F.: Other clarifications that came via the vision follow. NOTE: An entire glossary - relevant to those early on in the seeking process but including pointers for those far along "the path" - is available in the eBook below entitled "FROM THE I TO THE ABSOLUTE (A Seven-Step Journey to Reality)" which is also included in the paperback four-book anthology entitled, "The Advanced Seekers' Series."
127. Next, the vision made clear the delusion involved with a belief in continuity. One property of consciousness when it manifests is that it automatically desires continuity. As Andy Gugar, Jr. pointed out yesterday, the old saying is that "everyone wants to go to heaven, but no one wants to die").
128. Consider the confusion, then, among the masses who are plagued with a desire to live forever that is coupled with a fear of "death" while at the same time working for an eternal reward that might guarantee the consciousness-based desire to exist forever while simultaneously strapped with the potential of eternal punishment rather than reward.
129. "Will it be heaven forever, or hell forever?" of "Will it be reincarnation, but in a lesser, lower form?" or "Which way will I be evolving through a series of births and rebirths - up or down?"
130. The desire for continuity leads to bogus concepts such as "eternal life" and "heaven" and "hell" and "eternal rewards vs. eternal punishments" and "multiple births and rebirths."
131. Maharaj pointed out that you were not even born once, so how could you possibly be born again?
132. The vision made clear Maharaj's pointer that all will be annihilated (with the exception of the energy-matter).
133. The clarity came: it is whatever is involved in the cycling of things that come together and that will always eventually come apart is what will be "annihilated."
134. That includes human bodies, it includes the human "mind," and it includes the roles played by bodies with minds which assume that false identities are real.
135. The vision showed all of that will come to end, for nothing in the mind is true and nothing about assumed roles is real, and certainly the body is forever cycling air and consciousness and cells until - at some point - that too shall stop for one reason or another.
136. Yet who is ready to accept that fact willingly? What has been witnessed her leads to the answer: "Only those that have completed the second leg of the 'journey' to Reality, allowing them to 'go ahead and die now'."
137. For the masses, that nagging fear of "death" shall remain, for they have not completed "a practice run at 'dying'."
138. So whenever earth elements and air and specks of conscious-energy come together to form a composite unity - be that composite labeled a bird, a fish, a deer, a human, etc. - that manifestation knows that it is, knows the beingness, and desires that the beingness never end.
139. That is why Non-Realized persons want to live as long as they can.
140. That is why some report that (a) right now, heaven is available; that (b) it is the most wonderful thing imaginable, yet (c) they do not want to go there now. Go figure.
141. Maharaj pointed out that there is something to be said for facing relative obstacles and enduring, but he did not stop there. He said: " ... disease and suffering are not natural. There is noble virtue in unshakable endurance of whatever comes, but there is also dignity in the refusal of meaningless torture and humiliation."
142. I had been asked, "But what is wrong with wanting to live? It seems wanting to live would be natural and that wanting to die or to commit suicide would be unnatural."
143. The vision would eventually provide the answer: "Do not try to apply absolute rules to relative situations. Yes it is natural to want to live, but the point is that it is insane - and therefore unnatural - to find torture and humiliation and the indignity of various forms of endless suffering to be acceptable"
144. "Also, there are even other consequences as well: If you want to live forever, then you will believe the words of false prophets who tell you that you will live forever and that you will either be punished forever or rewarded forever. They will inspire you to try to live supernaturally, that is, unnaturally"
145. "They will ask you to give them large portions of your money for as long as you live. They will tell you that you must meet with them regularly so that they can tell you over and over and over again exactly how you should live and think and talk and behave"
146. "They will tell you that ancient myths and superstitions are fact, trapping you in ignorance and thereafter controlling you (a) by generating fear and (b) by dangling the carrot of the conscious-energy's desire for continuity and thereby controlling you via your desires"
147. "They will tell you that if you are 'good' - per their definition of 'good' - that 'you will then be blessed, now and forevermore'."
148. The ego loves to believe it is 'good'; then, egotism promotes each ego-state to the rank of "better than," so it will be programmed to brag constantly that it is being blessed in order to demonstrate to all just how very good the bragger is (and how much better than others the bragger is, as evidenced by all of the blessings that he / she is receiving which they are not).
149. Yet the vision made this clear: There is no one who has ever been blessed because there is no "one" to be blessed and because there is no "Blesser" to bless. Why is that so?
150. Because elements cannot be blessed, air cannot be blessed, and energy cannot be blessed. And because energy / matter cannot be created or destroyed, there is no "creator" or "Creator," and since there is no "Creator," there is no "Blesser"
151. Finally, consciousness - as a form of energy - will be forever; yet it will not know forever. It will know nothing after it is released into the universal field of energy.
That is more of what the vision made clear.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
19 December 2013
127. Next, the vision made clear the delusion involved with a belief in continuity. One property of consciousness when it manifests is that it automatically desires continuity. As Andy Gugar, Jr. pointed out yesterday, the old saying is that "everyone wants to go to heaven, but no one wants to die").
128. Consider the confusion, then, among the masses who are plagued with a desire to live forever that is coupled with a fear of "death" while at the same time working for an eternal reward that might guarantee the consciousness-based desire to exist forever while simultaneously strapped with the potential of eternal punishment rather than reward.
129. "Will it be heaven forever, or hell forever?" of "Will it be reincarnation, but in a lesser, lower form?" or "Which way will I be evolving through a series of births and rebirths - up or down?"
130. The desire for continuity leads to bogus concepts such as "eternal life" and "heaven" and "hell" and "eternal rewards vs. eternal punishments" and "multiple births and rebirths."
131. Maharaj pointed out that you were not even born once, so how could you possibly be born again?
132. The vision made clear Maharaj's pointer that all will be annihilated (with the exception of the energy-matter).
133. The clarity came: it is whatever is involved in the cycling of things that come together and that will always eventually come apart is what will be "annihilated."
134. That includes human bodies, it includes the human "mind," and it includes the roles played by bodies with minds which assume that false identities are real.
135. The vision showed all of that will come to end, for nothing in the mind is true and nothing about assumed roles is real, and certainly the body is forever cycling air and consciousness and cells until - at some point - that too shall stop for one reason or another.
136. Yet who is ready to accept that fact willingly? What has been witnessed her leads to the answer: "Only those that have completed the second leg of the 'journey' to Reality, allowing them to 'go ahead and die now'."
137. For the masses, that nagging fear of "death" shall remain, for they have not completed "a practice run at 'dying'."
138. So whenever earth elements and air and specks of conscious-energy come together to form a composite unity - be that composite labeled a bird, a fish, a deer, a human, etc. - that manifestation knows that it is, knows the beingness, and desires that the beingness never end.
139. That is why Non-Realized persons want to live as long as they can.
140. That is why some report that (a) right now, heaven is available; that (b) it is the most wonderful thing imaginable, yet (c) they do not want to go there now. Go figure.
141. Maharaj pointed out that there is something to be said for facing relative obstacles and enduring, but he did not stop there. He said: " ... disease and suffering are not natural. There is noble virtue in unshakable endurance of whatever comes, but there is also dignity in the refusal of meaningless torture and humiliation."
142. I had been asked, "But what is wrong with wanting to live? It seems wanting to live would be natural and that wanting to die or to commit suicide would be unnatural."
143. The vision would eventually provide the answer: "Do not try to apply absolute rules to relative situations. Yes it is natural to want to live, but the point is that it is insane - and therefore unnatural - to find torture and humiliation and the indignity of various forms of endless suffering to be acceptable"
144. "Also, there are even other consequences as well: If you want to live forever, then you will believe the words of false prophets who tell you that you will live forever and that you will either be punished forever or rewarded forever. They will inspire you to try to live supernaturally, that is, unnaturally"
145. "They will ask you to give them large portions of your money for as long as you live. They will tell you that you must meet with them regularly so that they can tell you over and over and over again exactly how you should live and think and talk and behave"
146. "They will tell you that ancient myths and superstitions are fact, trapping you in ignorance and thereafter controlling you (a) by generating fear and (b) by dangling the carrot of the conscious-energy's desire for continuity and thereby controlling you via your desires"
147. "They will tell you that if you are 'good' - per their definition of 'good' - that 'you will then be blessed, now and forevermore'."
148. The ego loves to believe it is 'good'; then, egotism promotes each ego-state to the rank of "better than," so it will be programmed to brag constantly that it is being blessed in order to demonstrate to all just how very good the bragger is (and how much better than others the bragger is, as evidenced by all of the blessings that he / she is receiving which they are not).
149. Yet the vision made this clear: There is no one who has ever been blessed because there is no "one" to be blessed and because there is no "Blesser" to bless. Why is that so?
150. Because elements cannot be blessed, air cannot be blessed, and energy cannot be blessed. And because energy / matter cannot be created or destroyed, there is no "creator" or "Creator," and since there is no "Creator," there is no "Blesser"
151. Finally, consciousness - as a form of energy - will be forever; yet it will not know forever. It will know nothing after it is released into the universal field of energy.
That is more of what the vision made clear.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
19 December 2013
F.: Other clarifications that came via the vision follow. NOTE: An entire glossary - relevant to those early on in the seeking process but including pointers for those far along "the path" - is available in the eBook below entitled "FROM THE I TO THE ABSOLUTE (A Seven-Step Journey to Reality)" which is also included in the paperback four-book anthology entitled, "The Advanced Seekers' Series."
112. The vision made these salient points clear:
a. This present "you" is just a composite unity consisting of an elemental plant food body, air that is circulating in and out of the elemental body, and conscious-energy that is temporarily manifested in the plant food body and also circulating as well.
b. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, so what remains post-manifestation is distributed thusly:
... the elements return to the universal pool of elements;
... the air returns to the universal pool of air; and
... the conscious-energy returns to the universal pool of energy (a.k.a., "the Absolute").
c. That energy, when originally in the pure, Absolute field of energy, was called "Awareness."
d. Manifested, it is called "Consciousness" and soon loses its originally "pure" property as a result of programming, conditioning, etc.
e. Upon returning to the Absolute, to the vast pool of Absolute energy, it can again be called "Awareness" for the sake of discussion.
f. Awareness unmanifested is not "aware of" because it is not manifested in a body as consciousness and in a body with a brain that allows for conscious-of-ness.
g. Once manifested as consciousness (which soon becomes blocked by programming, conditioning, etc.), consciousness becomes conscious of perceived dualities rather than the unicity, the Oneness, and its Original Nature; if Realization happens, then the unblocked consciousness can become conscious of its Original, Pre-Manifestation Nature as awareness, at which point awareness becomes aware of ItSelf for the remainder of the manifestation, eliminating any and all conscious-of-ness-based duality wherein an "a" is conscious of a "b" or wherein a "subject" is aware of some "other object."
113. The vision made clear that one who would abide naturally and sanely and in a chaos-and-insanity-free manner must (a) abide under the auspices of the brain and (b) must be free from being driven blindly by the content of "the mind" (which is nothing more than a storehouse of all of the ideas and concepts and falsehoods and myths and superstitions - a.k.a., "beliefs" - that "they" have dreamed up over the millennia and that the masses in any given culture think are true, though they are not, and that "they" passed down to you and that "they" - the ignorant and insane - are repeating all around you every day).
