Saturday, December 30, 2017


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[See the offer following this post for details on how you can watch a video which includes a discussion of all seven of the steps on the path used by Maharaj] 

THE CONCLUSION, Part 2 of 2 


2 billion members of a certain religion believe that a virgin can become pregnant and can deliver a baby and can still remain a virgin; that there is a God and that God has a specific gender - male; and that their beliefs are the only right beliefs among all religions. 

1.5 billion members of a certain religion believe that there is a God, that God has a specific gender - a male - and that He wants the members to kill other members who belong to a different sect and to kill people who are members of religions which are different from their own. 

1.15 billion of a certain religion believe that there are multiple gods and goddesses; that everyone should strive for dharma; and that individual souls are immortal and can go through multiple incarnations. 

None of their beliefs can stand up to scientific scrutiny or to objective, rational investigation, yet they cling to those beliefs stubbornly and wholeheartedly

DouweTiemersma said: 

"There are various religions and systems of philosophy which claim to endow human life with meaning. But they suffer from certain inherent limitations. They couch into fine-sounding words their traditional beliefs and ideologies, theological or philosophical. Believers, however, discover the limited range of meaning and applicability of these words, sooner or later. They get disillusioned and tend to abandon the systems, in the same way as scientific theories are abandoned, when they are called in question by too much contradictory empirical data." 

Yet few have been seen here to actually abandon their systems. 

Jo Nesbo's take on the subject seems to be the more accurate: 

"The bigger a group is" (2 billion, 1.5 billion, 1.1.5 billion, etc.) "the harder it is to break free of from their prevailing ideas and assumptions. They work a bit like a religion because they automatically think that so many other people around them can't be wrong. Well, they can. And they are. All the time." 

So (a) the prevailing attitude among the 97% on the planet who claim an affiliation with an organized religion (and who did not choose the religion that they are affiliated with but were assigned that affiliation by their parents) and (b) the prevailing attitude among the millions who brag that they "are not religious but are spiritual instead, is this: 

"These are our beliefs and no one will ever change them, so 'contradictory empirical data' be damned!" 

Some define ignorance as "a lack of knowledge or education." 

Maharaj would disagree, having said: "All knowledge is ignorance." 

He said that "realization is freedom from learned ignorance" and that "Realization is but the opposite of ignorance." 

He said: "The so-called 'birth' is the appearance of ignorance which prevails till the so-called 'death'." 

Some define it as "a lack of awareness," and that would align more closely with Maharaj's take on the subject. 

Is any progress being made in terms of treating the Ultimate Sickness and eradicating it's key symptoms which he ident6ified as "ignorance, stupidity and insanity?" No. 

Maharaj said: "The circles of ignorance may be ever widening, yet it remains a bondage all the same." 

Furthermore, Maharaj noted: "You do not realize that your present waking state is one of ignorance." 

Of those who cling to the myth-and-superstition-and-ignorance-based dogma of their ancestors, Maharaj said: 

"Not to know, and not to know that one does not know, is the cause of endless suffering." 

Does it not seem like that would be reason enough to seek, to understand, to be free? Yet it is not; instead, among many of those types, suffering is ennobled: 

"Be like Christ who suffered on the cross. Suffering now paves the way for rewards and happiness later


"Suffer by blowing yourself up with a bomb vest as you kill infidels. Then you shall be given sexual pleasures for eternity" 


"Suffer now and you will elevate to a higher level later." 

Who but those trapped in ignorance and / or insanity would accept an invitation to suffer, to normalize misery, and to postpone pleasure until "a later life" or "an afterlife" or "a series of lives"? 

One man who finally broke free of his attachment to the dogma which his parents exposed him to said, "I finally saw that the motto of the Catholic Church is, 'If it feels good, stop it,' but that applied to church members only, not to the priests who abused us. It has taken years of therapy along with the freedom which the non-dual understanding has brought to finally be able to enjoy my existence." 

Who but those trapped in the sickness of such personality disorders as the Sociopathic Personality Disorder or the Psychopathic Personality Disorder or the Sadistic Personality Disorder would enjoy seeing others suffer? None. Yet those types are currently quite popular among certain voters or followers in many places around the globe (revealing a great deal about the disorders which those voters are likely trapped in as well). 

Freedom which does not involve freedom from being driven by ignorant and insane thoughts and ignorant and insane words which lead to ignorant and insane actions is not freedom at all. 

Who needs that freedom which facts and science and understanding can bring? 

According to Maharaj: "The scientific approach is for all. ‘Trust-test-taste’. What more do you need?" But how many really want the truth? Few.

Many counselor's learn that the surest way to run off clients is to introduce truth to them too early in the process. 

Maharaj asked: "Why push the Truth down unwilling throats? It cannot be done, anyhow. Without a receiver what can the giver do?" 

The point: the last thing that most persons who are trapped in ignorance, stupidity, and insanity want is any awareness of their true state, is any awareness of the truth, is freedom from stupid beliefs, and is a suggestion that insanity is present and is clearly in need of being addressed. 

Hence Maharaj's estimate that only a few thousand people on the planet at any given moment will be realized, that is, will be "free of all learned ignorance" and will have "reached a state which is the opposite of ignorance and will be abiding therein for the remainder of the manifestation." 

So it is, but so it need not be. 

Again . . . 

Peace, Unity, Love and Light.

Watch an updated seven-hour streaming video of a retreat with Floyd Henderson which can be viewed by anyone with internet access. (In this video, all seven of the steps on "the path" as taught by Maharaj are explained and discussed.) 

If interested, click the button below to pay the fee via PayPal. You will then receive an email which includes the link for you to view the private, unlisted video via an arrangement we have made with YouTube, Inc. You do not have to have a YouTube account to watch this privately streamed video. 

(If you do not receive the link promptly, your computer or email provider may have high filter settings. Check your spam and trash folders because some providers automatically transfer emails containing links to those folders.) 

To access the seven-hour streaming video of a retreat and begin watching right away, click this "Buy Now" button: 

 Buy Now 

Please enter into the silence of contemplation. 

[NOTE: The four most recent posts are below. You may access all of the posts in this series and in the previous series and several thousand other posts as well by clicking on the links in the "Recent Posts and Archives" section.] 

In addition to the five non-duality books made available without charge by Andy Gugar, Jr. (see “FREEBIES” above), you can now access nearly 3,200+ posts for any topics of interest to you.

Thursday, December 28, 2017


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[See the offer following this post for details on how you can watch a video which includes a discussion of all seven of the steps on the path used by Maharaj] 



To be sick - and to love what is making one sick - is insane. 

The Catch-22 with those who are suffering three of the key symptoms of the Ultimate Sickness - identified by Maharaj as "ignorance, stupidity, and insanity" - is that many of them love their symptoms. Others among those persons deny their Sickness; and many are proud of their Sickness, displaying it as if it were a badge of honor. 

