An Advaita forum focusing on Realisation, enlightenment, non-duality, Real Love, peace, freedom, Your original nature, abiding naturally, the Oneness, the Nothingness, and Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj.
As for Maharaj, you will find here some of his early pointers for beginners but some of his later pointers that are for seekers father along the "path." During his last years, he said of I AM THAT: "That book and whatever was expounded at that time was only relevant for that period. I am speaking differently today" and am "emphasizing different aspects." What he offered later differed considerably from his earlier talks, making clear that the pointers in I AM THAT will take you to the midpoint of "the race" but that his final talks point the way to "the finish line."
F.: Offered here is a Direct Path to the Authentic Self and the ability to enjoy fully all of the various forms of "the essence" ...
... which can initiate and sustain the manifestation;
... which can enhance the relative existence when the Authentic Self is remembered; and
... which can manifest fully when authenticity is overlaid on every aspect of the relative existence.
As long as the uninterrupted flow of the essence of plant food happens, then there is the possibility for authenticity to serve as the gateway to the essence of awareness; to the essence of sensing the Oneness and being the Oneness;
to the essence of knowing Love; to the essence of delighting in the physical expression of Love and the Oneness; to the essence of the understanding of all that is revealed via Wisdom; and to the essence of the very beingness itself.
In order to know the Self, one must find all of the false selves that are blocking awareness of the True Self; similarly, to find authenticity and The Authentic Self, one must understand what non-authenticity is and what the not-Authentic-Self is.
First, why is so little known about authenticity? Why is so little attention paid to authenticity and finding it? Because there is so little of it to pay attention to on planet earth. Many claim that thulium and lutetium are among the rarest commodities, but the rarest commodity of all among the earth's population is authenticity.
If one could distill all of the authenticity that exists among the masses and convert it into water, there would seldom be, at any given moment on the globe, enough liquid to quench the thirst of even one man dying in the heat of a desert.
Persons - the non-Realized trapped in personality and its fears and desires - have not a shred of authenticity, and those who have at least touched for a time The Authentic Self move frequently in and out of contact with it, abandoning the stability that authenticity can bring and succumbing to the fluctuations of their ever-changing moods and whims and emotions ... driven through the relative existence either by (a) agendas that are hidden from them or by (b) agendas that they are hiding from others or by (c) both.
So what is involved with non-authenticity? First, image adoption and image maintenance. "He" will eventually prove to be nothing at all like what you thought he was when you meet him; "she" will eventually prove to be nothing at all like what you took her to be when you meet her and began "falling in love."
Next, at the heart of non-authenticity is game-playing and persons trying to "play" each other; "players" are playing one another in games involving buying and selling themselves; in games that involve using and being used; in games that involve taking without ever giving consistently what is promised early on in the game.
Also involved in non-authenticity is the other mode of playing, namely, playing a role - or several roles - on the stage of The Theatre of the Lie. With authenticity being so rare, the likelihood is far greater that you will deal most often with characters, with actors, with players;
you will more often than not deal with those who are experts at applying the most flattering theatrical makeup and choosing the most attractive or seductive costumes and then moving before you on the stage in such a way that you become mesmerized, totally lost in your own personality trance.
None of any of the acting is even partially real; none of it is even moderately authentic. Yet it must be asked, "Are the role-players to be judged and loathed, or understood?" Are the players not merely playing in their sleep? Can reaching a point where players are hated ever be reached without having been a player? Is it possible that, at least to some degree, psychological projection is at the root of hating players and their false images and the phoniness that is at the core of every persona?
Just as those playing the role of "The Helper" will only attract into their lives those who are needy and wanting help and feeling that they are entitled to it and just as those playing the role of "The Super Rescuer" will only attract those who want and need to be rescued and feel that they are entitled to having someone rescue them, so too will players attract players. How very often, though, it will be seen that the cocksure one who believes that he or she is so adept at playing another actually ends up being the one played.
So what else is involved with inauthenticity? Of course, there is always manipulation, counterfeit words, image adoption and image maintenance. There are also all of the blockages that prevent persons from ever tapping into the essence of the Absolute; the essence of the relative existence;
the essence of Oneness and True Love and Wisdom; the essence of sex as an expression of True Love and Oneness; the essence of Full Realization; the essence of freedom from being driven by the agendas of personality / personalities; the essence of the very beingness itself.
