Saturday, October 31, 2015

MAHARAJ: “There’s No Such Thing As Peace of Mind” (Especially When a Mind is Packed Full of False Personality Identifications) Part Seven

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Today's Considerations

Maharaj shifted away from (A) encouraging every seeker to enter into the “SELF-Inquiry” process to (B) explaining instead that “it is enough to know who you are not” (so enter into "self"-inquiry). If you read the visitors’ statements and questions which preceded his offering them that pointer, what their words had in common was this:

they were not in touch with either reality (the AM-ness) or Reality (the THAT-ness) and were instead escaping and dissociating and avoiding reality in their effort to "move" to what they had been told Reality is like. That distortion results in their trying to move into Foo Foo Land in order to escape the slings and arrows of the relative existence; however, if one is dying in a desert, that relative problem cannot be solved by trying to step into the spot where a mirage was last seen or by knelling down in the location where an oasis was supposedly seen.

Though Maharaj did not enumerate them, his teachings offered seven steps which – if taken in sequence – can move persons from identification with the body to the third step eventually where religious and / or spiritual roles are assumed for a time until completion of the final steps and understanding one’s Original Nature and abiding as that and overlaying that on the remainder of the relative existence.

Yet, Maharaj said, if seekers are able to transition that third step where their “good” or “great” or “supreme” roles are being played - and then also abandon all other roles as a result of understanding that those roles are not what they are - then it would be possible to abide sanely and soundly for the remainder of the manifestation even without understanding any of the additional steps which lie farther along “the path.” If a seeker then choses to complete the remaining steps, Maharaj offered his services as a guide. Same here.

Meanwhile, the relevant non-dual pointer is this: “A dual-minded person is unstable in all ways.”

Moreover, the primary “instability” which humanity must address - if freedom and peace are to come - is rooted in the mind, that storage area inside the brain where false identities are housed and from which they control persons’ thoughts and words and actions in a most unstable and chaotic and destructive and counterproductive and self-defeating way.

As for THAT, THAT will take care of itself. All which happens "there" happens spontaneously, without any guidance or a controller or a Guide or a Controller. No human or imaginary Power guides or controls anything which involves the Absolute (which is nothing more than a field of one type of energy among the many types of energy which exist).  

All is energy-matter. Energy is energy, and there is no type of energy that is better than any other type of energy, so there is no type of energy which one can assume as a Special or Supreme Identity. Because THAT will take care of itself, then might human energy be more wisely spent by addressing the problematic issues which arise NOW, during the relative existence?

If so, those can be addressed if one understands that those problems – all symptomatic of the Ultimate Sickness – are rooted in the minds which were formed as a result of ignorant and insane programming, conditioning, domestication, acculturation, brainwashing and indoctrination.

What did Maharaj come to understand can actually address those mind issues? Psychological tools. Not religious tools? Obviously not. Not spiritual tools? Obviously not. A key consideration is this: 

Who would keep trying to use the same old plans 

a. which have never brought about the changes which persons have sought 

b. even though the advocates of those plans continue to claim that their plans can bring about the changes being sought by humans and

c. even though those plans have failed to do so after being available for 5000 years? 

Would the wise keep giving those failed plans a try? Would the sane keep giving those failed plans a try, even in spite of their 5000-year history of failure? Would anyone that is truly awake, aware, and conscious keep giving those failed plans a try? Surely not.

Other options are available to the truly willing and the truly ready if they are inclined to question and to seek judiciously and earnestly and wisely.
To be continued.

Please enter the silence of contemplation.

[NOTE: The four most recent posts follow. You may access all of the posts in this series and in the previous series and several thousand other posts as well by clicking on the links in the "Recent Posts and Archives" section.]

Friday, October 30, 2015

MAHARAJ: “There’s No Such Thing As Peace of Mind” (Especially When a Mind is Packed Full of False Personality Identifications) Part Six

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Today's Considerations

Maharaj said repeatedly, “This is so simple" ["this" being the grasping of the understanding, realizing, being enlightened, being liberated, and being freed from entrapment in duality and dualistic thinking].