Many think that the Ultimate Medicine used to treat the Sickness - namely, the removal of all of the false beliefs stored in the mind - is an ungodly, Satanic treatment which, if used, will cast their eternal souls into one version or another of hell (as if they actually have "eternal souls" and as if there are various versions of "hell").

After Maharaj abandoned the use of religion and spirituality as parts of the Ultimate Medicine treatment plan and focused on the mind alone as the root of the problem, he began advising seekers to “Give up spirituality” and to “Follow your normal (rather than supernatural) inclinations" and to "forget spirituality." 

He did not offer that advice became he began to resent religion and resent spirituality. He did it because he came to understand that those are the greatest sources ever of distortion and delusions and lies and fairy tales. If cowboys had spread as many ignorant beliefs as religion and spirituality, he would have advised seekers to “Give up listening to cowboys” and to "Forget everything that cowboys have ever told you." 

In fact, Maharaj not only advised seekers to give up religious beliefs and spiritual beliefs but also warned them to stay away from those he called "The Big Name Teachers," making clear those who are popular among the masses are popular because they are reinforcing the wrong thinking and ignorance which is commonplace among the masses. The message, therefore, was not just about avoiding religion and spirituality but about avoiding any and every source of distortions and falsehoods. 

Big businesses which inundate the airways with false advertising? Avoid the belief in their message. Politicians who inundate the airways with one lie after another? Avoid the belief in their message. Big Name Teachers who inundate the airways and the bookstores with nonsense erroneously labeled as "non-duality"? Avoid the belief in their message. 

And the same applies to religious and spiritual leaders who attack the sources of truth and facts and recommend accepting their beliefs unquestioningly and on blind faith alone. 

Yet the advantage in the age-old "Liars vs. Truth Tellers Standoffs" has long rested with "The Distorters"; the snake oil salesmen; the politicians on the national or international stage; the religious leaders who have mega churches and mega television audiences; those whom Maharaj warned seekers to avoid, namely, the ones he pointed to with the term "The Big Name Teachers." Why?

Because they distort the non-dual message for the financial gain which comes with offering a "popular message" rather than the unvarnished truth. Then there are the advertisers of the biggest businesses whose ads are total distortions, exaggerations, misrepresentations, or outright lies and the famous who are interviewed regularly by mass media outlets and whose overexposure allows them to reach an audience in the millions - or even larger - each day. 

In other words, as a tennis announcer might say (were she or he describing the actions taken in the "Liars vs. Truth Tellers Faceoff") . . . "Advantage Liars!" 

The loudest, who also have had the largest audiences, are not the truth tellers. As Grandmother's Cherokee kin and fellow indigenous peoples say, "Truth is nothing more than the space between exhalation and inhalation." 

While those trapped in the Ultimate Sickness espouse "freedom of speech," the wisest sages have long extolled the virtue of "freedom from speech." 

Who have been the quietest with the smallest audiences? And who have been some of the loudest with the largest audiences over the ages and who nowadays are the loudest with the largest audiences? 

During the last 2000 years

Of course for thousands of years, the earliest religions and later the Catholic Church and the Protestant Church were, and continue to be, a global force in the shaping of beliefs which control thoughts and words and actions. Both of the latter built huge armies for conquest and control. 

They aligned with political leaders - kings and queens initially - and the two (religions and politicians) formed what remains one of the most powerful and influential forces ever. They remain to this day among the loudest with the largest audiences. 

Move forward to the 1930's 

Adolf Hitler spoke to small crowds when he first moved from Austria to Germany, but as his talks reflected more and more the popular Aryan / Germanic beliefs about "racial superiority" and "superior genes" and the theory of "eugenics," more and more Germans began showing up at his rallies. 

Eventually, 20,000 and sometimes even 30,000 would often attend each of his rallies, and the national broadcasts of his speeches - which often reached sixty million+ Germans - would eventually reach a regular global audience numbering in the multi-millions. 

The same was happening with Benito Mussolini in Italy as he - as was the case with Hitler - began by forging a paramilitary Fascist movement; promised the German people more money and housing and more space / land; seized dictatorial powers by taking control of the press and disempowering the judiciary; built a huge military presence; and then began invading and conquering neighboring countries. 

Move to the present 

One person who is the loudest and is reaching the largest audience right now is the President of the U.S. He has long bragged about his "good genes" and in interviews over the years has credited his genes for everything from "his health to his success." While endorsing the theory of eugenics, he has also claimed that his children and grandchildren will benefit from his family's superior genes which can be traced back to his Germanic origins when his original family name was "Drumpf". 

Indeed, his children have got the message, so his daughter Ivanka said that the women who get the most catcalls - the most attention from males - are the women who are "chromosomally correct." 

The large audience for the last 85 years or more has become the abnormal norm.

Maharaj made clear that the genuine non-dual message is not offered to large audiences and was never intended to be presented to the masses as such; nor is it offered, he said, in large ashrams where teachers have become millionaires; nor is it presented in large lecture halls or theaters or arenas or in the books written by the millionaire and billionaire "Big Name Teachers"; nor will it be found in the books or interviews or speeches offered by Big Name Politicians / Big Name Religious Leaders / Big Name Spiritual Giants / Big Name Billionaire Business People, etc.; 

instead, he noted that the genuine non-dual message is offered in the living room of a small house; in the loft about a flat in Bombay; or in small gatherings in borrowed facilities. 

By contrast, millions if not billions have heard or read the president's daughter offer up the pro-duality message which she and her family has long espoused. She wrote the following pro-duality view in one of her books and has repeated it in many interviews and all across the social media spectrum: 

“Perception is more important than reality. If someone perceives something to be true, it is more important than if it is in fact true. This doesn't mean you should be duplicitous or deceitful, but don't go out of your way to correct a false assumption if it plays to your advantage.”

Were someone given the assignment to  . . .

"write in three sentences the most dualistic bunch of nonsense that you can come up with by talking in your sleep as a result of having been programmed and conditioned and indoctrinated by the persons who passed down to you their BS beliefs" 

no one could have packed more duality-based distortion and ignorance into so short a passage.

Maharaj eventually estimated that only a few thousand on the planet will - at any given moment - be realized ("realized" meaning, as he said, "freed from the belief in any and all learned ignorance"). 

Indeed, what chance do those abiding in wisdom have when they are offering non-dual pointers to truth to only a few at a time each day when the loudest dualists reach the biggest audience, an audience in the millions and sometimes in the billions, on a daily basis? 

It is, by comparison, like dripping one drop of truth into an ocean of ignorance, an ocean of dogma, an ocean of politically-inspired hatred, an ocean of falsehoods and dishonesty, deceit, fabrications, deceptions and foolishness (or, to use Maharaj's words, into an ocean of "ignorance, stupidity, and insanity). 

Yet for a few, the increasingly-popular attacks on science and on facts will not be ignored by the those few that speak from the standpoint of the universal consciousness and that share the age-old wisdom and truth which they now understand. 

Whenever lies are being told, the wise will challenge the telling of untruths, knowing full well that only a few - or none at all - will come across their pointers and grasp them completely.

