Wednesday, August 31, 2016

“What Would You Say If You Knew For A Fact That Only Three Hours Of The Manifestation Remained?" Part Twenty-Seven

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To review the key pointers that would be offered were the taking of mahasamadhi only hours away: 

A. The source of all relative problems always involves fanaticism. 

B. Fanaticism is always rooted in the agendas of personality identifications

[Why is that the case? Because only ego-states can provide the mental compost heaps required for fanaticism to take root and bloom into the idiocy displayed by zealots and extremists and all other types of believers, whether the zealotry involves being fanatical about a “love” interest; or involves being fanatical about one’s children or pets; or involves being fanatical about a fascist politician; or involves being fanatical about one’s race; or involves being fanatical about one's favorite sports team or athlete;

or involves being fanatical about one's religion (which is never consciously chosen but is merely passed down by  one’s parents and grandparents); or involves being fanatical about some philosophy or ideology; or involves being fanatical about seeking; or involves being fanatical about the object of one’s addiction(s); or involves being fanatical about the desire to be seen as a spiritual giant; or involves a xenophobic attachment to one's nation; etc., etc., etc. 

Want to truly know Love, the unicity, peace, and the wisdom which comes with the full light rather than just giving lip service to those? Then stop being fanatical about anything.] 

C. Fanaticism also works hand-in-hand with higher-than-ever levels of the Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder are manifesting around the globe. 

To summarize some of the other key pointers which would be offered if the final talks were limited to what could be shared during the final three hours of the manifestation: 

1. Find the simplest version of these teachings. 

2. Abide naturally. 

3. Seek no identity, including "good" ones. 

4. Rest in the awareness of the nothingness. 

5. All things relative and Absolute is much ado about nothing. 

6. Settle not for instability. 

7. Question. 

8. Be free of the effects of your programming, conditioning, domestication and acculturation. 

9. March to the beat of your inner guru. 

10. Transition both religious and spiritual concepts. 

11. Understand that there are hundreds of sources of pain, that there is only one source of misery and suffering, and that you must return to the mind-less "Child No-Knowing Stage" is you would be free and happy. 

12. If you would abide naturally, find either a guide or a model that is abiding naturally. 

13. You Really Can Just Be (Without Being Anything or Anybody). 

14. Be still and know that you are and know that you are that so that you can be still and know that you are so that you can be still and know so that you can then just be still so that you can just . . . be. 

15. Above all: be love, but then live in an "as if" fashion so that you can enjoy love as a relative expression of absolute and Real Love as well. 

Next . . . 

“Two Sets of ‘Final Talks’,"  Part One

You now have several options regarding what could be deemed "the central elements which are at the core of” the Direct Path, Nisargan, non-duality teachings: you can consider the topics discussed in Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj's final talks; the pointers offered in the "final" talks offered in this book; the pointers included in both sets; or none of the above. 



1. All relative problems are rooted in the mind and in personality. 

2. See the illusion that all things relative are. 

3. Understand "the awareness which is not aware of" and how that awareness-energy temporarily manifests as conscious-energy. 

4. See the falsity of all things thought to be personal. 

5. Understand that the relative continues post-Realization but with "Reality" having been overlaid upon it. 

6. Accept the uselessness of knowledge (a.k.a., learned ignorance). 

7. Stabilize in Reality (as well as reality) and Truth. 

8. Understand what the Ultimate Sickness truly is and what the Ultimate Medicine truly is which can treat it. 

9. Transcend body, mind, and personality identifications and understand what impersonal consciousness truly is.

10. Understand that "Realization" cannot happen unless one transitions personality-based fears and desires (a transcendence which requires the abandonment of all religious and / or spiritual personas which have been assumed). 

11. See that the love of "knowledge" is based in egotism and then allow all knowledge to "go into liquidation."

12. Realize that the end of the manifestation of the conscious-energy is also the end of bondage but that the bondage can end even as the manifestation continues.

13. Know the nothingness. 

14. Be unconcerned. 

15. Abide with dignity and take mahasamadhi with dignity. 

To be continued. 

Please enter into the silence of contemplation. 

[NOTE: The four most recent posts are below. You may access all of the posts in this series and in the previous series and several thousand other posts as well by clicking on the links in the "Recent Posts and Archives" section.] 

In addition to the five non-duality books made available without charge by Andy Gugar, Jr. (see “FREEBIES” above), you can now access over 2,800 posts for any topics of interest to you.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

“What Would You Say If You Knew For A Fact That Only Three Hours Of The Manifestation Remained?" Part Twenty-Six

Table of Contents

Today's Considerations
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To review the key pointers that would be offered were the taking of mahasamadhi only hours away: 

The source of all relative problems always involves fanaticism

Fanaticism is always rooted in the agendas of personality identifications

Fanaticism also works hand-in-hand with higher-than-ever levels of the Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder are manifesting around the globe. 

To summarize some of the other key pointers which would be offered if the final talks were limited to what could be shared during the final three hours of the manifestation: 

1. Find the simplest version of these teachings. 

2. Abide naturally. 

 3. Seek no identity, including "good" ones. 

4. Rest in the awareness of the nothingness. 

5. All things relative and Absolute is much ado about nothing. 

6. Settle not for instability. 

7. Question. 

8. Be free of the effects of your programming, conditioning, domestication and acculturation. 

9. March to the beat of your inner guru. 

10. Transition both religious and spiritual concepts. 

11. Understand that there are hundreds of sources of pain, that there is only one source of misery and suffering, and that you must return to the mind-less "Child No-Knowing Stage" is you would be free and happy. 

12. If you would abide naturally, find either a guide or a model that is abiding naturally. 

13. You Really Can Just Be (Without Being Anything or Anybody). 

14. Be still and know that you are and know that you are that so that you can be still and know that you are so that you can be still and know so that you can then just be still so that you can just . . . be. 

And then next: The next topic offered for consideration is excerpted from the book WHEN ONLY THREE HOURS OF MANIFESTATION REMAIN (The "Final" Talks of Floyd Henderson):  

Above All: Be Love, But Then Live In an "As If" Fashion So That You Can Enjoy Love As A Relative Expression Of ABSOLUTE, REAL LOVE As Well 
(Part Five “B”: Loving Without Any Object Of Your Love) 

Originally, you were at Home - the Original Home being Your Original Nature and Your Present Home being the Authentic Self or The Real Self or The True Self. 

[To clarify, the point was made by Maharaj in his later teachings and has been made here time and again that there is no validity to any concepts or beliefs regarding “a self” or “selves” or “A Self” or “self-ness” or “Self-Ness.” 

The use of “the Authentic Self” or “The Real Self” or “The True Self” are merely terms which can be used for seekers at the earlier stages on “the path” to point to what is to be understood. “The Real Self” or “The True Self” refer to nothing more than the Pure Witnessing (and not even to “a Pure Witness”) and that is present only during the manifestation, not “later” at some post-manifestation point. 

Thus, the present “home” is a triad - the composite unity – made of an elemental plant food body which is circulating air and conscious-energy. There is no "original consciousness" which has remained in “your” plat food body from the beginning. 

As with all energy / matter, it cycles. Were that not the case, then you would only have needed to eat food – the bearer and transferor of conscious-energy – one time; since the conscious-energy does cycle constantly, then you are required to eat food regularly in order to replenish the supply. It is only the distortions of memory which give an illusion of continuity which leads some to believe the falsehood that the speck of consciousness you are now is the same speck of consciousness which you have been since the beginning of the current manifestation.] 

Your Original Home is not a literal "place" that has anything to do with anything personal. Here, the invitation is offered Lovingly and lovingly: come home. Come back to Your Original Nature. Abide naturally. 

When the poet wrote an ode on "Intimations of Immortality," or when Advaitins discuss "The Nectar of Immortality," the use of the term "immortality" refers to nothing with even the slightest trace of personhood. It refers only to the essence which you are invited to find, to understand, to relish, to be. In order to understand what True Love is in the relative existence, several prerequisites exist: 

1. As in all instances of traveling the Advaita “path” to truth, all currently-held concepts and ideas and beliefs (in this case, about “what love is”) must be seen to be false and must be abandoned in order for the truth to be seen. 