Yet this also was shared:

For a process which – as Maharaj said – could be so simple, if mind and personality identifications are play, then there is likely nothing more complicated and inaccessible to the mind-and-personality-driven masses.

So how can the acquisition - of the understanding, of realizing, of being enlightened, of being liberated, and of being freed from entrapment in duality and dualistic thinking - be simplified?

1. By stripping away from the teaching all of the esoteric, obscure, cryptic and arcane elements which have been included or added over the millennia and especially over the last century and most recently during the last several decades; and

2. by avoiding decades of a needless trial-and-error search for a viable form of the Ultimate Medicine by seeing that Maharaj already did "the trial-and-error work" and "the finding work" for us and then reduced his final version of the Ultimate Medicine to a type which goes directly to the core of the mind-and-personality-involved source of humanity’s problems, namely, the mental roots of the Ultimate Sickness; and

3. by eliminating the mythical and mystical and magical and supernatural elements of the teachings and offering a relevant, simple, straightforward, unadorned, unpretentious, non-flowery, and effective version of the Ultimate Medicine which does not result in persons ignoring the AM-ness and escaping into "the THAT-ness only" as a result of dissociating and detaching from reality and claiming to be associated only with THAT as a result of being disconnected and divorced from the IS-ness; and

4. by understanding . . .

a. that “realizing” simply means that one realizes that ignorant and insane programming and conditioning and domestication (while in the home) and acculturation (via one’s culture / society) and brainwashing and indoctrination can lead to nothing other than being trapped in ignorance and insanity;

b. that “being enlightened” merely points to the condition which can be entered into when the light is shined on all distortions and misconceptions and bogus beliefs and false identities which are rooted in the darkness of ignorant and insane programming and conditioning and domestication and acculturation and brainwashing and indoctrination and when that light is so bright and so intense that it burns away all of those ignorant and insane effects;

c. that “being liberated” simply refers to being liberated from the influence of assigned and assumed personality identifications which subconsciously control and unconsciously determine every thought that is thought, every word that is spoken, and every action that is taken;


d. then understanding that “being freed from entrapment in duality and dualistic thinking” is simply about understanding this: 

the opposite of being trapped in duality is not about assuming new and lofty and good and great identities such as “The Super Religious One” or “The Spiritual Giant” or “The Supreme Self” or “being at one with God” or “God,” period; instead, the opposite of being trapped in duality is . . . stability.

That includes mental stability; emotional stability; and being fixed in a condition of stability as opposed to being trapped in chaos.

After Yeshu’a (“Jesus”) heard the non-dual message and began sharing that during the last few years of his relative existence, he is reported to have shared a key pointer which had already found its way from the Far East to the Middle East some 2000 years earlier. That pointer:  “A dual-minded person is unstable in all ways.”

Duality and dualistic thinking are simply about mindedness and about the instability-generating and chaos-generating nonsense stored therein, including the belief in false identities and all other beliefs as well.

It is simple for the totally sane and totally wise to discard all nonsense stored in the mind; it is simple for the totally sane and totally wise to take the steps necessary to be freed from the chaos and instability which dominate the relative existence of almost all humans on planet earth; it is simple for the totally sane and totally wise to abandon belief in all of the false identities which have been assigned or assumed over the years.

The complicating factor: ignorance cannot detect ignorance, and crazy cannot spot crazy. One must seek until she or he finds a teacher that has reached the point which Maharaj reached after decades of experimenting with ineffective forms of the Ultimate Medicine - a teacher like Maharaj that, in the end, shifted his focus onto the psychological roots and mind-based causes of the Ultimate Sickness.

After that, one must be willing to accept the invitation to "question it all." If enough light is allowed in via the questioning process, then the discarding of all nonsense and false identities can lead to an end to chaos and instability. That, in turn, can lead to freedom, and only if free can one by at peace.