Peace, Unity, Love and Light.


Watch an updated seven-hour streaming video of a retreat with Floyd Henderson which can be viewed by anyone with internet access. (In this video, all seven of the steps on "the path" as taught by Maharaj are explained and discussed.) 

If interested, click the button below to pay the fee via PayPal. You will then receive an email which includes the link for you to view the private, unlisted video via an arrangement we have made with YouTube, Inc. You do not have to have a YouTube account to watch this privately streamed video. 

(If you do not receive the link promptly, your computer or email provider may have high filter settings. Check your spam and trash folders because some providers automatically transfer emails containing links to those folders.) 

To access the seven-hour streaming video of a retreat and begin watching right away, click this "Buy Now" button: 

Buy Now 

Please enter into the silence of contemplation. 

[NOTE: The four most recent posts are below. You may access all of the posts in this series and in the previous series and several thousand other posts as well by clicking on the links in the "Recent Posts and Archives" section.] 

In addition to the five non-duality books made available without charge by Andy Gugar, Jr. (see “FREEBIES” above), you can now access nearly 3,200+ posts for any topics of interest to you.

Wednesday, December 27, 2017


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[See the offer following this post for details on how you can watch a video which includes a discussion of all seven of the steps on the path used by Maharaj] 

Freedom from All Beliefs: Clearing Away the Final Vestiges, Part Two 

The objective witnessing of all of the relative chaos and all of the relative misery which have occurred historically on an international basis would reveal that it has always been the beliefs of the people in one nation that drove them to engage in wars with people in another nation who had different beliefs. 

The objective witnessing of all of the relative chaos and all of the relative misery that have occurred historically on a national basis would reveal that it has always been the beliefs of people in one part of a nation that drove them to engage in wars with people in another part of that nation. 

And the objective witnessing of all of the relative chaos and all of the relative misery that have occurred on what people take to be a "personal basis" would reveal that it has always been their "personal" beliefs that have driven them to argue and fight and separate and even, in many cases, to murder. 

It has been shared before on this site that in the U.S., 59% of all women killed annually, and 41% of all men killed annually, are killed during the act of arguing and / or fighting and / or "breaking up" as their conflicting beliefs drive their words of conflict and their actions of conflict. 

Yet of all of the requirements for full realization and for total freedom and for complete independence to happen, the requirement to abandon beliefs - and one's belief in false identities - is probably the most resisted. 

It might seem that, if one saw the international and national and "personal" consequences of humankind's beliefs as referenced above, that all beliefs would be abandoned not only willingly but also posthaste. 

Yet like the addict that has opportunities on a regular basis to witness the (relatively) detrimental and the (relatively) disadvantageous results of his or her addiction but then ignores the evidence and continues to have all thoughts and words and deeds driven by the addictive personality disorder, so it is with persons and their beliefs. 

Persons have the opportunity on a regular basis to witness the results of their beliefs and the (relatively) detrimental and the (relatively) disadvantageous words and actions that those beliefs inspire; yet they cling to those beliefs the same way that a child clings to its mother when a stranger tries to take the infant into its arms. 

Relatedly, sages have long invited seekers to abandon personality, because each assumed persona or identity brings with it an entire system of beliefs about "needs" and "desires" and "rights" and "expectations" and "demands" and "entitlements" and "dependencies" and "co-dependencies." 

A man in the New South Wales area of Australia admitted that he was "afraid" of giving up all of his beliefs, including his belief in the personas that have supposedly identified him for decades. Another seeker asked recently, "I mean, am I going to fall off the earth or what?" 

The reply: "You should be so fortunate." 

Maharaj said: " . . . All you need is to realize that you are dreaming. Stop imagining, stop believing. See the contradictions, the incongruities, the falsehood and the sorrow of the human state, the need to go beyond. Within the immensity of space floats a tiny atom of consciousness and in it the entire universe is contained." 

Interesting, is it not, that persons can catalogue decades of misery and suffering, see the way that misery and suffering was generated by beliefs and personas that drove thoughts and words and deeds and self-destructive behavior, but then still want to cling to those false identities and their (relatively) destructive beliefs? 

"Believers" are never free but are trapped in their beliefs and imprisoned within their culture which only accepts and affirms those who believe what the culture would have them believe. 

Those labeled as "Non-Believers" will be treated as pariahs and outcasts, either literally or figuratively or both, within their culture which only accepts those who believe what the culture would have them believe. 

The realized, on the other hand, that are not plagued by beliefs at all (and thus might be pointed to with the term "No-Belief-ers") cannot be imprisoned, cannot be affected by those that would cast them out, and cannot be affected by those who consider them to be "pariahs." 

Once the bogus beliefs of one's culture are seen to be of no value at all and are then cast aside, then the belief-based opinions of the members of that culture are also given no value at all. 

Regarding the delusional fear of loss (be it the fear of losing false identities or false beliefs or false acceptance and false love by one's family or friends or culture or nation) Maharaj's advice was to understand that if you will give up all, then you will gain all. If you understand the wisdom beyond the irony of that statement, you might be prepared to abandon all that is false and then see all that is truly real . . . and Real.

The fact: there is nothing standing between you and total freedom, total independence, total awareness, the total understanding of truth and the complete understanding of the functioning of the totality except the beliefs which persons mistakenly think are "their own beliefs" when - in fact - all beliefs are actually just "their beliefs" - just the erroneous beliefs of "others" that have been unquestioningly accepted as one's own. 

To be continued.

Watch an updated seven-hour streaming video of a retreat with Floyd Henderson which can be viewed by anyone with internet access. (In this video, all seven of the steps on "the path" as taught by Maharaj are explained and discussed.) 

If interested, click the button below to pay the fee via PayPal. You will then receive an email which includes the link for you to view the private, unlisted video via an arrangement we have made with YouTube, Inc. You do not have to have a YouTube account to watch this privately streamed video. 

(If you do not receive the link promptly, your computer or email provider may have high filter settings. Check your spam and trash folders because some providers automatically transfer emails containing links to those folders.) 

To access the seven-hour streaming video of a retreat and begin watching right away, click this "Buy Now" button: 

Buy Now 

Please enter into the silence of contemplation. 

[NOTE: The four most recent posts are below. You may access all of the posts in this series and in the previous series and several thousand other posts as well by clicking on the links in the "Recent Posts and Archives" section.] 

In addition to the five non-duality books made available without charge by Andy Gugar, Jr. (see “FREEBIES” above), you can now access nearly 3,200+ posts for any topics of interest to you.

Tuesday, December 26, 2017


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[See the offer following this post for details on how you can watch a video which includes a discussion of all seven of the steps on the path used by Maharaj] 

Freedom from All Beliefs: Clearing Away the Final Vestiges 

Mention was made of ducks, squirrels, deer, bears, birds, fish, and persons ("persons" being a term that points to all of the "human spaces or forms" with ideas and concepts and beliefs that drive them to accept multiple false identities as being real). 

