F.: Today’s posting shall address points “c” and “d” from Saturday’s list: See that no universe put you here and you might learn exactly how elements cycle to form “bodies” and how the manifested consciousness came to be. Next, see that no universe (or any magical power) exists that hands out ability or answers.
First, who told you that the universe or any non-earthly source put you here? If you are suggesting that the cause of all that happens is the result of all prior happenings in the universe, fine; otherwise, evidence of magical thinking exists. Beyond the fact that anything than happens is a consequence of every thing that has ever happened, the discussion can move to the most recent cause in the chain of events that resulted in “your being here.” The only "other-worldly factor" that was involved was the energy that arrived on the planet from the sun. Here’s how it happened: your mother and dad engaged in an act of physical contact, an act of friction resulted in the release of sperm from one, and an egg in the other was fertilized. Since your mother ate plant food—or animals that had eaten plant food—for nine months, the elements were provided that allowed for a space to develop that now “houses” That Which You Truly Are: the consciousness. So much for the tales that are generated by ego regarding conception being tied to any mystical, magical, or sanctified third-party entity. Two humans; one act of friction; ejaculation; fertilization; elements manifesting temporarily as space. Simple. Natural. Unplanned. Automatic. End of story.
Knowing "how babies are made" eliminates the belief in Some Grand and Holy Scheme of Things that makes you grand and holy and requires your presence on earth at this moment; forget any notion that you’re part of a Divine Plan and that you are here to change the world or some part of it; forget the belief that if only you can find your meaning and purpose, you’ll be able to better serve others. There are no “others.” There is only the consciousness that is temporarily manifested with a combination of physical elements that you wrongly take to be who you are.
First, who told you that the universe or any non-earthly source put you here? If you are suggesting that the cause of all that happens is the result of all prior happenings in the universe, fine; otherwise, evidence of magical thinking exists. Beyond the fact that anything than happens is a consequence of every thing that has ever happened, the discussion can move to the most recent cause in the chain of events that resulted in “your being here.” The only "other-worldly factor" that was involved was the energy that arrived on the planet from the sun. Here’s how it happened: your mother and dad engaged in an act of physical contact, an act of friction resulted in the release of sperm from one, and an egg in the other was fertilized. Since your mother ate plant food—or animals that had eaten plant food—for nine months, the elements were provided that allowed for a space to develop that now “houses” That Which You Truly Are: the consciousness. So much for the tales that are generated by ego regarding conception being tied to any mystical, magical, or sanctified third-party entity. Two humans; one act of friction; ejaculation; fertilization; elements manifesting temporarily as space. Simple. Natural. Unplanned. Automatic. End of story.
Knowing "how babies are made" eliminates the belief in Some Grand and Holy Scheme of Things that makes you grand and holy and requires your presence on earth at this moment; forget any notion that you’re part of a Divine Plan and that you are here to change the world or some part of it; forget the belief that if only you can find your meaning and purpose, you’ll be able to better serve others. There are no “others.” There is only the consciousness that is temporarily manifested with a combination of physical elements that you wrongly take to be who you are.
After the temporary manifestation, the elements of dust shall return to dust. This space called “floyd” will appear to have come and appear to have gone and nothing will be different. Some persons ask, "But what about these postings. Don't they show you have some purpose and meaning?" These postings are for entertainment purposes only and are being written spontaneously. Consciousness, not "floyd," speaks. "Life" should only be viewed for its entertainment purposes as well. To take it seriously would be a major act of misunderstanding. The “floyd” referred to is an appearance that is wrongly seen by persons who think they know “floyd.” That “floyd” has no purpose and “his” life has no meaning. How can an apparition have meaning?
When visiting the Four Corners area of the U.S. and driving along those long, straight roads where mirages appear, do the mirages have any meaning or purpose? Do mirages want any purpose or meaning? Are mirages frustrated that they aren’t capable of knowing meaning and purpose? Or do the appearances called "mirages" simply happen as a result of natural events, simply seem to appear, and later simply seem to disappear…all according to simple, natural processes over which the mirages have no control and need have no control? Mirages come and go without being caught up in all the “much ado about nothing” that is happening among persons racing along the highways or doing whatever they are doing in nearby towns. They have neither frustration nor sleepless nights. Only if a mirage had the handicap of a “mind” (which is the accumulation of all the false concepts, ideas, beliefs and emotions that persons can program into persons) could the mirage suffer or worry or concern itself with the nonsense of those persons racing along the highways or those doing whatever they are doing in nearby towns. Know that the persona (that ego-state or false identity) that is seeking anything is a mirage and then You can simply witness the nonsense of all those racing about but You will not be caught up in their race to nowhere and in their making much ado that is really about nothing. Please enter the silence of contemplation. [To be continued]