Moreover, only if totally free and at peace can one return to enjoying the kind of happiness which was last enjoyed when in the “Child Ignorance Stage" / the “Child No-Knowing State” / the "Complete-Absence-of-Concepts-and-Beliefs State.”
To be continued.

Please enter the silence of contemplation.

[NOTE: The four most recent posts follow. You may access all of the posts in this series and in the previous series and several thousand other posts as well by clicking on the links in the "Recent Posts and Archives" section.]

Thursday, October 29, 2015

MAHARAJ: “There’s No Such Thing As Peace of Mind” (Especially When a Mind is Packed Full of False Personality Identifications) Part Five

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Today's Considerations

For thousands of years, pointers offered by sages have emphasized that mind / personality identifications should end, and that pointer is as relevant today as it has been for all those millennia. Why?

Because all persons today have a combination of the nine basic personality types; because all of those types have separate, subconscious agendas; and because the types in combination will be the prime determiner of every human’s thoughts and words and actions. For  humans to fail to understand those nine basic types and their influence renders them clueless, devoid of any clue at all about why they really think what they think; about why they cannot stop their incessant and peace-interrupting thinking; about why they say what they say; about why they feel or emote the way they do; and about why they behave the way they behave.

Part of “realization” involves realizing all of that.   

Of the nine types, only one – the Type Four – will have a primary interest in finding authenticity, in following a “path” to its end, in realizing fully in order to be freed of the effects of learned ignorance and culturally-imposed insanity, and in being totally independent and free. The rub: Fours only comprise ½ of 1% of the planet’s population. So, can only Type Fours realize?

No. While Fours have a “head start” in the process, anyone can join them in the process because all persons have at least a speck of the Type Four in them. Yet what a challenge for so many to develop fully the Four’s natural tendency to question authority and to cast aside all of the beliefs imposed by family and friends and relatives and societies. Consider what so many are up against:

Type Sixes make up 50% of the planet’s population, and they are wired to never question authorities (be that authority a god, a judge, a parent, a teacher, a religious leader, the government, or the boss). So attached are they to power figures and authority figures that they they give unquestioning support to the military, to the police, to religion, etc.

[Relevant to Type Sixes is Michael Korda’s observation that “our system of education teaches us to put our faith in something else - a corporation, a marriage, a trade, a profession, a religion, politics, something, one might almost say anything - which offers us a set of rules we can obey and rewards us for obedience to them. It’s safer to be a domestic animal than a wild one.”]

The enneagram institute explains: “For Sixes, security comes from a rock-of-ages allegiance and an investment of themselves in something outside themselves which they believe will give them stability and safety. Sixes want to feel protected and secure by having something bigger and more powerful than they to guide them.”

So 50% right off the bat are not likely to ever develop a willingness to cultivate a Type Four’s ability to question authorities and to question everything they have been told, all of which the masses have filed away in their minds because of blind faith alone.

Then there are those such as the Type One (Perfectionists) and the Type Three (Performers) and the Type Seven (Adventurers / Addicts) who are all about image. They care little about authenticity, preferring form over substance.

Add in the types that prefer to avoid (unhealthy Fours and Fives) and who prefer to escape (unhealthy Fours and Sevens) and who prefer to dissociate (Nines) and add in the Twos (who want everyone to love them) and add in the Eights (who have no motivation at all to change themselves – their false self / selves  – and to change the way they are functioning), and then the result is this: 99.5% will likely never take a Four-style stance which can lead to their rejecting and eliminating all of the nonsense and baseless beliefs which they have been taught . . . and continue to believe . . . and will likely always believe until the end of their relative existence.

And if there is no willingness to cultivate the Four’s ability to question and to rebel against learned ignorance and culturally-imposed insanity? Then the alternative will be living like a mouse, trapped in their masters’ box, programmed and conditioned to hit the right lever in order to get the next pellet. What a relative existence, yes? Hit the lever; get a pellet . . . hit the lever; get a pellet . . . hit the lever; get a pellet . . . and then . . . "die."

