Sunday, December 10, 2017


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[See the offer following this post for details on how you can watch a video which includes a discussion of all seven of the steps on the path used by Maharaj] 

The series will continue with a discussion of the way that personality-invoking "-ism's" are another source which generates a plethora of distortion-riddled beliefs: 

Reactions to Pointers Offered on This Site and in My Books 

The non-duality invitation is to question all, so as challenges comes, they can provide opportunities for teaching / un-teaching: 

A visitor listening to a discussion of false beliefs said, "It seems that everyone will still have points of view and strong opinions about things. It seems you do regarding such topics as 911, Hurricane Katrina being blamed on karma, religion etc. Explain." 

The reply: First, WHO is this that you are accusing of having an opinion? You write to the no-WHO as if there were a WHO, revealing that, subconsciously, you still believe very much in your own WHO-ness. 

As for “points of view,” all that can be said with accuracy is that the consciousness either witnesses what is happening from the subject-object witnessing mode or witnesses purely and accurately via the Pure Witnessing (a.k.a., "the True Self.") When the consciousness speaks, it speaks from one of those two modes, depending on the level of the seeker. 

When dealing with "beginners" or "intermediate-level" seekers, Maharaj would respond when relative issues such as “war” or “the death of a son” or “mental and emotional suffering” or "physical pain" were raised. 

(He would be doing the same today if questions were raised about relative happening such as "9 / 11, Hurricane Katrina being blamed on karma, religion, etc." When he advised seekers to abandon their religious and / or spiritual roles and then just abide naturally, there was no "one who had strong opinions" about religion or spirituality. There was a speck that was inviting seekers to abandon all attachment to the "-ism's" which all spread false beliefs, to stop playing their belief-supported roles, and to just abide naturally instead.) 

Always, his responses were level-appropriate, meeting the seekers at the place on the “path” where the seekers' words revealed them to be; yet that speck called "Maharaj" was merely noting those instances of relative insanity and misery in order to invite seekers to see . . . 

insanity as insanity; to see that their concepts were merely dreamed up conceptualizations; and to see that their beliefs were rooted in myths and superstitions and false concepts; then, he would invite seekers to move away from the cited examples of relative nonsense and insanity, to understand their Original Nature, and to then abide as that / THAT. 

But understand in the case of that speck or in the case of this speck, there is no “one” that could "have" or "possess" anything, including a "point of view" or a "strong opinion." Until you are free of all beliefs, that point will be beyond your understanding; nevertheless, all that is happening is that thorns are being used to remove thorns. 

Therefore, there is no "one" here that could "have strong opinions." Here, there is the no-longer-blocked-conscious-energy that is temporarily manifested in an elemental-plant-food-body-cum-consciousness which is circulating air. That which believes "he" or "she" or "others" can have opinions is not the actual energy-elements-air triad; it is the fictional body-mind-personality triad. 

As often happens - as was the case with some of Maharaj's visitor and with some visitors here - seekers who have not completed the entire “journey” will project the beliefs based in their relative misunderstandings onto the pure consciousness when it speaks, revealing their belief that “because I have strong opinions based in my beliefs, I can see when ‘you’ do, too.” 

(By the way, there are no guarantees that more than a few will ever grasp the pointers being offered on the subject of belief-less-ness; in fact, the odds are ten million to one, according to Maharaj's final estimate, against seekers ever reaching the Full Understanding, discarding all beliefs, and knowing the difference in the Real "Oneness" and the false "one"-ness.) Maharaj provided examples of relative nonsense on occasion in order for novice seekers to actually see the relative insanity that happens when the consciousness is warped or blocked. 

Such illustrations served to contrast those examples of the results of relative ignorance with the level of sanity and peace that can happen if persons abandon the beliefs that lead to chaotic and insane relative happenings which are rooted in the ignorance of believing in the false. Only if seekers discard their belief in any and all ideas and concepts can they complete the "journey" and find Truth . . . and peace. 

The thorns used along the way to remove thorns are used at certain levels only. Some of those thorns are examples of relative happenings that are rooted in false beliefs. For seekers that have reached the later steps on the "path," fewer and fewer thorns need be employed. Until those steps are reached, the AM-ness (and the "stuff" of the AM-ness) can be mentioned in order ... 

a. to provide examples of ignorance-based conflict and disharmony and misperceptions and misery and suffering; 

b. to distinguish the end results of believing in illusions rather than seeing Reality; 

c. to explain how the Ultimate Medicine can eliminate ignorance-based conflict and disharmony and misperceptions and misery and suffering; and 

d. to make clear that the elimination of ignorance-based conflict and disharmony and misperceptions and misery and suffering can (1) only happen during the limited remainder of the post-Realization manifestation, (2) can only happen one seeker at a time, and (3) will never happen on a planet-wide basis. 

