[You may scroll down to the book section – “Section Three, Part VI.” - to find details on five, free eBooks which deal with a variety of non-dual topics]
[You may scroll down to the book section – “Section Three, Part VI.” - to find details on five, free eBooks which deal with a variety of non-dual topics]
[Continued from yesterday]
In the previous post, examples were offered of instances where relative sicknesses and relative issues were addressed, after which what had been all-important at first later became totally unimportant:
1. Cancer polyps were found and removed; later, a process was found that ended the bi-annual need for outpatient surgical procedures, that process providing prevention rather than constantly treating further instances of cancer;
2. the cause of internal hemorrhaging was found to be the by-product of certain prescribed medications which induce bleeding in hundreds of thousands of patients annually;
3. John’s somnambulism was treated naturally and it ended.
In none of those cases was any of the treatment deemed by John or by me to involve something “supernatural” or “divine” or to be something that came only after we had become “noble” and “worthy” and “deserving.” In none of those cases did John or I come to believe that the treatment was “special” or “unique” or “exceptional” or that it involved something “other-worldly” or “mystical” or “paranormal” or “exclusive.”
In none of those cases did we forever after speak to everyone we met and endlessly “share” the specifics about our sicknesses or the details of our experiences which brought about wellness.
The case was not that everyone whose paths we crossed was subjected to hearing our story or to hearing it being bragged about that “I had cancer a year ago, but I’m well now” and later, “Five years ago I had cancer, but I’m well now” and later, “Ten years ago I had cancer but I’m well now” or “Guess what! Twenty years ago I had cancer but I am cancer-free now.”
Once the treatment was received which brought about freedom from the sickness and then provided wellness, that was that. Ever since, life was simply lived without any effort to make anymore believe that the changes which came made us “better people” or proved we were “blessed more than others” or that we had been rewarded with freedom from sickness and moved into a state of wellness because we had first become “good” and “righteous” and “moral” and “upright” and “honorable” persons.
We did not adopt the identity of “The One Made Well by Virtue of Being Virtuous.”
Maharaj: “Only that person will visit this place whose virtue and sin have come to an end."
We did not come to believe that we had become sick because of our sins, and we did not believe that we had become well because of our virtues.
The deal here is so simple. Maharaj said it time and again, but few understood: this really is all so simple. Why is the deal so simple?
Because it is not about studying for decades in order to accumulate knowledge and then become “An Expert Regarding All Things Holy”; because it is not about working day in and day out to become “A Spiritual Giant” and then maintain that role through daily spiritual exercises;
it is simple because it is simply about one simple thing: because of the way that everyone is programmed and conditioned and acculturated and domesticated and acculturated and brainwashed and indoctrinated and assigned scores of roles to play, the Ultimate Sickness is passed on to everyone.
Three of the key symptoms of the Sickness were identified by Maharaj as “ignorance, stupidity and insanity.” He did not say that the symptoms manifested in those with too little religion; he abandoned the notion that the symptoms involved some sort of spiritual malady; and he came to see that “ignorance and stupidity and insanity” were not eliminated by religion or by spiritual programs but were often actually aggravated by those organizations.
The single intent of the teachings is not to prepare one for an afterlife, because there is not one; the intent of the teaching is not to insure that one will receive a reward rather than punishment after this manifestation ends, because there will be no “one” to enjoy a reward or suffer from punishment.
The simple offering is to provide the Ultimate Medicine and to thereby bring to an end the misery and suffering that come with the Ultimate Sickness. This whole deal differs not at all from the deal by which cancer was removed, from the way that hemorrhaging was brought to an end, and from the way that sleepwalking was brought to an end. The only variation? Those were about treating physical issues. Realization is about treating the mental illness which is at the core of the Ultimate Sickness.
There is nothing magical or supernatural about this process. It involves seeing the real problem for what it really is - namely, a mental problem - and then addressing that problem in a way that sanity can be restored.
After that, Maharaj said: “Life is to be lived."
Just live, without making a second job out of trying to live supernaturally. See? Simple. Abide simply. De-accumulate. Take the steps to be free of the effects of having been assigned personalities as identities and thereby be free of the personality disorders (and neuroses and psychoses) that personality identifications always generate.
This was discussed in the newest free eBook entitled “The Most Dangerous Belief of All”:
A man who came here for a retreat this year has finally begun to allow the pointers which were offered to truly “steep” and thereby make up a healthy dose of Realization tea.
In the process, he is finally realizing that all of his efforts for so many years involved his desire to escape and to avoid all things relative by reaching some “other state” far removed from the relative state.
Now he’s beginning to see that the only state that he will ever “know” is the relative state. Post-manifestation, there will be no “one” to know or experience anything. To that end, he is beginning to realize that the existence for every living thing on the planet (except for humans) is a fairly-simple existence and that non-duality is offering the opportunity to join all other life-forms and thereby enjoy a fairly-simple existence as well.
He explained in a recent email that he had finally “realized something” which he had been missing. He said that he had come to see that “Realization / the Understanding has nothing to do with being in a ‘certain state’ such as Awareness or whatever.”
He said: "The Understanding of things is itself the whole key. It is a done deal in and of itself. I still had a lingering thing of being 'in Awareness' or in 'a certain kind of state' or feeling"; then, he went on to explain how miserable that has been.
He is seeing that his primary personality type’s key objective is to escape and that he had been trying to reach a state of Realization in order to do just that . . . to escape.
His entire subconscious motive in all of his years of non-dual seeking was to be able to live with his head in the clouds rather than having his feet planted firmly on the ground.
(So much for the advice to live dualistically by having your head in the clouds and also having your feet planted firmly on the ground. See, there is no “living in the clouds” or “beyond the relative.” Now, there is a temporary composite unity. Later, there will be free-ranging conscious-energy / unmanifested awareness-energy. One can be conscious of things relative now, but no one will ever be conscious of what happens post-manifestation, which will involve nothing more than conscious-energy returning to the universal field of conscious-energy. As for Jews and Christians expecting a “heavenly reward” and for Muslim martyrs expecting a “harem heaven” or Hindus expecting either Nirvana or another relative birth? Surprise!)
See, the man who sent the email above has longed for years to move - mentally - away from relative responsibilities and challenges and to escape to Foo-Foo Land.
In the process, he had come to believe that this “non-dual journey” (A) is not about the Am-ness and abiding NOW without being dominated by all of the widespread ignorance and stupidity and insanity but (B) is about something “lofty” and “Supreme” and “divine” and “other-worldly.”
He had not understood that “freedom” - in non-dual, Nisargan terms - is not about being free of the relative existence but is about abiding naturally and sanely and wisely throughout the remainder of the manifestation.
Persona-generated beliefs notwithstanding, being sick does not render one “different” or “special” or “unique”; furthermore, getting well (that is, being freed from being driven by the “ignorance and stupidity and insanity” which characterizes the Ultimate Sickness) does not make one “different” or “special” or “unique” either.
To abandon the abnormal, the unnatural, and the supposedly supernatural (and then abide naturally and sanely and logically and reasonably instead) is neither “an achievement” nor a “special accomplishment” nor a “triumph” nor a “blessing from some Power beyond” nor grounds for pride or arrogance or conceit or esteem.
In circles of normalcy and sanity, annual awards are not given for finally behaving in the way that normal and sane people have behaved all along.
A man shared that he had joined AA and upon the occasion of reaching 365 days of sobriety, a party was thrown for him, he received a medallion in recognition of his achievement, he was allowed to give a speech before his group, and he was made to feel special and unique.
He said that later that night, still being unemployed and unemployable and financially broke, he went to visit his rich grandmother (who had experienced considerable grief dealing with him for years) and bragged to her about his accomplishment (expecting her, he admitted, to reward him with a large monetary gift as congratulations for his “accomplishment”).
He said: “Grandmother! Guess what! As of today, I have been sober for exactly one year! What do you think about that? I bet you think that worth something, huh?”
She replied: “As of today, I’ve been sober for seventy-nine years. Now get the hell out of here. You’re not going to get another single penny out of me.”
See? Getting well and behaving sanely rather than insanely and behaving normally rather than abnormally, that's all just routine to those who can witness clearly. It's no big deal, really. It's just . . . simple. It's just . . . natural.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
Section Two offers other recent posts. (All of the nearly 2,400 posts as well as any specific topics which you’re interested in can be accessed by using the search feature at the top of the right column.)
Section Three offers ways that seekers have Realized, tools which some have used, and information on floyd's books.
Section Four offers four free eBooks, compliments of Andy Gugar, Jr.
Section Five discusses parallels in Maharaj's and Floyd's "journey" and provides a chance for you to see if you've had any such parallels as well.
Section Six offers information on paperbacks that are available through Amazon.com for those who prefer a book in hand.
* * * * * *
13 January 2015
In the previous post, examples were offered of instances where relative sicknesses and relative issues were addressed, after which what had been all-important at first later became totally unimportant:
1. Cancer polyps were found and removed; later, a process was found that ended the bi-annual need for outpatient surgical procedures, that process providing prevention rather than constantly treating further instances of cancer;
2. the cause of internal hemorrhaging was found to be the by-product of certain prescribed medications which induce bleeding in hundreds of thousands of patients annually;
3. John’s somnambulism was treated naturally and it ended.
In none of those cases was any of the treatment deemed by John or by me to involve something “supernatural” or “divine” or to be something that came only after we had become “noble” and “worthy” and “deserving.” In none of those cases did John or I come to believe that the treatment was “special” or “unique” or “exceptional” or that it involved something “other-worldly” or “mystical” or “paranormal” or “exclusive.”