Of the millions and millions in those groups that move about planet earth, and of the trillions and trillions that have ever lived on the planet, only the members of one group have developed (that is, regressed) in ways that drive them to assume that they are "different," that they are "better than all other spaces and forms," and that they have control and "dominion" over all of the other spaces and forms in other groups. 

Some members of that group of "persons" or "human spaces or forms" also assume that they should have control and dominion over all of the "other persons" or "other human spaces or forms" in their group. 

Of the millions and millions in those groups that move about planet earth, and of the trillions and trillions that have ever lived on the planet, all have an elemental brain but only the members of one group have developed (that is, regressed) in ways that have also resulted in a "mind" filled with ideas and concepts and beliefs.
And of the millions and millions in those groups that move about planet earth, and of the trillions and trillions that have ever lived on the planet, only the members of the group with "minds" have mental problems that drive them to fight others who believe different ideas and concepts and beliefs; 

who have mental problems that drive them to inflict pain on themselves or others; who have mental problems that drive them to continue to engage in behaviors that have been proved to be harmful to their elemental bodies; who have mental problems that drive them to cut or shoot themselves or others; and who have mental problems and such arrogance that they feel entitled to engage in controlling and invasion and colonialism and enslavement and genocide. 

Only the members of the group with "minds" have mental problems of such severity that they actually believe that they are the roles they play; that they really believe they can be something that they are not; and that they truly believe it when other persons tell them that they are either "good" or "bad" (although the criteria for such labeling varies from culture to culture); 

have such mental problems that they really believe that they are "different from" others; that they actually think that they are "better than" or "worse than" others; and that they should abandon the roles that their cultures tell them are "bad roles" and that they should assume and play the roles that their cultures tell them are "good roles" to assume. 

Only the members of the group with "minds" have such severe mental and emotional and "personal" (personality) problems that they think they must spend years - or even a lifetime - of searching and seeking and working to "improve" or "enhance" themselves. 

As evidence of how many are trying to "improve" or "enhance" themselves, consider some of the titles of the bestseller books that are being marketed by those types whom Maharaj pointed to with the term "big name teachers" when he warned his followers to be wary of the concepts and beliefs that the teachers with mass appeal offer and which are the most popular among the non-Realized masses: 

Change Your Thoughts - Change Your Life; 

Your Ultimate Calling; Incredible You!; XX10 Secrets for Success; 

Advancing Your Spirit; 

Ageless Body, Timeless Mind; 

The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire; 

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success: A Practical Guide to the Fulfillment of Your Dreams; 


How to Know God. 

Maharaj's take on all that? He taught that at the core of all human misery and suffering is personality, ego-state adoption, and egotism. So much for an "Incredible You." 

He said, "I have no mind" (so he had no thoughts to change); "success" is a persona-based concept, he taught, as is "power," as is "A Power," and as is "power now." To that end he said: 

“The nearer you get to the truth, the more you lose interest in worldly affairs. Such a one will not have any interest in the world, but will act like an ordinary person.” 

He made clear that the body is a temporary form and that the "mind" is finite as well, not "ageless." 

As for "fulfilling desires," he taught that all misery and suffering are rooted in personal fears or in trying to fulfill personal desires; 

Contrary to "fulfilling dreams," he made clear that dreams are something to be rid of after seeing they are not the Real. 

As for "spiritual advancement," he said: 

"There is no progress" 


"There is no question of elevating to a higher level. Here it is only a question of understanding." 

As for "spiritual laws," he said: 

"Whatever spiritual things you aspire to know are all happening in this objective world, in the illusion. All this is happening in the objective world. All is dishonesty. There is no truth in this fraud." 

As for being "called" to some "ultimate calling" and as for "knowing the caller" or "knowing God," he said: 

"First of all you identify something as being good or bad for yourself. Then, in an effort to acquire good or to get rid of the bad, you have invented a God. Then you worship such a God and . . . you pray to that God for something good to happen to you." 

All such concepts and ideas adopted by persons run counter to the no-belief, non-dual, no-identity, no-concept, no-idea, natural abidance and normalcy that mark the relative existence of all forms on the planet except for persons. 

One has never seen a deer trying to improve or enhance itself. That which believes it can change or grow or develop into something that is different from what it actually already is is nothing more than a speck of consciousness that has been fooled. 

That which believes it can become enhanced or improved or made better or made worse or ungraded or downgraded is a speck of conscious-energy that has been fooled. Maharaj said, "Only that person will visit this place whose virtue and sin have [both] come to an end." 

All concepts and beliefs such as those referenced above are rooted in the duality of either (1) an egotism-based notion of being "very good" or even "great" or (in true narcissistic fashion) "incredible"; or (2) a guilt-and-shame-based notion of being "bad" or "unworthy." 

Moreover, it is only the members of the group with "minds" that buy into dualistic beliefs, ego-states as identities, egotism, a false sense of greatness, and the arrogance-generating delusion of many members of that group that they are part of "an exclusive and superior group or race or species." 

Also, it is only the members of the group with "minds" that buy into "self-destruction" and "destruction of others" as a result of first buying into guilt and the notion of being "bad" or "unworthy" or, conversely, "exceptional." 

Is it any wonder that Maharaj invited those trapped in the delusion of body-mind-personality identification (and those being driven by their false ideas and concepts and beliefs) to abandon all of the learned ignorance that is inspiring them to live unnaturally or inspiring them to try to live "supernaturally"? 

Is it any wonder that Maharaj spent decades inviting persons to abandon all beliefs and to then abide naturally instead, as do ducks, squirrels, deer, bears, birds, fish, and all other "spaces-or-forms-cum-temporarily-manifested-consciousness" with the lone exception of "persons"? 

To be continued.

Watch an updated seven-hour streaming video of a retreat with Floyd Henderson which can be viewed by anyone with internet access. (In this video, all seven of the steps on "the path" as taught by Maharaj are explained and discussed.) 

If interested, click the button below to pay the fee via PayPal. You will then receive an email which includes the link for you to view the private, unlisted video via an arrangement we have made with YouTube, Inc. You do not have to have a YouTube account to watch this privately streamed video. 

(If you do not receive the link promptly, your computer or email provider may have high filter settings. Check your spam and trash folders because some providers automatically transfer emails containing links to those folders.) 

To access the seven-hour streaming video of a retreat and begin watching right away, click this "Buy Now" button: 

Buy Now 

Please enter into the silence of contemplation. 

[NOTE: The four most recent posts are below. You may access all of the posts in this series and in the previous series and several thousand other posts as well by clicking on the links in the "Recent Posts and Archives" section.] 

In addition to the five non-duality books made available without charge by Andy Gugar, Jr. (see “FREEBIES” above), you can now access nearly 3,200+ posts for any topics of interest to you.

Monday, December 25, 2017


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[See the offer following this post for details on how you can watch a video which includes a discussion of all seven of the steps on the path used by Maharaj] 

Two Tools Which Can Be Used To End Attachment To False Beliefs, Part "C" 
[Continued from yesterday

Here, it is made clear that along "the path," "religious and / or spiritual roles" (or "religious-like or spiritual-like" roles) will usually be assumed and played at the third of seven steps. 

