[You may scroll down to "Section Four" to find how to receive up to five, free eBooks which deal with a variety of non-dual topics]
[You may scroll down to "Section Four" to find how to receive up to five, free eBooks which deal with a variety of non-dual topics]
F.: To continue with the discussion of why the masses are unable to just abide simply; to let “life go on”; to “abide naturally”; to be free of all encumbrances; to just take it easy; to relax and just live; to lose the excess seriousness; and to simply “Dance Lightly” for the remainder of the manifestation:
There are nine basic personality types which subconsciously determine the thoughts and words and behaviors of every non-Realized human, and there is some correlation between the personality types of seekers and how their seeking unfolds:
Earlier, there was offered a description of the way that PERSONALITY TYPE ONE seekers, religious persons, and spiritual persons function. Yesterday, the same was offered for PERSONALITY TYPE TWO seekers, religious persons, and spiritual persons.
Today, the seeking and behavior patterns of PERSONALITY TYPE THREES will be discussed. Let it be noted first, however, that two types especially are often also driven by the Type One Personality's agendas: PERSONALITY TYPE SEVENS (who often develop the Addictive Personality Disorder) will often exhibit a Type One’s “know-it-all” and hypercritical and judgmental and reformist attitude which shows up with many seekers and with many religious and / or spiritual fanatics. Type Ones often suffer from the Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Sevens usually display that disorder as well.
NOTE: It is known that the root of addiction lies first in early trauma and thereafter becomes a multi-faceted disorder. Alcoholism, for example, can often have (1) a physical component - the pancreas which helps in the breakdown of alcohol often under functions in alcoholics; and can have (2) several mental-emotional components – a key one being the obsessive mind that drives OCD.
When someone obsesses, obsesses, and obsesses over something - be that anger, resentment, a "love" interest, religious beliefs, spiritual beliefs, whatever - she or he will eventually behave compulsively around the object of the obsession. An obsessive mind will definitely get you an Inquisition, a European Holocaust, an American Holocaust, suicide bombers from Japan in WWII, suicide bombers in the Middle East now, beheadings, mass executions, a sniper who is proud to earn his living by killing hundreds of people, a mafia hit man who is proud to earn his living by killings scores or more people, etc., etc., etc. (The distorted view there among the non-Realized? While both a sniper and a hit man are told by the person at the top of their hierarchy to kill people, people whom the killer does not even know, and while they both take money to kill those people, a military sniper in a war-prone culture will often be considered a hero; a mafia hit man is almost always considered a scumbag. With some on the right of the political spectrum, the sniper who killed John F. Kennedy was a hero; on the left, that sniper was “evil personified.” See why “perspective” is given such attention in the non-dual teachings?)
Maharaj, on such ironies and on the cruel and perverted ways that humans behave: “You want peace, love, happiness and work hard to create pain, hatred and war.” Why so? Again, Maharaj: Humans “are complex beings, at war within and without.”
And the general rule of thumb which is usually spot on is that no one can be at war without unless that person is first at war within.
Type Seven seekers or religious persons or spiritual persons who are on a quest will be driven by their obsessive mind to behave compulsively. As for the second type which often behaves like an OCD Type One, that type will be focused on in today’s discussion: it is the Type Three.
Threes often believe, just as do Type Ones, that they are perfect, a result of the Three’s tendency to put a spin on anything and everything involving themselves. Like Ones, Type Threes are judgmental and hypercritical and often display OCD-type behaviors.
Sometimes, people misidentify Type Threes with Type Twos. Type Twos are driven to seek love above all else, and Type Threes can appear to share that in common with Twos, but such is not the case. While Twos are about the business of working to be “loved,” Threes are about the business of being admired and applauded and highly-praised and commended and celebrated.
Maharaj spoke to those among all nine types, but sometimes his pointers were especially relevant for the more narcissistic types. Of those, Type Threes are usually at the top of the list.
To that type, Maharaj said: “You are not interested in others as persons, but only as far as they enrich or ennoble your own image of yourself.”
Threes are master performers and manipulators, so they can make persons think that they love them, but it’s all performance . . . all phony. That trait drives them to focus more on form over substance, resulting in their being driven by such shallow concerns as being fashionable, trendy, and “in style.”
All nine of the basic personality types follow specific patterns if they are involved with seeking or with religion or with spirituality, and all nine types will inhibit Realization, as personality identification always does. In the end, though, all of a Three's activities and dogma-driven words and spirituality-based exercises and actions are for show . . . for enhancing image and enhancing influence in their organization or program or institution or sect. Additionally, Threes will be attracted to other master performers and manipulators and will give them their money or even kill for them or even die for their “faith” as laid out by their leaders.
Moreover, if any one type finds the Type Four’s potential regard for authenticity as something totally alien, it is the Type Three. Authenticity is, in fact, a Three’s last concern or interest. That will usually block forever any interest in seeking actual Truth and Reality.
While eight of the nine basic personality types – specifically, all except the Type Four Personality – are about anything other than seeking authenticity, the Four's personality can also hamper such seeking if a Four succumbs to that type’s propensity for trying to escape rather than seek authenticity.
Almost all Type Threes are especially identified with the body, an identification which is as far removed as possible from Reality and Realization.
Maharaj: “The ultimate in selfishness is to care only for the protection, preservation and multiplication of one's own body.”
Threes, therefore, identified as much with the body as with their various personality-based identities - which drive their quest for admiration and esteem and approval and even veneration - use persons in the most selfish (that is, most self-centered) ways imaginable.
As for as authenticity or “getting real” or “keeping it real” or “keeping it 100,” those are totally foreign and totally insignificant issues to Type Threes.
To that end, their seeking in going to happen in ways which are most public and which offer the highest probability of bringing attention or respect to themselves . . . to their false selves.
See someone always praying in public to show how truly religious they are? You’re likely seeing a Three or an also-OCD Seven or One. See someone with a desire to demonstrate how truly spiritual they are? You’re almost positively seeing a Three or an also-OCD Seven or One.
When Maharaj spoke of one who is “engrossed as you are in your puny image of yourself,” he could have been talking to a person trapped in any of the nine basic personality types, but once more, his pointer most often refers to an almost-always-narcissistic Type Three.
The image shown in public by a Three is as far removed from the ways in which that Three behaves in private – and as totally contrary to the way that a Three really is – as are light and darkness. Yet among seekers or religious groups or spiritual groups, Threes will appear to be the most saintly and pious and devout of all.
And the quest of Type Three seekers and religious persons and spiritual persons will be deemed all-important for the entire relative existence. For them, their quest and searching and accumulating and spiritual doingness and religious activities will be considered a mandatory, never-ending, lifetime chore which is to done as often as possible in public for all to see.
To be continued.
Please enter into the silence of contemplation.
Section Two offers other recent posts. (All of the nearly 2,400 posts as well as any specific topics which you’re interested in can be accessed by using the search feature at the top of the right column.)
Section Four offers five free eBooks, compliments of Andy Gugar, Jr.
Section Five discusses parallels in Maharaj's and Floyd's "journey" and provides a chance for you to see if you've had any such parallels as well.
Section Six offers information on paperbacks that are available through Amazon.com for those who prefer a book in hand.
* * * * * *
[You may scroll down to "Section Four" to find how to receive up to five, free eBooks which deal with a variety of non-dual topics]
There are nine basic personality types which subconsciously determine the thoughts and words and behaviors of every non-Realized human, and there is some correlation between the personality types of seekers and how their seeking unfolds:
Earlier, there was offered a description of the way that PERSONALITY TYPE ONE seekers, religious persons, and spiritual persons function. Yesterday, the same was offered for PERSONALITY TYPE TWO seekers, religious persons, and spiritual persons.
Today, the seeking and behavior patterns of PERSONALITY TYPE THREES will be discussed. Let it be noted first, however, that two types especially are often also driven by the Type One Personality's agendas: PERSONALITY TYPE SEVENS (who often develop the Addictive Personality Disorder) will often exhibit a Type One’s “know-it-all” and hypercritical and judgmental and reformist attitude which shows up with many seekers and with many religious and / or spiritual fanatics. Type Ones often suffer from the Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Sevens usually display that disorder as well.
