An Advaita forum focusing on Realisation, enlightenment, non-duality, Real Love, peace, freedom, Your original nature, abiding naturally, the Oneness, the Nothingness, and Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj.
As for Maharaj, you will find here some of his early pointers for beginners but some of his later pointers that are for seekers father along the "path." During his last years, he said of I AM THAT: "That book and whatever was expounded at that time was only relevant for that period. I am speaking differently today" and am "emphasizing different aspects." What he offered later differed considerably from his earlier talks, making clear that the pointers in I AM THAT will take you to the midpoint of "the race" but that his final talks point the way to "the finish line."
F.: In addition to the fairly new technologies labeled "augmented reality" and "mediated reality," there is "virtual reality" (which is said to "replace the real world with a simulated one").
Advaitins see evidence of that manifesting daily among the non-Realized, and in extreme cases, so do mental-healthcare professionals; cases of personality disorders, neuroses, psychoses, and clinical insanity are all on the rise as more and more people are becoming farther and farther removed from reality.
Consider some relative existence examples:
“I like your Christ; I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ"
“Those who say religion has nothing to do with politics do not know what religion is"
“The most heinous and the most cruel crimes of which history has record have been committed under the cover of religion or equally noble motives.”
A SIDE NOTE BEFORE DISCUSSING REAL LOVE vs. PHONY "love": The "journey" to Realization and Authenticity began here at an early age when "floyd" was forced to attend weekly "Sunday School classes" in a "Judaeo-Christian" church (an interesting duality in itself). Ironically, those self-proclaimed "Christians" taught more stories from the longer, Jewish Old Testament section of their supposedly "holy text" than from the shorter New Testament section.
Being a Type Four (the type that almost always has a fully-developed BS detector by the age of six), questions such as these were raised:
"If there was only Adam and Eve and Cain and Abel, and if Cain killed Abel, then that left Adam and Eve and Cain, so who did Cain make babies with to make all the people on the planet? It would have to be his mother Eve, right?"
After hearing about the great flood and God killing everyone on the planet except for the members of one family, it was asked, "If we are supposed to hate Hitler for killing a lot of people, how come we are supposed to love God after he killed almost everybody?"
"If God loves me unconditionally, how come He is willing to send me to Hell?" (a place the church leaders had made clear was almost certain to be the final destination of my then-already-determined flight plan).
Regularly, my father was summoned to come to the classroom and whip me with his belt for disturbing the class, and with his buying into the scriptural warning that "if you spare the rod, you'll spoil the child," he willingly and vigorously complied with their requests.
The result was a movement into isolation where I could ignore them and their delusional teachings, moving away whenever I could in the same way that most people always do when they feel uncomfortable in the presence of any insane person who is getting in their face and babbling nonsense.
Yet the rebellious teenage years brought back the return of the seeker of Authenticity, unfortunately accompanied by an argumentative tendency to point out to persons their distorted beliefs and concepts, even though there was no invitation from them for me to do so. [Now, seekers have to find and contact this site. There is no effort to find them.]
That set the stage for years of conflict, butting heads with the insanity of a culture which felt totally alien and which convinced "floyd" that he did not belong on this planet. (Teens often speak of suicide as a means of escape, verifying the fact that it usually takes 13 to 16 years for societies to drive their youth damn-near crazy with their culture's endless stream of insane and inane BS.)
Eventually, both (a) withdrawal from the conflict as well as (b) literal and mental isolation marked the years right up until Realization came. After that, the non-duality teachings began to be discussed with the few that were interested.
That began in the summer of 1989, meaning that this has been happening for twenty-two years this coming summer (or "this coming winter" for those in the southern hemisphere). What does that preface have to do with the discussion of false, phony "love" vs. Real Love? This:
97% of the people on the planet report that they are affiliated with one organized religion or another. Nothing on the planet has dreamed up more lies, myths and distortions than the religions of "the world," save in one other instance;
nothing has developed a more extensive, more well thought-out, or more effective network for the distribution of falsehoods than the religions of the planet, save in one other instance; therefore, religious beliefs are the number two source of inspiring persons to live in a "world" of virtual reality which has "replaced the real world with a simulated one."
While many among the devout and the faithful mostly give lip service to their dogma, the number one priority for persons in the age range spanning from the mid to late teens and then throughout adulthood is the totally dualistic concept of "relationships," almost all of which operate for the most part on nothing deeper than a Subject-Object level.