Typically, heads must enter the clouds in an effort to try to see things noumenal, in order to break - to some degree at least - the attachment only to things phenomenal and to be motivated to seek the light. Yet the fact remains, one cannot see any more light with his head in the clouds than a person standing on the ground, gazing skyward on a cloudy day, and also having the light blocked from view. 

The problem with the assumption of those roles is that seekers typically fixate at that point - at the level which Maharaj called "kindergarten spirituality." In describing their circumstance, Krishna was not especially "kind" when discussing the ego / ego-state that is assumed at that level, suggesting that those who do not understand that Reality is beyond both beingness and non-beingness are "fools." 

Thus, such supposed beingness, including "being spiritual," is a trap if one does not eventually "transcend spiritual and / or religious roles" and if one does not transcend "man-fabricated religious and spiritual knowledge" (which are two pointers from the book Freedom From Beliefs which are challenged by the billions who have been programmed, conditioned, etc.) 

Maharaj also made clear that those who do not transition their religious and / or spiritual role-assumption and role-playing are also just fooling themselves with their prideful but false belief about having realized and are allowing "others" to fool them as well. As a result, he said, they will never reach the fullness of the light: 

"There are so many who take the dawn for the noon, a momentary experience for full realization, and destroy even the little they gain by excess of pride." 

Indeed, how foolish one is to believe that he or she is being bathed in the full light of the noontime sun though actually standing in the dimness of dawn. 

And how foolish one is to believe that she or he can "become something different" from that which they truly are, were, and shall forever be, namely, energy-matter. 

[Moreover, in the case of humans (and deer, and fish, and birds, etc.) many forms of energy can manifest temporarily within a space formed by an elemental plant food body, one of which is conscious-energy. 

That elemental plant food body forms a three-part composite unity consisting of (1) elements which are constantly coming together and coming apart and through which (2) energy enters and exits throughout the manifestation and through which (3) oxygen also enters and exits. 

Were it not for the fact that elements are constantly coming together and coming apart, persons would not have to eat to replace, for example, the skin cells which cycle in and out every 28 days or the stomach lining cells which only last a fraction of that time without having to be replaced; 

and were it not for the fact that energy - including conscious-energy - enters and exits the elemental plant food body throughout the manifestation, persons would not have to eat to replace that energy - and the other forms of energy - which come and go; 

and were it not for the fact that humans use about 550 liters of pure oxygen (19 cubic feet) per day, then constant breathing would not be required. 

Thus the sages have long made clear that there is no "one," much less anyone who is experiencing any continuity at all. Why is that distortion so widespread? Because of memory which gives a false sense of continuity. 

Yet look at one's school pictures from age 6 to age 18 and it should be clear that the "person / body" thought to be in picture one of that set is not the same "person / body" shown in picture two, much less the same "person / body" shown in picture twelve. 

There is no continuity. Per the Second Law of Thermodynamics, all that comes together will come apart, including bodies and minds and specks of consciousness. That is simple science, the science which Maharaj said could substantiate the non-dual teachings. 

In the absence of understanding science or discarding the validity of scientific evidence or believing what their religious or spiritual leaders tell them, then the masses for the most part believe that they will continue to exist for eternity in one form or another. 

Some believe that form will be a gauzy, transparent form, (a.k.a., "an angel"); some believe that the form will be an invisible, winged, half-bird, half-human being, capable of flying and even hoving over a person to be its "guardian"); 


some men believe that their earthly form will not change and that they will exist forever as a physical form capable of enjoying the benefits of abiding in a celestial brothel where they will be capable of experiencing an endless series of orgasms with thousands of whores and wives and with seventy-two virgins at their disposal for eternity.

The Christian man living next door believes that he, too, shall exist forever as a form capable of enjoying physical pleasure and that his God is going to get rid of the current wife whom he has tired of and will get him someone else who is younger and more attractive whom he can enjoy being with forever, or at least until he tires of that replacement and then calls on his God to pimp for him again and get another replacement. He did not care to hear that his beliefs align him more with Muslim men than with his "Christian brothers."

In the absence of scientific understanding, there are beliefs and beliefs and beliefs, all of which are lies and distortions and delusions.] 

That which believes it can "become" something else, can become "better" (or "worse"), or can become "spiritual" is an ego-state (a false role, a bogus identity, an assumed personality / persona). 

When the consciousness (as a result of programming, conditioning, domestication, and acculturation) is blocked from seeing Truth and Reality, then the counterfeit body-mind-personality triad is believed to be real and can thereafter generate a near-infinite number of beliefs that are taken to be true but that are not. 

In fact, the only "triad" that non-duality recognizes as being presently based in fact is the air-elements-energy triad, and even that triad forms what is nothing more than a temporary grouping; therefore, the air-elements-energy triad is not that which is uniquely Real either. 

If it is understand that the triad is merely a "composite unity" that is temporary, then it should become clear that the oxygen being circulated through a space or from cannot become something other than oxygen; 

and if it is understood that the elements forming the temporary space cannot become something other than elements; and if it is understood that the energy manifested in that space (specifically, the conscious-energy) cannot become something other than the type of energy that it is; 

and if all of that is understood, then it can also be understood that neither air nor elements nor energy can "become spiritual," can "become better," can "become worse," or can become anything that is different from what they already are. 

In fact, the entire notion of "becoming" - the very belief that one can "become" something else - is just one more belief that is based in learned ignorance and - often - in the egotism that always manifests alongside the assumption of an ego-state. Thus it can be asked: 

Can H2O "become" a cube or a lake or a river or a waterfall or vapor or ice or snow or sleet or steam or a puddle or a stream, or are those also nothing more than "man-fabricated concepts" which erroneously suggest that an "A" can become a "B" or which suggest that something can become something else that is totally different from what it really is? 

That which is real is unchangeable, fixed, constant, consistent, unalterable, immutable, and absolute. 

That which believes it is changeable, variable, and alterable is the blocked consciousness, blocked from seeing facts and reality and Reality and truth, blocked by the accumulated and bogus contents of a "mind" which leads persons to assume that they are that which they are not. 

That which believes it can change or grow or develop into something that is different from what it actually already is is a speck of consciousness which has been fooled. 

That which believes it can become enhanced or improved or made better or made worse or ungraded or downgraded is a speck of conscious-energy that has been fooled. 

And all such beliefs are rooted in the duality of either (1) an egotism-based notion of being "very good" or even "great" or (2) a guilt-and-shame-based notion of being "bad" or "unworthy." 

Either way, all such notions and beliefs are outgrowths of a fiction-filled "mind" that is plagued with psychological distortions which were set in place by faulty programming, warped conditioning, perverted domestication, and arrogance-based acculturation. 