NOTE: It is known that the root of addiction lies first in early trauma and thereafter becomes a multi-faceted disorder. Alcoholism, for example, can often have (1) a physical component - the pancreas which helps in the breakdown of alcohol often under functions in alcoholics; and can have (2) several mental-emotional components – a key one being the obsessive mind that drives OCD.
When someone obsesses, obsesses, and obsesses over something - be that anger, resentment, a "love" interest, religious beliefs, spiritual beliefs, whatever - she or he will eventually behave compulsively around the object of the obsession. An obsessive mind will definitely get you an Inquisition, a European Holocaust, an American Holocaust, suicide bombers from Japan in WWII, suicide bombers in the Middle East now, beheadings, mass executions, a sniper who is proud to earn his living by killing hundreds of people, a mafia hit man who is proud to earn his living by killings scores or more people, etc., etc., etc. (The distorted view there among the non-Realized? While both a sniper and a hit man are told by the person at the top of their hierarchy to kill people, people whom the killer does not even know, and while they both take money to kill those people, a military sniper in a war-prone culture will often be considered a hero; a mafia hit man is almost always considered a scumbag. With some on the right of the political spectrum, the sniper who killed John F. Kennedy was a hero; on the left, that sniper was “evil personified.” See why “perspective” is given such attention in the non-dual teachings?)
Maharaj, on such ironies and on the cruel and perverted ways that humans behave: “You want peace, love, happiness and work hard to create pain, hatred and war.” Why so? Again, Maharaj: Humans “are complex beings, at war within and without.”
And the general rule of thumb which is usually spot on is that no one can be at war without unless that person is first at war within.
Type Seven seekers or religious persons or spiritual persons who are on a quest will be driven by their obsessive mind to behave compulsively. As for the second type which often behaves like an OCD Type One, that type will be focused on in today’s discussion: it is the Type Three.
Threes often believe, just as do Type Ones, that they are perfect, a result of the Three’s tendency to put a spin on anything and everything involving themselves. Like Ones, Type Threes are judgmental and hypercritical and often display OCD-type behaviors.
Sometimes, people misidentify Type Threes with Type Twos. Type Twos are driven to seek love above all else, and Type Threes can appear to share that in common with Twos, but such is not the case. While Twos are about the business of working to be “loved,” Threes are about the business of being admired and applauded and highly-praised and commended and celebrated.
Maharaj spoke to those among all nine types, but sometimes his pointers were especially relevant for the more narcissistic types. Of those, Type Threes are usually at the top of the list.
To that type, Maharaj said: “You are not interested in others as persons, but only as far as they enrich or ennoble your own image of yourself.”
Threes are master performers and manipulators, so they can make persons think that they love them, but it’s all performance . . . all phony. That trait drives them to focus more on form over substance, resulting in their being driven by such shallow concerns as being fashionable, trendy, and “in style.”
All nine of the basic personality types follow specific patterns if they are involved with seeking or with religion or with spirituality, and all nine types will inhibit Realization, as personality identification always does. In the end, though, all of a Three's activities and dogma-driven words and spirituality-based exercises and actions are for show . . . for enhancing image and enhancing influence in their organization or program or institution or sect. Additionally, Threes will be attracted to other master performers and manipulators and will give them their money or even kill for them or even die for their “faith” as laid out by their leaders.
Moreover, if any one type finds the Type Four’s potential regard for authenticity as something totally alien, it is the Type Three. Authenticity is, in fact, a Three’s last concern or interest. That will usually block forever any interest in seeking actual Truth and Reality.
While eight of the nine basic personality types – specifically, all except the Type Four Personality – are about anything other than seeking authenticity, the Four's personality can also hamper such seeking if a Four succumbs to that type’s propensity for trying to escape rather than seek authenticity.
Almost all Type Threes are especially identified with the body, an identification which is as far removed as possible from Reality and Realization.
Maharaj: “The ultimate in selfishness is to care only for the protection, preservation and multiplication of one's own body.”
Threes, therefore, identified as much with the body as with their various personality-based identities - which drive their quest for admiration and esteem and approval and even veneration - use persons in the most selfish (that is, most self-centered) ways imaginable.
As for as authenticity or “getting real” or “keeping it real” or “keeping it 100,” those are totally foreign and totally insignificant issues to Type Threes.
To that end, their seeking in going to happen in ways which are most public and which offer the highest probability of bringing attention or respect to themselves . . . to their false selves.
See someone always praying in public to show how truly religious they are? You’re likely seeing a Three or an also-OCD Seven or One. See someone with a desire to demonstrate how truly spiritual they are? You’re almost positively seeing a Three or an also-OCD Seven or One.
When Maharaj spoke of one who is “engrossed as you are in your puny image of yourself,” he could have been talking to a person trapped in any of the nine basic personality types, but once more, his pointer most often refers to an almost-always-narcissistic Type Three.
The image shown in public by a Three is as far removed from the ways in which that Three behaves in private – and as totally contrary to the way that a Three really is – as are light and darkness. Yet among seekers or religious groups or spiritual groups, Threes will appear to be the most saintly and pious and devout of all.
And the quest of Type Three seekers and religious persons and spiritual persons will be deemed all-important for the entire relative existence. For them, their quest and searching and accumulating and spiritual doingness and religious activities will be considered a mandatory, never-ending, lifetime chore which is to done as often as possible in public for all to see.
To be continued.
Please enter into the silence of contemplation.
NOTE: Sections Two through Six follow:
Section Two offers other recent posts. (All of the nearly 2,400 posts as well as any specific topics which you’re interested in can be accessed by using the search feature at the top of the right column.)
Section Three offers ways that seekers have Realized, tools which some have used, and information on floyd's books.
Section Four offers five free eBooks, compliments of Andy Gugar, Jr.
Section Five discusses parallels in Maharaj's and Floyd's "journey" and provides a chance for you to see if you've had any such parallels as well.
Section Six offers information on paperbacks that are available through Amazon.com for those who prefer a book in hand.
* * * * * *
Other Recent Posts
22 January 2015
[You may scroll down to "Section Four" to find how to receive up to five, free eBooks which deal with a variety of non-dual topics]
F.: To continue with the discussion of why the masses are unable to just abide simply; to let “life go on”; to “abide naturally”; to be free of all encumbrances; to just take it easy; to relax and just live; to lose the excess seriousness; and to simply “Dance Lightly” for the remainder of the manifestation:
There are nine basic personality types which subconsciously determine the thoughts and words and behaviors of every non-Realized human, and there is some correlation between the personality types of seekers and how their seeking unfolds:
Yesterday, the way that PERSONALITY TYPE ONE seekers, religious persons, and spiritual persons function. Today, the seeking and behavior patterns of PERSONALITY TYPE TWOS will be discussed.
In the 1990’s in the U.S., a popular television sitcom entitled “Home Improvement” poked fun at those males who were preoccupied with collecting tools and forever using them to try to impress and gain the approval / love of others living in their home and in their neighborhood.
That’s the way it is with Personality Type Twos who are seeking or who are involved in religion or who are absorbed with their spiritual movements or programs. They play the role of “The Super Sponsor,” “The Super Helper,” “The Super Giver,” “The Types Who Work So Much to Help Others - in Order to Get “Love” - That They Neglect Their Own Basic Requirements,” etc.
They engage in religious or spiritual quests which render them totally preoccupied with collecting “tools” which they can use to try to impress and gain the approval / “love” of others.
Their quest is never to “find Self” or to “be rid of self.” Their quest is totally focused on doing all that they do in order to stockpile a massive mental library of knowledge (“learned ignorance”) which they can then use constantly to try to assist and help and aid and support others (with an ulterior motive of being appreciated and hence loved).
Usually, their quest for such love is rooted in a “father issue” from the early years which left them with a sense that they – at most – only got half pf the love they wanted. Often, a Type Two’s father was absent because of death or divorce or, if present, was nevertheless totally available to his child / children.
Twos most often attract “broken wing” types and the needy and users, their personality identification as “The Super Helper” or “The Super Savior” or “The Rescuer” being totally dependent on a willing, co-dependent player of the counterpart role which allows “helping” and “rescuing” to happen.
Their subconscious motives, therefore, reinforce identification with the false selves / roles they assume. They seldom Realize because they are dependent upon - and co-dependent with – those “broken wing” types and the needy and users. Moreover, their agenda also blocks others from ever becoming totally independent and free.
