Saturday, January 14, 2006

WHO Wants Meaning and Purpose?—Part Eight

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F.: Today’s posting will discuss suggestions “f” and “g” on the original list: ignore those who tell you answers and instead, question it all; and consider that you do not need more but that you need far less instead.

Why, with those who would follow the “path” to Realization and the accompanying freedom and bliss, is an Advaitan’s first suggestion always to “see that all concepts are false”? Until it is seen that all of man’s so-called religious and spiritual knowledge is false—dreamed up by arrogant men who cannot say “I don’t know” and who use their teachings to control others—then no freedom or bliss can happen. Those who claim you need more knowledge, more work, more disciplines to engage in, more study, more this, or more that will set you on a lifetime course of seeking and searching and striving to do all of the extra work they prescribe. Such work is most unnatural. Look to humankind’s existence prior to the time that self-appointed priests, medicine men, gurus, et. al. came up with all their supernatural concepts—which they have used to give them power and to try to control the masses—if you would see what sane, natural living looks like.

Anthropological studies reveal that early humans—like many in remote jungle regions today—“worked” 2.5 hours to survive. Interestingly, their “work” is what many pay money to do as a "vacation" today: hunt, fish, etc. The rest of the time was spent in recreation: communal activities, sex, swimming, running, playing, etc. Today, the cultures of accumulation drive the persons in those communities to a lifestyle that is the reverse of what is natural because of the expense of maintaining accumulations. Those costs force persons to work most of the daylight hours and to have only 2.5 hours to “relax” at the end of the workday before going to bed, getting up early, and starting all over again. Then, priests, gurus, guides, sponsors, etc. would have you squeeze into that burdensome schedule all of their religious and spiritual exercises and service work and meetings and book studies, ad infinitum. What chance exists, in the midst of such chaos and activity, for any opportunity to relax and take it easy?

A recent study of a remote Central America tribe revealed that the community in its entire history has never experienced a suicide and has never worked more than a few hours a day for survival. Depression did not exist among the tribespeople. Bi-polar conditions did not exist. Obsessive thinking did not exist, so compulsive behaviors did not exist. Religion and religious dogma did not exist. Spiritual exercises were not engaged in. No one suffered ADD, ADHD, or autism since their children were not given twenty-four immunizations before the age of two. Their rites include bi-annual trips into the jungle where the men and women have sex (one-on-one) with as many as they desire, but all couples are monogamous the rest of the year. They had no words for “time,” “moral,” “immoral,” “purpose,” or “meaning” since their culture is concept-free. They are the perfect example of a relax-and-take-it-easy community, and they are the perfect example of the way humankind lived for hundreds of thousands of years and the way human-like beings have lived for millions of years. None were ever frustrated during the day, and none stayed up all night trying to find some egotistical “purpose” to give their existence some lofty “meaning.” Beingness is valued; doingness is anathema. That is what natural living, as opposed to supernatural living and unnatural living, looks like.

What about you? How close is your current lifestyle to what is natural? How much extra work is being undertaken to do religion and/or spirituality? Do you need all of the extra work that others would assign to you? The answer is “Yes, if that ‘you’ is a body with a corrupted ‘mind’ that drives ego-states and all false identities.” The answer is “No, not if You know that That Which You Are has nothing to do with the body-mind that has been drawn into all the nonsense of those who dream up concepts to control you.” The answer is also “Yes” only if you suffer the burden of ego-states that are using all of the going and doing and zooming and role-playing and moralizing in order to sustain one or more images. Do you need the more that would-be spiritualists are driving you to engage in, or do you need less so that you can live naturally? Is it possible that tribes with no religion or spiritual programs have members that are living lifestyles that are far less “immoral” than those persons living in cultures where persons are claiming to be “moral” but are harming others, relatively speaking?

If knowledge is not seen to be learned ignorance, ego-states will want more and more answers. And in the search for more and more answers, “Jack becomes a very dull boy.” Are you engaged in a search to find out more and more about yourself and your self-worth via finding and then assuming some celestial, noble purpose? Or are you living naturally? If you are not living naturally, how much fun are you to be around? Does the rocket-paced lifestyle of your culture of accumulation appeal to you more than the lifestyle of a jungle tribe that has never suffered mental or emotional issues that need treatment? Does the chaos-burdened lifestyle of your culture of going and doing and zooming appeal to you more than a lifestyle of relaxation and bliss? Then ego-states have too firm a grip for any shift to happen now. But should a time come when natural living sounds more appealing than supernatural and unnatural living, a “path” is available—with only seven-steps required—that can free you of the searching, the seeking, the extra work, and a boring lifestyle that stymies joy and prevents a truly entertaining existence from happening. The options are clear, but only to those who see how unclearly their programming and conditioning have left their ability to see. Please enter into the silence of contemplation. [To be continued]

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