2. The false must be seen, but that alone does not allow the truth to be known; thus, all of the steps in “The Seven-Step Journey to Reality” which are required to reach an understanding of “the True Self” / Pure Witnessing must be completed if True Love is to be known. 

3. All sense of duality must be abandoned, along with all past programming that has led to the belief in subject-object delusions. 

4. In forfeiting all belief in the Subject-Object illusion, the Realized can be free of the concept of “personal relationship” and can understand that anything thought to be “personal” is about nothing more than a persona (the false self); can understand that the false self can know no truth at all; can know the unicity rather than the duality; can understand Advaita’s “not two”; and can therefore understand the falsehood of the concepts of “relating” and “relationship.” 

5. For the understandings in #4 above to manifest, then all ego-states (personas, false identities, and roles) must be abandoned, and that cannot happen without completing the journey referenced in #2 above. 

Next, to know “the Real You” (presently, “Pure Witnessing”) is to know “the Real Me.” To know that you are Love is to know that I am Love. Everything is matter or energy, thus Love is energy. You, in the relative, are matter sustained by energy . . . Real Love being one of those energies for some. 

Today, if I tell you “I Love you,” the truth behind those words is in the understanding that Love is not an action verb. It is only a noun. It indicates that I know who (or, more accurately, what I am) and that you are that, too. Sane, I shall not behave in a destructive manner. Sane, I cannot harm you for you are me. Anything not the Real You and the Real Me is illusion and is not Love. Love is that knowing, knowing I AM everything. 

For persons / personas, (false) "love" is about body desires and perceived needs stored in the “mind” after cultural programming, conditioning, etc. Thus, because "the mind" is conditioned, "love" in the relative is always conditional, always self-seeking (in spite of claims to the contrary), and always driven by agendas which are hidden from the one playing the role of “the lover” as well as from the one accepting the label of “the loved.” 

Both are ego-states, and persons trapped in their egotism can never know truth. Ego, by definition, is the “false I.” That which is false can never know truth. Love, as known by the True Self (by Pure Witnessing), is unconditional. What a conditioned person knows about Love is as far removed from reality as the True Self / Pure Witnessing is removed from the false roles played out by ego-states. 

Only the True Self - the Self that is known as a result of the consciousness having been purged of all of the effects of programming and conditioning and domestication and acculturation and that is, thus, once again functioning as “Pure Consciousness" (as "Pure Witnessing") - can know True Love. Moreover, it is only during the relative that Love can be understood (there be no “one” later, post-manifestation, to understand anything) and that understanding can only happen via the Pure Witnessing which is what the term “the True Self” points to. 

All beliefs held by personas about what "love" is are merely more falsehoods taken to be truth by those absorbed in ego-states, in body identification, and in the trap of “the mind” (which is nothing more than the storehouse of all lies and misconceptions and falsehoods passed on via the culture). 

If you know all of the above to be fact, you are likely “realized” (that is, per Maharaj, “free of learned ignorance and imposed insanity). If you are willing to consider that the above is fact, then you are moving along the path toward “Full Awareness.” If you find the pointers above to be anathema, then more remains to be understood about ego and ego-states and about the differentiation between Real Love and Love Expressed as love and the (false) "love" which the masses talk of. 

It is True Love (as understood via the True Self, the Pure Witnessing) which knows no “difference,” which sees no “differences,” which imagines no multiplicity, and which imagines no ego (false “I’s”) to be true; therefore, the True Self is fully aware that no separation exists. It is Pure Witnessing which understands that there is no validity to beliefs about different-from-ment and – therefore – accepts no beliefs about better-than-ment. 

[Are duality-based, separation-based beliefs increasing and spreading? Yes. It means nothing that the name “Floyd Henderson” has been added to The Wall of Tolerance at the Southern Poverty Law Center, a non-profit organization that combats hate, intolerance and discrimination through education and litigation. The Wall merely contains the names of those that have been willing to take a public stand against hatred and separation and in favor of Love instead. 

What does have meaning, and even then only relatively speaking, is the Center’s tracking of hate groups in the U.S. for those that would be informed. And what has been seen is an astronomical increase in the number of hate groups in the U.S. since the election of an African-American president and worldwide since the U.S. stock market-induced global economic collapse and the subsequent anger and rage which have inspired persons in nations around the globe to seek local scapegoats as targets of their rage. 

In the U.S., anti-government militiamen, white supremacists, abortion foes, domestic Islamist radicals, neo-Nazis and lovers of the Confederate battle flag have targeted police, government officials, black churchgoers, Muslims, Jews, schoolchildren, Marines, abortion providers, members of the Black Lives Matter protest movement and have used firearms, bombs, C-4 plastic explosives, knives and grenades to attack those scapegoats. 

Also in the U.S., demonizing statements about Latinos and Blacks and Muslims have electrified the radical right and white supremacists, and white members of those same groups throughout Western and Eastern Europe have been similarly electrified. By contrast, the True Self / Pure Witnessing knows the unicity. And knowing the unicity, and being the Oneness, is the only means by which the bliss can manifest consistently.]

So, yes, ignorance-and-insanity-induced duality and hatred are on the rise while it is only those who have been freed from the effects of learned ignorance and imposed insanity that know the Oneness and that can then know and enjoy . . . 

Peace, Unity, Love, and Light. 

To be continued. 

Please enter into the silence of contemplation. 

[NOTE: The four most recent posts are below. You may access all of the posts in this series and in the previous series and several thousand other posts as well by clicking on the links in the "Recent Posts and Archives" section.] 

In addition to the five non-duality books made available without charge by Andy Gugar, Jr. (see “FREEBIES” above), you can now access over 2,800 posts for any topics of interest to you.

Friday, August 26, 2016

“What Would You Say If You Knew For A Fact That Only Three Hours Of The Manifestation Remained?" Part Twenty-Five

Table of Contents

Today's Considerations
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Tools for Realization
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To review the key pointers that would be offered were the taking of mahasamadhi only hours away: 

a. The source of all relative problems always involves fanaticism.

b. Fanaticism is always rooted in the agendas of personality identifications. 

c. Fanaticism also works hand-in-hand with higher-than-ever levels of the Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder are manifesting around the globe. 

To summarize some of the other key pointers which would be offered if the final talks were limited to what could be shared during the final three hours of the manifestation: 

1. Find the simplest version of these teachings. 

2. Abide naturally. 

3. Seek no identity, including "good" ones. 

4. Rest in the awareness of the nothingness. 

5. All things relative and Absolute is much ado about nothing. 

6. Settle not for instability. 

7. Question. 

8. Be free of the effects of your programming, conditioning, domestication and acculturation.

 9. March to the beat of your inner guru. 

10. Transition both religious and spiritual concepts. 

11. Understand that there are hundreds of sources of pain, that there is only one source of misery and suffering, and that you must return to the mind-less "Child No-Knowing Stage" is you would be free and happy. 

12. If you would abide naturally, find either a guide or a model that is abiding naturally. 

13. You Really Can Just Be (Without Being Anything or Anybody). 

14. Be still and know that you are and know that you are that so that you can be still and know that you are so that you can be still and know so that you can then just be still so that you can just . . . be. 

And then next: The next topic offered for consideration is excerpted from the book WHEN ONLY THREE HOURS OF MANIFESTATION REMAIN (The "Final" Talks of Floyd Henderson):

Above All: Be Love, But Then Live In an "As If" Fashion So That You Can Enjoy Love As A Relative Expression Of ABSOLUTE, REAL LOVE As Well 
(Part Five “A”: Loving Without Any Object Of Your Love) 

There is an end - post-Full-Realization - to the belief in Subject-Object pairings, after which there is the beginning of knowing and feeling the Oneness throughout each waking hour of each and every day. Thus, there is a woman in the U.K. that enjoys the bliss of sitting outdoors and watching her bees as they do what bees do, feeling at one with them. 

There is the child nearby that lies in the grass during the springtime and watches the clouds floating across the sky above him. It was from that position of rest that he saw a formation come together to shape "a profile of my grandmother's face during her last days, when she was so calm." 