Yet the process of realizing really could be so simple for all who are not totally lost in ignorance and / or insanity. There is no requirement to “become a Four” or to try to find “The Authentic Self” (or any other kind of “Special Self”). There is but a requirement to seek authenticity, period; to seek total freedom, period; to seek the Ultimate Medicine to treat what is really ailing the billions who are suffering from what Maharaj called “the ignorance and insanity” of the Ultimate Sickness.

That can only happen if Types One through Three and Types Five through Nine are willing to join Type Fours by acquiring an efficient, internal BS detector; by developing a willingness to call BS exactly what it is; and by cultivating a willingness to reject all BS, period.

The problem in that regard:

Type One perfectionists call BS on everyone who refuses to think and talk and behave as they do.

 Type Two helpers / saviors call BS on everyone who refuses to appreciate what the Two does for them and refuses to give the Twos as much love as they want.

Type Three performers call BS on everyone who refuses to admire them and applaud them.

Type Five knowledge accumulators call BS on everyone who refuses to admire them for all of the knowledge they have gained.

Type Six loyalists call BS on everyone who questions authority.

Type Seven adventurers / addicts call BS on everyone who questions their addiction and irresponsibility.

Type Eight controllers call BS on everyone who refuses to obey them.

Type Nines – the selfish guardians of their own inner peace - call BS on everyone who interferes with their desire to dissociate and avoid.

For a process which – as Maharaj said – could be so simple, the most common case is this: because mind and personality identifications are typically at play, then there is likely nothing more complicated and inaccessible to the mind-and-personality-driven masses than the realization / restoration-to-sanity process.

So it is, yet so it need not be.
To be continued.

Please enter the silence of contemplation.

[NOTE: The four most recent posts follow. You may access all of the posts in this series and in the previous series and several thousand other posts as well by clicking on the links in the "Recent Posts and Archives" section.]

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

MAHARAJ: “There’s No Such Thing As Peace of Mind” (Especially When a Mind is Packed Full of False Personality Identifications) Part Four

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Today's Considerations

This was offered yesterday:

If the hidden, subconscious agendas of the nine basic personality types are not cleared away, they will control what manner of seeking that seekers become attracted to and attached to, and including methods of teaching that will never end if realization and freedom; including this or that type of yoga which will never result in realization and freedom. 

Below are the nine basic personality types which show up early on in every human nowadays and which you were invited yesterday to review in order to estimate the degree to which each is showing up in you. 

Note the irony: each of those nine, basic personality types can determine and control the course of one’s seeking, right down to which method one becomes attracted to and which yoga one might follow and which path one takes (or which path one will never even consider taking, including the one offered here) - all because of the influence of personality - even as a key rationale for the “journey” being controlled by personality is . . . to be free of being controlled by personality!

So consider how personality controls the seeking to be free of personality:

The Type One, The Perfectionist, judges self and others, criticizes, condemns, and wants to reform “the world,” so Type Ones are similar to Type Fives in that both can be “Know-It-All’s.” The difference? Ones have more contact with people in order to try to reform them whereas Fives can spend far more time alone, accumulating knowledge. Ones try to apply their accumulated knowledge; Fives only venture out on occasion to show off  their knowledge.

The Type Two, The Helper / Savior, is driven to give and give and give to others in order to help them so that they will love you (an effort driven by the subconscious belief that not enough love was received during childhood, often from a father who was absent as a result of death or divorce or who was physically present but otherwise unavailable). As a result, Twos (as well as some Fours and some Sevens who are like Twos), are more prone to be emotionally-intoxicated and histrionic and more prone to dazzling listeners with flowery, emotion-generating words; thus, they will be attracted to teachers and paths which model such talk and which give an audience to such types who have mastered the talk. If these types have an attraction to “things Eastern,” they will often gravitate to Neo-Vedanta or similar styles of teaching such as those used by “Swami” Vivekananda and his followers. Some critics consider his method a “watered down” version of Traditional Advaita, a result of the fact that Vivekananda and his followers have tried to make the teachings more suitable to Western tastes where concepts and ego-states have dominated persons for millennia. Neo-Vedanta teachers typically employ seemingly sublime or exalted or emotion-inspiring statements that encourage followers to adopt more concepts and identities instead of encouraging seekers to forfeit all concepts and identities. Some examples include such advise as: dream on an idea and be full of it and you’ll succeed; believe in yourself; make yourself strong; find god and gain power; use thoughts to create a new reality; engage in the noble goal of seeking knowledge; you are responsible for what you are; acquire power; and seek love. Such concepts are, of course, in direct opposition to the teachings presented via the Direct Path / Nisarga Yoga combination approach.

