regions through military conquest and sacked many Hindu temples along the way.
177. He also knew that Mass genocide of Hindus followed, but later those who paid a tax to the Muslims could be spared, for a time.
178. Thus, Maharaj knew that the history of Hindu-Muslim “relationships” had been marred by violence, the mark of which is seen even today, especially in India's right-wing Hindutva movement vs. those in the mostly Islamic State of Pakistan.
179. The historical evidence, combined with his own experience (which showed that religion does not address the Sickness but actually exacerbates the Sickness) led him to focus on spiritual talks – such as those in I AM THAT.
180. More and more Westerners came who were willing to listen to "spiritual" talks but were not interested in Hinduism or in any of the other religions which they had tried out during their searching, so he was influenced by them to focus on “spirituality” in his talks.
181. Eventually, his own experiments and experience would lead to this shift in focus: he saw that neither religion nor spirituality were addressing the Sickness at all, so he focused more on the specific cause of the Sickness in an effort to try to find a more effective form of Medicine that might work.
182. As a result, he came to see that all of the main problems of humanity center in the mind, not in having too little religion and not in having a spiritual malady.
183. What followed was an abandonment of Hinduism entirely;
184. the offering of pointers which encouraged visitors to abandon spirituality entirely; and
185. advice to seekers to stop reading the "spirituality-based talks" in I AM THAT.
186. He came to understand that it is mind-full-ness which generates misery and suffering and that a state of joy or bliss can only come via mindlessness.
187. He said: “There is no such thing as peace of mind.”
188. He said that he had reached a state of zero concepts.
189. He said that he no longer had a mind at all.
190. With Maharaj having identified three of the key symptoms of the Ultimate Sickness as being “ignorance, stupidity, and insanity,” he could have as easily said in the end, “It’s the mind, stupid.”
191. He didn't because he never called anyone “ignorant” or “stupid” or “insane.”
192. He said instead that “ignorance, stupidity, and insanity” were driving humanity’s thoughts and words and actions.
193. Persons (assuming personas as identities) are as much an illusion as any mirage.
194. There are no “ignorant” or “stupid” or “insane” mirages, so there are no “ignorant” or “stupid” or “insane” persons.
195. There is on a global basis, however, much “ignorance, stupidity, and insanity,” all of which involve the mind.
196. Therefore, the Ultimate Sickness is about the mind, so the Ultimate Medicine must be one which addresses the issues of the mind.
197. In the end, his focus shifted to that approach as Maharaj abandoned all talk about religion and all talk about spirituality; thereafter, his talks concentrated solely on psychological issues (on mind issues) which are at the core of the Ultimate Sickness.
To be continued.
Please enter into the silence of contemplation.
1 January 2015
PART TWO REVIEW [continued]
Today’s post is being written on what is marked on some calendars as "the first day of a new year." It is a day that is supposedly different from other days among cultures which favor hierarchical concepts about being "different from" and "better than."
If past trends continue, then those who watch television all day today will see many advertisements trying to entice females to take advantage of clothing sales. The ads will feature a day-long series of models with ectomorphic, and even anorexic, body types which will depress or humiliate or trigger a sense of guilt and shame in those viewers with a mesomorphic or endomorphic body type.
Other ads will encourage men and women to join one fitness club or another and to “start the year off right by getting in shape” (again referring to the shape of the plant food body, of course.)
Male hunks and female vixens in tantalizing workout garb will be featured, provided a visual representation of what the viewers’ goals should be in terms of how they look . . . in terms of the kind of image they should develop.
A few local ministers will cut into programming with paid ads in which they will invite persons to attend their worship services in three days and to “let the first Sunday of this New Year become the day that you work with us to create a new you in 2015, to help you to be all you can be” (that is, to help you accumulate even more and even better and even noble false identities); and to “allow the word of God to guide you - beginning this coming Sunday and for the rest of your lives - to be the best person you can be.”
Talk shows will offer features on “personal resolutions for the new year” and will interview people about the changes they intend to make in 2015. Most of the changes will deal with “changing the body” or “developing a better attitude” or “being a better partner in my relationship” or “focusing on making more money and getting out of debt” or "giving up my bad habits (or at least cutting back on them some . . . maybe . . . possibly . . . perhaps").
So the focus will be on changing things physically or spiritually or choosing to consciously address things that are being determined by unconscious agendas which persons cannot affect at all unless they become free of their attachment to the false identities which are unconsciously and involuntarily driving all of their thoughts and words and actions.
In other words, the focus today will be on the same thing that the non-Realized masses focus on every other day of their existence: the shallow, the superficial, the external, the artificial, the not-real, the trivial, and the frivolous.
Therefore, there will not be one advertisement today – or any day – which invites viewers to address the key issue that is preventing the manifestation of freedom and peace and happiness, namely, the screwed up, blind-faith-driven, programming-controlled, conditioning-motivated, acculturated, domesticated, indoctrinated, duality-driven, image-conscious and noise-and-restlessness-generating minds.
Once, when comedian / philosopher George Carlin was playing the role of “Al Sleet, the Hippy Dippy Television Weatherman” who stayed high on pot all day long, Sleet informed the television audience that “the radar is picking up a line of thundershowers which extends from a point nine miles NNE of Secaucus, New Jersey, along a line - and six miles either side of the line - to a point five miles SSW of Fond Du Lac; however, the radar is also picking up a squadron of Russian ICBMs, so I wouldn't sweat the thundershowers.”
A similar point is offered here regularly: Yes, there’s an Ebola outbreak; yes, you and your spouse made $350,000.00 last year but then also told me last week that you “live paycheck to paycheck and don’t have a saving account,” proving my earlier pointer that you have no financial sanity at all;
yes, your car is already two years old and the advertized sale on the new models has led you to plan a trip to the dealership tomorrow; yes, you’ve gained thirteen pounds from late November to January First and you’re going to start today the latest crash diet you’ve found;
yes, your nose is rather large and so 2015 will be the year that you’re going to see a cosmetic surgeon and buy a new nose and also have a breast augmentation thrown in since you’ll already be in the hospital and already be sedated anyway; and yes, I hear you saying that today is the day to begin a fresh start, a renewal, a new beginning . . . a grand rebirth:
“This year is the year when I am going to find the ideal job, the ideal nose, the ideal gym, the ideal exercise equipment, the ideal body, the ideal car, the ideal home, the ideal mate, the ideal mindset that I can find in church or in a spiritual group, the ideal people to hang out with so we improve together, ad infinitum.