Why? Because in all societies, the most influential persons are the leaders and "movers" and "shakers" who are involved with the cultures' "-ism's"; because they and their "-ism's" are the chief guardians and purveyors of false beliefs and ideas and concepts and learned ignorance; 

because the "-ism's" and their false messages are so widely accepted that they now control the thoughts and words and actions of the non-realized masses (that is, the masses still attached to their "learned ignorance"); and because it is a culture's most "sacred" or "proudly held" beliefs and ideas and concepts and body of learned ignorance that generate conflict and disharmony and misperceptions and misery and suffering. 

Maharaj advised that if one wants to try to change "the world," then he or she is quite welcome to try; yet he advised that, in the end, the only change that has a chance of actually coming to fruition will happen if a seeker begins to focus on the false self (or selves) and the false beliefs that support them. 

Seeing and discarding those false WHO's that have been assumed as identities - that is, seeing what is believed to be real or true but is not - must precede the ability to see What IS. 

So, to the original question again, maybe it can be seen now why the consciousness will speak occasionally of "things relative" which are not Real but which can nevertheless generate among believers-in-the-not-Real so much chaos and instability and conflict and disharmony and misperceiving and misery and suffering during the relative existence; 

seeing that is preparatory to seekers finally understanding all that must be cast aside - including all ideas and all concepts and all beliefs and all attitudes - in order to complete the entire “journey,” to witness "That which is real, and to abide as the subsequent no-ideas, no-concepts, no-beliefs, no identity, non-dual Reality. 

Finally, even among the Realized, feelings happen and are witnessed as they rise and fall. What does not happen is emotional intoxication, which can only seem to be “experienced” and which can only be assumed to be real by an ego-state in error. 

When the voice of that speck of re-purified consciousness called "Maharaj" became elevated, it appeared to the unknowing that "he" was displaying some "point of view" or "strong opinion" as "he" tossed persons from his loft. 

But those who were being forced to leave were being forced to leave by a speck of pure consciousness that only speaks to the willing and able and ready. Such re-purified specks will function as the guardian of the rights of seekers who are willing and able and ready. 

Why? Because the natural function of the re-purified consciousness is to remove all obstacles to clear seeing. Such spiritually-arrogant persons as those cast from the loft are merely one more blockage or obstacle that will hinder the seeing of Truth and that will, therefore, be cast out automatically and spontaneously by the pure consciousness. 

Thus it was that persons were required to vacate the loft if they came to display their spiritual superiority in a way that was interfering with the opportunity of those who had come to seek, sincerely, the understanding; however, there was no "strong opinion" or "emotion" or "point of view" involved because there was no “one” to have an opinion and because there was no “experiencer” to experience any emotion. 

Similarly, there is no WHO here and there is no "one" here that could "experience" any "strong opinion" or emotion. There is a speck here - just as the case was with that speck called "Maharaj" - that will on occasion provide evidence of the Ultimate Sickness when it is heard or displayed in order for seekers to begin to develop the ability to differentiate the true from the false for themselves. 

To that end, all are invited to the Peace, to the Understanding of the Unicity, to Love, and to the Light. 

To be continued.

Watch an updated seven-hour streaming video of a retreat with Floyd Henderson which can be viewed by anyone with internet access. (In this video, all seven of the steps on "the path" as taught by Maharaj are explained and discussed.) 

If interested, click the button below to pay the fee via PayPal. You will then receive an email which includes the link for you to view the private, unlisted video via an arrangement we have made with YouTube, Inc. You do not have to have a YouTube account to watch this privately streamed video. 

(If you do not receive the link promptly, your computer or email provider may have high filter settings. Check your spam and trash folders because some providers automatically transfer emails containing links to those folders.) 

To access the seven-hour streaming video of a retreat and begin watching right away, click this "Buy Now" button: 

Buy Now 

Please enter into the silence of contemplation. 

[NOTE: The four most recent posts are below. You may access all of the posts in this series and in the previous series and several thousand other posts as well by clicking on the links in the "Recent Posts and Archives" section.] 

In addition to the five non-duality books made available without charge by Andy Gugar, Jr. (see “FREEBIES” above), you can now access nearly 3,200+ posts for any topics of interest to you.

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