The Type Three, The Achiever / Performer, is concerned with form over substance and seeks applause and admiration, so Type Three seekers will be attracted to methods or means which involve talking and sharing and speaking (and, for some, praying in public, etc.) in order to provide them opportunities to show off what they take to be their high level of religiosity or spirituality. If they have a guru to whom they are devoted, that guru will have to be a famous one, will have to be a big shot, if they are going to link themselves to that guru.

The Type Four Romantic or Escapist or Rebel Against Authority or Seeker of Authenticity is going to seek a method which is totally different from all other methods (such as Maharaj’s Direct Method / Nisarga Yoga combination). The opinions of anyone deemed to be “an authority” or a “Big Name Teacher” are ignored (Maharaj warning his visitors to "stay away from the Big Name Teachers entirely"). Any “popular” messages are seen by Fours to be popular for one reason only: they appeal to the masses, and since the masses are suffering from the learned ignorance and insanity of the Ultimate Sickness, then their endorsement of a teacher is going to be the last thing a Four would pay any attention to at all. [Fours who are still lost in their desire to escape can be attracted to emotionally-intoxicating messages such as those offered by some Neo-Vedantins. A stressed or psychically unhealthy Four will assume the traits of a Type Two, so review "Type Two" above to see how emotionalism and escapism can drive a Four if he or she disintegrates to the Two.]

The Type Five - The Jnani, the Seeker of Knowledge, The One Who Would Show Off His or Her Knowledge or Intelligence - will, of course, be driven by her or his personality to choose a method of seeking which will encourage learning and knowing (and reading every book ever written by what Maharaj called “Big Name Teachers”) because Fives are subconsciously driven by personality to be “Know-It-All’s.”

The Type Six Loyalist is fear-based and dependent and will play the loyal role in order to be taken care of. Sixes are dedicated to authority because they want an authority that they can depend on to care for them; thus, Type Six seekers will be susceptible to overvaluing so-called "authorities" and supposedly "holy" texts as well as what they deem to be "both earthly authorities and a heavenly Authority or Power"). Among Advaitins, they are more likely to be drawn to the Traditional Teaching Method and are far more likely to attach to a guru, especially a popular one and a "rich, successful" one.

The Type Seven, The Seeker of Escape, wants to play and to avoid responsibility. Sevens are big into escapism and avoidance, so Sevens who are lost in their desire to escape can be attracted to emotionally-intoxicating messages such as those offered by some Neo-Vedantins. (See “Type Two” above.)

The Type Eight, “The Boss” or “The Control Freak,” will seek in venues which promise to give them Power (or continuous access to a Power) which can be tapped into in order to advance an Eight's relative agendas. If Eights happen to seek via the non-dual approach, they will often gravitate toward the Neo-Advaita Teaching Method because Eights are all about “getting to the bottom line,” about “telling them what you have to tell them and then get the heck out” and about “not wasting their time.” Methods of seeking which require time and energy will not do for them, so they often prefer the Neo-Advaitin approach of “There’s nothing to seek and nothing to know, so quit messing around and forget the whole damn thing and move on.”