As with Al Sleet, the consideration offered here is, "With the toll that your mind is taking - with its horrendous toll currently showing up on the radar of your entire relative existence - I wouldn't sweat the other stuff."
Non-duality offers a far different option which is far different from anything ever considered by most persons, asking: "Might you be interested in being truly free . . . specifically, free of the self (of all false selves assumed to be identities)? Might you consider de-accumulating rather than accumulating even more?"
That can include de-accumulating and / or down-sizing things tangible and thus being rid of the needlessly over-sized and high-maintenance possessions which have been accumulated.
How large and grand a house is really needed? How many dogs or cats or other pets are really needed?
How much more helping do you really need to engage in (especially when it is usually done as the result of a subconscious desire to receive love now to fill the hole inside that exists because of the sense that too little love was received early on as a result of either absent parents or parents who were physically present but were really unavailable and unable to love anything or anyone except themselves)?
That de-accumulation can also include being rid of the massive accumulation of beliefs (accepted as fact without questioning and being held to firmly as a result of blind faith).
Of all of the mind games that come with those desiring to “improve themselves” and to “let today be the day of rebirth for you,” non-duality invites persons to be free of all concepts and beliefs, especially those dealing with "birth" and "rebirth."
Maharaj, to that end, said:
"My true state, which is whole, undifferentiated, is beyond birth and death. I am never bound by my body and mind. I am limitless”
"After the information given to you by the mother, that you are a boy or girl, all your further acquisitions are by hearsay"
"There is no progress"
“You have some experiences and you try to benefit from them, but remember that whatever is going to be of use to you ultimately is going to harm you. Wherever there is use, there is also dis-use in this world of duality. Whatever you like is going to create harm for you. Whatever you like most is, in the end, going to be most harmful for you”
"Whatever spiritual things you aspire to know are all happening in this objective world, in the illusion. All this is happening in the objective world. All is dishonesty. There is no truth in this fraud"
“When the birth is disproved, the great noble meaning of spirituality and the meaning of this world—everything—is disproved.”
To that end, this is offered today for those who would be free of all of the debilitating concepts / beliefs / mind stuff which drive thoughts and words and actions subconsciously and therefore preempt any chance for persons to choose or not choose anything:
Please enter into the silence of contemplation.
31 December 2014
Today’s post is being written on what is marked on some calendars as "the first day of a new year." It is a day that is supposedly different from other days among cultures which favor hierarchical concepts about being "different from" and "better than."
If past trends continue, then those who watch television all day today will see many advertisements trying to entice females to take advantage of clothing sales. The ads will feature a day-long series of models with ectomorphic, and even anorexic, body types which will depress or humiliate or trigger a sense of guilt and shame in those viewers with a mesomorphic or endomorphic body type.
Other ads will encourage men and women to join one fitness club or another and to “start the year off right by getting in shape” (again referring to the shape of the plant food body, of course.)
Male hunks and female vixens in tantalizing workout garb will be featured, provided a visual representation of what the viewers’ goals should be in terms of how they look . . . in terms of the kind of image they should develop.
A few local ministers will cut into programming with paid ads in which they will invite persons to attend their worship services in three days and to “let the first Sunday of this New Year become the day that you work with us to create a new you in 2015, to help you to be all you can be” (that is, to help you accumulate even more and even better and even noble false identities); and to “allow the word of God to guide you - beginning this coming Sunday and for the rest of your lives - to be the best person you can be.”
Talk shows will offer features on “personal resolutions for the new year” and will interview people about the changes they intend to make in 2015. Most of the changes will deal with “changing the body” or “developing a better attitude” or “being a better partner in my relationship” or “focusing on making more money and getting out of debt” or "giving up my bad habits (or at least cutting back on them some . . . maybe . . . possibly . . . perhaps").
So the focus will be on changing things physically or spiritually or choosing to consciously address things that are being determined by unconscious agendas which persons cannot affect at all unless they become free of their attachment to the false identities which are unconsciously and involuntarily driving all of their thoughts and words and actions.
In other words, the focus today will be on the same thing that the non-Realized masses focus on every other day of their existence: the shallow, the superficial, the external, the artificial, the not-real, the trivial, and the frivolous.
Therefore, there will not be one advertisement today – or any day – which invites viewers to address the key issue that is preventing the manifestation of freedom and peace and happiness, namely, the screwed up, blind-faith-driven, programming-controlled, conditioning-motivated, acculturated, domesticated, indoctrinated, duality-driven, image-conscious and noise-and-restlessness-generating minds.
Once, when comedian / philosopher George Carlin was playing the role of “Al Sleet, the Hippy Dippy Television Weatherman” who stayed high on pot all day long, Sleet informed the television audience that “the radar is picking up a line of thundershowers which extends from a point nine miles NNE of Secaucus, New Jersey, along a line - and six miles either side of the line - to a point five miles SSW of Fond Du Lac; however, the radar is also picking up a squadron of Russian ICBMs, so I wouldn't sweat the thundershowers.”
A similar point is offered here regularly: Yes, there’s an Ebola outbreak; yes, you and your spouse made $350,000.00 last year but then also told me last week that you “live paycheck to paycheck and don’t have a saving account,” proving my earlier pointer that you have no financial sanity at all;
yes, your car is already two years old and the advertized sale on the new models has led you to plan a trip to the dealership tomorrow; yes, you’ve gained thirteen pounds from late November to January First and you’re going to start today the latest crash diet you’ve found;
yes, your nose is rather large and so 2015 will be the year that you’re going to see a cosmetic surgeon and buy a new nose and also have a breast augmentation thrown in since you’ll already be in the hospital and already be sedated anyway; and yes, I hear you saying that today is the day to begin a fresh start, a renewal, a new beginning . . . a grand rebirth:
“This year is the year when I am going to find the ideal job, the ideal nose, the ideal gym, the ideal exercise equipment, the ideal body, the ideal car, the ideal home, the ideal mate, the ideal mindset that I can find in church or in a spiritual group, the ideal people to hang out with so we improve together, ad infinitum.
As with Al Sleet, the consideration offered here is, "With the toll that your mind is taking - with its horrendous toll currently showing up on the radar of your entire relative existence - I wouldn't sweat the other stuff."