Next, what part does personality play in impeding seekers from finding (and holding onto) authenticity? Of the nine basic personality types that exist, only one has a propensity for seeking the Authentic Self, specifically, the Type Four (which was Maharaj's type).
Of all of the persons on the planet, only 1/2 of 1% are Type Fours; therefore, there is in that fact an explanation for Maharaj's predictions about how few will ever seek, much less find. Yet that fact can prevent no one - no matter his or her personality type(s) - from finding the Authentic Self if it is sought with dedication and determination.
Note that, without authenticity, there can be no stability, no freedom, no independence, no Self-Knowledge, no Love, no Self-Love, and, therefore, no consistent happiness and joy. There can only be a series of counterfeit identities that result in counterfeit beliefs about one's self and one's motives.
Those attached to their counterfeit roles view all of their thoughts and words and actions through the distortions of rationalization; justification (including putting a spin on the facts and one's true motives and hidden agendas); suppression; denial; sublimation; repression; intellectualization; displacement; or through the distorting lenses of a host of other tools used by ego-states to protect their "assumed reality."
Authenticity provides the only means by which the relative existence can be dealt with in a manner that provides consistent contact with Reality and, therefore, assure on-going sanity and stability. Being authentic means that one will be in touch with the internal awareness of Reality rather than being swept along and swept about and swept away by external forces and / or internal fears and deceptions and delusions.
To give away any degree of ...
the essence of Oneness; of True Love; of Wisdom; of the phenomenal expression of True Love and Oneness; of the essence of Full Realization; of the essence of freedom from being driven by the agendas of personality / personalities; of the essence of the very beingness itself
... is to give away authenticity and the Authentic Self as well.
Furthermore, to engage in any actions that result in anyone else's forfeiture of their authenticity and their Self-ness is to guarantee this outcome: such selfish and self-serving behavior will also bring about the forfeiture of One's Own Self.
To abandon One's Self - for self-ish pleasures, for relative gains, for self-satisfaction, for self-indulgence, for self-seeking, for self-centered desires - is to abandon any and all opportunity to be free, independent, fulfilled, contented, and at peace.
Within all but the insane, there is a sense of Self. Though buried deeply beyond direct contact among the non-Realized masses, it is nevertheless near enough to the surface to detect everything which authenticity would consider an abhorrence and an abomination, namely:
a false self; multiple false selves; and phony, inauthentic ego-states that are supported by egotism and other ego-defense mechanisms. Many reach the point of saying, "I hate what I have become; I hate myself." They actually mean that they hate their false selves ... their phoniness ... their inauthenticity ... the fact that they are not being true to their Authentic Self.
Phoniness is anathema to the Authentic Self because it knows that an absence of authenticity is at the root of all misery and suffering and pain and self-loathing during the relative existence. It blocks any opportunity for Self-Love to provide a respite along the way on the "journey" to the Absolute and then beyond to the Nothingness.
It is the self-disgust, that is, the revulsion that comes into the consciousness when one finally sees the actual level of inauthenticity that has been driving her or him, that leads to comments like: "I cannot live with myself anymore." Note the two principals in that statement: there is an "I" and a "self" ("myself").
Who (or What) is speaking, and What is that speaking of? The message is that "I" - the Authentic Self - cannot live with my false self / selves any longer. The message is that I - the Authentic Self - finally see that my false roles and false identities have generated phoniness;
image-building; manipulation; the use of others for relative gain; dependence and co-dependence; game-playing; play-acting; maya; and misery and suffering and pain both for my "self" and the "selves" that have been thought of as "others" who have been dealing with me ... and with the false "me's."
When the Authentic Self has been abandoned and the false selves are driving thoughts and words and deeds, then such levels of misery and suffering and pain will be generated over a matter of years that one can either abandon the false selves or abandon the relative existence.
The false selves can be "destroyed" by suicide, or they can be eliminated by Realization, or they can be tolerated, for a time; in the latter case, they will continue to heap onto the already-existing pile of misery even more and more suffering and will rob you of the essence in all its following forms:
The essence of food is Consciousness;
The essence of liberation is freedom from personality;
The essence of the Absolute is Awareness;
The essence of this existence is knowing Oneness (True Love) and Wisdom;
The essence of Oneness is a "no-relationship relationship," the transcendence of the false belief in two (in an "A" and a "B") alongside the understanding of "Advaita" ... of "not-two";
The essence of sex is Love / love; that is, the expressing of the Absolute, non-physical, noumenal Oneness as it is overlaid on the relative via a phenomenal act of physicality;
The essence of beingness via Realization;
the essence of authenticity via Realization;
the essence of Full Realization, which is independence, freedom, happiness, joy, and bliss.