Type Nines are passive-aggressive avoiders of anything and everything that might challenge their inner desire for peace. (They are not about "spreading peace" - clear to anyone who has ever dealt with a Nine - but are instead concerned only with their own peace.) They can be especially attracted to teaching methods and seeking paths which reinforce their tendency to dissociate by endorsing practices which are intended to separate them from “this realm”; which offer temporary respites (such as going into and coming out of samadhi); or humming; or chanting; or repeating a mantra; or attending classes which teach them how to be at total peace and free of all of the relative chaos that is often a part of the Am-ness experience.

Maharaj’s early religious / non-dual combination pointers and his "mid-career" spiritual / non-dual combination pointers attracted persons of all nine types, something being offered via those approaches for anyone and everyone involved with seeking.

Later, after he began focusing less on messages which generated emotional-intoxication and began sharing pointers which invited seekers to be free of all emotional intoxication, his popularity began to lag and more critics came forth. Why? 

His later message was steeped in the style of a “Realized Four” that was free of any and all attachment to texts and authorities and the teachings of the famous as well as free of any and all attachment to methods which generate emotionalism and excessive hysteria and histrionics and which provide an opportunity to show off one’s “religious or spiritual development” and free of any and all attachment to anything which does not lead to a Nisargan (natural) mode of functioning.

Indeed, what an irony that so many who claim to be seeking freedom from personality identification are actually being driven all day long by one or more personality types which are controlling the very means and methods of their seeking - seeking which is supposedly being undertaken in order to free them from the subconscious influence of personality.

To be continued.

Please enter the silence of contemplation.

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Tuesday, October 27, 2015

MAHARAJ: “There’s No Such Thing As Peace of Mind” (Especially When a Mind is Packed Full of False Personality Identifications) Part Three

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Today's Considerations

To review: these pointers were offered in the last two postings:

In the West, it is noted that people have some degree of each of the nine basic personality types. The key to a healthy life is balance, so in the West, the ideal is to be “well-rounded” and “balanced.”

The point offered here with non-dual seekers who take the enneagram test and then enter into a discussion of what the results can reveal is this: So powerful are the personality styles that control people that, in Eastern teachings, a primary goal is to be free of personality’s influence completely.

Yet there is also an irony - a "Catch-22" of sorts - involved with the Eastern plan of being freed from all personality identifications, an irony which Maharaj discussed. More on that in the next post.

There seems to be an irony in that (a) there is a set of ancient non-dual teachings which for thousands of years advised seekers to be rid of body and mind and personality identifications and that (b) Maharaj shared that same advice as well; yet he said that some tiny speck of one’s primary personality style will always remain.

To clear up the seeming contradiction: He did not mean that one’s primary personality type will remain and will continue to subconsciously control all thoughts and words and actions. He meant that the primary style will remain, even if "Realized"; hence, consider the words that have been used by some over the decades to describe Maharaj, all of which are at the core of a “non-Realized” Type Four’s Personality (or, if “Realized,” can manifest as a Type Four’s style). Those can include:
“defiant” and “questioning” and “mutinous” and “a maverick” and “intractable” and “rebellious” and “revolutionary” and “disobedient” and “ungovernable” and “radical.”

Now here’s the difference in “type” and “style”: if one is being driven subconsciously by the hidden agenda of a Type Four, then the traits above will manifest and can generate self-defeating behaviors, relatively speaking, and all of those traits will serve as subconscious influences and will manifest without any “method to their madness.”

If (on the other hand) one is totally conscious, totally awake, and totally aware, then a style of “defiance” and “rebellious” will be observable and the “defiance” and “rebellious” will be against one’s ignorant and insane programming and conditioning and one's delusional culture and perverted home environment and a distortion-generating society’s efforts to brainwash and indoctrinate. 

In the process of "a Realized one" that is working with seekers who are seeking freedom from all of that as well, then there will be “method to the supposedly madness” as a conscious stand can be taken against all of the learned ignorance and insanity associated with the Ultimate Sickness in an effort to allow seekers to be freed from the effects of those roots of the Sickness.

The rub: most persons will never seek to find the real cause of their problems; most will never seek the real Medicine which can treat the Sickness; and of the ones who do seek, many will become addicted to the seeking and to playing the role of “The Seeker” which their egotism will eventually upgrade to the often-subconsciously-assumed identity of “The Super Seeker.”