Non-duality offers a far different option which is far different from anything ever considered by most persons, asking: "Might you be interested in being truly free . . . specifically, free of the self (of all false selves assumed to be identities)? Might you consider de-accumulating rather than accumulating even more?"
That can include de-accumulating and / or down-sizing things tangible and thus being rid of the needlessly over-sized and high-maintenance possessions which have been accumulated.
How large and grand a house is really needed? How many dogs or cats or other pets are really needed?
How much more helping do you really need to engage in (especially when it is usually done as the result of a subconscious desire to receive love now to fill the hole inside that exists because of the sense that too little love was received early on as a result of either absent parents or parents who were physically present but were really unavailable and unable to love anything or anyone except themselves)?
That de-accumulation can also include being rid of the massive accumulation of beliefs (accepted as fact without questioning and being held to firmly as a result of blind faith).
Of all of the mind games that come with those desiring to “improve themselves” and to “let today be the day of rebirth for you,” non-duality invites persons to be free of all concepts and beliefs, especially those dealing with "birth" and "rebirth."
Maharaj, to that end, said:
"My true state, which is whole, undifferentiated, is beyond birth and death. I am never bound by my body and mind. I am limitless”
"After the information given to you by the mother, that you are a boy or girl, all your further acquisitions are by hearsay"
"There is no progress"
“You have some experiences and you try to benefit from them, but remember that whatever is going to be of use to you ultimately is going to harm you. Wherever there is use, there is also dis-use in this world of duality. Whatever you like is going to create harm for you. Whatever you like most is, in the end, going to be most harmful for you”
"Whatever spiritual things you aspire to know are all happening in this objective world, in the illusion. All this is happening in the objective world. All is dishonesty. There is no truth in this fraud"
“When the birth is disproved, the great noble meaning of spirituality and the meaning of this world—everything—is disproved.”
To that end, this is offered today for those who would be free of all of the debilitating concepts / beliefs / mind stuff which drive thoughts and words and actions subconsciously and therefore preempt any chance for persons to choose or not choose anything:
To be continued.
Please enter into the silence of contemplation.
31 December 2014
PART TWO REVIEW [continued]
162. To watch a newscast is to see the functioning of humankind’s insane goings and doings and zoomings as their thoughts lead to their words and their words lead to their actions.
163. When a man kills his wife and three children with a gun, reporters from all of the local news stations rush to the scene to interview the neighbors. The comments time and again move from
the one offered by a totally naĂŻve and obtuse neighbor who says, “I can’t believe it . . . he was always so nice and friendly . . . he always waved hello when you saw him . . . he was really a great guy”
the one offered by the more-straight-talking neighbor who says, “The guy had to be totally nuts! This is insane, man!”
the National Rifle Association spokesperson on the television news report that night who says, “The only way to stop a bad person with a gun is for a good person to have a gun, and in this case, there was simply no good person there with a gun. We need more guns . . . not fewer”
the panel of local religious ministers who explain on "The Sunday Religious Forum" TV show that “evil is in the world” and that “the only answer is for people to turn to God and to give their lives to Jesus Christ and allow Him to be their Lord and Savior.”
164. The thoughts among the non-Realized masses are rooted in what Maharaj called “ignorance, stupidity, and insanity,” so the insane actions seen - and the subsequent insane words heard - like those aired on a daily basis via television broadcasts will almost always be rooted in insanity:
“A great guy”? No.
"The answer is that there are good people and bad people and we need more guns out there" (so every dispute can then be addressed with a Wild West-style shootout as if "the good guys" always win a gunfight)? No.
“This is about good vs. evil and too many people who are not attending church regularly and receiving guidance about how they should be living”? No.
“Totally nuts . . . insane”? Yes.
165. So what other sorts of actions does the always-insane mind inspire? As a result of both conscious and subconscious beliefs, and as a result of being driven by the unconscious, hidden agendas of personas which generate totally insane behaviors, persons are willing to:
a. accept unhappiness over loneliness;
b. accept chaos over boredom;
c. accept taking a chance at contracting a fatal STD rather than continuing to feel rejected or “unloved” or simply horny;
d. accept a religion’s teachings which suggest that one should “die while killing infidels for God”;
e. accept being driven by the beliefs of others and by the hidden agendas of false identities;
f. accept the notion that misery and suffering in this life are to be tolerated as a result of believing that eternal happiness awaits; and
g. accept unquestioningly the beliefs and values and ways of one's parents and thereby perpetuate the ignorance and insanity that has dominated their family members for generations.
166. Yet there is an alternative: find true freedom by being truly free of the content that has been crammed into the mind via programming, conditioning, acculturation, domestication, brainwashing, and indoctrination.
To be continued.
Please enter into the silence of contemplation.
30 December 2014
162. To watch a newscast is to see the functioning of humankind’s insane goings and doings and zoomings as their thoughts lead to their words and their words lead to their actions.
163. When a man kills his wife and three children with a gun, reporters from all of the local news stations rush to the scene to interview the neighbors. The comments time and again move from
the one offered by a totally naĂŻve and obtuse neighbor who says, “I can’t believe it . . . he was always so nice and friendly . . . he always waved hello when you saw him . . . he was really a great guy”
the one offered by the more-straight-talking neighbor who says, “The guy had to be totally nuts! This is insane, man!”
the National Rifle Association spokesperson on the television news report that night who says, “The only way to stop a bad person with a gun is for a good person to have a gun, and in this case, there was simply no good person there with a gun. We need more guns . . . not fewer”
the panel of local religious ministers who explain on "The Sunday Religious Forum" TV show that “evil is in the world” and that “the only answer is for people to turn to God and to give their lives to Jesus Christ and allow Him to be their Lord and Savior.”
164. The thoughts among the non-Realized masses are rooted in what Maharaj called “ignorance, stupidity, and insanity,” so the insane actions seen - and the subsequent insane words heard - like those aired on a daily basis via television broadcasts will almost always be rooted in insanity:
“A great guy”? No.
"The answer is that there are good people and bad people and we need more guns out there" (so every dispute can then be addressed with a Wild West-style shootout as if "the good guys" always win a gunfight)? No.
“This is about good vs. evil and too many people who are not attending church regularly and receiving guidance about how they should be living”? No.
“Totally nuts . . . insane”? Yes.