In none of those cases did we forever after speak to everyone we met and endlessly “share” the specifics about our sicknesses or the details of our experiences which brought about wellness.
The case was not that everyone whose paths we crossed was subjected to hearing our story or to hearing it being bragged about that “I had cancer a year ago, but I’m well now” and later, “Five years ago I had cancer, but I’m well now” and later, “Ten years ago I had cancer but I’m well now” or “Guess what! Twenty years ago I had cancer but I am cancer-free now.”
Once the treatment was received which brought about freedom from the sickness and then provided wellness, that was that. Ever since, life was simply lived without any effort to make anymore believe that the changes which came made us “better people” or proved we were “blessed more than others” or that we had been rewarded with freedom from sickness and moved into a state of wellness because we had first become “good” and “righteous” and “moral” and “upright” and “honorable” persons.
We did not adopt the identity of “The One Made Well by Virtue of Being Virtuous.”
Maharaj: “Only that person will visit this place whose virtue and sin have come to an end."
We did not come to believe that we had become sick because of our sins, and we did not believe that we had become well because of our virtues.
The deal here is so simple. Maharaj said it time and again, but few understood: this really is all so simple. Why is the deal so simple?
Because it is not about studying for decades in order to accumulate knowledge and then become “An Expert Regarding All Things Holy”; because it is not about working day in and day out to become “A Spiritual Giant” and then maintain that role through daily spiritual exercises;
it is simple because it is simply about one simple thing: because of the way that everyone is programmed and conditioned and acculturated and domesticated and acculturated and brainwashed and indoctrinated and assigned scores of roles to play, the Ultimate Sickness is passed on to everyone.
Three of the key symptoms of the Sickness were identified by Maharaj as “ignorance, stupidity and insanity.” He did not say that the symptoms manifested in those with too little religion; he abandoned the notion that the symptoms involved some sort of spiritual malady; and he came to see that “ignorance and stupidity and insanity” were not eliminated by religion or by spiritual programs but were often actually aggravated by those organizations.
The single intent of the teachings is not to prepare one for an afterlife, because there is not one; the intent of the teaching is not to insure that one will receive a reward rather than punishment after this manifestation ends, because there will be no “one” to enjoy a reward or suffer from punishment.
The simple offering is to provide the Ultimate Medicine and to thereby bring to an end the misery and suffering that come with the Ultimate Sickness. This whole deal differs not at all from the deal by which cancer was removed, from the way that hemorrhaging was brought to an end, and from the way that sleepwalking was brought to an end. The only variation? Those were about treating physical issues. Realization is about treating the mental illness which is at the core of the Ultimate Sickness.
There is nothing magical or supernatural about this process. It involves seeing the real problem for what it really is - namely, a mental problem - and then addressing that problem in a way that sanity can be restored.
After that, Maharaj said: “Life is to be lived."
Just live, without making a second job out of trying to live supernaturally. See? Simple. Abide simply. De-accumulate. Take the steps to be free of the effects of having been assigned personalities as identities and thereby be free of the personality disorders (and neuroses and psychoses) that personality identifications always generate.
This was discussed in the newest free eBook entitled “The Most Dangerous Belief of All”:
A man who came here for a retreat this year has finally begun to allow the pointers which were offered to truly “steep” and thereby make up a healthy dose of Realization tea.
In the process, he is finally realizing that all of his efforts for so many years involved his desire to escape and to avoid all things relative by reaching some “other state” far removed from the relative state.
Now he’s beginning to see that the only state that he will ever “know” is the relative state. Post-manifestation, there will be no “one” to know or experience anything. To that end, he is beginning to realize that the existence for every living thing on the planet (except for humans) is a fairly-simple existence and that non-duality is offering the opportunity to join all other life-forms and thereby enjoy a fairly-simple existence as well.
He explained in a recent email that he had finally “realized something” which he had been missing. He said that he had come to see that “Realization / the Understanding has nothing to do with being in a ‘certain state’ such as Awareness or whatever.”
He said: "The Understanding of things is itself the whole key. It is a done deal in and of itself. I still had a lingering thing of being 'in Awareness' or in 'a certain kind of state' or feeling"; then, he went on to explain how miserable that has been.
He is seeing that his primary personality type’s key objective is to escape and that he had been trying to reach a state of Realization in order to do just that . . . to escape.
His entire subconscious motive in all of his years of non-dual seeking was to be able to live with his head in the clouds rather than having his feet planted firmly on the ground.
(So much for the advice to live dualistically by having your head in the clouds and also having your feet planted firmly on the ground. See, there is no “living in the clouds” or “beyond the relative.” Now, there is a temporary composite unity. Later, there will be free-ranging conscious-energy / unmanifested awareness-energy. One can be conscious of things relative now, but no one will ever be conscious of what happens post-manifestation, which will involve nothing more than conscious-energy returning to the universal field of conscious-energy. As for Jews and Christians expecting a “heavenly reward” and for Muslim martyrs expecting a “harem heaven” or Hindus expecting either Nirvana or another relative birth? Surprise!)
See, the man who sent the email above has longed for years to move - mentally - away from relative responsibilities and challenges and to escape to Foo-Foo Land.
In the process, he had come to believe that this “non-dual journey” (A) is not about the Am-ness and abiding NOW without being dominated by all of the widespread ignorance and stupidity and insanity but (B) is about something “lofty” and “Supreme” and “divine” and “other-worldly.”
He had not understood that “freedom” - in non-dual, Nisargan terms - is not about being free of the relative existence but is about abiding naturally and sanely and wisely throughout the remainder of the manifestation.
Persona-generated beliefs notwithstanding, being sick does not render one “different” or “special” or “unique”; furthermore, getting well (that is, being freed from being driven by the “ignorance and stupidity and insanity” which characterizes the Ultimate Sickness) does not make one “different” or “special” or “unique” either.
To abandon the abnormal, the unnatural, and the supposedly supernatural (and then abide naturally and sanely and logically and reasonably instead) is neither “an achievement” nor a “special accomplishment” nor a “triumph” nor a “blessing from some Power beyond” nor grounds for pride or arrogance or conceit or esteem.
In circles of normalcy and sanity, annual awards are not given for finally behaving in the way that normal and sane people have behaved all along.
A man shared that he had joined AA and upon the occasion of reaching 365 days of sobriety, a party was thrown for him, he received a medallion in recognition of his achievement, he was allowed to give a speech before his group, and he was made to feel special and unique.
He said that later that night, still being unemployed and unemployable and financially broke, he went to visit his rich grandmother (who had experienced considerable grief dealing with him for years) and bragged to her about his accomplishment (expecting her, he admitted, to reward him with a large monetary gift as congratulations for his “accomplishment”).
He said: “Grandmother! Guess what! As of today, I have been sober for exactly one year! What do you think about that? I bet you think that worth something, huh?”
She replied: “As of today, I’ve been sober for seventy-nine years. Now get the hell out of here. You’re not going to get another single penny out of me.”
See? Getting well and behaving sanely rather than insanely and behaving normally rather than abnormally, that's all just routine to those who can witness clearly. It's no big deal, really. It's just . . . simple. It's just . . . natural.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
NOTE: Sections Two through Six follow:
Section Two offers other recent posts. (All of the nearly 2,400 posts as well as any specific topics which you’re interested in can be accessed by using the search feature at the top of the right column.)
Section Three offers ways that seekers have Realized, tools which some have used, and information on floyd's books.
Section Four offers four free eBooks, compliments of Andy Gugar, Jr.
Section Five discusses parallels in Maharaj's and Floyd's "journey" and provides a chance for you to see if you've had any such parallels as well.
Section Six offers information on paperbacks that are available through Amazon.com for those who prefer a book in hand.
* * * * * *
Other Recent Posts
13 January 2015
[An additional consideration for the day: Of “Je suis Charlie,” what might Maharaj say, were that speck still manifest”? It is clear, based in what he did say: “I do not see a sufferer. I am the sufferer. I know him from within . . . .” The same would be his reply in all such cases: “Je suis Trayvon M.”; “Je suis Wenjian L.”; “Je suis Michael B.”; “Je suis Rafael R.”; and “I Am All”; and “I Am One.”]
Now, a new series begins:
F.: There are some parallels which exist between the way that sane persons behave after a physical problem with the plant-food body has been effectively addressed and the way that previously-insane-but-now-sane persons behave after a mental problem has been effectively addressed: once an effective treatment has resulted in an end to a problem, all focus upon the past problem should end.
A couple of examples involving the plant-food body here will be offered. When certain medications prescribed by a doctor led to internal bleeding, the blood count in the body became so low that physical consciousness was lost. Finding the source of the bleeding became all-important, relatively speaking.