114. With additional consideration, contemplating the way that false identities are assigned (by parents, teachers, religion, culture, etc.) and adopted (assumed by persons as additional false identities beyond the ones assigned by others) it became clear why most persons have no desire to be truly independent, believing in their co-dependent concepts of "love" and "need" but knowing nothing of "Love."
115. The vision, therefore, made clear the actual roots of "co-dependencies" which are fostered when roles are assumed (because no role can stand alone).
116. It became clear via the vision that an "employee" needs an "employer" to supposedly "exist"; that a "spouse" needs a "spouse" to "exist"; and that all neediness and dependency and co-dependency is rooted in duality.
117. The vision made clear via the shift beyond the third of seven steps that all role-assumption is accompanied by co-dependencies because no role can "stand alone" but must have another person assuming a counter-role in order to sustain the delusion that both roles are real.
118. There had been so much confusion during the futile parts of what had been assumed to be "the journey." (There had been the realization early on that religion was offering nothing but myth-and-superstition-based nonsense, but it was assumed that surely the "spiritual path" had to be the right path to follow in order to complete the entire "journey." Wow! Did the vision clear up that misperception!)
119. The reading of I AM THAT, touted as "a modern spiritual classic," contained what seemed to be some contradictions about "Religion? Yes!" vs. "Religion? No!" and "Spirituality? Yes!" vs. "Spirituality? No!"
120. So the question came, "Has the 'proper path' been entered onto, or not?"
121. Then after reading all of the talks available by Maharaj, there were other comments about spirituality that seemed to offer even more contradictions regarding this matter:
He said, “Whatever you have tried to understand during your spiritual search will prove false”
“When the birth is disproved, the great noble meaning of spirituality and the meaning of this world — everything — is disproved”
“I have no faith in anything which has ever been told, not even what has been told by the Vedas. Only my own experience"
"Whatever you think of as 'spiritual knowledge' was gained in the realm of consciousness; such knowledge is merely a burden upon your head and it is going to add more misery. It is nothing more than spiritual jargon"
"There is no such thing as spirituality; whatever is, is only this worldly life, in the five-elemental play"
"Those who have apperceived my knowledge will not fall a prey to the logic or spirituality expounded by others"
"Forget spirituality" and "Follow your "normal inclinations" and "Just give up spirituality"
"Spiritual knowledge should not be studied."
122. Suddenly, all of the confusion ended when his comments were viewed in light of what the vision showed, namely, that all religious and spiritual role-assumption and role-playing must end at the third step in order to complete the four remaining steps on the "journey" to Full Realization. Then, these other pointers from Maharaj regarding the transitioning of all spiritual-and-religious-role-playing at the third step made perfect sense:
"Whatever you think of as spiritual knowledge was gained in the realm of consciousness; such knowledge is merely a burden upon your head and it is going to add more misery. It is nothing more than spiritual jargon. All your spiritual studies are conducted with your identification with the body-mind"
"Subsequent to that 'I Am' and body-mind, and in the realm of the mind, there occurs what you call 'spiritual seeking', or 'spiritual knowledge'. This is nonsense"
"I appeal to you with my folded hands: don't get into this spirituality"
"The sum total of my spirituality now is nothing, even that word 'nothing' is not there, so there is no spirituality left"
"Just live your life as it comes, but alertly, watchfully, allowing everything to happen as it happens, doing the natural things the natural way, suffering, rejoicing - as life brings. What needs be done is being done, in the normal and natural way"
To another he pointed out: "In the course of your study of spirituality, you have acquired many concepts and you call that 'knowledge'." He advised that visitor to "throw out your concepts."
123. It became clear why so many playing religious roles or assuming spiritual roles can becomes OCD still suffer what Maharaj called their "misery" and how they take "just living" and make a second job out of that with all of their "spiritual exercises" and "spiritual work" (which is what happened here prior to receiving the vision's message regarding "the good" third step roles that must be transitioned).
124. It was seen why Maharaj eventually called for the abandonment of all spiritual role-playing and encouraged natural-nisarga-only-living instead, what with "spirituality" being another source of dependency which assures that persons cannot be independent and free. (And who that is not totally free can truly be content ... can truly and consistently avoid the "misery" Maharaj referenced?)
125. And the vision made clear that all - even including the intellect - is annihilated eventually. It became clear why Maharaj said, "This is the place where the intellect gets annihilated." That is, by the end of the "path," the intellect (the purpose of which was to provide "the capacity to understand") is also forfeited ... no longer needed. So much for "jnana yoga" and the role of "The Knower" (who eventually takes himself / herself to be "The Super Knower"). Here, it is the Nisarga Yoga that is used in conjunction with the Direct Path Teaching Method in order to allow seekers to Realize and then abide naturally and simply without making a second job out of just living.
126. The vision made clear that nothing known or learned is given any value post-Realization; instead, all happens naturally, as is the case with the deer which, like the Realized, have no need for learned knowledge or for intellect. They, like the Realized Nisargan, abide naturally (which also means, in a mindless, mind-free manner ... abiding naturally and spontaneously).
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
18 December 2013
112. The vision made these salient points clear:
a. This present "you" is just a composite unity consisting of an elemental plant food body, air that is circulating in and out of the elemental body, and conscious-energy that is temporarily manifested in the plant food body and also circulating as well.
b. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, so what remains post-manifestation is distributed thusly:
... the elements return to the universal pool of elements;
... the air returns to the universal pool of air; and
... the conscious-energy returns to the universal pool of energy (a.k.a., "the Absolute").
c. That energy, when originally in the pure, Absolute field of energy, was called "Awareness."
d. Manifested, it is called "Consciousness" and soon loses its originally "pure" property as a result of programming, conditioning, etc.
e. Upon returning to the Absolute, to the vast pool of Absolute energy, it can again be called "Awareness" for the sake of discussion.
f. Awareness unmanifested is not "aware of" because it is not manifested in a body as consciousness and in a body with a brain that allows for conscious-of-ness.
g. Once manifested as consciousness (which soon becomes blocked by programming, conditioning, etc.), consciousness becomes conscious of perceived dualities rather than the unicity, the Oneness, and its Original Nature; if Realization happens, then the unblocked consciousness can become conscious of its Original, Pre-Manifestation Nature as awareness, at which point awareness becomes aware of ItSelf for the remainder of the manifestation, eliminating any and all conscious-of-ness-based duality wherein an "a" is conscious of a "b" or wherein a "subject" is aware of some "other object."
113. The vision made clear that one who would abide naturally and sanely and in a chaos-and-insanity-free manner must (a) abide under the auspices of the brain and (b) must be free from being driven blindly by the content of "the mind" (which is nothing more than a storehouse of all of the ideas and concepts and falsehoods and myths and superstitions - a.k.a., "beliefs" - that "they" have dreamed up over the millennia and that the masses in any given culture think are true, though they are not, and that "they" passed down to you and that "they" - the ignorant and insane - are repeating all around you every day).
114. With additional consideration, contemplating the way that false identities are assigned (by parents, teachers, religion, culture, etc.) and adopted (assumed by persons as additional false identities beyond the ones assigned by others) it became clear why most persons have no desire to be truly independent, believing in their co-dependent concepts of "love" and "need" but knowing nothing of "Love."
115. The vision, therefore, made clear the actual roots of "co-dependencies" which are fostered when roles are assumed (because no role can stand alone).
116. It became clear via the vision that an "employee" needs an "employer" to supposedly "exist"; that a "spouse" needs a "spouse" to "exist"; and that all neediness and dependency and co-dependency is rooted in duality.
117. The vision made clear via the shift beyond the third of seven steps that all role-assumption is accompanied by co-dependencies because no role can "stand alone" but must have another person assuming a counter-role in order to sustain the delusion that both roles are real.
118. There had been so much confusion during the futile parts of what had been assumed to be "the journey." (There had been the realization early on that religion was offering nothing but myth-and-superstition-based nonsense, but it was assumed that surely the "spiritual path" had to be the right path to follow in order to complete the entire "journey." Wow! Did the vision clear up that misperception!)
119. The reading of I AM THAT, touted as "a modern spiritual classic," contained what seemed to be some contradictions about "Religion? Yes!" vs. "Religion? No!" and "Spirituality? Yes!" vs. "Spirituality? No!"
120. So the question came, "Has the 'proper path' been entered onto, or not?"
121. Then after reading all of the talks available by Maharaj, there were other comments about spirituality that seemed to offer even more contradictions regarding this matter:
He said, “Whatever you have tried to understand during your spiritual search will prove false”
“When the birth is disproved, the great noble meaning of spirituality and the meaning of this world — everything — is disproved”
“I have no faith in anything which has ever been told, not even what has been told by the Vedas. Only my own experience"
"Whatever you think of as 'spiritual knowledge' was gained in the realm of consciousness; such knowledge is merely a burden upon your head and it is going to add more misery. It is nothing more than spiritual jargon"
"There is no such thing as spirituality; whatever is, is only this worldly life, in the five-elemental play"
"Those who have apperceived my knowledge will not fall a prey to the logic or spirituality expounded by others"
"Forget spirituality" and "Follow your "normal inclinations" and "Just give up spirituality"
"Spiritual knowledge should not be studied."
122. Suddenly, all of the confusion ended when his comments were viewed in light of what the vision showed, namely, that all religious and spiritual role-assumption and role-playing must end at the third step in order to complete the four remaining steps on the "journey" to Full Realization. Then, these other pointers from Maharaj regarding the transitioning of all spiritual-and-religious-role-playing at the third step made perfect sense:
"Whatever you think of as spiritual knowledge was gained in the realm of consciousness; such knowledge is merely a burden upon your head and it is going to add more misery. It is nothing more than spiritual jargon. All your spiritual studies are conducted with your identification with the body-mind"
"Subsequent to that 'I Am' and body-mind, and in the realm of the mind, there occurs what you call 'spiritual seeking', or 'spiritual knowledge'. This is nonsense"
"I appeal to you with my folded hands: don't get into this spirituality"
"The sum total of my spirituality now is nothing, even that word 'nothing' is not there, so there is no spirituality left"
"Just live your life as it comes, but alertly, watchfully, allowing everything to happen as it happens, doing the natural things the natural way, suffering, rejoicing - as life brings. What needs be done is being done, in the normal and natural way"
To another he pointed out: "In the course of your study of spirituality, you have acquired many concepts and you call that 'knowledge'." He advised that visitor to "throw out your concepts."
123. It became clear why so many playing religious roles or assuming spiritual roles can becomes OCD still suffer what Maharaj called their "misery" and how they take "just living" and make a second job out of that with all of their "spiritual exercises" and "spiritual work" (which is what happened here prior to receiving the vision's message regarding "the good" third step roles that must be transitioned).
124. It was seen why Maharaj eventually called for the abandonment of all spiritual role-playing and encouraged natural-nisarga-only-living instead, what with "spirituality" being another source of dependency which assures that persons cannot be independent and free. (And who that is not totally free can truly be content ... can truly and consistently avoid the "misery" Maharaj referenced?)