165. So what other sorts of actions does the always-insane mind inspire? As a result of both conscious and subconscious beliefs, and as a result of being driven by the unconscious, hidden agendas of personas which generate totally insane behaviors, persons are willing to:
a. accept unhappiness over loneliness;
b. accept chaos over boredom;
c. accept taking a chance at contracting a fatal STD rather than continuing to feel rejected or “unloved” or simply horny;
d. accept a religion’s teachings which suggest that one should “die while killing infidels for God”;
e. accept being driven by the beliefs of others and by the hidden agendas of false identities;
f. accept the notion that misery and suffering in this life are to be tolerated as a result of believing that eternal happiness awaits; and
g. accept unquestioningly the beliefs and values and ways of one's parents and thereby perpetuate the ignorance and insanity that has dominated their family members for generations.
166. Yet there is an alternative: find true freedom by being truly free of the content that has been crammed into the mind via programming, conditioning, acculturation, domestication, brainwashing, and indoctrination.
To be continued.
Please enter into the silence of contemplation.
30 December 2014
PART TWO REVIEW [continued]
146. Currently, the state of humankind is this:
A. every non-Realized human has a mind;
B. though the mind was originally an asset, it has become a liability;
C. the reason for that shift is because the modern mind is filled with nonsense;
D. more than any other single source of a mind's content, it is blind faith that fills minds the most; and
E. what blind faith fills minds with is total nonsense, total bunk, total rubbish.
147. Virgil wrote: “Ă“mnia fert aetas, animum quoque,” that is, “Time bears away all things, even our minds.”
148. At the time of mahasamadhi, complete freedom from the mind happens; thus, peace begins.
149. The catch: there is no “one” post-manifestation to know or to enjoy that peace (the peace of mindlessness) which mahasamadhi guarantees.
150. Therefore, if it is peace which is sought, that can only happen now by allowing the mind to end now.
151. The mind can end now if all beliefs end – if they are all cast aside - including the most insane of all beliefs: those rooted in blind faith.
152. Have you considered the terms which point to the opposite of blind faith?
153. Consider “enlightened” as opposed to “not having enough light to see.”
154. Consider “Illuminati” (the plural of the Latin word for "enlightened," which is “illuminatus”) vs. blind faith which removes any chance of having the illumination required to see truth.
155. Consider that when the light in a barn is subdued – rendering one almost blind - then a rope can be mistaken for a snake.
156. Consider that the expression “blinded by love” is used to describe someone who is totally asleep to the red flags in a relationship, red flags which are obvious to all except the one who cannot see those flags (usually because they are being denied and ignored as a result of the hidden agendas and desires and fears of one - or more often several - personas).
157. Consider that when one is asleep, that condition most often involves (a) being in the dark and (b) having one’s eyes closed and (c) being blind to everything that is happening all around and (d) only perceiving the content of one’s dreams and mistaking that content for what is real although reality (and Reality) are not, in fact, being seen at all.
158. Consider that in such cases referenced above where one is “blinded by love” (that is, by the desires, fears, and hidden agendas of personalities), one can mistake a snake for a rope (meaning that things which are quite harmful, relatively speaking, can be seen as being totally harmless and even desirable).
159. Consider that unclear seeing and improper seeing result in mistaking distortions and misperceptions and delusions as real.
160. Consider having vision (or “The Vision”?) as opposed to having no vision (or no “Vision”).
161. Consider that the wearing of a mask can impede one’s vision, that “persona” is the Latin word for mask, and that the use of personas / masks will always impede clear and proper seeing.
To be continued.
Please enter into the silence of contemplation.
Previous post
146. Currently, the state of humankind is this:
A. every non-Realized human has a mind;
B. though the mind was originally an asset, it has become a liability;
C. the reason for that shift is because the modern mind is filled with nonsense;
D. more than any other single source of a mind's content, it is blind faith that fills minds the most; and
E. what blind faith fills minds with is total nonsense, total bunk, total rubbish.
147. Virgil wrote: “Ă“mnia fert aetas, animum quoque,” that is, “Time bears away all things, even our minds.”
148. At the time of mahasamadhi, complete freedom from the mind happens; thus, peace begins.
149. The catch: there is no “one” post-manifestation to know or to enjoy that peace (the peace of mindlessness) which mahasamadhi guarantees.
150. Therefore, if it is peace which is sought, that can only happen now by allowing the mind to end now.
151. The mind can end now if all beliefs end – if they are all cast aside - including the most insane of all beliefs: those rooted in blind faith.
152. Have you considered the terms which point to the opposite of blind faith?
153. Consider “enlightened” as opposed to “not having enough light to see.”
154. Consider “Illuminati” (the plural of the Latin word for "enlightened," which is “illuminatus”) vs. blind faith which removes any chance of having the illumination required to see truth.
155. Consider that when the light in a barn is subdued – rendering one almost blind - then a rope can be mistaken for a snake.
156. Consider that the expression “blinded by love” is used to describe someone who is totally asleep to the red flags in a relationship, red flags which are obvious to all except the one who cannot see those flags (usually because they are being denied and ignored as a result of the hidden agendas and desires and fears of one - or more often several - personas).
157. Consider that when one is asleep, that condition most often involves (a) being in the dark and (b) having one’s eyes closed and (c) being blind to everything that is happening all around and (d) only perceiving the content of one’s dreams and mistaking that content for what is real although reality (and Reality) are not, in fact, being seen at all.
158. Consider that in such cases referenced above where one is “blinded by love” (that is, by the desires, fears, and hidden agendas of personalities), one can mistake a snake for a rope (meaning that things which are quite harmful, relatively speaking, can be seen as being totally harmless and even desirable).
159. Consider that unclear seeing and improper seeing result in mistaking distortions and misperceptions and delusions as real.
160. Consider having vision (or “The Vision”?) as opposed to having no vision (or no “Vision”).
161. Consider that the wearing of a mask can impede one’s vision, that “persona” is the Latin word for mask, and that the use of personas / masks will always impede clear and proper seeing.
To be continued.
Please enter into the silence of contemplation.
Previous post
PART TWO REVIEW [continued]
130. How easy it could be to return to the original no-belief, no-mind condition if one were to come to prefer the natural (Nisargan) over the unnatural and / or the supposedly supernatural.
131. Of all of the unnatural (and supposedly “supernatural” or “religious” or “spiritual”) things that humans do, the most unnatural is . . . thinking.