Please enter the silence of contemplation. (To be continued)
... which can initiate and sustain the manifestation;
... which can enhance the relative existence when the Authentic Self is remembered; and
... which can manifest fully when authenticity is overlaid on every aspect of the relative existence.
As long as the uninterrupted flow of the essence of plant food happens, then there is the possibility for authenticity to serve as the gateway to the essence of awareness; to the essence of sensing the Oneness and being the Oneness;
to the essence of knowing Love; to the essence of delighting in the physical expression of Love and the Oneness; to the essence of the understanding of all that is revealed via Wisdom; and to the essence of the very beingness itself.
In order to know the Self, one must find all of the false selves that are blocking awareness of the True Self; similarly, to find authenticity and The Authentic Self, one must understand what non-authenticity is and what the not-Authentic-Self is.
First, why is so little known about authenticity? Why is so little attention paid to authenticity and finding it? Because there is so little of it to pay attention to on planet earth. Many claim that thulium and lutetium are among the rarest commodities, but the rarest commodity of all among the earth's population is authenticity.
If one could distill all of the authenticity that exists among the masses and convert it into water, there would seldom be, at any given moment on the globe, enough liquid to quench the thirst of even one man dying in the heat of a desert.
Persons - the non-Realized trapped in personality and its fears and desires - have not a shred of authenticity, and those who have at least touched for a time The Authentic Self move frequently in and out of contact with it, abandoning the stability that authenticity can bring and succumbing to the fluctuations of their ever-changing moods and whims and emotions ... driven through the relative existence either by (a) agendas that are hidden from them or by (b) agendas that they are hiding from others or by (c) both.
So what is involved with non-authenticity? First, image adoption and image maintenance. "He" will eventually prove to be nothing at all like what you thought he was when you meet him; "she" will eventually prove to be nothing at all like what you took her to be when you meet her and began "falling in love."
Next, at the heart of non-authenticity is game-playing and persons trying to "play" each other; "players" are playing one another in games involving buying and selling themselves; in games that involve using and being used; in games that involve taking without ever giving consistently what is promised early on in the game.
Also involved in non-authenticity is the other mode of playing, namely, playing a role - or several roles - on the stage of The Theatre of the Lie. With authenticity being so rare, the likelihood is far greater that you will deal most often with characters, with actors, with players;
you will more often than not deal with those who are experts at applying the most flattering theatrical makeup and choosing the most attractive or seductive costumes and then moving before you on the stage in such a way that you become mesmerized, totally lost in your own personality trance.
None of any of the acting is even partially real; none of it is even moderately authentic. Yet it must be asked, "Are the role-players to be judged and loathed, or understood?" Are the players not merely playing in their sleep? Can reaching a point where players are hated ever be reached without having been a player? Is it possible that, at least to some degree, psychological projection is at the root of hating players and their false images and the phoniness that is at the core of every persona?
Just as those playing the role of "The Helper" will only attract into their lives those who are needy and wanting help and feeling that they are entitled to it and just as those playing the role of "The Super Rescuer" will only attract those who want and need to be rescued and feel that they are entitled to having someone rescue them, so too will players attract players. How very often, though, it will be seen that the cocksure one who believes that he or she is so adept at playing another actually ends up being the one played.
So what else is involved with inauthenticity? Of course, there is always manipulation, counterfeit words, image adoption and image maintenance. There are also all of the blockages that prevent persons from ever tapping into the essence of the Absolute; the essence of the relative existence;
the essence of Oneness and True Love and Wisdom; the essence of sex as an expression of True Love and Oneness; the essence of Full Realization; the essence of freedom from being driven by the agendas of personality / personalities; the essence of the very beingness itself.
Next, what part does personality play in impeding seekers from finding (and holding onto) authenticity? Of the nine basic personality types that exist, only one has a propensity for seeking the Authentic Self, specifically, the Type Four (which was Maharaj's type).
