Saturday, August 13, 2016

“What Would You Say If You Knew For A Fact That Only Three Hours Of The Manifestation Remained?" Part Fourteen

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To review: 

It has been seen that the source of all relative problems involve fanaticism (which is linked to the agendas of personality identifications); higher-than-ever levels of the Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder (which is linked to chemical imbalances in the elemental plant food body as well as to personality); and humanity’s tendency to take what could be simple and make it complex and complicated. 

Selecting the topics to discuss which can help address humanity’s relative problems, the first dealt with the requirement for abiding in a Nisarga (natural) fashion: 

“It’s All Very Simple So Keep It That Way.” Next, 

“Seek What You Are If You Like, But It Would Be Enough To Simply Find What You Are Not.” 

“Question Everything and Everyone.” 

“The Relative Existence Will Never Be Stable, But You Can Be.” 

“If Seeking Authenticity, Listen To the Beat of Your Inner Guru and Allow That to Be the Drum That Provides the Beat to Which You March” and

“There Are Hundreds of Sources of Pain, But Only One Source of Misery and Suffering” 

The next topic offered for consideration is excerpted from the book WHEN ONLY THREE HOURS OF MANIFESTATION REMAIN (The "Final" Talks of Floyd Henderson):  

If You Would Come To Understand How To Abide Naturally, Find A Guide And Then A Model That Are Abiding Naturally, Part A 

To emphasize: 

1. Find the simplest version of these teachings. 

2. Abide naturally. 

3. Seek no identity, including "good" ones. 

4. Rest in the awareness of the nothingness. 

5. All things relative and Absolute are much ado about nothing. 

6. Settle not for instability. 

7. Question. 

8. Be free of the effects of your programming, conditioning, domestication and acculturation. 

9. March to the beat of your inner guru. 

10. Transition both religious and spiritual concepts and identities. 

11. Understand that there are hundreds of sources of pain, that there is only one source of misery and suffering, and that you must return to the mind-less "Child No-Knowing Stage" if you would be free and happy. Next: 

12. If you would come to understand how to abide naturally, find a guide and then a model that are abiding naturally. 

 Here, Maharaj was a guide for part of the "journey"; once (a) the understanding of the functioning of the totality came during a vision and (b) that "big picture" awareness helped to clarify the later teachings of Maharaj, then Realization happened. 

[A description of the vision is available above without charge.] 

After Realization, this followed: as a result of having a local deer population for neighbors in an area that is shared with them, those deer have provided the model by which the daily existence has unfolded. 

The deer’s lifestyle provides an example of natural living (as opposed to supernatural living or unnatural living): the deer functions spontaneously and unthinkingly under the auspices of the “laws” of nature. It does nothing that is unnatural or self-destructive, and it has no supernatural beliefs. It has no dogma, no practices, no rules, no beliefs, and no concepts. That plant-food-body-cum-consciousness (thought to be "a deer" by humans only) functions with a brain but no "mind." 

The deer burns no scented sticks and rings no noisy bells and sings no noisy songs and chants no noisy chants in unison with other deer. It does not knell and it has no "special way to sit" during "special times," such differentiation being the province of the not Fully-Realized. It experiences no emotional intoxication. Yes, it bonds with other deer, but it experiences neither dependency nor co-dependency. It knows that it IS, but it does not believe that it is “something” or even that it is “anything.” 

The sense of Am-ness manifests with the deer, but the sense of “I am this” or “I am that” does not. (Note that even though the speck of consciousness called “a deer” knows it is, it does not "know" either the “I” or the “i.” Though the beingness is sensed, no thought of a "personal I" occurs. ) 

To be continued. 

Please enter into the silence of contemplation. 

[NOTE: The four most recent posts are below. You may access all of the posts in this series and in the previous series and several thousand other posts as well by clicking on the links in the "Recent Posts and Archives" section.] 

In addition to the five non-duality books made available without charge by Andy Gugar, Jr. (see “FREEBIES” above), you can now access over 2,800 posts for any topics of interest to you.

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