Though they are not "together" any longer, he feels the Love and the love nevertheless, and he sees the beauty not of a "world-class fashion model" but the beauty of a face that showed not only the wear and tear of decades of a relative existence but also the beauty of a face that reflected a readiness to accept the end of the manifestation with perfect serenity and dignity. 

 And there is the example here where, at some point, each morning walk will be suspended and in that silent gap between moving from point one to point two and back to point one, an intermission is taken in order to watch the deer grazing nearby. 

There is something blissful about witnessing such natural abidance and feeling the Oneness. Post-Realization, a sense of Oneness allows for such bliss-filled moments when the Awareness facilitates an awareness of the beautiful Oneness of All . . . allows awareness of the freedom of the Nothingness . . . and allows awareness of the sense of Love and love that comes with understanding the Oneness. 

That awareness - which the Realized do not merely know but actually are - will allow the relative expression of Real Love to be wholly and boundlessly bathed in Absoluteness to such a degree that there will manifest a realization of (and an "experiencing" of) a harmonious happiness . . . an unsurpassable bliss . . . a transcendent joy that can only happen in a "not-two," Advaitin manner. Meaning? 

Meaning that the bliss registers on both THAT level and on "this" level, so its force and passion and intensity are unequaled . . . incomparable . . . unparalleled. Such is the way it is when Real Love manifests and is allowed to flourish daily on a second-by-second basis. 

Why would anyone settle for less? Why would anyone settle for false "love" rather than continuing the "path" to Realization first and thereby providing an opportunity to find - that is, to know and then to BE - Real Love? Why would anyone settle for "not-Love" if they know that Real Love is an option (if only they are willing to Realize and to be Love, which can happen with or without a "partner")? 

Because this message is offered only rarely and is seldom ever heard. How many might admit - if they were totally aware and totally honest - that the internal toll of years of clinging to "false love" has far outweighed any of the supposed "benefits of being with someone" instead of "being alone"? How many are avoiding the peace of being alone but free in the solitude as opposed to the many who are being driven to remain inside their mental and emotional prisons with company? 

Is it possible that you could find the courage to refuse to settle for less? Is it possible that you could be authentic enough to forgo even the greatest pleasures or "benefits" imaginable if you know or suspect those potential gratifications are based in something that is less than True Love? Moreover, if you took that step, would you be showing respect to the uninterrupted authenticity? 

And, as significantly, would you not also be showing True Love and respect to the authenticity of the one that you would refuse to use for your own self-ish motives? The "Fully Realized" will never take any action that would inspire anyone to behave in a way that places at risk their contact with authenticity; additionally, is it possible that those that accept having no "love" at all (that is, the ones that refuse to settle for "false love") might be more content with that circumstance? 

Is it possible that you could be perfectly content without having to "have someone"? After the spouse of Maharaj took mahasamadhi, there were continual efforts by would-be matchmakers to encourage him to remarry. Maharaj's response was that he was married, saying: "The day she died, I married freedom." 

Freed of all personality, he did not fear; he did not desire; he did not "need." Taking a position of neutrality can apply to every facet of one's relative existence and will assure freedom. Freedom, in turn, will assure the manifestation of peace. Stability and satisfaction come in not playing the games, in not playing in the plays, in not playing at all, and in the refusal to settle for anything artificial that robs persons of their sense of peace and sense of fulfillment. Little takes a greater relative toll than accepting "not-Love" as a compromise. 

Via the realizations which came by way of those past experiences, it can be shared that, though it might take years before the toll is accessed, it will be accessed. Offered herein is a Direct Path to authenticity and to the ability to enjoy fully all of the various forms of "the essence" which can (a) initiate and sustain the manifestation; (b) enhance the relative existence when the Authentic Self is remembered; and (c) manifest fully when authenticity is overlaid on every aspect of the relative existence. 

As long as the uninterrupted flow of the essence of plant food happens, then there is the possibility for authenticity to serve as the gateway to the essence of awareness; to the essence of sensing the Oneness and being the Oneness; to the essence of knowing Love; to the essence of delighting in the physical expression of Love and the Oneness "with someone" or delighting in the feeling of Love and the Oneness even "without someone," resting in the solitude of the all-one-ness as opposed to a false sense of "aloneness." 

Next, there is the possibility for authenticity to serve as the gateway to the essence of sensing the Oneness and being the Oneness; to the essence of the understanding of all that is revealed via Wisdom; and to the essence of the very beingness itself. Without authenticity, there can be no stability, no freedom, no independence, no Self-Knowledge, no Love, no Self-Love, and, therefore, no consistent happiness and joy and bliss. 

There can only be a series of counterfeit identities that result in counterfeit beliefs about one's self and one's motives. Authenticity provides the only means by which the relative existence can be dealt with in a manner that provides consistent contact with Reality and which can, therefore, assure on-going sanity and stability. Being authentic means that one will be in touch with the internal awareness of Reality rather than being swept along and swept about and swept away by external forces and / or internal fears and deceptions and delusions. 

To give away any degree of the essence of Oneness; of True Love; of Wisdom; of the phenomenal expression of True Love and Oneness; of the essence of Full Realization; of the essence of freedom from being driven by the agendas of personality / personalities; and of the essence of the very beingness itself is to give away authenticity, the Authentic Self, and freedom and peace as well. 

To abandon authenticity - for self-ish pleasures, for relative gains, for self-satisfaction, for self-indulgence, for self-seeking, for self-centered desires - is to abandon any and all opportunity to be free, independent, fulfilled, contented, and at peace. To be in touch with that which is authentic is to be in touch with the essence in all of its following forms: 

The essence of food, which is Consciousness; 

The essence of liberation, which is freedom from personality; 

The essence of the Absolute, which is Awareness; 

The essence of this existence, which is knowing and being the Oneness, the True Love, and Wisdom; 

The essence of the Oneness, which is a "no-relationship relationship," the transcendence of the false belief in two (in an "A" and a "B") alongside the understanding of "Advaita" . . . of "not-two"; 

The essence of beingness via Realization; 

The essence of authenticity via Realization; 


The essence of Full Realization, which is independence, freedom, happiness, joy, and bliss. 

To be continued. 

Please enter into the silence of contemplation. 

[NOTE: The four most recent posts are below. You may access all of the posts in this series and in the previous series and several thousand other posts as well by clicking on the links in the "Recent Posts and Archives" section.] 

In addition to the five non-duality books made available without charge by Andy Gugar, Jr. (see “FREEBIES” above), you can now access over 2,800 posts for any topics of interest to you.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

“What Would You Say If You Knew For A Fact That Only Three Hours Of The Manifestation Remained?" Part Twenty-Four

Table of Contents

Today's Considerations
Recent Posts and Archives
Tools for Realization
Author's eBooks
Author's Paperback Books
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To review the key pointers that would be offered were the taking of mahasamadhi only hours away: 

a. The source of all relative problems always involves fanaticism. 

b. Fanaticism is always rooted in the agendas of personality identifications. 

c. Fanaticism also works hand-in-hand with higher-than-ever levels of the Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder are manifesting around the globe. 

To summarize some of the other key pointers which would be offered if the final talks were limited to what could be shared during the final three hours of the manifestation: 

1. Find the simplest version of these teachings. 

2. Abide naturally. 

3. Seek no identity, including "good" ones. 

4. Rest in the awareness of the nothingness. 

5. All things relative and Absolute is much ado about nothing. 

6. Settle not for instability. 

7. Question. 

8. Be free of the effects of your programming, conditioning, domestication and acculturation. 

9. March to the beat of your inner guru. 

10. Transition both religious and spiritual concepts. 

11. Understand that there are hundreds of sources of pain, that there is only one source of misery and suffering, and that you must return to the mind-less "Child No-Knowing Stage" is you would be free and happy. 

12. If you would abide naturally, find either a guide or a model that is abiding naturally. 

13. You Really Can Just Be (Without Being Anything or Anybody). 

14. Be still and know that you are and know that you are that so that you can be still and know that you are so that you can be still and know so that you can then just be still so that you can just . . . be. 