125. And the vision made clear that all - even including the intellect - is annihilated eventually. It became clear why Maharaj said, "This is the place where the intellect gets annihilated." That is, by the end of the "path," the intellect (the purpose of which was to provide "the capacity to understand") is also forfeited ... no longer needed. So much for "jnana yoga" and the role of "The Knower" (who eventually takes himself / herself to be "The Super Knower"). Here, it is the Nisarga Yoga that is used in conjunction with the Direct Path Teaching Method in order to allow seekers to Realize and then abide naturally and simply without making a second job out of just living.
126. The vision made clear that nothing known or learned is given any value post-Realization; instead, all happens naturally, as is the case with the deer which, like the Realized, have no need for learned knowledge or for intellect. They, like the Realized Nisargan, abide naturally (which also means, in a mindless, mind-free manner ... abiding naturally and spontaneously).
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
18 December 2013
F.: Other clarifications that came via the vision follow. NOTE: An entire glossary - relevant to those early on in the seeking process but including pointers for those far along "the path" - is available in the eBook below entitled "FROM THE I TO THE ABSOLUTE (A Seven-Step Journey to Reality)" which is also included in the paperback four-book anthology entitled, "The Advanced Seekers' Series."
17 December 2013
To continue: Other clarifications that came via the vision follow. NOTE: An entire glossary - relevant to those early on in the seeking process but including pointers for those far along "the path" - is available in the eBook below entitled "FROM THE I TO THE ABSOLUTE (A Seven-Step Journey to Reality)" which is also included in the paperback four-book anthology entitled, "The Advanced Seekers' Series."
71. Elements of the vision continued to flash into consciousness for months after it initially came. The flashes almost always happened when in a theta state, dozing off or coming out of a deep, delta-level sleep. It was early on during some of those episodes that a backwards or reversed version of the vision began to play out.
72. It became clear that after "going back the way I came in" from the Absolute on Leg Two of "the journey," I was now "going back" to the relative the way I had "come in" the first time when the consciousness was subjected to all of the insane programming and conditioning and acculturation and domestication and brainwashing and indoctrination that now happens to all persons.
73. Yet it was clear that going back to the relative on the Third Leg was different because I was no longer being subjected to programming, conditioning, etc.
74. The vision made clear that on the third leg, the unblocked consciousness that now knew and understood the Awareness (which was now aware of ItSelf - aware of Its Original Nature which is My Original Nature) would not be anything like the specks of consciousness that had been blocked and that led to a miserable relative existence.
75. It was clear that (a) things were going to be different from the way they had been prior to completing the seven steps to Reality and that (b) Reality was going to be overlaid on the relative so that whatever happened would happen spontaneously and would happen as naturally and sanely and reasonably and logically as the relative existence of every living thing of the planet except for the non-Realized masses.
76. Suddenly, a phrase that had only seemed to be understood took on a whole new level of meaning, namely, "as if living."
77. It was seen after the vision that "as if living" is a style of living that the Realized exhibit, seemingly living just like most live but without personal attachments, delusions, and emotional intoxication.
78. The vision made clear that it is the manner in which the Realized "finish out" the manifestation, meeting “responsibilities” and providing for the space (for the composite unity consisting of an elemental plant food body with air being circulated and with conscious-energy also being circulated) while knowing full well that what is called "this world" is nothing more than an imagining in the distorted perceptions of persons.
79. It was seen that "as if living" consist of a lifestyle that is unencumbered with attachments and emotional intoxication and belief in the lies of the culture; a lifestyle free of game playing and image perpetuation; and a lifestyle unmarred by the emotions and emotional intoxication experienced by persons.
80. It was seen that as if living makes possible a lifestyle during which the Realized can witness feelings rise and fall without experiencing any emotional intoxication and without reacting, over-reacting, or setting off a chain of reactions (as happens with persons).
81. The vision made clear that as if living was going to provide a lifestyle free of the misery that is generated by the desires and fears of personas.
82. During the part of the vision in the cave when this came
To your left and to your right drift millions of forms, and on closer inspection, You see that they are . . . You! Each looks to be a - clone maybe a transparent clone but a clone nevertheless - of You!
what was finally understood was the non-religious, non-spiritual meaning of "atonement."
83. The vision made clear that it could more rightly be spelled, "at-one-ment."
84. The vision made clear that atonement had nothing to do with "a reconciliation between humans and an imagined external power" (now seen to have been delusionally conceived by men and bearing the image of men and - in some cases - women and monkeys and elephants, etc.)
85. What came via the vision instead was a full awareness ...
of the at-one-ment,
of the Oneness,
of the unicity,
of the true unity beyond the misperceived multiplicity,
of the fact that all is only That and nothing more.
86. The difference in "love" and Love was made clear.
87. That moment in the cave made clear that, indeed, Love is knowing that I am everything.
88. The dissolution of every one of the symbolic birds along the way in conjunction with the final dissolution at the end of the vision made clear that "wisdom is knowing I am nothing."
89. And it became perfectly clear as the Third Leg of "the journey" unfolded that, indeed, it would be between the two - between Love and Wisdom - that the remainder of my life (that is, the remainder of the relative existence) would move.
To be continued.
Please enter into the silence of contemplation.
18 December 2013
Submit to:
Therefore, another movement or shift is happening here spontaneously after reflecting on the more than two decades since the teachings were first offered here and looking at the results of Maharaj sharing pointers in his loft and looking at the results of "Floyd" sharing pointers in this electronic loft: Looking objectively at his results, Maharaj's satsang method of sharing - in the end and by his own admission (only "one out of 10,000,000") - did not produce the intended outcome.
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Anthology of four books

Anthology of six books



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[Please note: When the Direct Path Teaching Method is offered in conjunction with the Nisarga Yoga, something unique results when compared to what happens via the approach used by religions, spiritual movements, philosophies, ideologies, etc.:
rather than inviting seekers to learn more, the invitation here is to unlearn all; rather than offerings teachings, what is offered are unteachings; rather than offering to provide seekers more of anything, seekers will find that the process will take away everything. And via that process, the bliss of Your Original Nature will manifest and remain until mahasamadhi is taken.
To that end, the content of this book will seem radical to the seekers of more, but for those truly ready to be totally free and totally independent - and for those who are truly ready to abandon efforts to accumulate and to de-accumulate instead - the pointers in this book might be relevant.]
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90. Part of the days and weeks after the vision first came were spent in silent contemplation, and during those periods of silence, more and more became clear. One morning, "beginninglessness" came into consciousness and was understood immediately because the vision had already brought a reminder of the lesson taught in 4th grade science, namely, that "nothing is created and nothing is destroyed - all merely cycles."
91. Then this came: Whether the particles involved with the formation of "this universe" had "escaped from" or moved beyond the confines of an existing universe and manifested in an area that would be called "our universe" is not relevant.
92. What became clear was the high level of ignorance at the root of centuries of religion-based theories about "creation" and "this world" and dogmatic arguments about who is supposed to "have dominion over it" (still on-going even today) and at the root of their arguments about whether or not everything revolves around the earth which was believed to be at the center of everything (a belief which was also based in xenophobic arrogance).
93. It became clear that if all cycles - which all does - then so must universes cycle as well.
94. Then the words of Maharaj were recalled:
"Entire universes are imploding and exploding every moment ..."
" ... universes come and go ...."
95. It was also recalled that he said That Which He Is had always been and had, therefore, been present for the imploding and exploding of all universes.
96. It was clear that none of that need be understood in order to Realize, but it did make clear that one point must be understood if one is to move beyond the third step where the false identities of religious and spiritual roles are played:
97. Since no creation ever occurred, no "Creator" exists; therefore, in this case, "a negative" can be proved, scientifically.
98. What cannot be proved is that which is dreamed up by men who present only "their faith" as evidence of their claim that what they have conceptualized into their imaginings-based dogma is true.
99. At the age of 6 and 7, I was questioning the lessons about God and Jesus and Heaven and Hell and creation and Adam and Eve and mass-murder-by-way-of-a-great-flood and all the other tales being set forth by Miss Myrtle (the Baptist Sunday School teacher).
100. Finally, with the vision, scientific proof came that the doubts of a 6 or 7-year-old had been based in fact: if all is energy-matter, and if neither energy nor matter can be created or destroyed, then nothing has ever been created; therefore, there is no Creator. End of the story, and the end of ever again having to consider the stories ... the myths ... the superstition-based nonsense dreamed up and passed on by hundreds of sky cults over the millennia, many of which are still quite active around the globe even today, thriving with 97% of the earth's population believing their dreamed-up fiction.
101. The vision made clear that the early doubts of a 6-year-old had been spot on.
102. As for "beginninglessness," the vision made clear that because All has always been, infinitely, no beginning happened and no end will happen.
103. The only thing that will come to "an end" is the composite unities - things that have come together during the relative existence but that will most assuredly come apart eventually.
104. In fact, it is happening even now with this elemental plant food body: elements are coming together, elements are coming apart. "Skin" comes and goes monthly; "stomachs" are being replace throughout the month. Plant cells convert to humans cells, they are cast off, and more cells take their place ... or not. Cycling. Cycling. Cycling.
105. The vision made clear that infinity is infinity and was “as infinite” before the manifestation of the consciousness as it will “be infinite” following the unmanifestation of the consciousness. Thus is explained the "beginninglessness" (and also the "endlessness") of the energy-matter that is at play during the relative existence but that will return to the universal pool from it came and to which it has always eventually returned. See? Cycling.
106. The second part of the vision made clear the role of the brain in Realizing and the role of "the mind" in preventing Realization.
107. The vision made clear that "intellect" (meaning "that which provides a capacity to understand") is a requirement for Realization but that the content of "the mind" will prevent persons from moving beyond even the second step on the seven-step "path."
108. The vision made clear that - with obvious exceptions of deformities - the brain at the outset is typically natural and normal; moreover, it is required throughout the manifestation for normal and natural functioning.
109. It was also made clear that the problems that seekers experience in their efforts to Realize are not rooted in the natural, elemental brain. The problem, the vision showed, is rooted in the unnatural mind, which has evolved into something that is now, among the non-Realized masses, most unnatural and abnormal.
110. It was made completely clear that, while the brain and its capacity to understand are required, the mind is not required at all for nisarga, natural abidance, and is - in fact - a hindrance to natural living.
111. The difference in the two became clear when this came: So the brain - and all of the parts of the body - are rooted in the elements; the consciousness is rooted in the Absolute; and the mind is rooted in conditioning, programming, domestication, acculturation, and brainwashing.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
F.: Note: At the end of this series, site visitors that are interested will be given information for receiving a free, downloadable version of the complete vision series, with illustrations. You'll be able to have us email free copies to anyone else of your choosing as well. A preview of some the illustrations of the key components of the vision follow:
The Natural Setting Inside the Arch
The Natural Setting Inside the Arch
To continue: Other clarifications that came via the vision follow. NOTE: An entire glossary - relevant to those early on in the seeking process but including pointers for those far along "the path" - is available in the eBook below entitled "FROM THE I TO THE ABSOLUTE (A Seven-Step Journey to Reality)" which is also included in the paperback four-book anthology entitled, "The Advanced Seekers' Series."
