Monday, June 26, 2006


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F.: [Continued from yesterday] Sang Whang explained the vibrations of energy in this way: Ever since the Big Bang, everything in the universe vibrates. All matters, atoms, molecules and all kinds of substances vibrate when energy is applied. We cannot see energy but we can see the effects of energy by observing different kinds of vibrations. [Therefore, persons cannot see the energy, which is what is real; instead, they see the illusions which result from the effects of that energy and then take those illusions to be real.] Through these vibrations, energy is transferred from one substance to another [such as from a plant to a human or an animal.] At absolute zero temperature, all matters cease to vibrate. As temperature increases, they vibrate. [Consider cold water in a pot as opposed to the same water when it reaches the boiling point.] The velocity and frequency of vibration depend on the substance: molecular weight, molecular structure, the size of mechanical structure, etc. [Take “energy” and “life” and “matter” to be “distinct” in terms of “appearance” if you like, but know that energy/life/matter is one in essence.]

Persons have no understanding of the Absolute or of the functioning of the totality, so when they look at what they take to be “each other” or “plants” or “animals” or “birds” etc., they believe that they are seeing many different things. What they are actually seeing are spaces in which conscious-energy has manifested and is vibrating at different rates. It’s all quantities of manifested conscious-energy (which do not differ from any other quantities of manifested conscious-energy); the only seeming “difference” that makes an “apparent variation” to be wrongly mistaken for a true disparity is the vibrational rate. How could a “member” of a race, or a “guru,” or a “worshipper” within a certain religious group, or a “member” of a particular spiritual group, or a “citizen” of a particular nation, or “an animal as opposed to a human” or anything else be considered “better than” when All is One (thing) that just happens to be manifestations of quantities of energy that are vibrating at varying rates? To complete all seven steps to Full Realization eliminates all role-playing and thus the relative-existence misery and suffering that accompany the assumption of false identities. All roles are equally odious as far as their impact on the relative existence is concerned. Would Spiritual Giants be better than Neo-Nazis? Would Religious Fanatics be preferable to Ku Klux Klansmen? All generate equally the misery and suffering that accompany role-playing which always result in beliefs about “separate” and “unequal” and “better than” and “worse than.”

What total ignorance on the part of those assuming the role of “Neo-Nazis” who are in reality saying, “We are so much better than you because we’re vibrating at the ‘right’ rate and you’re vibrating at the ‘wrong’ rate.” That type of mentality does not differ at all from the ignorance of those assuming the role of “godly worshippers”—some of whom have written to this site to complain about pointers which advance “living as naturally as the deer.” They found that pointer to be an insult to humans “who are the only living organisms that can rise above the animals and live in a noble and spiritual (supernatural) fashion.” Their actual meaning is, “Humans (which are just manifested energy) are better than animals (which are the same manifested energy) because the energy manifested in the spaces called ‘humans’ vibrates at a better rate than the energy manifested in spaces called ‘animals’.” It also means, “We who adopt religious or spiritual personas are far superior to other living organisms that are incapable of assuming false identities and generating a sense of separation from all those of lower standards or different vibrational rates.”

Duality, separation, false self-images, and self-deception abound among persons, and the assumption of false roles is always at the root of relative existence misery and suffering. [Some will claim that the roles they have assumed are alleviating their misery and suffering, discounting the misery and suffering they impose on “other persons in the relative existence” who must deal with them.] And those on the so-called “path” who fixate at the religious or spiritual level—the third of seven steps—will be as trapped in those roles as any other persons gripped by their assumed identities. No difference exists in the mindset of a Neo-Nazi and the mindset of a Spiritual Giant: both believe that they are the false roles they have assumed, both believe they are making the world a “better” place via their beliefs and behaviors, both have a sense of superiority over others who are not like them, and both have a false sense of “separate and unequal” that prevents truly knowing the Oneness. So much for any credibility to the dualistic concepts of “better” and “better than” which all of the non-Realized share in common. Those who have not yet completed even half of the “journey” take the dawn for the noon and believe they have “arrived” at the point of full enlightenment. Yet the pointer must be made that nothing about the Original Advaita Understanding deals with “making this world a better place.” It is about understanding that there is no “this world,” that this "world” is a dream and illusion, and that no one lives “in the world.” In every case with the non-Realized, they are not in the world; instead, the world is in them, in their “minds.” There are as many "worlds" as there are persons who are taking their warped perceptions to be real and accurate. The truth will set them free of their delusions, but truth cannot be found until all the non-truths are discarded.

So the consciousness spoke accurately with its original pointers: (1) Forget W.W.J.D. and ask, “What would the deer do?” (2) Natural living (as explicated via the most basic principles of nisarga yoga which proposes living in one’s natural state and with one’s innate disposition) eliminates misery and suffering in the relative existence as opposed to (3) the unnatural and supernatural living that follows the thinking that typifies the spaces called “humans” in which the previously-pure consciousness has been bastardized by conditioning and programming and enculturation. Such corruption of the consciousness generates ego-states, egotism, and a false sense of separation—all of which generate misery and suffering across the planet. One may as well take the Neo-Nazi over the Spiritual Giant and may as well take the Klansman over the Religious Fanatic (whether she/he claims to be Jewish, Christian, Muslim or otherwise), for the impure consciousness is as equally contaminated in all of those cases. All are playing roles and assuming phony identities that support dualistic concepts such as “different from” and “better than” and “separate from and not equal to.”