During the first stay in the hospital, the source was not found. The conclusion drawn by the medical team was that the hemorrhaging had stopped on its own (which does happen on occasion) Once released from the hospital, other medications prescribed by the attending physician began to cause even more bleeding. Four days later, back in the hospital, the source of the hemorrhaging was found and cauterized; that ended the ordeal. Back home a few day later, the issue which had been all-important for a time, relatively speaking, became totally unimportant.
The same had happened years before when cancer had been diagnosed. When the cancer was found, the need for its removal became all-important, relatively speaking. After several cancerous polyps had been removed, a process was found that prevented its recurrence; after tests confirmed that the new, preventive protocol was working to keep that part of the plant-food body cancer-free, everything involved with the earlier events became . . . totally unimportant.
The same happened after “seeking” and “searching” and “doing all kinds of work” and then, eventually, “completing the journey” and “following the proper path”: those last steps finally led to Realization (that is, to being freed from the bondage of learned ignorance and being freed from all parentally-and-culturally-induced insanity).
After that happened in conjunction with an understanding of the message of the Nisargan Yoga (and because of the understanding of the message of the Nisargan Yoga) then natural, spontaneous abidance began and has continued for the nearly twenty-six years since. (Are any of you beginning to see already where this is going?)
Maharaj said: "Awareness itself is all-important" [but] "not the content of it." Here, once awareness became aware of itself, all content – as set forth by institutions and programs and an endless supply of other sources – became irrelevant.
Similarly, if I am hunger at night and go about the kitchen searching for food, one of two things are going to happen:
(1) If food is found and eaten, the search for food will end and the fact that I had been hungry becomes irrelevant;
(2) If food is not found at first, the search will continue until food is found and eaten.
If anything other than those two options are used to address my hunger, then there would be evidence of ignorance and / or insanity.
In the recently-made-available eBook entitled “The Most Dangerous Belief of All,” mention was made of the relative dangers faced by a neighbor named John K. who was plagued for years by sleepwalking, often leaving the house and walking in the street at night. Being conscious and awake and aware when walking about became all-important to him and his parents.
Nothing took priority over that issue. Nothing else could be important to them if their son was forever likely to be run down by a car at night in the dark. Suddenly, neither other health issues nor problems in the neighborhood nor problems at school carried any weight at all in light of the obstacle to basic survival which John was facing.
His parents having no religious beliefs, they did not take John to a church for “the laying on of hands” and a healing ceremony. They did not try to find an SA group (Somnambulists Anonymous) in which amateurs could offer their non-professional advice to John about his problem and do nothing else except talk endlessly about the problem; thus, no one told him that his nighttime episodes of restlessness “were due to a spiritual malady” or that his problem was so unique and special that “only God would be able to help him with his troubles.”
Instead, after seeking help from one medical professional after another, his parents finally crossed paths with a medical doctor who had found - via her own trial and error experiments - that a certain all-natural, non-synthetic, side-effect-free sleep aid had brought an end to the sleepwalking episodes which some of her other patients had been experiencing. After only a few nights, that treatment worked and John’s somnambulism ended.
The concept of “sleepwalking” – which had been all-important – soon became viewed as something which was totally unimportant. The end to walking about in his sleep allowed attention to be focused on other health issues, on problems being experienced in a neighborhood that was dominated by the members of two gangs, and on problems that were being experienced in the classroom or in the schoolyard.
For John, walking about while conscious and aware and aware became automatic . . . became spontaneous. It was basically just taken for granted from that point on. The issue fell from the rank of “all-important” to “totally insignificant.”
The new perspective happened without thought or special effort. There was no notion that walking about while being fully awake and aware and conscious was some “wonderful accomplishment” or that the ability to walk while awake rather than asleep made John “different” and “special” and better than others.
Additionally, the ability to do what was simply normal and natural did not become a source of arrogance or false pride. John did not believe that there was a "New Self" that was superior in all ways to his “former self,” and he did not feel superior to “others.”
Furthermore, after he began walking about in a fully conscious and awake and aware state, he did not begin to feel self-important; instead, his existence began to unfold in a way which was more in line with the way that Maharaj described his existence: “From my point of view, everything happens by itself . . . quite spontaneously.”
Nor did John become condescending because he was suddenly able to do what was simply normal and natural. He did not look back at his former life and compare his “old lesser self” with his “new Supreme Self” which had come into being and which was allowing him to walk about while being fully awake rather than fully asleep.
And he did not become haughty about the fact that he was finally abiding in a natural way after so many years of having lived in an unnatural way.
Nor did he proclaim that “God is good!” or that “God gives me special attention and blesses me each day with His almightily healing powers!” The sleepwalking just stopped after receiving a natural treatment, and it stopped with no evidence whatsoever of an intervention in his behalf from “some other-worldly being / Being / Supreme Being.” That which gave him freedom from what was unnatural was not supernatural but was all-natural instead.
Thus, he simply slept well at night and walked about sanely and safely during the day.
Maharaj: “Life is to be lived. There is no time for analysis. The response must be instantaneous; hence, the importance of the spontaneous, the timeless.”
After receiving a natural treatment for what was ailing him, John’s existence became marked by spontaneity and lightness and a new sense of freedom instead of dominated by the anxiety which resulted from sleepwalking and which had generated miserable challenges and which had led him into danger, all of which had been part and parcel of his previous tendency to walk about in a dream state . . . in an unconscious state. After receiving a natural treatment, he began to merely abide naturally and spontaneously.
Maharaj: “Once you are quiet, things will begin to happen spontaneously and quite naturally without any interference on your part”
“What you are, you already are. By knowing what you are not, you are free of it and remain in your own natural state. It all happens quite spontaneously and effortlessly”
“I live my physical, waking life automatically, reacting spontaneously and accurately.”
Maharaj said that, after awakening and being fully conscious and fully aware, “Spontaneity became a way of life, the real became natural and the natural became real.”
See? What had been all-important at first later became totally unimportant. With Maharaj, engaging in religious activities and study of “holy books” ended; engaging in spiritual exercises and meditation and meetings ended; and making a second, arduous job out of living ended. And what began was a simple, enjoyable manner of abidance.
That is what happened with Maharaj and with Floyd and with John. It can also happen with you.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
12 January 2015
F.: There are some parallels which exist between the way that sane persons behave after a physical problem with the plant-food body has been effectively addressed and the way that previously-insane-but-now-sane persons behave after a mental problem has been effectively addressed: once an effective treatment has resulted in an end to a problem, all focus upon the past problem should end.
A couple of examples involving the plant-food body here will be offered. When certain medications prescribed by a doctor led to internal bleeding, the blood count in the body became so low that physical consciousness was lost. Finding the source of the bleeding became all-important, relatively speaking.
During the first stay in the hospital, the source was not found. The conclusion drawn by the medical team was that the hemorrhaging had stopped on its own (which does happen on occasion) Once released from the hospital, other medications prescribed by the attending physician began to cause even more bleeding. Four days later, back in the hospital, the source of the hemorrhaging was found and cauterized; that ended the ordeal. Back home a few day later, the issue which had been all-important for a time, relatively speaking, became totally unimportant.
The same had happened years before when cancer had been diagnosed. When the cancer was found, the need for its removal became all-important, relatively speaking. After several cancerous polyps had been removed, a process was found that prevented its recurrence; after tests confirmed that the new, preventive protocol was working to keep that part of the plant-food body cancer-free, everything involved with the earlier events became . . . totally unimportant.
The same happened after “seeking” and “searching” and “doing all kinds of work” and then, eventually, “completing the journey” and “following the proper path”: those last steps finally led to Realization (that is, to being freed from the bondage of learned ignorance and being freed from all parentally-and-culturally-induced insanity).
After that happened in conjunction with an understanding of the message of the Nisargan Yoga (and because of the understanding of the message of the Nisargan Yoga) then natural, spontaneous abidance began and has continued for the nearly twenty-six years since. (Are any of you beginning to see already where this is going?)
Maharaj said: "Awareness itself is all-important" [but] "not the content of it." Here, once awareness became aware of itself, all content – as set forth by institutions and programs and an endless supply of other sources – became irrelevant.
Similarly, if I am hunger at night and go about the kitchen searching for food, one of two things are going to happen:
(1) If food is found and eaten, the search for food will end and the fact that I had been hungry becomes irrelevant;
(2) If food is not found at first, the search will continue until food is found and eaten.
If anything other than those two options are used to address my hunger, then there would be evidence of ignorance and / or insanity.
In the recently-made-available eBook entitled “The Most Dangerous Belief of All,” mention was made of the relative dangers faced by a neighbor named John K. who was plagued for years by sleepwalking, often leaving the house and walking in the street at night. Being conscious and awake and aware when walking about became all-important to him and his parents.
Nothing took priority over that issue. Nothing else could be important to them if their son was forever likely to be run down by a car at night in the dark. Suddenly, neither other health issues nor problems in the neighborhood nor problems at school carried any weight at all in light of the obstacle to basic survival which John was facing.
His parents having no religious beliefs, they did not take John to a church for “the laying on of hands” and a healing ceremony. They did not try to find an SA group (Somnambulists Anonymous) in which amateurs could offer their non-professional advice to John about his problem and do nothing else except talk endlessly about the problem; thus, no one told him that his nighttime episodes of restlessness “were due to a spiritual malady” or that his problem was so unique and special that “only God would be able to help him with his troubles.”