Of all of the persons on the planet, only 1/2 of 1% are Type Fours; therefore, there is in that fact an explanation for Maharaj's predictions about how few will ever seek, much less find. Yet that fact can prevent no one - no matter his or her personality type(s) - from finding the Authentic Self if it is sought with dedication and determination.
Note that, without authenticity, there can be no stability, no freedom, no independence, no Self-Knowledge, no Love, no Self-Love, and, therefore, no consistent happiness and joy. There can only be a series of counterfeit identities that result in counterfeit beliefs about one's self and one's motives.
Those attached to their counterfeit roles view all of their thoughts and words and actions through the distortions of rationalization; justification (including putting a spin on the facts and one's true motives and hidden agendas); suppression; denial; sublimation; repression; intellectualization; displacement; or through the distorting lenses of a host of other tools used by ego-states to protect their "assumed reality."
Authenticity provides the only means by which the relative existence can be dealt with in a manner that provides consistent contact with Reality and, therefore, assure on-going sanity and stability. Being authentic means that one will be in touch with the internal awareness of Reality rather than being swept along and swept about and swept away by external forces and / or internal fears and deceptions and delusions.
To give away any degree of ...
the essence of Oneness; of True Love; of Wisdom; of the phenomenal expression of True Love and Oneness; of the essence of Full Realization; of the essence of freedom from being driven by the agendas of personality / personalities; of the essence of the very beingness itself
... is to give away authenticity and the Authentic Self as well.
Furthermore, to engage in any actions that result in anyone else's forfeiture of their authenticity and their Self-ness is to guarantee this outcome: such selfish and self-serving behavior will also bring about the forfeiture of One's Own Self.
To abandon One's Self - for self-ish pleasures, for relative gains, for self-satisfaction, for self-indulgence, for self-seeking, for self-centered desires - is to abandon any and all opportunity to be free, independent, fulfilled, contented, and at peace.
Within all but the insane, there is a sense of Self. Though buried deeply beyond direct contact among the non-Realized masses, it is nevertheless near enough to the surface to detect everything which authenticity would consider an abhorrence and an abomination, namely:
a false self; multiple false selves; and phony, inauthentic ego-states that are supported by egotism and other ego-defense mechanisms. Many reach the point of saying, "I hate what I have become; I hate myself." They actually mean that they hate their false selves ... their phoniness ... their inauthenticity ... the fact that they are not being true to their Authentic Self.
Phoniness is anathema to the Authentic Self because it knows that an absence of authenticity is at the root of all misery and suffering and pain and self-loathing during the relative existence. It blocks any opportunity for Self-Love to provide a respite along the way on the "journey" to the Absolute and then beyond to the Nothingness.
It is the self-disgust, that is, the revulsion that comes into the consciousness when one finally sees the actual level of inauthenticity that has been driving her or him, that leads to comments like: "I cannot live with myself anymore." Note the two principals in that statement: there is an "I" and a "self" ("myself").
Who (or What) is speaking, and What is that speaking of? The message is that "I" - the Authentic Self - cannot live with my false self / selves any longer. The message is that I - the Authentic Self - finally see that my false roles and false identities have generated phoniness;
image-building; manipulation; the use of others for relative gain; dependence and co-dependence; game-playing; play-acting; maya; and misery and suffering and pain both for my "self" and the "selves" that have been thought of as "others" who have been dealing with me ... and with the false "me's."
When the Authentic Self has been abandoned and the false selves are driving thoughts and words and deeds, then such levels of misery and suffering and pain will be generated over a matter of years that one can either abandon the false selves or abandon the relative existence.
The false selves can be "destroyed" by suicide, or they can be eliminated by Realization, or they can be tolerated, for a time; in the latter case, they will continue to heap onto the already-existing pile of misery even more and more suffering and will rob you of the essence in all its following forms:
The essence of food is Consciousness;
The essence of liberation is freedom from personality;
The essence of the Absolute is Awareness;
The essence of this existence is knowing Oneness (True Love) and Wisdom;
The essence of Oneness is a "no-relationship relationship," the transcendence of the false belief in two (in an "A" and a "B") alongside the understanding of "Advaita" ... of "not-two";
The essence of sex is Love / love; that is, the expressing of the Absolute, non-physical, noumenal Oneness as it is overlaid on the relative via a phenomenal act of physicality;
The essence of beingness via Realization;
the essence of authenticity via Realization;
the essence of Full Realization, which is independence, freedom, happiness, joy, and bliss.