71. Elements of the vision continued to flash into consciousness for months after it initially came. The flashes almost always happened when in a theta state, dozing off or coming out of a deep, delta-level sleep. It was early on during some of those episodes that a backwards or reversed version of the vision began to play out.
72. It became clear that after "going back the way I came in" from the Absolute on Leg Two of "the journey," I was now "going back" to the relative the way I had "come in" the first time when the consciousness was subjected to all of the insane programming and conditioning and acculturation and domestication and brainwashing and indoctrination that now happens to all persons.
73. Yet it was clear that going back to the relative on the Third Leg was different because I was no longer being subjected to programming, conditioning, etc.
74. The vision made clear that on the third leg, the unblocked consciousness that now knew and understood the Awareness (which was now aware of ItSelf - aware of Its Original Nature which is My Original Nature) would not be anything like the specks of consciousness that had been blocked and that led to a miserable relative existence.
75. It was clear that (a) things were going to be different from the way they had been prior to completing the seven steps to Reality and that (b) Reality was going to be overlaid on the relative so that whatever happened would happen spontaneously and would happen as naturally and sanely and reasonably and logically as the relative existence of every living thing of the planet except for the non-Realized masses.
76. Suddenly, a phrase that had only seemed to be understood took on a whole new level of meaning, namely, "as if living."
77. It was seen after the vision that "as if living" is a style of living that the Realized exhibit, seemingly living just like most live but without personal attachments, delusions, and emotional intoxication.
78. The vision made clear that it is the manner in which the Realized "finish out" the manifestation, meeting “responsibilities” and providing for the space (for the composite unity consisting of an elemental plant food body with air being circulated and with conscious-energy also being circulated) while knowing full well that what is called "this world" is nothing more than an imagining in the distorted perceptions of persons.
79. It was seen that "as if living" consist of a lifestyle that is unencumbered with attachments and emotional intoxication and belief in the lies of the culture; a lifestyle free of game playing and image perpetuation; and a lifestyle unmarred by the emotions and emotional intoxication experienced by persons.
80. It was seen that as if living makes possible a lifestyle during which the Realized can witness feelings rise and fall without experiencing any emotional intoxication and without reacting, over-reacting, or setting off a chain of reactions (as happens with persons).
81. The vision made clear that as if living was going to provide a lifestyle free of the misery that is generated by the desires and fears of personas.
82. During the part of the vision in the cave when this came
To your left and to your right drift millions of forms, and on closer inspection, You see that they are . . . You! Each looks to be a - clone maybe a transparent clone but a clone nevertheless - of You!
what was finally understood was the non-religious, non-spiritual meaning of "atonement."
83. The vision made clear that it could more rightly be spelled, "at-one-ment."
84. The vision made clear that atonement had nothing to do with "a reconciliation between humans and an imagined external power" (now seen to have been delusionally conceived by men and bearing the image of men and - in some cases - women and monkeys and elephants, etc.)
85. What came via the vision instead was a full awareness ...
of the at-one-ment,
of the Oneness,
of the unicity,
of the true unity beyond the misperceived multiplicity,
of the fact that all is only That and nothing more.
86. The difference in "love" and Love was made clear.
87. That moment in the cave made clear that, indeed, Love is knowing that I am everything.
88. The dissolution of every one of the symbolic birds along the way in conjunction with the final dissolution at the end of the vision made clear that "wisdom is knowing I am nothing."
89. And it became perfectly clear as the Third Leg of "the journey" unfolded that, indeed, it would be between the two - between Love and Wisdom - that the remainder of my life (that is, the remainder of the relative existence) would move.
To be continued.
Please enter into the silence of contemplation.
18 December 2013
F.: [Note: At the end of this series, site visitors that are interested will be given information for receiving a downloadable version of the complete vision series, with illustrations. You'll also be able to have us send copies to anyone else of your choosing as well. Also, thanks to those who are sharing the message presented on this site. It was made clear that such must be the case when the site manager reported yesterday that 929 people read the 28 November 2013 post alone.]
To continue: Other clarifications that came via the vision follow. NOTE: An entire glossary - relevant to those early on in the seeking process but including pointers for those far along "the path" - is available in the eBook below entitled "FROM THE I TO THE ABSOLUTE (A Seven-Step Journey to Reality)" which is also included in the paperback four-book anthology entitled, "The Advanced Seekers' Series.">
VIA THE VISION (Continued)
46. Next came another quandary, namely, trying to reconcile (a) the newly-found understanding about there being four-legs to the overall "journey" with (b) the pointer that comes at the end of the vision, specifically, THAT is all there is.
47. This was raised: But that's not all there is if the vision is depicting the second leg of "the journey" when Realization happens because there's a third leg which involves "returning" and overlaying Reality upon the relative existence in order to abide for the remainder of the manifestation in a natural and sane and sound and logical and reasonable fashion.
48. So what does that mean? Then, this clarification came: Ah, so the vision provides insight into the second-leg Realization process - the going back, the reversing - but it also foreshadows what will happen during the fourth leg which moves one from the physical, elemental plant food body to THAT. It is then that the "THAT is all there is" point will apply to this unmanifesting speck of conscious-energy as it completes all four legs. Got it!
49. Then once more, peace came, and it was seen that it was not a "peace that surpasses all understanding" but a peace that comes with all understanding ... with understanding all involved with the functioning of the totality.
50. At that point, words from Spinoza flashed into the consciousness, explaining that persons who are out of touch with Reality and who lack understanding are "ignorant of the causes by which actions are determined."
51. It was seen that understanding the functioning of the totality and understanding that the cause of all is all is most comforting.
52. It was seen that energy / matter comes and goes; that composites comes together naturally and come apart naturally; and it was seen that there is not the slightest pain or suffering involved at the end of the final unmanifesting process and that there is most assuredly no pain or suffering or punishment post-manifestation (that offered here with a hopefully-comforting smile to those who want a post-manifestation "reward," especially to those so lost in the Dream of the Planet that they actually believe that praising "Someone" of "Something" 24 / 7 for eternity would be a reward rather than a punishment in itself). The vision showed, to the contrary, that what follows the unmanifesting is the Void, the Nothingness, and to the truly Realized, that will prove to be quite soothing, quite calming, quite comforting.
53. Then this came: And when was the last time you felt totally soothed, totally calm? Was it not during the gull stage? And the answer followed: Yes, it was.>
54. The vision made clear that blocked specks of manifested consciousness (blocked via programming, conditioning, etc.) soon become identified with that body left outside the arch at the beginning of the vision. It was obvious that transcending body identification was the first step on the "journey" to Realization.
55. The vision showed that the effects of the blocking of the consciousness include persons being rendered unable to see that the relative "i" is nothing more than a temporarily-manifested speck of conscious-energy and being rendered unable to understand that the body is nothing more than earth elements that are cycling to maintain the body in which I - the consciousness - AM presently manifested.
56. The vision made clear that conscious-energy is cycling into and out of the body as much as the air is, that eating happens in order to replenish the supply, and that the notion that the same consciousness has always been manifested in the same body is a falsehood that is rooted in illusory samskaras.
57. The vision showed that specks of conscious-energy exist forever because energy can cycle but cannot be created or destroyed. A plant food body does not last and cannot last because all that comes together on this planet will eventually come apart (as proved scientifically and factually by the Second Law of Thermodynamics).
58. The vision made clear that blocked specks of consciousness "come to a wall" (or to a stone arch) because so few understand that a speck of energy could still exist even after the (elemental plant food) brain has gone, but it must be understood that the conscious-energy is manifested in every cell of the body, not just in the brain.
59. Then this came: Of course the elements must return to the universal pool of elements because elements cannot be created or destroyed. Also, the conscious-energy must be released when the elements are no longer joined in a configuration that is presently called "a body," but that energy cannot be destroyed, so it will last though the specific body will not.
60. The vision then made this clear: Via the dissolution, the previously-circulating body elements will return to the universal pool of elements, the previously-circulating air will be released into the universal pool of air, and the previously-circulating manifested conscious-energy will be released into the universal pool of conscious-energy. Once no longer manifested in a body, it will assume its pre-manifestation form of "Awareness That Is Not Aware Of."
61. It was clear that nothing more is happening; that nothing that is happening is happening as a result of a Causer but is all happening spontaneously; that all which happens between
(A) the formation of a plant food body and (B) the final dissolution
actually happens in a mental realm and in an imagined "world" and is never the way it appears to be to the non-Realized masses; that nothing in the "in-between world" has any lasting meaning or purpose; and that it all really is "much ado about nothing."
62. The vision made clear that all which happens is merely happening under the auspices of the most basic principles that are taught - but evidently seldom learned - in most 4th grade level, basic science classes. (Maharaj often said that these teachings are so simple because there is nothing to reconcile that could not be understood with an understanding of the scientific principles that he predicted would advance to the stage that all of the ancient non-dual understandings will someday be scientifically, factually verified.)
63. The vision made clear that the ultimate problem, though, does not involve as much what persons do not know as what persons think they do know, namely, all of the "acquired knowledge" - a.k.a., "learned ignorance" - that has been accumulated along the way that is cast off in the vision at the fourth stage ... the gull stage ... after the return to the Child No-Knowing Stage.
64. The vision made clear that the body will NOT exist post-manifestation in any form because all of the elements that make up the parts are going to return to the universal pool of elements.
65. The vision showed how to reverse back to the Absolute, but it also showed that those seven steps - if studied in reverse - actually illustrate the original manifesting process. In that illustration, the vision makes clear that there was no pre-manifestation You or Me, that there was most certainly nobody (no body) awaiting "birth" or "Creation," and that notions about "pre-birth" contracts are merely so much delusional fiction.
66. The vision made clear that one need but see that "I AM energy" is fact.
67. The vision also made clear that the body in which the consciousness is temporarily manifested cannot last forever as a specific form and that it will, therefore, return to the pool of elements when the elements which have come together will eventually come apart. And it showed that all of that will happen painlessly and in a suffering-free manner.
68. That is the case among the Realized whether the dissolution happens quickly or drags out over a period, as illustrated by Maharaj whose case was the latter.
69. He witnessed the pain of the body that was experiencing the spreading cancerous growth within. The same happens here. There is not a single day now that the effects of a motorcycle accident that occurred years ago do not generate body pain. Being tossed onto the surface of a highway at 70 m.p.h. resulted in the breaking of both major bones in the right leg, breaking multiple bones in the left hand, undergoing 17 breaks in the right foot and ankle, dislocating hips and shoulders, a concussion, and more. Yet the pain has no "mental" or "emotional" effect on the way that "Floyd" moves through each day, and it certainly has no effect on the "spirit" since that does not exist. As with Maharaj, it is all merely witnessed.
70. The seven steps of the vision, if understood and felt and "experienced" fully, can generate a sense of comfort and calm and relief and ease alongside a courage-generating sense of security and well-being and contentment and gladness and Love. How can that claim be offered with such assurance? If it happened for "floyd," it can happen for anyone with intellect (meaning, with a capacity to understand).