Instead, after seeking help from one medical professional after another, his parents finally crossed paths with a medical doctor who had found - via her own trial and error experiments - that a certain all-natural, non-synthetic, side-effect-free sleep aid had brought an end to the sleepwalking episodes which some of her other patients had been experiencing. After only a few nights, that treatment worked and John’s somnambulism ended.
The concept of “sleepwalking” – which had been all-important – soon became viewed as something which was totally unimportant. The end to walking about in his sleep allowed attention to be focused on other health issues, on problems being experienced in a neighborhood that was dominated by the members of two gangs, and on problems that were being experienced in the classroom or in the schoolyard.
For John, walking about while conscious and aware and aware became automatic . . . became spontaneous. It was basically just taken for granted from that point on. The issue fell from the rank of “all-important” to “totally insignificant.”
The new perspective happened without thought or special effort. There was no notion that walking about while being fully awake and aware and conscious was some “wonderful accomplishment” or that the ability to walk while awake rather than asleep made John “different” and “special” and better than others.
Additionally, the ability to do what was simply normal and natural did not become a source of arrogance or false pride. John did not believe that there was a "New Self" that was superior in all ways to his “former self,” and he did not feel superior to “others.”
Furthermore, after he began walking about in a fully conscious and awake and aware state, he did not begin to feel self-important; instead, his existence began to unfold in a way which was more in line with the way that Maharaj described his existence: “From my point of view, everything happens by itself . . . quite spontaneously.”
Nor did John become condescending because he was suddenly able to do what was simply normal and natural. He did not look back at his former life and compare his “old lesser self” with his “new Supreme Self” which had come into being and which was allowing him to walk about while being fully awake rather than fully asleep.
And he did not become haughty about the fact that he was finally abiding in a natural way after so many years of having lived in an unnatural way.
Nor did he proclaim that “God is good!” or that “God gives me special attention and blesses me each day with His almightily healing powers!” The sleepwalking just stopped after receiving a natural treatment, and it stopped with no evidence whatsoever of an intervention in his behalf from “some other-worldly being / Being / Supreme Being.” That which gave him freedom from what was unnatural was not supernatural but was all-natural instead.
Thus, he simply slept well at night and walked about sanely and safely during the day.
Maharaj: “Life is to be lived. There is no time for analysis. The response must be instantaneous; hence, the importance of the spontaneous, the timeless.”
After receiving a natural treatment for what was ailing him, John’s existence became marked by spontaneity and lightness and a new sense of freedom instead of dominated by the anxiety which resulted from sleepwalking and which had generated miserable challenges and which had led him into danger, all of which had been part and parcel of his previous tendency to walk about in a dream state . . . in an unconscious state. After receiving a natural treatment, he began to merely abide naturally and spontaneously.
Maharaj: “Once you are quiet, things will begin to happen spontaneously and quite naturally without any interference on your part”
“What you are, you already are. By knowing what you are not, you are free of it and remain in your own natural state. It all happens quite spontaneously and effortlessly”
“I live my physical, waking life automatically, reacting spontaneously and accurately.”
Maharaj said that, after awakening and being fully conscious and fully aware, “Spontaneity became a way of life, the real became natural and the natural became real.”
See? What had been all-important at first later became totally unimportant. With Maharaj, engaging in religious activities and study of “holy books” ended; engaging in spiritual exercises and meditation and meetings ended; and making a second, arduous job out of living ended. And what began was a simple, enjoyable manner of abidance.
That is what happened with Maharaj and with Floyd and with John. It can also happen with you.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
12 January 2015
(made available on this site without any cost by Andy Gugar, Jr. and Floyd) can now be requested by scrolling down to the section of this page which provides the means by which you can receive your free copy or can have a free copy sent to friends.
[Any of the thousands who have requested the free eBooks on this site can testify that you will not be contacted and that your email address will not be given to anyone, so feel free to ask if you are interested.]
Coming soon: A new series on what Realization is and what it is not.
11 January 2015
If you request a copy of the upcoming free eBook, "THE MOST DANGEROUS BELIEF OF ALL," you’ll see that Andy Gugar, Jr. said the following in the front piece entitled “Considerations from the Editor”:
“In terms of my own ‘third step experience’ (where religious and / or spiritual roles are played), it was seen that the impediments there were the same as in all other cases, including false identifications and bogus concepts and a mind that is full to the max”
“Beware. That third step will catch you; but it also can provide the opportunity to be free because if seekers see that they are playing those roles – and see that they are really just that, mere roles – then that third step can be transitioned.”
He said: “On the seven-step ‘path’ which is taught here, the third step (again, where religious roles and / or spiritual roles are played) can include the roles of ‘The Super Religious One’ and ‘The Spiritual Giant’ and ‘The Greatest Seeker of All.’ But no matter how much ‘better’ those roles are thought to be when compared to other roles which have been played or which can be played, they are still just roles . . . are still just false identities.”
Andy continued: “It [the third step] is a point of separation which can lead to a sense of unification, to the understanding of the unicity. To transition those roles is what separates those who really want to know the truth from those who do not.”
To transition the third step where those roles are played is to move to the fourth step which some non-dualists refer to as “The Child Ignorance Stage” (termed here, “The Child No-Knowing State”).
Andy said earlier: “The 'ignorance' which Maharaj referenced is nothing more than ‘learned ignorance’ (which he also called ‘knowledge.’) It’s all just learned ignorance.”
During the “coming in phase,” as the consciousness manifested within one (composite unity) space or another, there was no knowledge and no ignorance because nothing had yet been taught or learned. Learned ignorance came after the child began to be exposed to programming, conditioning, domestication, acculturation, brainwashing, and indoctrination and after the child was taught to have blind faith in anything and everything that is passed on by authority figures (along with a warning about not questioning any of what is being passed on).
It is the task of the teacher and the seeker - the guru and the protégé - to un-do all of that. That does not involve accumulating more learned ignorance. It involves un-learning. It involves being un-taught all of the learned ignorance which has been accumulated along the way and stored in what is called “the mind.”
Next, Andy said: “Natural abidance happens spontaneously when the existence unfolds via the guidance received from a contamination-free brain, but unnatural or so-called supernatural abidance lead to nothing more than wishful thinking.”
The offer from a Realized Nisargan is an invitation to persons to Realize (that is, to be restored to the early state of full sanity of the No-Knowing Child who had not yet been taught the programming, conditioning, domestication, acculturation, brainwashing, indoctrination and blind faith which would eventually mark and mar the child’s entire relative existence).
Next, Andy said: “When ignorance subsides, then blind faith will be seen as just another concept. At that point, you can report that You Are, and that’s it. STOP! End of conversation.
"So STOP! Stop believing. Stop everything other than enjoying that natural beingness.”
Peace to you all.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
10 January 2015
If you request a copy of the upcoming free eBook, "THE MOST DANGEROUS BELIEF OF ALL," you’ll see that Andy Gugar, Jr. said the following in the front piece entitled “Considerations from the Editor”:
“In terms of my own ‘third step experience’ (where religious and / or spiritual roles are played), it was seen that the impediments there were the same as in all other cases, including false identifications and bogus concepts and a mind that is full to the max”
“Beware. That third step will catch you; but it also can provide the opportunity to be free because if seekers see that they are playing those roles – and see that they are really just that, mere roles – then that third step can be transitioned.”
He said: “On the seven-step ‘path’ which is taught here, the third step (again, where religious roles and / or spiritual roles are played) can include the roles of ‘The Super Religious One’ and ‘The Spiritual Giant’ and ‘The Greatest Seeker of All.’ But no matter how much ‘better’ those roles are thought to be when compared to other roles which have been played or which can be played, they are still just roles . . . are still just false identities.”
Andy continued: “It [the third step] is a point of separation which can lead to a sense of unification, to the understanding of the unicity. To transition those roles is what separates those who really want to know the truth from those who do not.”
To transition the third step where those roles are played is to move to the fourth step which some non-dualists refer to as “The Child Ignorance Stage” (termed here, “The Child No-Knowing State”).
Andy said earlier: “The 'ignorance' which Maharaj referenced is nothing more than ‘learned ignorance’ (which he also called ‘knowledge.’) It’s all just learned ignorance.”
During the “coming in phase,” as the consciousness manifested within one (composite unity) space or another, there was no knowledge and no ignorance because nothing had yet been taught or learned. Learned ignorance came after the child began to be exposed to programming, conditioning, domestication, acculturation, brainwashing, and indoctrination and after the child was taught to have blind faith in anything and everything that is passed on by authority figures (along with a warning about not questioning any of what is being passed on).
It is the task of the teacher and the seeker - the guru and the protégé - to un-do all of that. That does not involve accumulating more learned ignorance. It involves un-learning. It involves being un-taught all of the learned ignorance which has been accumulated along the way and stored in what is called “the mind.”
Next, Andy said: “Natural abidance happens spontaneously when the existence unfolds via the guidance received from a contamination-free brain, but unnatural or so-called supernatural abidance lead to nothing more than wishful thinking.”
The offer from a Realized Nisargan is an invitation to persons to Realize (that is, to be restored to the early state of full sanity of the No-Knowing Child who had not yet been taught the programming, conditioning, domestication, acculturation, brainwashing, indoctrination and blind faith which would eventually mark and mar the child’s entire relative existence).