In the process, persons become objectified as they are assigned or adopt "relationship" roles, typically cycling through the playing of a series of false "relationship" roles time and again, endlessly moving along the gamut discussed by Maharaj, shifting their adopted identities from ...
stranger to acquaintance to friend to sex partner / lover to fiancé / fiancée to spouse to super spouse to enemy to mortal enemy to ex-spouse, after which another cycle will usually begin with a new partner plugged into that continuum of players and the next round of role-playing and game-playing.
What has been seen in twenty-two years of dealing closely with thousands of persons is that there is tremendous resistance to seeing that their beliefs are false and to abandoning their concepts and ideas;
yet what has also been seen is that nothing compares with the resistance among persons to (1) admitting how deceptive and self-deceptive are their beliefs regarding the true state and nature of their "relationships" and resistance to (2) admitting that their beliefs about "love" are their number one source of deception.
And while many attend church one day a week, they are embroiled in their "relationships" and "relationships issues" 24/7, so, again, religion has become the number two source of delusion while beliefs about "love" and the actual state of their relationships has become the number one source of distortion among persons.
Therefore, the discussions here that differentiate between the false "love" that most are practicing and the Real Love that is rooted in knowing the Oneness are usually met with total denial or by simply ignoring the discussions completely.
The discussions are also usually met with a refusal to "go there" ... with a refusal to even consider the level of inauthenticity that is truly involved ... much less take any action around the fact that they are living a lie and might want to consider finding Real Love rather than compromising, rather than settling for what they are settling for.
That is why, at this point, the suggestion is offered that seekers might want to buckle their seat belts because some of the upcoming considerations will be as alien as people with "the third eye" and will be about as appreciated as an audit by governmental tax collectors.
REAL LOVE brings nothing that is relative and takes nothing that is relative (though its awareness of Oneness is expressed in the relative act of sex when Reality is overlaid on the relative). False "love," on the other hand, is used to address personality-based fears and desires and is, therefore, only about giving relative things and taking relative things.
Thus, REAL LOVE is Self-full but self-less; false "love" is totally selfish and self-ish, totally separated from Self. False "love" will, in fact, guarantee that you will become separated from Your True Self, will guarantee that you will lose YourSelf completely.
That is why the discussion of "love" vs. Real Love has been so vigorously resisted over the decades by persons defending whatever version of "love" they think they have, resisted even more than the discussions regarding their false dogma or other false beliefs. They want their fears and desires to be addressed, right now, and if false "love" is what can most immediately address those fears and desires, so it is. Bring it on, and keep it up.
Most shut down and tune out completely when confronted with the fact that they have nothing close to Real Love, that they are playing a self-ish game, that they are using and being used. The usual reaction to being invited to consider that?
End of discussion. Total shut down. Total tune out. Yet some few finally move beyond denial and admit that - for the sake of the relative "benefits" of "love" - they have either given away or been robbed of their very essence (the various types of essence to be discussed thoroughly on Friday).
Yet those tuning out have no awareness at all of the hundreds upon hundreds of people who have come here and bemoaned the shallow, even hollow, relationships that they have been in for years before suddenly realizing that the very life-force has been sucked out of them ... or forfeited by them for gain.
They have no notion at all about how many have come here and complained that their present existence has been seen - finally, after years of denial - to be a contributing factor to what has become a draining, death-in-life existence. For the courageous that are willing to continue, however, please consider:
There are about 10,000 marriages per day worldwide, and liaisons arranged each day are many times that number. (The number of divorces per day varies between 5000 and 6000).
According to one survey, most of those marriages and liaisons nowadays amount to nothing more than a buy-sell agreement, just as in olden days when marriages were arranged to solidify political alliances and when considerable sums of money changed hands alongside the vows. Is that an opinion, or can that be confirmed?
In the book "Casting Light on the Dark Side of Relationships", the results of a poll of several thousand newlywed women and men were shared. The newly-marrieds were questioned about their reasons for marrying and their responses reveal - they did not marry for Love.
If you want to know why men and women really marry, according to that survey and others, the top five reasons given by the men showed that they married because
#1: “They were tired of the singles scene”;
#2: “They wanted sex on a regular basis” (as if);
#3: “They hated being alone”;
#4: “They were getting older and wanted to have children while still young enough to raise them”; and
#5: “They wanted a life-long companion.”
TOMORROW: Why women said they married and the conclusion to the series
FRIDAY: Authenticity
Please enter the silence of contemplation. (To be continued)
Advaitins see evidence of that manifesting daily among the non-Realized, and in extreme cases, so do mental-healthcare professionals; cases of personality disorders, neuroses, psychoses, and clinical insanity are all on the rise as more and more people are becoming farther and farther removed from reality.