Please enter the silence of contemplation. (To be continued)
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For those seeking the full explanation of the topics addressed here, there are non-duality books as well as retreats and Skype or telephone sessions available at .
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The following titles and series are available:
FROM THE I TO THE ABSOLUTE (A Seven-Step Journey to Reality)
A Series of Essays Discussing THE FIRST STEP on the Seven-Step Path to Realization
A Series of Essays Discussing THE SECOND STEP on the Seven-Step Path to Realization
A Series of Essays Discussing THE THIRD STEP on the Seven-Step Path to Realization
A Series of Essays Discussing THE FOURTH STEP on the Seven-Step Path to Realization
A Series of Essays Discussing THE FIFTH STEP on the Seven-Step Path to Realization
A Series of Essays Discussing THE SIXTH STEP on the Seven-Step Path to Realization
A Series of Essays Discussing THE SEVENTH STEP on the Seven-Step Path to Realization
The Myth Of Death
The Ultimate Sickness, The Ultimate Medicine
I AM THAT (vs. "This Is Who I Think I Am")
Freedom From Shifting Between States of Happiness and Unhappiness
Why You Must Be Empty If You Would Be Full
What BLISS Is and What BLISS Is Not
When Reality Is Overlaid Upon the Relative
There Is Nothing That Is Personal (Including You and Including God)
Overcoming the Fear of Being Totally Independent
The Essence of the Teachings
SELF-Transformation Meditation Guide, Volume One
SELF-Transformation Meditation Guide, Volume Two
Lessons in Non-Duality from Travels in South Africa
Casting Light on the Dark Side of Relationships
Finding REAL LOVE in an Unreal World
The Path to Freedom vs. The Path to Misery
THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS "PEACE OF MIND" (There Is Only Peace If You're Out of Your Mind)
THERE IS NOTHING THAT IS PERSONAL (Including You and Including God)
Jesus Christ the Advaitin
William Shakespeare the Advaitin
Ending Financial Problems by Understanding Your Personality
The Twice-Stolen Necklace Murders [E-BOOK]
The Board of Directors of Wars [PAPERBACK]
A Twelve-Step Journey to SELF-Transformation [E-BOOK]
A Twelve-Step Journey to SELF-Transformation [PAPERBACK]
A GUIDE FOR WORKING THE TWELVE STEPS (In the Manner Used by the Founders)

The Twice-Stolen Necklace Murders offers the non-duality message by way of a mystery-adventure novel, discussing the movement from pain to healing to awakening to peace.
From Dr. R.F. Maley, Ph.D, Professor Emeritus and former Head of the Department of Psychology, University of Houston: "Floyd Henderson's book, The Twice-Stolen Necklace Murders, is a fun read and an interesting mystery, but perhaps more importantly it serves as a vehicle for blending Eastern Philosophy and Native American Spirituality to make an intellectually challenging novel. The book's insights into both relationships and authoritarian conditioning of people in our society make it a must read, tracing the roots of narcissistic, sociopathic and psychopathic behaviors to the very core of the culture. This truly witty and politically-incorrect study of the aggressive nature of 'the American character' offers not only a diagnosis but also a treatment plan, making the book an excellent supplemental reading in courses such as psychology, anthropology, philosophy, sociology and counseling."