Next, Andy said: “When ignorance subsides, then blind faith will be seen as just another concept. At that point, you can report that You Are, and that’s it. STOP! End of conversation.
"So STOP! Stop believing. Stop everything other than enjoying that natural beingness.”
Peace to you all.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
10 January 2015
PART TWO REVIEW [continued]
294. Why offer a caution about religion-based blind faith and / or spirituality-based blind faith to non-dual seekers? First, that caution is based in experience.
295. Both “maharaj” and “floyd,” though aware of the non-dual teachings, tried for a time to intermingle those teachings with religious dogma in order to compound an Ultimate Medicine that could address the Ultimate Sickness. The experiment failed miserably.
296. Then, both “maharaj” and “floyd” tried to intermingle those teachings with spiritual principles and spiritual exercises in an effort to compound an Ultimate Medicine that could address the Ultimate Sickness. That experiment also failed miserably.
297. As with everyone who has ever been witnessed on “the path,” the third step – where religious and / or spiritual roles are assumed and played - must be taken.
298. One cannot “leap frog” beyond body and mind identifications and thereby skip over the process which frees persons from their having been assigned or assumed personality identifications (including “the good ones,” such as "The Super Religious One" or "The Spiritual Giant" or “The Super Seeker”).
299. Instead, the mind must be emptied completely (of all beliefs including beliefs about personal identifications) before a seeker can move to the fourth step on the seven-step “path” which is taught here.
300. Only after abandoning all ideas, concepts, notions, etc. (also known collectively as “beliefs”) will the mind be purged completely, allowing the seeker at that point to return directly to the earlier stage - “The Child Ignorance Stage” (or, as termed here, “The Child No-Knowing State”) - where there was no mind at all, much less a mind that would soon be filled with ideas, concepts, notions, etc., which make up each person’s "belief systems."
301. How was there no mind at all at the point of “The Child No-Knowing State”? Because at that point, the child had not yet (A) been programmed and conditioned and acculturated and domesticated and brainwashed and indoctrinated to accept - unquestioningly – all sorts of nonsensical ideas and concepts and notions and impressions and opinions and views and theories and perceptions / misperceptions and had not yet (B) stored away into a part of the brain that would be called “the mind” all of the ignorance and insanity which persons accumulate.
302. At that point, the child was mindless, not mindful / mind-full. That was originally the case with you. Mindlessness happened once with you. It can happen again. You don’t HAVE to believe anything, and your relative existence will be far saner if you don’t.
303. If you don’t believe anything - and if you don’t have a mind filled with the nonsense spread by humanity - then you can abide naturally . . . like every other living thing on the planet (except, of course, for humans).
304. Thus, the invitation to abandon blind faith is just as relevant for non-dual seekers as for those in any cults, including religious cults, spiritual programs / cults or any other types of cults.
305. Most seekers - as if the case with (a) the 97% who are involved with one organized religion or another and with (b) the millions claiming that they are spiritual – will never transcend the third step.
306. Moreover, blind faith and mind-full-ness are not a product of only organized religions, spiritual groups, and other similar types of cults.
307. The invitation is to wake up and to see how much one’s so-called “spiritual journey” or one’s “movement along the non-dual path” actually has in common with the run-of-the-mill religious and spiritual and political and racial cults which have not totally cornered the market on faith-based nonsense.
308. The invitation is to wake up and to see that those persons whom Maharaj warned seekers to avoid (namely, Big Name Teachers) are spouting as much nonsense as one hears in those other run-of-the-meal venues.
309. The invitation is to wake up and to see that those Teachers are popular because they are not offering a pure, non-dual message but are filling their talks with comments that appeal to the masses who would otherwise reject a truly non-dual talk (just as Christians do when they hear the non-dual pointers which are attributed to Jesus).
310. The invitation is to wake up and to see that the Big Name Teachers are attracting the masses not by offering truly non-dual pointers but by talking about popular, relative issues such as “success” and “improving the mind” and “changing your thoughts” and “getting power” and “getting power now” and “advancing your spirit” and “fulfilling your desires” and “knowing God” and “loving what is,” (that is, developing the tendency to dissociate and feel nothing) no matter if “what is” is a rape or the murder of one’s child or genocide or being abused by the authorities because of the color of one’s skin or because of one’s low economic level.
311. The invitation is to wake up and to see that having blind faith in a guru who is demanding that you engage in "this action" or "that action" on a daily basis and forever is not a guru who is concerned with your being freed from being driven by blind faith and mind-full-ness and is not concerned with pointing you toward total freedom and total independence at all.
End of Review Part Two
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
9 January 2015
294. Why offer a caution about religion-based blind faith and / or spirituality-based blind faith to non-dual seekers? First, that caution is based in experience.
295. Both “maharaj” and “floyd,” though aware of the non-dual teachings, tried for a time to intermingle those teachings with religious dogma in order to compound an Ultimate Medicine that could address the Ultimate Sickness. The experiment failed miserably.
296. Then, both “maharaj” and “floyd” tried to intermingle those teachings with spiritual principles and spiritual exercises in an effort to compound an Ultimate Medicine that could address the Ultimate Sickness. That experiment also failed miserably.
297. As with everyone who has ever been witnessed on “the path,” the third step – where religious and / or spiritual roles are assumed and played - must be taken.
298. One cannot “leap frog” beyond body and mind identifications and thereby skip over the process which frees persons from their having been assigned or assumed personality identifications (including “the good ones,” such as "The Super Religious One" or "The Spiritual Giant" or “The Super Seeker”).
299. Instead, the mind must be emptied completely (of all beliefs including beliefs about personal identifications) before a seeker can move to the fourth step on the seven-step “path” which is taught here.
300. Only after abandoning all ideas, concepts, notions, etc. (also known collectively as “beliefs”) will the mind be purged completely, allowing the seeker at that point to return directly to the earlier stage - “The Child Ignorance Stage” (or, as termed here, “The Child No-Knowing State”) - where there was no mind at all, much less a mind that would soon be filled with ideas, concepts, notions, etc., which make up each person’s "belief systems."
301. How was there no mind at all at the point of “The Child No-Knowing State”? Because at that point, the child had not yet (A) been programmed and conditioned and acculturated and domesticated and brainwashed and indoctrinated to accept - unquestioningly – all sorts of nonsensical ideas and concepts and notions and impressions and opinions and views and theories and perceptions / misperceptions and had not yet (B) stored away into a part of the brain that would be called “the mind” all of the ignorance and insanity which persons accumulate.
302. At that point, the child was mindless, not mindful / mind-full. That was originally the case with you. Mindlessness happened once with you. It can happen again. You don’t HAVE to believe anything, and your relative existence will be far saner if you don’t.
303. If you don’t believe anything - and if you don’t have a mind filled with the nonsense spread by humanity - then you can abide naturally . . . like every other living thing on the planet (except, of course, for humans).
304. Thus, the invitation to abandon blind faith is just as relevant for non-dual seekers as for those in any cults, including religious cults, spiritual programs / cults or any other types of cults.
305. Most seekers - as if the case with (a) the 97% who are involved with one organized religion or another and with (b) the millions claiming that they are spiritual – will never transcend the third step.
306. Moreover, blind faith and mind-full-ness are not a product of only organized religions, spiritual groups, and other similar types of cults.
307. The invitation is to wake up and to see how much one’s so-called “spiritual journey” or one’s “movement along the non-dual path” actually has in common with the run-of-the-mill religious and spiritual and political and racial cults which have not totally cornered the market on faith-based nonsense.
308. The invitation is to wake up and to see that those persons whom Maharaj warned seekers to avoid (namely, Big Name Teachers) are spouting as much nonsense as one hears in those other run-of-the-meal venues.
309. The invitation is to wake up and to see that those Teachers are popular because they are not offering a pure, non-dual message but are filling their talks with comments that appeal to the masses who would otherwise reject a truly non-dual talk (just as Christians do when they hear the non-dual pointers which are attributed to Jesus).
310. The invitation is to wake up and to see that the Big Name Teachers are attracting the masses not by offering truly non-dual pointers but by talking about popular, relative issues such as “success” and “improving the mind” and “changing your thoughts” and “getting power” and “getting power now” and “advancing your spirit” and “fulfilling your desires” and “knowing God” and “loving what is,” (that is, developing the tendency to dissociate and feel nothing) no matter if “what is” is a rape or the murder of one’s child or genocide or being abused by the authorities because of the color of one’s skin or because of one’s low economic level.
311. The invitation is to wake up and to see that having blind faith in a guru who is demanding that you engage in "this action" or "that action" on a daily basis and forever is not a guru who is concerned with your being freed from being driven by blind faith and mind-full-ness and is not concerned with pointing you toward total freedom and total independence at all.
End of Review Part Two
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
9 January 2015
PART TWO REVIEW [continued]
284. Blind faith and mind-full-ness are not only a product of organized religions, spiritual groups, and other similar types of cults, though those are the key sources; for example, such blindness can also be rooted in pseudo non-duality.
