Thursday, March 16, 2006


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From a site visitor: “I’m re-reading some of the entries on your site, and I did sit in the silence of contemplation the way you said, but I cannot grasp how it is that the I AM will not be known when the consciousness enters what you called on Feburary 22nd the universal pool of consciousness. Please explain. Thank you.”

F.: And as long as you are identified with a body, you’ll never grasp the truth. In the deep sleep state, what are you conscious of? Nothing. You are not even conscious of yourself. In the universal pool of energy, conscious-energy cannot be conscious of anything, including itself. Some ask, “Well then, what is the 'Ultimate State' while manifested?” It is the state of being free of continued misery and endless effort, and since those are driven by a sense of neediness (which results from being programmed to accumulate endlessly) it is also the state of being free of all sense of need and being free of that incessant drive to get more and more and bigger and bigger. As long as you remain identified with body and mind, however, then only in your deep sleep will you be free of the discomforting sense of need. You will long for sleep in order to escape the miserable sensations of lack and need and unmet desires that you experience during every "waking" hour, but you have not taken all the steps required to be truly free of that (and all other) perceptions. Conscious but not Realized, you will suffer from all sorts of perceived needs. By way of contrast, if you abandon your identification with body and mind and your programming and concepts, then you will have no needs (meaning that if you are freed of body and mind identification and if you stop buying into the beliefs of “others,” then you will no longer believe that you really need the things that your culture says you need).

That is “the ultimate state,” whether manifested or not. Nothing is needed, so nothing is of any use. Nothing is known, so there is no knowledge (or learned ignorance). But only if the consciousness is manifested in a body can the consciousness be aware of itself. In the pool of universal consciousness, no bodies or "minds" exist so nothing is known. To attain nirvana, know only the Void, NOW. Also, that nirvana—that total emancipation or liberation—can only be sensed in the manifest state. The liberation from body and mind will happen when (1) the consciousness unmanifests and is re-absorbed into the universal pool of consciousness or it can happens while (2) the consciousness is yet manifested...if identification with body and mind is abandoned. You and I are both that principle which preceded this universe’s being, but you don't understand that since you're attached to “your” own beingness. Presently, there is a food-body that is aware of the I AM, but when that food-body no longer is, then all self-consciousness and all consciousness of self (and even of Self) shall end. If you Realize, that can happen now and then peace will happen now as well, but either way…all self-consciousness and all consciousness of self (and even of Self) will happen. It's only a matter of “when.” If it happens "now," You'll know it; if it happens "later," no "you" or "You" will exist to know anything. Please enter the silence of contemplation.

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