And then next: The next topic offered for consideration is excerpted from the book WHEN ONLY THREE HOURS OF MANIFESTATION REMAIN (The "Final" Talks of Floyd Henderson):  

Above All: Be Love, But Then Live In an "As If" Fashion So That You Can Enjoy Love As A Relative Expression Of ABSOLUTE, REAL LOVE As Well 

(Part Four: "Love is Knowing that You Are Everything; Wisdom Is Knowing That You Are Nothing") 

The discussion will continue (1) in an effort to differentiate between the rarely understood Real Love and the far-more-prevalent, conceptualized false "love" and (2) in an effort to address the toll that the latter concept takes on persons (guaranteeing - as noted earlier - that, if you settle for anything false, you will lose yourself completely). 

Consider this pointer: "Real Love" brings nothing that is relative and takes nothing that is relative (though the awareness of Oneness allows it to be expressed in endless ways when Reality is overlaid on the relative). Is it possible that the concept of (false) "love" among persons is actually based in "because of's"? ("I love her because of her good looks and because of how sweet she is and because of how good she is to me" or "I love him because of the way he cares for me and because of the way he provides for my needs and because of how he accepts me and because of the way he filled the void in my life when he came to me.") 

Is it possible that any notions about what love is, if the notions involve "because of's," really help to further define what love is not? If True Love happens to be unconditional in nature, then is it possible that any claims about "love" that involve conditions (or conditioning) really reveal what love is not? 

[Note: What some call the “Real Self” or the “True Self” is nothing more than pure witnessing – not the “Pure Witness” which only exists during the manifestation. True Love can only be understood by the “True Self,” so if True Love can only be understood if the True Self is understood, can anyone not “realized” have even the slightest clue as to what True Love entails?]

The typical groupthink which exists worldwide will block the understanding of pointers that attempt to differentiate Real Love - which is rooted in an unabridged sense of Oneness - from the "false love" that persons believe is real. So why is "love" preferred? 

As noted, Real Love brings nothing that is relative and takes nothing that is relative; false "love," on the other hand, is used to address personality-based fears and desires and is, therefore, only about giving relative things and getting or taking relative things . . . about "something" as opposed to "nothing." Thus, Real Love is Self-full but self-less; false "love" is totally selfish and self-ish, totally separated from oneself. 

Settling for false "love" will, in fact, guarantee that you will become separated from your “True Self” – that is, from the ability to witness accurately - and will guarantee that you will lose yourself completely. That is why pointers offered during a discussion of "love" vs. Real Love have been so vigorously resisted over the decades by persons defending whatever version of "love" they think they have, resisted even more than the discussions regarding their false dogma or other false beliefs. 

They want their fears and desires to be addressed, right now, and if false "love" is what can most immediately address those fears and desires, so it is. Bring it on, and keep it up. Most shut down and tune out completely when confronted with the fact that they have nothing close to Real Love, that they are playing a self-ish game, that they are using and being used. 

Accurately differentiating between (a) Real Love and (b) the commonly-accepted version of "love" (that is, "false love" or the "not-Real Love" which the masses speak of) can only happen post-Realization in the Full-Awareness understanding of Maharaj's pointer: "Love is knowing that I am Everything." 

When the Oneness is finally understood, then Real Love is marked by an unwavering sense of the unicity, of Everything-ness; then, it is clear as well that Real Love is Everything. Nothing else is believed to be after understanding that Real Love = Everything = Oneness. Believing nothing else - that is, having no other beliefs at all - then there is a manifestation of perfect insight and flawless perception which leads to a steadfast, unshakable understanding of the fact that "Wisdom is knowing that I am nothing."

[Meanwhile, what does the opposite look like when persons are driven by a "not-oneness," dualistic agenda? It looks like the separatist movements presently festering in the Middle East, in the U.K., in France, in Germany, and in the U.S., to name but a few examples. It looks like the politics of the separatists currently involved in the presidential election in the U.S., one key player having advised followers to "Turn on the hate." He did not mean "Turn against the hate . . . turn on it." He meant, "Turn on the hate like you would a faucet in order to let it really flow." So it is when the Ultimate Sickness manifests and thereafter determines every thought and word and deed.]

In the instant that it is understood that you are everything and that you are nothing, then at that point you lose your self absolutely (that is, you lose any belief in false selves) and you know yourself absolutely. In that instant you are never more in touch with yourself as well as in touch with that which is real, namely, “the One and Same Self-ness (actually, Beingness) of All,” realizing Love Manifest and realizing the non-dualistic truth of "the Not-Two-ness." 

Understand that and you understand that "ecstasy" - that perfect and total bliss - is actually the loss of your self / selves, allowing the “True Self” alone to BE and to witness purely that which Love truly is. The Absolute is at that moment overlaid upon the relative so that relative happenings then offer the opportunity for Absolute Bliss to manifest. 

And that can happen whether you are "with someone" or not. "How can that be?" some ask. That point will be made clear. Previously, it was shown that, post-“Full-Realization,” any physical expression of love is simultaneously an Expression of Real Love. Never again, after Full Realization, can such an expression be anything other than a simultaneous expression of love and an Expression of THAT . . . of Real and Absolute Love, meaning Love that is a reflection of the Absolute. You will settle for nothing less. You will choose nothing rather than settle for less. 

The "characteristics" of the Absolute are then adumbrated throughout the entirety of the relative existence and become the "characteristics" of the "not-two" (Advaitin) unicity of Real Love / love. What are those "traits"? In the limitless expanse of energy called “The Absolute,” that energy is uncontaminated, unconditional, unconditioned, unqualified, unlimited, pure, unadulterated, and unambiguous. 

If that energy which has the ability to be both conscious of and aware of if manifested is not blocked by the effects of programming and conditioning and domestication and acculturation, then it is uncontaminated, unconditional, unconditioned, unqualified, unlimited, pure, unadulterated, and unambiguous. 

For the remainder of the post-Realization understanding of the "not-two-ness" of Everything-ness and Nothingness, then all Expressions of Love and / or expressions of Love as love will also be uncontaminated, unconditional, unconditioned, unqualified, unlimited, pure, unadulterated, and unambiguous. 

Again many say, "But I still don't see how Absolute Bliss and the manifestation of phenomenal absolute bliss can manifest if you are not with someone." It's really quite simple: When the Oneness, the Everything-ness, is understood, there might be a "Lover" and a "lover" or there might not be a "Lover" and a "lover." Either way, though, Love IS. 

The Bliss of Loving and loving, therefore, never had anything to do with "two-ness" at all, did it? Consider: Is it possible that Love does not require the presence of another body but can happen even if “alone”? Is it possible that Love does not involve assumption of more false identities? Is it possible that Maslow’s talk of love and self-esteem and self-actualization might have more accurately been said to deal with Self-Love, Self-Esteem and Self-Actualization? 

Since Realization ends all subject-object duality, might True Love actually exist without an object? Because there is really no such thing as a "relationship" - that concept based in the duality of an "A" joined with a "B" - then it should be clear now that the post-“realization” relative existence (marked not by knowing Love and / or love but marked by Being Love and being love) requires "no one else" for Love and love to be felt. 

To be continued. 

Please enter into the silence of contemplation. 

[NOTE: The four most recent posts are below. You may access all of the posts in this series and in the previous series and several thousand other posts as well by clicking on the links in the "Recent Posts and Archives" section.] 

In addition to the five non-duality books made available without charge by Andy Gugar, Jr. (see “FREEBIES” above), you can now access over 2,800 posts for any topics of interest to you.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

“What Would You Say If You Knew For A Fact That Only Three Hours Of The Manifestation Remained?" Part Twenty-Three

Table of Contents

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To review the key pointers that would be offered were the taking of mahasamadhi only hours away: 

A. The source of all relative problems always involves fanaticism

B. Fanaticism is always rooted in the agendas of personality identifications

C. Fanaticism also works hand-in-hand with higher-than-ever levels of the Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder are manifesting around the globe. 

To summarize some of the other key pointers which would be offered if the final talks were limited to what could be shared during the final three hours of the manifestation: 

1. Find the simplest version of these teachings. 

2. Abide naturally. 

3. Seek no identity, including "good" ones. 

4. Rest in the awareness of the nothingness. 

5. All things relative and Absolute is much ado about nothing. 

6. Settle not for instability. 

7. Question. 

8. Be free of the effects of your programming, conditioning, domestication and acculturation. 

 9. March to the beat of your inner guru. 

10. Transition both religious and spiritual concepts. 

11. Understand that there are hundreds of sources of pain, that there is only one source of misery and suffering, and that you must return to the mind-less "Child No-Knowing Stage" is you would be free and happy. 