Consider some relative existence examples:
How many who were certain that they have finally found "Mr. or Miss Right" eventually realize that their "Dream Man" or "Dream Woman" is really a nightmare personified? It is quite the shocker when virtual reality meets reality.2.
How many religious persons who appear to be so godly are anything but, as pointed out by Gandhi?“I like your Christ; I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ"
“Those who say religion has nothing to do with politics do not know what religion is"
“The most heinous and the most cruel crimes of which history has record have been committed under the cover of religion or equally noble motives.”
REAL LOVE vs. "love"
REAL LOVE vs. "love"
A SIDE NOTE BEFORE DISCUSSING REAL LOVE vs. PHONY "love": The "journey" to Realization and Authenticity began here at an early age when "floyd" was forced to attend weekly "Sunday School classes" in a "Judaeo-Christian" church (an interesting duality in itself). Ironically, those self-proclaimed "Christians" taught more stories from the longer, Jewish Old Testament section of their supposedly "holy text" than from the shorter New Testament section.
Being a Type Four (the type that almost always has a fully-developed BS detector by the age of six), questions such as these were raised:
"If there was only Adam and Eve and Cain and Abel, and if Cain killed Abel, then that left Adam and Eve and Cain, so who did Cain make babies with to make all the people on the planet? It would have to be his mother Eve, right?"
After hearing about the great flood and God killing everyone on the planet except for the members of one family, it was asked, "If we are supposed to hate Hitler for killing a lot of people, how come we are supposed to love God after he killed almost everybody?"
"If God loves me unconditionally, how come He is willing to send me to Hell?" (a place the church leaders had made clear was almost certain to be the final destination of my then-already-determined flight plan).
Regularly, my father was summoned to come to the classroom and whip me with his belt for disturbing the class, and with his buying into the scriptural warning that "if you spare the rod, you'll spoil the child," he willingly and vigorously complied with their requests.
The result was a movement into isolation where I could ignore them and their delusional teachings, moving away whenever I could in the same way that most people always do when they feel uncomfortable in the presence of any insane person who is getting in their face and babbling nonsense.
Yet the rebellious teenage years brought back the return of the seeker of Authenticity, unfortunately accompanied by an argumentative tendency to point out to persons their distorted beliefs and concepts, even though there was no invitation from them for me to do so. [Now, seekers have to find and contact this site. There is no effort to find them.]
That set the stage for years of conflict, butting heads with the insanity of a culture which felt totally alien and which convinced "floyd" that he did not belong on this planet. (Teens often speak of suicide as a means of escape, verifying the fact that it usually takes 13 to 16 years for societies to drive their youth damn-near crazy with their culture's endless stream of insane and inane BS.)
Eventually, both (a) withdrawal from the conflict as well as (b) literal and mental isolation marked the years right up until Realization came. After that, the non-duality teachings began to be discussed with the few that were interested.
That began in the summer of 1989, meaning that this has been happening for twenty-two years this coming summer (or "this coming winter" for those in the southern hemisphere). What does that preface have to do with the discussion of false, phony "love" vs. Real Love? This:
97% of the people on the planet report that they are affiliated with one organized religion or another. Nothing on the planet has dreamed up more lies, myths and distortions than the religions of "the world," save in one other instance;
nothing has developed a more extensive, more well thought-out, or more effective network for the distribution of falsehoods than the religions of the planet, save in one other instance; therefore, religious beliefs are the number two source of inspiring persons to live in a "world" of virtual reality which has "replaced the real world with a simulated one."
While many among the devout and the faithful mostly give lip service to their dogma, the number one priority for persons in the age range spanning from the mid to late teens and then throughout adulthood is the totally dualistic concept of "relationships," almost all of which operate for the most part on nothing deeper than a Subject-Object level.
In the process, persons become objectified as they are assigned or adopt "relationship" roles, typically cycling through the playing of a series of false "relationship" roles time and again, endlessly moving along the gamut discussed by Maharaj, shifting their adopted identities from ...
stranger to acquaintance to friend to sex partner / lover to fiancé / fiancée to spouse to super spouse to enemy to mortal enemy to ex-spouse, after which another cycle will usually begin with a new partner plugged into that continuum of players and the next round of role-playing and game-playing.
What has been seen in twenty-two years of dealing closely with thousands of persons is that there is tremendous resistance to seeing that their beliefs are false and to abandoning their concepts and ideas;
yet what has also been seen is that nothing compares with the resistance among persons to (1) admitting how deceptive and self-deceptive are their beliefs regarding the true state and nature of their "relationships" and resistance to (2) admitting that their beliefs about "love" are their number one source of deception.