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
15 December 2013
To continue: Other clarifications that came via the vision follow. NOTE: An entire glossary - relevant to those early on in the seeking process but including pointers for those far along "the path" - is available in the eBook below entitled "FROM THE I TO THE ABSOLUTE (A Seven-Step Journey to Reality)" which is also included in the paperback four-book anthology entitled, "The Advanced Seekers' Series.">
VIA THE VISION (Continued)
46. Next came another quandary, namely, trying to reconcile (a) the newly-found understanding about there being four-legs to the overall "journey" with (b) the pointer that comes at the end of the vision, specifically, THAT is all there is.
47. This was raised: But that's not all there is if the vision is depicting the second leg of "the journey" when Realization happens because there's a third leg which involves "returning" and overlaying Reality upon the relative existence in order to abide for the remainder of the manifestation in a natural and sane and sound and logical and reasonable fashion.
48. So what does that mean? Then, this clarification came: Ah, so the vision provides insight into the second-leg Realization process - the going back, the reversing - but it also foreshadows what will happen during the fourth leg which moves one from the physical, elemental plant food body to THAT. It is then that the "THAT is all there is" point will apply to this unmanifesting speck of conscious-energy as it completes all four legs. Got it!
49. Then once more, peace came, and it was seen that it was not a "peace that surpasses all understanding" but a peace that comes with all understanding ... with understanding all involved with the functioning of the totality.
50. At that point, words from Spinoza flashed into the consciousness, explaining that persons who are out of touch with Reality and who lack understanding are "ignorant of the causes by which actions are determined."
51. It was seen that understanding the functioning of the totality and understanding that the cause of all is all is most comforting.
52. It was seen that energy / matter comes and goes; that composites comes together naturally and come apart naturally; and it was seen that there is not the slightest pain or suffering involved at the end of the final unmanifesting process and that there is most assuredly no pain or suffering or punishment post-manifestation (that offered here with a hopefully-comforting smile to those who want a post-manifestation "reward," especially to those so lost in the Dream of the Planet that they actually believe that praising "Someone" of "Something" 24 / 7 for eternity would be a reward rather than a punishment in itself). The vision showed, to the contrary, that what follows the unmanifesting is the Void, the Nothingness, and to the truly Realized, that will prove to be quite soothing, quite calming, quite comforting.
53. Then this came: And when was the last time you felt totally soothed, totally calm? Was it not during the gull stage? And the answer followed: Yes, it was.>
54. The vision made clear that blocked specks of manifested consciousness (blocked via programming, conditioning, etc.) soon become identified with that body left outside the arch at the beginning of the vision. It was obvious that transcending body identification was the first step on the "journey" to Realization.
55. The vision showed that the effects of the blocking of the consciousness include persons being rendered unable to see that the relative "i" is nothing more than a temporarily-manifested speck of conscious-energy and being rendered unable to understand that the body is nothing more than earth elements that are cycling to maintain the body in which I - the consciousness - AM presently manifested.
56. The vision made clear that conscious-energy is cycling into and out of the body as much as the air is, that eating happens in order to replenish the supply, and that the notion that the same consciousness has always been manifested in the same body is a falsehood that is rooted in illusory samskaras.
57. The vision showed that specks of conscious-energy exist forever because energy can cycle but cannot be created or destroyed. A plant food body does not last and cannot last because all that comes together on this planet will eventually come apart (as proved scientifically and factually by the Second Law of Thermodynamics).
58. The vision made clear that blocked specks of consciousness "come to a wall" (or to a stone arch) because so few understand that a speck of energy could still exist even after the (elemental plant food) brain has gone, but it must be understood that the conscious-energy is manifested in every cell of the body, not just in the brain.
59. Then this came: Of course the elements must return to the universal pool of elements because elements cannot be created or destroyed. Also, the conscious-energy must be released when the elements are no longer joined in a configuration that is presently called "a body," but that energy cannot be destroyed, so it will last though the specific body will not.
60. The vision then made this clear: Via the dissolution, the previously-circulating body elements will return to the universal pool of elements, the previously-circulating air will be released into the universal pool of air, and the previously-circulating manifested conscious-energy will be released into the universal pool of conscious-energy. Once no longer manifested in a body, it will assume its pre-manifestation form of "Awareness That Is Not Aware Of."
61. It was clear that nothing more is happening; that nothing that is happening is happening as a result of a Causer but is all happening spontaneously; that all which happens between
(A) the formation of a plant food body and (B) the final dissolution
actually happens in a mental realm and in an imagined "world" and is never the way it appears to be to the non-Realized masses; that nothing in the "in-between world" has any lasting meaning or purpose; and that it all really is "much ado about nothing."
62. The vision made clear that all which happens is merely happening under the auspices of the most basic principles that are taught - but evidently seldom learned - in most 4th grade level, basic science classes. (Maharaj often said that these teachings are so simple because there is nothing to reconcile that could not be understood with an understanding of the scientific principles that he predicted would advance to the stage that all of the ancient non-dual understandings will someday be scientifically, factually verified.)
63. The vision made clear that the ultimate problem, though, does not involve as much what persons do not know as what persons think they do know, namely, all of the "acquired knowledge" - a.k.a., "learned ignorance" - that has been accumulated along the way that is cast off in the vision at the fourth stage ... the gull stage ... after the return to the Child No-Knowing Stage.
64. The vision made clear that the body will NOT exist post-manifestation in any form because all of the elements that make up the parts are going to return to the universal pool of elements.
65. The vision showed how to reverse back to the Absolute, but it also showed that those seven steps - if studied in reverse - actually illustrate the original manifesting process. In that illustration, the vision makes clear that there was no pre-manifestation You or Me, that there was most certainly nobody (no body) awaiting "birth" or "Creation," and that notions about "pre-birth" contracts are merely so much delusional fiction.
66. The vision made clear that one need but see that "I AM energy" is fact.
67. The vision also made clear that the body in which the consciousness is temporarily manifested cannot last forever as a specific form and that it will, therefore, return to the pool of elements when the elements which have come together will eventually come apart. And it showed that all of that will happen painlessly and in a suffering-free manner.
68. That is the case among the Realized whether the dissolution happens quickly or drags out over a period, as illustrated by Maharaj whose case was the latter.
69. He witnessed the pain of the body that was experiencing the spreading cancerous growth within. The same happens here. There is not a single day now that the effects of a motorcycle accident that occurred years ago do not generate body pain. Being tossed onto the surface of a highway at 70 m.p.h. resulted in the breaking of both major bones in the right leg, breaking multiple bones in the left hand, undergoing 17 breaks in the right foot and ankle, dislocating hips and shoulders, a concussion, and more. Yet the pain has no "mental" or "emotional" effect on the way that "Floyd" moves through each day, and it certainly has no effect on the "spirit" since that does not exist. As with Maharaj, it is all merely witnessed.
70. The seven steps of the vision, if understood and felt and "experienced" fully, can generate a sense of comfort and calm and relief and ease alongside a courage-generating sense of security and well-being and contentment and gladness and Love. How can that claim be offered with such assurance? If it happened for "floyd," it can happen for anyone with intellect (meaning, with a capacity to understand).
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
15 December 2013
F.: [Note: At the end of this series, site visitors that are interested will be given information for receiving a downloadable version of the complete vision series, with illustrations. You'll also be able to have us send copies to anyone else of your choosing as well.
Also, thanks to those who are sharing the message presented on this site. It was made clear that such must be the case when the site manager reported yesterday that 929 people read the 28 November 2013 post alone.]
Other clarifications that came via the vision follow. NOTE: An entire glossary - relevant to those early on in the seeking process but including pointers for those far along "the path" - is available in the eBook below entitled "FROM THE I TO THE ABSOLUTE (A Seven-Step Journey to Reality)" which is also included in the paperback four-book anthology entitled, "The Advanced Seekers' Series."
32. After additional study of the content of the vision, this came: So that's what Maharaj meant when he said, "You are not in the world ... the world is in you."
33. It became clear that seekers that would Realize fully must be aware of two "realms" (thus the summative statement of non-duality: "I AM; I AM THAT") as well as one perceived "world."
34. The first "realm" was illustrated by the elemental plant food body that was left outside the arch. That body functions temporarily in the relative "realm" and (contrary to many teachings) is real but is not what it is perceived to be.
35. The second "realm" is the Realm of the Real that is exactly as it is perceived when perceived by the Realized: it is the Original, Natural, Everlasting Field of Energy which houses awareness-energy that has the potential to manifest as conscious-energy.
36. It was seen that all which happens "in between" those two "realms," (that is, during the manifestation but after the consciousness has been blocked via programming, conditioning, etc.) there is what non-Realized persons erroneously call "the world."
37. It became clear: That which is outside the arch - the elemental plant food body-cum-consciousness - is real because it is energy-matter, yet it is not what it appears to be. Once the arch is passed through, the next steps on "the path" illustrate the mental "world" (an imagined, dreamed up "world") which is the "world" that is viewed through the dirty, obscured window of the fiction-filled mind and that is experienced via the assigned and assumed personas that subconsciously drive non-Realized, body-mind-personality-identified persons' thoughts and words and actions, even as they believe they are making conscious choices.
38. Then, this: Therefore, of course they are not in the world ... the world is in them, meaning ... in their minds.
39. The vision also revealed this: after one's former "bad" roles have supposedly been replaced with new, "good" roles that have been adopted (such as, "The Super Religious One," "The Spiritual Giant," "The Knower-Of-It-All," "The Super Virtuous One," "The Guardian of the Moral Fabric of the Planet," ad infinitum), all of which are illustrated by that which the raven siphoned into itself, then one begins living under the influence of the Dream of the Planet, walking about while playing roles on the stage of the Theater of the Lie.
40. It was seen that nowhere in the vision was there any judging of those playing those roles. The vision made clear that those are also steps on "the path," steps which must be taken but that must eventually be transcended if Realization is to happen.
41. Thus, such "good"-role-playing will continue until the raven - representing all of the final roles that are played except for "The Seeker," which will continue to be played for a period - dissolves into the gull, allowing one to return to "The Child No-Knowing Stage" (a.k.a., "The Child Ignorance Stage" or "The No Concepts, No Notions, No Ideas, No Thoughts, No Misperceptions, Zero Concepts, No-Beliefs Stage.)
42. The vision made clear that (a) the non-Realized use the word "I" to refer to all of the false identities / personas that they have been assigned or that they have adopted; that (b) the word "I" should never again be used to refer to anything other than the manifested consciousness; and that (c) the Real "I" during manifestation is nothing more than the Pure Witnessing.
43. The vision made clear that the steps are taken in total silence.
44. The vision made clear that, after the third-leg "return" when Reality is subsequently overlaid on the relative, then (A) either the consciousness speaks, or (B) there is the belief that a persona - a false image that has been assumed as an identity - is speaking.