12. If you would abide naturally, find either a guide or a model that is abiding naturally. 

13. You Really Can Just Be (Without Being Anything or Anybody). 

14. Be still and know that you are and know that you are that so that you can be still and know that you are so that you can be still and know so that you can then just be still so that you can just . . . be. 

And then next: The next topic offered for consideration is excerpted from the book WHEN ONLY THREE HOURS OF MANIFESTATION REMAIN (The "Final" Talks of Floyd Henderson):

Above All: Be Love, But Then Live In an "As If" Fashion So That You Can Enjoy Love As A Relative Expression Of ABSOLUTE, REAL LOVE As Well 
(Part Three, Completion: Being Love and the Natural Expression of Love) 

Deer in the wild know the I AM, but they do not know THAT. Deer in the wild abide in a sound and logical and rational and stupidity-free and insanity-free manner, focusing only on the AM-ness while focusing not at all on the THAT-ness. Those who would live supernaturally are actually living unnaturally and, therefore, are not living naturally at all. 

The actual "end goal" of engaging in all of the "work" and "effort" that goes into Realization is not to know THAT and to abide as THAT ONLY, forsaking all of the joys and pleasures that can only happen during the relative. The "end-goal" is to be free of all ideas and concepts and beliefs and attitudes that drive efforts to abide supernaturally (i.e., in a spiritual or magical or mythical or "kindergartenly" fashion) and to be free of the influence of all thoughts and words and deeds that result in non-natural living. 

That is, the end goal is to abide as the deer abide, enjoying the enjoyable parts of the AM-ness and / or witnessing the not-so-enjoyable happenings during the AM-ness without ever being occupied or pre-occupied with THAT at all. 

Here, in October of 2011, when the heart with a near-total blockage in a main artery reached its peak of functioning most unnaturally, there was a constant awareness of the heart's presence because of stabbing jolts of pain, because of its irregular and arrhythmic beating, and because of its pounding away in a manner that made it impossible to ignore. 

By contrast, when the heart is functioning naturally, neither you nor I nor anyone else is aware of the presence of the heart. So it is post-Realization when natural abidance merely happens spontaneously. There is no need for awareness of awareness. All just happens spontaneously. While the natural functioning of a heart can allow the relative existence to unfold in a peaceful and even enjoyable manner without the slightest need to focus on the heart, so too can the understanding of THAT allow the relative existence to unfold in a natural and peaceful and even enjoyable fashion without any longer needing to focus on THAT at all. 

The deer that function in a manner that is not plagued with programming, conditioning, domestication, and acculturation are abiding in the manner that should be the end goal of every seeker. The deer are fully and automatically and spontaneously and instinctively and mindlessly and unthinkingly engaged in the AM-ness. There is nothing more than that which should be sought by any seeker. 

Again, the "Truly Realized" do not run. They do not run to and they do not run from. They abide with a sense of impartiality, witnessing all objectively and accurately from a platform of neutrality. They are fully and automatically and spontaneously and instinctively and mindlessly and unthinkingly engaged in the AM-ness, no longer working to focus primarily on the THAT-ness; 

therefore, there is no disparity between the I AM and the I AM THAT; there is no disparity in the AM-ness and the THAT-ness among the Fully Realized; and there is no disparity in Real Love and the expression of relative, physical love when the latter is understood to be as much an expression of the Oneness as Real Love itself: 

Maharaj said, "Love is knowing that I am Everything," and among "the Realized" still engaged in the physical expression of the unicity, there is no disparity and there is no misunderstanding about what the physical expression is actually representing or expressing. 

 Among those not engaged in the AM-ness aspect of expressing the Oneness, some are abstaining because their partner left, because their partner "died," because of health issues, because of aging issues, and for a number of other all-natural or understandable reasons. That is normal. 

"The Realized" are not immunized against all things relative, so such effects as the above can result, naturally; those people are completely prepared for whatever the relative brings and will feel whatever feelings arise as a result of whatever happens while being exempted from ego-state-driven emotional intoxication around relative events. Thus, they remain at peace, whether "with" or "without" things relative. 

There was a time when Maharaj enjoyed sex and a time when he no longer engaged in the act. Yet at no time, post-Realization, did he avoid sex because he had a belief that abstinence would render him "supernatural" or "spiritual" or "lofty" or "noble" or "exalted" or "elevated." And at no time, post-Realization, did he not know Love, and at no time post-Realization was he not aware of the Oneness (such awareness being a prerequisite for understanding what Real Love is). 

Expressed in a relative manner or not, Real Love was known, whether shown literally or not. By contrast, consider those who offered the advice that "you should encourage abstinence." They are not engaging in the AM-ness aspect of expressing the Oneness because they believe it makes them "more spiritual" or "more pure" or "better than other persons" or "more pleasing to god." The result? They are abiding in an unnatural and abnormal fashion. They are as deluded as they were prior to claiming Realization. They are not free of beliefs but are as trapped in beliefs as ever. 

Here, it is freedom from beliefs (and desires and fears) which guarantees that there is no running after sex (or anything else) and there is no running away from sex (or anything else). Here, the abidance happens naturally and spontaneously, as if the relative existence were a pleasurable journey that is happening in an AS IF manner and AS IF it were happening via an airplane that is in "auto-pilot" mode and that is sailing smoothly and calmly above the fray. 

Furthermore, there is no advice here to engage in sex that is an expression of the Oneness or not to engage in sex at all . . . no advice to "do this" or to "not do that." The pointer is that when persons are lost in the role of "The Spiritual Giant," they will behave in a supernatural and / or unnatural manner, and that is exactly the case with the two who are now playing the role of "Religious and Spiritual Giants Who Are the Givers of Unsolicited Advice and Who Would Control What All Persons Do and Do Not Do With Their Own Bodies." 

Offered above were some logical reasons why some no longer engage in the expression of Love via the relative act of expressing Love (though they most assuredly still know True Love); yet here, the pointer is that to believe that one is better (and better than "others") for choosing abstinence in a most unnatural and illogical conclusion and has nothing at all to do with actual Realization. 

Finally, for those who are using persons as sex objects to build up their own egos, yes, abstinence for a period of time might be indicated if it would allow their focus to shift away from self-gratification and self-focus to a focus on the search for authenticity and for a complete understanding of the statement that "Love is knowing that I am Everything." 

Here, meanwhile, where Nisarga (Natural) living is the only rule, no natural act can or will be blacklisted, advice from those assuming the role of "Spiritual Giants" notwithstanding.

To be continued. 

Please enter into the silence of contemplation. 

[NOTE: The four most recent posts are below. You may access all of the posts in this series and in the previous series and several thousand other posts as well by clicking on the links in the "Recent Posts and Archives" section.] 

In addition to the five non-duality books made available without charge by Andy Gugar, Jr. (see “FREEBIES” above), you can now access over 2,800 posts for any topics of interest to you.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

“What Would You Say If You Knew For A Fact That Only Three Hours Of The Manifestation Remained?" Part Twenty-Two

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To review the key pointers that would be offered were the taking of mahasamadhi only hours away, these would be included: 

The source of all relative problems always involves fanaticism

Fanaticism is always rooted in the agendas of personality identifications

Fanaticism also works hand-in-hand with higher-than-ever levels of the Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder are manifesting around the globe. 

The next topic offered for consideration is excerpted from the book WHEN ONLY THREE HOURS OF MANIFESTATION REMAIN (The "Final" Talks of Floyd Henderson):

Above All: Be Love, But Then Live In an "As If" Fashion So That You Can Enjoy Love As A Relative Expression Of ABSOLUTE, REAL LOVE As Well 
(Part Three: Being Love and the Natural Expression of Love) 

Shared in an earlier chapter was this point:

Here, it is understood that those who have said "you should encourage abstinence" have mentally discarded the "I AM" part of the summative statement and now delusionally take themselves to be "THAT only." Thus, the discussion will now turn to those who behave in an unnatural manner because they have adopted a supernatural (i.e., "spiritual" or "lofty" or "noble" or "exalted" or "elevated") role which drives them to abandon all that is totally natural and to avoid all that they take to be "impure" even though that is not the case at all. 