And while many attend church one day a week, they are embroiled in their "relationships" and "relationships issues" 24/7, so, again, religion has become the number two source of delusion while beliefs about "love" and the actual state of their relationships has become the number one source of distortion among persons.
Therefore, the discussions here that differentiate between the false "love" that most are practicing and the Real Love that is rooted in knowing the Oneness are usually met with total denial or by simply ignoring the discussions completely.
The discussions are also usually met with a refusal to "go there" ... with a refusal to even consider the level of inauthenticity that is truly involved ... much less take any action around the fact that they are living a lie and might want to consider finding Real Love rather than compromising, rather than settling for what they are settling for.
That is why, at this point, the suggestion is offered that seekers might want to buckle their seat belts because some of the upcoming considerations will be as alien as people with "the third eye" and will be about as appreciated as an audit by governmental tax collectors.
REAL LOVE vs. false "love"
The typical groupthink that exists worldwide will block the understanding of pointers that attempt to differentiate Real Love - which is rooted in an unabridged sense of Oneness - from the "false love" that persons believe is real. So why is "love" preferred?REAL LOVE brings nothing that is relative and takes nothing that is relative (though its awareness of Oneness is expressed in the relative act of sex when Reality is overlaid on the relative). False "love," on the other hand, is used to address personality-based fears and desires and is, therefore, only about giving relative things and taking relative things.
Thus, REAL LOVE is Self-full but self-less; false "love" is totally selfish and self-ish, totally separated from Self. False "love" will, in fact, guarantee that you will become separated from Your True Self, will guarantee that you will lose YourSelf completely.
That is why the discussion of "love" vs. Real Love has been so vigorously resisted over the decades by persons defending whatever version of "love" they think they have, resisted even more than the discussions regarding their false dogma or other false beliefs. They want their fears and desires to be addressed, right now, and if false "love" is what can most immediately address those fears and desires, so it is. Bring it on, and keep it up.
Most shut down and tune out completely when confronted with the fact that they have nothing close to Real Love, that they are playing a self-ish game, that they are using and being used. The usual reaction to being invited to consider that?
End of discussion. Total shut down. Total tune out. Yet some few finally move beyond denial and admit that - for the sake of the relative "benefits" of "love" - they have either given away or been robbed of their very essence (the various types of essence to be discussed thoroughly on Friday).
Yet those tuning out have no awareness at all of the hundreds upon hundreds of people who have come here and bemoaned the shallow, even hollow, relationships that they have been in for years before suddenly realizing that the very life-force has been sucked out of them ... or forfeited by them for gain.
They have no notion at all about how many have come here and complained that their present existence has been seen - finally, after years of denial - to be a contributing factor to what has become a draining, death-in-life existence. For the courageous that are willing to continue, however, please consider:
There are about 10,000 marriages per day worldwide, and liaisons arranged each day are many times that number. (The number of divorces per day varies between 5000 and 6000).
According to one survey, most of those marriages and liaisons nowadays amount to nothing more than a buy-sell agreement, just as in olden days when marriages were arranged to solidify political alliances and when considerable sums of money changed hands alongside the vows. Is that an opinion, or can that be confirmed?
In the book "Casting Light on the Dark Side of Relationships", the results of a poll of several thousand newlywed women and men were shared. The newly-marrieds were questioned about their reasons for marrying and their responses reveal - they did not marry for Love.
If you want to know why men and women really marry, according to that survey and others, the top five reasons given by the men showed that they married because
#1: “They were tired of the singles scene”;
#2: “They wanted sex on a regular basis” (as if);
#3: “They hated being alone”;
#4: “They were getting older and wanted to have children while still young enough to raise them”; and
#5: “They wanted a life-long companion.”
TOMORROW: Why women said they married and the conclusion to the series
FRIDAY: Authenticity
Please enter the silence of contemplation. (To be continued)
You may toggle down this page to see a list of non-duality-related books and other titles that are available
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and make a $150.00 donation on that page using the PayPal "Donate" button and then use the email address provided or the contact link on this page to schedule your sessions.
Publish your own books on Amazon
start earning up to 70% royalty on sales in a matter of days:
We offer a tutorial package for $150.00 that includes up to two hours of one-on-one instruction that will teach you how to prepare your original file, how to format that file for publication on Amazon, what the three steps are for formatting and saving the final file version required for publication, how to publish the file after the formatting is complete, how to track sales, how payments are made, etc. Extra sessions are available at $75 / hour. The explanations are offered by telephone in the continental U.S. or via Skype nationally or internationally. To get started immediately, visit
and make a $150.00 donation on that page using the PayPal "Donate" button and then use the email address provided or the contact link on this page to schedule your sessions.