This was shared by one who came to understand – via the use of enneagram testing and explanation – the actual results of assuming “The Super Seeker” role: “My longings can never become fulfilled because I now realize that I am attached to ‘the longing’ and not to any specific end result.”

One enneagram site shared this story to illustrate the point:

There is a Sufi story that relates to this about an old dog that had been badly abused and was near starvation. One day, the dog found a bone, carried it to a safe spot, and started gnawing away. The dog was so hungry that it chewed on the bone for a long time and got every last bit of nourishment that it could out of it. After some time, a kind old man noticed the dog and its pathetic scrap and began quietly setting food out for it. But the poor hound was so attached to its bone that it refused to let go of it and soon starved to death.

Maharaj's take on endless seeking: “All depends on you. It is by your consent that the world exists. Withdraw your belief in its 'reality' and it will dissolve like a dream.”

If that is to happen, then some degree of the Type Four’s style - including some degree of being “defiant” and “questioning” and “a maverick” - must be tapped into, but grasp the difference:

Post-realization, there was no “Maharaj,” no “person” and no "Personality Type Four" who was speaking to visitors. The consciousness spoke, and the consciousness spoke in the style of  a Four which will invite questioning and rebellion against all that had been previously accepted and believed in the absence of factual and empirical evidence and in the presence of blind faith instead.

The task at hand for earnest seekers that would cultivate that style in order become truly free and truly independent? Such a one must understand the total implication of Maharaj’s point when he says that “it is enough to know who you are not.”

What different outcome could manifest in the cases where 59% of the women killed every year in the U.S. are killed by males who had been playing the role of “The Lover” or “The Husband” with those women? What change could happen were males to know that they are not “The Lover” or “The Husband” before that role assumption (and that identify being "threatened") results in their murdering women who simply choose not to play the co-dependent, counterpart role required for those males' false, assumed identity to continue to be played?

All such assumed or assigned roles must go if one would be totally free and at peace, yet even more basic to the cause of being restored to sanity and being freed from learned ignorance and being freed from being driven by the subconscious agendas of 80 or 90 false, culture-based identifications is the necessity of being freed from having one’s thoughts and words and actions all being determined subconsciously by the hidden agendas of the nine basic personality types which affect every person on the planet to one degree or another.

Moreover, if those nine types are not cleared away, they will determine and control the manner of seeking that seekers become attracted to and attached to, including methods of teaching that will never end in realization and freedom and including this or that type of yoga which will never result in realization and total freedom.  

That will be discussed on Wednesday. Meanwhile, before reading that post tomorrow, consider which of these nine types you might be able to relate to in one degree of another:

The Perfectionist who judges self and others, who criticizes, who condemns, who wants to reform “the world."

The Helper / Savior who is driven to give and give and give to others in order to help them so that they will love you (an effort driven by the subconscious belief that not enough love was received during childhood, often from a father who was absent as a result of death or divorce or who was physically present but otherwise unavailable).

The Achiever / Performer who is concerned with form over substance and who seeks applause and admiration.

The Four Romantic or Escapist (or Seeker of Authenticity)
The Type Five who is The Jnani, the Seeker of Knowledge, The One Who Would Show Off His or Her Knowledge and Intelligence.

The Type Six Loyalist who is fear-based and dependent and who will play the loyal role in order to be taken care of.

The Type Seven who is The Seeker of Escape who wants to play and to avoid responsibility.

The Type Eight who is “The Boss” or “The Control Freak.”

The Type Nine who is "The Passive-Aggressive Avoider" of anything and everything that might challenge one’s inner desire for peace.

As an exercise in “self-discovery” (that is, in “false-self discovery”) you might write out those nine types and then indicate how much on a scale of 1-10 each is showing up with “you,” 1 being “very little” and 10 being “a great deal.”

To be continued.

Please enter the silence of contemplation.

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