285. Some report that “my guru told me to do this or that every day” and “my teacher taught me to do such-and-such on a daily basis,” and many playing the role of “The Spiritual Giant” use a variety of what they erroneously take to be “non-dual tools” which they vehemently claim offer benefits:
286. Those "tools" can include special crystals; music from the Far East or music recorded by Native Americans; special bowls placed on special pillows and made to ring by being struck by a special stick; special food plans; special sticks with special scents which are released when burned; visiting special places all around the globe; chanting special chants and humming special hums; special meditation exercises; etc., etc., etc.
287. None of that eliminates the mind but instead crams it full of more and more nonsense which reinforces their belief in the false - but supposedly noble - identities which they assume.
288. Maharaj (explaining that he had cast aside the use of all “non-dual tools” after the mind was emptied into a “zero concepts” state and after the mind had thereby come to a complete end) said: “I am stabilized. There is no going into samadhi or coming down from samadhi. That is over.”
289. He made clear that there is no such thing as being “free of the mind.” There is either a mind or there is the complete elimination of the mind via the elimination of all concepts, ideas, notions, (that is, “beliefs”) which are stored there.
290. When a true awakening happens, it can be recognized by many signs, most of which have to do with de-accumulating and have nothing to do with accumulating; that can include the de-accumulation of all “non-dual tools” or “spiritual exercises.”
291. What definitely comes to an end with Full Realization is the use of externals to try to address internal issues (that is, issues which are rooted in the content of the mind).
293. See, the run-of-the-mill religious and spiritual and political and racial cults have not cornered the market on blind-faith-based nonsense, as evidenced by those having blind faith in their supposedly non-dual gurus and in their gurus’ supposedly non-dual pointers (which actually have nothing whatsoever to do with the non-dual Truth at all).
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
8 January 2014
284. Blind faith and mind-full-ness are not only a product of organized religions, spiritual groups, and other similar types of cults, though those are the key sources; for example, such blindness can also be rooted in pseudo non-duality.
285. Some report that “my guru told me to do this or that every day” and “my teacher taught me to do such-and-such on a daily basis,” and many playing the role of “The Spiritual Giant” use a variety of what they erroneously take to be “non-dual tools” which they vehemently claim offer benefits:
286. Those "tools" can include special crystals; music from the Far East or music recorded by Native Americans; special bowls placed on special pillows and made to ring by being struck by a special stick; special food plans; special sticks with special scents which are released when burned; visiting special places all around the globe; chanting special chants and humming special hums; special meditation exercises; etc., etc., etc.
287. None of that eliminates the mind but instead crams it full of more and more nonsense which reinforces their belief in the false - but supposedly noble - identities which they assume.
288. Maharaj (explaining that he had cast aside the use of all “non-dual tools” after the mind was emptied into a “zero concepts” state and after the mind had thereby come to a complete end) said: “I am stabilized. There is no going into samadhi or coming down from samadhi. That is over.”
289. He made clear that there is no such thing as being “free of the mind.” There is either a mind or there is the complete elimination of the mind via the elimination of all concepts, ideas, notions, (that is, “beliefs”) which are stored there.
290. When a true awakening happens, it can be recognized by many signs, most of which have to do with de-accumulating and have nothing to do with accumulating; that can include the de-accumulation of all “non-dual tools” or “spiritual exercises.”
291. What definitely comes to an end with Full Realization is the use of externals to try to address internal issues (that is, issues which are rooted in the content of the mind).
293. See, the run-of-the-mill religious and spiritual and political and racial cults have not cornered the market on blind-faith-based nonsense, as evidenced by those having blind faith in their supposedly non-dual gurus and in their gurus’ supposedly non-dual pointers (which actually have nothing whatsoever to do with the non-dual Truth at all).
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
8 January 2014
PART TWO REVIEW [continued]
267. Duality cannot exist except in the presence of beliefs; those trapped in beliefs – sustained by having blind faith in those beliefs - will feel certain that they know the difference in what is “right” vs. what is “wrong” and what is “good” vs. what is “bad.”
268. With a tendency to engage in black and white (dualistic) thinking, then relationships, tasks, and even life in general are judged either “good or bad,” “right or wrong,” “fair or unfair.”
269. Attention to “things that are wrong or bad” can lead to a compulsive need to criticize, judge, and “correct” both yourself and others.
270. The overall result? Persons who are subsumed in perfectionism and judgmentalism; who think they “know-it-all”; who are rigid and inflexible; who are obsessive-compulsive; who are overly-serious and find the faults in others while being blind to their own relative shortcomings; and who focus on living up to the silly expectations of parents, teachers, preachers, priests, rabbis, ayatollahs, etc.
271. Such persons are forever going about the business of building walls, thus fostering more and more duality.
272. Maharaj: “There is no wall between us, except the one built by you.”
273. Duality is the father of polarization, and polarization sets the stage for disagreement and conflict between those fixated at the opposite, extreme poles of all sorts of continuums.
274. Note how all of that translates into actions that are totally contradictory to stated beliefs: it has been shown to any objective witness that - in "the world" of blind-faith-based ideologues - murder and capital punishment and killings and suicide vest bombings are not incompatible with faith-based beliefs.
275. Moreover, blind faith really does separate persons from “common sense and objectiveness,” attaching them to the ideological, illogical, belief systems which are passed on by all cults – including political cults, racial cults, religions, spiritual groups, etc.
276. Their attachment to such belief systems results in persons being driven by the hidden agendas of their assigned and / or assumed personalities.
277. It is those subconscious agendas which are “so strong and so powerful” that they “cloud the vision,” resulting in faith-based blindness.
278. And faith-based blindness will block any opportunity to see anything “sensibly or objectively."
279. Blind faith also assures the continuation of the polarization which differentiates between those operating from a position of wisdom (who are willing to question and to seek facts) versus those who are trapped in ignorance and insanity (who seek no facts whatsoever to support – or refute - their beliefs).
280. Additionally, blind faith and mind-full-ness always go hand-in-hand.
281. They are co-dependent, existing alongside each other, simultaneously generating ignorant and insane thoughts and words and actions which are based in exceedingly-full minds (which have been filled with the most ignorant and insane beliefs imaginable).
282. A state of mindlessness, a state of zero concepts, a state of no-minded-ness cannot exist as long as persons adhere to their blind-faith-based beliefs. Why?
283. Because blind faith requires a passionate attachment to all sorts of concepts and ideas and values and principles and morals and standards and ethics and ideals and notions (a.k.a., “beliefs”) which are all deemed to be "worthy and important and consequential and significant and meaningful and meritorious and holy and sacred and right and righteous and praiseworthy and laudable and commendable and most excellent and helpful and empowering and useful and profitable and often holy and sacred."
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
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24. both made the decision that whatever amount of the relative existence remains shall be spent in sharing the teachings in the way that has been seen to be the most effective method: not suggesting that there are not enough religious persons; not suggesting that the Ultimate Sickness is caused by being "spiritually-unfit"; but by seeing that the problem centers in the mind (which must come to an end, which it will the moment all beliefs are abandoned)
Looking back over the list of those that have truly received the understanding, it is seen that Robert R. read all of the books, then took the online Advaita course and then completed some face-to-face Skype sessions to receive the final clarifications required. It was seen that Mac read all of the books, completed the online course, and then attended a retreat where he was guided through the seven steps. Mac said that the online course work inspired him to attend the retreat in order to be able to receive the final "pieces." It was seen that Andy Gugar, Jr. read all of the books, then came here for a retreat and was taken through the seven steps in order, and then returned once more for the final clarifications required. After reviewing the shifts that happened with him after attending two retreats, he reaffirmed this past week his commitment to helping spread the non-duality, nisarga understanding as presented here.
267. Duality cannot exist except in the presence of beliefs; those trapped in beliefs – sustained by having blind faith in those beliefs - will feel certain that they know the difference in what is “right” vs. what is “wrong” and what is “good” vs. what is “bad.”
268. With a tendency to engage in black and white (dualistic) thinking, then relationships, tasks, and even life in general are judged either “good or bad,” “right or wrong,” “fair or unfair.”
269. Attention to “things that are wrong or bad” can lead to a compulsive need to criticize, judge, and “correct” both yourself and others.
270. The overall result? Persons who are subsumed in perfectionism and judgmentalism; who think they “know-it-all”; who are rigid and inflexible; who are obsessive-compulsive; who are overly-serious and find the faults in others while being blind to their own relative shortcomings; and who focus on living up to the silly expectations of parents, teachers, preachers, priests, rabbis, ayatollahs, etc.
271. Such persons are forever going about the business of building walls, thus fostering more and more duality.
272. Maharaj: “There is no wall between us, except the one built by you.”
273. Duality is the father of polarization, and polarization sets the stage for disagreement and conflict between those fixated at the opposite, extreme poles of all sorts of continuums.
274. Note how all of that translates into actions that are totally contradictory to stated beliefs: it has been shown to any objective witness that - in "the world" of blind-faith-based ideologues - murder and capital punishment and killings and suicide vest bombings are not incompatible with faith-based beliefs.
275. Moreover, blind faith really does separate persons from “common sense and objectiveness,” attaching them to the ideological, illogical, belief systems which are passed on by all cults – including political cults, racial cults, religions, spiritual groups, etc.
276. Their attachment to such belief systems results in persons being driven by the hidden agendas of their assigned and / or assumed personalities.