The right to sell foreign language versions of almost all books and ebooks are available for purchase. The rights are also extended to the heirs of purchasers. The Polish language rights have been sold on one book. Most others are available for purchase of publication rights. Use the contact link above to inquire. Prices vary.
For those seeking the full explanation of the topics addressed here, there are non-duality books as well as retreats and Skype or telephone sessions available at .
There are many titles for which has arranged exclusive distribution rights which they offer at reduced prices at
No Kindle? No problem. You can still read Kindle books by visiting Amazon and downloading in a minute or so one of their free applications, allowing you to read Kindle books on your PC or laptop or notebook; your iPhone; your Blackberry; your iPad; or your Android.
The following titles and series are available:
FROM THE I TO THE ABSOLUTE (A Seven-Step Journey to Reality)
A Series of Essays Discussing THE FIRST STEP on the Seven-Step Path to Realization
A Series of Essays Discussing THE SECOND STEP on the Seven-Step Path to Realization
A Series of Essays Discussing THE THIRD STEP on the Seven-Step Path to Realization
A Series of Essays Discussing THE FOURTH STEP on the Seven-Step Path to Realization
A Series of Essays Discussing THE FIFTH STEP on the Seven-Step Path to Realization
A Series of Essays Discussing THE SIXTH STEP on the Seven-Step Path to Realization
A Series of Essays Discussing THE SEVENTH STEP on the Seven-Step Path to Realization
The Myth Of Death
The Ultimate Sickness, The Ultimate Medicine
I AM THAT (vs. "This Is Who I Think I Am")
Freedom From Shifting Between States of Happiness and Unhappiness
Why You Must Be Empty If You Would Be Full
What BLISS Is and What BLISS Is Not
When Reality Is Overlaid Upon the Relative
There Is Nothing That Is Personal (Including You and Including God)
Overcoming the Fear of Being Totally Independent
The Essence of the Teachings
SELF-Transformation Meditation Guide, Volume One
SELF-Transformation Meditation Guide, Volume Two
Lessons in Non-Duality from Travels in South Africa
Casting Light on the Dark Side of Relationships
Finding REAL LOVE in an Unreal World
The Path to Freedom vs. The Path to Misery
THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS "PEACE OF MIND" (There Is Only Peace If You're Out of Your Mind)
THERE IS NOTHING THAT IS PERSONAL (Including You and Including God)
Jesus Christ the Advaitin
William Shakespeare the Advaitin
Ending Financial Problems by Understanding Your Personality
The Twice-Stolen Necklace Murders [E-BOOK]
The Board of Directors of Wars [PAPERBACK]
A Twelve-Step Journey to SELF-Transformation [E-BOOK]
A Twelve-Step Journey to SELF-Transformation [PAPERBACK]
A GUIDE FOR WORKING THE TWELVE STEPS (In the Manner Used by the Founders)

The Twice-Stolen Necklace Murders offers the non-duality message by way of a mystery-adventure novel, discussing the movement from pain to healing to awakening to peace.
From Dr. R.F. Maley, Ph.D, Professor Emeritus and former Head of the Department of Psychology, University of Houston: "Floyd Henderson's book, The Twice-Stolen Necklace Murders, is a fun read and an interesting mystery, but perhaps more importantly it serves as a vehicle for blending Eastern Philosophy and Native American Spirituality to make an intellectually challenging novel. The book's insights into both relationships and authoritarian conditioning of people in our society make it a must read, tracing the roots of narcissistic, sociopathic and psychopathic behaviors to the very core of the culture. This truly witty and politically-incorrect study of the aggressive nature of 'the American character' offers not only a diagnosis but also a treatment plan, making the book an excellent supplemental reading in courses such as psychology, anthropology, philosophy, sociology and counseling."
The Sequel to The Twice-Stolen Necklace Murders:

[RE: The "Subscribe To" feature: In some cases, all of the month's postings might be sent the first time after subscribing; after that, you should receive only one day's posting at a time.]
Click on the arrow below to start Video One:
Click on the arrow below to start Video Two:
Click on the arrow below to start Video Three:
Click on the arrow below to start Video Four:
Click on the arrow below to start Video Five:
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
No Kindle? No problem. You can still read Kindle books by visiting Amazon and downloading in a minute or so one of their free applications, allowing you to read Kindle books on your PC or laptop or notebook; your iPhone; your Blackberry; your iPad; or your Android.