A Type Two female said:
“All of my jobs revolved around helping people. I was a teacher who wanted to be sensitive to children and help them get off to a good start. I was a religious education director in a number of parishes. I thought that if people learned about the spiritual life, they’d be happier. The most important part of my life is my spiritual life. I was in a religious community for ten years. I married a former priest, and we both have our spirituality as the basis of our life together.”
Of such types, the Enneagram Institute notes: “However, Twos’ inner development may be limited by their “shadow side” - pride, self-deception, the tendency to become over-involved in the lives of others, and the tendency to manipulate others to get their own emotional needs met”
“Average to unhealthy Twos seek validation of their worth by obeying their superego’s demands to sacrifice themselves for others. They believe they must always put others first and be loving and unselfish if they want to get ‘love.’ The problem is that ‘putting others first’ makes Twos secretly angry and resentful, feelings which they work hard to repress or deny. Nevertheless, they eventually erupt in various ways, disrupting Twos’ relationships and revealing the inauthenticity of many of the average to unhealthy Two’s claims about themselves and the depth of their ‘love’.”
That same scenario plays out constantly in step groups, in spiritual movements, and in “self-help” groups, (as if “self-help” were a real possibility).
The relevant pointers from Maharaj include the following:
“The idea of responsibility is in your mind. You think there must be something or somebody solely responsible for all that happens. There is a contradiction between a multiple universe and a single cause. Either one or the other must be false. Or both. As I see it, it is all day-dreaming”
“ . . . None can help you” (and you can help none) because “There are no ‘others’ to help”
“ . . . As to the people you want to help, they are in their respective worlds for the sake of their desires; there is no way of helping them except through their desires”
“To Me there is no 'me', 'no man' and no giving. All this is merely a flicker in the mind. I am infinite peace and silence in which nothing appears, for all that appears - disappears. Nobody comes for help, nobody offers help, nobody gets help. It is all but a display in consciousness”
“The only thing that can ‘help’ is to wake up from the dream”
“The only help worth giving is freeing from the need for further help.”
Again, therefore, the pointer offered earlier: Type Twos seldom Realize because they are dependent upon - and co-dependent with – those “broken wing” types and the needy and users. Moreover, their agenda also blocks others from ever becoming totally independent and free.
Yet with Twos on a quest - as with so many other types on a quest - the "important / totally unimportant" understanding seldom comes. As a result, peace seldom comes, either.
To be continued.
Please enter into the silence of contemplation.
21 January 2015
There are nine basic personality types which subconsciously determine the thoughts and words and behaviors of every non-Realized human, and there is some correlation between the personality types of seekers and how their seeking unfolds:
Yesterday, the way that PERSONALITY TYPE ONE seekers, religious persons, and spiritual persons function. Today, the seeking and behavior patterns of PERSONALITY TYPE TWOS will be discussed.
In the 1990’s in the U.S., a popular television sitcom entitled “Home Improvement” poked fun at those males who were preoccupied with collecting tools and forever using them to try to impress and gain the approval / love of others living in their home and in their neighborhood.
That’s the way it is with Personality Type Twos who are seeking or who are involved in religion or who are absorbed with their spiritual movements or programs. They play the role of “The Super Sponsor,” “The Super Helper,” “The Super Giver,” “The Types Who Work So Much to Help Others - in Order to Get “Love” - That They Neglect Their Own Basic Requirements,” etc.
They engage in religious or spiritual quests which render them totally preoccupied with collecting “tools” which they can use to try to impress and gain the approval / “love” of others.
Their quest is never to “find Self” or to “be rid of self.” Their quest is totally focused on doing all that they do in order to stockpile a massive mental library of knowledge (“learned ignorance”) which they can then use constantly to try to assist and help and aid and support others (with an ulterior motive of being appreciated and hence loved).
Usually, their quest for such love is rooted in a “father issue” from the early years which left them with a sense that they – at most – only got half pf the love they wanted. Often, a Type Two’s father was absent because of death or divorce or, if present, was nevertheless totally available to his child / children.
Twos most often attract “broken wing” types and the needy and users, their personality identification as “The Super Helper” or “The Super Savior” or “The Rescuer” being totally dependent on a willing, co-dependent player of the counterpart role which allows “helping” and “rescuing” to happen.
Their subconscious motives, therefore, reinforce identification with the false selves / roles they assume. They seldom Realize because they are dependent upon - and co-dependent with – those “broken wing” types and the needy and users. Moreover, their agenda also blocks others from ever becoming totally independent and free.
A Type Two female said:
“All of my jobs revolved around helping people. I was a teacher who wanted to be sensitive to children and help them get off to a good start. I was a religious education director in a number of parishes. I thought that if people learned about the spiritual life, they’d be happier. The most important part of my life is my spiritual life. I was in a religious community for ten years. I married a former priest, and we both have our spirituality as the basis of our life together.”
Of such types, the Enneagram Institute notes: “However, Twos’ inner development may be limited by their “shadow side” - pride, self-deception, the tendency to become over-involved in the lives of others, and the tendency to manipulate others to get their own emotional needs met”
“Average to unhealthy Twos seek validation of their worth by obeying their superego’s demands to sacrifice themselves for others. They believe they must always put others first and be loving and unselfish if they want to get ‘love.’ The problem is that ‘putting others first’ makes Twos secretly angry and resentful, feelings which they work hard to repress or deny. Nevertheless, they eventually erupt in various ways, disrupting Twos’ relationships and revealing the inauthenticity of many of the average to unhealthy Two’s claims about themselves and the depth of their ‘love’.”
That same scenario plays out constantly in step groups, in spiritual movements, and in “self-help” groups, (as if “self-help” were a real possibility).
The relevant pointers from Maharaj include the following:
“The idea of responsibility is in your mind. You think there must be something or somebody solely responsible for all that happens. There is a contradiction between a multiple universe and a single cause. Either one or the other must be false. Or both. As I see it, it is all day-dreaming”
“ . . . None can help you” (and you can help none) because “There are no ‘others’ to help”
“ . . . As to the people you want to help, they are in their respective worlds for the sake of their desires; there is no way of helping them except through their desires”
“To Me there is no 'me', 'no man' and no giving. All this is merely a flicker in the mind. I am infinite peace and silence in which nothing appears, for all that appears - disappears. Nobody comes for help, nobody offers help, nobody gets help. It is all but a display in consciousness”
“The only thing that can ‘help’ is to wake up from the dream”
“The only help worth giving is freeing from the need for further help.”
Again, therefore, the pointer offered earlier: Type Twos seldom Realize because they are dependent upon - and co-dependent with – those “broken wing” types and the needy and users. Moreover, their agenda also blocks others from ever becoming totally independent and free.
Yet with Twos on a quest - as with so many other types on a quest - the "important / totally unimportant" understanding seldom comes. As a result, peace seldom comes, either.
To be continued.
Please enter into the silence of contemplation.
21 January 2015
[You may scroll down to "Section Four" to find how to receive up to five, free eBooks which deal with a variety of non-dual topics]
[You may scroll down to "Section Four" to find how to receive up to five, free eBooks which deal with a variety of non-dual topics]
F.: To review why the masses are unable to just abide simply; are unable to let “life go on” and unable to “abide naturally”; are unable to be free of all encumbrances and unable to just take it easy; are unable to relax and just live; are unable to lose their excessive seriousness; and are unable to simply “Dance Lightly” for the remainder of the manifestation:
1. Because they are involved with a religion or ideology or philosophy that provides a perceived payoff, often including instant freedom from what they take to be “the eternal consequences of sin” by merely asking.
2. Because they are “Dissociation Seekers,” not truly seeking Reality as much as they are seeking to escape from or avoid the realities of the relative existence.
3. Because of their early programming and conditioning, which set persons up to accept something less than any human deserves, they normalize a “less than” existence which has no element of fullness to it at all.
4. Because they love the roles played at the third step on a seven-step “path,” including “The Super Religious One” or “The Spiritual Giant” or “The Super Seeker.” Similar to “Dissociation Seekers,” the ones playing “The Super Seeker” role are not really seeking to move toward something as much as they are trying to move away from something or someone: a boring life; a boring mate; children; responsibilities involved with maintaining a domicile; work, etc.:
“Hi. I’m going to a meeting so I’ll be late.”
“Hi. I’m going to be meeting with someone who is just getting started with our deal, so I’ll be out most of the evening.”