45. The vision made clear that "A" in #44 points to both Truth and Reality whereas "B" talks nonsense and gibberish, speaking non-truths and babbling on and on while making much ado about nothing and while misperceiving it all.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
14 December 2013
Also, thanks to those who are sharing the message presented on this site. It was made clear that such must be the case when the site manager reported yesterday that 929 people read the 28 November 2013 post alone.]
Other clarifications that came via the vision follow. NOTE: An entire glossary - relevant to those early on in the seeking process but including pointers for those far along "the path" - is available in the eBook below entitled "FROM THE I TO THE ABSOLUTE (A Seven-Step Journey to Reality)" which is also included in the paperback four-book anthology entitled, "The Advanced Seekers' Series."
32. After additional study of the content of the vision, this came: So that's what Maharaj meant when he said, "You are not in the world ... the world is in you."
33. It became clear that seekers that would Realize fully must be aware of two "realms" (thus the summative statement of non-duality: "I AM; I AM THAT") as well as one perceived "world."
34. The first "realm" was illustrated by the elemental plant food body that was left outside the arch. That body functions temporarily in the relative "realm" and (contrary to many teachings) is real but is not what it is perceived to be.
35. The second "realm" is the Realm of the Real that is exactly as it is perceived when perceived by the Realized: it is the Original, Natural, Everlasting Field of Energy which houses awareness-energy that has the potential to manifest as conscious-energy.
36. It was seen that all which happens "in between" those two "realms," (that is, during the manifestation but after the consciousness has been blocked via programming, conditioning, etc.) there is what non-Realized persons erroneously call "the world."
37. It became clear: That which is outside the arch - the elemental plant food body-cum-consciousness - is real because it is energy-matter, yet it is not what it appears to be. Once the arch is passed through, the next steps on "the path" illustrate the mental "world" (an imagined, dreamed up "world") which is the "world" that is viewed through the dirty, obscured window of the fiction-filled mind and that is experienced via the assigned and assumed personas that subconsciously drive non-Realized, body-mind-personality-identified persons' thoughts and words and actions, even as they believe they are making conscious choices.
38. Then, this: Therefore, of course they are not in the world ... the world is in them, meaning ... in their minds.
39. The vision also revealed this: after one's former "bad" roles have supposedly been replaced with new, "good" roles that have been adopted (such as, "The Super Religious One," "The Spiritual Giant," "The Knower-Of-It-All," "The Super Virtuous One," "The Guardian of the Moral Fabric of the Planet," ad infinitum), all of which are illustrated by that which the raven siphoned into itself, then one begins living under the influence of the Dream of the Planet, walking about while playing roles on the stage of the Theater of the Lie.
40. It was seen that nowhere in the vision was there any judging of those playing those roles. The vision made clear that those are also steps on "the path," steps which must be taken but that must eventually be transcended if Realization is to happen.
41. Thus, such "good"-role-playing will continue until the raven - representing all of the final roles that are played except for "The Seeker," which will continue to be played for a period - dissolves into the gull, allowing one to return to "The Child No-Knowing Stage" (a.k.a., "The Child Ignorance Stage" or "The No Concepts, No Notions, No Ideas, No Thoughts, No Misperceptions, Zero Concepts, No-Beliefs Stage.)
42. The vision made clear that (a) the non-Realized use the word "I" to refer to all of the false identities / personas that they have been assigned or that they have adopted; that (b) the word "I" should never again be used to refer to anything other than the manifested consciousness; and that (c) the Real "I" during manifestation is nothing more than the Pure Witnessing.
43. The vision made clear that the steps are taken in total silence.
44. The vision made clear that, after the third-leg "return" when Reality is subsequently overlaid on the relative, then (A) either the consciousness speaks, or (B) there is the belief that a persona - a false image that has been assumed as an identity - is speaking.
45. The vision made clear that "A" in #44 points to both Truth and Reality whereas "B" talks nonsense and gibberish, speaking non-truths and babbling on and on while making much ado about nothing and while misperceiving it all.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
14 December 2013
F.: [Note: At the end of this series, site visitors that are interested will be given information for receiving a downloadable version of the complete vision series, with illustrations. You'll also be able to have us send copies to anyone else of your choosing as well.]
[Continued from the previous post] Other clarifications that came via the vision follow. NOTE: An entire glossary - relevant to those early on in the seeking process but including pointers for those far along "the path" - is available in the eBook below entitled "FROM THE I TO THE ABSOLUTE (A Seven-Step Journey to Reality)" which is also included in the paperback four-book anthology entitled, "The Advanced Seekers' Series."
17. The vision made clear that while a guide or guru can be a temporary requirement for assisting one in reaching the arch - that is, for putting a seeker on the proper path and headed in the proper direction away from body identification alone - the movement through the steps to the final dissolution, to the total understanding, and to full Realization did not happen in congregations or flocks or assemblies or groups or gatherings or meetings or in any venue that is not a natural one.
18. The vision showed that most use needless and superfluous and gratuitous venues. (Those venues can now be seen to include churches; spiritual groups; temples; mosques; ashrams; cathedrals; synagogues; "houses of worship"; shrines; places on earth that some deem to be "special and holy and mystical"; groups that chant; groups around tables with captive audiences where the abnormal norm is to talk and talk and talk; groups with members who become emotionally-intoxicated and roll around on the floor during their services; groups that speak "in tongues" that they claim are "unknown, even to them"; groups that hum or chant; groups that ring "special" bells or hit "special bowls" with "special sticks" or who smell "special" smoke and do things with "special" water; or in any other man-made structure or any man-designated place).
19. The vision made clear that none of those unnatural and / or supposedly supernatural complications are necessary.
20. In the vision, it was made clear that all happened privately, alone in a natural setting, not in any place made by man for the purpose of "worship" or "idolization" or "reverence" or "veneration" or for the purpose of showing off one's assigned or assumed religious and / or spiritual roles or for any other unnatural or supposedly-supernatural purpose.
21. In the vision, it was made clear that all happened without the accompaniment of smoke screens and bells and whistles and earthly choirs or "heavenly" choirs.
22. The vision made clear that Realization requires no shouting or chanting or singing or screaming or babbling by other people because, in the vision, there were no other people.
23. The vision made clear not only exactly what is required for full Realization (which is minimal) but also made clear what is not required (additions which, on this planet, are excessive and extreme and disproportionate to what, in the end, is a process that was shown in the vision to be exactly as Maharaj described: "simple").
24. The vision made clear that the Absolute (the so-called "Ultimate Reality" or "Great Reality") is actually nothing more than an all-pervasive "field of energy" in which pre-manifestation consciousness is at rest in the form of Awareness; and consciousness itself was shown to be, merely and simply, conscious-energy, energy which has, as one property, a propensity for "conscious-of-ness" when manifested.
25. The vision showed that the Absolute is merely that "field of energy" from which consciousness can be drawn into manifestation.
26. The vision also depicted the "field" to which consciousness returns during the unmanifesting.
27. The vision showed THAT Which All Is; showed the conscious-energy Itself; illustrated that purest, unadulterated "whatever" that All Is; and revealed what the lowest, tiniest common "something" is (which All in this universe is and which all in all universes is or "was").
28. The vision showed that ALL is without beginning and without end with nothing ever having been "created," with nothing ever having been "destroyed," and, therefore, with nothing ever in need of an "Other-Worldly, All-Powerful (yet really inefficient) Sustainer."
29. In the vision, not once did a "Creator" or "Destroyer" or "Sustainer" appear.
30. In the vision, all happened spontaneously and without any single cause or "causer" or "Causer."
31. In the vision, nothing that happened had any unnatural or supernatural / religious / spiritual element. All happened naturally; hence, the incorporation of the Nisarga Yoga with the Direct Path Teaching Method that is used here.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
13 December 2013
[Continued from the previous post] Other clarifications that came via the vision follow. NOTE: An entire glossary - relevant to those early on in the seeking process but including pointers for those far along "the path" - is available in the eBook below entitled "FROM THE I TO THE ABSOLUTE (A Seven-Step Journey to Reality)" which is also included in the paperback four-book anthology entitled, "The Advanced Seekers' Series."
17. The vision made clear that while a guide or guru can be a temporary requirement for assisting one in reaching the arch - that is, for putting a seeker on the proper path and headed in the proper direction away from body identification alone - the movement through the steps to the final dissolution, to the total understanding, and to full Realization did not happen in congregations or flocks or assemblies or groups or gatherings or meetings or in any venue that is not a natural one.
18. The vision showed that most use needless and superfluous and gratuitous venues. (Those venues can now be seen to include churches; spiritual groups; temples; mosques; ashrams; cathedrals; synagogues; "houses of worship"; shrines; places on earth that some deem to be "special and holy and mystical"; groups that chant; groups around tables with captive audiences where the abnormal norm is to talk and talk and talk; groups with members who become emotionally-intoxicated and roll around on the floor during their services; groups that speak "in tongues" that they claim are "unknown, even to them"; groups that hum or chant; groups that ring "special" bells or hit "special bowls" with "special sticks" or who smell "special" smoke and do things with "special" water; or in any other man-made structure or any man-designated place).
19. The vision made clear that none of those unnatural and / or supposedly supernatural complications are necessary.
20. In the vision, it was made clear that all happened privately, alone in a natural setting, not in any place made by man for the purpose of "worship" or "idolization" or "reverence" or "veneration" or for the purpose of showing off one's assigned or assumed religious and / or spiritual roles or for any other unnatural or supposedly-supernatural purpose.
21. In the vision, it was made clear that all happened without the accompaniment of smoke screens and bells and whistles and earthly choirs or "heavenly" choirs.
22. The vision made clear that Realization requires no shouting or chanting or singing or screaming or babbling by other people because, in the vision, there were no other people.
23. The vision made clear not only exactly what is required for full Realization (which is minimal) but also made clear what is not required (additions which, on this planet, are excessive and extreme and disproportionate to what, in the end, is a process that was shown in the vision to be exactly as Maharaj described: "simple").
24. The vision made clear that the Absolute (the so-called "Ultimate Reality" or "Great Reality") is actually nothing more than an all-pervasive "field of energy" in which pre-manifestation consciousness is at rest in the form of Awareness; and consciousness itself was shown to be, merely and simply, conscious-energy, energy which has, as one property, a propensity for "conscious-of-ness" when manifested.
25. The vision showed that the Absolute is merely that "field of energy" from which consciousness can be drawn into manifestation.
26. The vision also depicted the "field" to which consciousness returns during the unmanifesting.
27. The vision showed THAT Which All Is; showed the conscious-energy Itself; illustrated that purest, unadulterated "whatever" that All Is; and revealed what the lowest, tiniest common "something" is (which All in this universe is and which all in all universes is or "was").
28. The vision showed that ALL is without beginning and without end with nothing ever having been "created," with nothing ever having been "destroyed," and, therefore, with nothing ever in need of an "Other-Worldly, All-Powerful (yet really inefficient) Sustainer."
29. In the vision, not once did a "Creator" or "Destroyer" or "Sustainer" appear.
30. In the vision, all happened spontaneously and without any single cause or "causer" or "Causer."
31. In the vision, nothing that happened had any unnatural or supernatural / religious / spiritual element. All happened naturally; hence, the incorporation of the Nisarga Yoga with the Direct Path Teaching Method that is used here.