132. Maharaj said, “No particular thought can be mind's natural state, only silence.”
133. Of the billions and trillions of life-forms on planet earth which have come and gone or which exist today, none – except for humans – think. And all of those non-human life-forms have a far less ignorant and far saner track record than humans. Why?
134. Because the continuum among humans is to begin with thoughts, to allow those to control and determine which words are spoken, and then to allow those to combine to control and determine the actions that humans take.
135. And if one's thoughts are unnatural (or supposedly “supernatural” or “religious” or “spiritual”) and ignorant and insane, then one's words will be driven by ignorance and insanity
136. As a result, the actions of all among the non-Realized masses have to be – by default – unnatural (or supposedly “supernatural”) and ignorance-based and insanity-driven.
[Here's a preview of the key point in an upcoming post: It’s all so simple.
A man who came here for a retreat this year has finally begun to allow the pointers which were offered to truly “steep” and thereby make up a healthy dose of Realization tea.
In the process, he is finally realizing that all of his efforts for so many years involved his desire to escape and to avoid all things relative by reaching some “other state” far removed from the relative state.
Now he’s beginning to see that the only state that he will ever “know” is the relative state. Post-manifestation, there will be no “one” to know or experience anything. To that end, he is beginning to realize that the existence for every living thing on the planet (except for humans) is a fairly-simple existence and that non-duality is offering the opportunity to join all other life-forms and thereby enjoy a fairly-simple existence as well.
One man from India wrote some years ago and said, “I sat in Maharaj’s tiny loft and heard him say that ‘this is all so simple’ and ‘it is all very simple’ and ‘the I AM is just pure and simple being.’ He said it, but it has been you that has shown me why it is simple, how to reach the simple, and how to keep it simple. Thank you.”
Humans’ complex problems are of their own making because their blind-faith-based ignorance which was passed down from parents, grandparents, etc. are subsequently passed along to the next generation.
Humans and their relative existence is becoming more ignorant, more stupid, and more insane because those driven by ignorance-and-stupidity-and-insanity-based beliefs are breeding (and breeding and breeding) and are now passing along their ignorance-and-stupidity-and-insanity-and-blind-faith-based beliefs to their offspring.
That is why, in recent sessions with persons who are psychologists, therapists, and private-practice counselors, they reported that they are witnessing issues in children that they had never seen before in their practices during the last 20 or 30 or 40 years:
a five-year old, full-blown sociopath who is trying to stab classmates in their eyes with his pencil;
a six-year old who has already been suspended from school a half dozen times because of misconduct and fighting and harming classmates;
a child with such a degree of oppositional defiance that he is hitting classmates and teachers and principals alike and who has said that when he is older he is “going to come back to this school with a gun and kill all of you”;
a child who is three years old but cannot pronounce even one single word properly because his mother determined that he needed no treatment because she found on the internet where some narcissistic parent in the same situation concluded that his child was not talking because of what he termed “the Einstein syndrome" whereby - he concluded - "the children of highly intelligent parents often develop more slowly than other children." In the case of the three-year-old, the school directors said "get the child to an audiologist and speech therapists or we’re going to have to expel him until you so." "The Super Mom" was enraged that the school personnel were not recognizing her extreme intelligence and the subsequent effects of her superior, Einstein-like intelligence on her child. Malignant narcissism is just more evidence of the presence of distorted thinking and ignorance and insanity.]
137. Here is the reality around "the no-peace and no-silence condition" vs. "the peace and the silence condition": both are guaranteed to come someday (when mahasamadhi is taken), so why not welcome peace and silence sooner rather than later?
138. Maharaj: “When the relative is over, the absolute remains. The silence before the words were spoken, is it different from the silence that comes after? The silence is one, and without it the words could not have been heard. Shift your attention from words to silence and you will hear it.”
139. And in order to shift attention from words to silence, the continuum shows that thoughts must go first.
140. Recall the wisdom pointed to in John Warren’s sign: “If I am the one talking, I am not the one discovering or understanding that which I have not yet discovered or that which I do not yet understand.”
141. Among the Realized, there is a consideration that could almost be a “non-duality’s motto": Why add to the already-excessive amount and volume of noise with more needless talk?
142. Yet most persons will never sit in the silence (in fact, cannot stand the silence), and that is why most persons cannot sit still rather than being driven to go and do and zoom.
143. Words lead to deeds; thus, words, which break the silence, also inspire action . . . doingness. And the doingness reinforces the bogus concept of a do-er.
144. And what do those trapped in blind faith do? They try to force their blind-faith-based beliefs on others.
145. As an understanding of the continuum above makes clear, as long as there is a mind, there will be thoughts; and as long as there are thoughts, there will surely follow words; and as long as there are words, then actions and going and doing and zooming will surely follow. Good riddance to it all.
To be continued.
Please enter into the silence of contemplation.
International buyers: note the separate option for those outside the continental U.S.
II. BY READING the explanations offered in the collection of non-duality books that are available on this site and at www.floydhenderson.com.
III. BY ENROLLING in the Online Advaita Classes For information, visit Information on the Advaita Classes on the Internet To enroll visit Enroll in the Advaita Internet Course
IV. BY ATTENDING an Advaitin retreat with floyd and being guided through all seven steps. For details of the retreats offered, please visit the retreat information site.
V. BY ARRANGING a one-hour session via Skype or telephone with Floyd. (Skype is a free service.)
Click the button to pay and you will be contacted to arrange a date and time for the call.
VI. BY USING EBOOKS available at
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Anthology of four books

Anthology of six books






The following eBooks are available without charge for you or for friends:
24. both made the decision that whatever amount of the relative existence remains shall be spent in sharing the teachings in the way that has been seen to be the most effective method: not suggesting that there are not enough religious persons; not suggesting that the Ultimate Sickness is caused by being "spiritually-unfit"; but by seeing that the problem centers in the mind (which must come to an end, which it will the moment all beliefs are abandoned)
Looking back over the list of those that have truly received the understanding, it is seen that Robert R. read all of the books, then took the online Advaita course and then completed some face-to-face Skype sessions to receive the final clarifications required. It was seen that Mac read all of the books, completed the online course, and then attended a retreat where he was guided through the seven steps. Mac said that the online course work inspired him to attend the retreat in order to be able to receive the final "pieces." It was seen that Andy Gugar, Jr. read all of the books, then came here for a retreat and was taken through the seven steps in order, and then returned once more for the final clarifications required. After reviewing the shifts that happened with him after attending two retreats, he reaffirmed this past week his commitment to helping spread the non-duality, nisarga understanding as presented here.