277. It is those subconscious agendas which are “so strong and so powerful” that they “cloud the vision,” resulting in faith-based blindness.
278. And faith-based blindness will block any opportunity to see anything “sensibly or objectively."
279. Blind faith also assures the continuation of the polarization which differentiates between those operating from a position of wisdom (who are willing to question and to seek facts) versus those who are trapped in ignorance and insanity (who seek no facts whatsoever to support – or refute - their beliefs).
280. Additionally, blind faith and mind-full-ness always go hand-in-hand.
281. They are co-dependent, existing alongside each other, simultaneously generating ignorant and insane thoughts and words and actions which are based in exceedingly-full minds (which have been filled with the most ignorant and insane beliefs imaginable).
282. A state of mindlessness, a state of zero concepts, a state of no-minded-ness cannot exist as long as persons adhere to their blind-faith-based beliefs. Why?
283. Because blind faith requires a passionate attachment to all sorts of concepts and ideas and values and principles and morals and standards and ethics and ideals and notions (a.k.a., “beliefs”) which are all deemed to be "worthy and important and consequential and significant and meaningful and meritorious and holy and sacred and right and righteous and praiseworthy and laudable and commendable and most excellent and helpful and empowering and useful and profitable and often holy and sacred."
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
I. BY WATCHING the 4-Disk, Seven-Hour Video (DVD) Set of an advaita retreat, or the downloadable file version. To find out more or to purchase the DVD or downloadable computer file version of the retreat, DVD or Downloadable computer file versions of the Four-Day Advaita Retreat
I. BY WATCHING the 4-Disk, Seven-Hour Video (DVD) Set of an advaita retreat, or the downloadable file version. To find out more or to purchase the DVD or downloadable computer file version of the retreat, DVD or Downloadable computer file versions of the Four-Day Advaita Retreat
International buyers: note the separate option for those outside the continental U.S.
II. BY READING the explanations offered in the collection of non-duality books that are available on this site and at www.floydhenderson.com.
III. BY ENROLLING in the Online Advaita Classes For information, visit Information on the Advaita Classes on the Internet To enroll visit Enroll in the Advaita Internet Course
IV. BY ATTENDING an Advaitin retreat with floyd and being guided through all seven steps. For details of the retreats offered, please visit the retreat information site.
V. BY ARRANGING a one-hour session via Skype or telephone with Floyd. (Skype is a free service.)
Click the button to pay and you will be contacted to arrange a date and time for the call.
VI. BY USING EBOOKS available at
Floyd Henderson's Website
minutes of purchase you can be reading any of the eBooks below on your
mobile devices, including an iPhone, iPad, Android tablet, Android
phone, laptop, home computer or Kindle reader.
FROM THE I TO THE ABSOLUTE: A Seven-Step Journey to Reality



Anthology of four books

Anthology of six books


For more information on this book, or to purchase a copy now, click:





(Compliments of Andy Gugar, Jr.)
(Compliments of Andy Gugar, Jr.)
The following eBooks are available without charge for you or for friends:
content of this eBook deals with one of the most common but erroneous
beliefs that the non-Realized masses cling to and which they will fight
about (and even kill over), namely, that there is a planet-wide duel
going on between “the forces of good and evil” in the universe.
Maharaj said of each that visited his Bombay loft, “Only that person will visit this place whose virtue and sin have come to an end.”
He also said that the problems of humankind are problems associated
with the Ultimate Sickness and that three of the key traits of the
Ultimate Sickness are "ignorance, stupidity, and insanity."
that end, either (1) the ancient view is spot on: that the "ills of the
planet" are rooted in evil people, in people not being religious enough
or spiritual enough, and are caused solely by bad morality; or, (2) the
"ills of the planet" are rooted in ignorance, stupidity and insanity
and "being good" or "being moral" does not put an end to ignorance, does
not eliminate stupidity, and does not treat insanity in any way.
Comments regarding the free eBook entitled “THE VISION”:
“My thanks to you and Andy.” – Andrew “Mac” McMaster
“Thanks so much for the book! And, by the way, it is brilliant and the most effective pointing that you have done. It has served to help clear the remaining blockages.” – Stan Cross
“Greatly appreciate having “THE VISION” added to my Henderson resource library that is situated on the right side of my bed for easy access! Eternally grateful for what was received and what was given.” – Robert Rigby
“ ‘THE VISION’ is such a well-written, condensed version of the Nisarga Yoga approach to understanding and enjoying Reality that I feel it can serve as a must-read ‘meditation guide’ for all earnest seekers.” – Andy Gugar, Jr.
“My thanks to you and Andy.” – Andrew “Mac” McMaster
“Thanks so much for the book! And, by the way, it is brilliant and the most effective pointing that you have done. It has served to help clear the remaining blockages.” – Stan Cross
“Greatly appreciate having “THE VISION” added to my Henderson resource library that is situated on the right side of my bed for easy access! Eternally grateful for what was received and what was given.” – Robert Rigby
“ ‘THE VISION’ is such a well-written, condensed version of the Nisarga Yoga approach to understanding and enjoying Reality that I feel it can serve as a must-read ‘meditation guide’ for all earnest seekers.” – Andy Gugar, Jr.
While in South Africa in 2011, I was introduced to A Primate’s Memoir (2002)
by Dr. Robert Maurice Sapolsky. Sapolsky is an American
neuroendocrinologist; a professor of biology, neuroscience, and
neurosurgery at Stanford University; a researcher; an author; and a
Research Associate at the National Museums of Kenya.
A Primate’s Memoir (which documents Sapolsky’s years in Africa while studying baboons), was recommended because there is much that a non-dualist or Advaitin or Nisargan can relate to by comparing and contrasting what Sapolsky reveals about the way certain troops of baboons live in Africa with the way that humans abide all around the globe. The book also portrays an unconventional way of studying neurophysiology to determine the effects of stress on life expectancy. (And the reduction or elimination of stress among humans is one of the aims of the non-dual understanding.)
Now Sapolsky’s recent findings are offered in a documentary film entitled “Stress: Portrait of a Killer.” [The 56-minute film is available on YouTube in many countries.]
This 152-page eBook catalogues the common, non-dual message shared by Sapolsky and Maharaj and reveals the ways that Sapolsky’s scientific research supports the non-dual pointers offered by Maharaj.
In “PART ONE” it will be seen that most persons on the planet are not seeking, and most will never seek, but for those who are seeking, most will face several obstacles:
Often, many do not really know WHY they are seeking. Too, many who are asked WHAT they are seeking often offer no clear-cut answer beyond the standard talk about "Realization" or "Enlightenment." For those who have come this way and have a clear notions about why they are seeking and what they are seeking, many have not yet found anyone that has shown them exactly HOW to go about the process. The content in "Part One" offers some considerations about all three.
In “Part Two” of this book, it will be seen why many criticized Maharaj for “changing his message in his later talks.” It will be seen that the changes were not about changing the message per se as much as about changing his methodology as he experimented with one version of the Ultimate Medicine after another in order to try to find an effective means for addressing the Ultimate Sickness.
Maharaj’s loft was actually more of a laboratory in a loft in Bombay (now “Mumbai”) because he undertook in that loft many experiments in his efforts to find an effective form of the Ultimate Medicine that could treat the Ultimate Sickness effectively and successfully. In fact, he would eventually have three laboratories:
He first ran . . .
** a “Religion Laboratory,” then later
** a “Spirituality Laboratory” and eventually
** a “Psychology Laboratory.”
All three will be discussed in detail in "Part Two."
“Dangerous” is a term that can only apply during the relative existence. Among the Realized, there are no beliefs about “birth” so there are no beliefs about “the danger of death” (or the danger of anything else, for that matter).
[Sorry - for security reasons, no "clickable" link is provided. You'll need to type the address in to your emailed request manually. Also, the initial response to free eBook offerings is usually significant so it takes some time to process the requests. A new series will begin after those initial responses are taken care of. THX.]
A Primate’s Memoir (which documents Sapolsky’s years in Africa while studying baboons), was recommended because there is much that a non-dualist or Advaitin or Nisargan can relate to by comparing and contrasting what Sapolsky reveals about the way certain troops of baboons live in Africa with the way that humans abide all around the globe. The book also portrays an unconventional way of studying neurophysiology to determine the effects of stress on life expectancy. (And the reduction or elimination of stress among humans is one of the aims of the non-dual understanding.)
Now Sapolsky’s recent findings are offered in a documentary film entitled “Stress: Portrait of a Killer.” [The 56-minute film is available on YouTube in many countries.]
This 152-page eBook catalogues the common, non-dual message shared by Sapolsky and Maharaj and reveals the ways that Sapolsky’s scientific research supports the non-dual pointers offered by Maharaj.
In “PART ONE” it will be seen that most persons on the planet are not seeking, and most will never seek, but for those who are seeking, most will face several obstacles:
Often, many do not really know WHY they are seeking. Too, many who are asked WHAT they are seeking often offer no clear-cut answer beyond the standard talk about "Realization" or "Enlightenment." For those who have come this way and have a clear notions about why they are seeking and what they are seeking, many have not yet found anyone that has shown them exactly HOW to go about the process. The content in "Part One" offers some considerations about all three.