To be continued.
Please enter the silence of contemplation.
13 December 2013
F.: Other clarifications that came via the vision follow. NOTE: An entire glossary - relevant to those early on in the seeking process but including pointers for those far along "the path" - is available in the eBook below entitled "FROM THE I TO THE ABSOLUTE (A Seven-Step Journey to Reality)" which is also included in the paperback, four-book anthology entitled, "The Advanced Seekers' Series."
1. The vision made clear that there are seven degrees of separation from Reality that come about during the initial "coming in process" (that is, during the process of manifesting-and-being-programmed-conditioned, etc.); therefore, there are seven specific steps during the "reversing" - the "going back" - that must be undertaken to move from body identification to full Realization.
2. [That understanding, in turn, made clear that - as Maharaj often said - attaining Realization really is a fairly simple process. Once "the Absolute" and "Realization" have been stripped of all of the conceptualized and exalted and illustrious and elevating and glorifying acclaim that has been attached to them over the centuries, then the simple process of manifesting and unmanifesting as illustrated in the vision can be seen and understood. There is nothing special about the manifestation, and the vision makes most clear that there is nothing special about unmanifesting.]
3. The vision made clear that if - at the third step - seekers do not stop playing any and all false roles (including their false religious and spiritual roles), then they will never move beyond the third of seven steps and they will never Realize; in fact, when stuck at the third of seven steps, they will obviously never even reach the halfway point to Realization. [That, in turn, made clear Maharaj's point that there are those who are standing in the dim light of dawn but are imaginings that they have completed the full journey and are now being bathed in the bright light of the noonday sun.]
4. The vision made clear that nothing is born and that nothing dies and that all that is happening is a cycling of the energy-matter that has always existed.
5. The vision made clear that, because energy-matter can neither be created nor destroyed, there is no creator and there is no destroyer.
6. The vision made clear that if that is nothing created or destroyed, it is a fact that there is no "Creator" and no "Destroyer" and, thus most certainly, no need during the relative for a Sustainer.
7. The vision made clear that manifesting and unmanifesting happen spontaneously and that neither involves any meaning or purpose at all.
8. The vision made clear that there should be as little focusing on - and being concerned about - one's unmanifesting as there is about one's next breath.
9. The vision made clear that there is no "one" to benefit from being religious, spiritual, virtuous, or "good" and that it is an understanding of the Oneness and Love that leads the Realized away from any desire to harm anyone.
10. [To some Subject-Object observers, the Realized might appear to be "good" even as the Realized reject the dualistic concept of "good vs. evil" and "moral vs. immoral." As far as explaining the non-Realized's labeling of some people as "evil," it was seen via careful consideration of what happens during the vision and via what did not happen in the vision (namely, judgment, eternal reward vs. eternal punishment, eternal pain vs. eternal pleasure, etc.) that in the absence of there being any chance at all that the concepts of "good" and "evil" are valid, then the only other plausible explanation for what the masses call "evil acts" is offered by Maharaj who saw the problem of humanity as being rooted in "ignorance and stupidity and insanity." That understanding of actual "motivation and cause" eliminates any overly-simplistic, dualistic explanation for human conduct and also allows for understanding the real issues that need to be addressed rather than dismissing any act that is thought to be unsavory as "evil."]
11. Therefore, the vision also made clear that there is no post-dissolution reward or punishment.
12. The vision made clear that the Second Law of Thermodynamics does accurately point to the non-dual fact that things merely come together spontaneously and that all things will eventually come apart spontaneously. All in between that is taken be "a life" is "much ado about nothing."
13. The vision made clear that fear is based in not understanding and that courage is based in the understanding of the functioning of the totality that follows Realization.
14. The vision made clear that body and mind and personality identification are all obstacles to Realization and that each step that moves one away from those is a step that moves a seeker closer to Realization.
15. The vision made clear that manifesting, Realizing, abiding sanely and unmanifesting are all legs of what is, overall, a "four-part, four-leg journey."
16. The vision made clear that abidance as one's Original Nature is sane and natural and that anything else is unnatural (including things deemed "supernatural" or "spiritual").
To be continued.
Please enter into the silence of contemplation.
[See "older posts" for the rest of the vision series]
You can also scroll down through the book section below if interested in receiving a free copy of the eBook entitled
1. The vision made clear that there are seven degrees of separation from Reality that come about during the initial "coming in process" (that is, during the process of manifesting-and-being-programmed-conditioned, etc.); therefore, there are seven specific steps during the "reversing" - the "going back" - that must be undertaken to move from body identification to full Realization.
2. [That understanding, in turn, made clear that - as Maharaj often said - attaining Realization really is a fairly simple process. Once "the Absolute" and "Realization" have been stripped of all of the conceptualized and exalted and illustrious and elevating and glorifying acclaim that has been attached to them over the centuries, then the simple process of manifesting and unmanifesting as illustrated in the vision can be seen and understood. There is nothing special about the manifestation, and the vision makes most clear that there is nothing special about unmanifesting.]
3. The vision made clear that if - at the third step - seekers do not stop playing any and all false roles (including their false religious and spiritual roles), then they will never move beyond the third of seven steps and they will never Realize; in fact, when stuck at the third of seven steps, they will obviously never even reach the halfway point to Realization. [That, in turn, made clear Maharaj's point that there are those who are standing in the dim light of dawn but are imaginings that they have completed the full journey and are now being bathed in the bright light of the noonday sun.]
4. The vision made clear that nothing is born and that nothing dies and that all that is happening is a cycling of the energy-matter that has always existed.
5. The vision made clear that, because energy-matter can neither be created nor destroyed, there is no creator and there is no destroyer.
6. The vision made clear that if that is nothing created or destroyed, it is a fact that there is no "Creator" and no "Destroyer" and, thus most certainly, no need during the relative for a Sustainer.
7. The vision made clear that manifesting and unmanifesting happen spontaneously and that neither involves any meaning or purpose at all.
8. The vision made clear that there should be as little focusing on - and being concerned about - one's unmanifesting as there is about one's next breath.
9. The vision made clear that there is no "one" to benefit from being religious, spiritual, virtuous, or "good" and that it is an understanding of the Oneness and Love that leads the Realized away from any desire to harm anyone.
10. [To some Subject-Object observers, the Realized might appear to be "good" even as the Realized reject the dualistic concept of "good vs. evil" and "moral vs. immoral." As far as explaining the non-Realized's labeling of some people as "evil," it was seen via careful consideration of what happens during the vision and via what did not happen in the vision (namely, judgment, eternal reward vs. eternal punishment, eternal pain vs. eternal pleasure, etc.) that in the absence of there being any chance at all that the concepts of "good" and "evil" are valid, then the only other plausible explanation for what the masses call "evil acts" is offered by Maharaj who saw the problem of humanity as being rooted in "ignorance and stupidity and insanity." That understanding of actual "motivation and cause" eliminates any overly-simplistic, dualistic explanation for human conduct and also allows for understanding the real issues that need to be addressed rather than dismissing any act that is thought to be unsavory as "evil."]
11. Therefore, the vision also made clear that there is no post-dissolution reward or punishment.
12. The vision made clear that the Second Law of Thermodynamics does accurately point to the non-dual fact that things merely come together spontaneously and that all things will eventually come apart spontaneously. All in between that is taken be "a life" is "much ado about nothing."
13. The vision made clear that fear is based in not understanding and that courage is based in the understanding of the functioning of the totality that follows Realization.
14. The vision made clear that body and mind and personality identification are all obstacles to Realization and that each step that moves one away from those is a step that moves a seeker closer to Realization.
15. The vision made clear that manifesting, Realizing, abiding sanely and unmanifesting are all legs of what is, overall, a "four-part, four-leg journey."
16. The vision made clear that abidance as one's Original Nature is sane and natural and that anything else is unnatural (including things deemed "supernatural" or "spiritual").
To be continued.
Please enter into the silence of contemplation.
[See "older posts" for the rest of the vision series]
You can also scroll down through the book section below if interested in receiving a free copy of the eBook entitled
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Just hang on to those please.
Just hang on to those please.
A "movement" or "shift" happened here that added another parallel to the many parallels in terms of the phenomenal "experiences" and the noumenal revelations that "Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj" and "Floyd" share in common. (Many visitors over the years have said that they also shared the same parallels with "Maharaj" and "Floyd" as well.)
In the case of "Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj" and "Floyd":
1. both grew up in very poor families 2. both moved to populated areas to seek employment opportunities 3. both exhibited business skills that led to their opening and operating many businesses and to their having a large number of employees working for them 4. both succeeded financially 5. both became attached to accumulating; 6. both married and had a family 7. both were initially religious 8. both moved away from organized religion and became interested in "spiritual" matters, finding and following the teachings of a big name teacher (or, in "Floyd's" case, many big name teachers) 9. both had highly religious wives who were quite displeased with the shift away from religion and toward "spirituality" 10. both began to feel empty in spite of all of their "spiritual seeking" and in spite of all of their accumulated "spiritual knowledge";
1. both grew up in very poor families 2. both moved to populated areas to seek employment opportunities 3. both exhibited business skills that led to their opening and operating many businesses and to their having a large number of employees working for them 4. both succeeded financially 5. both became attached to accumulating; 6. both married and had a family 7. both were initially religious 8. both moved away from organized religion and became interested in "spiritual" matters, finding and following the teachings of a big name teacher (or, in "Floyd's" case, many big name teachers) 9. both had highly religious wives who were quite displeased with the shift away from religion and toward "spirituality" 10. both began to feel empty in spite of all of their "spiritual seeking" and in spite of all of their accumulated "spiritual knowledge";
11. both began to de-accumulate after both saw that they could survive quite well on a fraction of the income they had been making
12. both had wives who were unhappy when the de-accumulation stage was entered and both had wives who became unhappy about their husbands' focus on non-duality and who blamed their unhappiness on no longer having a religious husband
(The facts be known, in both cases the unhappiness involved the fact that their husbands were no longer interested in - or willing - to work 80+ hours per week and that their husbands were no longer interested in accumulating wealth and possessions and providing the rich lifestyle to which their wives had grown accustomed)
13. both eventually came to see that the religious and spiritual states were also ego-states, and both saw that there are far more steps on the "path" to complete after reaching the religious and spiritual steps and after playing those roles which are the third of seven steps on the entire "path" 14. both "lost" their wives (one via "death," the other through divorce); 15. both accelerated their seeking; 16. both entered into the "forest dweller stage" 17. both Realized 18. both began to de-accumulate even more
19. both began sharing the teachings 20. for years, both answered questions in whatever order those questions were received, though both said that the movement from identification with the false "I" / "I's" involved an exact, step-wise manner of moving along a "path" that involved "going back" in the same (but reverse order) of the way they "came in" - that is, the way that the manifestation happened and the way that the consciousness was blocked through seven stages that resulted in their becoming identified solely with their false personas, with the content of the "mind," and eventually, with the body. But the most significant awareness that finally came to both after years of offering satsang and after having answered thousands and thousands of questions was this: After years of "Maharaj" offering satsang in his loft, and after years of "Floyd" offering satsang in meeting halls and in his home and via what one site visitor called "Floyd's electronic loft," this fact became obvious to both: "Maharaj" came to see in the 1970's and into 1980 and 1981 that his approach was not working and "Floyd" finally came to see the same.