The following titles and series are available:
FROM THE I TO THE ABSOLUTE (A Seven-Step Journey to Reality)
A Series of Essays Discussing THE FIRST STEP on the Seven-Step Path to Realization
A Series of Essays Discussing THE SECOND STEP on the Seven-Step Path to Realization
A Series of Essays Discussing THE THIRD STEP on the Seven-Step Path to Realization
A Series of Essays Discussing THE FOURTH STEP on the Seven-Step Path to Realization
A Series of Essays Discussing THE FIFTH STEP on the Seven-Step Path to Realization
A Series of Essays Discussing THE SIXTH STEP on the Seven-Step Path to Realization
A Series of Essays Discussing THE SEVENTH STEP on the Seven-Step Path to Realization
The Myth Of Death
The Ultimate Sickness, The Ultimate Medicine
I AM THAT (vs. "This Is Who I Think I Am")
Freedom From Shifting Between States of Happiness and Unhappiness
Why You Must Be Empty If You Would Be Full
What BLISS Is and What BLISS Is Not
When Reality Is Overlaid Upon the Relative
There Is Nothing That Is Personal (Including You and Including God)
Overcoming the Fear of Being Totally Independent
The Essence of the Teachings
SELF-Transformation Meditation Guide, Volume One
SELF-Transformation Meditation Guide, Volume Two
Lessons in Non-Duality from Travels in South Africa
Casting Light on the Dark Side of Relationships
Finding REAL LOVE in an Unreal World
The Path to Freedom vs. The Path to Misery
THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS "PEACE OF MIND" (There Is Only Peace If You're Out of Your Mind)
THERE IS NOTHING THAT IS PERSONAL (Including You and Including God)
Jesus Christ the Advaitin
William Shakespeare the Advaitin
Ending Financial Problems by Understanding Your Personality
The Twice-Stolen Necklace Murders [E-BOOK]
The Board of Directors of Wars [PAPERBACK]
A Twelve-Step Journey to SELF-Transformation [E-BOOK]
A Twelve-Step Journey to SELF-Transformation [PAPERBACK]
A GUIDE FOR WORKING THE TWELVE STEPS (In the Manner Used by the Founders)
Much of what Louise has shared has resonated with many site visitors. to that end, some have inquired recently if Louise offers the online Advaita Internet Course. The answer is, "Yes."
Whether taking the course with Louise or Floyd, the price of the course includes all 11 of the Advaita eBooks, questions sent after completion of the assigned readings, replies to your answers, and follow-up as required.
With either teacher, you will be guided through all seven of the steps, in order, that lead from identification with the false "I" to the Absolute (and beyond). For more specific information and details about the course, you may click on the link to the right.
Purchase at Discount the Advaita Internet Course with Louise

Clicking the Buy Now Button below:
Purchase at Discount the Advaita Internet Course with Floyd

Clicking the Buy Now Button below:
Whether taking the course with Louise or Floyd, the price of the course includes all 11 of the Advaita eBooks, questions sent after completion of the assigned readings, replies to your answers, and follow-up as required.
With either teacher, you will be guided through all seven of the steps, in order, that lead from identification with the false "I" to the Absolute (and beyond). For more specific information and details about the course, you may click on the link to the right.
Purchase at Discount the Advaita Internet Course with Louise

Clicking the Buy Now Button below:
Purchase at Discount the Advaita Internet Course with Floyd

Clicking the Buy Now Button below:
Now you can receive for $40 a downloadable computer file version of the same 7-hour satsang that seekers receive when they visit for the Advaita Retreat with Floyd. You will be guided through the seven steps from identification with the false "I" to the Absolute (and beyond).
For more information or to order, click:
DVD or Downloadable computer file versions of the Four-Day Advaita Retreat
1. BY WATCHING the 4-Disk Video (DVD) Set, or the same retreat available as a downloadable file. Either will provide an entire seven-hour retreat / series of satsang sessions showing three seekers being guided through all seven steps by Floyd and can provide viewers with an “experiential,” step-by-step series of satsang meetings that will move the viewers from identification with the I to abidance as the Absolute and then to abidance as That Which Is beyond
Some seekers are already using the computer file version and the DVD sets for meetings in groups in homes, playing the retreat, pausing for discussion, etc.
To find out more or to purchase the DVD set or the downloadable computer file version of the retreat, click:
DVD or Downloadable computer file versions of the Four-Day Advaita Retreat
Option “A” is for the downloadable file version, Option “B” is used to order the DVD set for delivery inside the U.S., Option “C” for international orders.
For the download, Paypal will send me a notice that payment has been received and then I will send by e-mail the downloading instruction, password, etc.
