F.: To end the discussion of the frustration that comes in the search for meaning and purpose, understand the central problem: that which is being explained to you on this site—or via any Realized Advaitan—has no relationship at all to your worldly or so-called spiritual knowledge. Persons have no desire to forfeit the accumulation of knowledge that they value so much, yet it is via their worldly and spiritual concepts (which are all false) that they are trying to find the truth. Your comments reveal that it is via the lies dreamed up by men that you have been trying to solve the puzzle of your existence, but it is those very same dreamed-up lies which you are trying to use in your task that prevent your finding any truth at all, that make you “frustrated,” and that “keep you up at night.”
The Realized have no ego-states that are seeking meaning or purpose, but that does not mean that functioning ends. To Realize is to understand the Functioning of the Totality. The functioning in the case of a Realized teacher is singular: to invite proteges to understand that all human suffering is rooted in false beliefs, to see that all ideas are false in order that human suffering can end, and to know that human suffering can end by way of taking the seven-step journey to reality.
For their suffering to end, persons must understand the functioning of the totality; must see that all suffering is rooted in the assumption of ego-states as false identities; must realize that they have no “mind” but instead are being driven by the “minds” of others (which they now think is their own "mind"); must be aware of the fact that a “mind” is nothing more than the storehouse of all the lies and beliefs and ideas and concepts that must be cast aside in order to end human suffering; and must see the limitations of doingness but the timelessness and limitless nature of beingness. Yet the goal here is not to encourage you to rejoice in that beingness. The goal is to know that beingness, yes, but to transcend even that and then merge into the Absolute, allowing all ego-states to vanish in the process. Only then will you be beyond all of the effects of conditioning and programming that are driving your every thought and action. Talk about powerless, even as you are seeking power!
Frustration results from a sense of limitation. Frustration cannot end, therefore, as long as humans are identified with that which is limited: a physical body, a “mind,” and the corrupted consciousness. I Am not personal; I have no individuality, so how could I have individual meaning or an individual purpose? The consciousness is manifested, so whatever happens…happens. Nothing more is involved.
Some Advaitans discuss the “working mind” as opposed to the “thinking mind.” For a time, if that tool proves useful, use it. Later, all tools and concepts (including those used by all Advaitan teachers) are to be tossed. For the sake of this posting, consider the thinking mind to be the storehouse of all the corruptions that have been accumulated via enculturation and to be the "mind" that buys into supernatural and unnatural concepts. Consider the working mind to be the brain functioning in conjunction with the intuitive, sixth sense which together can distinguish between the reality of being vs. the illusions of “being this” or “being that.” Believing one’s True Self to be one or more of your illusory false selves (such as “Tom the Husband,” “Mary the Wife,” “Bill the Employee,” “Jenny the Boss”) will block the seeing of the truth of mere beingness and will lead persons to believe the lies of “being this role or that role.”
To illustrate, picture yourself driving down one of those straight roads in Arizona on a hot August afternoon at 3 P.M. Imagine the mirages that appear to be in the road some distance ahead. Imagine too that you believe the mirages to be so real and so threatening that you swerve off the road, have a wreck, and suffer the mental, physical and emotional consequences of the subsequent injuries. Now, if you see that you have taken your false images to be who you are, review how often they have determined the course you've followed. Then you’ll understand that illusions (or images or false identities or ego-states or roles or personas…call them what you will) have led to all of your mental, physical, and emotional suffering.
You need not have an ego-state that is defined by “meaning” or “purpose” to still participate in the Functioning of the Totality for as long as the consciousness is manfested. If the consciousness is repurified by removing the garbage called “your beliefs and ideas and concepts,” happiness can happen. If no effort is made to repurify the consciousness, then a chaotic, miserable existence is assured. As pure consciousness speaks, it can end the suffering being experienced by persons if they are led to abandon the false and know the Real. Please enter into the silence of contemplation. [To be continued]
The Realized have no ego-states that are seeking meaning or purpose, but that does not mean that functioning ends. To Realize is to understand the Functioning of the Totality. The functioning in the case of a Realized teacher is singular: to invite proteges to understand that all human suffering is rooted in false beliefs, to see that all ideas are false in order that human suffering can end, and to know that human suffering can end by way of taking the seven-step journey to reality.
For their suffering to end, persons must understand the functioning of the totality; must see that all suffering is rooted in the assumption of ego-states as false identities; must realize that they have no “mind” but instead are being driven by the “minds” of others (which they now think is their own "mind"); must be aware of the fact that a “mind” is nothing more than the storehouse of all the lies and beliefs and ideas and concepts that must be cast aside in order to end human suffering; and must see the limitations of doingness but the timelessness and limitless nature of beingness. Yet the goal here is not to encourage you to rejoice in that beingness. The goal is to know that beingness, yes, but to transcend even that and then merge into the Absolute, allowing all ego-states to vanish in the process. Only then will you be beyond all of the effects of conditioning and programming that are driving your every thought and action. Talk about powerless, even as you are seeking power!
Frustration results from a sense of limitation. Frustration cannot end, therefore, as long as humans are identified with that which is limited: a physical body, a “mind,” and the corrupted consciousness. I Am not personal; I have no individuality, so how could I have individual meaning or an individual purpose? The consciousness is manifested, so whatever happens…happens. Nothing more is involved.
Some Advaitans discuss the “working mind” as opposed to the “thinking mind.” For a time, if that tool proves useful, use it. Later, all tools and concepts (including those used by all Advaitan teachers) are to be tossed. For the sake of this posting, consider the thinking mind to be the storehouse of all the corruptions that have been accumulated via enculturation and to be the "mind" that buys into supernatural and unnatural concepts. Consider the working mind to be the brain functioning in conjunction with the intuitive, sixth sense which together can distinguish between the reality of being vs. the illusions of “being this” or “being that.” Believing one’s True Self to be one or more of your illusory false selves (such as “Tom the Husband,” “Mary the Wife,” “Bill the Employee,” “Jenny the Boss”) will block the seeing of the truth of mere beingness and will lead persons to believe the lies of “being this role or that role.”
To illustrate, picture yourself driving down one of those straight roads in Arizona on a hot August afternoon at 3 P.M. Imagine the mirages that appear to be in the road some distance ahead. Imagine too that you believe the mirages to be so real and so threatening that you swerve off the road, have a wreck, and suffer the mental, physical and emotional consequences of the subsequent injuries. Now, if you see that you have taken your false images to be who you are, review how often they have determined the course you've followed. Then you’ll understand that illusions (or images or false identities or ego-states or roles or personas…call them what you will) have led to all of your mental, physical, and emotional suffering.
You need not have an ego-state that is defined by “meaning” or “purpose” to still participate in the Functioning of the Totality for as long as the consciousness is manfested. If the consciousness is repurified by removing the garbage called “your beliefs and ideas and concepts,” happiness can happen. If no effort is made to repurify the consciousness, then a chaotic, miserable existence is assured. As pure consciousness speaks, it can end the suffering being experienced by persons if they are led to abandon the false and know the Real. Please enter into the silence of contemplation. [To be continued]