The Sequel to The Twice-Stolen Necklace Murders:

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Click on the arrow below to start Video One:
Click on the arrow below to start Video Two:
Click on the arrow below to start Video Three:
Click on the arrow below to start Video Four:
Click on the arrow below to start Video Five:
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
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The following titles and series are available:
FROM THE I TO THE ABSOLUTE (A Seven-Step Journey to Reality)
A Series of Essays Discussing THE FIRST STEP on the Seven-Step Path to Realization
A Series of Essays Discussing THE SECOND STEP on the Seven-Step Path to Realization
A Series of Essays Discussing THE THIRD STEP on the Seven-Step Path to Realization
A Series of Essays Discussing THE FOURTH STEP on the Seven-Step Path to Realization
A Series of Essays Discussing THE FIFTH STEP on the Seven-Step Path to Realization
A Series of Essays Discussing THE SIXTH STEP on the Seven-Step Path to Realization
A Series of Essays Discussing THE SEVENTH STEP on the Seven-Step Path to Realization
The Myth Of Death
The Ultimate Sickness, The Ultimate Medicine
I AM THAT (vs. "This Is Who I Think I Am")
Freedom From Shifting Between States of Happiness and Unhappiness
Why You Must Be Empty If You Would Be Full
What BLISS Is and What BLISS Is Not
When Reality Is Overlaid Upon the Relative
There Is Nothing That Is Personal (Including You and Including God)
Overcoming the Fear of Being Totally Independent
The Essence of the Teachings
SELF-Transformation Meditation Guide, Volume One
SELF-Transformation Meditation Guide, Volume Two
Lessons in Non-Duality from Travels in South Africa
Casting Light on the Dark Side of Relationships
Finding REAL LOVE in an Unreal World
The Path to Freedom vs. The Path to Misery
THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS "PEACE OF MIND" (There Is Only Peace If You're Out of Your Mind)
THERE IS NOTHING THAT IS PERSONAL (Including You and Including God)
Jesus Christ the Advaitin
William Shakespeare the Advaitin
Ending Financial Problems by Understanding Your Personality
The Twice-Stolen Necklace Murders [E-BOOK]
The Board of Directors of Wars [PAPERBACK]
A Twelve-Step Journey to SELF-Transformation [E-BOOK]
A Twelve-Step Journey to SELF-Transformation [PAPERBACK]
A GUIDE FOR WORKING THE TWELVE STEPS (In the Manner Used by the Founders)
Much of what Louise has shared has resonated with many site visitors. to that end, some have inquired recently if Louise offers the online Advaita Internet Course. The answer is, "Yes."
Whether taking the course with Louise or Floyd, the price of the course includes all 11 of the Advaita eBooks, questions sent after completion of the assigned readings, replies to your answers, and follow-up as required.
With either teacher, you will be guided through all seven of the steps, in order, that lead from identification with the false "I" to the Absolute (and beyond). For more specific information and details about the course, you may click on the link to the right.
Purchase at Discount the Advaita Internet Course with Louise

Clicking the Buy Now Button below:
Purchase at Discount the Advaita Internet Course with Floyd

Clicking the Buy Now Button below:
Whether taking the course with Louise or Floyd, the price of the course includes all 11 of the Advaita eBooks, questions sent after completion of the assigned readings, replies to your answers, and follow-up as required.
With either teacher, you will be guided through all seven of the steps, in order, that lead from identification with the false "I" to the Absolute (and beyond). For more specific information and details about the course, you may click on the link to the right.
Purchase at Discount the Advaita Internet Course with Louise

Clicking the Buy Now Button below:
Purchase at Discount the Advaita Internet Course with Floyd

Clicking the Buy Now Button below:
Now you can receive for $40 a downloadable computer file version of the same 7-hour satsang that seekers receive when they visit for the Advaita Retreat with Floyd. You will be guided through the seven steps from identification with the false "I" to the Absolute (and beyond).
For more information or to order, click:
DVD or Downloadable computer file versions of the Four-Day Advaita Retreat
1. BY WATCHING the 4-Disk Video (DVD) Set, or the same retreat available as a downloadable file. Either will provide an entire seven-hour retreat / series of satsang sessions showing three seekers being guided through all seven steps by Floyd and can provide viewers with an “experiential,” step-by-step series of satsang meetings that will move the viewers from identification with the I to abidance as the Absolute and then to abidance as That Which Is beyond
Some seekers are already using the computer file version and the DVD sets for meetings in groups in homes, playing the retreat, pausing for discussion, etc.
To find out more or to purchase the DVD set or the downloadable computer file version of the retreat, click:
DVD or Downloadable computer file versions of the Four-Day Advaita Retreat
Option “A” is for the downloadable file version, Option “B” is used to order the DVD set for delivery inside the U.S., Option “C” for international orders.
For the download, Paypal will send me a notice that payment has been received and then I will send by e-mail the downloading instruction, password, etc.
[It is recommended that you watch the video with pen and paper in hand. Write whatever you need clarified. You'll see that there are constant reviews and you might find an answer later in the seven-hour presentation. Then, after you watch it all, there will be a common ground for discussion. Purchase of the DVD’s or the file will include the right to clarifications and answers to your specific questions via e-mail.]