Because all in the relative existence truly is relative - that is, all observed and judged via differing and varying misperceptions only - then the very notions or beliefs about what is "good vs. bad" and "right vs. wrong" and "better vs. worse" and "spiritual vs. not spiritual" . . . 

. . . and "religious vs. not religious" or "spiritual enough vs. not spiritual enough" and "changed for the better vs. changed for the worse" will vary from one person to the next. Who, then, could possibly claim to know which of the above elements in those dualistic pairs are the "right" ones? 

Who believes that he or she can define in absolute terms any or all concepts and beliefs when all beliefs and concepts are totally relative and not absolute at all? 

Only the programmed and conditioned and domesticated and acculturated and brainwashed and indoctrinated; only specks of blocked consciousness which have assumed the most arrogant of assumed personas; only those who take themselves to be right and perfect and capable of judging dualistic pairs and determining - without any doubt or question - which of the opposite elements in each pair is at play in any given situation. 

Yet all the time, they might as well be debating "sasquatches vs. unicorns"; "satanic reps vs. guardian angels"; "tooth fairies vs. Easter bunnies"  or concluding as one woman did that "Floyd is no longer a good man" vs. "He has become a New Age Agent of Satan."

No element of a dualistic pair has any more or any less credibility than the opposite element in the dualistic pair. All duality is false. It is all a part of the dream; all a part of the scheme; all a part of the scene. It all amounts to nothing more than a flash across the screen of blocked consciousness. 

Persons viewing movies in 3-D have been seen to jump back in fear when it appears that something has left the screen. Their perception / misperception is that they really are about to be struck by whatever they think is flying directly at them. 

And that is the way that the non-realized masses traverse the relative existence, seeing images and believing that they are all real; believing that some of the images they see are "good"; believing that some of the other images they see are "bad"; believing that some of the formerly "bad" images have changed or improved and are now "good"; and believing that some of the formerly "good" images have suddenly been exposed and revealed to have been "bad" all along. 

Such dualistic beliefs have been dreamed up by leaders claiming to be "religious" or "spiritual" and those beliefs are being clung to by their followers, the non-realized masses; by contrast, such dualistic beliefs are disproved and discounted and discarded as a result of a few having received some basic scientific awarenesses, just as Maharaj predicted. 

When the most basic scientific understandings are ignored, then - as is happening around the globe this very day - two billion persons on the planet will show just how fooled they have been via their act of gathering to celebrate the "birth" of "A Savior" who was "Special" by virtue of having supposedly been "born of a virgin" (as if that were scientifically possible).


To be continued.

Watch an updated seven-hour streaming video of a retreat with Floyd Henderson which can be viewed by anyone with internet access. (In this video, all seven of the steps on "the path" as taught by Maharaj are explained and discussed.) 

If interested, click the button below to pay the fee via PayPal. You will then receive an email which includes the link for you to view the private, unlisted video via an arrangement we have made with YouTube, Inc. You do not have to have a YouTube account to watch this privately streamed video. 

(If you do not receive the link promptly, your computer or email provider may have high filter settings. Check your spam and trash folders because some providers automatically transfer emails containing links to those folders.) 

To access the seven-hour streaming video of a retreat and begin watching right away, click this "Buy Now" button: 

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Please enter into the silence of contemplation. 

[NOTE: The four most recent posts are below. You may access all of the posts in this series and in the previous series and several thousand other posts as well by clicking on the links in the "Recent Posts and Archives" section.] 

In addition to the five non-duality books made available without charge by Andy Gugar, Jr. (see “FREEBIES” above), you can now access nearly 3,200+ posts for any topics of interest to you.

Sunday, December 24, 2017


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[See the offer following this post for details on how you can watch a video which includes a discussion of all seven of the steps on the path used by Maharaj] 

[Continued from earlier]

Tools Which Can Be Used To End Attachment To False Beliefs, Part "C" 

To review: 

As certain "tools" are shared which can be employed by that rare seeker that is determined to no longer cling to any false beliefs, "The 180-Degree Method" has been explained. The last tool to be discussed involves the "Obliteration of the Present Thought-Based Mode of Talking, Allowing One to Become Skilled at Using Only The Vocabulary of Restored Sanity / Full Realization." 

Again, the full discussion of this "tool" is offered in the book GOING CRAZY, GOING SANE, so the explanation here shall be limited to this more concise version explaining the use of this tool: 

There is "A Vocabulary of Realization." The irony is that, once realized, the use of any vocabulary is significantly limited. In that regard, Maharaj said to one seeker, “We are not speaking the same language. Yours is a make-believe talk . . . . ” 

He informed another, “You speak as a person, limited in time and space, reduced to the contents of a body and a mind.” 

An understanding of the thought-word-deed continuum is related to this topic as well: 

Because thoughts (i.e., the internal noise generated by the false beliefs that make up the content of the fiction-filled "mind") control words and because words—in turn—control deeds, then the words used during the relative existence exert tremendous influence over the behavior of non-realized persons. 

All deeds are directly preceded by words, and all words are preceded by thoughts. With their understanding of the corrupted state of "the mind," is it any wonder that Maharaj and other sages have long cautioned against the careless use of language and endorsed the silence instead? 

Yet do not conclude that 50% of all actions result from thoughts and 50% from words. Nonsensical talk could not happen were it not for the nonsensical beliefs that are stored in “the mind” which are constantly cycled and recycled among the non-Realized as the ever-in-motion consciousness generates thought after thought after thought. 

Consider now the pointer behind the title of the book, THERE’S NO SUCH THING AS “PEACE OF MIND” (There is Only Peace If You’re Out of Your Mind). The point provided via that title should be clear by now. 

Additionally, several pointers that are relevant to this discussion are also offered in GOING CRAZY, GOING SANE, beginning with this: "There is no need to cut off the tongue and lips and discard them in order to put an end to the nonsense being verbalized millions of times per day across the planet. 

The requirement is to cut out the nonsensical thinking by discarding the contents of 'the mind'." When nonsense, a.k.a., "beliefs," are eliminated at the point where they are stored ( that place called “the mind”) then false beliefs cannot be expressed via the mouth. If there is no constant running of the mind, then there can be no constant running of the mouth. 

Is it becoming clear why the realized, spontaneously, spend so much time in the silence? Is it clear that those who are driven to talk the most are the most removed from reality / Reality? Is it clear why the truth can be known but cannot be spoken? Is it clear, therefore, why all that is verbalized by those among the non-realized masses is to be ignored, just as you would ignore a mirage in the desert and for the same reason, namely, because it is false? 

For nonsensical words and deeds to end, persons must be rid of their belief in the concepts and ideas that generate the thinking which leads to nonsensical talking and nonsensical behaviors. 

Yet in cultures where "freedom of speech” is valued far more than freedom from silence—such as in the U.S.—then talking flourishes, talk radio flourishes, talk shows on television flourish. And they all add to the already-widespread dissemination of nonsense and falsehoods that are unquestioningly accepted around the globe as being true. 

