Monday, July 02, 2007


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[NOTE: Out of town on July 3rd. “Part 6, The Conclusion” will be posted on July 4th.)

F.: In the example yesterday, a man was seen to give great value to the image of his country (and, thereby, great value to his own false self/selves) as he publicly devalued health care insurance for him and his wife. In that example, he demonstrated all three of the sources that rob persons of freedom, independence, and rationality: the child within was exposed, expressing its immature beliefs; the “mind” was exposed, illustrating how bastardized the consciousness can become; and several personas were revealed, using a body to verbalize the totally irrational beliefs and illogical concepts in which all personalities are based.

Just as it is the ventriloquist behind a dummy that drives everything that the dummy appears to be saying and doing, it was the “mind” and the false personas behind the man's words that were really doing the talking (even though the words appear to be coming from his body). If you always ignore the words of the non-Realized and see the actual source that is generating those words, several possibilities follow: (1) You will begin to ignore the nonsense that persons speak because you will know that their personas, not the people, are doing the talking. (2) You’ll also ignore the words you hear because you will detect the real message behind the words, such as:

“Speaking for my wife and me, having our nation bragged about is very important, but having decent medical care is not important at all. I am calling to declare that what is really important is not hearing about what can be improved but hearing about how this country is the greatest country on earth.”

(3) It will become obvious that persons who are trapped in their false identities and personality/personalities live out their relative existence in a state of ignorance or weariness or denial or stupidity or, very often, in a state of one emergency after another. Seeing that, the relative-existence argument for Realization will become clear. (4) You will start ignoring nonsense when you hear it, recognizing which ego-state is functioning as the ventriloquist behind the dummy. (5) You will stop allowing others to rob you of your independence by allowing their words to control how you feel and by allowing them to use their words to trigger emotional responses from your ego-states/personas. You will have discarded the child within, you will have discarded the “mind,” and you will no longer take any of your former false identities to be real.

(6) Having seen how all of the noise that persons put out is rooted in what is false, you will give no value to their ego-generated talking and will arrange to enjoy the silence instead. (7) You will see why so many persons in the West will be celebrating “freedom of speech” this week, but you will understand why the Realized, to the contrary, will be enjoying the freedom of silence. (8) Arrogance based in religion or race or nationality will disappear, once You Realize Fully.

How prevalent is that nationalistic arrogance in the only nation on earth where leaders habitually boast in national broadcasts that theirs is "the greatest country on the planet?" Quite prevalent. In a session last month where many of the males in a group were stalled at the third step on the “journey” to Realization because they wanted to cling to the ego-state of “The Proud American,” this tact was tried:

It was shown how words can be generated from “The Internalized Parent,” from the level of “The Child,” or from the level of “The Mature Adult.” Then, they were asked to write on a piece of paper whether it was Parent, Child or Adult that was behind each of the following statements: (1) “My daddy is stronger than your daddy”; (2) “My daddy can beat up your daddy”; and (3) “The United States is the greatest country on earth.” Thirty of the men agreed that in the first case it was “The Child” that was speaking. All thirty also agreed that in the second example it was “The Child” that would come up with that comment.

However, when it came to the third example, twenty-six of the thirty in the group said that it was “The Adult” that claimed his country was the greatest. When asked why they would think that, most answered, “Because it’s expressing a fact. It’s the truth.” When they were asked, by show of hands, to indicate how many had ever lived in another country, no hands were raised. When it was asked, by a show of hands, how many had spent any time in another country, visiting and coming to know what that country and its citizens were really like, no hands were raised.

That is the power of programming and conditioning. Educated people, claiming to be seeking truth, were so blinded by years of conditioning and programming that they could not detect an obvious lie. Their arrogance and their assumed ego-state of “The Proud American” would not allow them to see that the childish, persona-based belief expressed in statement #3 was generated by the same childish, persona-based beliefs as expressed in statements #1 and #2. This week, as they appear to be celebrating their belief that their country is the greatest, they will actually be reinforcing their belief that they are the greatest. They will also be reinforcing their dualistic sense of separation and "better than."

The author of The Long Goodbye wrote, “There is no trap so deadly as the trap you set for yourself.” With all deference to the relative problems that are generated by self, the most deadly trap was not set by you, it was not set by the man in yesterday's example, and it was not set by those people trapped in a nationalistic ego-state.

The trap was set by programmers and conditioners (including parents, relatives, teachers, preachers, priests, ayatollahs, rabbis, politicians, entertainers, friends, partners, panderers in the media, etc.). The pointer here is that you need not wait for those programmers to come and to release you from their trap. They will not. If given the opportunity, they will try to reinforce the hold of their trap. They will try to reinforce the concepts they used during your original programming, if you are willing to listen to their words which are generated by their child within, by their warped “minds,” and by their ego-states.

Consider the influence that programmers can wield over the masses, and then see the influence that they have had over you: by appealing to nationalistic pride, individual arrogance, or religious/spiritual fervor, a handful of leaders can arrange the establishment of “colonies”; can bring about an Inquisition that killed hundreds of thousands; can bring about an American Indian Holocaust that killed millions; can inspire a Jewish Holocaust that eventually cost 55,000,000 lives in a world war; can manipulate populations to endorse the invasion of other countries; can continue to destroy “personal relationships"; can trigger regional conflicts; and can perpetuate the cycle of world wars that mark the relative existence. Please enter the silence of contemplation. (The Conclusion, July 4th)
THE FEATURED ITEM FOR THIS WEEK’S SALE IS THE NEWEST RELEASE: There’s No Such Thing As Peace of Mind (There Is Only Peace if You’re Out of Your Mind) The book should be ready to ship by Friday, July 6th. Regular price after July 8th will be $14.99 + S&H. 15% off if ordered today through July 8th = $12.74 + S&H)

  • (Click “Book Order” at the top of the website. On the book order page, complete all billing and shipping information and then indicate in the “Special Message” box that you are ordering the PEACE OF MIND book.)

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