2. BY READING these books in this exact order:
IT'S ALL BULLSHIT (And Why Knowing It Sets You Free)
SPIRITUAL SOBRIETY (Recovering What Religions Lost)
[Those two prepare the seeker to question it all]
[Provide a broad overview of the understanding]
[Begins to free the seeker of body identification and the desire for body continuity]
THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS "PEACE OF MIND" (There Is Only Peace if You're Out of Your Mind)
[Shows the seeker how to be free of the subconscious motivators of the false content of the “mind”]
[Shows the seeker how to be free of the subconscious motivators of personas]
[Provides the final preparation for the seeker to be directed along the “path”]
FROM THE I TO THE ABSOLUTE (A Seven-Step Journey to Reality)
[Directs the seeker along the “path”]
CONSCIOUSNESS/AWARENESS: The Nature of Reality Beyond Self-Realization (Peace Every Day When Abiding as The Absolute)
[Allows the seeker to understand the functioning of the totality, the manifestation, and what is involved with the un-manifestation]
[Provides the seeker the wisdom to understand the Noneness as well as the Oneness]
Purchase an e-Book now and begin reading it in minutes (except with e-checks that can take 7-10 days). Trusting our clients as we do, all e-Books are provided to you in printable form.
(You may order the books one at a time or you may use the following link to acquire the entire 11-e-Book set on sale for $99 if ordered at one time with the “Buy Now” button below. For this option, there will be no download links provided; once the near-instant notice of payment is received from PayPal, your e-Books will be sent to you as e-mail attachments. All are printable for your convenience.
NOTE: When you order this package, you receive three additional ebooks free: CASTING LIGHT ON THE DARK SIDE OF RELATIONSHIPS, FINDING REAL LOVE IN AN UNREAL WORLD and THE TWICE-STOLEN NECKLACE MURDERS (offering the Advaita teachings in a fictional novel format)
For more information or to order, click:
DVD or Downloadable computer file versions of the Four-Day Advaita Retreat
1. BY WATCHING the 4-Disk Video (DVD) Set, or the same retreat available as a downloadable file. Either will provide an entire seven-hour retreat / series of satsang sessions showing three seekers being guided through all seven steps by Floyd and can provide viewers with an “experiential,” step-by-step series of satsang meetings that will move the viewers from identification with the I to abidance as the Absolute and then to abidance as That Which Is beyond
Some seekers are already using the computer file version and the DVD sets for meetings in groups in homes, playing the retreat, pausing for discussion, etc.
To find out more or to purchase the DVD set or the downloadable computer file version of the retreat, click:
DVD or Downloadable computer file versions of the Four-Day Advaita Retreat
Option “A” is for the downloadable file version, Option “B” is used to order the DVD set for delivery inside the U.S., Option “C” for international orders.
For the download, Paypal will send me a notice that payment has been received and then I will send by e-mail the downloading instruction, password, etc.
[It is recommended that you watch the video with pen and paper in hand. Write whatever you need clarified. You'll see that there are constant reviews and you might find an answer later in the seven-hour presentation. Then, after you watch it all, there will be a common ground for discussion. Purchase of the DVD’s or the file will include the right to clarifications and answers to your specific questions via e-mail.]
2. BY READING these books in this exact order:
IT'S ALL BULLSHIT (And Why Knowing It Sets You Free)
SPIRITUAL SOBRIETY (Recovering What Religions Lost)
[Those two prepare the seeker to question it all]
[Provide a broad overview of the understanding]
[Begins to free the seeker of body identification and the desire for body continuity]
THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS "PEACE OF MIND" (There Is Only Peace if You're Out of Your Mind)
[Shows the seeker how to be free of the subconscious motivators of the false content of the “mind”]
[Shows the seeker how to be free of the subconscious motivators of personas]
[Provides the final preparation for the seeker to be directed along the “path”]
FROM THE I TO THE ABSOLUTE (A Seven-Step Journey to Reality)
[Directs the seeker along the “path”]
CONSCIOUSNESS/AWARENESS: The Nature of Reality Beyond Self-Realization (Peace Every Day When Abiding as The Absolute)
[Allows the seeker to understand the functioning of the totality, the manifestation, and what is involved with the un-manifestation]
[Provides the seeker the wisdom to understand the Noneness as well as the Oneness]
Purchase an e-Book now and begin reading it in minutes (except with e-checks that can take 7-10 days). Trusting our clients as we do, all e-Books are provided to you in printable form.