Those persons who have offered such suggestions - believing that they have the right to dictate what is taught here and what is not and believing that they have the right to dictate what people should and should not do with their own bodies - have offered their suggestions to the wrong teacher. Here, the Direct Path Method is used in conjunction with the Nisarga (Natural) Yoga, so nothing that is totally unnatural will be endorsed, and all that is natural will be endorsed. 

What those persons want is a teacher who has assumed the same persona that they have, namely, the persona of "The Super Spiritual One"; or, they are seeking a teacher who will reinforce their unnatural mode of functioning and their distorted belief systems. Here, the rejection of all beliefs is recommended; never have the teachings / unteachings here recommended that one should be free of his or her former "bad" beliefs in order to replace those with "good" beliefs, with "religious" beliefs, with "spiritual" beliefs, with "lofty" beliefs, with "noble" beliefs, with "exalted" beliefs, or with "elevated" beliefs. 

The model for abidance in the relative existence here is the deer. The moment that a deer is found to be practicing abstinence, then that might be considered as something "natural," but even that case would likely be found to be an abnormality and dismissed as such. Here, the suggestion is not to run about seeking physical sex or to run away from physical sex. Here, the point is to enjoy all that the relative existence can offer post-Realization because everything enjoyed can finally be enjoyed in a sane, logical, rational, normal and natural manner. 

There will be no "unsafe sex" practiced because that is not sane. There will be no need for sex because that would indicate a dependency, natural urges notwithstanding. As with all things here, sex might happen or might not and the only conclusion either way would be, "So it is." 

On the other hand, the physical expression of Absolute Love via a relative demonstration of Love / love will continue to be viewed as an act that is totally natural. Two persons from the Far East who claimed to be "truly realized" - as opposed to the "non-true realization" they said they had detected here - had explained and complained that "you should be recommending abstinence." Really?

Of course among the non-Realized masses, confusion is the rule, but even among those who claim to be Realized, most are involved in nothing more than the continuing confusion that results from what Maharaj called "kindergarten-level spirituality." In assuming their new but false identity of "THAT ONLY," they are pretending that the relative dissolves as a result of their having reached such noumenal and spiritual heights. 

If that dissolution really happened as a result of Realization, then the only chance for experiencing the essence of Love and Love's Expression would disappear as well because there are no physical rewards awaiting in some imaginary, upgraded "world" that one will supposedly abide in "later" and "eternally." 

Prior to Realization, there is no THAT ONLY, and post-Realization there is no THAT ONLY. The summative statement "I AM THAT; I AM" points as much to Reality post-Realization as it did prior to Realization. 

[Consider the added confusion among the masses after Moses plagiarized that Eastern phrase, claimed he heard the words being spoken from a "burning-bush-cum-god," failed to include the semicolon, and reported that god has identified "himself" as "I AM THAT I AM." Ah, so profound in its sound, yet so totally distorted.] 

So for thousands of years, "I AM THAT; I AM" has been misunderstood by billions upon billions of non-seekers . . . and by far-too-many seekers as well. Here, the invitation is to know the THAT-ness in order that freedom from delusions and distortions can manifest in order that the remainder of the AM-ness can be marked by sanity and then freedom and then peace and then happiness. 

For those who think that THAT is all that matters, they have missed the point completely: the only thing that really "matters" post-Realization IS the remaining IS-ness. Who would go to the effort of journeying to a store during the winter, buying a coat, but then not wearing it when venturing outside on especially-cold days? Who would journey to a store during the winter, buy a coat, but then stay in the store forever? No one that is sane. 

This deal is about completing the "journey" to find that which has been sought in order to be free of the insanity and chaos and dis-ease and disharmony or instability that mark the relative existence when not Realized. It was that drive to be free of the insanity and chaos and dis-ease and disharmony or instability during the relative existence that precipitated the search to begin with. What sense would it make, therefore, to find that which was being sought and then try to abandon the relative existence without ever having enjoyed the insanity-free, chaos-free, disharmony-free, and instability-free existence that can happen via Realization? None. That would make no sense at all. 

Consider: Thoreau: "I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I have not lived." 

Post-manifestation, after the elements forming the plant food body recycle into the universal pool of elements, and after the formerly-circulating oxygen merges into the universal pool of air, and after the conscious-energy merges into the Absolute, there will be awareness; however, there will be no aware-of-ness and there will be no conscious-of-ness. Whatever is to happen with the composite unity - and via the composite unity that "you" presently are - must happen now. Why? 

Because there will be no "one" remaining, post-manifestation, to be . . . or to know . . . or to enjoy anything. To claim that one has Realized but then to fail to overlay the newly-understood Reality on the relative existence in order to allow the remainder of the manifestation to unfold in a sound and logical and rational and (to use Maharaj's terms) a stupidity-free and insanity-free manner is clear evidence that the life of the one making such a claim is most assuredly continuing to happen in the same insane and unsound and illogical and irrational manner as it was happening prior to any beliefs about "having Realized." 

To be continued. 

Please enter into the silence of contemplation. 

[NOTE: The four most recent posts are below. You may access all of the posts in this series and in the previous series and several thousand other posts as well by clicking on the links in the "Recent Posts and Archives" section.] 

In addition to the five non-duality books made available without charge by Andy Gugar, Jr. (see “FREEBIES” above), you can now access over 2,800 posts for any topics of interest to you.

Monday, August 22, 2016

“What Would You Say If You Knew For A Fact That Only Three Hours Of The Manifestation Remained?" Part Twenty-One

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To review the key pointers that would be offered were the taking of mahasamadhi only hours away:

The source of all relative problems always involves fanaticism. 

Fanaticism is always rooted in the agendas of personality identifications. 

Fanaticism also works hand-in-hand with higher-than-ever levels of the Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder are manifesting around the globe. 

The next topic offered for consideration is excerpted from the book WHEN ONLY THREE HOURS OF MANIFESTATION REMAIN (The "Final" Talks of Floyd Henderson):

Above All: Be Love, But Then Live In An "As If" Fashion So That You Can Enjoy Love As A Relative Expression Of ABSOLUTE, REAL LOVE As Well 
(Part Two, Continued: What Real Love Is Not) 

9. Is it possible that Love is NOT that which results when your limbic brain system releases pleasure-producing chemicals when you are attracted to someone? That part of the brain recognizes the familiarity of your “caretakers,” ignoring whether that caretaking was effective or harmful, relatively speaking. It is a chemical reaction, not a “love-reaction,” when “others” attract you because of a subconscious response that you can neither trigger willingly nor halt on your own.

10. Is it possible that Love is NOT the “repetition compulsion” that drives persons to recreate unhealthy relationship models from the past (with a hidden agenda of bringing about what you believe would be a more positive outcome)? Suppose you’re a young woman now whose father during your youth could not express love. Are you seeking men with a fatherly-image who seem willing to love you unconditionally? Are you taking that to be “love” when you're really addressing a subconscious need that is rooted in childhood disappointments? 

[Relatedly, have you ever seen a person who is only attracted, over and over again, to psychos and who rejects all persons who are fairly healthy in terms of psychic development and integration? Investigate the domestication and conditioning that such a person was exposed to in the childhood home and the causes behind the mystery of "Why does he / she repeatedly go for those types?" or "Why do I repeatedly go for those types?" will usually be revealed.] 

Furthermore, is True Love ever needy, really? Absolutely not. Are you from a broken home and are now being driven subconsciously to try to form a family and to “get it right” this time? Are you assuming erroneously that it is Real Love that is driving that desire? 

11. Is it possible that Love is NOT real if it drives self-destructive behavior or if it drives you to try to please at any cost . . . even the cost of never finding out who "you" truly are as you subjugate yourself to another person? 

12. Is it possible that Love is NOT the purely physical response that automatically drives all species to propagate? 

13. Is it possible that Love is NOT that which is a product of the many subconscious and unconscious factors that drive persons to try to treat with "love" the plethora of mental and emotional issues that need addressing? 

