Thursday, November 13, 2008


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An Advaita Vedanta philosophy site, focusing on Realization, enlightenment, nisarga yoga, non-duality (nonduality), your original nature, dwelling as your natural state, and the teachings of Maharaj.

FROM A SITE VISITOR: Witnessing the aryan celebration of veterans day here at the livelihood, a defense contractor. A thought arises that there should be a change of livelihood, to something less supportive of war, but the teaching is that there is no duality, no right or wrong livelihood. The work can be done, now, without buying into the culture. Is there clarification?

F.: [Continued from yesterday] Is it becoming clear that there is nothing that is “special” or “different” or “praiseworthy” or “particular” or “personal”? Is it becoming clear that misery and foolishness are rooted in the dualistic belief that some days or people are more special than other days or people and that some days and people are to be celebrated while other days and people are to be ignored or even scorned?

Once the belief is that, "because the sun is shining it’s a beautiful day” but “because it’s cloudy and raining it’s a horrible day,” then the dualistic fluctuations of “glad-sad” and “up-down moods” will continue.

The Cherokee grandmother of “floyd” was never heard once to complain about the summer heat in her non-air-conditioned home or the winter cold in her non-heated home, the sole source of warmth being a wood-burning stove. When it is hot it is hot and when it is cold it is cold. (Yes, Grandmother...I understand.) End of story. No “mind” and no “opinions,” so no emotional intoxication, no misery, no suffering and no being deceived.

So much for the belief that “this holy day or holiday is different from other days.” So much for the belief that “the people being celebrated today are better than the people not being celebrated today.” That which You Are is Self-contained throughout the manifestation and is nothing in particular. There is not the least element of the “personal” involved, including “military personnel.” Yet the non-Realized have an affinity for separation and duality.

It can be asked, "Who told you that days have names? Who told you that days form months and months form years? Who told you to believe in 'a timeline' rather than in 'the circle'?" All sense of separation or hierarchy is “mind” trash. Cling not to garbage. Discard it. Let it be hauled away. Persons readily toss out that which stinks up their environment even as they cling to that which stinks up their lives, relatively speaking.

To your query regarding this pro-fighting, pro-militaristic mindset of the persons of this nation and many other nations, survey results released on November 11th showed that 79% of all “Americans” honor highly those who have served in the military. Why?

Because they hear the value of such people being upgraded regularly by politicians who are manipulating the public with such comments (much like taking a country such as the U.S. and then upgrading it to “the greatest country on earth”).

As noted, for many persons it is their military stint that remains the highlight of an otherwise ordinary (that is, not-otherwise upgraded) life. Playing “The Soldier” is the only thing they ever did that automatically upgrades them in their “minds” and in the “minds” of 79% of their fellow citizens.

It is that former stint that garners them an “attaboy” or an “attagirl.” Seventy-five and eighty-year-old men were heard to say last week that they voted for McCain because they “were WWII vets…veterans, like John.”

For thousands of years, the “We support our troops mentality” has dominated humankind. The ancient Greek myths that chronicled and lionized Achilles and Odysseus are adumbrated in cultures today, especially those that still revere a Hun-like mindset. Modern myths have simply replaced ancient myths.

When old myths are upgraded into modern versions of those myths, religions spring forth, respect for traditions spring forth, the notion of what is to be honored springs forth, and the notion of what is to be degraded springs forth. All dualistic nonsense? Yes. Do the non-Realized deem sacred their nonsense? Yes. Their “holidays” really are “holy days,” in their "minds." So it is.

These tales of bravery or of fighting or of aggressive accomplishment that are recounted on “holidays honoring warriors” are as old as egotism itself. Maybe some cavewoman listened with pride as her caveman mate prattled on for decades, bragging to all who would listen about that one time twenty years earlier when he drove a mastodon into a tar pit;

yet surely at least one less-impressed member of the tribe who preferred peace to pontification must have eased away to a quiet corner of the village to avoid hearing the tale for the fortieth time. The same type of retreating can happen in modern-day surroundings when nonsense is the topic.

How many times from childhood to the present have you heard the veneration of combat and the near-deification of combatants? How many times have you heard over and over again the speeches that glorify the culture’s warriors? What is the relative effect on children raised in cultures that glorify war and warriors?

(Tomorrow, the case of a U.S. sniper who killed 43 civilians in Central America will be discussed. He, too, bragged of his “accomplishments” for a time, but no more. His toll, relatively speaking, was significant.)

No matter where you go to work, you will be subjected to the same type of dualistic noise that you are hearing on this Veterans Day though the percentage of “honorers” who are also “defense contractors” at your workplace is likely not 79% but is more likely 99% or higher. Why?

If an ego-state involves money and also sustains other ego-states, then it becomes more firmly entrenched than ever. (And they do take themselves to be “defense contractors,” not “offense contractors,” right?)

With 50% of the population of the planet being fear-based Type Sixes, and with fear-based people being the most attached to those who promise to protect them, then the adulation of “those men and women in uniform” will continue and will flourish. There is no “escape” from nonsense except via the ending of the manifestation or via Realization.

To the Realized, such honorific talk as you heard at work on the recent "holiday" has no more meaning than if your wife was heard last night as she talked in her sleep. There is no difference at all...just nonsensical nattering in both cases.

At the seminar conducted last week, great anger arose when the pointer was offered that Type Sixes (esp. male Sixes) often seek jobs that involve gun-toting: military, police, security guards, hit men. Including “hit men” in a list alongside the “military” made many of them ballistic—also a military reaction, right?

Hearing statements based in reality will set free a few, but more often hearing anything to do with reality will merely enrage most persons. So it is. Yet the Realized will not react to their reactions, including the way that the non-Realized react on their “holidays.” As rage comes to the non-Realized, so it will go, at least until they hear the next statement of fact that challenges their false identities.

(Finally, note the current evidence of the pointer offered that belief in "separate and different and special" will lead to misery and suffering: notice how depressed many persons are as they are being interviewed about the upcoming “Christmas holiday” in light of the economic recession. They are truly sad that they cannot buy in excess all sorts of things that they don't even need.

Many are already miserable over the prospect of an interruption in accumulation. Many are already suffering mental anguish. Such is the result when “mind” meets concept, including the concept of “holidays.”) Please enter the silence of contemplation. (TOMORROW: The Conclusion)





    More and more seekers are requesting an understanding of how a personality formed in childhood is still determining and controlling everything that is thought or said or done in adulthood. Others have inquired about an opportunity to speak one-on-one about the seven-step “path” to Realization.

    Thus, two opportunities are being offered from now until Dec 15th at 50% off:


    Here’s what is included in the package that is available for the next two months (the service available to international visitors but these price being only for the Continental U.S.):

    A copy of the personality test (B) Priority mailing of the test (C) Analysis of the test results (D) a one-hour telephone session to discuss the results (E) the cost of the telephone conference. Cost is US$95.


    For the next two months, a tele-conference to discuss any aspects of the Advaita teachings one-on-one will be offered. [Rich from the U.K. completed this package recently and was able to make a low-rate international call from his home in the U.K. to the office here in the U.S. for his conference.] The cost covers the income that cannot be earned as a result of being unavailable for regular retainer contract income during your conference time.] Cost is US$75.

    To arrange either package, >Click ARRANGE PACKAGES provide all of the information requested, and in the message box at the bottom, indicate that you want to make arrangements for the PERSONALITY TYPING or for the ONE-ON-ONE ADVAITA SESSION or both.

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