“Heaven and earth shall fade away” and “When you speak of me, speak of me as I AM ” and “Before Abraham was, I AM” and “No one will ever see heaven because it's within” and “Dual-minded persons are unstable in all ways”
From a site visitor: [Received 22 October ‘06] "You quoted Maharaj today. If he really said what you said he said, he basically said that god is just an illusion made up by man. He’s wrong if you believe him you’re wrong.”
F.: So, why not let the words of the one who is considered by more persons than any other to be the highest authority on religious and spiritual matters address the issue of whether Maharaj was correct in saying that god is an invention on man? The words of the Advaitan called Jesus support the pointer:
“Heaven and earth shall fade away.” (Specifically, those two concepts will fade away when the corrupted consciousness that believes in them fades away…fades out of manifestation. But use that quote to see the fallacy of your belief: If heaven shall fade away, where would the eternal reward for “good” people take place? Of course, if you believe in the threesome of earth and heaven and hell, then that quote above makes your prospects far less appealing since only hell would remain in the end. Do you see the nonsense that belief in dualities and triads generates?)
“When you speak of me, speak of me as I AM” and “Before Abraham was, I AM.” (The validity of the non-duality teaching of I AM is clear to the Realized; the non-duality of the invention that you believe in is seen, post-Realization, to have been nonsense.)
“No one will ever see heaven because it's within.” (Therein is reinforcement for the teaching that, “If there is no heaven, then there is no place for a god to be awaiting you.” Even the previous Pope said, “The geography of Gehanna needs to be clarified: there is no geographic heaven or hell. Both are mental states and you are in one or the other right now.”)
“Dual-minded persons are unstable in all ways.” (To believe in a “god of good” and a “god of bad”—such as the “God vs. Satan” duality—is dual-mindedness, so you meet one of the criteria for being a person who is in an unstable condition, as are all persons. The pointer about dual-minded persons is another invitation to you to abandon your beliefs and your dualistic concepts and become stable—that is, sane—by being in touch with reality via Full Realization.)
Being, as I AM, the continually-cycling witness of All, I can report to you of the pre-religion, pre-spirituality, pre-god, pre-concept days on the planet when the relative existence was free of the constant “mind-chatter” that persons suffer today. Also absent was the judgmentalism around who is “right” and who is “wrong” and who is “good” and who is “bad” and who, therefore, deserves "reward" and who deserves "punishment." Also absent in the days prior to the bastardization of the consciousness was the warped "mind" that now marks entire populations. That corrupting of the consciousness is a process which currently leaves the people of the planet under the influence of rigid, judgmental, and severe personas who are encouraging the masses to stop living naturally and to start living supernaturally.
I was also an eyewitness to those pre-moralizing, pre-rigidity days. That same existence—characterized by being truly free—is available to You if you would but reject the effects of the programming and conditioning and enculturation that have set you up to believe in lies and in inventions that are based in myths. Programming and conditioning and enculturation have also led you to believe in dualities such as “good vs. bad” and “right vs. wrong.” That word “wrong” you even used in your e-mail, so it is clear that your programming and conditioning and enculturation have trapped you in their fictional belief systems. Those belief systems now include all sorts of fiction and contrivances and fabrications such as gods or a god, and it is those beliefs that have also trapped you in ego so that you think you know who is “right” and who is “wrong.” In fact, those labels together simply make up another dualistic set that spawns lies and arrogance and a sense of separation.
The pointer for you is this: hang your ego; hang your beliefs; hang the invented gods; hang your conceptualized god; hang Moses; hang Jesus; hang Mohammed; hang you; hang me. Reject all of your man-made concepts and all of your learned ignorance, including any notions that you've accepted as “holy” principles. Then, know Me so that You can know You. That is an invitation to Realize. Please enter into the silence of contemplation.
F.: So, why not let the words of the one who is considered by more persons than any other to be the highest authority on religious and spiritual matters address the issue of whether Maharaj was correct in saying that god is an invention on man? The words of the Advaitan called Jesus support the pointer:
“Heaven and earth shall fade away.” (Specifically, those two concepts will fade away when the corrupted consciousness that believes in them fades away…fades out of manifestation. But use that quote to see the fallacy of your belief: If heaven shall fade away, where would the eternal reward for “good” people take place? Of course, if you believe in the threesome of earth and heaven and hell, then that quote above makes your prospects far less appealing since only hell would remain in the end. Do you see the nonsense that belief in dualities and triads generates?)
“When you speak of me, speak of me as I AM” and “Before Abraham was, I AM.” (The validity of the non-duality teaching of I AM is clear to the Realized; the non-duality of the invention that you believe in is seen, post-Realization, to have been nonsense.)
“No one will ever see heaven because it's within.” (Therein is reinforcement for the teaching that, “If there is no heaven, then there is no place for a god to be awaiting you.” Even the previous Pope said, “The geography of Gehanna needs to be clarified: there is no geographic heaven or hell. Both are mental states and you are in one or the other right now.”)
“Dual-minded persons are unstable in all ways.” (To believe in a “god of good” and a “god of bad”—such as the “God vs. Satan” duality—is dual-mindedness, so you meet one of the criteria for being a person who is in an unstable condition, as are all persons. The pointer about dual-minded persons is another invitation to you to abandon your beliefs and your dualistic concepts and become stable—that is, sane—by being in touch with reality via Full Realization.)
Being, as I AM, the continually-cycling witness of All, I can report to you of the pre-religion, pre-spirituality, pre-god, pre-concept days on the planet when the relative existence was free of the constant “mind-chatter” that persons suffer today. Also absent was the judgmentalism around who is “right” and who is “wrong” and who is “good” and who is “bad” and who, therefore, deserves "reward" and who deserves "punishment." Also absent in the days prior to the bastardization of the consciousness was the warped "mind" that now marks entire populations. That corrupting of the consciousness is a process which currently leaves the people of the planet under the influence of rigid, judgmental, and severe personas who are encouraging the masses to stop living naturally and to start living supernaturally.
I was also an eyewitness to those pre-moralizing, pre-rigidity days. That same existence—characterized by being truly free—is available to You if you would but reject the effects of the programming and conditioning and enculturation that have set you up to believe in lies and in inventions that are based in myths. Programming and conditioning and enculturation have also led you to believe in dualities such as “good vs. bad” and “right vs. wrong.” That word “wrong” you even used in your e-mail, so it is clear that your programming and conditioning and enculturation have trapped you in their fictional belief systems. Those belief systems now include all sorts of fiction and contrivances and fabrications such as gods or a god, and it is those beliefs that have also trapped you in ego so that you think you know who is “right” and who is “wrong.” In fact, those labels together simply make up another dualistic set that spawns lies and arrogance and a sense of separation.
The pointer for you is this: hang your ego; hang your beliefs; hang the invented gods; hang your conceptualized god; hang Moses; hang Jesus; hang Mohammed; hang you; hang me. Reject all of your man-made concepts and all of your learned ignorance, including any notions that you've accepted as “holy” principles. Then, know Me so that You can know You. That is an invitation to Realize. Please enter into the silence of contemplation.