130. How easy it could be to return to the original no-belief, no-mind condition if one were to come to prefer the natural (Nisargan) over the unnatural and / or the supposedly supernatural.
131. Of all of the unnatural (and supposedly “supernatural” or “religious” or “spiritual”) things that humans do, the most unnatural is . . . thinking.
132. Maharaj said, “No particular thought can be mind's natural state, only silence.”
133. Of the billions and trillions of life-forms on planet earth which have come and gone or which exist today, none – except for humans – think. And all of those non-human life-forms have a far less ignorant and far saner track record than humans. Why?
134. Because the continuum among humans is to begin with thoughts, to allow those to control and determine which words are spoken, and then to allow those to combine to control and determine the actions that humans take.
135. And if one's thoughts are unnatural (or supposedly “supernatural” or “religious” or “spiritual”) and ignorant and insane, then one's words will be driven by ignorance and insanity
136. As a result, the actions of all among the non-Realized masses have to be – by default – unnatural (or supposedly “supernatural”) and ignorance-based and insanity-driven.
[Here's a preview of the key point in an upcoming post: It’s all so simple.
A man who came here for a retreat this year has finally begun to allow the pointers which were offered to truly “steep” and thereby make up a healthy dose of Realization tea.
In the process, he is finally realizing that all of his efforts for so many years involved his desire to escape and to avoid all things relative by reaching some “other state” far removed from the relative state.
Now he’s beginning to see that the only state that he will ever “know” is the relative state. Post-manifestation, there will be no “one” to know or experience anything. To that end, he is beginning to realize that the existence for every living thing on the planet (except for humans) is a fairly-simple existence and that non-duality is offering the opportunity to join all other life-forms and thereby enjoy a fairly-simple existence as well.
One man from India wrote some years ago and said, “I sat in Maharaj’s tiny loft and heard him say that ‘this is all so simple’ and ‘it is all very simple’ and ‘the I AM is just pure and simple being.’ He said it, but it has been you that has shown me why it is simple, how to reach the simple, and how to keep it simple. Thank you.”
Humans’ complex problems are of their own making because their blind-faith-based ignorance which was passed down from parents, grandparents, etc. are subsequently passed along to the next generation.
Humans and their relative existence is becoming more ignorant, more stupid, and more insane because those driven by ignorance-and-stupidity-and-insanity-based beliefs are breeding (and breeding and breeding) and are now passing along their ignorance-and-stupidity-and-insanity-and-blind-faith-based beliefs to their offspring.
That is why, in recent sessions with persons who are psychologists, therapists, and private-practice counselors, they reported that they are witnessing issues in children that they had never seen before in their practices during the last 20 or 30 or 40 years:
a five-year old, full-blown sociopath who is trying to stab classmates in their eyes with his pencil;
a six-year old who has already been suspended from school a half dozen times because of misconduct and fighting and harming classmates;
a child with such a degree of oppositional defiance that he is hitting classmates and teachers and principals alike and who has said that when he is older he is “going to come back to this school with a gun and kill all of you”;
a child who is three years old but cannot pronounce even one single word properly because his mother determined that he needed no treatment because she found on the internet where some narcissistic parent in the same situation concluded that his child was not talking because of what he termed “the Einstein syndrome" whereby - he concluded - "the children of highly intelligent parents often develop more slowly than other children." In the case of the three-year-old, the school directors said "get the child to an audiologist and speech therapists or we’re going to have to expel him until you so." "The Super Mom" was enraged that the school personnel were not recognizing her extreme intelligence and the subsequent effects of her superior, Einstein-like intelligence on her child. Malignant narcissism is just more evidence of the presence of distorted thinking and ignorance and insanity.]
137. Here is the reality around "the no-peace and no-silence condition" vs. "the peace and the silence condition": both are guaranteed to come someday (when mahasamadhi is taken), so why not welcome peace and silence sooner rather than later?
138. Maharaj: “When the relative is over, the absolute remains. The silence before the words were spoken, is it different from the silence that comes after? The silence is one, and without it the words could not have been heard. Shift your attention from words to silence and you will hear it.”
139. And in order to shift attention from words to silence, the continuum shows that thoughts must go first.
140. Recall the wisdom pointed to in John Warren’s sign: “If I am the one talking, I am not the one discovering or understanding that which I have not yet discovered or that which I do not yet understand.”
141. Among the Realized, there is a consideration that could almost be a “non-duality’s motto": Why add to the already-excessive amount and volume of noise with more needless talk?
142. Yet most persons will never sit in the silence (in fact, cannot stand the silence), and that is why most persons cannot sit still rather than being driven to go and do and zoom.
143. Words lead to deeds; thus, words, which break the silence, also inspire action . . . doingness. And the doingness reinforces the bogus concept of a do-er.
144. And what do those trapped in blind faith do? They try to force their blind-faith-based beliefs on others.
145. As an understanding of the continuum above makes clear, as long as there is a mind, there will be thoughts; and as long as there are thoughts, there will surely follow words; and as long as there are words, then actions and going and doing and zooming will surely follow. Good riddance to it all.
To be continued.
Please enter into the silence of contemplation.
I. BY WATCHING the 4-Disk, Seven-Hour Video (DVD) Set of an advaita retreat, or the downloadable file version. To find out more or to purchase the DVD or downloadable computer file version of the retreat, DVD or Downloadable computer file versions of the Four-Day Advaita Retreat
I. BY WATCHING the 4-Disk, Seven-Hour Video (DVD) Set of an advaita retreat, or the downloadable file version. To find out more or to purchase the DVD or downloadable computer file version of the retreat, DVD or Downloadable computer file versions of the Four-Day Advaita Retreat
International buyers: note the separate option for those outside the continental U.S.
II. BY READING the explanations offered in the collection of non-duality books that are available on this site and at www.floydhenderson.com.
III. BY ENROLLING in the Online Advaita Classes For information, visit Information on the Advaita Classes on the Internet To enroll visit Enroll in the Advaita Internet Course
IV. BY ATTENDING an Advaitin retreat with floyd and being guided through all seven steps. For details of the retreats offered, please visit the retreat information site.
V. BY ARRANGING a one-hour session via Skype or telephone with Floyd. (Skype is a free service.)
Click the button to pay and you will be contacted to arrange a date and time for the call.
