Today's Considerations
Presently, most of the blood-shedding and bloodletting happening around the globe are rooted in the duality which inspires ego-state assumption, arrogance, competition, a sense of different-from-ment and the subsequent sense of better-than-ment which all lead to the "breaking of relationships" (which then triggers disagreeing and arguing and fighting and even killing).
A key example was referenced earlier: nowadays in the U.S., 59% of all woman killed are killed by a so-called "friend, lover, mate, or spouse" as a relationship is ending. Why? Duality.
Actually, the real driver behind such murders is not the fact that a "relationship" is ending but the fact that the role of "friend," "lover," "mate," or "spouse" is ending.
Duality involves the assumption of not just one personality identification but involves the assumption of dozens and scores of personality identifications. Each has its own subconscious agenda and fears and desires, and each is dependent and co-dependent, each requiring another person to assume a counterpart role and a willingness on her or his part to play the the co-dependent counterpart role that is required for another person's assumed role to seem to be real.
Thus, "The Husband" cannot exist in a vacuum; he must have someone willing to play the role of "The Husband's Spouse." Similarly, "The Wife" cannot exist in a vacuum; she must have someone willing to play the role of "Her Spouse."
When a person playing one of those roles is told by her or his role-playing partner, "I'm leaving," what is really heard is "I am going to destroy you. You cannot exist without me" (that is, your role can no longer be played) and "You are going to feel as if you were dying." Again, what is "dying" - or coming to an end - is the role of "friend," "lover," "mate," or "spouse," yet so identified are the persons involved with their roles that they are convinced that they are dying. In their minds - twisted and distorted by dualistic thinking - they are under attack and must defend themselves (that is, defend the false self that thinks it is being attacked).
So the subsequent offensive actions - beating, stabbing, shooting, etc. - which are taken are deemed by the perpetrators as being "defensive."
It's the same nonsense here in the U.S. among those who see themselves as working for the defense of the country when they are really forever on the offense. A man who said that he "worked as a contractor for the U.S. Defense Department" was invited to consider that label and then realize that he is working for the U.S. Offense Department. The U.S. military forces never defend.
It's the same nonsense here in the U.S. among those who see themselves as working for the defense of the country when they are really forever on the offense. A man who said that he "worked as a contractor for the U.S. Defense Department" was invited to consider that label and then realize that he is working for the U.S. Offense Department. The U.S. military forces never defend.
They did not defend Pearl Harbor . . . they merely went on the offensive afterwards. They did not defend the U.S. from Vietnam . . . they merely went on the offensive. They did not defend the U.S. from citizens in Central America or in Grenada during the Reagan wars . . . they merely went on the offensive.
They did not defend the U. S. from the 9-11 attack . . . they merely went on the offensive afterwards. They did not defend the U.S. from Iraq . . . they merely went on the offensive. They have no history at all of defending, but they do have a very long history of attacking.
The role of "The Xenophobic One" generates related roles such as "The One Who Believes in American Exceptionalism," "The One Who Is A Patriot And Is Willing To Die For His or Her Country" and "The One Living in the Greatest Country on Earth Who Will Fight Anyone and Everyone Who Does Not Agree and Does Not Show Proper Respect."
That latter belief system applies as much in "relationships" between "friends," "lovers," "mates," or "spouses" as it does in "relationships" between nations. In both cases, blood-shedding and bloodletting often accompany that dualistic mindset.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
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