“Hi. We’re going to a weekend retreat so I’ll see you and the children late Sunday night.”
“Hi. A group of us are going up to the central part of the country and visit Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park and the sacred rock formations there.”
“Hi. I’ll be back in three days. We’re going to a retreat at the Mahabodhi Temple Complex in the Bodh Gaya area.”
"Hi. See you in about two weeks. Some in our group have arranged a tour of the holy sites in the Middle East.”
“Hi. I’ll be out most of the weekend. I’ve volunteered to work the phone banks Saturday and Sunday. Then we have the group barbecue Sunday evening. Later.”
“Hi. I’ll be gone for about sixteen days. We’re going to Peru to visit Machu Picchu.”
And the same happens among all who claim they are seeking something which just happens to require them to be away; or who are seeking to do something which provides an excuse to avoid spouses, children, and other responsibilities at home; or who are seeking chances to be called away with the justification that they must “help others”:
“Hi. Back from my tour of duty in the war.” “Bye. Volunteering to go back to the war and kill people to help my buddies. See you and the kid later.” “Hi. Back from my second tour of duty.” “Bye. See you and kid later – going back to the war. No rest for the weary, you know. Gotta kill, kill, kill.” “Hi. Back from my third tour of duty.” “Bye. Going back to the war.” “Hi. Back from the war again. I'm staying home now.” “Bye. Gotta go help my buddies who have mental problems. Don’t wait up – this is gonna be a late one.”
[Add in the roles of "The Super Xenophobic," “The Super Helper,” “The Super Savior,” “The Super Loyalist,” “The Super Patriot,” “The Super Killer,” etc. to see how false personality identifications drive such behaviors in persons and to see some of the most astonishing things that persons can become addicted to. More on that in “Reason #6.”]
Of course many of those types are so bored that they seek out any and every opportunity to find something to get the adrenals pumping in order to become emotionally-intoxicated and thus “lose themselves” in the process while also getting away from a spouse or from family responsibilities which their attachment disorders drive them to avoid except in the most perfunctory way.
5. Because of the method of teaching which they happened to find (or more often just stumbled across). Three of the five methods usually end up involving a lifetime of seeking or study or engaging in “spiritual exercises.”
Next, Reason #6:
6. Personality.
Many regular visitors to this site are aware that there are nine basic personality types and that each person has a primary type which usually develops by the age of six or so; then, varying degrees of the other eight types usually show up as well.
There is some correlation between the personality type of a seeker and how that person's seeking - and behaviors - will unfold:
PERSONALITY TYPE ONES: Being perfectionists, Type Ones are not likely to ever be attracted to the notion that one can reach a point where they are "freed and finished," totally; thus, they are never really freed from the three keys symptoms of the Ultimate Sickness identified by Maharaj: “ignorance, stupidity, and insanity.”
Non-Realized Type Ones will refuse to admit that anyone could find even the slightest evidence of any of those three symptoms in their thoughts or behaviors. Yet they will never be finished with seeking, because they are driven to know it all, so they will forever be about the business of accumulating knowledge (a.k.a., “learned ignorance” per Maharaj). In that way they are very much like Type Fives.
Also, Type Ones often have an intense sense of right and wrong which leads them to attach to “personal” religious and moral values. They can develop an extreme “sense of mission”; combine that with a desire to change all of those with different beliefs from theirs and there is the potential for them to take extreme steps to push their belief system onto others.
In the effort to stay true to their principles, Ones resist being affected by their instinctual drives, consciously not giving in to them or expressing them too freely. The result is a personality type that has problems with repression, resistance, and aggression: "Sex in this life? No thanks. We prefer to keep our women covered head to toe so none of us will be tempted; besides, we’re going to have huge numbers of women to gratify us sexually once we die as martyrs"; or, "I'm a good Catholic. Sex is not for pleasure. It is for procreation. That alone is the proper purpose of sex, and that alone is pleasing to God. I was taught, 'If it feels good, stop it!'"
They also find it difficult to trust their inner guidance, so Type Ones (1) seldom ever awaken to the truth available via the inner guru or the inner resource and they (2) come to rely far more heavily on their superego (which is a learned voice from their childhood which they allow to guide them toward what they see as “the greater good” which they so passionately seek).
[Superego = a part of a person's mind which relates to dualistic attitudes about what is right vs. wrong and then to feelings of guilt; it is the part of a person's mind that acts as a self-critical conscience, reflecting standards learned from parents and teachers and religious or spiritual leaders; it is the critical, rigid, always-talking "mother within" who has such high expectations that no one can usually ever meet.]
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
20 January 2015
1. Because they are involved with a religion or ideology or philosophy that provides a perceived payoff, often including instant freedom from what they take to be “the eternal consequences of sin” by merely asking.
2. Because they are “Dissociation Seekers,” not truly seeking Reality as much as they are seeking to escape from or avoid the realities of the relative existence.
3. Because of their early programming and conditioning, which set persons up to accept something less than any human deserves, they normalize a “less than” existence which has no element of fullness to it at all.
4. Because they love the roles played at the third step on a seven-step “path,” including “The Super Religious One” or “The Spiritual Giant” or “The Super Seeker.” Similar to “Dissociation Seekers,” the ones playing “The Super Seeker” role are not really seeking to move toward something as much as they are trying to move away from something or someone: a boring life; a boring mate; children; responsibilities involved with maintaining a domicile; work, etc.:
“Hi. I’m going to a meeting so I’ll be late.”
“Hi. I’m going to be meeting with someone who is just getting started with our deal, so I’ll be out most of the evening.”
“Hi. We’re going to a weekend retreat so I’ll see you and the children late Sunday night.”
“Hi. A group of us are going up to the central part of the country and visit Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park and the sacred rock formations there.”
“Hi. I’ll be back in three days. We’re going to a retreat at the Mahabodhi Temple Complex in the Bodh Gaya area.”
"Hi. See you in about two weeks. Some in our group have arranged a tour of the holy sites in the Middle East.”
“Hi. I’ll be out most of the weekend. I’ve volunteered to work the phone banks Saturday and Sunday. Then we have the group barbecue Sunday evening. Later.”
“Hi. I’ll be gone for about sixteen days. We’re going to Peru to visit Machu Picchu.”
And the same happens among all who claim they are seeking something which just happens to require them to be away; or who are seeking to do something which provides an excuse to avoid spouses, children, and other responsibilities at home; or who are seeking chances to be called away with the justification that they must “help others”:
“Hi. Back from my tour of duty in the war.” “Bye. Volunteering to go back to the war and kill people to help my buddies. See you and the kid later.” “Hi. Back from my second tour of duty.” “Bye. See you and kid later – going back to the war. No rest for the weary, you know. Gotta kill, kill, kill.” “Hi. Back from my third tour of duty.” “Bye. Going back to the war.” “Hi. Back from the war again. I'm staying home now.” “Bye. Gotta go help my buddies who have mental problems. Don’t wait up – this is gonna be a late one.”
[Add in the roles of "The Super Xenophobic," “The Super Helper,” “The Super Savior,” “The Super Loyalist,” “The Super Patriot,” “The Super Killer,” etc. to see how false personality identifications drive such behaviors in persons and to see some of the most astonishing things that persons can become addicted to. More on that in “Reason #6.”]
Of course many of those types are so bored that they seek out any and every opportunity to find something to get the adrenals pumping in order to become emotionally-intoxicated and thus “lose themselves” in the process while also getting away from a spouse or from family responsibilities which their attachment disorders drive them to avoid except in the most perfunctory way.
5. Because of the method of teaching which they happened to find (or more often just stumbled across). Three of the five methods usually end up involving a lifetime of seeking or study or engaging in “spiritual exercises.”
Next, Reason #6:
6. Personality.
Many regular visitors to this site are aware that there are nine basic personality types and that each person has a primary type which usually develops by the age of six or so; then, varying degrees of the other eight types usually show up as well.
There is some correlation between the personality type of a seeker and how that person's seeking - and behaviors - will unfold:
PERSONALITY TYPE ONES: Being perfectionists, Type Ones are not likely to ever be attracted to the notion that one can reach a point where they are "freed and finished," totally; thus, they are never really freed from the three keys symptoms of the Ultimate Sickness identified by Maharaj: “ignorance, stupidity, and insanity.”