14. Is it possible that Love is NOT that which drives you to expend so much of your energy in an effort to find something that will heal the wounds of your childhood trauma and / or your adulthood trauma? 

15. Is it possible that Love is NOT that which drives persons to unite in order to feel whole? Are you aware that those drives are rooted in not knowing the unicity, in imagining that the duality of “separation” is "real," and in believing that the duality of "aloneness" or "apartness" are “real?” If you complete the "Seven-Step Journey to Reality," you will understand that the word "aloneness" is a corruption of the original term, "all-oneness." 

16. Is it possible that Love is NOT what it is taken to be by anyone involved in “self” (personas, false selves) nor by anyone who has not Fully Realized, nor by anyone who has not come to know the unicity of all via True Self Awareness? 

17. Is it possible that Love is NOT what it is taken to be by persons who are unaware of the selflessness beyond this manifestation? 

18. Is it possible that Love is NOT that which persons are driven to search for as a result of the desires, the perceived emotional needs, and the fears of their ego-states? 

19. Is it possible that Love is NOT that which drives persons to try to find a partner to provide now what they wanted in childhood but did not get? 

20. Is it possible that Love is NOT that which is supposed to meet regularly your physical desires and is NOT that which is supposed to provide for your economic welfare? 

21. Is it possible that one's desire to buy you with money - to have you sell yourself - is 

(a) NOT at all a display of how much that person must surely love you and is 

(b) NOT evidence of how fantastic you must surely be? Is it possible, instead, that a monetary or material offer - no matter how nobly or philanthropically or altruistically or "lovingly" the proposition is packaged - is itself evidence of that person's narcissism-based arrogance, of that person's desire to own and possess and jealously control, and of that person's propensity to downgrade you (along with any others whom that person has likely been able to buy before you)? 

What other beliefs need to be abandoned in order for you to look objectively at your past and present beliefs and thoughts and behavioral patterns in regard to relationships and "love" and then be able to differentiate between what Real Love is vs. what Real Love is not? 

To be continued.

Please enter into the silence of contemplation.

 [NOTE: The four most recent posts are below. You may access all of the posts in this series and in the previous series and several thousand other posts as well by clicking on the links in the "Recent Posts and Archives" section.]

In addition to the five non-duality books made available without charge by Andy Gugar, Jr. (see “FREEBIES” above), you can now access over 2,800 posts for any topics of interest to you.

Friday, August 19, 2016

“What Would You Say If You Knew For A Fact That Only Three Hours Of The Manifestation Remained?" Part Twenty

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To review the key pointers that would be offered were the taking of mahasamadhi only hours away: 

The source of all relative problems always involves fanaticism. 

Fanaticism is always rooted in the agendas of personality identifications. 

Fanaticism also works hand-in-hand with higher-than-ever levels of the Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder are manifesting around the globe. 

The next topic offered for consideration is excerpted from the book WHEN ONLY THREE HOURS OF MANIFESTATION REMAIN (The "Final" Talks of Floyd Henderson):

Above All: Be Love, But Then Live In An "As If" Fashion So That You Can Enjoy Love As A Relative Expression Of ABSOLUTE, REAL LOVE As Well 
 (Part Two: What Real Love Is Not) 

Here, words are first used to point to what is NOT; never is what is addressed first. 

The Realized Advaitin knows that Truth cannot be found by beginning with a search for Truth. The search begins first with a search for all distortions, misperceptions, falsehoods, illusions, and delusions that have been unquestioningly accepted as fact in the past. When every lie is seen to be a lie, when every concept is seen to be false, when all worldly and spiritual knowledge is seen to be nothing more than learned ignorance, it is at that point then that Truth will explode into awareness like gunpowder touched off by a spark. 

The approach to “seek first the false” applies to all non-duality subject matter, so the same approach will be used as the discussion of True Love vs. false love begins. So, what is love NOT? 

1. Is it possible that Love is NOT the love-to-be that ego-states experience? "The Husband” loves-to-be "The Husband” so much that when “The Wife” reports that she is leaving, 59% of their male partners in the U.S. kill the one intent upon leaving. When awareness of the True Self is lost below the layers of personas that persons wrongly take to be who they are, then a "perceived threat" to an ego-state will be mistaken for an actual threat. The result is that the person (in this example “The Husband”) believes so strongly that he is being attacked that he is driven to strike out in what he subconsciously takes to be “self-defense” (specifically, in “defense of his false self”). 

[Thus, personality identification so warps the mind that it can perceive an act of offense as an act of defense. Talk about insane!]

2. Is it possible that Love is NOT the love-of-self that drives persons to seek “a compatible partner”? Many heterosexual persons actually want an opposite-sex version of themselves. Many homosexual persons want a same-sex version of themselves. 

[Talk about arrogance!]

Persons are so in love with themselves—with their false “selves” and false identities—that they believe that they can only be happy if they find other persons to associate with who mirror them . . . who think as they think, feel as they feel, and believe as they believe. Any deviation from that pattern will be grounds for war, either among individuals or among individuals comprising nations. 

Therefore, nations can develop and display the same disgusting personality traits as individuals, and nations with the most arrogant in their populations most often evidence their egotism-based self-concepts with proclamations such as: “You need to follow our political system” (e.g., “democracy”); “you need to adopt our economic system” (e.g., “capitalism”); and “you need to adopt our religious beliefs” (e.g. “our Christian beliefs, our Islamic beliefs,” etc.) 

3. Is it possible that Love in NOT “the missing ingredient in your life” that can bring you happiness if attained? All absence of happiness and all presence of misery is rooted in persona-based perceptions of need, of desires, and of fears. Try to name another area that generates more desire or more fear than “love.” Try to name anything else sought out so vigorously in order to meet perceived needs (that are not truly needs at all but are merely more “wants”). Few areas of your relative existence have superseded “love” in fostering desire, fear, short-term happiness, and long-term misery. 

4. Is it possible that Love is NOT the gateway to having your needs and wishes met? Your needs are perceived and the actual driving force behind your desires cannot be seen until well along "the path" to Realization. 

5. Is it possible that Love is NOT a tool to be used for manipulation of “others” or “another” to gain more or to satisfy your sense of entitlement . . . the sense that you are entitled to be taken care of or that you deserve more than you have? Happiness begins when the search for more goes and a contentment with less comes. Happiness becomes fixed when nothing is desired. It reaches a new height during AS IF living when the Void is enjoyed. It reaches the ultimate bliss after it is seen that the Void IS the fullness. 

6. Is it possible that Love is NOT “caring enough” to meet the needs and desires of “another”? That is attachment. That is co-dependency. That is self-service disguised as "service to others." That is ego-state defense. That is delusion. And more often than not, if you dig one layer below what many claim to be their “altruistic giving,” what is revealed is a hidden agenda to "get" and the desire to serve self as referenced above. The drive among the masses to accumulate follows twenty years of early programming. The shift toward true happiness begins when it is seen that one is left with a sense of emptiness in spite of all that has been accumulated, when one enters into Self-Inquiry, when one finds the Real, and when de-accumulation then happens spontaneously. 

7. Is it possible that Love is NOT because of? The closest that "love" could be to what is Real happens when it is not because of but more often is in spite of  instead. 

 8. Is it possible that your belief systems about love, needs, and “relationships” are NOT that which is the answer to all your problems but will instead almost always become an additional source of even more misery? How often in your own experience has "Mr. Right" or "Ms. Right" eventually been revealed to be "Mr. Incredibly Wrong!" or "Ms. Unbelievably Wrong!"? 

“Part Two” will be completed tomorrow. 

Please enter into the silence of contemplation. 

 [NOTE: The four most recent posts are below. You may access all of the posts in this series and in the previous series and several thousand other posts as well by clicking on the links in the "Recent Posts and Archives" section.] 

In addition to the five non-duality books made available without charge by Andy Gugar, Jr. (see “FREEBIES” above), you can now access over 2,800 posts for any topics of interest to you.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

“What Would You Say If You Knew For A Fact That Only Three Hours Of The Manifestation Remained?" Part Nineteen

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To review the key pointers that would be offered were the taking of mahasamadhi only hours away: 

The source of all relative problems always involves fanaticism. 