13. both eventually came to see that the religious and spiritual states were also ego-states, and both saw that there are far more steps on the "path" to complete after reaching the religious and spiritual steps and after playing those roles which are the third of seven steps on the entire "path" 14. both "lost" their wives (one via "death," the other through divorce); 15. both accelerated their seeking; 16. both entered into the "forest dweller stage" 17. both Realized 18. both began to de-accumulate even more
19. both began sharing the teachings 20. for years, both answered questions in whatever order those questions were received, though both said that the movement from identification with the false "I" / "I's" involved an exact, step-wise manner of moving along a "path" that involved "going back" in the same (but reverse order) of the way they "came in" - that is, the way that the manifestation happened and the way that the consciousness was blocked through seven stages that resulted in their becoming identified solely with their false personas, with the content of the "mind," and eventually, with the body. But the most significant awareness that finally came to both after years of offering satsang and after having answered thousands and thousands of questions was this: After years of "Maharaj" offering satsang in his loft, and after years of "Floyd" offering satsang in meeting halls and in his home and via what one site visitor called "Floyd's electronic loft," this fact became obvious to both: "Maharaj" came to see in the 1970's and into 1980 and 1981 that his approach was not working and "Floyd" finally came to see the same.
21. Both saw that many who heard the teachings are not going to understand (Maharaj reporting that "only 1 in 100,000 are going to 'get' this" understanding)
22. both soon saw that even more than expected of those who heard the teachings were not going to understand (Maharaj modifying his "guesstimate" and reporting that "only 1 in 1,000,000 are going to 'get' this" understanding)
23. eventually both saw that even far more than expected of those who heard the teachings were not going to understand (Maharaj eventually concluding that "only 1 in 10,000,000 are going to 'get' this" understanding). And the failings were not the fault of seekers.
A "one -in-ten-million" estimate is proof that satsang was not working for most seekers, and the evidence here lately is proof of the same.
Both "Maharaj" and "Floyd" invited seekers to focus on the exact, step-wise "path." Yes, during satsang, "Maharaj" sometimes alluded to the steps while discussing them in no particular order - but he never once laid out the steps in the exact order in which they had to be completed. That was not his teachings style or approach.
Therefore, another movement or shift is happening here spontaneously after reflecting on the more than two decades since the teachings were first offered here and looking at the results of Maharaj sharing pointers in his loft and looking at the results of "Floyd" sharing pointers in this electronic loft: Looking objectively at his results, Maharaj's satsang method of sharing - in the end and by his own admission (only "one out of 10,000,000") - did not produce the intended outcome.
Looking objectively at the results here when using an "electronic loft" satsang method of sharing has not produced the intended outcome nearly as often as any of the three "face-to-face" methods used with seekers by which they have been led through the seven steps in order.
Here, the body is growing older, of course. Mahasamadhi could be taken today, or it could be taken in twenty years.
Obviously, that cannot be known. But the decision here has been made that whatever amount of the relative existence remains shall be spent in sharing the teachings in the ways that have been seen over the last 20+ years to be the most effective methods.
Looking back over the list of those that have truly received the understanding, it is seen that Robert R. read all of the books, then took the online Advaita course and then completed some face-to-face Skype sessions to receive the final clarifications required. It was seen that Mac read all of the books, completed the online course, and then attended a retreat where he was guided through the seven steps. Mac said that the online course work inspired him to attend the retreat in order to be able to receive the final "pieces." It was seen that Andy Gugar, Jr. read all of the books, then came here for a retreat and was taken through the seven steps in order, and then returned once more for the final clarifications required. After reviewing the shifts that happened with him after attending two retreats, he reaffirmed this past week his commitment to helping spread the non-duality, nisarga understanding as presented here. As a result of seeing what has "worked" during the last 20+ years of sharing the non-duality understanding - and seeing what had not "worked" as well - changes will be made.
Looking back over the list of those that have truly received the understanding, it is seen that Robert R. read all of the books, then took the online Advaita course and then completed some face-to-face Skype sessions to receive the final clarifications required. It was seen that Mac read all of the books, completed the online course, and then attended a retreat where he was guided through the seven steps. Mac said that the online course work inspired him to attend the retreat in order to be able to receive the final "pieces." It was seen that Andy Gugar, Jr. read all of the books, then came here for a retreat and was taken through the seven steps in order, and then returned once more for the final clarifications required. After reviewing the shifts that happened with him after attending two retreats, he reaffirmed this past week his commitment to helping spread the non-duality, nisarga understanding as presented here. As a result of seeing what has "worked" during the last 20+ years of sharing the non-duality understanding - and seeing what had not "worked" as well - changes will be made.
In "Part One," examples were given of seekers that were led to Realization not by satsang but by following the various protocols outlined farther down this page which provide the understanding in the step-wise, orderly, required fashion which moves seekers along a "path" that is as prescribed by Maharaj ... "going back" in the "reverse order" by which the consciousness manifested and became blocked.
However, conversations with some that just read the majority of the books have revealed that they certainly seem to have grasped the understanding and Realized as well.
As a result of seeing what has "worked" during the last 20+ years of sharing the non-duality understanding - and seeing what has "not worked" as well - changes are being made.
There are seven specific steps that happen when awareness-energy is "pulled" into a cycle of manifestation. When that energy manifests as conscious-energy, that formerly pure and unadulterated energy becomes "corrupted" (or "blocked" from seeing clearly) via programming, conditioning, domestication, acculturation, and brainwashing. Soon, there is a belief in the not-Real as a result of seven degrees of separation from an understanding of the Real.
Using the method that was also employed by his contemporaries - a method which focused on offering non-duality pointers via satsang - Maharaj addressed questions in the order in which they were received. He might receive a question from a seeker at the third step and his reply would include what amounted to an invitation to move to the fourth step. The next question might come from a seeker at the first step, and the reply would include an invitation to move to the second step.
The information offered to the second seeker would seemingly contradict what was offered to the first seeker, so visitors who have come here for decades have asked questions which showed how confused they were by the fact that Maharaj's statements to each visitor in his loft were "level-appropriate" yet were provided in no precise order, resulting in what seemed to be an inconsistent message.
So the process overall was confusing in that
seekers were told to follow the "path back" in the same way that they "came in," except in reverse order,
pointers were not given in a specific, step-wise order at all.
Maharaj did recognize the seven steps that are taught here, but by offering the teachings in an order that was dictated by the order in which questions were received from seekers who were at different steps on the "path," the result was this:
a pointer about moving beyond the fourth step might be followed by a pointer about moving beyond the first step, and that pointer might be followed by a pointer about how to move beyond the sixth step.
The same was done on this site for seven years. The result is a collection of 1,800 or so essays discussing almost every non-duality topic that can be discussed, and the search button on the top right side of this page will now allow seekers with a question about a specific topic to find an explanation. That method, however, will never provide the manner in which the seven steps on the "path" must be transmitted and received in order to Realize Fully.
An objective study of the history here of more than twenty years of offering non-duality pointers reveals this: seekers that were given pointers in the exact order in which they needed to receive them were the ones that Realized.
They read the books, then they completed the online course and / or completed seven Skype or telephone sessions or came here for a retreat (or watched the downloadable DVD version of an actual retreat, available below).
Some found that which they were seeking by reading the author's book that deal with non-duality subject matter. Via all of those venues, the steps are taught in their proper order.
The essays available on this site will remain for those interested in searching for a discussion of a particular non-duality topic without charge, but the focus here until mahasamadhi is taken is going to be on offering the teachings in the step-wise fashion that has been seen to work.
(Four by Floyd Henderson and two by Dennis Waite. Click the picture for more information or to order)
(Four by Floyd Henderson and two by Dennis Waite. Click the picture for more information or to order)
* * * * * * *
are available at
Floyd Henderson's Website
International buyers: note the separate option for those outside the continental U.S.
II. BY READING the explanations offered in the collection of non-duality books that are available on this site and at www.floydhenderson.com.
III. BY ENROLLING in the Online Advaita Classes For information, visit Information on the Advaita Classes on the Internet To enroll visit Enroll in the Advaita Internet Course
IV. BY ATTENDING an Advaitin retreat with floyd and being guided through all seven steps. For details of the retreats offered, please visit the retreat information site.
V. BY ARRANGING a one-hour session via Skype or telephone with Floyd. (Skype is a free service.)
Click the button to pay and you will be contacted to arrange a date and time for the call.
Floyd Henderson's Website
Within minutes of purchase you can be reading any of the eBooks below on your mobile devices, including an iPhone, iPad, Android tablet, Android phone, laptop, home computer or on a Kindle reader.
For Apple and Android, either download the eBook directly onto your device or email the eBook file to your mobile device and open the file from your email. For Kindles or other similar devices, use your USB cable to transfer the eBook to your reader.
I. BY WATCHING the 4-Disk, Seven-Hour Video (DVD) Set of an advaita retreat, or the downloadable file version. To find out more or to purchase the DVD or downloadable computer file version of the retreat, DVD or Downloadable computer file versions of the Four-Day Advaita Retreat
I. BY WATCHING the 4-Disk, Seven-Hour Video (DVD) Set of an advaita retreat, or the downloadable file version. To find out more or to purchase the DVD or downloadable computer file version of the retreat, DVD or Downloadable computer file versions of the Four-Day Advaita Retreat
International buyers: note the separate option for those outside the continental U.S.
II. BY READING the explanations offered in the collection of non-duality books that are available on this site and at www.floydhenderson.com.
III. BY ENROLLING in the Online Advaita Classes For information, visit Information on the Advaita Classes on the Internet To enroll visit Enroll in the Advaita Internet Course
IV. BY ATTENDING an Advaitin retreat with floyd and being guided through all seven steps. For details of the retreats offered, please visit the retreat information site.
V. BY ARRANGING a one-hour session via Skype or telephone with Floyd. (Skype is a free service.)
Click the button to pay and you will be contacted to arrange a date and time for the call.
Floyd Henderson's Website
FROM THE I TO THE ABSOLUTE: A Seven-Step Journey to the Absolute



Anthology of four books

Anthology of six books


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[Please note: When the Direct Path Teaching Method is offered in conjunction with the Nisarga Yoga, something unique results when compared to what happens via the approach used by religions, spiritual movements, philosophies, ideologies, etc.:
rather than inviting seekers to learn more, the invitation here is to unlearn all; rather than offerings teachings, what is offered are unteachings; rather than offering to provide seekers more of anything, seekers will find that the process will take away everything. And via that process, the bliss of Your Original Nature will manifest and remain until mahasamadhi is taken.
To that end, the content of this book will seem radical to the seekers of more, but for those truly ready to be totally free and totally independent - and for those who are truly ready to abandon efforts to accumulate and to de-accumulate instead - the pointers in this book might be relevant.]
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