Non-Realized Type Ones will refuse to admit that anyone could find even the slightest evidence of any of those three symptoms in their thoughts or behaviors. Yet they will never be finished with seeking, because they are driven to know it all, so they will forever be about the business of accumulating knowledge (a.k.a., “learned ignorance” per Maharaj). In that way they are very much like Type Fives.
Also, Type Ones often have an intense sense of right and wrong which leads them to attach to “personal” religious and moral values. They can develop an extreme “sense of mission”; combine that with a desire to change all of those with different beliefs from theirs and there is the potential for them to take extreme steps to push their belief system onto others.
In the effort to stay true to their principles, Ones resist being affected by their instinctual drives, consciously not giving in to them or expressing them too freely. The result is a personality type that has problems with repression, resistance, and aggression: "Sex in this life? No thanks. We prefer to keep our women covered head to toe so none of us will be tempted; besides, we’re going to have huge numbers of women to gratify us sexually once we die as martyrs"; or, "I'm a good Catholic. Sex is not for pleasure. It is for procreation. That alone is the proper purpose of sex, and that alone is pleasing to God. I was taught, 'If it feels good, stop it!'"
They also find it difficult to trust their inner guidance, so Type Ones (1) seldom ever awaken to the truth available via the inner guru or the inner resource and they (2) come to rely far more heavily on their superego (which is a learned voice from their childhood which they allow to guide them toward what they see as “the greater good” which they so passionately seek).
[Superego = a part of a person's mind which relates to dualistic attitudes about what is right vs. wrong and then to feelings of guilt; it is the part of a person's mind that acts as a self-critical conscience, reflecting standards learned from parents and teachers and religious or spiritual leaders; it is the critical, rigid, always-talking "mother within" who has such high expectations that no one can usually ever meet.]
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
20 January 2015
[You may scroll down to "Section Four" to find how to receive up to five, free eBooks which deal with a variety of non-dual topics]
[You may scroll down to "Section Four" to find how to receive up to five, free eBooks which deal with a variety of non-dual topics]
F.: The questions now being addressed include these:
So why can people not just abide simply and let “life go on,” as Maharaj advised. Why can they not “abide naturally” but end up abiding instead either unnaturally (for example, eating body and blood) or trying to abide supernaturally (by causing ringing sounds by placing a special bowl on a special pillow and striking it with a special stick or arranging expensive crystals in particular patterns or sitting under a pyramid made of metal rods)? Why can they not be free of all encumbrances and just take it easy? Why can they not relax and just live? Why can they not enjoy? Why can they not lose the excess seriousness? Why can they not simply “Dance Lightly” for the remainder of the manifestation?
The reasons why none of that is happening among the non-Realized masses vary. Earlier, this was offered as Reason #1:
1. There’s a perceived payoff, often including instant freedom from what they take to be “the eternal consequences of sin,” received time and again merely for the asking. In their minds and belief systems, just by asking for it, a “clean slate” is restored. Also, since they admit, “I am a sinner and will never be perfect,” the stage is set for them to continue throughout the entire relative existence to steal and cheat and do whatever is in their “self -interest” (that is, in the interest of a multitude of false selves – each with a hidden agenda – to be able to do whatever they want to do and to do whatever it might take for them to get, always, whatever they want.)
Why else are the masses unable to merely abide simply; to let “life go on”; to “abide naturally”; to be free of all encumbrances; to take it easy; to relax and just live; to lose the excess seriousness; and to simply “Dance Lightly” for the remainder of the manifestation?
Why else? Reason #2:
2. This was offered: Also at play can be those personas which inspire people to claim that they want to be Fully Realized but who are actually only seeking to escape reality and to dissociate from the relative existence and the responsibilities that it can require.
From the free eBook “The Most Dangerous Belief of All”: “The teachings have nothing to do with ‘escaping reality,’ with ‘leaving this world behind, mentally,’ with ‘relocating, mentally, into a castle in the air or into Foo-Foo Land’ or with ‘leaving the AM-ness behind and abiding as THAT alone’.”
Why else? Reason #3:
3. Because of their early programming and conditioning, which set persons up to accept something less than any humans deserve.
You might ask if you were set up to normalize a “less than” existence that has no element of fullness to it at all? Are those offering a treatment plan for you using those subconscious beliefs to keep you coming back rather than seeking the real deal which can afford you a shot at enjoying a sense of fullness rather than a deflating and stagnating sense of emptiness? Why are you really settling for less than total healing?
Maharaj: “Life goes on, but it is spontaneous and free, meaningful and happy.”
Maharaj stopped offering mantras, and there is no mantra offered here. Yet a key pointer to consider can be offered: “Simplicity is the essence of abiding normally and naturally, and normal and natural abidance is marked by simplicity.”
A man in India wrote: “I sat in Maharaj’s tiny loft and heard him say that ‘this is all so simple’ and ‘it is all very simple’ and ‘the I AM is just pure and simple being.’ He said it, but it has been you that has shown me why it is simple, how to reach the simple, and how to keep it simple. Thank you.”
Why else? Reason #4:
4. Affiliations and ego-assumption and the egotism which always manifests shortly after each and every ego-state is assumed as an identity. Ninety-seven percent of the people on the planet are affiliated with one religion or another. They love playing the role of “The Super Religious One.” Millions more brag that they “are not religious” but are “spiritual instead”; they love playing the role of “The Spiritual Giant.” Then there are those involved with Eastern philosophies who assume the role of “The Super Seeker” and love playing out that role (which affords them more opportunities to escape the tedious or boring relative existence with what they deem to be its “excess of responsibilities” or to escape from a home life with someone they really to not want to be around. Seeking, for them, can offer what they take to be "a legitimate excuse" for being away, for attending sessions or meetings, for traveling to "holy places" or to "special places with special energy" in supposedly special places all around the globe).
Why else? Reason #5:
5. The method of teaching which they happened to find (or more often just stumbled across):
If seekers happen to find the DIRECT PATH METHOD, then they might work for years trying to find an efficient means for traversing that “path.” If they happen to find the DIRECT PATH METHOD offered in combination with NISARGA YOGA and understand the message there, then they might “get it” and start abiding naturally rather than unnaturally or “supernaturally” (that is, “religiously” or “spiritually”) and be done with seeking and with making a second job out of mere living.
If seekers happen to find the PSEUDO ADVAITA METHOD, then they will never Realize. They can spend a lifetime studying non-duality without ever being able to just abide simply; to let “life go on”; to “abide naturally”; to be free of all encumbrances; to just take it easy; to relax and just live; to lose the excess seriousness; and to simply “Dance Lightly” for the remainder of the manifestation.
If seekers happen to find the TRADITIONAL ADVAITA METHOD, then they, too, might spend a lifetime working at learning Sanskrit and studying the Upanishads and the Bhagavad Gita and the Brahma Suttras and focusing as much on “scriptures” as do the members of the three religions which grew out of the teachings of Abraham, namely, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. This method is another than often leads to a lifetime of “work” at trying to Realize and at trying “be free,” though most witnessed here are never free of their “seeking and spiritual work.”
If seekers happen to find NEO-VEDANTA METHOD, they, too, can work forever at gathering new concepts and ego-states who prefer sublime or exalted or lofty content.
If seekers happen to find the NEO-ADVAITA METHOD, then they can spend a lifetime thinking they have attained the ultimate understanding though – in most cases - they have actually understood nothing but have avoided entirely the process required to truly understand and then to be truly free and abide naturally.
[Note that only one of those methods, if combined with the Nisarga Yoga, provides the opportunity to attain a final understanding and then be done with it . . . done with seeking; done with all of the extra work that is not really necessary; done with distorting the relative existence into a two-job event rather than meeting basic requirements and then taking it easy and living simply. With most non-dual methods, as with all religions, one is led into making a lifetime commitment to dogma or teachings or principles or never-ending worship activities and spiritual exercises, ad infinitum. Only one combination offers a "get it and then be done with it" invitation. The rest suggest that their deal should be all-important in the beginning and then also all-important forever after as well. See? The deal here really is about . . . simplicity.]
Why else? Reason #6:
6. Personality. More on that tomorrow.
To be continued.
Please enter into the silence of contemplation.
International buyers: note the separate option for those outside the continental U.S.