VI. BY USING EBOOKS available at
Floyd Henderson's Website
minutes of purchase you can be reading any of the eBooks below on your
mobile devices, including an iPhone, iPad, Android tablet, Android
phone, laptop, home computer or Kindle reader.
FROM THE I TO THE ABSOLUTE: A Seven-Step Journey to Reality



Anthology of four books

Anthology of six books


For more information on this book, or to purchase a copy now, click:





(Compliments of Andy Gugar, Jr.)
(Compliments of Andy Gugar, Jr.)
The following eBooks are available without charge for you or for friends:
content of this eBook deals with one of the most common but erroneous
beliefs that the non-Realized masses cling to and which they will fight
about (and even kill over), namely, that there is a planet-wide duel
going on between “the forces of good and evil” in the universe.
Maharaj said of each that visited his Bombay loft, “Only that person will visit this place whose virtue and sin have come to an end.”
He also said that the problems of humankind are problems associated
with the Ultimate Sickness and that three of the key traits of the
Ultimate Sickness are "ignorance, stupidity, and insanity."
that end, either (1) the ancient view is spot on: that the "ills of the
planet" are rooted in evil people, in people not being religious enough
or spiritual enough, and are caused solely by bad morality; or, (2) the
"ills of the planet" are rooted in ignorance, stupidity and insanity
and "being good" or "being moral" does not put an end to ignorance, does
not eliminate stupidity, and does not treat insanity in any way.
Comments regarding the free eBook entitled “THE VISION”:
“My thanks to you and Andy.” – Andrew “Mac” McMaster
“Thanks so much for the book! And, by the way, it is brilliant and the most effective pointing that you have done. It has served to help clear the remaining blockages.” – Stan Cross
“Greatly appreciate having “THE VISION” added to my Henderson resource library that is situated on the right side of my bed for easy access! Eternally grateful for what was received and what was given.” – Robert Rigby
“ ‘THE VISION’ is such a well-written, condensed version of the Nisarga Yoga approach to understanding and enjoying Reality that I feel it can serve as a must-read ‘meditation guide’ for all earnest seekers.” – Andy Gugar, Jr.
“My thanks to you and Andy.” – Andrew “Mac” McMaster
“Thanks so much for the book! And, by the way, it is brilliant and the most effective pointing that you have done. It has served to help clear the remaining blockages.” – Stan Cross
“Greatly appreciate having “THE VISION” added to my Henderson resource library that is situated on the right side of my bed for easy access! Eternally grateful for what was received and what was given.” – Robert Rigby
“ ‘THE VISION’ is such a well-written, condensed version of the Nisarga Yoga approach to understanding and enjoying Reality that I feel it can serve as a must-read ‘meditation guide’ for all earnest seekers.” – Andy Gugar, Jr.
While in South Africa in 2011, I was introduced to A Primate’s Memoir (2002)
by Dr. Robert Maurice Sapolsky. Sapolsky is an American
neuroendocrinologist; a professor of biology, neuroscience, and
neurosurgery at Stanford University; a researcher; an author; and a
Research Associate at the National Museums of Kenya.
A Primate’s Memoir (which documents Sapolsky’s years in Africa while studying baboons), was recommended because there is much that a non-dualist or Advaitin or Nisargan can relate to by comparing and contrasting what Sapolsky reveals about the way certain troops of baboons live in Africa with the way that humans abide all around the globe. The book also portrays an unconventional way of studying neurophysiology to determine the effects of stress on life expectancy. (And the reduction or elimination of stress among humans is one of the aims of the non-dual understanding.)
Now Sapolsky’s recent findings are offered in a documentary film entitled “Stress: Portrait of a Killer.” [The 56-minute film is available on YouTube in many countries.]
This 152-page eBook catalogues the common, non-dual message shared by Sapolsky and Maharaj and reveals the ways that Sapolsky’s scientific research supports the non-dual pointers offered by Maharaj.
In “PART ONE” it will be seen that most persons on the planet are not seeking, and most will never seek, but for those who are seeking, most will face several obstacles:
Often, many do not really know WHY they are seeking. Too, many who are asked WHAT they are seeking often offer no clear-cut answer beyond the standard talk about "Realization" or "Enlightenment." For those who have come this way and have a clear notions about why they are seeking and what they are seeking, many have not yet found anyone that has shown them exactly HOW to go about the process. The content in "Part One" offers some considerations about all three.
In “Part Two” of this book, it will be seen why many criticized Maharaj for “changing his message in his later talks.” It will be seen that the changes were not about changing the message per se as much as about changing his methodology as he experimented with one version of the Ultimate Medicine after another in order to try to find an effective means for addressing the Ultimate Sickness.
Maharaj’s loft was actually more of a laboratory in a loft in Bombay (now “Mumbai”) because he undertook in that loft many experiments in his efforts to find an effective form of the Ultimate Medicine that could treat the Ultimate Sickness effectively and successfully. In fact, he would eventually have three laboratories:
He first ran . . .
** a “Religion Laboratory,” then later
** a “Spirituality Laboratory” and eventually
** a “Psychology Laboratory.”
All three will be discussed in detail in "Part Two."
[Sorry - for security reasons, no "clickable" link is provided. You'll need to type the address in to your emailed request manually. Also, the initial response to free eBook offerings is usually significant so it takes some time to process the requests. A new series will begin after those initial responses are taken care of. THX.]
A Primate’s Memoir (which documents Sapolsky’s years in Africa while studying baboons), was recommended because there is much that a non-dualist or Advaitin or Nisargan can relate to by comparing and contrasting what Sapolsky reveals about the way certain troops of baboons live in Africa with the way that humans abide all around the globe. The book also portrays an unconventional way of studying neurophysiology to determine the effects of stress on life expectancy. (And the reduction or elimination of stress among humans is one of the aims of the non-dual understanding.)
Now Sapolsky’s recent findings are offered in a documentary film entitled “Stress: Portrait of a Killer.” [The 56-minute film is available on YouTube in many countries.]
This 152-page eBook catalogues the common, non-dual message shared by Sapolsky and Maharaj and reveals the ways that Sapolsky’s scientific research supports the non-dual pointers offered by Maharaj.
