Specific "reasons" cause persons
• to be obsessive and compulsive
• and render them unable to relax
• and lead them to be driven to go and do and zoom (whether that involves religion; spirituality; employment; "personal relationships"; politicking; reforming; rescuing; seeking love; seeking mass approval and applause and admiration; trying to escape responsibilities; accumulating; finding caretakers; or controlling).
• We are looking at what causes "the reasons" to manifest
• and what must happen in order to be freed from their influence.
We are looking at what causes "the reasons" to manifest
and what must happen in order to be freed from their influence.
To conclude the discussion from yesterday:
There is a reason that the sages for millennia have warned of the relative consequences of personality identification and its accompanying arrogance and a sense of being different from and a belief in their being better than:
It is a key contributor to distortion, illusion, a false sense of separation, and three of the traits of the Ultimate Sickness which Maharaj identified as "ignorance, stupidity, and insanity."
In the U.S., the majority of persons in the original "red states" and in the current "red states" have a long-standing hatred of what they call "big government" and have a love of what they call "states' rights."
The prevalence of the Ultimate Sickness and its symptoms of "ignorance, stupidity, and insanity" set the stage for their leaders and their followers to call for "smaller government, less government" even as
(1) their personality identifications as "The Good People" and "The Right Ones" and "The Moral Ones" and "The Super Religious Ones" and "The Guardians of the Nation"
(2) their arrogance and distortion
convince them that the government should be able tell people who they can and cannot marry; what kind of sex is okay and what kind of sex is not okay; and to suggest that certain groups - trans, gays, lesbians, interracial couples, etc. - should not be allowed to marry because they will "destroy the sanctity of marriage."
Point: there is no sanctity involved with marriage, and there never has been.
"Sanctity" refers to "holiness," "blessedness," "sacredness," "inviolability" and "purity."
So "sanctity of marriage"? Really? What marriages have these people been looking at?
But pretend for a moment that the "traditional marriages" which they tout were - for the last several hundred years - actually holy and blessed and sacred, etc. The fact is that divorce rates have fluctuated from around 48%-50% and have shot up occasionally to 60%, and those were the rates before any trans, gays, lesbians, and interracial couples ever married.
The "straights" and dualistically-self-proclaimed "moral ones" and "right ones" and "good ones" were the ones who have been "destroying the sanctity of marriage," had there been any sanctity to start with, which there was not.
Talk about denial. Talk about distortion. Talk about hypocrisy.
Yeshu'a (Jesus) said: "A dual-minded person will be unstable in all ways." No joke.
Were those types honest, which those trapped in dualistic thinking cannot be, they would admit: "You trans, gays, lesbians, and interracial couples are not going to be allowed to marry and thereby destroy the sanctity of marriage. That's our job!"
Maharaj: "When you deceive yourself that you work for the good of all, it makes matters worse, for you should not be guided by your own ideas of what is good for others."
Yet those types will never see the reality of anything they are talking about because words follows thought, and the thoughts stored in a duality-plagued mind can only produce duality-based (that is, false and distorted and delusional) words.
So in the U.S. and around the globe, leaders who hate government nevertheless used government to pass laws outlawing interracial marriage and interracial sex; jailed interracial couples who married; passed such laws as the Racial Integrity Act of 1924 which prohibited marriage between a "white" and a "colored"; and made it legal for the state to sterilize persons to prevent them from procreating if they were in a "mixed-race marriage."
The proliferation of hate groups around the globe are based in dual-mindedness; the anti-black supremacist organization called "the KKK" was founded on Christmas Eve in 1865. The founding of that group was the "red states'" response to their side having lost the civil war and to slavery having been abolished. They thrive to this day. (There are currently 190 active KKK groups in the U.S. and they endorsed the Republican candidate in the last presidential election.)
The "Alt-Right" and other separatist groups are flourishing around the globe.
So it is when, as Maharaj said, such persons are "engrossed in their puny image of themselves."
The duality-based concepts of "different from" and "better than" and "separation" - and the subsequent anger and hatred those generate - are alive and well, and the sages for ages have understood that to be one of the results of duality.
Some might wisely ask: "Is anything offered on your site going to change 'the world' or change the way that the duality-driven masses think and talk and behave?" The answer is, "Of course not."
Again, Maharaj said:
"Man does not change much over the ages. Human problems remain the same and call for the same answers"
"It was the same ten thousand years ago and will be the same ten thousand years hence. Centuries roll on, but the human problem does not change - the problem of suffering and the ending of suffering."
So the point? The invitation is not to try to change the world but to consider the implications of a pointer offered for thousands of years:
"Physician, heal thyself."
Maharaj asked: " Why do you worry about 'the world' before taking care of yourself?"
He said: "Stop hurting yourself and others. Stop suffering. Wake up”
"You give no attention to yourself. Your mind is all with things, people and ideas, never with yourself. Bring yourself into focus. See how you function. Watch the motives and the results of your actions. Study the prison you have built around yourself, by inadvertence" (that is, by not paying attention, by not being awake, aware, and conscious).
He also said: "Having given reality to the picture on the screen, you love its people and suffer for them and seek to save them. It is just not so. You must begin with yourself. There is no other way."
Once more, the primary addiction among persons is the addiction to control, and the secondary addiction is the addiction to power / Power in order to use it to control.
Observe the levels of duality-based egotism and arrogance which exist among those
who give a damn about who marries whom
among those who want to be able to control others
among those who want to have the power to demand that "the right kind" can marry each other but that "the wrong kind" cannot.
To be continued.
Please enter into the silence of contemplation.
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