FROM A SITE VISITOR: [Please see the
F.: (The exchange continues): Again, Vignesh, beginners should visit a Fully Realized teacher or read the words of such a teacher as the consciousness speaks; then, beginners should ask questions and contemplate pointers; next, it should be understood that there are seven degrees of separation from Reality, ranging between body identification to abidance as the Absolute. Only after completing all seven steps, and only after abidance as the Absolute is happening, should statements be offered.
In a later e-mail:
V.: From your message, I understand that, Consciousness does not exist before manifestation. Does that mean, the manifestation was unplanned for?
No "planning" sets the process into motion. No plan is required at all in order for acts of friction to trigger the cycling of elements and breath and consciousness. The act is natural and instinctive and spontaneous. It is devoid of the dualistic traits that programmed persons employ to classify the act along a continuum that ranges from “dirty” to “beautiful.” As the acorn can generate a forest without training or planning, so life-forms can populate a planet without training or planning.
Some humans might claim that they “planned” something, but in fact they only scheduled an act of copulation after agreeing on a shared desire regarding pregnancy. To the dismay of "The Proud Parents" ego-states who claim that their child is “a gift from god” (or in many cases throughout history, “the son of god,”) the consequences of fornication are natural only. There is no supernatural element involved at all.
Others claim that they had engaged in some sacred, pre-manifestation contract and that a life was pre-planned. The volume of such nonsense that has been inspired over the ages by those who apply their “holy, supernatural concepts” to this natural process are incalculable.
Likely, though, you are asking about some “cosmic level” plan that involves a “cosmic level planner,” such as a god that takes the time to tract and control the path of the millions of sperm cells that are released planet-wide every second and that eventually result in pregnancies.
That task does not count the time required to control the movements of the billions of cells that are released every second but that do not result in the fertilization of any eggs. It would seem that determining the “winners” and the “losers” in the “Noumenal Race to Phenomenal Eggs” would leave little time for controlling the rest of the planet and the universe.
Yet billions today believe that there is some “Divine Planner” with a “Divine Plan” that takes into consideration every act performed by the 6.6 billion+ humans on the planet; that controls the actions of trillions of other life-forms here; and that also oversees all happenings throughout the entire universe. However, believing in such nonsense is no stretch for those who have been programmed to believe that their physical acts of fornication also involve certain “holy” aspects as well.
If Realization is to happen, all unnatural and supernatural thinking and conduct must end. It is suggested that you contemplate this pointer instead of focusing on what you have been told regarding consciousness and the manifestation process: Just as sweetness exists prior to the manifestation of candy, so awareness exists prior to the manifestation of consciousness. Was the sweetness of the sap that oozes from a sweet gum tree planned, or did it happen naturally? A plan would require the existence of a planner, but no planner exists.
V.: If no Consciousness existed prior to that then, there is of-course, no creator God(or as in Brahman's case no causative God) or atleast that God did not intend for the Universe to exist.
F.: Consciousness is, was, and shall be, but being a form of energy, it was not created; hence, no creator. It can only be aware of itself if manifested. As for causation, there is no single cause, and there is not—and never was—any single “causer.” That said, the origin of consciousness in this universe is clear: as explained earlier, within a vacuum an atom manifested, split, split again and again, and regrouped to form a different type of atom (per the periodic chart). Those two types interacted and…voilà: “this universe.”
As mentioned in the previous posting, at a subatomic level, the particles of the first atom of “this universe” were conscious of each other and affected the movement and activity of each other. The same happened on the atomic level. That was the first case, at least in this universe, of conscious-of-ness.
Subsequent to the manifestation of that most basic form of consciousness, consciousness has since evolved and is far more complex than that earlier conscious-of-ness. It was suggested earlier that you set aside all that you have been taught in order to tap into that which you have always known but which has been forgotten as a result of the obstructions that have been generated by programming, conditioning, enculturation, and domestication.
But as explained in today’s post, much of what must be set aside has “sacred cow status” among programmed persons, so the “journey” to Full Realization is seldom completed. Only by discarding all that blocks the consciousness from seeing clearly can one move along the “path.” Please enter the silence of contemplation. (To be continued)
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