In “PART ONE” it will be seen that most persons on the planet are not seeking, and most will never seek, but for those who are seeking, most will face several obstacles:
Often, many do not really know WHY they are seeking. Too, many who are asked WHAT they are seeking often offer no clear-cut answer beyond the standard talk about "Realization" or "Enlightenment." For those who have come this way and have a clear notions about why they are seeking and what they are seeking, many have not yet found anyone that has shown them exactly HOW to go about the process. The content in "Part One" offers some considerations about all three.
In “Part Two” of this book, it will be seen why many criticized Maharaj for “changing his message in his later talks.” It will be seen that the changes were not about changing the message per se as much as about changing his methodology as he experimented with one version of the Ultimate Medicine after another in order to try to find an effective means for addressing the Ultimate Sickness.
Maharaj’s loft was actually more of a laboratory in a loft in Bombay (now “Mumbai”) because he undertook in that loft many experiments in his efforts to find an effective form of the Ultimate Medicine that could treat the Ultimate Sickness effectively and successfully. In fact, he would eventually have three laboratories:
He first ran . . .
** a “Religion Laboratory,” then later
** a “Spirituality Laboratory” and eventually
** a “Psychology Laboratory.”
All three will be discussed in detail in "Part Two."
[Coming soon]
To receive free copies, or to have us send free copies to your friends or
relatives, send the request (or their email addresses) to the following name:
[Sorry - for security reasons, no "clickable" link is provided. You'll need to type the address in to your emailed request manually. Also, the initial response to free eBook offerings is usually significant so it takes some time to process the requests. A new series will begin after those initial responses are taken care of. THX.]
The "experiences" of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj and Floyd share many parallel. Many visitors have said that they have also shared some of the same parallels. Can you relate to any of these?
1. Both grew up in very poor families
3. both exhibited business skills that led to their opening and operating many businesses and to their having a large number of employees working for them
4. both succeeded financially
5. both became attached to accumulating
6. both married and had a family
7. both initially tried to address the Ultimate Sickness with religious teachings but realized that did not work, so both tried to address the Ultimate Sickness with spirituality, only to see eventually that "being spiritual" did not cure the Ultimate Sickness either
8. both then realized that the main problems of humanity center in the mind so both turned to the sharing of psychology and scientific-and-fact-based pointers to free persons of the effects of programming, conditioning, acculturation, domestication, brainwashing and indoctrination
9. both had highly religious wives who were quite displeased with the shift away from religion
10. both had grown to feel empty in spite of all of their "spiritual seeking" and in spite of all of their accumulated "spiritual knowledge"
1. Both grew up in very poor families
2. both moved to populated areas to seek employment opportunities
3. both exhibited business skills that led to their opening and operating many businesses and to their having a large number of employees working for them
4. both succeeded financially
5. both became attached to accumulating
6. both married and had a family
7. both initially tried to address the Ultimate Sickness with religious teachings but realized that did not work, so both tried to address the Ultimate Sickness with spirituality, only to see eventually that "being spiritual" did not cure the Ultimate Sickness either
8. both then realized that the main problems of humanity center in the mind so both turned to the sharing of psychology and scientific-and-fact-based pointers to free persons of the effects of programming, conditioning, acculturation, domestication, brainwashing and indoctrination
9. both had highly religious wives who were quite displeased with the shift away from religion
10. both had grown to feel empty in spite of all of their "spiritual seeking" and in spite of all of their accumulated "spiritual knowledge"
11. both began to de-accumulate after
both saw that they could survive quite well on a fraction of the income
they had been making
12. both had wives who were unhappy when the de-accumulation stage was entered and both had wives who became unhappy about their husbands' focus on non-duality and who blamed their unhappiness on no longer having a religious husband (and no longer having a husband who brought in huge sums of money)
13. both eventually came to see that the religious and spiritual states were also ego-states, and both saw that there are far more steps on the "path" to complete after reaching the religious and spiritual steps and after playing those roles which are the third of seven steps on the entire "path"
14. both "lost" their wives (one via "death," the other through divorce);
15. both accelerated their seeking
16. both entered into the "forest dweller stage"
17. both Realized
18. both began to de-accumulate even more
19. both began sharing the teachings
20. for years, both offered satsang
12. both had wives who were unhappy when the de-accumulation stage was entered and both had wives who became unhappy about their husbands' focus on non-duality and who blamed their unhappiness on no longer having a religious husband (and no longer having a husband who brought in huge sums of money)
13. both eventually came to see that the religious and spiritual states were also ego-states, and both saw that there are far more steps on the "path" to complete after reaching the religious and spiritual steps and after playing those roles which are the third of seven steps on the entire "path"
14. both "lost" their wives (one via "death," the other through divorce);
15. both accelerated their seeking
16. both entered into the "forest dweller stage"
17. both Realized
18. both began to de-accumulate even more
19. both began sharing the teachings
20. for years, both offered satsang
21. both saw that most who hear the teachings are still not going to understand
22. both, therefore, offered pointers without expectation, without attachment to outcome, and without any concern about the way that persons react to hearing Truth
23. both suggested that seekers focus on the exact, step-wise "path
22. both, therefore, offered pointers without expectation, without attachment to outcome, and without any concern about the way that persons react to hearing Truth
23. both suggested that seekers focus on the exact, step-wise "path
24. both made the decision that whatever amount of the relative existence remains shall be spent in sharing the teachings in the way that has been seen to be the most effective method: not suggesting that there are not enough religious persons; not suggesting that the Ultimate Sickness is caused by being "spiritually-unfit"; but by seeing that the problem centers in the mind (which must come to an end, which it will the moment all beliefs are abandoned)
Looking back over the list of those that have truly received the understanding, it is seen that Robert R. read all of the books, then took the online Advaita course and then completed some face-to-face Skype sessions to receive the final clarifications required. It was seen that Mac read all of the books, completed the online course, and then attended a retreat where he was guided through the seven steps. Mac said that the online course work inspired him to attend the retreat in order to be able to receive the final "pieces." It was seen that Andy Gugar, Jr. read all of the books, then came here for a retreat and was taken through the seven steps in order, and then returned once more for the final clarifications required. After reviewing the shifts that happened with him after attending two retreats, he reaffirmed this past week his commitment to helping spread the non-duality, nisarga understanding as presented here.
(Four by Floyd Henderson and two by Dennis Waite. Click the picture for more information or to order)
(Four by Floyd Henderson and two by Dennis Waite. Click the picture for more information or to order)