II. BY READING the explanations offered in the collection of non-duality books that are available on this site and at www.floydhenderson.com.
III. BY ENROLLING in the Online Advaita Classes For information, visit Information on the Advaita Classes on the Internet To enroll visit Enroll in the Advaita Internet Course
IV. BY ATTENDING an Advaitin retreat with floyd and being guided through all seven steps. For details of the retreats offered, please visit the retreat information site.
V. BY ARRANGING a one-hour session via Skype or telephone with Floyd. (Skype is a free service.)
Click the button to pay and you will be contacted to arrange a date and time for the call.
VI. BY USING EBOOKS available at
Floyd Henderson's Website



Anthology of four books

Anthology of six books






The following eBooks are available without charge for you or for friends:
24. both made the decision that whatever amount of the relative existence remains shall be spent in sharing the teachings in the way that has been seen to be the most effective method: not suggesting that there are not enough religious persons; not suggesting that the Ultimate Sickness is caused by being "spiritually-unfit"; but by seeing that the problem centers in the mind (which must come to an end, which it will the moment all beliefs are abandoned)
Looking back over the list of those that have truly received the understanding, it is seen that Robert R. read all of the books, then took the online Advaita course and then completed some face-to-face Skype sessions to receive the final clarifications required. It was seen that Mac read all of the books, completed the online course, and then attended a retreat where he was guided through the seven steps. Mac said that the online course work inspired him to attend the retreat in order to be able to receive the final "pieces." It was seen that Andy Gugar, Jr. read all of the books, then came here for a retreat and was taken through the seven steps in order, and then returned once more for the final clarifications required. After reviewing the shifts that happened with him after attending two retreats, he reaffirmed this past week his commitment to helping spread the non-duality, nisarga understanding as presented here.
So why can people not just abide simply and let “life go on,” as Maharaj advised. Why can they not “abide naturally” but end up abiding instead either unnaturally (for example, eating body and blood) or trying to abide supernaturally (by causing ringing sounds by placing a special bowl on a special pillow and striking it with a special stick or arranging expensive crystals in particular patterns or sitting under a pyramid made of metal rods)? Why can they not be free of all encumbrances and just take it easy? Why can they not relax and just live? Why can they not enjoy? Why can they not lose the excess seriousness? Why can they not simply “Dance Lightly” for the remainder of the manifestation?
The reasons why none of that is happening among the non-Realized masses vary. Earlier, this was offered as Reason #1:
1. There’s a perceived payoff, often including instant freedom from what they take to be “the eternal consequences of sin,” received time and again merely for the asking. In their minds and belief systems, just by asking for it, a “clean slate” is restored. Also, since they admit, “I am a sinner and will never be perfect,” the stage is set for them to continue throughout the entire relative existence to steal and cheat and do whatever is in their “self -interest” (that is, in the interest of a multitude of false selves – each with a hidden agenda – to be able to do whatever they want to do and to do whatever it might take for them to get, always, whatever they want.)
Why else are the masses unable to merely abide simply; to let “life go on”; to “abide naturally”; to be free of all encumbrances; to take it easy; to relax and just live; to lose the excess seriousness; and to simply “Dance Lightly” for the remainder of the manifestation?
Why else? Reason #2:
2. This was offered: Also at play can be those personas which inspire people to claim that they want to be Fully Realized but who are actually only seeking to escape reality and to dissociate from the relative existence and the responsibilities that it can require.
From the free eBook “The Most Dangerous Belief of All”: “The teachings have nothing to do with ‘escaping reality,’ with ‘leaving this world behind, mentally,’ with ‘relocating, mentally, into a castle in the air or into Foo-Foo Land’ or with ‘leaving the AM-ness behind and abiding as THAT alone’.”
Why else? Reason #3:
3. Because of their early programming and conditioning, which set persons up to accept something less than any humans deserve.
You might ask if you were set up to normalize a “less than” existence that has no element of fullness to it at all? Are those offering a treatment plan for you using those subconscious beliefs to keep you coming back rather than seeking the real deal which can afford you a shot at enjoying a sense of fullness rather than a deflating and stagnating sense of emptiness? Why are you really settling for less than total healing?
Maharaj: “Life goes on, but it is spontaneous and free, meaningful and happy.”
Maharaj stopped offering mantras, and there is no mantra offered here. Yet a key pointer to consider can be offered: “Simplicity is the essence of abiding normally and naturally, and normal and natural abidance is marked by simplicity.”
A man in India wrote: “I sat in Maharaj’s tiny loft and heard him say that ‘this is all so simple’ and ‘it is all very simple’ and ‘the I AM is just pure and simple being.’ He said it, but it has been you that has shown me why it is simple, how to reach the simple, and how to keep it simple. Thank you.”
Why else? Reason #4:
4. Affiliations and ego-assumption and the egotism which always manifests shortly after each and every ego-state is assumed as an identity. Ninety-seven percent of the people on the planet are affiliated with one religion or another. They love playing the role of “The Super Religious One.” Millions more brag that they “are not religious” but are “spiritual instead”; they love playing the role of “The Spiritual Giant.” Then there are those involved with Eastern philosophies who assume the role of “The Super Seeker” and love playing out that role (which affords them more opportunities to escape the tedious or boring relative existence with what they deem to be its “excess of responsibilities” or to escape from a home life with someone they really to not want to be around. Seeking, for them, can offer what they take to be "a legitimate excuse" for being away, for attending sessions or meetings, for traveling to "holy places" or to "special places with special energy" in supposedly special places all around the globe).
Why else? Reason #5:
5. The method of teaching which they happened to find (or more often just stumbled across):
If seekers happen to find the DIRECT PATH METHOD, then they might work for years trying to find an efficient means for traversing that “path.” If they happen to find the DIRECT PATH METHOD offered in combination with NISARGA YOGA and understand the message there, then they might “get it” and start abiding naturally rather than unnaturally or “supernaturally” (that is, “religiously” or “spiritually”) and be done with seeking and with making a second job out of mere living.
If seekers happen to find the PSEUDO ADVAITA METHOD, then they will never Realize. They can spend a lifetime studying non-duality without ever being able to just abide simply; to let “life go on”; to “abide naturally”; to be free of all encumbrances; to just take it easy; to relax and just live; to lose the excess seriousness; and to simply “Dance Lightly” for the remainder of the manifestation.
If seekers happen to find the TRADITIONAL ADVAITA METHOD, then they, too, might spend a lifetime working at learning Sanskrit and studying the Upanishads and the Bhagavad Gita and the Brahma Suttras and focusing as much on “scriptures” as do the members of the three religions which grew out of the teachings of Abraham, namely, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. This method is another than often leads to a lifetime of “work” at trying to Realize and at trying “be free,” though most witnessed here are never free of their “seeking and spiritual work.”
If seekers happen to find NEO-VEDANTA METHOD, they, too, can work forever at gathering new concepts and ego-states who prefer sublime or exalted or lofty content.
If seekers happen to find the NEO-ADVAITA METHOD, then they can spend a lifetime thinking they have attained the ultimate understanding though – in most cases - they have actually understood nothing but have avoided entirely the process required to truly understand and then to be truly free and abide naturally.
[Note that only one of those methods, if combined with the Nisarga Yoga, provides the opportunity to attain a final understanding and then be done with it . . . done with seeking; done with all of the extra work that is not really necessary; done with distorting the relative existence into a two-job event rather than meeting basic requirements and then taking it easy and living simply. With most non-dual methods, as with all religions, one is led into making a lifetime commitment to dogma or teachings or principles or never-ending worship activities and spiritual exercises, ad infinitum. Only one combination offers a "get it and then be done with it" invitation. The rest suggest that their deal should be all-important in the beginning and then also all-important forever after as well. See? The deal here really is about . . . simplicity.]
Why else? Reason #6:
6. Personality. More on that tomorrow.
To be continued.
Please enter into the silence of contemplation.
I. BY WATCHING the 4-Disk, Seven-Hour Video (DVD) Set of an advaita retreat, or the downloadable file version. To find out more or to purchase the DVD or downloadable computer file version of the retreat, DVD or Downloadable computer file versions of the Four-Day Advaita Retreat
I. BY WATCHING the 4-Disk, Seven-Hour Video (DVD) Set of an advaita retreat, or the downloadable file version. To find out more or to purchase the DVD or downloadable computer file version of the retreat, DVD or Downloadable computer file versions of the Four-Day Advaita Retreat
International buyers: note the separate option for those outside the continental U.S.