So much for the results of contaminated consciousness. The pure (or re-purified) consciousness, on the other hand, is that which can know I AM, which can know that it is currently existing, and which can realize that there is no truth involved in any concepts—including “different from” and “better than” and “separate from and not equal to.” It can also know I AM THAT, meaning it can understand that it is conscious-energy that is temporarily manifested but will unmanifest and return to that Absolute field of energy “at-rest” from which it manifested. THAT is the Absolute, and I AM THAT. For all persons, post-Realization, THAT can be understood as well as the fact that, for a limited relative period, I simultaneously AM. During the period of manifestation, then, take the Absolute to be the pure awareness that sheds light on consciousness and its ability to understand the functioning of all without any limitation.

Only those who complete the entire “seven-step journey” to Reality can know the Absolute, can be free of the lies of timelines, can know instead the truth of what cycles and what does not, can understand the functioning of the totality, can be free of all belief in false dualities, can be free of all false identities, can understand that What they Truly Are is beyond both beingness and non-beingness, can be free of the effects of programming and conditioning that preclude making independent choices, and can then function as the Pure Witness as the remaining relative existence happens spontaneously in an AS IF fashion. Please enter the silence of contemplation.

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Five Free eBooks

Compliments of Andy Gugar, Jr.,
the following eBooks are available without charge for you or for friends:


The content of this eBook deals with one of the most common but erroneous beliefs that the non-Realized masses cling to and which they will fight about (and even kill over), namely, that there is a planet-wide duel going on between “the forces of good and evil” in the universe.

Either (1) the ancient view is spot on: that the "ills of the planet" are rooted in evil people, in people not being religious enough or spiritual enough, and are caused solely by bad morality; or, (2) the "ills of the planet" are rooted in ignorance, stupidity and insanity and "being good" or "being moral" does not put an end to ignorance, does not eliminate stupidity, and does not treat insanity in any way.


Comments regarding the free eBook entitled “THE VISION”:

“My thanks to you and Andy.” – Andrew “Mac” McMaster

“Thanks so much for the book! And, by the way, it is brilliant and the most effective pointing that you have done. It has served to help clear the remaining blockages.” – Stan Cross

“Greatly appreciate having “THE VISION” added to my Henderson resource library that is situated on the right side of my bed for easy access! Eternally grateful for what was received and what was given.” – Robert Rigby

“‘THE VISION’ is such a well-written, condensed version of the Nisarga Yoga approach to understanding and enjoying Reality that I feel it can serve as a must-read ‘meditation guide’ for all earnest seekers.” – Andy Gugar, Jr.

"Sapolsky, Maharaj, and the Non-Dual Teachings"

Dr. Robert Maurice Sapolsky is an American neuroendocrinologist; a professor of biology, neuroscience, and neurosurgery at Stanford University; a researcher; an author; and a Research Associate at the National Museums of Kenya.

There is much that a non-dualist or Advaitin or Nisargan can relate to by comparing and contrasting what Sapolsky reveals about the way certain troops of baboons live in Africa with the way that humans abide all around the globe.

This 152-page eBook catalogues the common, non-dual message shared by Sapolsky and Maharaj and reveals the ways that Sapolsky’s scientific research supports the non-dual pointers offered by Maharaj.


In “PART ONE” it will be seen that most persons on the planet are not seeking, and most will never seek, but for those who are seeking, most will face several obstacles:

In “PART TWO” of this book, it will be seen why many criticized Maharaj for “changing his message in his later talks.” It will be seen that the changes were not about changing the message per se as much as about changing his methodology as he experimented with one version of the Ultimate Medicine after another in order to try to find an effective means for addressing the Ultimate Sickness.

He tried a religious version of the Medicine, a Spiritual version of the Medicine, and finally settled on a version which addressed to Sickness at its core . . . at the mental and emotional level.


“Dangerous” is a term that can only apply during the relative existence, but of those who do commit suicide, for example, how many shoot themselves in the foot over and over until they “bleed out”? None. They shoot themselves in the head. Why? In order to try to stop the noise - to try to stop the chatter of a thousand monkeys – to stop the noisy mind which is the area that stores the ideas, notions, concepts, mind-stuff, etc. which drives them into the depths of insanity.

And what are those ideas, notions, concepts, etc. called, collectively? "Their beliefs." The irony? They are not their beliefs at all. They are the beliefs of “others” that were set in place via programming, conditioning, etc. and which persons then think are their own.

And what are those beliefs rooted in, and what reinforces those beliefs and convinces persons that they are sacred and worth fighting over and even sometimes worth dying for? Blind faith.

This 337-page eBook discusses those issues in detail.

To read any or all of the free eBooks, please double-click the "FREEBIES" link at the top of this page