[It is recommended that you watch the video with pen and paper in hand. Write whatever you need clarified. You'll see that there are constant reviews and you might find an answer later in the seven-hour presentation. Then, after you watch it all, there will be a common ground for discussion. Purchase of the DVD’s or the file will include the right to clarifications and answers to your specific questions via e-mail.]
2. BY READING these books in this exact order:
IT'S ALL BULLSHIT (And Why Knowing It Sets You Free)
SPIRITUAL SOBRIETY (Recovering What Religions Lost)
[Those two prepare the seeker to question it all]
[Provide a broad overview of the understanding]
[Begins to free the seeker of body identification and the desire for body continuity]
THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS "PEACE OF MIND" (There Is Only Peace if You're Out of Your Mind)
[Shows the seeker how to be free of the subconscious motivators of the false content of the “mind”]
[Shows the seeker how to be free of the subconscious motivators of personas]
[Provides the final preparation for the seeker to be directed along the “path”]
FROM THE I TO THE ABSOLUTE (A Seven-Step Journey to Reality)
[Directs the seeker along the “path”]
CONSCIOUSNESS/AWARENESS: The Nature of Reality Beyond Self-Realization (Peace Every Day When Abiding as The Absolute)
[Allows the seeker to understand the functioning of the totality, the manifestation, and what is involved with the un-manifestation]
[Provides the seeker the wisdom to understand the Noneness as well as the Oneness]
Purchase an e-Book now and begin reading it in minutes (except with e-checks that can take 7-10 days). Trusting our clients as we do, all e-Books are provided to you in printable form.
(You may order the books one at a time or you may use the following link to acquire the entire 11-e-Book set on sale for $99 if ordered at one time with the “Buy Now” button below. For this option, there will be no download links provided; once the near-instant notice of payment is received from PayPal, your e-Books will be sent to you as e-mail attachments. All are printable for your convenience.
NOTE: When you order this package, you receive three additional ebooks free: CASTING LIGHT ON THE DARK SIDE OF RELATIONSHIPS, FINDING REAL LOVE IN AN UNREAL WORLD and THE TWICE-STOLEN NECKLACE MURDERS (offering the Advaita teachings in a fictional novel format)
For more information or to order, click:
DVD or Downloadable computer file versions of the Four-Day Advaita Retreat
1. BY WATCHING the 4-Disk Video (DVD) Set, or the same retreat available as a downloadable file. Either will provide an entire seven-hour retreat / series of satsang sessions showing three seekers being guided through all seven steps by Floyd and can provide viewers with an “experiential,” step-by-step series of satsang meetings that will move the viewers from identification with the I to abidance as the Absolute and then to abidance as That Which Is beyond
Some seekers are already using the computer file version and the DVD sets for meetings in groups in homes, playing the retreat, pausing for discussion, etc.
To find out more or to purchase the DVD set or the downloadable computer file version of the retreat, click:
DVD or Downloadable computer file versions of the Four-Day Advaita Retreat
Option “A” is for the downloadable file version, Option “B” is used to order the DVD set for delivery inside the U.S., Option “C” for international orders.
For the download, Paypal will send me a notice that payment has been received and then I will send by e-mail the downloading instruction, password, etc.
[It is recommended that you watch the video with pen and paper in hand. Write whatever you need clarified. You'll see that there are constant reviews and you might find an answer later in the seven-hour presentation. Then, after you watch it all, there will be a common ground for discussion. Purchase of the DVD’s or the file will include the right to clarifications and answers to your specific questions via e-mail.]
2. BY READING these books in this exact order:
IT'S ALL BULLSHIT (And Why Knowing It Sets You Free)
SPIRITUAL SOBRIETY (Recovering What Religions Lost)
[Those two prepare the seeker to question it all]
[Provide a broad overview of the understanding]
[Begins to free the seeker of body identification and the desire for body continuity]
THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS "PEACE OF MIND" (There Is Only Peace if You're Out of Your Mind)
[Shows the seeker how to be free of the subconscious motivators of the false content of the “mind”]
[Shows the seeker how to be free of the subconscious motivators of personas]
[Provides the final preparation for the seeker to be directed along the “path”]
FROM THE I TO THE ABSOLUTE (A Seven-Step Journey to Reality)
[Directs the seeker along the “path”]
CONSCIOUSNESS/AWARENESS: The Nature of Reality Beyond Self-Realization (Peace Every Day When Abiding as The Absolute)
[Allows the seeker to understand the functioning of the totality, the manifestation, and what is involved with the un-manifestation]
[Provides the seeker the wisdom to understand the Noneness as well as the Oneness]
Purchase an e-Book now and begin reading it in minutes (except with e-checks that can take 7-10 days). Trusting our clients as we do, all e-Books are provided to you in printable form.