In the “war on nonsense,” one suggestion to those taking the seven steps to realization and to freedom from beliefs is this: simultaneously become conscious of words that are spoken while sleepwalking or while trying to awaken. 

By that means, there can be launched a two-fold assault on babble and claptrap—attacking the base of nonsense (“the mind”) as well as the nonsense being spoken by persons who are out on patrol each day and spreading foolishness in a verbal fashion as they go. 

[How likely is it that the "war on nonsense" - which the sagas have fought for ages - will be won? Not likely at all. Nowadays it seems that the Ultimate Sickness is spreading at a faster pace than ever before, and that assures that more nonsense will be spread and believed and that (to use Maharaj's words) more ignorance and more stupidity and more insanity shall be spread as well.] 

Maharaj invited seekers to be precise and exact with word choice. That can only happen when one stops talking in his / her sleep and is conscious of what is being said. 

Grandmother and her fellow Cherokees and others among the so-called "indigenous peoples of the Americas" taught that "Truth is nothing more than the space between exhalation and inhalation." Do you understand why some Advaitin teachers offer the pointer that “silence speaks”? 


(A) Truth cannot be stated, so only in the silence can the Truth be known; 

(B) only in the silence can the inner resource / inner guru be heard; 


(C) only in the space between exhalation and inhalation can Truth be realized. One of the most basic ways to begin the shift to total freedom from believing false beliefs is to stop the nourishment of them where they are planted (in "the mind") by forming the new habit of not expressing those beliefs in words. Why? 

Because the expression and repetition of false beliefs is an act that only reinforces - and gives even more bogus credibility to - all false beliefs. Any method that can interrupt the thought-word-deed continuum can be compared to a disruption in the supply line in the "battle" between the Truth and false beliefs. To remain in the "silence" is to put an end to the use of the words that allow senseless thoughts to generate senseless actions. 

Regarding that "battle," Maharaj said: "Was there ever a world without troubles? Your being as a person depends on violence to others. Your very body is a battlefield, full of the dead and dying. Existence implies violence." 

He said: "You want peace, love, happiness and work hard to create pain, hatred and war." 

To that end, he was asked: 

Questioner: "Can I avoid this protracted battle with my mind?" 
Maharaj: "Yes, you can. Just live your life as it comes, but alertly, watchfully, allowing everything to happen as it happens, doing the natural things the natural way, suffering, rejoicing -- as life brings. This also is a way." 

And later Maharaj said, "It is only a question of incompletion. He who could not complete his Yoga for some reason is called failed in Yoga. Such failure is only temporary, for there can be no defeat in Yoga. This battle is always won, for it is a battle between the true and the false. The false has no chance." 

Yet it is the false that presently dominates the masses and the planet. If senseless actions can be prevented, then the addiction to chaos might lose its lustre. 

And if the upgrading of senseless words and senseless actions fade, then senseless thoughts that are given so much status in most cultures might also begin to "die on the vine" - that is, "in the mind."

Questions have been raised over the years regarding certain pointers shared earlier regarding "one's head being in the clouds" and about "transcending spiritual and / or religious roles" and "man-fabricated religious and spiritual knowledge." 

Also challenged are the pointer that it is an insane belief that drives some seekers to "abandon a phenomenal dream state, only to reside in a supposedly 'noumenal' dream state" where they have their heads "in the clouds without having one's feet planted firmly on the ground" and the pointer that "those persons fail to understand that they are actually seeing no more of The Light with their heads in the clouds than the persons planted on the ground who also cannot see the sun because of the clouds." 

The challenges were coming from one who believes many false beliefs, including the false belief that he "has become spiritual." He does not know that he cannot "become spiritual," cannot "become better," and, actually, cannot "become" anything. 

"To become" is "to change or grow or develop into something specific and different; to enhance or improve; to be upgraded; to be better than before; to change for the better"; or, conversely, "to worsen or to get worse" or "to be downgraded" or "to deteriorate," as in: 

1. "She became a much better person after she joined that group." 

2. "He became more religious - even spiritual - after he married her and settled down." 

3. "He was raised the right way by good parents, but he sure did deteriorate later one - really went downhill." 

4. "That one lucked out and found a super spouse" or "that one had a streak of bad luck and ended up with three really rotten spouses in a row." 

5. Or, as the defensive visitor who was mentioned above believes, "I have become spiritual and now I see the light; as a result of understanding non-duality, I have become a far better person than I was before" 


6. "If you do not think Advaita Vedanta is all about becoming spiritual, then you do not know what you are talking about." 

To be continued.

Watch an updated seven-hour streaming video of a retreat with Floyd Henderson which can be viewed by anyone with internet access. (In this video, all seven of the steps on "the path" as taught by Maharaj are explained and discussed.) 

If interested, click the button below to pay the fee via PayPal. You will then receive an email which includes the link for you to view the private, unlisted video via an arrangement we have made with YouTube, Inc. You do not have to have a YouTube account to watch this privately streamed video. 

(If you do not receive the link promptly, your computer or email provider may have high filter settings. Check your spam and trash folders because some providers automatically transfer emails containing links to those folders.) 

To access the seven-hour streaming video of a retreat and begin watching right away, click this "Buy Now" button: 

Buy Now 

Please enter into the silence of contemplation. 

[NOTE: The four most recent posts are below. You may access all of the posts in this series and in the previous series and several thousand other posts as well by clicking on the links in the "Recent Posts and Archives" section.] 

In addition to the five non-duality books made available without charge by Andy Gugar, Jr. (see “FREEBIES” above), you can now access nearly 3,200+ posts for any topics of interest to you.

Saturday, December 23, 2017


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[See the offer following this post for details on how you can watch a video which includes a discussion of all seven of the steps on the path used by Maharaj] 


From about 1915 until 1980, about 1 in every 50 babies was a twin. Now, 1 out of every 30 babies is a twin. Yet twins are still the exception rather than the rule. 

In "The Vanishing Twin," Davis Lagercrantz reported the following: 

"As many as one in eight may begin as a twin pregnancy, although sometimes one of the embryos does not thrive and is reabsorbed into the gestational sac. This is knows as Vanishing Twin Syndrome, or V.T.S. 

"Some twins lose a sibling after birth because of adoption, or, more rarely, a mix-up in the maternity ward. Some meet for the first time only as adults; others never meet at all. 

Many people feel they are missing someone." 

Around the age of two, children begin to develop a sense of individuality and begin to separate from the mother and begin to see themselves as a separate self and to see their body as a separate body as well as an identity. Regarding that, the following was shared on this site seven years ago this month: 

It was seen that the beginning of a child's sense of individuality, sense of separateness, and sense of a personalized identity is also the beginning of obnoxious behavior (a.k.a., "Terrible Two's."). As long as a sense of individuality, a sense of separateness, and the sense of a personalized identity continues, so too will obnoxious behavior, no matter what one's chronological age might be. 

Furthermore, the sense of individuality, sense of separateness, and sense of a personalized identity will lead to the assumption and reinforcement of personality / personalities, and all personalities come with a basic fear and a basic desire. 