Fanaticism is always rooted in the agendas of personality identifications. 

Fanaticism also works hand-in-hand with higher-than-ever levels of the Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder are manifesting around the globe. 

The next topic offered for consideration is excerpted from the book WHEN ONLY THREE HOURS OF MANIFESTATION REMAIN (The "Final" Talks of Floyd Henderson):

Above All: Be Love, But Then Live In An "As If" Fashion So That You Can Enjoy Love As A Relative Expression Of ABSOLUTE, REAL LOVE As Well 
(Part One: Real Love vs. Not-Real Love) 

To summarize some of the other key pointers which would be offered if the final talks were limited to what could be shared during the final three hours of the manifestation: 

1. Find the simplest version of these teachings.

2. Abide naturally. 

3. Seek no identity, including "good" ones. 

4. Rest in the awareness of the nothingness. 

5. All things relative and Absolute is much ado about nothing. 

6. Settle not for instability. 

7. Question. 

8. Be free of the effects of your programming, conditioning, domestication and acculturation. 

9. March to the beat of your inner guru. 

10. Transition both religious and spiritual concepts. 

11. Understand that there are hundreds of sources of pain, that there is only one source of misery and suffering, and that you must return to the mind-less "Child No-Knowing Stage" is you would be free and happy. 

12. If you would abide naturally, find either a guide or a model that is abiding naturally. 

13. You Really Can Just Be (Without Being Anything or Anybody). 

14. Be still and know that you are and know that you are that so that you can be still and know that you are so that you can be still and know so that you can then just be still so that you can just . . . be. And then next: 

15. Above all: be Love, but then live in an "as if" fashion so that you can enjoy love as a relative expression of ABSOLUTE, REAL LOVE as well. 

Nothing is more misunderstood among the non-Realized masses than the differentiation between (A) True Love and (B) the false beliefs about "love" - that is, about that which is not-Real-Love - which the masses mistake for True Love. 

The number one priority for persons in the age range spanning from the mid to late teens and then throughout adulthood is the totally dualistic concept of "relationships," almost all of which operate for the most part on nothing deeper than a Subject-Object, false self-serving level. 

In the process, persons become objectified as they are assigned or adopt "relationship" roles, typically cycling through the playing of a series of false "relationship" roles time and again, endlessly moving along the gamut discussed by Maharaj, shifting their adopted identities from . . . stranger to acquaintance to friend to sex partner or lover to fiancé / fiancée to spouse to super spouse to enemy to mortal enemy to ex-spouse, after which another cycle will usually begin with a new partner plugged into that continuum of players and will lead to the next round of role-playing and game-playing. 

What has been seen during decades of dealing closely with thousands of persons who are seeking one thing or another is that there is tremendous resistance to seeing that their beliefs are false and tremendous resistance to abandoning their concepts and ideas; yet what has also been seen is that nothing compares with the resistance among persons to 

(1) admitting how deceptive and self-deceptive are their beliefs regarding the true state and nature of their "relationships" and resistance to 

(2) admitting that their beliefs about "love" are their number one source of deception. Real Love is the Love referenced by Maharaj when he said: "Wisdom is knowing I am nothing, Love is knowing I am everything, and between the two my life moves." 

What persons call "love" - while mistakenly believing they are talking about Real Love - can be for a time the most magnificent experience of all; yet it can also be the most horrendous experience of all. With such duality, how can that possibly be taken for The Real? As for feeling vs. emotion, if love happens as a feeling, take the ride and watch the feelings rise and fall; if love happens as an emotion—that is, if it is being "experienced" by a person in an ego-state—prepare for war. 

Persons desiring to know what Real Love is might benefit more (relatively speaking, of course) if they were able to understand what love is not, so that will be discussed in detail in the next chapter. 

For now, consider this pointer again: ego and egotism involve the belief that there is a vast multiplicity arranged in a hierarchy and that you’re the pinnacle; humility is knowing that you’re nothing, no-thing; and Real Love is knowing that you are everything. 

(That said, understand that ego, humility, love, and even Real Love are also merely concepts, thorns that can be used to remove thorns and terms that can be used to point to Truths that allow the remainder of the manifestation to unfold in a Loving and loving and peaceful and harmonious way.) 

Understand that completing "the journey" - which involves taking all seven of the steps along the direct "path" to Full Realization - is useless unless it brings about a shift in the way that the relative existence unfolds. Here, the phrase "As If Living" refers to the fact that, post-Realization, things relative seem to matter while knowing clearly at the same time that they do not; thus, employment can happen, "relationships" can happen, happenings can be engaged in, etc. Yet none of it is given any credibility. Seekers that have come here for the last twenty-seven years have been advised: 

"If you are seeking realization with any intent of adopting new and improved and 'good' and elevated or noble identities, with any desire to be 'a better person,' with any agenda about 'saving a relationship,' with a goal of 'finding that You are something special and different,' or with any other supposedly lofty and / or supposedly 'spiritual' reason, then you have not finished the search for your teacher because none of that is given any credence here." 

 Here, the invitation will be to complete all three legs of the total "journey": Leg One was the "coming in" part of the "journey" when the conscious-energy manifested and then became blocked from knowing Truth and Reality as a result of faulty programming, conditioning, acculturation, and domestication. Leg Two is the "going back" leg of the three-part "journey" which happens in the exact reverse order of the way that the "coming in" occurred. 

That results in a shift from identification with the false "I" to an understanding of the Absolute (and, in some cases, an understanding also of the Nothingness which is even beyond the Absolute). Leg Three involves "coming back again," but with the consciousness being manifested in a totally different, totally unblocked manner so that Reality will be overlaid on the relative. 

When Reality is overlaid on the relative, then there is both Real Love and the relative expression of Real Love which is what love is when expressed during the post-Realization relative. It is the post-realization understanding of the Oneness which allows for an awareness of what Real Love is; then, it is an awareness of what Real Love is that allows "love-as-a-relative-expression-of-Real-Love" to happen with a sense of Oneness that takes love-expression / Love-Expression to heights that the non-Realized cannot even begin to imagine. 

Furthermore, just as much as the summative statement of non-duality (" I AM THAT; I AM") might appear to be contradictory or involved with "two-ness" - though it is neither - so too is "Love / love" not contradictory and not involved with "two" at all, if “Full Realization” has happened. 

The fact about Love / love cannot be grasped, however, unless that Full Realization has happened and unless the third leg of the three-leg "journey" has been completed. The question then becomes, "Can you, from the position of 'as if living' that follows full realization, feel and share and be Unconditional Love?" The answer that has been offered here for over two decades is: 

"Not only can you, but you shall; in fact, no choice will be involved. It will just happen . . . spontaneously and unequivocally, and then any relative expression of love / Real Love can be enjoyed in a way that the non-Realized will never understand." 

Thus, the pointer offered earlier is emphasized: the teachings / unteachings here are not for those who want to Realize in order to see themselves as something "supreme," something "special," something "unique," and something totally dissociated from the relative existence. 

Here, the invitation is to Realize, to overlay Reality on the relative, and then to enjoy the relative existence (which is the only vehicle available for true bliss to be known and enjoyed). Here, it is understood that those who have said "you should encourage abstinence" have mentally discarded the "I AM" part of the summative statement and now delusionally take themselves to be "THAT only." 

(The debunking of their endorsement of the unnatural will be discussed in later.) 

[By the way, those types are invited to lower their heads, take a ten-step running start, and crash full on into a brick wall and then see if they still believe that "nothing is real," including bricks. What the Realized understand is that all is energy / matter, that energy / matter is real, but that in this existence nothing is ever as it appears.] 

Not only have such persons missed out on grasping the True Understanding completely, but they are now missing out on the only opportunity - namely, the opportunity that is available NOW - to know and enjoy the bliss. 

To be continued. 

Please enter into the silence of contemplation. 

[NOTE: The four most recent posts are below. You may access all of the posts in this series and in the previous series and several thousand other posts as well by clicking on the links in the "Recent Posts and Archives" section.] 

In addition to the five non-duality books made available without charge by Andy Gugar, Jr. (see “FREEBIES” above), you can now access over 2,800 posts for any topics of interest to you.

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