(You may order the books one at a time or you may use the following link to acquire the entire 11-e-Book set on sale for $99 if ordered at one time with the “Buy Now” button below. For this option, there will be no download links provided; once the near-instant notice of payment is received from PayPal, your e-Books will be sent to you as e-mail attachments. All are printable for your convenience.
NOTE: When you order this package, you receive three additional ebooks free: CASTING LIGHT ON THE DARK SIDE OF RELATIONSHIPS, FINDING REAL LOVE IN AN UNREAL WORLD and THE TWICE-STOLEN NECKLACE MURDERS (offering the Advaita teachings in a fictional novel format)
You may visit The Official Website of Floyd Henderson for information on each book.
3. BY ENROLLING in the Online Advaita Classes
Received 19 August 2010 from one that just completed the entire course:
I would like to extend deepest appreciation towards you for these teachings that you have offered. It has been most valuable towards what may not have been revealed throughout this manifestation labeled "anthony." Understanding Truth and finding words for gratitude are one as is all. Thank you again for pointing "me" to THAT and the understanding that came as well. Hopeful for future "contact"! Sincerely, Anthony M. W.
For information, visit Information on the Advaita Classes on the Internet
To enroll visit Enroll in the Advaita Internet Course
4. BY ATTENDING an Advaitin retreat for satsang with floyd and being guided through all seven steps. For details of the retreats offered, please visit the retreat information site.
5. BY ARRANGING satsang by telephone in the U.S. or by Skype internationally.
Presently, Skype sessions are being conducted with parties in Australia; The Netherlands; New Jersey, U.S.A.; London, England; Italy; and India.
Use the Contact link for details or for information on making arrangements for a session
6. BY ARRANGING for floyd to travel to your location and meet with you or your group. Use the contact link above to discuss details.
3. BY ENROLLING in the Online Advaita Classes
Received 19 August 2010 from one that just completed the entire course:
I would like to extend deepest appreciation towards you for these teachings that you have offered. It has been most valuable towards what may not have been revealed throughout this manifestation labeled "anthony." Understanding Truth and finding words for gratitude are one as is all. Thank you again for pointing "me" to THAT and the understanding that came as well. Hopeful for future "contact"! Sincerely, Anthony M. W.
For information, visit Information on the Advaita Classes on the Internet
To enroll visit Enroll in the Advaita Internet Course
4. BY ATTENDING an Advaitin retreat for satsang with floyd and being guided through all seven steps. For details of the retreats offered, please visit the retreat information site.
5. BY ARRANGING satsang by telephone in the U.S. or by Skype internationally.
Presently, Skype sessions are being conducted with parties in Australia; The Netherlands; New Jersey, U.S.A.; London, England; Italy; and India.
Use the Contact link for details or for information on making arrangements for a session
6. BY ARRANGING for floyd to travel to your location and meet with you or your group. Use the contact link above to discuss details.

The Twice-Stolen Necklace Murders offers the non-duality message by way of a mystery-adventure novel, discussing the movement from pain to healing to awakening to peace.
From Dr. R.F. Maley, Ph.D, Professor Emeritus and former Head of the Department of Psychology, University of Houston: "Floyd Henderson's book, The Twice-Stolen Necklace Murders, is a fun read and an interesting mystery, but perhaps more importantly it serves as a vehicle for blending Eastern Philosophy and Native American Spirituality to make an intellectually challenging novel. The book's insights into both relationships and authoritarian conditioning of people in our society make it a must read, tracing the roots of narcissistic, sociopathic and psychopathic behaviors to the very core of the culture. This truly witty and politically-incorrect study of the aggressive nature of 'the American character' offers not only a diagnosis but also a treatment plan, making the book an excellent supplemental reading in courses such as psychology, anthropology, philosophy, sociology and counseling."
You may purchase your copy of the ebook version of THE TWICE-STOLEN NECKLACE MURDERS then start reading within minutes:
The Sequel to The Twice-Stolen Necklace Murders:

For a paperback or eBook version of the book, click:
[RE: The "Subscribe To" feature: In some cases, all of the month's postings might be sent the first time after subscribing; after that, you should receive only one day's posting at a time.]
Click on the arrow below to start Video One:
Click on the arrow below to start Video Two:
Click on the arrow below to start Video Three:
Click on the arrow below to start Video Four:
Click on the arrow below to start Video Five:
Please enter the silence of contemplation.