The key desire among the non-realized will eventually become an overwhelming but unconscious longing to recapture the sense of Oneness, wholeness, fullness, and completeness which was lost when the discomforting drive for individuality, separation, and personalized identity replaced the earlier, comforting sense of Oneness, wholeness, fullness, and completeness. 

This pattern has been occurring for thousands of years, and thousands of years ago the Greeks were well aware of the same longing for oneness, wholeness, fullness and completeness that is being discussed here. 

Like the ignorance-driven masses today, though, they explained this phenomenon the same way that the ignorance-driven masses then and the ignorance-driven masses now have always explained the phenomenon, namely, that everything is caused by the gods (or more often today, God) that controls all and causes all (except for evil, which is credited to another supernatural source). 

The Greek's explanation of the source of restlessness and irritability and discontentment was said to be a result of humanity's "spiritual malady" - that is, humanity's failure to be totally dependent on the gods / God. That failure to be dependent supposedly caused the gods / God to be displeased which then drove the gods / God to cause humanity to suffer and to be displeased and even miserable. 

(That is still the key message presented to billions of religious persons and to the millions around the globe who attend meetings in what they take to be their "spiritual groups": "It is your failure to be dependent on God that causes your misery and suffering, so become dependent. And if you are already dependent on something, substitute dependency on God in its place.") 

So the Greeks explanation went something like this in one version: Unlike the gods who had a pair of arms, a pair of legs, one head, and one face, humans originally had four arms, four legs, one head, two faces (that is, humans were "two-faced") and both male and female components that allowed for self-reproduction and complete independence. 

And independence was something the gods could not tolerate, so to this day, religious and spiritual persons usually picture a god or their gods as a Supreme Being or Beings who want humans to be dependent on him / her / them. 

[Note that non-duality offers independence; additionally, those who take themselves to be religious persons or spiritual persons, functioning at the third step of the seven-step "journey" to full realization, foster dependency and co-dependency.] 

The Greek tale continued: the God Zeus, fearing that their extra appendages and a sense of independence might make humans more powerful than the gods and might allow humans to be less dependent on the gods with fewer appendages, supposedly split all humans in two . . . in half. (So another lie of duality was generated and disseminated by religious and spiritual persons.) 

As a result of a jealous and fearful (yet "all-powerful"?) god, the story goes that the resulting sense of separation from some part of "self" or "Self" condemned humans to spend their lives in search of their "other halves" (which gave way to the ultra-dualistic concept of one's "better half" as well). 

The belief in the myth that "when you find that other half, the power of love makes you feel complete" preempts the understanding that you are complete and inspires this most common pattern today among the non-realized masses: 

they look externally for something to provide a sense of completeness, they look externally for something to depend on that will address their perceived need for protection, and they look externally for the false version of Real Love as they try to find happiness via the fictional, dualistic, subject-object version of love - which is the only version most will ever know. 

So, "Many people feel they are missing someone, especially if a twin was in the picture at some point." In other cases, far more - the "non-realized masses" in general - feel as if they are missing something or some things or someone or many persons who are needed in order to feel whole and complete and "adequately loved." 

So strong is the feeling that there is general a surge in suicides during the so-called "Christmas season" or during some other "holiday seasons" when a sense of loneliness manifests among those who no longer have "family" to celebrate with." 

But instead of the vanishing twin syndrome or the lost family syndrome, far more misery and suffering among humankind has been rooted 

a. not in the notion that something or someone has supposedly been lost or that something is supposedly missing 

as it has been rooted 

b. in the acculturation of roles and identities along the way which set persons up for misery. 

And why is that? 

Because all roles will eventually come to an end (if not during and throughout the manifestation, then certainly when the manifestation ends either for the role-player or the ones who had enabled the role-player to play the roles that were played). Meaning? Roles cannot exist independently (so those who play roles can never be truly independent . . . can never be truly free). It was explained this way in a 2013 post: 

No ego-state (persona, personality, false identity, role, stage character, facade, etc.) can exist in a vacuum. All ego-states are co-dependent and dependent. All are dependent on another person also willing to assume a false identity and to play the co-dependent counterpart for any imaginary, assumed identity to be sustained in the mind: 

"The Wife" cannot "be" without "The Husband" and vice-versa, while "The Super Wife" cannot "be" without "The Super Husband" and vice-versa; "The Employer" cannot "be" without "The Employee" and vice-versa, while "The Super Employer" cannot "be" without "The Super Employee" and vice-versa; 

"The Teacher" cannot "be" without "The Pupil" and vice-versa, while "The Super Teacher" cannot "be" without "The Super Pupil" and vice-versa; "The Sponsor" cannot "be" without "The Protégé" and vice-versa while "The Super Sponsor" cannot "be" without "The Super Protégé" and vice-versa; 


"The Seeker" cannot "be" without "The Teacher" and vice-versa; and "The Super Seeker" cannot "be" without what Maharaj called "The Big Name Teacher" and vice-versa. 

In the realm of genetically-transferred archetypal images, there can be no "up" without the counterpart called "down"; there can be no "light" without the counterpart called "darkness"; and there can be no "good" without the counterpart called "evil." 

Similarly, in the realm of the duality-dominated masses, there can also be no "good" without the counterpart called "evil"; there can be no "morality" without the counterpart called "immorality"; there can be no "virtue" without the counterpart called "sin"; 

there can be no "righteous person" without the counterpart of "a wicked person"; there can be no "worthy person" without the counterpart of "an unworthy person"; there can be no "honorable person" without the counterpart of "a dishonorable person"; 

there can be no "upright person" without the counterpart of "a corrupt person"; there can be no "honorable person" without the counterpart of "a dishonorable person"; and there can be no "virtue" without the counterpart of "sin." 

Moreover, the arrogance-and-delusion-and-duality-based self-love, which is the prime infatuation among the masses (self-love that is reinforced by the illusion of being virtuous and righteous and worthy and honorable and moral and upright and different from and better than), will guarantee that non-Realized persons will also absolutely love their belief in the concept of evil and will, therefore, come up with arrogance-and-delusion-and-duality-based comments such as “the good outnumber you [evil people], and WE always will.” 

And all of the above duality-based beliefs - and all duality-based nonsense - are based in duality-based concepts, notions, ideas, etc. (a.k.a., "beliefs") which are stored in "the mind" and which block persons from abiding under the auspices of the elemental brain rather than under the influence of the content of - that is, the beliefs stored in - the distorted, fiction-filled mind. 

And that provides the rationale for reaching a "no-belief," "zero concepts," "no mind" state as recommended by Maharaj and then abiding under the auspices of the elemental brain rather than the distorted, fiction-filled mind. 

To be continued.

Watch an updated seven-hour streaming video of a retreat with Floyd Henderson which can be viewed by anyone with internet access. (In this video, all seven of the steps on "the path" as taught by Maharaj are explained and discussed.) 

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Please enter into the silence of contemplation. 

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