(You may order the books one at a time or you may use the following link to acquire the entire 11-e-Book set on sale for $99 if ordered at one time with the “Buy Now” button below. For this option, there will be no download links provided; once the near-instant notice of payment is received from PayPal, your e-Books will be sent to you as e-mail attachments. All are printable for your convenience.
NOTE: When you order this package, you receive three additional ebooks free: CASTING LIGHT ON THE DARK SIDE OF RELATIONSHIPS, FINDING REAL LOVE IN AN UNREAL WORLD and THE TWICE-STOLEN NECKLACE MURDERS (offering the Advaita teachings in a fictional novel format)
You may visit The Official Website of Floyd Henderson for information on each book.
3. BY ENROLLING in the Online Advaita Classes
Received 19 August 2010 from one that just completed the entire course:
I would like to extend deepest appreciation towards you for these teachings that you have offered. It has been most valuable towards what may not have been revealed throughout this manifestation labeled "anthony." Understanding Truth and finding words for gratitude are one as is all. Thank you again for pointing "me" to THAT and the understanding that came as well. Hopeful for future "contact"! Sincerely, Anthony M. W.
For information, visit Information on the Advaita Classes on the Internet
To enroll visit Enroll in the Advaita Internet Course
4. BY ATTENDING an Advaitin retreat for satsang with floyd and being guided through all seven steps. For details of the retreats offered, please visit the retreat information site.
5. BY ARRANGING satsang by telephone in the U.S. or by Skype internationally.
Presently, Skype sessions are being conducted with parties in Australia; The Netherlands; New Jersey, U.S.A.; London, England; Italy; and India.
Use the Contact link for details or for information on making arrangements for a session
6. BY ARRANGING for floyd to travel to your location and meet with you or your group. Use the contact link above to discuss details.
3. BY ENROLLING in the Online Advaita Classes
Received 19 August 2010 from one that just completed the entire course:
I would like to extend deepest appreciation towards you for these teachings that you have offered. It has been most valuable towards what may not have been revealed throughout this manifestation labeled "anthony." Understanding Truth and finding words for gratitude are one as is all. Thank you again for pointing "me" to THAT and the understanding that came as well. Hopeful for future "contact"! Sincerely, Anthony M. W.
For information, visit Information on the Advaita Classes on the Internet
To enroll visit Enroll in the Advaita Internet Course
4. BY ATTENDING an Advaitin retreat for satsang with floyd and being guided through all seven steps. For details of the retreats offered, please visit the retreat information site.
5. BY ARRANGING satsang by telephone in the U.S. or by Skype internationally.
Presently, Skype sessions are being conducted with parties in Australia; The Netherlands; New Jersey, U.S.A.; London, England; Italy; and India.
Use the Contact link for details or for information on making arrangements for a session
6. BY ARRANGING for floyd to travel to your location and meet with you or your group. Use the contact link above to discuss details.

The Twice-Stolen Necklace Murders offers the non-duality message by way of a mystery-adventure novel, discussing the movement from pain to healing to awakening to peace.
From Dr. R.F. Maley, Ph.D, Professor Emeritus and former Head of the Department of Psychology, University of Houston: "Floyd Henderson's book, The Twice-Stolen Necklace Murders, is a fun read and an interesting mystery, but perhaps more importantly it serves as a vehicle for blending Eastern Philosophy and Native American Spirituality to make an intellectually challenging novel. The book's insights into both relationships and authoritarian conditioning of people in our society make it a must read, tracing the roots of narcissistic, sociopathic and psychopathic behaviors to the very core of the culture. This truly witty and politically-incorrect study of the aggressive nature of 'the American character' offers not only a diagnosis but also a treatment plan, making the book an excellent supplemental reading in courses such as psychology, anthropology, philosophy, sociology and counseling."
You may purchase your copy of the ebook version of THE TWICE-STOLEN NECKLACE MURDERS then start reading within minutes:
The Sequel to The Twice-Stolen Necklace Murders:

For a paperback or eBook version of the book, click:
[RE: The "Subscribe To" feature: In some cases, all of the month's postings might be sent the first time after subscribing; after that, you should receive only one day's posting at a time.]
Click on the arrow below to start Video One:
Click on the arrow below to start Video Two:
Click on the arrow below to start Video Three:
Click on the arrow below to start Video Four:
Click on the arrow below to start Video Five:
Please enter the silence of contemplation.