In “Part Two” of this book, it will be seen why many criticized Maharaj for “changing his message in his later talks.” It will be seen that the changes were not about changing the message per se as much as about changing his methodology as he experimented with one version of the Ultimate Medicine after another in order to try to find an effective means for addressing the Ultimate Sickness.
Maharaj’s loft was actually more of a laboratory in a loft in Bombay (now “Mumbai”) because he undertook in that loft many experiments in his efforts to find an effective form of the Ultimate Medicine that could treat the Ultimate Sickness effectively and successfully. In fact, he would eventually have three laboratories:
He first ran . . .
** a “Religion Laboratory,” then later
** a “Spirituality Laboratory” and eventually
** a “Psychology Laboratory.”
All three will be discussed in detail in "Part Two."
Regarding the content in this 337-page book:
“Dangerous” is a term that can only apply during the relative existence. Among the Realized, there are no beliefs about “birth” so there are no beliefs about “the danger of death” (or the danger of anything else, for that matter).
therefore, there are no concerns about “dying,” “an afterlife,” or
“receiving reward vs. punishment.” Additionally, the Realized make no
judgment about suicide or the “rightness” or “wrongness” of that act.
of those who do commit suicide, how many shoot themselves in the foot
over and over until they “bleed out”? None. They shoot themselves in the
head. Why? In order to try to stop the noise - to try to stop the
chatter of a thousand monkeys – to stop the noisy mind which is the area
that stores the ideas, notions, concepts, mind-stuff, etc. which drives
them into the depths of insanity.
what are those ideas, notions, concepts, etc. called, collectively? "Their beliefs." The irony? They are
not their beliefs at all.
They are the beliefs of “others” that were set in place via programming,
conditioning, etc. and which persons then think are their own.
what are those beliefs rooted in, and what reinforces those beliefs and
convinces persons that they are sacred and worth fighting over and even
sometimes worth dying for? Blind faith.
So how can “dangerous” have any relevance alongside an understanding which has no beliefs
about birth, death, or an afterlife? It is relevant only in terms of the
way that the relative unfolds.
Strictly relatively speaking, there are those who move through the
relative existence without being driven by what Maharaj called “ignorance and stupidity and insanity”
and there are those who move through the relative existence while being
driven by all three of those symptoms of the Ultimate Sickness.
Persons in the latter group who are driven by those three traits are the most
likely to generate, relatively speaking, hazard / menace / chaos /
danger . . . call it what you will.
While the Realized give no validity to any "a" vs. "b" duality, the Realized are
wise enough to stand (a) outside the tigers’ cage at a zoo rather than (b) enter
into the tigers’ cage.
a wise one were to somehow magically have the option of meeting either
Gandhi or ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in a dark alley, the wise one
would be interested in the beliefs of neither and would be in awe of
neither but would likely choose Gandhi over Abu Bakr, based in a wise
one’s tendency to seek peace rather than peril and wellbeing rather than
Yet that choice would be based in sanity and wisdom rather than in fear or fright; it would be based more in a tendency to end suffering rather than a propensity for increasing suffering.
to bring an end to the fear in which one might be trapped, the non-dual
teacher will gladly point out that that the rope in the dark corner of a
barn is a rope rather than a snake, but the teacher will be equally as
glad to point out the pending “danger” to the seeker who is about to try
to pick up a snake because she or he is mistaking it for a rope.
Again, Maharaj: “The teacher does not evaluate. His sole concern is with suffering and the ending of suffering.”
Realized understand that, in the end, those persons with the most
blind-faith-based beliefs are usually going to be the ones who are least
concerned about peace and the ones most likely to generate chaos and
relative dangers.
reason for offering the pointers in this book are in alignment with the
same reasons that any true non-dual pointers are offered: to cast light
onto the darkness; to allow those who cannot see to finally see; to
provide a method by which those who cannot differentiate between the
true and the false may finally do so;
offer an effective version of the Ultimate Medicine in order to
alleviate the ignorance-and-insanity-induced-suffering which results
from the Ultimate Sickness; and thus to facilitate the opportunity for
those seeking peace and light and True Love to succeed in their quest.
To that end, best regards.
To receive free copies, or to have us send free copies to your friends or
relatives, send the request (or their email addresses) to the following name:
[Sorry - for security reasons, no "clickable" link is provided. You'll need to type the address in to your emailed request manually. Also, the initial response to free eBook offerings is usually significant so it takes some time to process the requests. A new series will begin after those initial responses are taken care of. THX.]
The "experiences" of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj and Floyd share many parallel. Many visitors have said that they have also shared some of the same parallels. Can you relate to any of these?
1. Both grew up in very poor families
3. both exhibited business skills that led to their opening and operating many businesses and to their having a large number of employees working for them
4. both succeeded financially
5. both became attached to accumulating
6. both married and had a family
7. both initially tried to address the Ultimate Sickness with religious teachings but realized that did not work, so both tried to address the Ultimate Sickness with spirituality, only to see eventually that "being spiritual" did not cure the Ultimate Sickness either
8. both then realized that the main problems of humanity center in the mind so both turned to the sharing of psychology and scientific-and-fact-based pointers to free persons of the effects of programming, conditioning, acculturation, domestication, brainwashing and indoctrination
9. both had highly religious wives who were quite displeased with the shift away from religion
10. both had grown to feel empty in spite of all of their "spiritual seeking" and in spite of all of their accumulated "spiritual knowledge"
1. Both grew up in very poor families
2. both moved to populated areas to seek employment opportunities
3. both exhibited business skills that led to their opening and operating many businesses and to their having a large number of employees working for them
4. both succeeded financially
5. both became attached to accumulating
6. both married and had a family
7. both initially tried to address the Ultimate Sickness with religious teachings but realized that did not work, so both tried to address the Ultimate Sickness with spirituality, only to see eventually that "being spiritual" did not cure the Ultimate Sickness either
8. both then realized that the main problems of humanity center in the mind so both turned to the sharing of psychology and scientific-and-fact-based pointers to free persons of the effects of programming, conditioning, acculturation, domestication, brainwashing and indoctrination
9. both had highly religious wives who were quite displeased with the shift away from religion
10. both had grown to feel empty in spite of all of their "spiritual seeking" and in spite of all of their accumulated "spiritual knowledge"
11. both began to de-accumulate after
both saw that they could survive quite well on a fraction of the income
they had been making
12. both had wives who were unhappy when the de-accumulation stage was entered and both had wives who became unhappy about their husbands' focus on non-duality and who blamed their unhappiness on no longer having a religious husband (and no longer having a husband who brought in huge sums of money)
13. both eventually came to see that the religious and spiritual states were also ego-states, and both saw that there are far more steps on the "path" to complete after reaching the religious and spiritual steps and after playing those roles which are the third of seven steps on the entire "path"
14. both "lost" their wives (one via "death," the other through divorce);
15. both accelerated their seeking
16. both entered into the "forest dweller stage"
17. both Realized
18. both began to de-accumulate even more
19. both began sharing the teachings
20. for years, both offered satsang
12. both had wives who were unhappy when the de-accumulation stage was entered and both had wives who became unhappy about their husbands' focus on non-duality and who blamed their unhappiness on no longer having a religious husband (and no longer having a husband who brought in huge sums of money)
13. both eventually came to see that the religious and spiritual states were also ego-states, and both saw that there are far more steps on the "path" to complete after reaching the religious and spiritual steps and after playing those roles which are the third of seven steps on the entire "path"
14. both "lost" their wives (one via "death," the other through divorce);
15. both accelerated their seeking
16. both entered into the "forest dweller stage"
17. both Realized
18. both began to de-accumulate even more
19. both began sharing the teachings
20. for years, both offered satsang
21. both saw that most who hear the teachings are still not going to understand
22. both, therefore, offered pointers without expectation, without attachment to outcome, and without any concern about the way that persons react to hearing Truth
23. both suggested that seekers focus on the exact, step-wise "path
22. both, therefore, offered pointers without expectation, without attachment to outcome, and without any concern about the way that persons react to hearing Truth
23. both suggested that seekers focus on the exact, step-wise "path
24. both made the decision that whatever amount of the relative existence remains shall be spent in sharing the teachings in the way that has been seen to be the most effective method: not suggesting that there are not enough religious persons; not suggesting that the Ultimate Sickness is caused by being "spiritually-unfit"; but by seeing that the problem centers in the mind (which must come to an end, which it will the moment all beliefs are abandoned)
Looking back over the list of those that have truly received the understanding, it is seen that Robert R. read all of the books, then took the online Advaita course and then completed some face-to-face Skype sessions to receive the final clarifications required. It was seen that Mac read all of the books, completed the online course, and then attended a retreat where he was guided through the seven steps. Mac said that the online course work inspired him to attend the retreat in order to be able to receive the final "pieces." It was seen that Andy Gugar, Jr. read all of the books, then came here for a retreat and was taken through the seven steps in order, and then returned once more for the final clarifications required. After reviewing the shifts that happened with him after attending two retreats, he reaffirmed this past week his commitment to helping spread the non-duality, nisarga understanding as presented here.
(Four by Floyd Henderson and two by Dennis Waite. Click the picture for more information or to order)
(Four by Floyd Henderson and two by Dennis Waite. Click the picture for more information or to order)