F.: In the vision, the final stages of beingness, of manifested consciousness, are witnessed and described in this fashion:
You begin to ascend the steps, leaving the water behind. You, and millions of Yous, walk in exactly the same fashion, moving toward the narrowing peak that leads to the door of the dome. You wonder, "How could so many be entering the dome? It really isn't that large, now that I can see it more clearly." It seems that much that You perceived as more is really...less. But the nearer You All move toward the door, the more You witness a siphoning effect of sorts. As All near the door, All seem to dissolve into a form of light being drawn inside. As You approach, You feel the last remnants--remnants of whatever You had formerly thought yourself to be--gradually fading away. The dissolving seems to be occurring in slow motion, and you feel ecstatic. It's almost as if You are feeling blissful as your beingness seems to be dissolving into non-beingness. Finally, You merge with the All, into the light, and it seems...it seems over.
The energy that manifested...unmanifests. It did not change. It was not "this" and then became "that" or "THAT." THAT is all there is. What was erroneously taken to be one thing and erroneously taken to be many things was only THAT. Manifested as the temnporay "Is-ness," THAT became aware of itself, not unlike a child finally noticing its hand for the first time. Early on, the child knows that It Is. Clap your hands loudly near its face and the child will jump, wanting instinctively and archetypically to preserve its Amness. It is no different from the bird which is aware that It Is. Wanting to preserve that Is-ness, it will fly away from a human walking along a trail in the woods.
Initially, humans sense THAT. A child does not know it is a "boy" or a "girl." It does not think, so it does not think that it is "a good boy" or "a good girl." Only after being exposed to the nonsense of "reward vs. punishment" and "good vs. bad" and "heaven vs. hell" does the child begin to suffer from the illusions of fear that are generated by dual-mindedness.
If Realized, however, it is known that this beingness is temporary and that the non-beingness is the completely natural state (as opposed to unnatural states or supernatural states as adopted by non-Realized persons). Energy manifests and is aware of the beingness, then energy unmanifests and has no space or form by which the beingness can be known. THAT is perfect peace, not unlike the delta-sleep state of brain movement during deep sleep. The non-beingness is that natural state with no body, no mind, no form, no space, no...anything. It is the Void, the Nothingness, when THAT Which Is does not even know that It Is. Call it "bliss" if you like, but the Realized know that bliss can only be known during the beingness if the Void and the Nothingness are Realized during the manifestation of consciousness. If one is at perfect rest during a deep sleep, that might appear to be a blissful state, but the human in deep sleep does not know that it is and is not conscious of "bliss." Only when fully awake, aware and conscious can the bliss be known--if Realized. Bliss is the stuff of being manifested and Realized during the period of Amness. The non-being state that follows has no awareness of awareness. Having transitioned into the non-beingness, the Consciousnss Is, but it cannot know It Is. Enjoy it NOW, for no other opportunity exists. Please enter the silence of contemplation.