II. BY READING the explanations offered in the collection of non-duality books that are available on this site and at www.floydhenderson.com.
III. BY ENROLLING in the Online Advaita Classes For information, visit Information on the Advaita Classes on the Internet To enroll visit Enroll in the Advaita Internet Course
IV. BY ATTENDING an Advaitin retreat with floyd and being guided through all seven steps. For details of the retreats offered, please visit the retreat information site.
V. BY ARRANGING a one-hour session via Skype or telephone with Floyd. (Skype is a free service.)
Click the button to pay and you will be contacted to arrange a date and time for the call.
VI. BY USING EBOOKS available at
Floyd Henderson's Website
minutes of purchase you can be reading any of the eBooks below on your
mobile devices, including an iPhone, iPad, Android tablet, Android
phone, laptop, home computer or Kindle reader.
FROM THE I TO THE ABSOLUTE: A Seven-Step Journey to Reality



Anthology of four books

Anthology of six books


For more information on this book, or to purchase a copy now, click:





(Compliments of Andy Gugar, Jr.)
(Compliments of Andy Gugar, Jr.)
The following eBooks are available without charge for you or for friends:
content of this eBook deals with one of the most common but erroneous
beliefs that the non-Realized masses cling to and which they will fight
about (and even kill over), namely, that there is a planet-wide duel
going on between “the forces of good and evil” in the universe.
Maharaj said of each that visited his Bombay loft, “Only that person will visit this place whose virtue and sin have come to an end.”
He also said that the problems of humankind are problems associated
with the Ultimate Sickness and that three of the key traits of the
Ultimate Sickness are "ignorance, stupidity, and insanity."
that end, either (1) the ancient view is spot on: that the "ills of the
planet" are rooted in evil people, in people not being religious enough
or spiritual enough, and are caused solely by bad morality; or, (2) the
"ills of the planet" are rooted in ignorance, stupidity and insanity
and "being good" or "being moral" does not put an end to ignorance, does
not eliminate stupidity, and does not treat insanity in any way.
Comments regarding the free eBook entitled “THE VISION”:
“My thanks to you and Andy.” – Andrew “Mac” McMaster
“Thanks so much for the book! And, by the way, it is brilliant and the most effective pointing that you have done. It has served to help clear the remaining blockages.” – Stan Cross
“Greatly appreciate having “THE VISION” added to my Henderson resource library that is situated on the right side of my bed for easy access! Eternally grateful for what was received and what was given.” – Robert Rigby
“ ‘THE VISION’ is such a well-written, condensed version of the Nisarga Yoga approach to understanding and enjoying Reality that I feel it can serve as a must-read ‘meditation guide’ for all earnest seekers.” – Andy Gugar, Jr.
“My thanks to you and Andy.” – Andrew “Mac” McMaster
“Thanks so much for the book! And, by the way, it is brilliant and the most effective pointing that you have done. It has served to help clear the remaining blockages.” – Stan Cross
“Greatly appreciate having “THE VISION” added to my Henderson resource library that is situated on the right side of my bed for easy access! Eternally grateful for what was received and what was given.” – Robert Rigby
“ ‘THE VISION’ is such a well-written, condensed version of the Nisarga Yoga approach to understanding and enjoying Reality that I feel it can serve as a must-read ‘meditation guide’ for all earnest seekers.” – Andy Gugar, Jr.
While in South Africa in 2011, I was introduced to A Primate’s Memoir (2002)
by Dr. Robert Maurice Sapolsky. Sapolsky is an American
neuroendocrinologist; a professor of biology, neuroscience, and
neurosurgery at Stanford University; a researcher; an author; and a
Research Associate at the National Museums of Kenya.
A Primate’s Memoir (which documents Sapolsky’s years in Africa while studying baboons), was recommended because there is much that a non-dualist or Advaitin or Nisargan can relate to by comparing and contrasting what Sapolsky reveals about the way certain troops of baboons live in Africa with the way that humans abide all around the globe. The book also portrays an unconventional way of studying neurophysiology to determine the effects of stress on life expectancy. (And the reduction or elimination of stress among humans is one of the aims of the non-dual understanding.)
Now Sapolsky’s recent findings are offered in a documentary film entitled “Stress: Portrait of a Killer.” [The 56-minute film is available on YouTube in many countries.]
This 152-page eBook catalogues the common, non-dual message shared by Sapolsky and Maharaj and reveals the ways that Sapolsky’s scientific research supports the non-dual pointers offered by Maharaj.
In “PART ONE” it will be seen that most persons on the planet are not seeking, and most will never seek, but for those who are seeking, most will face several obstacles:
Often, many do not really know WHY they are seeking. Too, many who are asked WHAT they are seeking often offer no clear-cut answer beyond the standard talk about "Realization" or "Enlightenment." For those who have come this way and have a clear notions about why they are seeking and what they are seeking, many have not yet found anyone that has shown them exactly HOW to go about the process. The content in "Part One" offers some considerations about all three.
In “Part Two” of this book, it will be seen why many criticized Maharaj for “changing his message in his later talks.” It will be seen that the changes were not about changing the message per se as much as about changing his methodology as he experimented with one version of the Ultimate Medicine after another in order to try to find an effective means for addressing the Ultimate Sickness.
Maharaj’s loft was actually more of a laboratory in a loft in Bombay (now “Mumbai”) because he undertook in that loft many experiments in his efforts to find an effective form of the Ultimate Medicine that could treat the Ultimate Sickness effectively and successfully. In fact, he would eventually have three laboratories:
He first ran . . .
** a “Religion Laboratory,” then later
** a “Spirituality Laboratory” and eventually
** a “Psychology Laboratory.”
All three will be discussed in detail in "Part Two."
“Dangerous” is a term that can only apply during the relative existence. Among the Realized, there are no beliefs about “birth” so there are no beliefs about “the danger of death” (or the danger of anything else, for that matter).
[Sorry - for security reasons, no "clickable" link is provided. You'll need to type the address in to your emailed request manually. Also, the initial response to free eBook offerings is usually significant so it takes some time to process the requests. A new series will begin after those initial responses are taken care of. THX.]
A Primate’s Memoir (which documents Sapolsky’s years in Africa while studying baboons), was recommended because there is much that a non-dualist or Advaitin or Nisargan can relate to by comparing and contrasting what Sapolsky reveals about the way certain troops of baboons live in Africa with the way that humans abide all around the globe. The book also portrays an unconventional way of studying neurophysiology to determine the effects of stress on life expectancy. (And the reduction or elimination of stress among humans is one of the aims of the non-dual understanding.)
Now Sapolsky’s recent findings are offered in a documentary film entitled “Stress: Portrait of a Killer.” [The 56-minute film is available on YouTube in many countries.]
This 152-page eBook catalogues the common, non-dual message shared by Sapolsky and Maharaj and reveals the ways that Sapolsky’s scientific research supports the non-dual pointers offered by Maharaj.
In “PART ONE” it will be seen that most persons on the planet are not seeking, and most will never seek, but for those who are seeking, most will face several obstacles:
Often, many do not really know WHY they are seeking. Too, many who are asked WHAT they are seeking often offer no clear-cut answer beyond the standard talk about "Realization" or "Enlightenment." For those who have come this way and have a clear notions about why they are seeking and what they are seeking, many have not yet found anyone that has shown them exactly HOW to go about the process. The content in "Part One" offers some considerations about all three.
In “Part Two” of this book, it will be seen why many criticized Maharaj for “changing his message in his later talks.” It will be seen that the changes were not about changing the message per se as much as about changing his methodology as he experimented with one version of the Ultimate Medicine after another in order to try to find an effective means for addressing the Ultimate Sickness.
Maharaj’s loft was actually more of a laboratory in a loft in Bombay (now “Mumbai”) because he undertook in that loft many experiments in his efforts to find an effective form of the Ultimate Medicine that could treat the Ultimate Sickness effectively and successfully. In fact, he would eventually have three laboratories:
He first ran . . .
** a “Religion Laboratory,” then later
** a “Spirituality Laboratory” and eventually
** a “Psychology Laboratory.”
All three will be discussed in detail in "Part Two."
