Wednesday, June 21, 2006


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[A continuation of responses to questions posed in the post on 20 June 2006, reviewing terms used that imply, or amount to, duality]

The Supreme Godhead
Contrary to the view held by some who take Advaita to be a religion instead of (or as well as) a philosophy, “the Supreme” and “Godhead” are (a) both concepts and (b) both support duality. Why duality? The terms suggest that a supreme being (a being with personal attributes including “being supreme”) exists simultaneously with other beings, such as “not-supreme beings” or “less than supreme beings.” That Which Is is energy, and there is no “energy that is supreme” as opposed to “energy that is not-supreme.” The only thing that is “one” is universal energy, not some “I” and “He.” [To escape the charge of fostering duality, some persons who assume the identity of “worshipper” claim, “There’s no duality since God and I are one,” but the teaching is not “I AM THAT.” The teaching is “I AM THAT; I AM.” To say, “I Am God” is following the I AM with a label—which always creates a lie and always generates ego-states and egotism. And to say, only I AM THAT and ignore the I AM is to ignore the fact that only the consciousness speaks, and the consciousness can only speak when manifested in a human space. Unmanifested, energy cannot speak, so nothing that is unmanifested and “beyond the planet” or in “another realm” could exist or speak. All body, all mind and all personality fades away when the conscious-energy unmanifests, so no body or mind or person—including a personal god with a body and mind and personal attributes—exists. Man was not created, nor was man created in god's image; instead, all gods have been "created" in man's man's imagination.] The antonym of “supreme” is “worst” or “lower,” and the concepts of “supreme as opposed to worst” or “supreme as opposed to lower” are as false as any other dualistic sets such as “good-bad” and “best-worst.” Egotism and programming block acceptance of the fact that, if I (the Absolute) am beyond beingness and non-beingness, then the Absolute is beyond beingness and non-beingness; therefore, no being (of any kind) exists post-manifestation. That includes a True Self, a Supreme Self, an Infinite Self, a Supreme Being, or any other kind of self/Self/being/beingness. Brahman, too, is nothing more than another concept, merely a name, but That which is real cannot be named. And to talk of a Brahman with “three characteristics” and “five phases” is to move even beyond duality and into multiplicities. (Wherefore a “creator” when neither energy nor matter can be created?) How often fictitious and religious and spiritual terms are used to mislabel the one, homogeneous, actuality which is all that is Real.
More to the point, since That Which You Are and That Which I Am is beyond being and non-being, it is most certainly beyond all concepts, ideas, emotions, attitudes, beliefs, and dogma as well as beyond being, beings, good beings, bad beings, and Supreme Beings. Read the vision at and see what happens in the crystal cave. Notice that, if abiding in an awareness of the True Self, You can see (from that level of awareness) THAT which All Is: see the light, see the unmanifesting energy as it merges into the Absolute and shifts beyond any state of being and even beyond any state of non-being. Then Your understanding will even transcend identification with the Real Self and You can abide in the full awareness of the Absolute, now. By first understanding What You Truly Are now, then you may come to know what You Are when nothing is. You will understand the functioning of the totality and thereby realize that even when nothing no longer is, You still Are. Now, You Are. Now You Are THAT. And such has been the case for infinity, and such shall be the case for infinity.

any help i can
To clarify, there is no “you” to be helped. WHO would be helped, and by what, and to what end? There is no WHO. You Are the consciousness, and the consciousness is merely energy and therefore cannot be helped. How could conscious-energy benefit from anything when it is forever? That would be tantamount to my saying, “I’m going to help the electricity in that wall plug in the kitchen.” The consciousness can be re-purified if it has been warped by programming and conditioning, but energy needs no help. It is what it is, and any temporary corruption is a tiny blip on the universal screen when compared to the infinite nature of pure, Absolute energy. Contrary to the opinions held by worshippers and practictioners, Realization does not make a person “better” or “better than.” It eliminates the person completely. Will anyone ever be helped by the discussions of this site? No. There’s no “one” to be helped. Might the discussions provide a few moments of relative entertainment? Maybe. Please enter the silence of contemplation. [To be continued]

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