Regarding the content in this 337-page book:
“Dangerous” is a term that can only apply during the relative existence. Among the Realized, there are no beliefs about “birth” so there are no beliefs about “the danger of death” (or the danger of anything else, for that matter).
therefore, there are no concerns about “dying,” “an afterlife,” or
“receiving reward vs. punishment.” Additionally, the Realized make no
judgment about suicide or the “rightness” or “wrongness” of that act.
of those who do commit suicide, how many shoot themselves in the foot
over and over until they “bleed out”? None. They shoot themselves in the
head. Why? In order to try to stop the noise - to try to stop the
chatter of a thousand monkeys – to stop the noisy mind which is the area
that stores the ideas, notions, concepts, mind-stuff, etc. which drives
them into the depths of insanity.
what are those ideas, notions, concepts, etc. called, collectively? "Their beliefs." The irony? They are
not their beliefs at all.
They are the beliefs of “others” that were set in place via programming,
conditioning, etc. and which persons then think are their own.
what are those beliefs rooted in, and what reinforces those beliefs and
convinces persons that they are sacred and worth fighting over and even
sometimes worth dying for? Blind faith.
So how can “dangerous” have any relevance alongside an understanding which has no beliefs
about birth, death, or an afterlife? It is relevant only in terms of the
way that the relative unfolds.
Strictly relatively speaking, there are those who move through the
relative existence without being driven by what Maharaj called “ignorance and stupidity and insanity”
and there are those who move through the relative existence while being
driven by all three of those symptoms of the Ultimate Sickness.
Persons in the latter group who are driven by those three traits are the most
likely to generate, relatively speaking, hazard / menace / chaos /
danger . . . call it what you will.
While the Realized give no validity to any "a" vs. "b" duality, the Realized are
wise enough to stand (a) outside the tigers’ cage at a zoo rather than (b) enter
into the tigers’ cage.
a wise one were to somehow magically have the option of meeting either
Gandhi or ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in a dark alley, the wise one
would be interested in the beliefs of neither and would be in awe of
neither but would likely choose Gandhi over Abu Bakr, based in a wise
one’s tendency to seek peace rather than peril and wellbeing rather than
Yet that choice would be based in sanity and wisdom rather than in fear or fright; it would be based more in a tendency to end suffering rather than a propensity for increasing suffering.
to bring an end to the fear in which one might be trapped, the non-dual
teacher will gladly point out that that the rope in the dark corner of a
barn is a rope rather than a snake, but the teacher will be equally as
glad to point out the pending “danger” to the seeker who is about to try
to pick up a snake because she or he is mistaking it for a rope.
Again, Maharaj: “The teacher does not evaluate. His sole concern is with suffering and the ending of suffering.”
Realized understand that, in the end, those persons with the most
blind-faith-based beliefs are usually going to be the ones who are least
concerned about peace and the ones most likely to generate chaos and
relative dangers.
reason for offering the pointers in this book are in alignment with the
same reasons that any true non-dual pointers are offered: to cast light
onto the darkness; to allow those who cannot see to finally see; to
provide a method by which those who cannot differentiate between the
true and the false may finally do so;
offer an effective version of the Ultimate Medicine in order to
alleviate the ignorance-and-insanity-induced-suffering which results
from the Ultimate Sickness; and thus to facilitate the opportunity for
those seeking peace and light and True Love to succeed in their quest.
To that end, best regards.
To receive free copies, or to have us send free copies to your friends or
relatives, send the request (or their email addresses) to the following name:
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The "experiences" of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj and Floyd share many parallel. Many visitors have said that they have also shared some of the same parallels. Can you relate to any of these?
1. Both grew up in very poor families
3. both exhibited business skills that led to their opening and operating many businesses and to their having a large number of employees working for them
4. both succeeded financially
5. both became attached to accumulating
6. both married and had a family
7. both initially tried to address the Ultimate Sickness with religious teachings but realized that did not work, so both tried to address the Ultimate Sickness with spirituality, only to see eventually that "being spiritual" did not cure the Ultimate Sickness either
8. both then realized that the main problems of humanity center in the mind so both turned to the sharing of psychology and scientific-and-fact-based pointers to free persons of the effects of programming, conditioning, acculturation, domestication, brainwashing and indoctrination
9. both had highly religious wives who were quite displeased with the shift away from religion
10. both had grown to feel empty in spite of all of their "spiritual seeking" and in spite of all of their accumulated "spiritual knowledge"
1. Both grew up in very poor families
2. both moved to populated areas to seek employment opportunities
3. both exhibited business skills that led to their opening and operating many businesses and to their having a large number of employees working for them
4. both succeeded financially
5. both became attached to accumulating
6. both married and had a family
7. both initially tried to address the Ultimate Sickness with religious teachings but realized that did not work, so both tried to address the Ultimate Sickness with spirituality, only to see eventually that "being spiritual" did not cure the Ultimate Sickness either
8. both then realized that the main problems of humanity center in the mind so both turned to the sharing of psychology and scientific-and-fact-based pointers to free persons of the effects of programming, conditioning, acculturation, domestication, brainwashing and indoctrination
9. both had highly religious wives who were quite displeased with the shift away from religion
10. both had grown to feel empty in spite of all of their "spiritual seeking" and in spite of all of their accumulated "spiritual knowledge"
11. both began to de-accumulate after
both saw that they could survive quite well on a fraction of the income
they had been making
12. both had wives who were unhappy when the de-accumulation stage was entered and both had wives who became unhappy about their husbands' focus on non-duality and who blamed their unhappiness on no longer having a religious husband (and no longer having a husband who brought in huge sums of money)
13. both eventually came to see that the religious and spiritual states were also ego-states, and both saw that there are far more steps on the "path" to complete after reaching the religious and spiritual steps and after playing those roles which are the third of seven steps on the entire "path"
14. both "lost" their wives (one via "death," the other through divorce);
15. both accelerated their seeking
16. both entered into the "forest dweller stage"
17. both Realized
18. both began to de-accumulate even more
19. both began sharing the teachings
20. for years, both offered satsang
12. both had wives who were unhappy when the de-accumulation stage was entered and both had wives who became unhappy about their husbands' focus on non-duality and who blamed their unhappiness on no longer having a religious husband (and no longer having a husband who brought in huge sums of money)
13. both eventually came to see that the religious and spiritual states were also ego-states, and both saw that there are far more steps on the "path" to complete after reaching the religious and spiritual steps and after playing those roles which are the third of seven steps on the entire "path"
14. both "lost" their wives (one via "death," the other through divorce);
15. both accelerated their seeking
16. both entered into the "forest dweller stage"
17. both Realized
18. both began to de-accumulate even more
19. both began sharing the teachings
20. for years, both offered satsang
21. both saw that most who hear the teachings are still not going to understand
22. both, therefore, offered pointers without expectation, without attachment to outcome, and without any concern about the way that persons react to hearing Truth
23. both suggested that seekers focus on the exact, step-wise "path
22. both, therefore, offered pointers without expectation, without attachment to outcome, and without any concern about the way that persons react to hearing Truth
23. both suggested that seekers focus on the exact, step-wise "path
24. both made the decision that whatever amount of the relative existence remains shall be spent in sharing the teachings in the way that has been seen to be the most effective method: not suggesting that there are not enough religious persons; not suggesting that the Ultimate Sickness is caused by being "spiritually-unfit"; but by seeing that the problem centers in the mind (which must come to an end, which it will the moment all beliefs are abandoned)
Looking back over the list of those that have truly received the understanding, it is seen that Robert R. read all of the books, then took the online Advaita course and then completed some face-to-face Skype sessions to receive the final clarifications required. It was seen that Mac read all of the books, completed the online course, and then attended a retreat where he was guided through the seven steps. Mac said that the online course work inspired him to attend the retreat in order to be able to receive the final "pieces." It was seen that Andy Gugar, Jr. read all of the books, then came here for a retreat and was taken through the seven steps in order, and then returned once more for the final clarifications required. After reviewing the shifts that happened with him after attending two retreats, he reaffirmed this past week his commitment to helping spread the non-duality, nisarga understanding as presented here.
(Four by Floyd Henderson and two by Dennis Waite. Click the picture for more information or to order)
(Four by Floyd Henderson and two by Dennis Waite. Click the picture for more information or to order)